Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1889, p. 2

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aosjf utty tt slmrnvs 00 the old august the rje ofur john tmlt ot i dies- fituuvu tnfilfir oa uw ui acrrat euioclvctiu of uocj ill kiilllhli -reo- die sfrs- it t mocllf md i tuit tlje cfcit jtrcc 3rcss thdrsdar auglst 29 1688 vd isqtes and cotuexts mr gb smilh x l l t k-coqi- icitod ea friday for ihe locs1 ixiditurc it slixkham by the kwt york reform coarealion tfce konicrviliies ot prince kdwtrd coantjbn satcrdiy nominated sir june jofensoaii their em did tie tor the locaj iiecoiuld ic politicsj circles that lard scley his mide crcciit repecseat ation la ihe imperial aalhacuiwrdicg lh recent tciiures in bchriag sci the ililicra associitioa for the couctie ot heron ferth grey brace tui xorth wellicloa- hive adopted the bnntford wheat bcyicfi uhlfcini decided to bay from firmer ted dealers by tt the women cf boston hive appointed i cdtetciuee of fifty icti energetic cornea o ctrry oa the pitas of ufcing the city schools oct of politics rri sectarian interference and mjwtcinj them for the psfalic interest alone there wis a conscusus of feeling it the hamilton convention of raerchicts that bankrupt stocks ire one of ihecrosicfi evut of the ccactrr in mtny case solvent men hive been driven to the vnll by the eiies of bankrupt elocti m the tame tillage of town and the idea wi taken cp by ue convection that it icocld be a paod plan for i the merchants to join toetherand hey ct th hahtrnpt stocks jnalher than tlloar them to be thrown on the market l the total orirical cost of the british war chips of all sorts at the list spitheai re- view paraded for the inspection of the emperor brags53 ttnnmbcrcf ships present was ts of torpedo boats the weight of metal contained in the heavy gncs was 6g09 tone the tocntfie was approximately 3g0axo tons- five handled acd ttxtyiine heavy pins irrespective jof qztdk firers and machine gnnc composed thairmtmeat the himilton carnival was bronht a dose last friday niht the general censenscs of opinita is that it has been freat s deces and has dona miich towards advancic the commercial interests of the city the weather was all that codd be desired the arrangement were excellent and well carried oat the programme each day was attractive and the immense coi cocrse of people who viewed the different events were highly caticfedwitl the enter- tiinmentfpt cp for their amasement- arm our chef mens doings tlicy una dace up town fittk rjlw al ic for a vote of the ucctoir thckspu buxsvull ring tllejioiicipj council met on monday c vcaicc i the nve in the chair and coancillcrs lowry speight mid harvey ill their place the miiutc of last meeting were- read and confirmed the petition of adam cook and others for the cso of the town bcii for service en sunday wac presented as amende the amended petition slated that the bell woali be rang by a person to be piid by petition ers but nridcr the direction of the council at 101 and 10cam and 25 and g15 pm cpon motion of dr loxry seconded by john harvey leave was granted to intro duce a bylaw to aaire lands for a icblie park and drive and to anthorite the issue of debentures to the amount of three thock- acd dollarsfor the purpofe of paying fr the same the bylaw was introduced and rcid the first andeecond times the time for election filed for the 20lh september and the bylaw ordered to be published iu the firr prrss as provided by statute the tenth report of the committee- on finance wis presented and the following accounts recommended to be psid j k- iwrtoa ctiu etc ss pi tboute jicljm leucine the report was adopted moved by dr lowry seconded by j a speight that the petition of adam cook and others regarding the use of the town bell be received and the prayer of the peti- tipners be granted during the pleasure of ike council with the distinct understand ing that adam cook and those whose names appear cpon the petition become respon sible for any damages that may result from their use of the town bell carried the council then adjourned plttiamtl assult sumjitilinnvly lutrudun vticcgirlv lcuiouadr one proof of the awakening interest in everything canadian that is apptrect jn the oldconntry is see in tie s access which attends the eforts to 2oat canadian enterprises tea amount of money which has found its way into canadian projects during ae past two or tiree years wouid make a very large aggregate and capital fs sthl rowing in this direction it comes here in many the dominion borrows it the provinces borrow it tae rcccidpalities borrow it and it it invested in nnrirg compciiifis in fxmicg eater- prises ind in financial conceme of mahj kinds pee80xal 3iexti0k ilnnpliieeriitcuiieviiltortto ini tron irtaa ttitli wlicm free prtm eeidn irefforeorluxcquiiiited m j 7 hr w e smith took in the carnival at hamilton last weeiu mr george hynds was in hamilton seteral days last week mr 5l brennanwas home over sunday with his wife and bairns j mr and mrs a l hemxtreet visited friends irfiiltoa oniianday mre smith of htmiltoa is the guest of her brotherlr w e smith kev gb cooke spent a day or so eisl week with friends in hamilton mite heda kelson of gcelph has beer the eaest of acton friends this week i mr ind sire jaces kennedy of gex tawn spent sunday with acton friends i mrs thomas easton visited friends in j toronto sxd ifarknam during the week scrs l frauds and children left on j saturday morcing for gloversville k 1 i mr jennie b cameron spent last week visiting friends in toronto and tyrone ijcrhamco r mr richard jasray of thegtlt rrportrl who has been ili for several months is j steadily improving mr and mrs c c- speight epent s cocple of days during the week with georgetown relatives j mr and mrs tames moore and family left on tuesday and this mornine for their new bomein hamilton mrr anthony stephenion and krsl james mclam went to bipley last week to attend the f cneril of a relative there 1 i miss lena uorland has been visiii friends here this week her minyjfriei in acton are pleased to have with th again gam aug it couple of weeks ago a man named seigmuud dreyfus crme into this eection he claimed to hail from chicago and according to his own account he was a millionaire he put on consider able etjjs and ingratiated himself with several families in the district amougtt others a respectable family of waterloo named alteman on the 1th inst he pre- railed upon miss altecjtn to accompany his in a drive to gait- when here they stayed for a couple of lours at the queens hotel where dreyfcs procured a lemonade for the young lady into which he had sarreptitouly introduced whiskey on the way home he attempted to take im proper liberties and on being repulsed shamefully illtrcitcd his companion who was finally compelled to escape by jumping from the vehicle while it was in rapid motion today dreyfus was convicted before the county judge of indecent assault and his honour after giwcg the prisoner i severe lecture sentenced him to eighteen months in the central prison kill tiepteoveii a f ieu hi est gnvriait- let aug 2 mickle dymeut 4 sons ko 1 or old mill was completely destroysd by fire last night the men had scarcely that down the sprinklingapphances on the roofiwhen the alarm of fire was givea but although the appliances for pat ting oat fires were quickly at work the mill burned in a few minutes fortunate- ly there was no wind so that the fire was oonfined to the mill and an adjoining store room the loss will be between 12003 andfloooo amount of insurance not known probably jc000 or s7co0 this is the second time this mill has been burned it was completely rebuilt this season and a new engine costing about a thousand dollars hadrbeen in onlv a week iilg fiee at st cathaeixls st cituuniciis aug l the empire and phtenix flour mills- both owned by sylvester xeelcn were destroyed by fire this morning the empire mill was one of the finest aud largest mills in the country and was erected only a few years ao at a cost of nearly 5100000 as nearly a can be judged the total los will be in the neighborhood of 11000 or hm000 bat this only represents the immediate loss on the property orasunjed incidentlly mr neelone extensive interests iu toronto kingston and montreal will buffer and no doubt the ditsracgetneat to mr neelons extensive bairnes will swell the loss op to 200000 or more there was en idsartiioe 61 25x00 on the stone mil and from 1u 000 to hs000 on the remaider of the property iaecel post thaxes importiyi change in the iiarcel pot service will tekeesect oij the ht of sep tember the retcd on parcels posted in canada anil eddrcai to the united kiug- dom or newfonadland will b3 as follows twentyfina cents pr puuud or fraction o a pound for all parts of canada the korthwet territories included except british columbia where the rate will be 35 cents per pound or fraction tins is a most important reductiou on current rates the manitoba britiili columbia and territorial rate is reduced 15 cents per lb the ontario rate 10 cents and the que bec and maritime province rate 5 cents the weight limit is increased from four to five paapds and a customs declaration ched to each parcel is imperative other- je the parcel will not be forwarded it may also be stated that thettmperial post- osce has consented to an arrangement mr j m moore foreman of the- fcti 1 proposed by the dominion authorities by paxil has been prostrated during the past twoweekswith typhoid fever his con- ditan at present is however encouraging misses acsmsta and meggia kicklin jennie and hannah zimmerman and mr briggs kicklin retcmed last week after spending a very pleasant fortnight at grimsby park eev 1 tiit ba of st andrews church berlin who has accepted a call to chsimera church quebec preached his farewell sermons last sabbath to very large congregations ijre adam dickson of barrie arrived on tuesday evening to spend a few weeks with friends in acton the old lady is en joying goodhealth and feelrmore at home in acton than anywhere else mrs e thurteir will spend a few weeks in toronto afjer which she will go to teas- water and reside with her son councillor rrthurfciioftbatpla the removal of mrs thurtcii u very much regretted she has resided in acton for many years and enjoyed the highest esteem of ail if yon want the nobbiest aud best fitt ing saif of clothes in the coanty of haftofl go to w lees wellknown tailor ehop in acton mr leo has now in his employ the best workmen west of toronto and the finest stock in acton to select from and guarantees esliiftciicis every- time which canada can exchange parcels through th medium of the imperial post- bsoe with any country with which the united kingdom at present exchanges the rates being the same as from the united kingdom plus the canadian rates cavadas illlsthated the liimhih lllwtraud for august 17 ad2 is largely devoted to the scenes at wimbledon these engravings are of peculiar interest in view of the fact that the last wimbledon meeting took place this eummer henceforward it will be to bisley that our volunteers must look and go for their prizes the illustrations of the camp ehowing the canadian team nobler various circumstances lady want ages cottars the interior of lieutcol bacons reception tent the high etrcet etc were especially taken for the ijumuilon llltdratffl mi are remarkably good th jotherfestaresof thgtwolastnumbersareup tothecsual highetsndard subscript on f i year bound volvroes for the tivo half years ending with december and jnoelas respectively are now- ready address g je desbarats managing director of the dominion illustrated publishing co 73 st james street montreal village ofacton bylaw no a b ylaw to acquire certain lands fo a public park and drive and to authorize the issue of debentures to the amount of 3000 for the purpose of paying for the same wheiieas it is expedieattad desirable that the corporation of the village of acton enter upon take use and aopuro an estate in fee simple in the lands hereinafter mentioned for the purpose of public tark and drive and whereas the said landstrc the property of william edgar smith whohaji agreed to execute a conveyance thereof in fee simple to tho said corporation which it is expedient to accept and wheueaslho comidention for the said lands to be paid by the said cor poration to the said william edgar smith is the sum of 30oqq0 and whereas for the purposes lfotesatd it is necessary for tho said cor poration to issue its debentures for and to borrow thereon tho sum of f 3000 as here inafter mentioned aud that such debt and the debenture- to be issued therefor should be made payable in twenty years at the furthest from the day on which thit bylaw takes effect and whereas it will require the cor- tain specific sum of jim to be raised an nuatly for the payment of interest during the currency of the said debentures and also the certain specific sum of 9100 to be raised anmally for tho payment of the principal money of the said debenture debt which sums are hereby settled as being sufficient for the purposes aforesaid and in eettliug the eums to be raised annually for the payment of the principal of the debt ft rate of interest on investments has not been estimated at more than five per cent per annum to be capitalized yearly and whereas the total amount to bo raised annually by special rate for pay ment cf the eaid debt of 3000 and inter est is f2uo0 and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of tho municipality of tho village of acton was according to the last revised assessment roll tho sum of s22iio00qo and whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said muni cipality is for principal money the sum of f5jtooo- and whereas no part of sacb but mentioned sum or of the interest lherti is iu arrcar and whereas the bylaw has re ceived the assent of the electors of the said village before the final passing thereof therefore the corporation of tho village of acton by the council thereof year daring the ootitidmnce of the wtd de bentures ar any of hem by a ipecitl ril laffictctil therefor on all the raleabiu prop erty in the id municipality 7 that this bylaw shall fake effect and catac into operation upon the 7th day of october ad 18s3 8 the votes of the electors of the said village hereon shall be taken on tha 20th day of september 10 between tho hours of nino oclock in the forenoon and five oclock iu the afternoon nt the following polling places in the eiid village of acton and by tho following deputy returning officers respectively im pelling subdivision no i at tho town hail by thos t moore deputy returning officer polling subdivision no 2 at the shop of ccspeight by j c itill deputy re turning officer 9 the clerk of tho village council ihall sum up the number of votes given for and against this bylaw on the twentythird day of september isst at the hour of ten oclock in tha forenoon at the town hall in tho said- village 10 the fourteenth day of september 10 at the hour of ten oclock iu the fore- noon at the clerks olico is hereby fixed as the time and pucc for tho appointment of persons to attend at tho various polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk of the said village re spectively on behalf of tho persons inter estod in tho promoting and opposing the passage ofthin bylaw notice take notice that the above i a true copy of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by tho council of this municipality after one month from the first publication in the acton fkce press the date of which firt publication was thursday 29th acgptt19 thomas t moore clerk of the munictpalityof the village of acton dated of acton the 2cth i day of- august 1hs9 i list of tall faies enacts as -follows- 1 repairing promptly carefully and ucatly effected at kenny bros boot shoe store acton 1 an estate in fee simple m the lands described as follows all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premise situate lying and being partly in the u lageof acton and partly in the township of ejlfceing in the countysof haltob and province of ontario and being composed of a part of the north easterly half of lo number twentyeight in the second con cession of the slid township of esqceeing now partly within the limits of said vil ltge which said parcel or tract of land and premises may be more particularly describ- ed as follow that is to sty commencing at a point in the westerly- angle cf lot number twentyfive in william e smiths survey of a subdivision of part of said lot number twentyeight according to a plan of said survey prepared by herbert j bow- man pls the twentyfifth day of octo ber ad i and duly registered ic the registry office fur the county of halton thence north thirtycine degrees west four chains and ten links thence north forty- four degrees forfy minutes east one chain and fifty links more or less to a point where said last mentioned course would intersect aline drawn parallel to and distant six chains and tirtynine link from main etrect in eiid village ol acton thence north fortythree degrees twenty minutes west parallelto main street aforesaid two chains aud seventy links more or less to the southed- high water mark of the acton mill pond thence iu a southwesterly and north easterly direction along the high water mark of baid mill pond till said high water mart intersect the westerly limit of lot a in william e smiths survey of part of said lot twentyeight ac cording to plan aforesaid thence north fortyniue degrees thirtyeight minutes west along tid westerly limit ninety eeven feet more or less to the westerly angle of said lot a thence north fifty- one degrees fifteen minutes east along the north westerly limit of said survey seven hundred and seventyfive feet more or less to the place of beginning also all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the village of acton aforesaid and being composed of village lot number four on the north west eide of lake avenue in wil liam e smiths eurvey of part of lot num ber twentyeight aforesaidjas laid down on said plan prepared by herbert j bowman pls and duly registered in the regiitry office for the county of halton the said two parcels of land containing by admeas urement twelve and oneijuarter acres mire orlets shall be acquired by the eiid cor- porttion of tho village of acton for the pur pose of a public park and drive the con eideration therefor being 3000 and a deed of conveyance thereof from thesaid william edgar smith shall be accepted as a con- veyance to the said corporation of the wid estate in the said lands 2 the said corporation shall pay to the said william edgar smith the sum of 3000 being the oon si deration money aforesaid upon delivery of the said deed of conveyance duly executed 3 a debt of 53000 shall be created for the purposa aforesaid by the said corpora tion aud to raise money therefor the said corporation may and ihall issue and dis pose of its debentures for thesamof 3o0o the proceeds thereof to be applied for the purpose aforesaid which said debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said corporation and shall be signed bv the reeve thereof and countersigned by the treasurer thereof and shall have at tached thereto coupons for the payment of the interest t thit thesaid debentures shall be made payable in sums of not lessthat 100 each jlt the expiration of twenty years from the day this bylaw takes effect at the office of the treasorer of the said village of acton 5 that the said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of 3ve per cent per annum payable halfyearly from the dcte thereof on the thirtieth day ot june and the thirtyfirst day of december in each year at the office of the said treasurer c that for the purpose of forming a sinking fand for the payment of said de- hentures the said specific sum of 9100 and for the purpose- of paying interest upon the said debt the certain specific satn of 15000 making together thesamof 21100 thairbe raised levied andcouected in each the following is a list of fall fairs which have been publiehcd up to this date sec retaries of fairs will oblige us by eending in the names and dates of their shows to this office iu order to add to the list aitos- uvios acton oct k aud provincial landon sept luo 11 industrial toronto sept to 21 guelpli central- ouelph sept 2 j 20 27 midland central kingston august 2 to september 7 eastern townships sherbrooke p q september 3 to central canada ottawa sept to 11 southern branifordj sept 10 to 12 northwestern godcrich sept 17 to hi central hamilton sept 2t to 27 wellesley and essthopc wclltsley sep tember 21 and 23 southgrey durham kept 21 and 23 centre bruce paisley sept 21 to 21 southern counties st thomas sept 21 to 27 great northern colimgwooj sept 23 to 27 xorth brantparis oct 1 and 2 peel brampton oct 1 to i the northern walkertou oct 1 to i north perth stratford oct and i centre wclliugton fergus oct 10 aud 11 eramoss rock wood oct 3 and 1 south waterloo- gait oct 3 audi garafrtta bel wood oct 6 and 0 xow is the time look out for busk the great clearing silo is now in full blast at boiierte tho stock must bo re duced in order to make room for tha fall importations as mr bollert is at present in the old country buying ccods for the fall and winter trade he will visit britain france and germany and select the choicest goods that can oe had iu those markets you know we have alwys had the reputation of keeping nice goods and we intend to uphold it and this fall we expect to place before the public the finest stock of dry goods that was ever before be fore ehown in guelph hence tho reason we are having this great clearing eile which the people are talking eo much about but then on willeay money isoecarce true it is generally scarce at this eeason of the year but you will be surprised at the amount of goods than can be purchased from us fnrntift dollar for instance yuu can buy 10 yds silk for one dollar 20 yds dress goods for one dollar 20 yds brilliant for one dollar 25 yds white muslin for one dollar 20 yds colored muslin for one dollar 20 yds print for one dollar 20 yds cotton for one dollar 20 yds shirting for ono dollar 20 yds embroidery for one dollar 20 pairs gloves for one dollar 100 yds frilling for one dollar 20 yds ribbon for one dollar 20 doc buttons for one dollar 20 handkerchiefs for one dollar 20 pairs good hose for one dollar 25 linen collars for one dollar 1 boys jersey suit for one dollar i parasols for one dollar also great bargains iu the ordered cloth ing department suits made to order from s 50 to 3730 pants to order from 200 up to f 1000 and you just ought to see the nobby suits- fori boys that we are selling for 250 also great value in boat- ng shirts now those are just a few of the many lines we are offering at such a sacrifice tha only way is to tome and see for your self and you will be euro to gt value for your money and be tourteoucly treated we do not make customers feel un comfortable by forcing tbcra v buy what they do not want do not fail to get toum of the many bar gains which we are offering at no 27 low er wyndbam street absolutely no credit e it bollert 27 lower wyndham street gujillii successful buying w l -4-v- a incoeufol dfflikt muit be i mllknokn oae hemocl keep bis uime before tlie public he mnit be up wito ihe his liock out be inch lilt if my one deiira tn irtide its will uy ic ilt cot it sir acjbsre u no km iu laokicf i timet to iceompliih lbil be mult bo knosn u enterpriiiufi reisoaible m prise of recosmjed tte in klecticg coodi icd lut but cot lent be milt ucertliu wbich tre the best mirkes oltlie world for txxk ind bay there i j the mmttfietariuf autrei of the old world ire is every one will ickcoiledcctbe fououiu held led kurce of the dry coodi tride the rait loudon wholeeile home buy their coodi there ted liter on the rtoleiile men ot toronto ind uootreu narchue thein in turn from theie london bouiei no it ill it onee be tppirent tfcit if by icy mtici the cididun retufcr cm irrmre to buy hii itoek from the mmntieturini centre the comcctne rill be ht will be ibie lo not ocly unuencl ice conimporter but to plico before hi euitomen the very liiejt tad freshest ooi designed j theie tdrmlees we ire cow oserinfi our cuitomers the feeueiit of forneirly two monlbi llriiyin bu been vailing the old country minuficlurinr cenlrel ind writes us thit lielhu puced orden for our fill icd winter ppodi it prices whicb wtl cmble cs to convince our customers in the usatl pricticii mincer of the ivmtifes of imparting i in the memtime we ire mrioui to reduce our ttockbcfarc ihe irrivil of our fill goods icd ire ofencs the kve c ocr drew goodi colored silki print etc it prices to cleir i an cisminition of our dl md noca is til thit is needed to con vince the moit sceptic gtbryan coauepii the leading dr goods hoase 93 upper wyndham st successors to j no hogg son kr i i welcome spiring henderson mrks8ico kcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage j a glsnd millinert display where there is on exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see i general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing allin style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambfays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry everybody see- our 100 ladies shoe arid hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit a bargain teas sugars and groceries 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at ioic remember our famous 50c tea henderson ivcrae co read about the bargains also list of new goods itust received -at- the right house hamilton vvrsfi7rw v 1i a lot of nice boa selling off it 6oc refrulir pace will li nous ble of door siiu ind rugs reduced prices odd piirs of piiuted window blinds it reduced pticee a iir7e viriv r2l ln y suk eod l oth housefurnishiugs very lirce umtntoffloofou clotii ind lmeoleurns jajtteceved m newest patterns the reductions mide in price of summer sosits nns de sss thisllise l coniind eximine they blrsu istet goods srssefettit if 1 s l v j1 kw buck setceekewiin cotortd f gccd7n litest shlde ind it virion pnc new victorii white liwn bwisi check sluslins oifovd shirtlngl enriuh nude fa new pitlems new ewluli mide giliteis four biles of russi cruh towellin new towelline very eteip lot ottoseuw itmly 5c per yird new cretonne from 10c very ipeciil line of new cretonnes it j2ic dec virf zi rlt j tvjss i il i one tele of kew ptjern in friuu ew ciafess prinu for mikin cp i ifiufionmef of nw pss of l caruni lice limbrequin md caruin xu enjlish mike of blelcrted bhtn kuow cotton md twe kmkins r member the genome c e corset is ali it in qrey only remnmts of ill clksses of gcodsil binwun prices specid mention u cllled to ihe lirce stock of rubber clolhin for lidies weir just received shown 1rious z to eshid in e3t himilton lag will issj thomas o vatkirisrs fto bbfrtisfmnru 1 00 000 00 rpohlilltvtieurtj 1 tnhlmkr t- it- ca iiiv t im money to loan- jmitivvxulr ariflexticw thrflit ilr li c 1 dtiiriou clrrc lj bll 11 hi k- tltf u iniiiili- ircrr iwj arjl ii ikooxe lilia lumbeji rphok iir i- 1 tlkjorviimlilicc- iiv lock c ii lij ci- 1 r f tokoxto uicciisv lumber and tyink rpkecnicri jlt ciicii- icsbtr ild iz itctin 1- r rl ethet ti ti i in ui j v ficc tj coiir rlvldiuoflbrl lot ajid- ikvelliufor sale h0raijlelll lo j f vmitti dec anijfcr r rrr ijrpoiitaxt j we wizt urco ten a j r-jzi- t rrwcntcsiotticiivc nmcrva u rivc hitetti r iirr m ccc pili wctj eiv yeirrccnt- whit ulcirirrc uitji nock tcrctrtdi l pciiy icav iliotkiiyrcn ilxlcurxv- stlesjietwaxtei 4 rtniieioi4riztd wj ua cwdcj ih ts grta ilviya ujiram aihookiilxmitrvt desirable house jlsd lot for sale that verve lifrakc lc tii rr- iiisf c cfcurcl vrtiacl lj icot lkilca iiuiir i ri rqajr frt crii tzi cciir ptrcujr r jiy tc c t eiiil cu lie tcis czts ubs mcnlfe eight itirliuffl oal for sale sian flanirgmtu cirpenter shop tnd tke ilove jtcin is aces ire ctcnd tile tifi cnbiiry cirrii jiais jtll circular croj- ni tijf jren izi woxl tame liic ttuj h yizct tsirts friz diss tic ne etc xlso t nijcf tuipet- ten toe is will tc tziitr crciiclusnial txl ep4bev ajxlno aas r ucciss comfortaljie dwelling for sale 1 tit inc lerzu fti e ciliz ra vics iicirer atiit two trreyc m3 wni tiiez lliachtd baiil lzi tell kiu ecsteci- cst ia tycry repecari rcsli ir li pe cfte trickclid mliczzc cz ifi tet 9tx30 two nck t kfjr lire- kiicit3cted hard isd lof i irucz iz iha cit terci and rarticslari visi2 kirrr i- ricatioci feee niessorncc- arros ararpbook ti haou stani feruu 1 4m iiax furrxnii safiat suai ir hjlil pst pli ftl bk fejt ktrite at cicc only 25 cents also eveuv villlltticx oi eubbcr aiul metal stamp tingley stswaht ilfg co 10 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