Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1889, p. 3

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i- vil for ggflodlstcflllech vj acton tfjj a gjtford mai phj3 j pastor rrmlce botcc avenue i cricoi 11j0 lih aad630 saadar irtfuuo bible cufflconlocwitrfio 1 sor an cordially rjjrital aar tinujrs always welcomed at- jrnt uic docc t arplyto h l moore jiodi- rtti rare lust 1-utt- i is f fe0r iw e hynds dleit stationery store acton mi raymond serine machine needjc ssben 1 to- elttm onc sertis dssna icrtpcx bottle hen yon trant gscomt fine co tabs circular combs fu price highl ladies will always jialtockt earelcpesiotc paper at scndi bmlkit card wcddicj and gj presents give urxajl geo hynds acton ont jkwelleby store irwit jfrcc tz5s ibiibsdil acgcsttg 1889 kyimbior locals nj lty tic evcrtiioaiitfal imi alert free press reporters i flu diisuy growing short- c tbrtshiiig machines me pa ibe move hnniock lark in caw doming in to the 1 gssiei by lie trsia load- i fla dust oa hill aai slaig streets is hrestiog operations are- occupying a otiff iuolio3rf the fanners brtch i barcipe uccle toms cibin gspaj pkjed in a tent in exhibition li last etenfag tbe woocuocfc beason opens on the of ifigosi the close season kfrcm isairy irtfoacgt 15h be brickwork o th new seinsc and fc l ffaacis cfe residence is being giaifoffard to completion 5omc local sportsmen will do well to jeesberthai the dose season for part- dl does not end cutil 1st september da not pslrociie peddlers mike your ahases of home merchants and yon will i tire isf trior artides paloicd o5 on i ground hir been broken for tiie new rer leather tinner on queen street a rxmct for iqjo loads of clone fnr fonnd resaiiu been let a onrnber of london eng dailies iuieen received at this osoe from hr eboilert cf gcelpb who is uow rislt- rjtbeearopena mirkets v aixtedj comnaiiion services were k2 in the he aodiit church on sanday 5eputcrev dr gifford preached ei- fcrsexmon morning and evening ii the iniscrioaof eev sir crair at the pastor il charge of ifelvile church tjrravust wiek eer jwre addressed ieeonjrftgiuaa earcesr aui practical frii i s fiobt laid law and blheri are seeking kcrcnration jas the htdton lnd and fcrlglgfl corcpanywith a capital stock i30jxvl thf chief place of business p- r3 le itillon m the prohibiiion camp opens at oik- cle on saturt ay and continues in session irtea days j arrangements are ender it npsnnjinaence ofthe iloyal templars temperance i ltii not opt of place to ufain qgjj a i jttioo to the fact that every weed that is ibttd to eo v seed now or dorin the aum may caoiehuudreds of others to aw npneit icasoh lart saturdays uuti illustrated salph verj well iortraits of a number the pefche buildings and streets the lijer junes icnes if p and several scenmi ofdrarripiivc matter wtzc given insane lliroagh smoking cigarettes btbeyerdict reached by justice duffy l kewyork en saturday in the case of ait cuatdy a pale faced young man who u hand wuderiog along grand street we are inroceiptof the prize list for m agncultaral societys eihibition for w itisiesaed from the office of the stwtirille rcvxir and is amojt creditable the ivciric iahustling things gener- bpeel i a enripsitr in the shape of a branch of oappla tree bearing apples an inch in dl oaer and oaw blossonis iithin a few ikerofiko ether was left at the fein foa office by hr john watson sr of salhhneensfondjy we are in peccipt of a copy of 3 thco akiai authorized edition of 1ickci ia the streets ajornauce from the ian of il schobcrt bymrsa l kate anfiisoacopyof the monks mdintvby coarid ferdinand meyer rriee thirty gunts oce of lie elyth doctors it gcltiug wl ilsentraiaicd cr better he is getting korehat real estate minded kis direc- u on ajmtfic ofmedlcine the otberday j iaij onclbiffl down and the ia ooc aui- two vcars secured by a ins mortgage with interest act per cent the droaiels v has entered upon eelcenlii year and looks as bright w mwiy as ever the success of the proves that cay reading matter and to local c vs pi bra kr fully lanlandsljowlosacccssfullyconduct a 1 journal in addiltin to tlie induction of rev 11 jcrsij tolliepistorstmf melville clicrcl njoivle gaclpli lrcsbjtcry at il ting la ffssi lav neck agreed to the lalioa ofl4ltait ilerlln to rulers chercli jatlec and dlisolvcd jjltoril tic in dclts chordi jasineli urmckji epsitini imuiptly- carefully and cftectcri at fenny liro- boot a alton the duuliitri lilmtratcd cotopatiy i nf its liromiti lo make its journal wthjr ij 0 luc fcilfeatfcrci of iiocky moniuin- a ihcirle for artist and wfrior in the mbc j 7 jinllcof lioiulorior j iilal lihencss is given shows wokhsaof ii xo7liweit tl k coiiioniinditauailti tint hor wo ngllkfrdutyij ho old orh a j lombcrwi tlie tvliolo the uamuwm ntil dtiscnt t be encouraged 11jrrawsu itliaulo working uonl ilsuthuailsyiliooacomlornuacvtn jflror t good imiik or vaflao to uso tuiiigig tv jkonny uros boof4 hwadou j ri ut tlie nobbiest b ihwhofoloflios luliio county of iuiioii wubs cllkuon tailor shop fa rv r lbii now ft till employ ytwoikmon wwt of toronto and jbo stock iih acunio solocffroroi and 1 mlisfacl on every time flohe cleanings wuek are moetlirf local cuavacter and ieats oa jfewsprjaerifan sir jtmouotye publisher and pro pnetor nttha ttfcrd guide mrntc died ist week from affeotono the heart after i brief illness rfbejieceased was the condsonofgeo tye of the brampton iw and has published a newspaper in w alfotd for tho past ofteen years siseaaxtandaflwirciicrauipbone on saturday afternoon mr d whiuey ofxassagawbya wbue playing as second baseman in a game of base ball was run against by the base runner and sustained a break of his collar bone the injury will tnterafere with his usefulness in the harvest field for sometime raid the ae trepan ers sharks swindlers confidence operators and the general fraternity of fakirs find out people who dont take or read the local newspapers and fleece them quite easily but the man who keeps posted in- current everyday happenings is forewarned and prepared to bounce thorn unceremoniously and save himself from beiug victimized a qujct wedding last thursday morning at six oclock a quiet wedding was consummated at tho res idence 61 the bride on mill street the contracting parties were miss minnie swan and mr f j tnvers solicitor toronto and eev j wilae officiated the bridal pairlsftou the eaily morning train with the intention of taking a lake trip to chi cago their numerous friends here nnite in hearty congratulations a eezrystorm in irocirwood one of the heaviest thunder storms ever seen in itockwood passed over the village friday evening the rain fell in torrents and the lightning did much damage a etable belonging to mre dufieldand occu pied byone charles eynosk was struck causing one of his horses to fall charlie was standing in the door of the stable and a sliver of wood was knocked o5 beside his head a cow belonging to mrs john gar stang was killed by the lightning a senoils accldezt- oa monday afternoon mr graham mc donald of xassagawcya while in the act of ascending a ladder in the j barn slipped- and fell somewhat heavily a distance of about sir feet to the floor he was eeriocs- ly injured by the fall having some of his ribs broken and the3ung punctured by the displaced bone as mr mcdonald is ad vanced in years the accidentia not without danger owing to the internal injuries broke hss ltg j one evening last week while mr wm lambert erin and his eon were engaged in drawing in hay the lead opset end in the fall theyoorjg lad who was loading un fortunately broke his left leg nea r the ankle the young fellow had been given a holiday by his employer and and came home to assist his father for the day when the accident happened which wiil prevent his return to work for some weeks dr lowry reduced the fracture ssciiltlt gwrchlll the ladies of the g ongregational church of church hill purpose having a social meeting on tuesday evening next aagust 13thon the church grounds to which tho resident ministers have teen invited to- gethcr with ilev a v richardson b d of georgetown and other ministers of the surrounding district the acton cornet band has kindly consented to bo present a most pleasant and enjoyable evening is expected carriages will bo at the post office acton to convey hie acton people to church hill all will lie welcome seciuity for roistered litters the new systerh by which registered letters are only sent on trains with mail clerks and postal cars instead of closed bagscamo into force on august 1 under this new eystcmthcro will bo a personal responsibility from the pasting of the registered letter until its delivery the mail clerks at the ofiico give a receipt to the sender and in return gets one frcrn the clerk en the train or forward thent in a- sealed packet to the postmaster and gets an acknowledgement in return while this plan may delay the delivery o the regis tered letters it trill provide security for their delivery i history cl british coluzibiz it will tic gratifying to our readers to know that the ilteoryrf isruuh oaiumti by hubert howo bancroft until recently sold only with the complete set of this aufhers works in 3a volumes can now be obtained separately complete in one vol- nme it is perhaps one of the most dim- cult fields in literature to take what was so lately a vait wilderness only the crudest material to work with and make of itccompctoacd finished narrative as mr bancroft has done interweaving with the more substantial political and in destrial developments those pleasing iuci dents and romantic episode connected with the wild and roving life hero encount ered mr bancrofts pictures in this vol ume are drawn largely from life visit ing tlie country in perton he came into close contact with tho old retired officers of lire hudsons hay company most of horn have now pasted away from their experiences ho not ony obtained a large amouni o information which otherwise would have paaicd out of existence but he wu enabled to fill his work with vivid life and detail whch in no other way could have been possible besides being a mas terpiece of historical investigation it is full o that thrilling interest which auachcs to the- subjugation and settlement of wild countries which here have not their par- akl in history sco adverliicincnt in asotber column for agents to whom very liberal terms arc ofccd cirje uattity nsltto iscrosxc miich actons annua civic lialidsy was attend ed with bright and beautiful weather k large proportion of oar cilijcns left own for various joint of interest alioal 1wj went la brampton to participate in tlso cclcbratiolilhcrc and 10 witness the cbani pfjiishijilkioiicnulch between brampton and aclon this was one of the mot kconly contented gsmes that his been play ed this tcaoii holh miffl did ciwllcal work but the brainitou boys won tho de- lirodiictory the lira game occupied 13 midukf the sccoiii i the third i few seconds and the fourth ti imnutii the match wai a fincrjs one in every re- kxt sow very fine playing bcine done ourboyisrc willing to tael uitlr oppon- cuts on their own cold at any time whoa hoy claim ho victory woalj be reversed iteforrliig vi tlftfifljkli ihc lramiloii llannir a s rtcll ethlbitjou o he ujllonsl gaiiio i tl ihl1 aclou had bitb liti w hd practico was cailysraliitllrpr thoy played jhe tiillroitulcli willi luffed esse so faf itaylw ftrs crt coiikrucd ilramp ion cau liafo doin nicely wilh a wook moto o hard pracllco tfioy won leg weary tsaoi aflcr kiri atcotid gimo bdt thoy got tlisr fait tho tarneao ii mikes jlttlo difference now the cowrrmr lays aclouc lacrosse club iiicludei a lory gcuilcmsrily lot ol young follows an j good pliern loo neighborhood news fjtraljlied by correaukjiideuu culled from eidianjfcs and picked up by the way kxatchbcll ilessre jno aoderaon and d agnew kupigaweya have purchased a newi bricker ihreshiaf marhine -the- fall wheat and barley harvest is pretty well over and many of- the farmers have finished in most cases- tho sample of wheat will be fair bat hardly up to last years barley will be no l a rery heavy thunder 6torm accom paniedby considerable wind passed over here aboat seven oclock friday evening the rain fell in torrents the cloads pre- seated a peculiar ealphcric appearance which seemed to be illuminated by one continual sash of lightning bat bo far aa known no eerioas damage was done l great deal of fiood was done by the rain to the root crops- jettlv the trestles of barns church are tak- iogeteps to hsve the chnrch made more attractive and comfortable at noon last thnraday william h thompson son of hrs j r thompson lot 17 con 10 erin was foaod by his brother joseph lying dead in a potatoe field his face downwards ifrs thompson had left home eame morning for orion and had conversed with deceased on atartin away aboat 1030 am he went oat to hoe some potatoes aad continaed thus for over an hoar jndgiag from the amount accomplished it appears he had beep eabjsct to epileptic fits and ft is snpposed thit owing to the excessive heat of the day ho had taken one of these fits and having fallen helplessly to the ground may have iioi suddenly from consequent suffocation to confirm this opinion it is eiid that a neighbor bad seen him in tho field shortly before discovery when found his body was still warm bat on medical- examin ation life was found extinct advocate 1ultux mr and mrs alfred hem street of acton were here last sunday sixteen popili of the burlington fublio school were candidates at the recent en trance examination held at vtatrdown all thefib candidates passed fha examin ation successfully inthc lacrosse match on saturday oar boys won a big victory against the loatig toroutos in a score of i goals to 1 j s deacon p s l is offering his resi dence for sale milton wants a high school a garden party and social was held at the methodist parsonage lowviue last tuesday evening the rev jos johnstou late of the pres byterian church hornby has been offered a call to schelluill the owners of taglesa dogs are now being prosecuted welcome spring georgetowx it v kings appeal to have his assess ment lowered was heard at hilton before judge miller but the asscssiiient was sus tained archibald hclean was brought before g h kennedy j p oa monday j0th jaly e search collector charged htm with re fusal to pay his statute labor tax for lvi the sentence wathat he pay the lax of 2 and a fine of- 65 and costs besides amounting in all to 100 or 10 days in giol herald mr b bailey fell with an insufficient scaffold from a house top one day last week and was taken up inooascjous he is recovering the many friends of rev w g wallace b d of toronto are pained to learn of the death of his baby daughter last week three new tanks are being put in for fire protection the annual financial report of the meth odist church of georgetown circuit has just been issased the recapitulation eeows thai 201425 was raised for all par- poses of this 1275 was paid for minister ial support oakville the temperance convention which is to bo held hero this mouth commeticeson the 10th idsl aud will continue for a week same very able epeakers have been engaged to take pirt among them miss phelps whose ability is eo widely known to tem perance workers the womens christian temperance union and the members of the ii t of t council purpose having a teat on the grounds in which they will supply meals regularly three times a day in the evenings tho grounds will be lighted by electric light oa thursday evening as the steamer macassa was entering the harbor fihe strack the pier ko injury was done to the boat but it is said that 8500 will bo requir ed to repair damages doae to the wharf some of our town fathers need to make it their business to look after the sidewalks in town or else a new expense account of broken limbs will have to be opened oat mr bachanm editor of the i titer national llujul ttuihr and mrs buchanan of hamilton arc sending a few days ia town it is quite fashionable here for tavern- keepers to deliver tscir parcels when they have got them strapped as tightly as pes- sible however they canaot do so quite so easily as other business men of oar awn for bey are not lifeless ones bat onlhe contrary often become very unmanage able quite a novel idea gentlemen the masonic lodge has arranged for an excursion to niagara falls and buffalo on civic holiday iwckwood tho g t k station of this place has been repainted and otherwise repaired mr and mrs h kamshaw of acton were the guests of his ancle mr root ilimshiw jut thursday the schools will be reopcacd a week from next monday misses e and m stout left last thurs day oa a tnp to the states we under stand that miis msggie ha gone for tha benefit of her health mr geo tadraore hit completed bis contract oa gnclph s mr wm farrishtcfc ou friday to spend a few days with his ions at st paul minn oa wednesday of- last week a man named ofarl jiving in garifraia appear cd before henry strange j p charged with cbokhig his wife the case was di misicd tho oriental entertainment given by mr james widelward a native of jerusalem palestine in tke presbyterian church lat wednesday and thundiy evening was urgcly attended and proved emietintly succcssfol a number of our citiwns went to gselpti on friday evening to hear rev dr taylor lecture on mimoa work in china- as mr filmimmous arid a p of ladies wcro driving up to the post oflice on saturday evening itic ijotww became frightened at ho s a bsud occ of ibfl itdic jumped fioni tha buggy spraining her ankle she was ukou to mr i moros rcciacricc tu dt drydca f amnion cd a urgs cumber of the metbodft con gugatioaatteud lie quarterly moctiiig 1 kiiaday field ut hie brick church near acton mr vta htrciiii hu returned from h ticorga vchera he utt bccti cflicatiig for llm nit few wcflfci hymabad boys arc tafltig up tljfl m wllkk children cry for pitchers caiiif kt laly tt f hrt carter- wlicn ilir win cwmaljc cried for cwi v1k3 ucamo lllci tlie cuiaz ia uei ttifrlichifiailmrrniliocanmlrmrarofm berlin agsin victorious the return match between the b b club of tho berlin trunk factory and acton wns played in the park here on saturday afternoon a fine game was played and the ecore kept down to prcfes- siooal figures the trunk boys again prov ed themselves too much for then cms team with a score of sir to fgur the personnel and soore of- the two teams was as follows icroy biuudc k o rr n white c 1 binth3 b 0 arjflvlb 0 boiylbrf 2 jeans g e o ntcfclin2 b 0 blaricf 0 francis rt 0 etorcy p 1 s kiicsut 1 d bch 3 ucbriue 2 schilucs i fclton t tuvlor hreckijill i 3 veil 1 thins 27 6 2 acton ro 1100100 14 berlin 1 0002030 6 battebjks acioa stcrey and wliitc bcr- ua6pef5iit and brecfclill the youzg kens entertainment the ice cream eocial and concert ondcr the auspices of the young peoples u ion of the methodist church given by the young raea oa tuesday eveniag was quite success ful everything ia connection with the affair was provided by the male members of the union and there was considerable curiosity manifested by isdics as to how the matter would turn oat as the time for serving tea arrived ten young men wearing scow- while aprons and white shirts appear edto atteod o the wants of the company the ladies admitted that they succeeded admirably with their work and even in the matter of washing dishes proved themselves to bi adepts the programme after tea included vocal solos by mr charles wil liams of glenwilliams orchestral selec tions by messrs hill brown lawson peters williams and kicklin mouth organ solos by mr jos peters a recita tion by rer j w rae and malequsrtetts by messrs janes xicklia hill aad wil liams rev j w churchill and f gilcriese of georgetowa were oa the pro gramme but without any explanation failed to put ia an appearaace rev dr gifford hon president occupied the chair the splendid pianobox organ used was from lha warerooirlof mr j t halsted personal 3ienhm paragraphs respecting visitors to and from acton with whom free press readers are kcrc ariose acquainted drmcgarvin is ependiug a week or ten days in lis towel miss celia stafford of toronto was home over sunday mr joe perkins of berlin spent sunday at the parental home mr geo tburetou is spending u week with friends at hornby mr w a mclean left on monday fur a few holidays in maskoka mr w g crossen of toronto spent monday with actoa frieuds t mr andmrsthcs jspeightor george town spent surday with friends here mrs a e wallace and children of st thomas are guests of alex grant esq miss bella hill has returnd home after spending a month very pleasantly at de troit mrs lowry sr and two of dr lowrys children have been visiting friends ia era mosa during the past week miss gertrude cookman of flamboro has been the guest of asa hall es and other friends the past week mrs j a mcarlhur aad mfcs eula mcarthur of toronto were the guests of mrs jennie b cameron at rose cottage over sunday mrs george hyndi visited friends in toroato on tuesday returning in the even ing with her little girls who have been ependingtheiriacation in the city dr and mrs gifford and children left oa wednesday for a threa weeks vacation the most of the time will be spent at the old homestead at forest his congrega tion wish the dr and his family a pleas ant time and trust he will reteni enjoying robuit health caar ctkrnikal cctfkckfcy fcvcn kcw kouc trcfctkcttr sufferers are not rcrtcmlly awire hat hess dif-a- arc eoitious or that lhay are duo to the irvvcaoilvrg pansilrt in the lining rieinikjno of tha noao ani eatacmin lulu iiicrtwoplo research however hss portl this to tc a fact and lha rcak of this discover is thai a simple remedy hss been formula wjicn- by calavih citarrhal deafness ard hiy fever cro jicmincrtly cared iafror cae to lhte simic appictione taro at home by tlie pifn onca in uo wcks kbtcis trrirrcnt is not a rati it or ancmiiiiil bcth hivo ua niiracd by rcpuuble pltyiciis fl iiijurijiik a umplilci cipn ifipcnt en xfx ii f toonto cna litis ikv ttiimcnt ofln cnc by a jl vl i kinri firccl fvitftcrs frftn i i- ia powder absolutely pure tliipowjrnvorrioi a mifmlofpurllf itrcnbuifthrtwlxhowuienou wort ewuouileal ujaultif ofinnarykiods nd cannot b loid in ooiupelitlun wuii tli loulllliid otlov uniiliorl wrtbtsjam orppoipliau powdtri bold only inottn ilotit ttaicukj poioe co iwf wall bt vx henderson mcrk8 co hcton thank their man friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage a grzlajnt i millinery display where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see i j general stock of dry goodscomplete in all lines selected on most favorable iterms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in j setts j and by the yard very pretty i i rare valuein carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoesito fit and suit everybody see our 6100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars anil groceries to ov 0- j i 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once i a good lineof pedlars tea by the half chest at io5c remember our famous 50c tea waulc- i i it to fbir biggei than ever this isreek a to 1 a to h bigger lot of goods bigger bargains bigger brushes biggerftrooms bigger stock f tinware bigger 15qt pails bigger 10 ot pails bigger boxes of matohes bigger everytabg come early dont miss it if you do you will regret it the rest of your natural life bt pi p y the iahr in mrs secords block next to havils tin shop acton great semi- annual sale -at- g b ryhn cos to last for two weeks only j j just glance over a lew of the bargains and you will see that when we speak of making re ductions in price we mean what we say prints and seersuckers iso janli friito al fc well vorih 10c 3000 yard ot ixjaallol poncc irlnt eilri km former pri i5c w trc fioiutf to cla them oot at 10c do not mlu thlf lot or yoa will mlifl a bargala j0o0 y ardi soenackor lo bo cleared oot t a crut itorluco tlieto coed iro being old lo the city at 10c but we are raiblnk ihera off at cc drebsaoods- w0 yrd drew coodi al 10c well worth 15c 50 yarda dreii goodf all wool at 12 worth 2tc 800 yard urcn goodi it 10c former price 25c 00 yard drwi qoodi at lite tod 10c then joodi wen hid at 34c aod iflo 8s0 yard beaoulol dre toodj to bo cleared oot al soo and 1io former price jo and wo 200 yard ireu ooodi in ill tlie lalel iliidee it 85c former price wc thlilit bctalliol ho n itripee in wide 1ad1i6 suitw him 1 few of tboae biodaome kreocb 1itkrn 8olt wlilcli we will tell it airoitudocllou iiiack100imve hill leed the ride in black ocoda mi yudi ltciry cord former price coo roduood to do biles 5 yirde iougee bilk illgblly diinirej former price 0oc will clear it oqt al hoc toc yardi colored liim in all uie loading shade warranted pare lilk former prioe 1100 reduced to wo thii line calli for tpeciil mention u lllefoodaaripcuivcly worth tl bpocial value in black and colored beaded oreoidina joit the thing for lidice wrape and lmel for dreuci in black silk we have a few drew lengtbe we will clear oot it the following redootloni ijo0 for 1160 11s0 fori 105 and 1809 for j36 ux nd kid alovss- ilmpalri kid oiovm open bbtdei only 35c former prioe 75c loopalrikid oloee mid bhadeel it 35o thii i regolar 75c lore 50 pilra oiontlet oloree redooed to 05c tlioeo good ire well worth f 1s bpeclil tine k 1140 former price 1135 75 ntln ladlee imack kid obvnk 35c worth wfe hlxklal value in ijiick hid stored bilk olovoi i millinery i youll marvel i whit i nice hit you wiil get for ery little money we will re doce the prioe of dor bftt iliipee jut one third or in other wordi a flibape will coet you onlycoc we will ikw tell yoo i vory nice hoitlfl hat at 5c new goodi boagbt thii flcaeofl i i i mantles- j 1 your pick of the balance of car choice bilk mantlet end wrap at i reduction of vi per cent parasols uioy it bilfpnce we have gathered together about 100 fancy pinuola which we hive decided to divide lot three lou 75o tl and 1150 u whit they will be told 41 mznihoz we hive t few ipeclil lidof in oenta weir that hive been marked down it a great redaction tnd we would uk every gentleman lo pay oartlcolar aiwotion to tnli lot jodoijnoni bote il 10c well worth 13 10 j5c jlo j5c former price 50 kid 00u theee jaiod were eicelleiit value at for mer prlc dchioi miss the golden opportuiutieu olfcred you by above prices g3ey an fe coi gkueiph tbt ldln sr oootu houm 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son a j5birtisnurtts s10000000 rpo loan at ii to nd fixe and n liaal ptr cent on x first class ami security aad oa uisy tanas pply lo ilclklv mclean dirrutcnt solicitors etc money t loan fctjiiouuuddouarg ou sarui lrocrty u bums o j10t5tland upanlfl apryto jmuuiayl3wrotb e6qucsicg lx lthbee th06e roriairing icmbcr can ix siiiplicd al uir tinuojiiuccoiniiaiihiiiill al lime- house tbo mill is noar rtniiiuj aud a cood stock of all lauds of ijujut is on hauj lab niav also u- hid thcrv tokovto llmkcolitasxltd liuiuliouac lunibev aud shinies s the undersigned have on iiand afthcir mills a lunchoqse aboct 70qoi feet of pine intnber and are prepared to sippijaroicrs ruid others vrilh anvqticitv of lesber for haxri or other imimings at reasoaablc priccf a stock of pine acd cedar shiaclcs is alw on hand taylol luiotueis lot aud dwelling fur sale house and ct oil ovr vcac klorziug lo j k mcgania hcoic cc uj enable li4rd and soft water coiivnknt fciltujiii ir- den ayplr tor particulars to duemjejison actcn desiraulii house and lot for sal that very cquilortaliu housv nd pritmo adjciniaff ou aurci street acton eicu- lent location buijdiia fa poort rcjiair toi terms and other parucaiars aiily to c c- speijbi ii tuc iiremik cr to mks michael sieight maruiiai oul t for sale steam plinxng mill carpcnier ehcp and dwelling the alrovv ltiuiiici ia acton art cscrul lit mle tla nuchicrv ctjuipr pianluc and tcouldintt hiaciiiiic cant tionrlev ca gajtf circular crctftcut and i sawa iroa aiai wood turuiaff lathe with sawv iijjkt tnivej griudiug toue etc ajso a quantity of carpea- krr tools will be tala irpetbci cruiachinrrj- aial tools sepajntclv ajfplv lo i mils 1 mtcvvn notice 1 notice is hereby lon that the latins of acd cr pravel from anv of the ilrccti of thia mqulcipality in itrietv prohibftui end any person or persons fonid rctnoiue land cr gravel aftor this date will bo vicorouly pro- focnted w it stoke y jlcer hcovoi office acton july rd 1ss9 in prohibition camp the mat annual camptuccunt u il jioyfu tcoiplars opens at oakviilu v saiurdav august lutli coqlumiufi fottfijiliyl 1 1 will b held ill i-cmli- rowon the lio mion wliliiu a wuci thrulf of the hittustoit wharf luhanln of cl o tho most notxl and eloquent fitakcm will bu rtn tho plaifftrm the itiicmfi l loht by ibrtin bands of lloyal livlvalisu luutfafl lo attend on bana aifl 11 when there will bo itoo grand service at 10 auiajpu and 7 pm on baturday aug 0 tlie muianawl knipbu of toronw montreal ud hauillton vill ro into camp the district couucil tf hajton will bo held that afternoon and a crand opening concert at night bins luc for tha rouud trip by hall- wajiand btcamers for particulars and rail way ccrtlflcatci apply to y v ilvtillvas uamulou canadas great industrial fkir axi agricultural exposition of 1889 toronto sept9thto 21st incrcaacd 1rucs greater attracliod anj a grander dijila- thaa ever befefo newest best special features that money can procure the oreatest animal rnterulnmrru on the american lontineni clitap lliraniont nil all the unlla over coa vimor allcarfcd llc lujlirial rllililud usl ytnr ecuic3 ci030 august 17th torlme ljvt nl lort iroraiiuc ktc drpri a oit cart in h j ii i li v jjtylthitowln sijijer tuuutu only 25 cents also bveiiv ijknulirtios 01 llubber and metal liuiips tiholey 4 stewart ufo co 1 10 kin at wci toronto clect8ic bui ji iiiki lata is tact ftrv hilar 14 titunr alt iftlai4 ui oreat ciuni carj uizfi um tbiit cumlrvis aftlutittla lsltfatc kuirg crr 120 tna inter taum or mm osthoyiannfemovts wohm8 or all kinor in ohilorcr or aoultt lwtlstai oyrup ani5 canrjot harm trft mc pelicatcehil urdock pills nunc cunt re iiuoutncca coiiirif at ion ih0i0c0tioii diiiiiicos ick htadlchs aiio eistaete cr stomach liver amd sowuo tihcv arc ull0tll0roiril mo rooiirf iii ictlch 0 fi valuaoic aid v boemca ocooo cirteao in jne vkivatcnr aid mm chnohio ho c3tiiytc ciscasc

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