Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1889, p. 4

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i 1 1 w i 1 1 1 t lt rfoit fttt fress thursday augusts 1689 sjfrr jtmrtg jfclks tee quiet evemxq tide onaloms o mirk the sotting euu sink in tho wcet bis daji work done with good o til with ham to flout in too qalct evening time 11 one iotm to watcfc the lessening ligbt and mirk the itcpe ci cotaiac nfgfct while home aad life to him ire bright la the quiet eycning lime m- one isvck to sit in the windot chair to bretlkt the cooler evening air ind dream of ill things calm and f r f r in the qtuo evening time one toye to think of rest u ut to come it length cwr coming tut when all lifes tou ind griefs are past la the qnictctcnlng time onelormloinmmoneimoved friends vthotc memory with hit heartlife bleeds from grsves it eartlif remotest ends in the quiet evening time one loves to think borr f licet night gives flaac it length to morning light vhcz ck and cart till ill he bright in the uiet evening time and oh to think the gnves long eight slall tike lit length its final night theu cudltw day serene led brigfcp- in the jiciet evening time j she sever had a faie among uiiof interesting incidenu con nected with thuriosinc of ealoons in riuan niag pi i leadiog merchant cells the fol lowing x woman came into his stare very tin id ly she mi endenly nnaccastcmed to trading what can i do for yoa inquired the merchant i want i pair of shoes for a little girl she answered whatnamfr she u twelve years old eat whit number docs ihe weir ida natitnew bat whitnnmber did yoa bay when yoa baaaht heiaat pair for her she never nidi pair in her life yoa see sir her father csed to drink when wc had kilponnjbat cow they are closed he doesnt drini any more and this momicg he satd to mel llother i want yoa to go cp town today and get busy a pair of shoes for ihe never had a pair in her life 1 ifcoaght sir if i told yoa how old she wis j yoa woald know jut what to give me 0 it is pitif di thai the children of this re- public be robbed of shoes and bread that a few idlers may be sapported the man that gives his infioence in favor of saloons t gives his sanction to this cruel robbery eemedt foe scvsthokes yhjtveristo be done in this disease most bedeoe quickly clinjcalj i well as experimental obsenations enforce this doctrine there shoald in iach cases be no waiting for the doctor the remedy is so simple the death so imminent that the good samaritan passing by shoald save his brother the good samaritan most bow- aver have cool head to be asefal nat every man who falls anconicioci on hot dsyhassamtroke ihereisfortanatelyoae criterion so easy of application that any one- can use it go it once to the fall man open hfs shirt bosom and lay the band npon hif cheit if lheiwfl be cool yoa may resisarcd that whatever if- thf trouble t ft not isnitroju ii onithe con irary ibcikfnbe barnfng hot tha cua i certainly jiaiistroku and no me ihoald be lost tile patient ihoold be carried to h oart parip or hydrant itffppftd to hli xilif jtad buckctfal aflor backetfalof cold water dallied over him until cgqiclouinau bogfni to rotarc or the nlonw ut of the surface decidedly abates wofgliftl in die balauoo but not found wsnting- nortliqp lymsus vcgcablo licofcry- aad uyipeptfc cure has been woffihcohimnstiuwbalaricflliiffoxpcrfcnca of an impartial wid intcllfgcnl public bofi i iinodlillypflcunuciiyit i a iac4ici lie iialmconiuntircfflaicfitimony in lu favor fidail poaririgin the quon of ts cflicacy in dyspepsia llfcrcdtapuirt jkducy aflmcuu ind for lilood impurity iikdocmcd if you wantlobuyoriefl a larm ad vertfsfl in thfl toronto wulty natl tint vtx roli aqqjgjq karnwr lionit every wf afid y9ardvrtfmrit thovu fdouli0frvaf soffimtic who wants tijiur itm ajmifntu- of this nr itv- fm in ihtwiuui wuy fall or viu utnl i wtril caofi foterfton ir twenty inu fordforfit liirlloi aamt the ml 1otituuti fdidi owirjf kave ud ywr mliiatildliil locut id fliy fddidy for some years ind be jlcve ittojbe jthc btst medicine in the mar kc at it o all it ii iccomtnocdcd to do cmaanirofkc ku damkl kiikureui i john madcr uahoiut biy inform ci ihit he was cured of very severe attack hi rheamstism by tiling mf turds llnlmcut hit wtrsc timu raaducss to neglect a i oajth or t coti vilch ft easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left tojtseif nbo forerunner of consumption indprcma- rejlcito- itifiammatioa when it attacks he delicaitf tissue of the lungs and bronch ial abet j in veis with pcrilouc- rapidity hen do not delay gets bottle of bickies auti- consumptive sirup the medicine hat grasps this formidable foe of the nmaribcdy and drives it from the ays- tan this medicine promotes a free and easy si pectoral ion sabdcea thecough heals the diseised parts and eierta- a most wonder- fol fasnenci in caring codsamptton and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and rhemselces from macxi anxi ety trouble and expense let them procure t bottle lof bickies anticonsompiive yrapand whenever ichildhas taken cold has a coagh or hoarsened give the syxcp sccordidgto directions jingles amd joketets half an hoar wuu the wise men the wits andtuerarngraplitafturidsy ilegalile the liver and bowrjrby the ju- dkioas cse of katfousl pills they are pure ly vegetable mriue words i can recommend dr fowlers extract- of wild btnwberry for chronic diarrhcg as i have ased it for two years and can get nothing else that helps me like it jane taylor mystic pq this medicine cures all samener complaints as a healing sootliing application for cuts wounds braises and sores there u nothing better than ylcforu carbolic sal vd excells all others i used one bottle of burdocic blood bit- ters for constination and loss o appetite and it cared me i woald not be without it at six limes the price for it excels all others wllluu wlttox gait ont james h gilmoar of t gihsocrr k co wholesale grocers brookville says i have ased tamarac elftir fori severe cold and coagh which it mmediatcly relieved and cared l bafiv la uaaccr ify baby was taken verj- bad with diarr- hazi nothing did any jjood until i tried dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry i am certain nothing equals it aci coald not do without it in time of summer complaint anddiaxthcci jfce a l bcic shell eker ifan 1 qattie incrfa so increasingly prevalent hive scrofulous diseases become that wb call the attention of our readers to the best blood purifier and end altemitivc known viz burdock blood bitters which unlocks e11 clogged secretions and removes allilood diseases from t com mon pimple to ihe worst scrofulous sore pelp ttavteri by all who suser from dyspepsia bilious nesssicfc headiche jaandioe liver com- plimt fheumitism dropsy etc- lose no time in procuring bcraock blood bitters natures regulator md tonic- it is a prompt and permanent cure for all diseases of the blood liver kidneys bowels and stomach imos hudcin toronro writes i hive beena sufferer froni dyspepsia for the pant six ynirs all the remedies i tried proved useless until northrop lymans vegetable discovery anddyspeptio care was brought under my notice i have used two bottles with the best results and can with confix denee recomaend it to those asicied in like manner ca as amp clan tattly cared totlo editor- please inform your readers that i hive i positive remedy for the ibbve nsmed dis ease by its timely cse thousands of ho e less cases nave own pttiuauentjy cured i shall be pltd to send two bottles ofcjy remedy feec to any of your readers who hive consumption if they will eend me their erpress and p 0 address respectfully dc t a sicrif 16f west adelaide st toronto out thereunb evaporatinacr detfirioration in strength aboct dr thoaias eclectric oil theiagredienisof this incamparable aoti- rheumatic and throat and luncremedy ace not vouuie but- fired pure and imper- ithablej pain umeiiess and stiffness are relieved bv it and it may be used with equal benefit externally and infernally if yoclwant to wcare a firstclass boot orfihoe made to order oct of good material aud by reliable workmeo as to kenoy bfo boot shoe 6tore acton the third pace of the toronto dalit jayfsnotedfor want advertisements if you want to buy or sell anything if yoa want a lituitiona mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you hife lost or found scything or if yoa want to jfind oat where anyone i advertise in the to ronto daily 1au and read the advertise ment on the third page of thit napcr the charge if two cents a wordftchin krtioo address the kail toronto can- ada j lu qlttvilatlte tint lias- been popular with the people for thirty yean is drf6ierc extract of wild strawberry for au varieties of sum mer complaints of children or adults it seldom or ever fails to cure cholera morbus ditrrhaa nd dysentery jos iktaiia mf hull i q writer uh tli otnai electric oil uomiiicudc a largt nud iicreulug tile which it richly trcrit ihave always found itcrcoejitily helpful j i uio it 16 all caicc of hhcumitliin k well as frftclcir aad dlloitlcm i inido uie of it ioytf o calm he pxlus of a broken log with dislocation of tlio foot and in two days i wis entirely relieved from pain a rf rirfr hr- wfllltfiit wdy is a drum without iicadllkfltt rturltl wjf hrnrtf n litim iiutuinl he- 4hwiiesm hr wllllftku kinlit iifiw i m wh ft nthiculrrwifp ndrom wftljiu ht- tfrtilp a tilr ciiil ifiipoful vtium tar- r ihkltw vuwwttt nftiiiktr j kivdrvrfir kimtiplitdtly hiinukt tieycii be i i ksdftl soft mm tkiiifit wkfutind llolloway cum due it it effectual every time ocla xitlo fttoiicaapd ha ltppy mlrihfdturillnritf rrlrttfhuii ask for ayers sarsapariha aud be aure you get it when you want- the best bloodpuri fieri with its forty years of unexampled sue- cats in the euro of blood diseases yoa can make no mis take in preferring ayere sarsaparilla to any other the forerunner of mod ern blood mediciucs ayecs sarkaparilla i still the must pop ular being n great er demand than all others combined ayers earnaparilla is selling faster than cycr before i never herniate to recommend it george w whitman dmist albany ind tain rrtc i- faring lliar inr sales of ayern saryniarilll far ewef tlwc of siiv other find irfrive- tliorouplrftinfac- uoii l if bush des moims lora aver sarffjparilla and aycr tills are the licft celling medicine u iiiy store t can recommend them consden- tioukly- c licklnus i itoseland 111 wc iicve fold aycrs sarsaiiarilla here for over thirty yrats ami alwavit reccjnmend it when akvd to name the ust lilood-purifier- w t melxau druggist anguita ohio i have fold your imdiciiies for the jat feeveutccn yearn uud ahviijn keep tjicm in tkk us tlicy are stiples there is notifies mi fir tlu -citth- il blood aver sitjciuirilia ii l parker fox iafce wis avcrs harnirilla elves the btft faifactidii of iniy iiifdicinc i have in ktork i rccoiiuiiciid it or as the doctors na v i preril it over tl- counter it never fails to meet tie cases for which i recommend it even where the doctors prescriptions hrr heen ci no avail of calhutiu jloumoulh kansas ayers sarsaparilla reepaked sv dr j c ayer k co lowed mast price 1 sir icitw j worth fi t ittl rett and cam art fa he ktrftcrlaf brown6 household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lambigo and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acei being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stotnach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sile by all druggists at 25 cents a bottler camampfiott cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hinds by an east india missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after hiving tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cues has felt ft his duty ia mike it known to his suffering fellows acts tea by this mottle and a desire to relieve human saflering i will eend free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in germsn french or eng- ish with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp namiug this paper w a nora uq powers block rochester n y dr fowleks exttof wildt itrawberry cures nolera morbus oulcss- ramps iarrhcea ysehtery amd alu summer c0mplaikt8 amd nuxc8 or the bowels ft is saf e and rcliable for chuoren or a0ult8 brilliant durable j economical i diamond dyes excel alj others in strength purity and fastness- none other arc just as food be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crockj coors to be sure tf success ust only the diahokd dves for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other djes ever made and to give more brilliantjand durable colors ask forthe diauwiidixia take no other a dress dyed f coatcohred iq garments renewed j c a child can use them at dmcjfatt tad slerrfuan dye boot free wells richardson co llontroal p q i i iv if l fir tiff iktlllmi lklpytl kendalls spavin oure imnoftsiuui imftua ctmtao fir uu twnm imi ttautl i cnnyiuwrloiiiiitjmn vinmlnii ctua i innv kendalls spavin oure 1 dowhif- -great- summer sale i f at xi b jermyns acton a picnic for bargain seekers 6000 yds of kew dress goods la the tciiza bade such u mahogany ana grcn at ilioat halt price we can iiva yoa at least 50 per cent black cashmeres eedamd to is s3 45 s3 65 73 and t5e we gmrtzue the se liza to be ctlic rarp and well worth 1 per rard we ctause yoa itleast 50 per cent new prints j zephyrs chambrays and muslins a ctood aiiortaent kw shade boavy fide ciotb and fat dyct w can lav yea is er cent la his line jglovcs and hosiery all kinds tniku tva cocrc uu five you tc per cent bote ss dont prftoud a tt xlt cheaper hail atory other ijocm in ndt or lure are otfiort tii mllfqustlt rtieap but iuvy dont do buifiims in this county satins a imi un htuut kvoaitig fthsdn slii eenuiwrysrij bahosdnurasfhu ll l tflijtffpidkoa if riptdlc md w csfuiot repeal it in than w cuu our spring goods kelly bros kcton ordered clothing new hats spring ties ready made clothing dry goods groceries a look throjh our i1 aonl and nobby vtock of bnttoj snium ajd pjj ttoce joa that wi iit the ciolcmt toodi to th coantr a pori f ararnem rmij a euro to ca u a look throu ki1 brc ls m iprhig hau which thr can iru choaprathaa an other botrae to the conny we have jon received hondwd dojer if tb ulaat ah3 moat fuhionbl 6 tic and scarf for genuemen 1 i yon can aav money by byln your bctjotaj athlt mltb- j jfotcis ss ocr btapla drj- goodi cant be beat oar tlock of groceries is very eoapiflw and of bct tea bat the irorld iiiij- tt loc pric oar 5c jipan kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros special sale of carpets ad j j dry goods at reduced prices -at- the rigbht house hamilton itrvtuontic walkioa ii now in europe pnreliuini hi kinter iapplis for ihe eijut houej bead thii goocl nw or eupet bayen a large variety belt qnalitj- a irame broitela carpet have been redooed in price from tl55 o 1109 pet yard i few pattern of ame qualify at 85c other brmnela formerly l5 reduced to 7je fandaome broeli border fonnr price juonowaellingatcoc brmaela atair and hail carpet at equally low price royal wilton oarpet redooed inn ii to i1j5j beet velvet pile carpel redneed to u per yard variou tapestry carpet at reduced price a lot of mart boga and tapeatxy squanu in laruaiize elling off at bargain prices houjekeepcn be arire and look at these choice bargain the various department are bowing many lot of goods at greatly reduced prices the bargains in glove and hcaiery will sur- prise yoa lot of nice bilk gloves formerly foe reduced to 80c otters formerly 3oc reduced fo 15c other gloves for- merly me reduced to uj a lot of hosiery in ladies and childrens izes reduced to i2jc borne of these were formerly 25c per pair remember these cheap glovea and hose bargains in laces wide flouncing formerly 81m reduoed to ifc per yard deep lacea formerly 0c- reduced to 15c lot of oriental lace at bargain price a lot of mena bocks very one quality formerly 60c and 40c clearing out at 25c per pair childrens fine underwear at redneed price dress gooda lor raerly 80c sse and 20c selling off st i5c see tbem in the window see theallwoo doable fold dressgoods formerb ii now telling at 50c a lot of black prints formerly 15c selling off at c various lots of prints at reduced price ladle belts it reduced prices beaded grenadine and wool cashmere at reduced price cutomera will find many other good not mentlonedhere at special aale price kew goods received this weekj black chantilly flouncing white embroidered flouu cings bilk ribbon silkglove in old rose and serpent shades choice fancy friliiogs ladies collars bilk peretols a very fine lot of ladies embroidered underwear beautiful fins linen handkerchief ferris femou waist feather stitch ladies sum mer cudervestt at 19c and s5c each cashmere hose dress shields fast black lining alto 15 packages of various makes of cotton goods come to the right house during the summer clearing sale you will be pleased with the price of good re member to enter the store east of the carpet window many make mistake add do not get into the right hoase thomas owatkrits hamilton july i2nd 1883 a word to the wise is sufficient what we intend doing- for our customers i tfco only ute wy to do lnnaeis ii to icl goods on iheir iccriu ird w can uythit at o cake oar oini goods mdi is ingrtio wo acd uaicacarnetfweknoirwhit wc arc tailing- wc inrita ocr cuitotncr to call nd im as baton buyiuj elmffber tad dont b aoccirod uy other mcrcbaat who ty oar carpeu sre not up to tha tnsrk 1oople who do cot maka carpcti do not asow ls much tboat thetn u these who tnnfcturo sad we uk all tatfudlaf purcbuen to cill aad ma m koticc the fouawlnf lor 10 ojqs t w a all wool 6oc union 30c tapestry 30c brussels 6qc j hemp loc per yd all wool stair carpets 25c per yd speolahylaoa curtain only 50o pair i clrrk sl thompsons it 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod coj drug store oxjejlfh i ritffttfthii it ttiii ti sit uuhum utu a 1 6d btiifitattirf utit it f wtt w ww sou lfr itf tl wtwff oftn fliit m t rnmtji t km parttifltaoori sfld hmuw in vat4y- hooi fldoor scd groccrie kctnctiitwr hietitotoclcttjutlic uurkct 3 aii lioricnwni unntnilj- aitatxiwt kendalls spavin oure qmut wmi oiu i ifjyj 1 1 mj ovtr tit uj wtut i tirt dom wuatytltb hctt hlnf but a coo or our kim vcorstnuj- 1 ui in h wrl ut1 ao fltntiia cf ibavtcand 1 iiit luid kmtlsf tea of lino iflm if vhmfttd air blaepltutbliiapotortwir tf th diwettoas i hatt wtrt trstrwtnra horupoctof kendalls spavin curl prtee it per botita or tx bottlai for 5 u1 dnut- rtiujistu it cr can set it 1 or r on or it will be leut to aar adrtrcmjin receipt tt prtoj by tti propnv ten dati1 katmii co- zaortitlrgli fjit sold bt alal dkuqgi8t8 r i cure viloa isavctmij i do net mam racxeljto sic r ililin irx l time anl tln lav luu rutura rhavciidetlie disease o fec- epilepsy or fallrng sickness k kc u ntitf fori in oric it tiiii rare y toronto jr s cisshl 2sk h fly 1 vrxitsr my nmtdj tc tcises icfscthrrsltimiiu jr not iiowrw ising a nirr svmi rcitihsmiila c kfjjctlkof inr uiniv uitpnd r ss vci irzi ta tjr sli i i a in- ix g boot lio 164west adcjai19 btwa it if ail established fact hat j h mstthews kwu ut in t im tut uiott imomt- fffd kmk mflt 1 ui fnii srtllfcif0hhfmliilim ri1mi0u lit set tkokks aki valisivh tim hiv vr bmii dliplajiad in aoton ordcrad work and lupalrlnj ouafantood gnksfitatory remember coilnrn fitted liyim arc ciiaisitiii nor ro hiiur j ii matthbwh mill wrept acfon are tou married 0r about to be rbjermyn jemiyu sells clieap vhe urcest scale works in canada over 00 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improve show ch3e3 honey drawers hutmioppin ambrrchets sbppues annans fx rcti write tx tenna c wilson ft som 3 0 esplanade street east i torontc ont uenrion tftlx per v try time m write speight son acton j a speight manager caoioiijljjou with iuiicturalttir required to furumil oar new sud cor imte hotat or 10 rt3iioniii rorlioiu tt ictclod one in itiritt fa at tlio vury lowct rtcoi nicro is no arttcta of furutiarc we cmuot upplr abi further wo drilvcr oar funiitaro sad jouhavobortsaglrijlrptelitcliirec tud run uo rfik of trckce wocamuitsll undertaking ourtajirtjflveyoart flilhjhonca ntliliboifnombastfalwd in carjviuctiic 1jc i-al-if- of tbit antlrfl coiomanity tbt wo tapiily flntclw work in all oiricrt tad in stylet wbtcli cotniarb with tiiot of tbc city it oua balfeiiy rict our hearse- la au excellent one tod our team ilwtjs jreient abfcomiiijr tpivanccc we lave iilaa- are iu lnftaig tbe alljc to call ohm for tayxhins nyjeired in oar lines speight son great- summer- sale clearlngou oursummer goods uroitl liflriullia will 1miivoh iii milliner llov koiithon u1i1 bom hlraw jjoodiol nil kind a riliolnljofriiw iiiilwuidi 8100 ibf fiojafttifo i low n ilio doliiiuim jijckot in clflli iind ilk is bo uliiugblorcd 1 1iinuoli 2fivirtfui price h ifontllncajof irotiod ro diiccd 0 tc iv 10c 12c niid iio worth double ibe inoiit- millin iilnliijnud printed fie he 10c and 16c ia lino ol flno fancy mimllii for 10e worth 2fic uhick and colored bilks nt ninrycllou low prices colored sutiin and silkc from ye per ytird upu beautiful crand trunk ifahwav attfltiff uiaod aibaatlleapwm eiprei j 00 tm eitrmi ja tbroush ekp c 00 rm i mu x accomf 10 00 ivsn i miatctzjs andilranrjton loulu tlmecrcwsinakan gdlng wct0 15 nro and sflw j oolng east 10 so a jn and ssopjul alaro ammonia xlma honstm t 01 unr ikjoiiojt ti kiuta ewgillett f tss celebrated eoyix tist cub 1 i rrjstthia bst thdbtnjlay yif i tbi- i qtmsi power pblj 1 icion j i subwriptldmfll jsiiaj2 koiha f erf inaar j slahr abaspacaoeenpli bsb9h itlaainant wltbost ill nuartxhllj mltorradtortisomd rait l raof t oontraa awt h p uooif editrj jjasintts fiird s it l ntu lit l h tlt j the ctsrnr re cvsiko cohsdhptioh coughs coeds 1 asthma croup all dujs c the thnqat uliosakd riiiur ll vxz o0kbuhpt1os haselihotren mlti cl pniiti tti rhfliduf uri ii tu trua t run rc r- y hinoitk 19 ni f lr jici urijijjiihhiitittn n x f- t irul iwtrit 1 hlrttjftlvi a3 ah jkpcctoflant it xi no couftl it luj u to lk u4i ptietu ckci it contains no opium in anj form pen r r jr- mt iw rtcfnt cavs k lawjesqs co uiui j otnrnrtj rrh jirxvr4f4jr ampbell orripounj trsvt thduvuriictnt dicing ufvi uy in oval bcukthouuttc thru eunttt ta1 vtih ll tiihtc dutfi vn iht akii md ihf nauv of in inir ft ii vavf hell in rti uk aertuthtjty rfthtlakl irti rf cnimfimf ria nil lului ultl and jail nil v u diinypcmti n flatiiartlc rebpml craliriiiiffi p siki au fjomplaliiii rlnlriiii iitltwinlri u i f the uftr hwnirliaiiil1liiii j i1ijiaillli 1l2i afrootloni jtsxvvio ilnntitorrij xfllfiily of ilio hitninlilliflumftutn bobllitjr maix orvinttiiiyfojto krloo to cfrvprfroottl avxb h lawteliss walttjj xivrilif 0 7 i r jyi nii w lilnek and colored 8utm mcrvc oibriouny or hfrnturrlj a ijlic or pail in n for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and naplah rins b sayage guelph eauxntmcjicr d seersucker for oc worth 10c prints 8jc worth 10c jgiiighnm and cy- iirui lawiu in great variety for co per ydaiid up 3o yds of factorv cotton for 8100 whito cottoii for 5c 8c aud 10c per yd worth 20 per cent more also we are astonishing the people iu sumrtfer keadymade clothiug nice coats for 50c all our iuiraeus stock has been bought right we are selling it cheap andwe have reduced large hues to be sold regardless of coat ltemuantfiasilksdresagoods priuts tweedband other good very low it villpay yon to give usayisit of course our milun- pry idepartmnt dressmaking department and ordered clothing department u raoning at high pressure speed fuming out tne atutf to suit the most fastidious wmmcleodco i mammoth house qboeoetown h a tjjloaaiid brtw lowbt si riaot ot trinity c fj itaicians and sar mitbncuthp iu jj bennett tde jr a- mclean l rsrlstarsi solicitors irirtata and tato bmiowrhalll fjrumclais i f a mow at baaaurzu soucrxas no uonaytoloanf vriadars taaadaya tjbxmallbewa bimk t 8 httt0nallan4b barrist j- tomicio asrj3iooj oasciwman1 blftek oej klrut straat oall to ftailla i anilto bj aientb secobedj bbsirv oaist ten tiuir tears rractlca o hem8tbejt lmits tot tbt ooantlaa cj wuln man 11 1 at vh ptieb pnaf altarraaldarioatn aotott 11 b 3sttalto ttrnis raaatroabloj also roonet to loan on tbcf r1smsiuilrtba imrait rat nuotajoo abd acard je- itohnday i arciite vofik3ua ilotrl liiockl w wbanoib ncnafi ysoooesaor to i yoi l iiooku xde ilptcrcassqiiars jiloojol dooks ol all klnrll srlodloais of vary dk lllftj allaiiioatlrsjiilproufj sty eua ut lii qrsulaai ilialr lihro i ii wqltpk mub iuklak ii tudl illllrllbi it a aihirliro sdlliliblrtj as aiullaatloa luinpnoal aasdsnriivui fn orsmlmi udiuuiriiiliair uhfr oot j km i salesmknv imimarlkstioltloimui i awl iim paid mti m htooom w ih uivtawriratl ejmr rhook oommslximlf hllloi wdaltlw outaira i aurm at on nltowrt j i wjmn lioobmtar k v jttiatj lib ua4 smiilkyiilfinfjaril alila nun ii s amoo wyamitlii rhrroorrf ui mllalila im iuj wrafaroiio mrrmn t- manhood how lost how rosforodl jut illl a jw i ukculrcf 11 ib oy rrly dt ucrcslul ru- iillr rr ii ll ill i i i n inf koiitnc ctuiu i ufiititpti liiacf wi v i h lgavcrt ln ii m i- 1 t ediir r ttiu i-uk- itirtti i i ii f i dtcut rotiliitiii fwry iiitri hi ll u ht uiijornjl in ft 1 idiicm nti niijl of iur f r1 fsrfil ftnjji ajjrim tho cclvorcu liii cor iliiiinbei utli ittlwiiialniuiliiai irff is utmfi ra liiilmlm slllilllitslllllilihl ltlrlllil fy taut lu dm it witnii iif aviso a irtiiijstir sir- au jlriinr k2 11 o alnll i ailoib omnt ffp jsj- wrlu 1 0 may 1ihoti1ki1h hrigfoir jlaij qccmtc 8iii i clark tv ci fltkct iuwrlraif 01 qinul hrailf ll uam tha uori drajao- 1 far l wni aottii slris v rjto wb wu ihh2i x wrfnlctctl a5ks tbcyatr j imwlcoutlioirti will cure or relifve biuousness bjzziness5 dyspepsia drqpsy v indigestion furrrerlng jaundice oftheheaht erysipelas i acidmrof- l salt rheusj the stomafh heartburn dryness headache of the skin and awry species ct disessi uteb from disaiasmd lives kjdneys stomach bowels oh blood t milbdin co yrofrietol ojosra j h bamulonf marlte i aatval strret onelpti ill all 1 aatsil tom ij j aas5 7 1 ihm- j i or tbo du 30 div f comibrtab d fore va8 neir doable j jiils lied ard d j 1 1

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