Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1889, p. 2

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80rx lxmlln acton on tbeioth fiei the wife of mr gears lamb o a daughter rnuviat st clair mich oa the srd septem ber theife of mr l s dtfiiln of a too ltimati in actoa on ui ah september uvc wife of mr k4rtl matthews ot a ton tusrodl sirrxiuwovou wednesday am amu at nhnce of the bridtiainothtrbtewamawn bv the rev a h drtmtu mr andrtw c sieol of ton to jennie eldest cuochur ot i 4 to ht n4tiv h a bootknl j tact ldvtan t rotcc grraxr- la owrn sound od the th lnrt it the rwidenco ot the brtdola unci by llickev jwholmes edwo kovee to mt j a rteck both ot sank etc marie uicu tutxiriu ovtraixt at the realdenw of mrgeobntchfcrtgueliihoa the th bepu by elder jatnes ktlfioor rev f w flaairh- uianot the diefpw church bowtnaavule to utss martha butebart gatlpk died c rcax onuiouhscpt at ihe rotjdcoce of dr inretmii millau cjidd gladwyn gob- lua wi of the uto dr cobban ud half- brother to mr jimccobbnaon sgxiuji acjust h kt twoodhfll cajcdoa tp elizabeth widow of the late james sharp ajxd m year i m y tje rtoit ftu ttss personal mention i ilracnph re pre una- visit onto and from ac ton vila whom fte prai headers artmcrtorlriiacomlntcd j mr m k co win of toronto vu la town oo monday j mrs j mckuuou of sault st aric li visiting actoa frieuds j hev alex jicksoaot gilt it iffiy oa tuursiitskrteli13er 121389 tiic worlds wheat sapiir i lnufstreevs ot lutvect pablished in in runticucr from 1 1 usaallyf reliable locdoacorresixjcctenl in which ami dis eased the probable import requirement ot shell by eorope foe the twelve months becain sept lit lsf the aggregate h placed at aboat 2so9cp00o basheis u compared with i7g0oo00o bushels within the past year russia tcdii and haacary all hire less to sell bqt the united stale hive more earerjes uccdsiav lhs direc tion probably mein higher prices notes axd co kjtxxts haitoa elecuou irul wm ldjoaroed from jaly 3rd tosept- 3rd bat wb farther wi- joaraed oae time to it is now aid it till be lrd in december village of acton i by no- muitobabs tiibcty coapetiuoa now lad it is sid thit ilready arnagemenu h re been rnide fcr the npid truaporutmn of the cnin crop cf this gcuoo with tbe mouopolv the rejrjir cia bl4ide hu diiippeared the memoriil sttae to the life col wuliims wi5 unveiled list thandiy it port hope by 6r john iliodouild the pnmieriad sir adolphe croa delivered ealogies an the aepirted hero ud t lirge concoaree of people witnessed the anveiline ceremonies rov t ai moore of ewnuton mide acton friend flying vfiil cataetuy- rev kelson mualii of midi preubed in the btptit chorea on bandty evening wh e r balchtxt ot milton spent couple of diyt with actoa fritntu list week mr ah x jcukiq3 bnntford rcffotakgi the feec fuess cifcsll oa iridsy j mrs dr mcgirvinretatoedluttbars diy from listowel vchere she bidbeea visiliok friends j mr a hemstwetocgioxrsviiicl k y imred on mondiy to spend i few diys with friends iiere reeveslorey hisbeca indisposed ill wk ha wis some better is we went to press luc night however mr lather lymin who his been con- 1 fined to his hoase for i month or bo with i lime toot u ible to wslk oat tgiin codsoelor 6uider so well known ill throarh western ontario it lying rery 6erioasly ill ot typhoid fever at fergas mrs john uekee of sinlt st jmsxie mietu formerly ol acton his been the gnest of her sister mrs e matthews this weejt mrs w t smyth and fsoiily relarned from mcskcki oc sltanky after spending levers weeks very pleisiatly with fnsnds there mr and mrs etwin royce of saalt st maria were the guests of actoa friends on friday while passioc throagh oni their wedding toar j hon- g c mckiadiey and missmc- kiadsey returned tram their trip to british colombia miss msggic white and liu kile mcleui also returned this week champion miss clara boomer niece at mrs jolm speight of the choir of lidwood methodist chorch was presented with a set of china dishes and silver knives and forks prior to her removal to berlin mr j w- bengoogh grips clever car- toonut his left toronto for an extended lectoring toar he proposes to give enter tainments at varioosplicec that he along bis roato from the atlantic to the pacific he will be absent until the litter part o kovember a b ylaw to acquire certain lands to a public park and drive and to authorize the issue debentures to the amount of 3006 for the purpose of paying for the same the 16th o october hu been named u the date for holding the great tax exemption conference at toronto grcolirs are now being prepared to be seat oot to th virions mtmicipilities in galirio most of whom have eisniaed their intentioa of sending delegites tmf arming them n this fact- article 2i of the revised eu totes of qnebec reads intoricating hquora shall not at any time be knowinglj sold therein to drnnken persons or to minors nor after the hoar of eight- in the evening to soldiers sailors apprentices or senants known rich by the inister of the hoase by a recent regpiition of the edaatibnil department only the foflowxng will be per mitted to write faraaecoddeiass non pro fessional certineite in 1390 those who hire obtained a uurdeiajpertincato and who mide onehalf of the total p umber of mirks and failed in one or nwre sanjecta tne intialcohol congress which met at paris recently has passed a resolution declaring that the governments of the world ooghtia be asked to place prohxoiuve duties on sicohol xnd exempt tea coffee etc from customs duties the consumption of aico- hoi doubted in france between 1875 and 1b3 these axe 78100 caimjian women in miasachisctis of whom cj82s are engaged 1 in shops factories or in domestic service of these ljfo are in domestic service alone the maritjoe provinces contrihato 23123 and xova scotia alone sends 1537g servant girls while the froviaoe of quebec tends 15917 toroxtos eiinbmox 0xfied on tnesdsytir sir jolm fn prince of ilajre gathering of virftont the eleventh anncaj exhibition of the rndastrial exhibition aisociatioa of tor onto opened oa monday with onosnal it- tractions and an dnnsnilly large nnmlierof visitors the opening iddress was rhide by sir john a micdonajd premier of the doculion and lady mccdonald pressed the electric battoa which set the machinery in motion oar reporter found that although it is fashionable to cay there is nothing new at the exhibition there are thousands of new and attractive exhibits in position and that toronto show never looked its best until the present year among the most attractive exhibits in the main building u that of messrs wjh storey son of ihc canada glove works acton they show a fine assortment i of their hundreds of classes of gloves mitts and moccasins tbe part of their display which is perhaps most attractive is their new saskatchewan buffalo robes and coats and princess baby carriage wraps messers beaxdmore co of this place make an excellent exhibit ot the superior sole leather minnfactcred in their tanneries here under the superintendence of manager mcgrail iuldtltand again uxltntbered the reassembling of the schools and the rush fornev school books his prodaced s- competition in the book trade and a rednc tion of twenty percent oa the price ot read ers tbe cot which commenced in goelph is now in full operation throughout the pro vince it is bird on tbe trade but ptter- families can stand if heil tbe dominion alliance j for the total sapreaipu of the liijuor traffic hold their second annual meeting in the richmond hall jkwiay all parts of the dominion from vaoconwmi halifax will be repre- eented all the pnrtinciajj religious and tercperance organizations hive been inriied to send funf delegates each and most of these hare signified their intentioa of it- tending a number of prominent temper ance speaker will be present oar parliament has set on example in the way of economy thittae hoase of lords ins found it desirable to copy it was de- idded by a committee last session that tbe gentleman usher ot the black rod should have a smaller salary and be deprived of the magnificent apartments now provided for him in the parliament bandings a com- kniitse of the house of lordi dealing with the same useless and ornamental official at westminster has decided that be shall be piii5cxi a year instead of hqfloq as formerly and that he shall be deprived of thchoasebenoiroecapies these be dark days for gen lemen uihers of the black had and the oatlook is not improving who knows black bode may yet be re paired to do something uail this week life postmasters throughout hie cocalry win andef instructions from ottawa veieb all the newspapers mailed from the virions officer and the flajwa- hex very gxd an t hority for stating that tb is is a preliminary step to reimposing post- axe on ijcws papers mailed o sebsenbers acid that sach action will be taken before very long- h the governaient cannot be iodnced to abxtidcutbeir contemplated tax oh the peoples reading matter tbe only rwert for pebbshtrs of week newspapers atieast is ia increase tdc cabscriptura price a good local paperfumibed at one dollar per year must be a loss even now abd if yottsge is cliredlbe rate certainly mutt be iacresscd to a dollar and a half fxoui which sum it should never have been itfdoeedj pablisberssbooidtirepsreforihe change and mke it a general one if the postage ia again imposed- dandas jjumkr ur cocjtfr again unseated intbu tutaiie oastltoenrj- toeosro sept- 10 judge falcoabridge thw njorning give judgement at tbe court house on the hiidimand election case after referring at considerable length to the evidence he decided that the election was voided through corrupt practises jot agents but without knowledge or consent ot respondent tbe ijoestiou of costs is left in abeyance referring to tbe question of agency his lordship in conclusion said the evi dence of agency relied on by the petiton- er is that haslett has always been a re former nas been active for two elections that he wis scrutineer at the polls add that he attended an important committee meeting no one of these elements is perhaps sufficient of itself to constitute haslett an agent but all taken together with the recognition confined on him by his social chief mr boble in view of the state of affairs as regards organisation which i have above alluded to constrain me to hold him to have been ah agent of the candidate i therefore find that james haslett aa agent of the respondeat com- milled the corrupt practice chirgedv with out the knowledge or consent of the re spondent jack the kippeit agaiv another wtiiteeliaiiel warder xo clue la the ltardtrcr pifyoa want the nobbiest and best fitt- iufr suit of clothes in tbe county of hilton go to w lees wellknown tailor shop in actotr jtrjjee has now in bis employ if you wnv totecore a fimcjms boot thebeat workmen ved of toronto and the or shoe mode to order oat of nood material finest ktock inxctonto select from arid and by reliable workmed go to kenny gajifanteesjaiisfaction eyeryume bros boot k shoe store acton vmos eng sept loat sjq oclock this morning apoliceraan found the body of a fillen woman lying at the corner of tht railway arch on castle street whitechapel an examination of the remains showed that the head and arms had been cut os and carried away the stomach ripped open and the intestines lying on the groond a cordon of police instantly sorroandei the spot bat no arrests have been made up to this hour 8 am the physicians who examined the body state in their opinion the murder occurcd an hour previous tbe mauncr in which tbe limbs were severed shows that the mur derer was possessed of somesargical skill the woman was about 30 years old the most intense excitement again prevails in whiiehapel liiviewr ot tbe many accidents which weekly take place we are not sarprtsed that ten tbouued american railroad brake meii have memorialized the iriter-statecomaiis- the to take each action as shall lead to tbe adoption of automatic coaplers and brakes on freight car turoughoat the country in order that lue terrible slaughter of hrake- njenoa the railroad every year may bo largely diminished such accidents arc as numeroas in canada as in the states and lt is hbth time that parliament passed a law for securing the feater safety ot this hard wockim cm of railway employees whereas it is expedient and desirable that the corporation of the village of acton enter upon take use and acqoir an estate in fee simple ia the- liuds hereinafter rnentioood for the purpose of a public park and drive akd whereas the slid lands are the property of william edgar smith who has agreed to execute a conveyance thereof in foe simple to tbe said corporation which ttts expedient to accept akd whereas the consideration for the said lands to be paid by the said cor poration to the said william edgar smith is the sum of 300000 akd whereas for the purposes aforesaid itjs necessary for ho said cor- ponlioa to issao its debentures for and to borrow thereon the bum of t1000 u here inafter mentioned and that sdeh debt and the debenture to be issued therefor should be made payable in twenty years at the furthest from the day on which this bylaw takes effect akd whereas it will requira the cer tain specific sum of f 150 to be nisea an naally for the payment of interest daring the currency ot the said debentures and also the certain specific sam of 19100 to be raised aniittally for the payment of the principal money of the said debenture debt which sami ire hereby settled as being sufficient far the purposes aforesaid and in settling the sums to be raised annually for the payment ot the principal ot the debt a rite ot interest on investments has not been estimated it more than five per cent per annum to be capitalised yearly akd whereas the total amount to be raised aniiaajly by special rate for pay meal of the said debt of fs000 sod inter est is j il i 00 akd whereas the amount of the whole rateable propertyof themaaicipahty of the village of acton was according to xhe last revised assessment l tum ot 239xx00 akd whereas the amount ot the existing debenture debt of the said mani- cipality is for principal money the sum of 5i00q akd whereas no part of such but mentioned sum or of the interest thereou is in arreir akd whereas the bylaw hai re ceived the assent of the electors of the said village before the final pasaing thereof therefore the corporation of the village of acton fay the council thereof enacts as follows 1 aji estate m fee simple in tht lands described a follows all and singular that certain pirtel or tract of land and premises sit aife lytag and being partly ia the xil- lage of acton and partly in the township of esquesingin the county of halton and province of ontario and being composed of a part of the korth easterly half of tot cumber twentyeight in the second con cession of the said township of esquesing nowpartlywithin the limits of said vil uge which said parcel or tract ot land and premises may be more particularly describ ed as followf that is to say commencing t a point in the westerly angle of lot number twentyfive in william e smiths survey of a subdivision of part of said lot number twentyeight according to a plan of said eurvey prepared by herbert j bow- man pls the twentyfifth day of octo ber ajj 1s7 and duly registered in the registry office for the county of halton thence korth thirtynine degree west four chains and tea links thence korth forty four degrees forty minutes east one chain and fifty links more or less to a point when said last mentioned coarse woaldfafersect a hue drawn parallel to and distant six chains acd sixtynine links from rmain street in said village ot acton thence korth fortythree degrees twenty minutes west parallel to main street aforesaid two chains and seventy links more or less to the southerly high water mark ot the acton mill pond thence in a soath westerly and korth easterly direction along the high water marfcof said mill ppnd till said nigh waleq marfc intersects the westerly limit of lot a in william e smiths scrveyot part of said lot twentyeight ac cording to plan aforesaid thence kotth fortynine degrees thirtyeight minutes west along said westerly limit ninety- geven feet more or leas to the westerly angle of said lot a thence korth fifty- one degrees fifteen minutes east along the korth westerly limit of said surrey seven hundred acd seventyfive feet more or i to the place of beginning also all i and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate- lying and being in the village of acton aforesaid and being composed of village lot number four cm the korth west side of lake avenue ia wil liam e smiths survey of part of lotrnum- bertwentyeightaforeaaidjaslaid down on said plan prepared by herbert j bowman pls and duly registered in the registry office for the coaufy of halton the said two parcels of land containing by admeas urement twelve and onequarter acres more or less shall be acquired by the said cor poration of the village of actoa for the par- pose of i public firfc and drive the can- sidertiou therefor being 13000 sad a deed of conveyance thereof frqm the said william edgar smith shall be accepted as a con veyance to the said corporation of the said estate in the said lands 2 the said corporation shall pay to the said william edgar smith the- sum of 3000 being the coasideration money aforesaid open delivery of the said deed of conveyance duly executed 3 a debt of 13000 shall be created for the purpose aforesaid by the said corpora tion and to raise money therefor the said corporation may and shall issue and dis pose of its debentures for the sam of 13000 1 the proceeds thereof to be applied for the purpose aforesaid which said debentures sball besealwl with the corporate seal of the said corporation and shall be signed j by the reeve thereof and countersigned by the treasurer thereof and shtll hare at tached thereto coupons for the payment of the interest i l tbattthe said debentures shall be nade payable in sums of not leas that 100 each at tbe expiration of twenty years from the day this bylaw takes effect at the office of xbe treasurer of tbo said village of actoa i o that the said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable halfyearly from the dse thereof ou the thirtieth day of jane and tbe thirtyfirst day ofdeoember to each year at the office of the said treasurer g that for the parpose of forming sinking fund for the payment of said db- beotures the said specific sam of f 0100 lad for tbe purpose of paying interest upon the said debt the certain specific sum of 112000 mikiug together tbosam of 121100 uhallbe raised levied nd collected la each year during the oonudoarim of tbo said d- beutores or any of them by a special rate ufflobjnt tharwfor oa all um rateibid prop- arty in the laid municipality 7 that thti bylaw ball take effect and come into operation upon the 7th day of october ad 185d 8 the votes of the electors of tbe said volagl hereon shall be taken on the soth day of september- 18s0 between tbo boon ot kine oclock in the forenoon aud five oclock in the afternoon at the following polling places in the said village ot acton and by the following deputy rearnlng officers respectively polling subdivision ko 1 it the town hall by thoe t moore deputy returning officer polling ttbdivisiou ko 2 at the shop of ccspeight by j c hill deputy re turning officer 0 the clerk of the village council shall sum up the number ot votes given or and agalnitthis bylaw on the tienlythird day of september 1889 at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon at the town hall tn the said village 10 the fourteenth day of september 1889 at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noon at the clerks offioojs hereby- fixed u the time and place for tbe appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final lamming op of the votes by the clerk of the said village re spectively on behalf of the persons inter- ested in the promoting and opposing the passage- ot this bylaw vsotice take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by tbe council of this municipality after one month from the first publication in tbe acton fafci puns the date of which fimt publication was thursday wlh august 1689 thomas t moore clerk of the municipality of the village of acton dated at actoa the 26th i dayof august 1ss0 ustofkallfairs the following is a list of fall fairs which have been pa bin bed ap to this dale sec retaries of fairs will oblige as by sending ia the names aad dates ot heir shows to this office in order to add to the list aciox 0xiov actoa oct 6 and 9 provincial london septj to if- industrial toronto sept 9 to 21 guelph central goelph sept 2j2c 27 midland central kingston august 23 to september 7 eastern townahipc sherbrccke v cj september 3 to 5 central canada ottawa- sept 9 to u southern brinlford bop 1 10 to 12 korth western goderich sept itto 19 central hamilton sept 23 to 27 wellesley and eaathope wellealcy sep tember 2i and 25 south grey darhim sept 21 and 2o centre bruce paisley sept u to 2g southern coaniies st thomas sept u o 27 korth caioa onngeville september 2j iad2d- greit kortheru colliogwood sept 2i to 27 esqaesing georgetown sept 2gind27 korth waterloo berlin sept 2g and 27 korth brant paris oct i and 2i peel enrapton oct i to 3 the korthern walkertoa oct 1 to l korth perth stratford oct 3 and i eramosa rockwood oct 3 and i soath waterloo gilt ocu8 audi garafraxi bel wood ocl 6 and 9 centre wellidgtoa fergus oct 10 aad hilton coanly miltoa oct 10 and ll il j kassagaweya brookville october it and 15 erinerin village oct ig and 17 the cexttri xagixcxe j mrfraakk stockton has written anew and characteristic story called the merry chancer it will begin in the november oaftrry and run throagh four bombers tbe story takes its name from a vessel which started from a maasachasetts port oo a peculiar cruise the owners a ynanc married couple ire on board and tbe vessel is manned by foar village captains of an- osail experience mr dana gibson will illustrate it the koveraber g uter is also to contiin a new story by mark twain tha several persons who are to alteud at the various polling places and at the final lamming up ot the votes oa behalf of the persons interested in tbe promoting and opposing the passage ot tbe park bylaw will be appointed at the town hill en sat urday morning at ten oclock t the secret of baccesh ia certain lines of advertising is to catch the drift of public necessity at the proper time and then to to make yoar announcement that yoa poss ess something with which to fill the loag- felt want 1our advertiiemeut mast ocfivey its information to the reader in tha simplest and most direct form and this is accomplished most effectively through the colomns of the paper read by your custom ers uvzlvk hlkkus fl0tttkoiier kloortstouel whuclswfou 6cottvbat democrat wticat snrinc wheat saw wheat bran barley oat bva peas harold hr now straw wood per cord eggs ier down batter dairy packod batter rolls zt cheese potatoos per big apples pork lambskins pelts bcrvimbcr lhhito9 2 5d tosts 2 d to j 65 0 w loo w o w co a so o loom 0 91 too k cfhj toom ii 00 to ii 00 a sa to o is 0 cta 0 30 j u to 0 00 0 m to 0 sj 10 00 toll 00 8 00 to ff 00 3 oj to 00- 00 to 50 0 11 to 0 u ok to 0 16 0 h to 0 is 0 11 w 0 li 0 60 to 0 to 0 i0 to 0 t5 615 to 0 ts to 150 hill 0 t3 to 0 40 turnii r 0 08 to 0 10 eucntlgkirfwluaiyt fill is lid vernon aid itflftr ilu aetiai ti flrut cstirtl tot ui syi lotmr tbi offirfvet aftsti vaawl ml flit warn lautrc cot 110 ra jnm tststtt on he larcest scale works- in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales imffloyed oth7 hohey drawers meatcltippjrs ud butoneis slimiet aprtxil tx ruil write a eroi c wilson a son 6 o esplanade 6trcet east torontcont ucntion laif paper err dm you ifrile f our fall stock henderson mrhe 5t co hcton thank their many friends jfor past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage a ckralstd assortment of goods general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable termsr dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing allun style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry arid hemp boots and shoes tofit and suit everybody see our roo ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at rojc remember bur famous joe tiea henderson mcrae co successful buying ikl 4c a succeeafol dealer most be a wellknown one he must keep his name before the public he most be ap with the times his stock most be each that if any one desires an article she will say li its not at mr aijthere is no aae in looking i to accomplish this he most be known as enterprising reasonable in price of recognised taste in lelectiaf goods aad last bat not least he jnisi aacerufn which are the best markets of the world for goods and buy then j the manufacturing centres of the old world are u every oae will acknowledge the fountain head and source of the dry goods trade the great london wholesale houses bay their goods there and later on the wholesale men of toronto and montreal purchase theirs ia tarn from these london bouses kow it will at once be apparent that if by any means the canadian retailor can arrange to boy his stock from the manufacturing centres the consequence will be he will be able to cot only undersell tbe nonimporter bat to place before his customers the very latest and freshest goods designed these advantages we are now offering oar customers the benefit of for aearly two months mr ryan has beenviaitinj tbe old country manufacturing centres and writes as that he has placed orders for our fall and winter goods at prices which will enable as to convince oar tustofflflrs in the atual practical manner of the advantages of importing in tbe meantime we are anxious to redoce oar stock before the arrival of oar fall goods aad are ofiehng the balance of oar dress goods colored flilks prints etc it prices to clear aa examination of oar goods aad pricee it all that il needed to ooa- viace the most sceptical gcbry an cfe co augiph the leading dr goods hoase 93 upper wyndhamst successors to jno hogg sorr i gbrand display of few gboode at- the right house hamilton come and see them an immdmttok of new vtil uti winter good crpeu hoamfarnfobiogi and uillioiry hu been ncetreo od u notr retdy for wit tt til right howe 46 pwkigu opened np tlill week miking t total of over 1m moktjpo tjremdy teoeired tbli muon ind ft tliii 1 onlj a little orer onehalf of tbe enormom stock required tbli aatnmn and winter for tne trade of the right honee golns direci toibe manafaotdren andbojiofr in large qoantitiee pacing cash down oo tbe spot for these ajoods eoables watuns toivs his enstomentbe eztra rood nine in all goods sold at his establishment a magoinnt assortment of irish and sootolittads bonshotd linen goods jam received including towelling table linens bleached and unbleached towels doyliea table napkins diaper linen frontinss the mantle- department is showing an extensive terlety of fanoy dlsterings plain cloths lu black and colored brocaded cloths fancy and plain aslracan also bealettea splendid valoe elegant new ploih velor mantlingl in hlaok and seal brown these are correct goods for stylish garments in this department ts also to be seen an assortment ol new mantles short and long lengths also baglaos ealetots and circulars elegant designs in brcoba velieta a large variety of prices and qualities in colored and black flnshes a special line of colored flushes only too per yard new silk velvet and velveteens a large assortment of dress goods comprising bilk warp henriettas in leading la leading shades tin mack allwool frankfort cloths fonle serges allwool cashmeres fancy plaids tun fancvoneoks and bordered and embroidred dress robes one of the choicest varieties ot dress and manue trimmings ever imported into canada beaotifnl bilk fringes sectional trimming osloons gimps ornaments fonraven epaulettes see the new ice curtains from 75o to hi per pair newest styles of chenille and fancy makes of portiere cortalna table covert table souk drapery fringes curtain holders tod other honsefurniahings ii tbe uilliotry department sre to be seen new shapes for fall wear shown in velvet straw and fek a large assortment of carpets including brussels tapestry and xtidderminiater in new patterns have arrived carpet 8weeprrs coroioe poles fainted window shades etc manlleinatang and hiliinerv depart ments ready to reoefve orders remember to enter the store east of tftaotrpet window aa many make mistakes and do not get into tbe right hoor look on the windows for tbe name x i htmilton sept i llli 1r80 tholffa watk jtsts fltto mbtttistmmi w000000 rpo loin il fire and fiveand a til r uclzix 4 virlt garrifeab money te l fewthmsmuollifiontna pni i lumbek v boo tt mill u no rimmi jsr toct of all kind o lumber us m p msr sik if bad ihero rau iokosto lime cqhuxril tll lumber and shinalflg the nrfdersifined bare on hand ttlli jl- at itacboum aiom mt isns lombtr and ire prepared u mpplj laitmnvi others with n qoantily of luokr ffk other baildincs st reaioiublo itites a rts2- pine aad cedar tluitglc u alo 4a hasd tavl0i1di0the impobtaxt ha vixg done basin cj in canafcrr ranmr jrpauuou uid rcspomibliityii msssl cd c wiut three men m yoor rlcuajtraii present osio whom eicjuairo tenitarr ffl u i given handboiue ootflt- fr- baurr peiues imtd weekly steady cmtfofmmt ulv year round nnto ds ti once tor tertni nsr stockier canada a ipfjciahj- niay hlictfuekskinvrvbicj ltochcbtcrs i jfaitti 1 ba eta agenerl jnlen ndticeon septjw walifl chains salesmen wanted arenuanect xwitioa ctianateed with ukr and r cipeoc paid no txpaian ueedcxl with ha great advantage johftmetl j fast klliag apecialtic outfit tree triu quick and set clioicv ol umtory tiiii khookerkocb3efh for sale y steam planing miu carpentet shop a dwelling i- i 1 the alknirvniiscs fn adon are oflendlor aaje the wtcbintry comprisrf plaiha and mooiding tnabihe goajlifd co galtjctrcalar crosscm aadig taws ircn mj wood turnip uuio wiui mi plaoer kttiitt grinding ione etc also a qulntlty of caipo tentoou will bcujm together ormachinm zj tools leparatcly- applrto comfortable dwelling wben tpl tntsdnm poft sale ltbat toe ni dooblo frinfp dhin-oo- west bowrr atcrmc ito storeys 3ss3b titi kitchen attached bard uid toft waler ttorett ent in every rctcxt and rcnu ittrsjlpa menth 1 the brickclad residence on uais ttnet 30x30 tiro itprcv with larzo kiwbca attsdied hard and soft wattta the house terms and particalars made kaows npim ap plication at i ifeee ritess orncil i a- voters listj for the maniciriality of iho vttjtjage of actolj cotxty of haltosi- noticf is hereby given thailbave trsbaiis- ted or delivered to the persons mentfcaml ia the third sad oarth sections at tha yobwj list act the copiet reouired byiaid sectibh be so tranimitted or delivered of the liattouitt pariuant to said act of all perotmbanptariajbr the last kerned assessment jloli of tbo atia utmicipalitr to be entitled to ote in tiwr jta cipalitt at elections forilembers ot thalaepda- uve assembly and at honieidal zleetiom aad that said list was first posted ap at my officer acton on the twentyninth day of asgnstmml and remain there for inspection electors are called npon to examine said lift and if any omission or any other emnan foand therein to taie immediate procmdisp to have tha said errors corrected aooordiif t law dated at aton this sfce day of aoeust j j thoitkoobli itliinlcrjvlcbix guelph central exhibitipn mul be held on vt eibibuwn grounds ia tho t i cit of glfelph -0- 1 wednesday thursday friday r sept 25 25 dc 27i- imie will be given fir stoclc jrtidiaxtflje wort fine ana cowu do lta eu l speodinc in theiorsc kidj actouicr albaf uon rill k providod for further particular o ptiic lislawbjea may be had on application to the secretary a whitela y l ilvckezie presideut sccreurj jli con 7eifil county i the week in oil anhonno wbi ares canadas great- industrial ffelr pis li agricultora exposition of 1889 toronto 8ept9thto2tst incroased prises greaur attret2 and tju grander display than ever before newest best special feature that money can procure the greatest annual rntfrtatnmeut on tbe ameriran continent f r cheap excursions on ajl tije kihwaji overa00o viiitors altcnlt i- the liijustrlai exhibition lastyctr entrka close august 17th- for prize lists and forms rrosramme te dropapoat card to hjhilb jj wfthkow lras uaiiascr toaosro fo ctthei last babies agents wanted history of britm coloibdlr from uid- earliest period to the jwosont umo- lf ulliiuit how ilacan now ready complete in rfuu yclanic with uonal tnapa plan aa aidi a book full c itartlinff incideata nw thrilliui riaance a tnatehlessworkbj an authar cf fx ifpatr andualao the only history of this rfnaa taut l j everywhere th inenw artja canstd oy llil volume u pldl aiijcj ap wuhtotaiife sot and enterprising atueniiioaro mf ire heir home ihev all want u kao historjof theoountryas weil as their f andlbom who have buidc3a conaiectjo them who do not go there here is anwi aa large aa ue united bum and tbia till moat ever conrfutule the fpuudauoa of l tmy prom 5 to 20 a day can be made by agents ovr rv one of thfi jjo dreda of thoutaiidi of ytnim interested in ats countrr and in tbo njorviof tbo world o irt with another will bay tha book hj wholly onbiaaed and thonsh full of surtliikd- taila it is thoronghly joad tracucau w pbilofophicaj l gcearwtworkcrsdcfeiribglrritqch apply immediately ajid id ordtr to secare i alauymudlforcampietecanveasip60tt- ftwandammeiaoimcternior- extra uwj- terms guarao teed no exiwrieuccorcnibue qatredasthe hook rih srj itself ttv oteaantcdandwofiirour ajciits tiifjlt lime la which to deliver and collet addrcis the history co 723 marirets ban rraaolsco jal la isjp held fi hu lli eonb 4 gb

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