mj42cld ktjuf otw l9oj0qqq low ova and ldtlljit fun ecqciji uwler nmtu uid lit ukwlotte4 pobjfaxtt ni nroacbnitj sg jrjuh terrier te a4 oa lor int f 5eiaity i recbecta il hi 1ex a aped eciicr it tre irtal j tcrntary stating aged t lkhqokenr kjale i jfctl crpeiiier snap e acta- tro offered j surhjjctt tornpiise3 rfl acfci iciat goctut wtirsa planer m quantity el iwi macbiacij 1 ad kjd tqgctijcr or i ucst1i ccasj able dwelliij i fob sale dsilje frame dwttsg ag cce tr storey 35x33 i ttk hani iini soft waicr eosi tpect ind recti far so fc i id iriidenee on msin wrti juxpe kitchen t iz- tie- fcessc urtrjjji made tuorii fbek rhess office aqw ts ilist 186 i i sirrispilkt of the 1ge of acton- ivrr oir eiitos- tehy pltc ihxi i hsre t itftd xd the persons g f cana weticus of tie yoi art rs wpirfcd bv saidtectoi or delivered ci tic- est rajtde art of ail per 1 asseskziear 1 r to role in thatl ai- am lackeaua of theu d- d tx mtidauj eiectiossff i s lis iosti np u ny aso i e for iieeiiccl od cic to tiwifef sudl saas tr acr ochc c i tele sisaeiare csrors corrected i 3fii carqf anist 29 l thos tlidokli in central j j ttbitioijt 25125 t2v t caliie imffi etc- cte e rioric sicsimd other jkicdicl pes tium idas great iiriall ix 9thio21stm a bin mi vfiof- oaey a procwre j maul eirtlmio nlou oi 0 uk isdlwj j close i ajart j7ui ity ifbrfpsfi colpi jest piio la fl time- itiir he irijjiia 1 bf k nif rf jfsji i rcsi tile methodist cfluhce aoton rev q a- otrrord hi phj plkstob vfcoidt llilikaixttloclclbiai pttfor alleortujlylavucd n- n4hcn it the doot i littias rr dwircl tij4j- w h l uoorc goldnd silver watches -rokl-ldifsixbakstleurs- syliupinuroehkar kinjk l44io vt ruidl wcddim lai fastfpmuxt kjost coll tuuii ouilns 81 moaroiwuid ctllcrr iij t oha of rilwr vrf jort orcood ffea a wal wedding lod dinhdly ptrit- geo hynds dealer dt- innlluy sutionmt school boob etc acton ont iljrrtoit fttt tiss ihuksdiy septembers 1889 lliny mdvor logaxs ctlutcd by the evfrtbongmfiil wd alert fire rrtmcportcrr advtrtimroar ttciyaoimtls the nrddin mirket scenic to be ua- jntllj- briiktbifwtclc birnam will uic l crowd la gaclph to4tft o coanc none will ro to the cixcas toronto citibitioo will claim the ufcnlion of the prtfnnoe for qiv ccminc tiro wks the gaeiph herald cotapkiat uiu the ccw grind trank luqba ia thit plicc is the r rnonliu have irritod nd the hilhertoooppuceot oyster is bekianiag to thmtcn tit to the knife 1 iaboat 300 people took adnnue o the c t r- hxrrest eicanion from toronto on toesdir to tisit he kbrtfiwest ur d henderson bti piirchuied the cotttjjeon bower avenae recently owned ind occapiei by mr j e mcgcrnn tf scvig tr sutiou ienl it berlin hu e to gaelph to take ehirge of the coaipmys fuuon there- lbnnipion imposes t license f of j20 npoa pilent medicine and other fakire idling coodf within the limitr ot the town the connty model school opened- at mytoa on monday in charge of mr henry gjiy head teacher of the public scbool a rccor has been carrent lately to the sect that the iarce piano establishment of wm buco gaejptf iaaboat to re mote to one of the sabarbs cf toronto kow thi ls a busy teuoc of the year ythbt the people in the country are busy u the harrest and sairfr the merchant are bosy preparing for the fall and winter trade coi- campbell of kelson sold this wek 10qbndieionewwheatat6oenlfi i bosh on board of can at bl anns tn john duncan ofmilion grain bnyer l meeting of tbe directors of acton union eihjbi iiaa will be held in the town hall on saturday to completearrangemectf lor the bi exhibition to be held hereon the sth and 5u october the season opened for all kinds of wild gkne on mbndxy sportsmen madeordic- try work a secondary matter that day we hire beard of no very full game bags as a rsult of the days tramp the m2toti high school committee tire rbceivad areport from the ftn of education idrerse to the purchase of the sproat dwelling for a high school the committee now talks of building school eermr robertson of toronto occu pied the palpit of knox charcli on sunday bksxdng and evening he preached excel- i icent bermon5 bat considerabiy more imgiiy than the congregafirn k iccaktom- edto hz sticey uai admitted to partce itip dr lucius auict who has been twocjied with dr webster of georgetown for some time- dr auid is a promising young man and comes to actoa highly wcommended ifessrf w h storey sons fine ex hibit of glbves moccasins and saskatch- ewan buffalo robes was shipped to toronto exhibition yesterday it will occupy a thirtyfoot space in a prominent position it the main building tar liw or libcc dr johnson says all would be losers were all to work for u ihey would hare no intellectual im- prorement ail iuteheciaal improveinent tiscf from lefsore all isure arises from one working tor another in england the custom at the shows is for4fae reteriftirian to pass upon the sound ness of each horse entered for competition ud to disqualify those to which he cannot tea clean certificate thus relieving the jpdgetof all the respontibilfy or anxiety on the sonadnessof all contesting horses three of our local sporta had a narrow cape frooi serious injury in tearing the train while in motion at the diamooi gnelph but friday ofie of them lost the rim of his hat under the car wheel an ijlber had his left arm broken a game of kue ball by a team of american girls was she object of their perilous adyentare irv j kow thst the graes weeds and ereo the t pound u to parched and dry it needs but spark from a passing railroad engine to op a blaze in spite of the care of the r3wiy authorities in preparing for such tontingecucsby keeping inflamable mater ial along the track destroyed the fences te been barned irr several places about berearisg the past week i some one makes a note of the fact that the 9 in our date has come to stay ko min or woman now linng will ever date a aocuajent without using a 3 it now itands at the extreme right im kext year it will move op a peg 1800 and there it will stay for ten years it will then move op to the third place 1900 f nd rest there for 100 years the fall millinery openings arc now w order ah over the country in the town and villages the gentler sex awiit with curiosity the arrival of the first pattern bonnet to know wherein it differs town last yearv bonnet and last years bonnet immediately takes on a look which ajcsis last years almanac the poet has sid that there are no birds in last years oetu what becomes of them wnai becomes of last years bonnets h0m glkamin68 which srt llutly of s ufalcbnrsctpr snd alunumunr firojre his arm mr thomst smyth had the- mialorlune one day ia wk to get his left arm broken al thfr rim the frciure was caused through a fall by which the arm was doubled under him dr slawsy reduced the frac ture aud ton is now faking a few weeks hohdaya the ivaaifaba car or sxhibits r manitobas sxbiqcla for toroulo acton and othcrctstcrn fairs was snipped from winnipeg oil mouday the canadiau pa cific will employ four nicn in the east looking after the exhibits in addition to the manitoba government repress a lalivcs this will bo one of uio finest exhibits ever sent out from the korlb west acton yotars list the voters list for lsy u now printed and a copy can be sn la the office of the municipal clerk in the town hall owing to the additions madcunder the manhood franchise act the list makes considerably more than last year ttucruarc 3u names entered of which wt arc those of women there areiiu electors qualified to serve as jurors j a bif tfaitf it tif banucjcr oujtueiday maraing the band of the household troops of the salvation army of torontonnder command of staff capt mchardy arrived in town and spent the day and nilithcrc to the evening a musical festival was held in the barracks under the auspices of the local corps the band has eighteen musicians aud discourses very creditable music areweji eptac oldifiast in a few weeks the macse wuicbtormaay years has been oecapied by the pastors of knox church will be vacated for the new one now building on willow street to c the departure a garden party will be held on tuesday 10th inst under the auspices of the ladies aid an ad mission fee of twentyfife cents will ber charged a good lime is anticipated uailesvtc rxzkdofthe benedicts on tuesday afternoon an interesting ceremony took place at gaelph by which wr w k snyder of toronto a native of acton and miss carrie rspp were joined in holy wedlock rev g rturk of daiia street methodist church performed the ceremouy in the presence of the families of the contracting parties the bridal pair left for their home in toronto the- same evening good wishes are multiplied on all sides foe a happy and prosperous fature st ajbiili birrtst festinj the harvest festival and thanksgiving service in st albans cbarch lomorrow evening premises tobe an occasion of ranch inlercsi lier canon dumoulin of tor onto will preach an appropriate sermon rev g b cooke the pastor and a num ber of the members of the coogregati en have been busilj cngiged dcring the week in decorating the clcrch with grain flowers froit vegctabjcs etc and it will present a very attractive appearance the service will commence at 730 pjn a reivrlss to former residents- the unwelcome intelligence has been re ceived at this ox that iit saturday afternoon the stive and heading factor of messrs mcmackaa eros of highgate formerly of acton was totally destroyed by lire the lass ia heavy and will reach scmething ilikc h000 the etock being partly ccsncficicred and about 5700 worth psefced ready for ehiprncsf the machicarj- wax mostly new a portion of it only being placed in the factory a few weeks ao ithey will probably bzild again at once tne inorance was light and will not begin to cover the loss weddicg sells ttc hamilton tivf ei3s a plcasaat wedding occurcd lisievcnicg at the resi decce of mr samuel atkins ko 23 vic toria avenue when mr chas l yoocg and miss minnie f secord were united for life- the bride was attended by miss lena bedell of winona arid the groomsman was mrt e icack secord of acton the young people left for the east on their wed- tdicg trip jtbey were the recipienta of njtny hiadsdme and vslaable preserits and enter spoc their- new relatiocs with the best wishes of a large circle of friend here the many friends of the young couple in acton unite in hearty congratu lations zrcivssz a successful setsaz the fieiaon just closing has been a most sucessful one for the crescent lacrosse club of this place oar boys were included in the membership of the central district of the lacrosse association and in the series of league garncs played during the season defeated every club with which they con tested except brampton the final game was played fa the park here on saturday afternoon last when the young tcrontos were beaten in fdar stright games in ten twenty nine and one minutes the cres cents are to be complimented upon their success sca will do doubt reach oat boldly nextfieisonto bring the championihip pen nant to actoa neighborhood news funilahnl by corrtdjhuiuruu called from euiiriigvi aud rlrked tip by the way oiunoktovvn a hat veil home festival was held in st george charon yesterday rev g a fomcrpt ma ot hamilton preached au appropriate sermon at 8 pm and the feuval was held on the grounds iti the qvearug the gate rocoipu at mr humea garden party were fjoo we anderstaod that dr aald ii about to remove to acton many of oar citizeui regret hia removal buullwiihhimiaccess j p the worlds fair u likely lo be its old time iqcccss this year the membership is large dr mckaughtoa ii said to have pur- chased what is known ascornocvi old mill property the prise list for the erin ethlbilion is in the hauds of the printer and will be oatin a few days baraicharch is now in the hands of carpenters paialort ocwho will give it a ihoroagh overhauling ihe district meeting of guelph district wili i held in the methodist chnruh here onhe25th and igth insu about thirty mil liters and laymen will be present 1ult0v i serioai aeddent happened to mr this bradley a teamster of this town while loading his waggon at a sand pit the bank caved in burying uim almost completely at first little hopes wore en tertained for bit recover- later accounts were more favorable jcr george ford jrof kelson died very cnexpociedlyousatarday morning he bad becu unwell for some timebat was appar entiy aboat u usual until an hoar or two befdrehis death the funeral took place on monday and was very largely attended the plum crop in town has been very large and prices good- two dollars being the current figure for blaa plama and two fifty to three for larger varieties lvatchbcll mr jqo moaipine kaaaagaweya died usttharsdsyeveniqg and the funeral took place at 130 oclock oa saturday afternoon the rev mr blair coodacted v short service at hc borne a large ooocoorse of sympathizing friends attended the funeral and the remains were interred in the ebenezer cemetery mr mcalptne was in his sslh year and was a native of eilmar hn argylashire scotland he came to canada between 50 and co jtanago selling on the farm now oceapiad by his son andrew where he spent the remainder of his life his wife catharine was also a native of the same place bat preceded him lo the tetter land 26 years ago last may the departed leave behind them two sons and three daughters to mourn their loss the pallbcarers were geo thomas robt erwin jas mennes angus stewart jao itimsay and kicholas korrisb harvest is almost over several farmers have commenced fall seeding and the coming week will find them running on fall time the past week has been exceedingly hot a good rain is much needed s ldfehocsk- kockvtood kews comes to us of the marriage oa the ijth ot aagust at tacoma w territory of mi maggie edmonson formerly cf this place to mr tj c wood foreman of the korthern pacific machine shops mr wood is a native of ibrantfocd oat and is held in high esteem in his western home referring lo the event the tacoma yc says the alert hose company ko 2 and the shop mates of thomas c wood in the korthern pacific machine ahops have purchased a beantifiil eet of table war of solid silver cousisting of a complete set of knives forks and spoons in all twentyfour pieces the case in which they are packed is handsomely covered with old gold plush surmounted with a silver lock it is the intention to present them to mr wood and his bride this evening on their return from portland where they have gone oa their wedding tour mr wood is a general favorite not only in his own company but also in the whole department and the present is but a mark of the esteem in which he is held mx wm kennedy of this place had the end taken off one of his fingers on batar- day morning while on the way to guelph by the door ot a passenger car closing on it just at the train stopped at acton it had to be amputated a little lower down ard mr kennedy will have the misfortune to be minus a joint the rest of his life 0akville pebfeonl mention paratrarhsltfipwtli vliltonto and from actoi with whom frfc proas urnlcri arek rmir leas acuunlutfd mr geo c smyth of berlin io town on tuesday mr and mrs ii butcbart of toiouto viilttd frlendi hers yesterday mils xxtti speight hat been ipcudfng a week with friends at hamilton mr john a henderson of toronto was the gaest of hi father over satidy mr william ramsey left ou monday on i trip to bafmo and glounvilfo k y 1 mlis kate mctaviih of syncoio t the gaest of her aaot mn olivrr latby sr mr fred6rothql the tvkm toronto jid acton friends a short visit this wotki mr j e mcgarvin passed tliroagb acton on taosday en rowfc for winnipeg and the north west mr and mrs joseph pat to a tpoal a week with friends in york and returned home on saturday j miss edith storsy who had been viiiting friends at cousecoo for several weeks ro ta rued home oa monday misses may hay of berlin and mary black of rock wood were the guests of miss mat tfe black over sanday mr ggbackwelllafcof the g t r depot here is doing well in his new office as agent cf the missouri pacific r r at valley park ifo elder thos l fowler m a pastor of the disciples church evertoabaa been appointed and has accepted a protcsaorship fn fairfield college nebraska mr alfred warren who it a guest al cedar creek farm re tamed thence an batarday after spending a couple of weeks very pleasantly with friends at kincardine we are pleased to be able to state that mr j m moore who was so low with ty phoid fever last week hat reached the crisis of the disease and is now slowly re covering last week mr w d brothers of the milton flarma took to himself a partner for life in the person of miss in man one of brassels most estimable yjang ladies the free press- wishes the young coaple jsvery joy and happiness mr e r bollert of gnelph retaraed home from ibe old country list week dahlia st sabbath school of which mr bollert u laperiutendent tendered him a very hearty welcome to which he respond ed in an interesting address dwightl moody the great evangelist has promised to visit london next winter i tt iidvertwenty yean lince mr moody has been iu london and his proposed visit this year has been brought about u a result of the negotiations of the ministerial associ ation with him for the last three orfoor years rev j mcl gardiner cf the first presbyterian charch eramoca made the sad announcement last sabbath that owing to illhealth he waa compelled lo resign his connection with the congregation his physician has ordcied bis removal to a warmer climate u the only means of re storing his health whidi has become quite shattered for nearly two years mr gardiner has been the pastor of this charch and has won the esteem ot the whole congregation by his faithful minis trations powder absolutely pure tliiinotdernotcrvonos a raarvolofpartty ilnastuandwboleaonicnoii mora economical than lbs ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in oom pat lion villi tho multitude otlow teitihort weight alain or pboiphato povden bold only incani hotju luaixo fowdia co 100 vail 8t hx r- the favorite medicine for throat and lung diffi cullies im long becrf ojid milt i ayers cherry puctoral it cores croup whooping jougb uroncliltls ami asthma soothe irrlmtlou of the larynx aud fuuces strengthen the vocal organs allujs iwrcneiw ot the lungs pru vents consumption and even in advaucetl si ages of llut disease rtiievex ctiugliiug and induces sleep- there is io otlirr preparutibu tof us- ennck of the throat andlunga to be coui- ftarecl wuh iljfs remedy my wife had a dit resting couch uiih iait in llie nfde and breait we variivi uiedicinwi bti none did i t iuty guxt until- 1 got a bottle of irclierrt pct oral which has cured a iillfljlkjr mrs ojeu had the i and tlic cuiibii viw relieved by ii of ayir cherry pectoral i no hesitation in recofiiuiendiug this cough medicine iiiwryohc a vi irt robort honon foreman ikwlijfu morrillton ark i have lxeii nfllicled with anthma- for forty j cant lat sprinc i was taken wiili a violent cough wliirli tlireatened i itnuiiiic m j days everj- one pro iioiiitd me iu cnnmrtiou i deter- riicd lo try aver cherry pectoral iu tifu were mapval e was iinmedj- icflv relieved and ioutiitucd io improve iilutireyrefuverldjotlbuliard guilfurd conn git mouths ago i had a severe hem orrhage of the lungs brought on by an ituoaatit cough which deprived me of ilevp and rest i tried various reine- dits lct obtained no relief until i be gnu lo tjifct- avers cherry pectoral a few i ot ties oi thf medicine cured me mrs e ccbufn ij second st lowell mcas for clddrcn afflicted withcolds rfjglts fte throat or croup i do not kmrv ol any remedv which will give more nkcdy nlief than ayers cherry pietoral t have found italso invalu- able in caes tf whooping cough ami love toy ylzi washington street boston mass ayers cherry pectoral tilttlzzn by dr j c ayer co lowell milt eolilldrjriitt rriclultllcj big bargains the faie will wind up business in acton on the 7th sept a sad oerumnee 1 bowiuxvim ang 29 mrs williams idowof the late w h williams former- lyof hampton threw herself oat of the epper window of her dwelling boose on ontario street last erenlng she died to day from the tnjories sustained by the fab bbe waa mostesumable woman bat has been smteriug from severe niness for years cd latterly has been slightly deraugef much ijmpathy ii felt for the family j last thdxsday evening master eddie hnrfon went to the town hill to hear the band boys practice and while thcr fell asleep and was locked in his friends were very aicch alarmed the river was dragged and an aniioas party searched until four oclock in the morning when some one remembered seeing him at band practice on going to the hall eddie was found on one of the benches sleeping as only tired boys can the infant child of charles and sarah rcth died last sunday night sged three months reqaia high mass was celebrated mon day morning in the church of the sacred heart for the repose of the soul of the late james barry rev father larae cele brant kicholas korrisb of kassagaweya his moved to gaelnh a number ot actons yoangpeople pic- niccd on the rocks last thursday afternoon the son cf william smith of eramosa died on sunday of diptheria the canadian household troops band ot the s a give a big bio jv out in the town hall monday evening they certain ly play a shade better than our boys but the girls say they are not as good looking mr fred barnet has gone to massachu setts to college jwith a view of studying for holy orders j doctor and mrs pasmorebf conestcga were in town oc monday miss lizzie jstrachan is spending her holidays here work has twee commenced on the side walk fromst johns square to the school the cosgralulations of he fkee paws are heartily extended lo w e smillfield editor of iberhemrew mercury and nil hap py bride 31ay peace plenty andeverlaatidg happiness be theirs- it is caicalaed that the fires in montana are destroying virgin rest at the rate of 110000 adayj i i- the summer months are past the months when the valleys are covered over with corn when there is the ear and then 1 he fall corn in the ear how im portant it is that we should all consider what growth is advancing in oar saois truly there are leseons to be learned from the different aeasons kow that antumn has dawned upon as the season when the leaves wither and fall and the fruits of the earth are gathered in should we cot think- of the troths that we all do fade as a leaf aud thai whatsoever a man soweth that bhail he also reap last wednesday evening aboat eight oclock a bus load of the merry youth of obr town started down the lake shore for the residence of mr wm leach their in tentions being to hold a surprise party and truly it iras well named that night for the kind host- and hostess were not the only ones who were surprised but every mem- ber of the partr one had anticipated such a delightful time as was spent going and returning the monotony of the ramblmg of the wheels as they rolled along the rough road was every now and then broken by the chorus of song what is more pleasant than to see a number of young folks thas assembled 1 i would ask the fanny people of the sar where fanny town is situated in canada america or across the atlantic 3 how long it takes to get there and what the costs missdavies of gaelph and mr barry mntfio ot winterburne are the the gaests of mr and mrs wm forester of thia town ah our county editors are now united in the holy bonds of matrimony no not all theiw still shines alone bnt we are living in hopes thst some week ia the near faiam it will appear to ehina doubly bright the harvest home given in st jades chorch on thursday afternoon last and the play cinderella given in tbo town hall on the same evening were two grand soa- cessas the receipts amounted to 170 dablvu bakk bobbery at hostfleal moxtbeal aug 20 a sharp obaaaoc cared today between a stranger and three policemen bat the man escaped he is known to bare snatched 95000 from a bank counter in the vicinity of place d armes bat the bank people sad tbe police ref ate to give any farther information if the people of aciort want bargains such as will never be offered them again ihey must come at once as the fair is bound to clear out everything instock and is anxious that everybody in town and country should come and participate in the rare bargains remember the 7fch of september is the last day castor i a for infants and children 0toritahirtdapmloeuuniflutomiarieiira0ilicooailiul noobuneaduummrfortourfirwerfotiaa i sow btomkb tttairtos knutuion tmntou- atajcs i tss pmm ujsftctuqnjblbreoujuht i wjeslijarioojiaalloulai j tm colic c0mp15t ttiliirtaybtmwky headquarters foii scythes snaiths rakes hoes spades shovels forks scythes crind stones najls hinges locks and all building supplies harvest mitts j machine oils paints and oils tube pairrts peuchens prepared paints wall papers 1 j window blinds j i alabastine croceries c sole agent for ii jami caumioa scasciiajh ilalance gravity sah lock and canalc r lien also hlaur- oncci ierfcctfldbiwctaclei j b pearson oar 50c t bl item ill wm look out for bwhsf the great clearing sale 1 do iq full blast at boucrts the nock mult be re duced iu order to make room for tbe fall imporutionbu mr bollert is at present in tbe old country baying coeds for the fall and winter trade ho will visit britain franco und germany ind select the choicest goods that can be bad in those markets yoa know we have ialwsya had the rcputatiou of keeping nice goods and we intend to uphold it and this fall we- expect to place before tbe public the finest atock of dry coeds that waa ever before be fore sliown in gueipb bene the reason we are having this great clearing sale which thp people are talking so moch aboat bat then joa will ray money is so scarce true it is generally scarce c this season of tbe year but joa will be surprised at tbe amount of goods than can be purchased from n fnr nn dollar for instance yuu can buv 10yds siltfor one dollar 20 yds dress goods for one dollar 20 yda brilliant for one dollar 25 yds white maalin for onedollar 20 yds colored myalinrior one dollar 20 yds print forgone dfcjllar 20 yds cotton for onejjollaf 20 vd 6hirting for ani dollar 20 yds embroidery for pne dollar 20 pairs gloves for one dollar 100 yds frilling for one dollar 20 yds ribbon for one dollar sodoz batlous for one dollar 20 handkerchiefs for ooe dollar 20 pairs gdod hose for one dollar 25 linen cojlars for one dollar 1 boys jersey suit for one dollar 1 spatasf la for one dollar also great bargains in the ordered cjoh- ing department suits made to order from s50 to 3750 panu to order lrom 1200 up to 11000 and yoa just ought to see the uobby suite for boys that we are sellinejfor 250 also great valoe iabe4t ngebifts kow those are jast a few of the many line weare offering ataach a aacriflbe the only way is tocomeand seefor yobr- self and you will be sore to get vajne for your money aod becoorticnaly treated we do not makecastomers feel ancomfortabja by forcing them to buy what they do not want i do uo fail to get some of tbe many bar- gains which we are offering avno27 low- er wyndbam street the jeweller of guelph being an issuer of marriage licenses sells a great many engagement and wedding rings- possibly as large as you would find in any store in canada it is worth while lookinganyway ceo d princle watchmaker cuelph i r j absolutely no crebit e r eoi lert i 27 lower wyadcam street guelph 1 dr washington throat and lung surgeon- of toronto spring goods we have secured a large lot of worsted coatings la blue and black at much belor the kegular prices owing io the wholesale market being pver stocked we can jcpply tiiii season good worsted suit for 23 oao 2400 -the- golden lion formfr price 30- oiye us i call shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph speight son acton j a speight manager to lanjull voornow md coly uu1 hotnt in inv ityl it f can miiply yoa iritta ill the furniture required to q or to rcplcbiin your uome if i lettiod one ityle it the rery lowelt prlcee there ti no irtlele o furniture wo cinnot luuply ind lurthor o dellvor our lumltare md you hive no irnnetnff freicbtchircee ind nm no ruk ol broikice fociduitiil undertaking our uiirtyove yon enwriraco in thii bodnoss bis roroltod in conyliictob thsjaullo o tali entire community tblt we apply lrstbuii worktinl nrda ind in ityln vhlcli oompue wltii uioeeof tie city it one hill dtr prieel our hearse ffcelph glasgow i there is no class of goods that afford so much worry uud aunoy- ace in the purcha ing as black silks tia so difficult to judge them and being an expensire dress a lady is naturally cautions about venturing on the purchasing where there is such au element of uncertointy about the wear if you get a good one there is no more aervicable or economical dress but if you are unfortunate enough to get a poor one aud the chances have usually been in favor of the latter it is just so much monsy thrown away iu future wo are going to save our customers all trouble aud risk we have secured a i i flew make of silk every yard of which is guaranteed as to color and wear ifitisootwhat wo tepresent it to be all woaskistbat you return itand wo wyl refuud the money this make i the durable letoffe princes se ask for tbo above brajid or cut it out ot this paperand bring itto i n eicellent one md oorteim uwiye present i becoanjrirtwroc k pl nre in inviting the pnbllc to cin on tu lor anything required in our lufl speight son j d williamson 8c 5 and 7 wyndnam st duelph 84 oivald btglftbgow co dr wtehinctoa bufl been compelled to male fionthly vifiitbto lully supply tbo wiibos ot andreds ol naucnta who availed themaoirea at his euecesalal treatniat hls new tnetfaod la baaed on tbe principle of conveying cold mesl- cated vapor diroct to ih bt of diseaaa thos bringing tho uedicotian in direct contact with tbe disaamd tissoca he does lot claim to eura fcllpatfcntawho consult him bnt he doo claim to curu h maeb iftrgct por ceatage than the general practitioners in general practiee it ia ootau ouro4onabe claim either wbm it is considered that tbo dociwr baa deroted m jeara to tbo endy oiiis aredalty and tmprotsd an all tho new systems wtiicb have been before the aeientinc torld hla treatment haa risen annnj- ior in itawlocta and results w that adopted by tbo most aninenspociaustaevenin new tork u be lias today pationta in that city who bava becu gitou op by scw turks most diitingn taped throat and lnng snrgooos ujd osto been cared by bit treatment tbo namisbf soma ot them faavebooqpnblisbediq this paper oa bcreral occaalons it mult bo remembered that dr waahington wbo has decn devoting ycara to tbo apodal study of throat and lung ulscuea haa today been handsomuly rcwaidid for ais indomitable aud indbtatbjablo pcrwrwrannd could there be a more tangible rvcogcitlou than tha tetti- moniilf published in uiu paicr from tisat co timo the dfl ban bnilt op aa extcnalve prae- tice throninoat ua niiuion exjuulnlngall patieutr poraoually and will be wholly teapon- aiblo to all who bare an occasion to riait aim another fact it la will orallto rcmemubrwim may bo troubled nith any ol tbo following symptoms o caunb tnat in a ttry lam majority of cases it is b lacipient ttfljot con- suaiptlon in tact 90 per cent of all the caaes of consumption have their origin in catatrh erf the head aud throat a few of tho moat pro- minent ivmptona of catarrh will be foond be- low and let those who have scon conitunptldn in its ftrs stages recall the terrible lac iltht aboto is not correct and why so many die of this tcmblo mseoso ia that when hr every thane of treatment to a lucccasf laheljout tho patient negkets tulj today is the golden opportunity val ing in time fcaipus vogit time file craatinatlon ia tbo theft ot time symptoms 9f catarrh susceptibility catch cold ia the head a feeliac of tigbtneae actoo the bridge oltheooet with somctimts pain stuflngof tnanaaal paa sage accumulation of mucus which ts dia- eharged by the nostrils or dtoifc back into tae throat a sense of pain or iieavinwb owr tho eyes often in the back cf tho head and seek sometiniai in tho top of the head at tlmea dualneaav iain in uie cyobails in severe eaaea adalisowsvtlecpr feeling in the bead dwel ling of the note and eyes bouotimea a pro- trvding and distorted apivarance la given to the upper part of tho face a tendency to kneese frvhacutly soujctimca uo accrctiona are oolj lectud together in hard matbci or cbunka which are witb great dimcalty removed fiometimea the mucus membrane is broken and tcaha form which axe dischargodwiu mucus in soma caaet tho socretiois are very cepioua end axo found in tho back of uu head and throat chiefly and very httlo stufflctfot the naaal paa- sage with a onstaut desire to clear the throat hawking or spitting or raising of tough phlegm especially in the morning or after taking a wimidrihk ia other case the amount of phlegm ia very little but it is citremely hmah and eltaowt impossible to remove ayewfactstobeserotoberid 1st tjrwaslilugton is the y lutig buvgooii ih tum itonlnwdmottag tu xfetoliaoftheiaa todtliaadovotediotraireaiife hia ipeci he haa ua jtwibnn in ottawa to mcfct the ever tatawlac demi srh eonuta esatoineawu all mhaftiirhswiuaiaowabualneai hlnand moailbmt character of resiaentaot kowt wddsriul eur wrerie- zorart wfibjaluun a lars aumber an sffniideatheaaine in foil and poad- whsi loads u tu3nmpaoaaudali rtt ojl the btwidi ttswat end louga