Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1889, p. 3

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rt a i l2 rmbeli jlnalteaa l i 1 ssvfs i and shinies- j tijl narm iem i h ixualysss tivloslejtuees luknxl jlr sala ppamtedi 1 tr auu ape iiiuiciiirxii kii capcicr stop aat i aoi art- cira it at ict-f- 1 fc pujj tc nazv cwuv j cot s ax htm jjjj iaar uito fv c mleiiwelliusk ros siis i- r o rt i eas ii v tent caotaii- ui rcu z in on lart lltlca aicittl rs ri uv cra ajy sstna5 onicz actsk list 188 e of acton iz tbii i bivc trxnsiini- tt pcrsccs tutiaacd i tvirti lj- said wdica te ijtrkii c the list j i is posted cj n cr effif aa lrvanti dar c- agaa life xl ts turr aid lt ici or azy kier er3s i ilc 1 iiv arltkj teo t uoqee h central ibition a f i guelph itbhrsifay friday iiv jc r xnrcart- i cixzie jas great- istrial qposifiooofib89 onto 9th to 21st iw- aiirar 1st special features fcey caji procure ij ltruirai 3 ll a- oa ai ii iia 352 ii- 17jl i tjffiketiiqdistcsukcil acton j i bt7 g a a jfroittl it jl 2hj i rtro tctfcilotractic rsllr pni i tin tal 6w scuidtr pcrtcr vllcwpiiiy tutttcd prtngpn icd riwtirt 1 art 55 lrclcoiac al taut bihwt it u door if iltlittc ire dsl iftly lo k t uoott bank of hamilton head office v hamilton igeoegetowkaenct tvtxg s rk dkl deposils nxciroi o u ud optirdi icri il lowed it current rttcs colioi cc tiihdnwcl kairod ko scrskxhi u m watsok aciit gold aftd silver watches ifoi limns axdcnxtlfuks yet ia ir hrotchc i ux iiiy idic ciif wejsii at rnvuivt liicjt ccff tkia ciuiv scijc ilosniiiy isd jcuclkrv il set use c irulvcr win jtiii otai rtta tvs vit wcdiicc iad birthiiv pre- kafreui all i geo hynds r uealekiv jtcerj- sadonsrr school boots elc acton ont nroksuiv skrrtiuiior 12 isj jlov fflxofi locals cililct lj tli crcrtlioalitfal md alert i frtt pr nottcr pi tee i brftfsh gofunibia uim- j lii ji a j 1 ltf4tif i f brntl- tk tiu roam 6 agg7 let htn fisjl uc uazidsnoa oi lo to 20 a day f i j droo ts i an iconto kioi l feo oci am ait iwauac t ci hlxck jcirrelj tre plentiful fcoictj coaal met qq tcesdiy evciitaca caiiidilcs ire ttteuiius liie ccatv itodel school tbe ptrk election will iit iet froct torn arru c orurnuc tod esiaesin jgws trc tzsoaccod forlbe siine days ntbea tie barber uifcs mach his ttoriefi ire jecerihy iucstnied with cuts the cextnicctigjo ksqcesin towu- ibip cccccil will be held on socdty 7th eihtyxe tickets were said tt the g x here en thcrsdij- to birauin isitcrs it gsfilgh w0g5 is xts4iweyx coaaals dis- basement it hsx eitiin for eheeg killed tyfcs st laais diilies hive beaa received tt this ossefroni hx g g bactwell cf ifalirt fta tee inicstriil exhibition tt torocto tad the eroviiicitl exhihttion itloados beiaonsfcof- li yoi ai t ttatemect o tccotmt ea- dased 12 this piper fcindly ffive ifyaar pnmpt tttection if yaz wix s cood bcnes tdvertise tni eisis it il yos hire cood taxiness idttrtise tud keep it rcwr f iqjw wee paid by the township coascil it its but meeting cor eheep killed ty dogs in esqcesicg- there ire redaoed ntes to toronto thy wot iad cext the exhibition tikes the crowds o jhe city a piccic ender thetaipices ot the jil tesplirs of- tempertnee is to be in croit b the neir f ctare st ilbxas saiiiiy stkool picnic iu be held this aftercoon in willtces ffme en tiie second line c-ft- eh allz trd corps o isisunt pent yestcrdxy m patliar the armory and stapes ocmpmy ko c in good order ttecewfill tc noes cement of iere wifclii i cogeargtown appears ia iaothj eoataec it is wortha reading ki il f eppearics on th oracle rihe toten list the entire list has been ap- ftcsd tcist stoajiville is in the same facl ketsccs were pst into the ixjilcrs in bctrdmoree sole leather unnery but siiorday eight and sunday by goldie t ltccauochvcdt foa of the bees and ne of ihe tpar rfthe fctcre were baptized in kcaicharch lyeev j w eae od sanday morulas itst thev were til very wellbehaved hiies- while attempting to calch a horse in biff yirf on eaicrday kr harry jeans wis fcieted by the animal in the brast i rib fpgnteed and ijarry has felt pretty tore ever tinoe bcfiiness men or other in cead of ptiatin for exhibition week bnoald icsse their orders early the fece peees has ia editable uces of fcutionerymd cards for the occasion he john crowe has resigned the town sonstatleihip and overseer oc the streets adfciewalke win to the areas held it the town council meeting on slosday erc5ng hijioa choupvt iaon uniineiiobitoa htsantttrtctive bthogrtphed poster ahnoancing he show ca the jnad5hqc october the secre tary as sending themaat this week the prik lists are cat of the printers hands aewdminyc the mall faoyi aniioaj fi a sqciot at tomething pertaiciic to eircna sat on the fence in the early dawn iftttharediy mornin- at the railway and w the three trains of the crest show fiq 4 i tneracrp of her dr gifford to hit pfptt md pastoral wort u ippreciated hufcermozsxn the two kandxys fiace he uteris iiome have bee a nnuaally earnest d icierfcitiurt thiiiparticolariyappi ctbe to lis ecrmou last sacdsy evening the titrective tbrec theei triaolm pwer cf the kortliern exbibttiou to be wdtt vtillrerton from at lo hh october ii been received at this office it wai ccted in the tehvzpt job rooms and tit hacg letide posters of the hi city hibitioae very creditably meareteter acd james gibbons bare received 100 for repairs to the second line from the township cocncil kathatt reds received 6j3 for work on the same kfie lower dawn john eyder was paid fui25 for a piece of work on the third lice lre j sfeisrt j p wordeuand e lt 2mcrman who went to portage fci prairie ifinjaet spring have had an eicel- jkjt season work at uthiag and phuteficj they have had several large and profiuble contracu xhey iuteod to relarn borne be fore cold weatlir seu in bepirio2 promptly carefally and butiy effected at kenny bros boot bboe ftore acton home gleakikus wulru atv jlotuy f a lol ciiarjutet and auutcttiun ajurafccuur or quarter let every reader oe this per inferm ctcry nouabscribcr he knows that the tmi ruvs can be hid from cow lo the cud of the year for ccaul send in the uimcs 1 horv baasrs 1 c b ujajo mr iamct matthewi returiiod froai ha international expothioo l baffalo yecter- day with sco pria money won on his well- knowu span on eihlwlion there ha secured second prix tn the roadster das ilr robert gibboos who hu ciiitrc ot the boric will tetarn on friday jui rotinr oace tpoa a timt bndlh at barnams circus at goelph last thadsykcver too old foe the circus eh brown brawn i dont care anything about it myself bat somebody had to come with the boy smith is that yoar boy browu vtdl erno my boy was taken ick at the lui moxcal poor little chip and so i orccfiht cp a neighbors ah ma wcwcreiil joang cucc emith actos exljuticas spccixl prires the donations by our citireas and a uiira- bcrof oliuiders who take an interest in the succeis of actou union exhibiton are this ycxr considerably in excess of the very at- tractiie etjcdil list otlastycar h addition tocihtaarstiirircs civcii ociillj for the ccncral hit the f lis embraces same crtyiuifceluutocs items fur whfch lare aad attraciivo prizes are offer ed the tjicciau xmouul to over xo evcrjlhtnc pouts to a escccstful e and if it u favoftj with good weather the attendance will no doubt ticcojtltatof last year the old itzzsc socixl the social ou tucajty tiliiiu at the ilicsc of knot church thoah not largely attended 16 the ladiet aid socials have finx rally bcti was ijuite euccessri acton cornet iund rendered excellent mciic and the compsuj enjoyed a pcisut tociil eyeninf proceed about f2o the new tan will be completed aboat the close of the year and kef hr hac and his family will then remove lo the vry com lor table home there being provided the talh oi depart are f rqm t the inacec which has doue duty as a houw for knox church pittors for between 30 and 0 years recalls many incideuts of interest to the older cienibtn of the church the plixo wsj parchiscl duriu the pastorale of lie v jlio ilclxuhlin bich in the lift ice aiid fats been tkt home of the tjecessive piitors since that time the new minse is a gee elructurc a credit lo the centres it ion and it is hoped will le the mcirs of indeciuj ihec to dispce of thcr old church build- ics f wr brick in the near future st jlzbzzs bzrrcst fcstirzl the anneal thanhfiving tcrvici and hxrvtit festfvalj in counectioa with st ajbins chcrchwju held hist friday even ing and wat very boccesffcl the hedie of the corgrejatica spent all their leisure for a week previous in decorating the church and the result of their labors was pleasing and attractive indeed- the decor- atinui consisted of a pcofuxive display ot grains in the straw vegetables- fiowecs and fruit tistefcily arranged and appropriate mottoes here and thereon the walk oi the church a lirce consrejatioa assembled the service of the evening ere veer in teresting uev g b cooke the pastor opened the certice and hev joseph fea- neu cf sl georges cbcrcli geoqewn assisted by reading the prayers ttc the sermon was preiched byllev g fornere 1a eunl dean c hamilton in the un avoidable absence cf canon duiloulin it was an clcqaent and impreisive discourse the text was taken from psalms si 10 i am the lord thy god which brought the out of the landof egyp- open thy mouth wide and i will fill it the preach- eriuustra gcie kind deiliiiss with the children of isaeliind showed that gods gifts are only limited by mans capacity to receive acd uillicguess to accept thit gods joducss to us in lh ptst is an earnest of what ihe will do in the future he explained hie uct thai- oar heavenly father hrs letter jrifts for cs than material things ilau bhsii uot live by bread ulone wc have mure than x physical life tj itaiulaiu tht pits of the spirit are jnuumcrallc many do not enjoy epintaal bleiisbusc thtydj op their liearts that tlt lord cay fill them when the presence cf god in the soul is realized vht a jvy there is in the feeding of assur ance- iwisessed eartlily things perish the spiritual endure forever the congre gation was e truest y cihcrtcd to covet the best mfts remembering how mercifully god dtalt ifith his children in uldcti times the choir perfornied their vinous puts very creditably the offerings amounted to about fioo we understand that the church is to be reprinted and otherwise improved witliiu the next few weeks a- tux klsiupal colmil liitlt ladk- kqciriuu attntum- tli- kti-u- w ml la at toad council met fi mondsy evening members present lr lowry john harvey j- a speight snd alex eecord dr lowry ras moved to the chair minuter of hut meeting were resd and cocfinced the eleventh rejiort of the committee on finance wits preanied and tlifi following sxcounts reoommended to be piid tt lloorvlttjtg- i u3 hirtco 1 h kdktrf dyaeswottoastiilcarfuai icj ii for eld iiltal 1 ii v irxjtc a0 copies voiik lit is ij2i a the reorl was adopted the estimates of receipts unucipenditure for the year will be presented at the next meeting the conncil sojourned at j 10 oclock neighborhood kews funriihcil by comiiwnijenu culled from hxcliaogci and meked npliy the way j ettln crai bros aro lulppioc coniidtrabli hvo tock rom this toction erit townihfp oounoil will moot it the villi o erin tomorrow the 18th lnat miu m lloren oibowminville is the jfueitiif her aunt mm r 0 overland minted mrs peter bennle left hero on toesay ertmlng on in exteoaed trip to the north wt they wui vdlt ilina where their tons sro located r jowlie hu boen ipendtng pxt o mr roller a tiok loct rev his v ation at eieter alex bell lata miniver o the erin mills left hers last week lo study for aiotinjjttilk higa school prepir- cnleriafi epon a nore direct coarie cf etc y iu electrical engineering which profession be has decided tn adopt jciltox uc l rein of orangcvilie hu parcfais ed the photo besincsj carriod ou hy c w embne lie lakes posiessiou in a fen days our mr ked comes well recommended town is at present without a chief coustaole ir crowe living resigned the positi a for the reason that d portioa of his duty be was not vrillmg lo perform 3ifr charles cobban or ifoutreal who has ujeu in delicate health for wine time camet visit his brotherinlaw dr free man k few weeks sgo thiukiug no doubt a chamo ot air and doctors might have- a beneficial cftict he however grew rad usjlv worse and died on ifondtty morning if r cobban was formerly a resident of our tofcujliiving spent his boyhood days in hilton the funeral took place ou wednes day fnjm dr freemans residence uxatchnlll last tuesday uiht mr edward darby knatchballhad the misfortano to have the floor of hugrauiry give axayprecipitailiog about ago cashels of wheat and barley together with a number of implements imo the cellar beneath it wttl be a consider- ablj loss to mr darby at it will be a diffi cult matter to separate ono kiud ot grain from tuother lasi- thursday evening alice the sccoad daughter of sir ilobl black kassagiwcja dicdkged about 12 yearn the remains were intend m ebeneicr cemetery sunday tftcniooa it wts black diphtheria ehe died witli and was going about the house appar ently in no danrtr up till a few minutes before her death- it is needless to say the sorrowing family have the deepest sym pathy of the neighborhood in this their eid bcravenjcul 11 is reported that idaughtcrctmr jno kitchicg kassagaweya is also- saficring with the same disexsc k-xkwood- the infaut son of ilr william burns eramosa died ou sunday from an attack of choerx morbus he was two years and five moutlis of sge mr james graham of eramosa had two sheep killed and fire worried by dogs last week the dog was caught in the act and fired at unfortunalsly the pwner- ship of the dog could not be traced and mr grabiin will have to bear the loss while mr wm hampson batcher eden mills was attempting to mount one of bis horses on tuesday the animal became frightened and bolted throwing mr htmp- eod who in falling struck against tstoae injuring his knee to such auextent that dr dryden of eockwood had to be called to attend to it on monday the second eon of mr chas j bernard teed about tea years met with a bad accident- he was standing hear the steam thresher when the heavy belt cob- nectieg the thrtsher with- the separator broke and one end struck theboy on the e bresjiin the thich bone in two or three places dr dryden of itockwood was in attendance on the little euecrer as soon as potibc and there is every prospect that be will get over it all right ieghuetxlwv fedeiial life afiifeaxce company to the irasunns director davil dehcri eul and kttctjtire committee olthe federal uiu aiturtnce co hamiltou gitiiu allow me to tsprtes rny thanks for receipt of cherjue cor three thausind dollare being amauut of policyhcld in yoar company by my lately decerwed hut band paid me thif day by yoar representative mr george knight considerably in advance of the time laid town in the policy contract i would also avail myself of this oppor tunity to state my regret that rumors iithquld have been circulated by interested parties the effect that i was likely toex- perieice- trouble in procuring the settle ment of iaid claim euch reports beidg en tirely without foundation and at variance witi your companys wellknown practice the clajm papers being only completed on friday ihe ilh inst and the money beiog paid lo day is lufficient dcniil to any gech stateament it wili afford me mach pleasurii lo rec ommend the federal life in my friends at every opportunity i sicvei jiii avv eiriiu acton sept 10th ir89 01kv1ll lui buudsy dveolng ilev a e bur row of dakota occupied the palpit of the methodist church hit toil wts taken from tho 23 chap ot it samuel and iho middle part of the tenth verse and- his hand clave unto the sword and the lord wrought gttat victory that day his de- cdption of e lea tar one of davldi mighty mtln i mi ling the philistine was tool lurrlog u tho leuodi he rfrtfw from il will not bo forgotten by the large congre gation present he also touched upon the grtutfrroettlott of today that of prohibition tlao more notable remarks made upoulthis were that if every man would- vote u he prftyed wo would have prohibition in twtntyoar hoars and that 130000 people annually filled the drunkards rmev tha misses susie ted lottie mccraney left on monday last la attend the ontario ladles college whilby may every success be theirs as they cuter upon another year of study rev and mrs a e burrows and daughter of dakota ate again recreating in oakville they leave the latter part of ihii week for their homo in the fir west last saturday artcrnooa two yachu one from haraiuoi aad the other from toronto left the oakville harbor for a race some miles oat on ihe like strange to ay hamilton won the race toronto better brace up a liitu ilk the old saying coca or tho ftmhiliocrf city will be oumridiug it completely where was torontos sum mer carnival ihis year i the celebrated bill family cave a co- cert in the town hall ou monday evening i jul it was very instructive tu uell as eutertainiog j tuiuiu kiiuu accident tile oratigevike atlrrtur kaya pat- tick mcgarvey a well knawu farnutiiring near laurel mcl with a terrible accident on monday he was engaged in culling grain with a reaper to which was attached a loam of spirited cottc a little dog run ning throagh the train fnghleuci the aui- mala and caused them to run away mc- garvey was thrown from tho seal ot the reaper in frout of the knives and dragged in thai perilous position for some distance ore of his legs was cut o5 entirely whiut tho other as well as his body was cut tad bruised ia x terrible iniuuer he was car ried home by a neighbor ivhj witnessed the accident and medical aid waat once turn- moacd from o range ville mcgarvcy lost considerable blood bat physicians entertain hopes of his ultimate recovery the reaper wts smashed into fragment before the frightened horses were brought to a sund- still mr mcgarvcy i one ot the old bott lers of amaranth and is highly respected acton inkin exhibition otii fall goods kelly bros ireiwrakty ktfucs of the btcnl ui jtake fitfal arranpi-tuculs- a full meeting of the beard of directors of thcacloa union agricultural socity wis hed in th cosccil chamber on saturday attercooo president johu du5 in the chair after routine buuocfs the various com mittees far work in connection with the exhi- biloa were appoiuled strong committees with men of experience at their head have charge of all arrangements and will do all in their power to ensare sacocfs the prire list wts finially revised and the very attractive list ef specials was handed in everything points to a most saccausfal exhibition on the 8th and 9th of october in all probability the number of entries will exceed that of last year an unfortunate foreiuer a full stock to select from at satisfac tory prices at kenny bros boot a- shoe store acton the neiv high school is in rcat favor the pupils cliim that they can prepare their lessens there much more bilisfactori- ly owing to ihd absence hf crokded roomb thebramptju cunmratjr ssysof it one of thelinest school buildings in this province is that of the nelv high school at georgetown just completed it is a brick structure with cat stone trimmings and slate roof its dimensions arc 0xs and it contains four school rooms three teachers rooms a room tor ihe meetings of the school board besides large tndfinelyfinuhcdhalls the woodwork is all oak and is- beautifully finished the klmctcre wasbegun in ibs and is just completed the lot contains four acres thebaildingcosttlooooandis an ornament to the town the building is heated by steam and is ventilated on mod ern plans which are found to bo very ex cellent great credit is due the hoard for providing such accomodation in the inter ests of the high school m that place messrsg h kenncdyand a d thorn- son were nominated to fill the vacancy in the council ettieod by the decease of mr a c mckitrlay mr thomson declined and mr kennedy has accepted the council- lorship craa dr webster returned last week from a trip lo the pacific coast owing to the continued illness of mrs- drnmrn the ker a ii drumm has asked iris congregation here for a leave of absence it is the intention of tho rev gentleman and mrs drumm to spend htxne time in colorado in the hope tint the change may be beneficial this necessity is exceeding ly regretted by the numerous friends here of the rev gentleman and his estimable wife and it is earnestly hoped- that the chicge may result in the restoration of her health llmfd it was rather amusiag to the readers of oar local sheet to read last week tho follow ing paragraph artoti is to have uie ittdlola etnibit it vilc fair as the neonlc oi georgetown and vicinity laic imd tiit iriviuic of seecs thu exhibit three times tku directors of esiucsiks fairthoaldnotattctuiitto hive tho csliiliit at iliclairta be held hero ibis month ttit is rich considering ilic fact that the list of places idrexhihiling the prodocta cf the north west is already full and oar township director coaldn t seoore it by anymeans it is true oar people havehad the opportunity of seeing an exhibit of manitoba products in a cat at the depot for a few hours oa several occasions in ihe depth of winter so has acion bat we have not had the excellent exhibit of this vear at all aad i have no doabt the fact of baring it spread oat ia the exhibition hall at acton for two days will be a great at traction lo the acton exhibition the people of this part of the county will then be able to see it it with crealer comfort and couveuieiic than ever before oar new ehow buildings are not forth coming for this falls ahow after all somebodys enthusiasm has waned the public have to pat- ap with the ihcoaven ience of viewing tie inside show at ooe part of the town andlhcoaiaideatauotber i hope this will be remedied before next year guelph sept charles gibbo a frenchman not long in this couatry ho is living with mr otkcs near the centre inn rcet with two scriocs accidents last week on tuesday he was assisting with the threshing wheu he had the nrutortune to get his hand caught in tho machine and his fingers were horribly lacerated two diys later a couple of cats disturbed his slumbers when he secured the old musket which had not been discharged by cueot the present generation und attempted lo kill tire felines they escaped injury but gibbo didnt halt of hisriht cheek was carfied away desmctive ire at tiverton tivtutos sep abouj230this-nioni- ing a fire was discovered in the tannery a strong wind was blowiug it the time and the fire having gamed eonjiderable heid way nothing could be done to save the main building which was destroyed with all the contents a large iaiitiy vl bxrk and some oil however were savvj the lire is sapposedlo have oncintted from the smoke- stack lois about 2g0o3 partly insured atutralu holds the cliainpteniiip ljxifjk sept 10 the great race for the sculling championship ot tht world between william ocouuor of torolto and henry scarlc of australia was rowed yesterday over the thames championship course scarlo defeated the canadian rower easily by six lengths in i minutes 42 ceconds that charming site prospect collage property two lots on mill street opposite gate to park also a few choicest variety weeping willows and horse chestnuts for sale mns s a scjokij a look uirough ouf wciuaiti tndoolbyitock of kill saitfcps iid lu tings will coa- vncuyou it c havo thoclwitjest good n the couut- k perfect fit iruaraatecd every tiuic a euro for qrveye ii t loot through kolly hroielciat anjortiaent cf lie most rasliionama ijriuff hau hiei they can wll eboaper than aur other houi c in the county wc btvo just received ahsadrod dgzou ofltha lilctt isj ro- faifcloilic sitinc tics tad scarfs far gentlemen oacaaaenouiyllisiiijtocr iteady ifado clstiiluctt kccjnrw we iiitcjnit received i very larja fcocfc c mac voutb hojniad cmldrcaibuiu which are of the ciolc nattenu asditylcx hens ksijj frai eriooji odd pints from 115 up childrens suits from flis up our eta ic dry gool cant sc hci our stock cf groceries u vr ccutjijetc and of test cailir it lowest prices our i janaa lalciuuic wcvrld hcton i i ordered clothing new hats spring ties ready made clothing dry goods groceries kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros castor i a for infants and children cmlorliliwitll adapts uehlunatstl i ckaiarta am coue canllpltai ircahnmcodltmiupcriof loanrproacridtieol boor etomadi diantasa enicttuoa tanralomc a a aacmalld i aim w jiij ip and proaw iubooxlorilbl broasy i wuestaimfcui medicaiita tsxcdrrgin jt y to farmers and threshers lteboavourmacbiheryoiiiy the vrellknown eseziless oil q finrll mtn at wmiave been twardtdit during ihe last three year y vjrulrlj mjsiualib try awoar ocrll sjj orouofor iu vaggtusaiidifjrc powers tkeie oils are used and highly recommended at themode farmgaelph farmers ask for them use no other manufactured at quo ctoit70ll7orisiby samueurogers cv co toronto rthe loyt of the town ksd x picnic on saturday a carl cad of watermelons con- signed toa western merchant was condemn ed the crait having commmaed to spoil and wis left ct at the g t it ttiiion there tcre many fine melons in good rcn- ditionand iho bays go- ther all right when baby fasfct xre pre hr cificra waco she cas i c j she cried fir cctrr when sie becire lisz she ca to ctcrli kkea the had chiliren tho rave lii rcis crii if yba want a reliable working boot an elegant sunday shoe a comfortable even iug slipper era good trunk orvsjise to use in travelling go to kenny bros boot shoe store acton mnmm 2jlil l 7- ti-h- 1 t m -l-l- i- i beauty is tlcirel aiil admired by all amcns the things which may lxt be done to enhance peramial beauty is the tlaily ie of ayers hair vigor ivo matter what the color of the hair this prepa ration gives it a lus tre aud pliancy that adds greatly to its chanc- should the hair be thin harsh dry or turning gray ayers hair vigor will reiire tlie color hriig ot a new growth and render tlie old sot aad shiny for keeptcg the scalp clean cool and hcaltby thtre u no better prepamtiaa tn the market i am free li confess that a trial of ayers hair vizor has convinced rac that it is a genuine article its ue has not ouly causuvl the hair of my wife and daftghtcr to be abundant and glossy hut it ha given my raher stunted mus- lajhtf a npc table leujrth and apiiear- auce iu liriltoii oakland ohio my hiir wai cirrmig out without any avutaucv froti my vrift etther l tried averv hair vigor usiu only tine uitk- and t lmx row as tine a head luir n iu- could wii for it t shiiiitoi iikii tuu have uit ayer hair vigor in my ftmily fur a uainlur cf yiac aud re- avd it a the ik- hair irerurdtiuit i kimadc it kls 111- vii eleaa ti- hiir mtfi riil lvlv and tejrve tho- nriiai inuir mywite has ml it for a inir iin- witi mtt hatisfactory ro- vults itiiuuin m johusoi m- 1- tliuiiasllill jin my hair wis h com in harh and dry tint ttr using halt a iwttle of ayers iciii vignr it grtsv bhvk and glossy i ciiuii cvpriss thi jtivand gratitiii- i f mabk ifanly iklavan iii ayers hair vigor or j c ayer fc co lowell mast ism iv urtms ajid riritivrr c mckinlay l d s of hramptou has now charge of the dental office in georgetown of the late a c mckinlay all branches of dentist rywiil be carried on m the most saisfactory manner with all the latest and most approved appliances he will also visit acton twice a month as did his late predecesaor thg liberal pat ronage enjoyed by the late a mckinlay is respectfally solicited for hisuccescor c mcktsliv ld 6 powder absolutely pure thisnoirdernetert4ner a toirrolofparity atrengtuandkholeaotnoness more ecouotnlcal than the ordinary kinds and cannot ho sold in competition with ia limltltudeof lowteitshorl wfliabf alum or phosphate powduri bold only incani roth bainxo powien co 100 wall bt ny i guelphsept l3 i dluuhu eiiroii i mutt admit i am tome what in arrears to your readers as it is uow several j months since i hive had the privilege of addressing them throagh the valuable medium ot the ftti pcc- on the alt rac- 1 tions and advantages of ko 27 it is however vain to endeavtr to do loo many j things at once so thai while i ive not j been talking lo oar friends of the feei pcrjforthe pat ten or twelve weeks it have been working fcr luenv and it- htsj been a busy time with me any one who knows something ol the immensity and j nauihcrof the macufictanag and mercan tile coaceras which m britain france and germany as well is in the smaller f states of europe bend thefr energies to supply the worlds chief requirements in the drv goods line will in a measure appreci ate the labors of the buyer who has to wade through til this labyrinth aad make his selections sailed to the varied reiciremenls of the trade for which he caters fo do it wcuslifcelytalictuhislee ani abili ties and so it was with me though rested and invigorated after a most delight- ful trip of seven days on the bosom of the bread atlantic i found alter getting into the factories and shops cf the old land that the inspection of samples remember ing cf quotations comparison of values and etudvicg of styles gave me about all i cocld attend in labor however becomes x plcxsurf when you feel you ar-ctcccm- pt idling a piirpae my purjvysc was to get the verv choicest gojis at- the lowest possil-te- prices aodl certainly succeeded is i think 1 shall be able to demonstrate to ray cilomcrs my purchase almost io a fraction were me directly from the very best manufactures the cash being paid for the coeds as soon a tiiey were put into the hands at the packer i also established a purchasing agency ia london thrjsgh which all purchases between seasons will receive proper attention my customers csn have any special article rcnlout in this way at any lime you would find it not a liltle interesting to look over the tjim of invoices ihit have come to hind and notice all the diiteretit places in slraot every port ot europe from which oar supplies are drawn in paris i bought goods of rare elegance to sum np no choicer stock has ever been piced ou oar shelves and i feet that the two months spct in this way will benefit both ray customers and myself we are uow basily engaged opening out nud assorting our purchases tnd invite our msav friends to favor us with a look throueh our attractive stock with assur ance of our best endeavors i am the publics obedient servant only 25 gents also eveuy dklicnirtlox of rubber and itetal stauiis tinglet t stewaet mfg co 10 king st west toronto e 1 bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph brilliant durable economical diamond dye jcxccl all others in strength purity and fastness none other arc just as good be ware of imitations because they are rade of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crock- colors to be sure of success use only the diamond dves for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers 1 ribbons c c we warrant fbem to color more goods pack- j ge ibr package than any other i dyes ever made and to give inore brilliant and durable colors ask j for tlie zfawwrfarid take no other a dress dyed jil if coat colored qj garments renewed j cents a child can use them aldrogsuuaodmttclunli d dookfr wells richardson montreal p q ca -xreat- mammoth house geobqetown sale at jerrayns acton a picnic for bargain seekers 5000 yds of xevdn goods iq tlie team latde such as uahoeiajiadgtu at about half iriee we ca site youvtt lean 60 per cent black cashmeres kdccd to ii 17 j kl 67 7j and t3c xv guarantee the 75c lma to be alk virp aad tell worth 1 per yard wei- call uw on atlctut 3j ycx cent i new prints zephyrs chair brays and muslins a good assortment sew shades heavy widls cloth and ft dret- we ci tavc you s3 iir cent ia tliia line gloves and hosiery hi luiis inakes and colors we nve yoa it lr ccut hem we doat jtretend to sell trcwds cheaper thau cterj- other houie ia caaid tor there are satins v ajgrand lloe of sctiiu evetimg sbtdw ai coats per yard donotdalty uthjads it being picked- up rapidly and a ttfitua repeat k leas than 55 cent i milliner ccaiiad uatrimmedhtual u r cent low cost no ii the time to teeure seine of the quest hau it laediuai trices parasols corsets and bustles hn- variety booti shoes and groceries keniomtar we bitc tbebcstssc teanntho market rbjermyn igiiritii sells olieap iniiiicnsc arrival yf fallaim winter goods ourstockis about complet for the fall trade and wearer receiving extensive addi tions daily we have all tle uew- eat fabricsr in dress goods at ex tremely low prices dre3 silks from 25c per yard up onr millinery showroom is complete with all the latest novelties in millinery ourdressmakingand mantle making department is in fnll running order ladies jack ets djiiuhus and ulsters in large variety au immense stock of cloaking material to choose irnm in cotton wooilctis flanueu- lilanket tweeds shirtings lrinu our stuck is very com- plete anil purchased before the recent advance in prices an ex cellent grey kiatitiel for 12lc per yd up carpets house for- nuhuigi in lare variety not for getting lallies and gents foot- wear l- our ordered clothing depart ment as al t keadymade cjuthing in boys tind mens imnicnse stock great bargains the biggest drive on earth in ueadytnaue overcoau- splendid overcoats for 360 and overcoats for 500 1 north glooo others accordingly cheap weslalf be glad to see yon come and jnspect our stock and see thejargains day if suitable ii not you shall be courteously treated i- wmmcleodco jitammoth house i oeoroktowh dr washington throat and lung surgeon of toronto dr washington im btcu cguuwllod to max tuoiuhly visits lj allyiupyly tho vituet of bandreas of iajc it vu avauod ihemielves of his taccetafaj tic iuioat his new ftxhod is baud oo tbriii iplu of voaveying ekild medj catod rior dirtc to thn teat of disease uus briajtac the mod rxitloa iu direct contact with thetnieased tiast i ho does not claim to cure all patients who t smalt him dm he doe claim to cure k much largtr ir ceutage than the gcderal prtctitloi er m ntneraliiractlce it ii not iq nurcimiii bio claim eltner vhett it la coctidcrvd that the doctot has derotod t yean toifac inidy of his fspocialty and improved oat all the nowivstemsjirluch hive lecii before the scientific world hw trmtnreot has risen luper- ior in its enecu aud rnlu to that adopted by the most einincct tpeciallsu even in sew york u be baa today patients in that city who bare been given up by new yorks most disti tbroat acti laugsurgcons sod bavo been cared by bis trcilnienl the names of some at tbetn have been published ia ibis paper on seteral occasions it most be rviufinlxtod that dr wiahingtoo who has ilocu devoting vcars to the special itady ot tbroat and lung liscses hu today been bandsormfly rewarded for his indomitable aud iodcfatigablo pcrencraiiccandcoaldtbere be more unglble recosnitioa than tbeteiti- uiouials iublubed ia uua inper iroiu time to time t the dr ba built up an eatcnaive prac- uce throughout the dounnton examining all patients iwrmoally and will be wliolly reipoii- ible to allbo have an occasion lo visit nisi anotbcr fact it u well for all to remember who may be iroubiwi with any of the following symptoms of catarrb tmu in a very large majoriy of cases it is the incipient slageof con sumption in fact 90 per cent of all the casts of consumption havo latir origin la catarrh of the boad and throat a lew of tho most pro minent symptous of catarrh will be found be low and let those who havo seen consumption in its first stages rocall tho terrible fact ii the above is nottoiwct and why so many die of this terrible cisease is that when hope and even- chance of treatment 10 a successful tisqa is held out tlie patient neglects till too late today is tbe golden oitortunity tako warm uiginuiiic tempos regit tune flics lni- crajtinatica is tbe theft oi time symptoms of catarrh susceptibility to catch ciild ft the head a feeling cf tightness lto the brtige ofthbdoie vii bomoumes pain etoning of the nasal pas- age accumulation of mums which is dis- chargod by the nostrils or drops back iato tbi throat a cnae of pain or heaviness over the eves often in the back of the head and neck sometime ia the top ot the bead at times dirtiness plia in the eyeballs in severs cases a dull drowsy sjeepv fesling in the head dwel ling of the nose md cyea sometimes a pro truding and distorted appearance il giten to the upper part of the face a tendency to aneese fraiuctitly sometimes the secretions are eel- lecwd togoiher iu bard masses or cbnnks which are wiji grrat aisictilty nzmovtsi sometimes the tuacuk mcmbnuio ii broken and scabs form which an discharged with mucus la seine cases the secretions are very copiooi- audaxt found iti thobaekof tbeucadnd flnrosm chieflv and xry littlo ttultiuf the- nasal pas- sage with a constant desru 4 clear lh throat- hawking or spitting or railing of loafih ufalegni ospecialiy in the morning or after taking a wmnn drink in other cases tbe anionnt of phlegm li reo little ba it is extremely tooth and almost impossible to remove- a few facts to bi remembered 1st dr washington is tbe dhly throat aad lang snrgoon ia the dominion devoting tis wbotfl ume to disease of tbe passages tnd he has devoted teveayeexi to bii sped- ajty t 3rd he has been compelled to open an iffim laottawa to men tho ever tncreaalng deman ith he eonsnlts examines treau all easel ltenonally and is solely rcsponaible t 5th he represent his own bosineas 6tfa he giveb tcstiaiuonials of the most reji able and proiqiseiit eharscter oi resideott u ontario of thtv most wonderful curei ever n- eorded with whom a largo uamber aro ag- f qq he gives the name in oil aod p o d- dreai not the mere initial which iflicbt mean any tom dick orjiany aud bnitmany person j iutemtedlo write for partieulara 8th this i the best season w tmsi cataifl which leads lo consumption and all d el the head throat and lungs i 9th dr waahington gradnafcd is wba s4 tortnto with honors in 1980 visited isew a audlioston uking a sicli poloclynio cpaw on duosses of the throat and irtincs lath dr washington will be at acton persao- ally tttverluiendinii hi wa eaini- cttry month coosultatloalree- r

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