Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1889, p. 2

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wjtrod atxtorivtnopal the irsiitaiee ot lee brmsi toother br tbe iter g j lo filter o jumonte krchtres all a to uu adult daqlopiilotcarietoapun dxh goodbbuc 4t toronto on ttavrader evo in uah epttmbcr william uoodcrfaiui asedo i i taorok ta egqaobinc on th lath srttni- berotntel tbooipionkij- hfedts re uetbbdlfv psroasm tosoa ur 14th september ud a nor wife of he richard hobb roanaat u uethojiiv bare oa 8tardv man beloved wi formerly of acton effod k jtr flfde doit jfm frss thursday september 19 1889 votes ajfb coiuccnts tbe official tlmoaooeraeot of the ea dependence of bulgaria nil be prociaiojed on friday daniel mclean 1l p for dennis han hu been sworn in u protiacjal secret ry l for manitoba there ii no reason to appose tbat i be prohibitionisfai vili cease their agitation it ia with them ai it m with the old aa ti- slaterr men a tnorti crnsadeaod they are airaid neither of a defeat nor of being in a probtble minority harpa iteif hon b- prowse a member of the pe l gorernmenwithoat portfolio hu been called to the senate in ihe room of hon j s carvell appointed licttenint-gover- or the newaenatorhubeenapramifliat igan in island politics for many yean britiah colombia is tarning oat to be i magnificent fruitgrowing province oi of the prorincial papers declares thai there ii a market for au the fruit that can i be prodoced and every person who will came and engage in the indutry will be welcome the executive committee on the lite and building of the worlds fair which it a proposed to bold in ne york hire aoided to oner f30000 for the beat puc for the fire principal bofldingi it if to be apposed thai thi competition will be open bo the world and not reatricted to the americana alone at if frequently the policy of oar oetghbora j toronto iionlaoty thii rammer tlheir champion oarsman hu been ranqaiabed their lacrosse team nriped orer the lawn their baseball earn batted all oter the oatfiejd gardens and worse stjll hamilioa beat our cricket team to crown all the betting men have allowed handrediiof tfaonaapdi of nimble shekels to leave town oh for a champion of aometbing parkdale a1 h the next senion of the eaebee leguli- tnre will see a redirtribation so at least rumor say t the necessity for a change in the principle of representation will be apparent when it is mentioned that while ecu member now represents 67000 people another speaks for bat 9000 shoaid mr merrier redistribute sir john micdooald may touow suit slthoogh quebec constita noes hare neter yet been touched by the federal psriiamenti the wjini0x iuiakcl asurrinccoavtutlonbatvery utile aecom- uusued beyond the fsndnj of besolbttobi the dominion alliance held ils autmal oonvenlioa at toronto laat thursday and friday under the presidency of senator vidal rcpotti were adopted a which are formulated demands for radios reforms in the license laws tending towards prohibi tory restrictions dr j j miclarcn presented the report of the committee oti legislative action th first claw emphatically recommends the early introdoction of the usual prohibi tory reaolutioni in the commons in the evening awsrm passage occurred when f 6 b pence charged that the license law wu used as a piece of party patron mr g utjroae nromptly denied that any partpsm entered into the allotment of toroato licenses when he was on the board of commissioners mr 6 pence said that his charge was against the system mr j r dougsll presented the report of the committee oa political action- it set fourth that electoral work most devolve on county organizations j that- such county alliances shoaid pledge as many voters as possible to support for municipal and par liamentary positions prohibition candi dates that action be taken by the execu tive to appeal to all organised friends nf prohibition to make every effort to get new voters registered that it is desirable to secure the election to the house of com mons of a number of independent prohibi tionist charged with the responsibility of advocating our coarse and that j the ex ecutive be instructed to select ia agreement with county organizations a number of favorable constituencies where sdeh candi dates shall be nominated and supported under the auspice of the alliance that each provincial branch be urged to appoint a standing committee on legislation the report wax adopted rithoot amend- meau rer dr giitord urged that the dominion be organized so as to present a petition to every elector snd all within one day with which to overwhelm the commons senator vidsi did not think that indi vidual petitions availed much in parlia ment bat thought more weight would be attached to requests from influential bodies a strong resolution on jaw enforcement was passed a resolution was passed that all organizations sending delegates to the alliance should be requested to contribute towards the funds of the alliance for the purpose of doing aggressive temperance work the report of the committee on political action was read and adopted it suggests that steps should be taken fo se cure memorials to the dominion ptrlix- ment in favor of total prohibition from representative bodies and that action should be taken in 1801- it was decided that the next meeting of the convention should be held ia montreal the following officers were elected for the ensuing year hon a vidal presi dent f s speoce corresponding secre tary j h carson eeoording secretary w el orr treasurer hon j c aikenf w el howland j r dougall 6 a fish er u vicepresidents together with the prtsidf nta of the prorincial allancet villageofacton bylaw xo- a bylaw toacquire certain lands fo a public park and drive and to authorize the issue of debentures to the amount of 3000 for the j purpose of paying for the jsame if a newspaper were to ran down the town in which it is published how soon wooid everybody- find it oat and how qmckly would they be kjcfang the editor ai the first ronsd but he can punt his town day after day and ring its praises ia even different languages and some people never seem to know it think nothing has been dose anyway tet u a matter of fact no single thing begins to work as much far a towns prosperity as its newspaper xzttbenfnv jferattysays dont yoa notice how qniefaad peaceable everything is snow- that the scott act is deai sol anybody can get all the whiskey wanted srithotrtsjieking after tt everything respects such a reasonable law as u now hare 1 the constables have nothing to do i or when they have all the whiskey sellers hasten to assist thetd- nobody gets drank 1 kobody qtarrels there are no aatanlts ah the hotels obey the law and dost sell aftex hoars tfaerere respect- ahk places now yoa know 1 the magis trates and officers hare no trouble m en forcing the law i oh none stall i in fad everything it lovely 1 and all because the scott act is dead i jtb goodehhaxs voll among the bequests of the late mr wil liam goderharo of toronto were 10000 io the- salvation 4rmy10ooo to the home for incurables 30000 to the methodist kininni ry society 10000 to the superannuated ministers fund 9 125 000 to the building and of yldoni college and 175000 for the endowment of the coir lege payment of the two latter sums being made contingent upon the removal of the college fo toronto these splendid gifts to 1 the college will we persame caa the a university scheme to bv accomplished with all possible speed j the aatifederatioaisfs will we dare say nave the wisdom to yield gracefully now that their principal practical objec tion against the removal of victoria to toronto has been done away with by hr godernams uherality once more we i shall see the edncaiional authorities of the great uethodist charch working neariilv together as of old acoosnmmation devout- f to be wished that mr gooderbam provided for this reunion of bis brethem will be long remembered ax the crowning beneflofince of his good and generous life ghk b0ilee eiplosiov a flfforfas- mhi badlr wrecked tue proi- i prietorof the mill serferuify fniured- j kew eeumcna sept 1g the boiler ii the brick enginehouse of the hamburg i flouring mills exploded with a terrific crash j at 720 am saturday shaking the wbok jrillage the only person injured was the proprietor mr j l hamilton he was standing in the engineroom and miracall onsfy escaped instant death as the boiler fly wheel and nearly every- particle of the enginehonse was carried away in ail direcj uoom alsrge piece of thi houer weighing iseversj hundred pounds going through the roof of george 6 aiders barn a couple of tuodrei yards distant ifr hamilton was severely scalded and bad serenx cuts and bruise bat it isj khoagirt he will recover the damage done is shoot foar cr five thposaiid dollars thei caase of the accident is supposed to be ai deficiency of water in the boiler j sunrhottse bestroyea at kincardine kixcxadtxkojrr sept 13 at u oclock thirmordlag a fire broke oat in the walker hoaae stable on harbour street qmekjy speading to the adjacent grain storehouse owned by b t- walker these bondings together with about 600 bushels of grain were totally destroyed mr walkers lots 6a the buildings and grain is about 2000 ipiared in the caledonia for 11000 death of wit gooderiulf acdaat geaerbas clirirtiaa ifxa dies in f the harness the whole country was moved last friday morn fog when the news was spread that ltr william gooderham the wellknown christian worker and philanthropist was dead he had sttended the exhibition in the afternoon in company with a party of ladies and dined at home at gj0 then he visited the haven in seaion street where be was wont to conduct religious service every tharsday evening he complained of feeling tired and re quested rev james katherson to open the service mr mathenon wax reading the jbcriptare when he noticed that mr good erham was ill mr gooderham closed his eyes threw back his head and slipped from his chair to the floor dr j e white ira isammonect hat his semces were of no avail as mr gooderham expired almost immediately the body wax removed to the residence at eherboume and carlton street from whence the funeral took place on monday the caase of his death was heart disease ia his death toroato loses one of her fore most philanthropist and prominent work- era tjid many charities and religion bodies in the city will miss a warm and influential friend a very wealthy man be wis in a potifaon to give and he gave with unstinting hand churches mission halls homes for the fallen and many other inxti tationx- engaged in reclaiming the lost profited by his contributions aod several of them were almost entirely sustained by him the christian institute erected by him a year ago at a costl of 825000 it a monument to his christian generosity the wealth of the late mr gooderham of toronto is repated to be at least 11000- jooo he wax the eldest son of a family of thirteen he refused to go into the distil lery business established by his ftherand never had any connection with it onihe contrary all his ufe he was a consistent advocate of temperance his wife died about four years ago he leaves no family suicide ma stratford a lirexrid boy end his life witli a revol ver bather titan face suspicion stuutoihi sept 13 alfred gadsby the 16yearold son of james gadsby marble dealer committed suicide last evening by shooting himself through hi head with a revolver a companion named dunham bad bees arrested ia the afternoon on a charge op stealing among other things a shaving ewe and revolver from the house of george hennie these he handed over to young gadsby for safekeeping on gtatby heariog of panhams arrest he left the diy walking out the railway track towards 6tharys aod when about four miles out shot himself he was found about 7 oclock and his parents and s physician were summoned from the city the boy was unconscious when discovered and lingered till 10 oclock this morning when death occurred a note addressed to his father and moth er was found pinned to the fence with a jaekkaife near where he was fyiogin which gidebt asjted for forgiveness blamed dun bam for getting him into triable and main tained xiia innocence of any robbery death of kiatteniergencril clarke wrrraiw sept ii exiattorneygen eral clarke while en ryutc to the pacific coast via the c v e- burst a blood vessel near medicine hat and died in foar min utes mr clarke was attorneygeneral of manitoba from 1971 to 1873 and previous to that period recorder of the city of montreal a fall slock to select from at satisfac tory prices at kenny bros boot shoe tore acton repairing promptly carefully and beatly effected at kenny bros boot t shoe store acton whereas it ii cxpodient and desirable that the corporation of the village of actoa enter upon take use and acquire an estate la fee simple in the lands hereinafter mentioned foe the purpose of a public park and drive akd whereas the said lands art the property of william edgar smith who has agreed to execute a conveyance thereof a fee simple to the said corporation which it ta expedient to accept akd whereas the consideration for the said lands to be paid by the said cor poratioa to the said william edgar smith is the sum of w00000 akd whereas for the parposes aforesaid it is necessary for the said cor- poratioa to issue its debentures for and to borrow thereon the sum of t000 u here inafter mentioned and that inch debt and the debentures to be issued therefor should be made payable in twenty yean at the farthest from the day on which this bylaw takes effect and where as it will reqaire the cer tain specific shm of 150 to be raised an naaliyforthe payment of interest during the currency of the said debentures and also tue certain specific lam of tol00 to be raised ahuually for the payment of the principal money of the said debenture debt which tarns are hereby settled as being efficient for the purposes aforesaid andin settling the earns to be raised annually for the payment of the principal of the debt a rate of intertst oa intestmectshas not been estimated at more than five per cent per annum to be capitalised yearly akd whereas the total amoanl to be raised annually by special rate for pay ment of the said debt of 3000 and inter estis2uoo akd whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality of the villagaof acton wax according td the last revised assessment roll the sunt of 22900000 akd whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt- of the said muni cipality is for principal money the sum of tfiuqoo j akd vthereas no part of inch last mentioned sam or of the interest thereon it in arrear akd whereas the bylaw hu re ceived the assent of the electors of the said village before the final passing thereol therefore the corporation ofthe village of acton by the council thereof enscts as follows 1 an estate in fee timple in the lands described ax follows ah and singular thai certain panxl or tract of land and premises situate lying and being partly in the vil lage of acton and partly in the township of esqnesin ia the county of haltoa and province of ontario and being composed of a part of the kcrth easterly half of lot aumber tweotyeighi in the second coa- cession of the said township of esqnesing now partly within the limits of said vil lage which said parcel or tract of land and premises may be more particularly describ ed ax follow that is to say commencing at a point in the westerly angle of lot number twentyfive in william e smiths survey of a subdivision of part- of said lot number twentyeight according to a plan of said survey prepared by herbert j bow man jx5 the twentyfifth day of octo ber ajj 1537 and duly registered ia the registry office for the county of halion thence north ihirtynine degrees west four chains and ten links thence north forty four degrees forty minutes east one chain and fifty links more or less to a point where said last mentioned coarse would intersect a line drawn parallel to and distant six chains and ttxtynine links from main street in said village of acton thence north fortythree degrees twenty minutes west parallel to main street aforesaid two chains and seventy links more or less to the soatherly high water mark of the acton mill pood thence ia a sooth westerly and north easterly direction along the high water mark of said mill pond till said high water mark intersects the westerly limit of lot f a ia william e smiths survey of part of said lot twentyeight ac- cording to plan aforesaid thence north fortynine degrees thirtyeight minutes west along said westerly limit ninety- seven feet more or less to the westerly angle of said lot a thence north fifty- ooe degrees fifteen minutes east along the north westerly limit of said survey seven hundred and seventyfive feet more or less ia the place of beginning also all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises silaate lying and being in the village of acton aforesaid and being composed of village lot namber foar on the north west side of lake avenue in wil- lim e smiths survey of part of lot nam ber twentyeight afocesxidju laid down on said plan prepared by herbert j bowman pls and duly registered in the registry office foe the county of haltoa the said two parcels of land containing by admeas urement twelve and oneqaarter acres more or less shall be acquired by the said cor poration of the village of acton for the par- pose of a public park and drive the con- aiders lion therefor being 3000 and a deed of conveyance thereof from the said william edgar smith shall be accepted as a con veyance to the said corporation of the said estate in the said lands 2 the said corporation shall pay to the said william edgar smith the sum of 3000 being the consideration money foresaid opon delivery of the said deed of conveyance duly executed 3 a debt of 3000 shall be created for the parpose aforesaid by the said corpora tion and to raise money therefor the said corporation may and shall issue ad dis pose of its debentures for the sum of f 8000 the proceeds thereof to be applied for tbe parpose aforesaid which said debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said corporation and shall be signed by the reeve thereof and countersigned by tbe treasurer thereof and shall have at tached thereto coupons for tbe payment of the interest i that tho said debentures shall be made payable in sums of sot less that 100 each at the expiration of twenty years from the day this bylaw takes effect at the office of the treasorer of tbe said village of actoa 5 that the said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable halfyearly from the date thereof ou the thirtieth day of june and the thirty drat day of december io each year at the office of the said treasurer 0 that for the parpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of said de bentures the said specific sum of 19100 and for the parpose of paying interest upon the said debt the oertain specific stun of 15000 making togethtrthesam of 124100 shall be raised levied and collected in each year daring the oohtiduanot of he said de- brataret or any of them by a i ppoial rate ufflcleu therefor on all lbs raieabls prop- rly in tbe aald municipality 7 that this bylaw shall take ojleot sod coma into operation upon tbe tlh day of october adts89 v 8 the votes of the electors clftbe laid village hereon shall be taken oa the 20th day ot september i860 between tbe hours of kibe oclock in the forenoon and five oolock in the afternoon at the following polling places in the said village of acton and by the following deputy renaming oflloen respectively f poljhig lubdivisioa no 1 at i the town hall by thoi t moore deputy returning officer i- polling subdivision no 2 at the shop of cc speight by j c hu1 deputy re turning officer 9 the clerk of the village council shall am up the namber of votes given for and against this bylaw on the twentythird day of september 1889 at the hoar of ten oclock in the forenoon si the town hall ia the said village j 10 the fourteenth day of september 1889 at the hoar of ten oclock la the fore noon at the clerks office is hereby fixfa as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final summing up of the vote by the clerk of the said village re spectively on behalf of the persona inter ested in the promoting and opposing iht passage of lhiabyaw notice take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by the council of this municipality after one month from the first publication ia tbe acton fexe pnzaf the date of which firxt publication vu thursday mth august 1889 thomas t moore clerk of the municipality of the village of actoa dated at actoa the scth day ot august 1880 j t two good papers the best paper for your family or your friends family is the montreal vunti which while it is abreast with the news is notable for its unexceptionable family reading and for its adherence to the great principles which it has consistently advocated for a generation it has been daring all tha time the uncompromising foeof ecciesiasfidsm of the drink traffic aod all forms of oppression among which it counts protection it has devoted itself much of late years to the promotion of reci procity with the united states and has re cently been filled with the contest against jesuit aggression oa which baitlefieldit is u might be expected the foremost and most fearless champion the question and answer departments of the wtiatu have grown into an institution in the country and the paper it well known as an old friend and instructor of the farmer lia- deabankandrnsticas being still con stant contributors the children look for their special stories and for the paxzle de partment- the yearly subscription to the daily wifacu it 3j0 sad o the wuy witaeti l00 which ihould be addressed to the publishers john dougall i- son the kanhcrsrutftmgcr issued by the same publishers it still the cheapest mut inied paper published and is full of the best of eimily reading u well u reading for the young the subscription price ia only 30 cents a year harpers hagizlve prof w gbiaixie d d ia harpers magazine for october will call the attention of the american traveller to a corner of scotland worth knowing a comer which is however rapidly becoming known to seaside visitors as having the most bracing climate to be found perhaps ia the british isles he refers to north berwick oa the southern coast of the firth of forth and the glory of the place he says lies in its beach and its links and its islands and its sea view and its law and its incomparable fresh sir joseph pennell and w small ia their accompanying jllaitration keep pice with the aathor in revealing the beaa- ties of this carious little conglomerate of a place alfred gadsby a ixd of sixteen living at stratford ont comtrftted suicide oa thursday evening because he was afraid of being accused of the theft of soml articles which a companion stoic gaodaur defeated teemer at mckeesport pa ba monday ia a threemile straight away boat race the time was 23 minutes teemer chums a foal mrs geo h dansford wife of a leading citixea of reading pa iiad an sanday after being thrown into spasms while laughing daring which her xrtifiical teeth were swallowed if yoa want a reliable working boot- aa elegant sanday ihoe a comfortable even- iag slipper or a good trunk or valise to use ia travelling go to kenny bros boot shoe store acton icelpff ifaikets fiocrboiier floaristcne white oavtanl scott wheat democrat wheat braii- wbeat bwler osu bv peas hay old hay new straw egg p down hotter dslry packed bnttcr rolls cheese potatoes por bag aiiples pork lambcuor pelu bides pine wool turnips september lath 1383 50 to i t3 2 io to s 65 0 to 0 0 90 to 0 90 0 90 to 0 00 0 90 to 0 oaa too 83 ii 00 to u 00 o to o a 0 t to 0 so 0 so too 65 e ao to o as 10 00 to ii to 8 co to 0 cd s 00 to oo i 00 to m 0 13 to 0 1 0 16 to 0 18 0 is to 0 so 0 11 loo 13 0 60 too to 0 40 to 0 t5 e as to 6 ao 0 t5 to 1 60 0 s3 to 0 40 sfio toa oo 090 to 00 023 too 13 0 os to 0 10 a rare book oti ot sum boot if sumf a boca stcttti bckiui i 00 mou ttifistutu sonar suits it lata port pun foa ou douxi trail tausmn co totum oit write atonqc he largest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales ihproved show cases honey drawers uestcimfipsni aid 8btchu8 mppuu aaonu n rou writs it tsrmv c wilson a son 60elanadc street east v toronto ont ucfluod tab toper rttj uow jes wrlu 2r d j 2 great millinery show henderson ivicrae co kcton our grand millinery display on wednesday s5tli september will be open to all corners the ladies of acton and vicinity are specially invited to inspect our display of new fall goods i which will be found most attractive full lines of the latest styles of ladies dress goods in all the newest shades l with trimmings in great variety a cordial invitation is extended fo all henderson mrhe et co hcton 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 gtrand display of -at- 100000 oo asss t0 louithttindhmind x am elm firm isearily pply to utulv 4 ifclru money tojtptibv afwthonnd4olrioiit omj of 81000 o4 dtmfds awsn it hoam th null 1 now ihsiv lock oill kind ollhicbaitojhii- mtj lio b htd there t toboxto lim cjowasti challenge 100 rirtl00 15 prt trisrs adi fa2 allien tttal4roatats irwh yagnfl lumber elndshingl the uodenfaied lure on bud w tbeir mnv it llrcebouie ibout 0000 firfrf ts lumber lid ire prepued u cnpil inoens- otben with my quantity of lstnber txersl otber baudiafs it rcuooible priea a etess ploe end oedir ibioslei ii ilso od hiod tayloepo lmpoetaxt havlgdonebtii3emlijciudfoirtnar v rethrtttjoaibdrgftioailhfhtyl rw v ed vt tut thre men in rear thbht ssl present 01 to wbom eiclmin toritorr vfflk i given hbodsonie ormt ir wuy ma i penmf pjd eekjrlbtdy employment e yei round write ni at onca for tenoi hirfj itoek iofcnd ippeulty kay kbothebs kamrjia boebetrkt salesmen wasteh i atermtnent position gninned with mkn tad expense pdllno xperi noaded with a gratultsnujeitobeibsmi put wiling peculue oftttt fett quick uid get choice of verritrrj ttulaj age aehookebboebettefxl i 1 forsate ststm ghnltig mill carpenter el duelling tad a siiecessful buying j a iuifal dealer matt bei walltnownonb ha mnit keep his iiuna before tlie public he mmt be op with the gmei kit ftock malt be rech tfu1 u any ooe denru an irticle aha trill uy u iti obt at six al there ii no aw in looking- to accomplish this he mast be known as enterprising reuoable in price of recognized uste in selecting goods and last bat not least be mist ascertain which are the best market of the world or goods and boy there the manoisciariog centra of the old world axe u every one will acknowledge the foonuio head uid scarce of the dry goods trade the great london wholesale homes bay tbeir goods there and liter on tbe wholeaife men of toronto sod montreaj parcbsm theirs in tarn from these london boases now it will at once be apparent tbst if by any means the canadian retailer can arrange to bay his stock from the maaafictaring oeutres tbe oonseqaenoe will be he will be able to not only ondersell the nonlmporter bat to place before his caitomera tbe tery litestltnd freshest goods designed i these advantages we are now oflering oar castomen the benefit of for nearly two months ilc rysn hu been isitinx tbe old country manofaotarinx centres and writes as that be has placed orders for oar fail and winter goods at prioes which will enable as to convince oar customers in tbe asasi practical manner of the advantages of importing in tbe meantime we are anxious to redoee oar stock before the arrival of oar fall goods and are offering the balance of oar dress goods colored bilks prints etc at prices to clear an examination of bar goods and price ii all that isneeded to con vince the most sceptical i qbryan c co queph tbe leading dr ooods home 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg it son new qoode the right house hamilton come and see them an mmerim itock ol new fill tml winter ooodl cirpeu hooiefarnubinke ud ilillioery bu been reoeired and ii now ready or tale at tbe right hoote 40 package opened up tbli week making a total ol oter 10 paokagea already received thii eaaon and yetthil ia only a little oyer onehall ot tbe enormoni itook reqnired thii antnmn and winter lor tbe trade ot tbe right hooie imr rureet to the rnanolactoren and boying in large qnantihoa pajinooaib ddwh on too ipot for beee goodi enableawatklna to gire bii outomera the extra good value in all goodi nld athta eaubliihment i migninoent auottment ollriib and sootch rnade bosihold linen boodi jut raoelved including towelling table linena bleached and unbleached toweii soyliea table napktne diaper linen fronting the mantle department ii ahowing an extenelre variety tlliteringa plain clothi in busk and colored broeaded clothi tanoy and plain aatracan alto sealettectpleodld vale new vlnab velar uantlinga in mack and aeal brown tbeee are correct goodi or ityliih garmentv in till departme to be aeen an anortment ot new mantlea abort arid long length alio raglani paletota and clroolan elegant i brocbe velrata a large variety of pried and qnalitiea in colored and black pldahea a epeolal line ol colored plaih oal 76c per yard new ailk velteti and vefveteene a large anortment of dreaa goodi comprising bilk warp henrietta in leading in leading ahadet alto brack allwool frankfort olotbt poole 8ergei allwool cwhroere fancy furidt alio fancy cbecki and bordered aod embroldrad oret bobee one of tbe cboioeat varietlee of sret an i mantle trimtninga ever imported into canada beaotllnl siik fringe eotional trimroingt galooni oimpe ornimanu fooiigen epaolettea bee tbe new lace cortajbi from 76c to mt per pair newtatmybe of chooiho and fancy makea of fortier qnrvtina table covera table scirk drapery fringe onrtaln hotdenand other hooiefomithinga tr tbe millinery depart nest are to be teen new abapea for fall wear abown in velvet straw aod felt a large anortment of carpett including b natelt tapeatry and bddertninlatjer in new patteni have arrived oarpet bweepen oornioe folee fainted window shadi a etc mantleraakkig and midinerv depart- menta ready to reoeiveordera bemember to enter tbe atore eatt of the oarpet vlndow aimahy make miktakm and po not get into tji bight hoote look on the wlndowi for the name hamilton sept lltb 1880 thomas c wltbrnsrti the above premises is aetna art offered for ule toe mafhiserx tosnaitm ftiflttt aod moniiiag machine cntgotw co gait circular crosca and jig v1iob aal wood tnrnins lube with pkaer kahrn prtodinr atone etc alio altriutyof earpea- tsr tools will be sold lotjrtier ormaanrtj toi tools separately apply to iins p uccatt jk comfortably dwellings for bali- 1 that ioe new double frose drdhap tm- wt borer atenne tvo itonyt aftdb witi kjtchen attavehed hard tnd soft ater moral- r ent lnevurt reapecraad rdnti for 3 at month 1 the brickclad rendebo on mala bc30 to storev with large kitches atawfcai hard and soft water in the home k terms and particalara made knowtt optin-ij- plication at j lens -r- jir voters list 1889 n forthemq villaae opaoto couxtt of hajtos v oticb ii hereby glred thlt j bate tmv ted or ddrraed to the penor mnnkwj intbeuoraiddfoorthieelioaiolmtbatdaef lilt act tbe copiei required bynid eeetkpll beo tranimuted or delivered of the vpk bonaant to did alt ol ill periooi i le u bwlmd icnt boll ol tie hordfiirauty to tovnttuedtooie lotto jnsi- j dpalltvat election formeinlmnof tbegltil tive aawmbly and at umilcldal zttcoaani that uid lilt ra first postediapat royofate it acton oa tbe twentyninth or of aogaft m4 and remain there for inspection electors are ciuedapoa to aximlne avid l and if any omissiodl or uv other cnonrsri fooodtberelji to taie lirmiedii to bate tbt slid erron corrected fcccordio u ihtedltact6nuiiis0flidiforanp5tl th06 t iioobe onngi i 1 coal woc uames brown huonbindiurgeqtiiqtityef cvtheflttoil which he vru promptly deliver to soy part of the town atieaionible prices hardwood and tlibs cat store length irny- on band i telephone cbunuunioitjou orangi hal ton in the 1 idthanl of rest conatarjl at 8tl obtaini writer c rew j- pw1 gotlphl caeeoij qtjelph central exhibltloljli wulbholdonuiexbllitioii oronifltoi j in the j j city of guelph wayjmayfm sept 25 23 27 l imxesvul be stven for stodtproa uiu wort hne arts coiijo voz ex etc j tbi siieodlng ta thcilonc luis and otlisj ittt- tioni till b tfrondod for fonher pmiculirs boo wit lit tb may be bad on ipplicitlou to the secretary a whiteliw 1 uactenzffi rresideot bcciemt- i vj eacapel it had 1 hy atatj whatt v history of british columbia from the earnest pericdlo e pt j time br jhlwn- hoyi ilwciiorr 1 sow rvidy odioplkc lrw sftiiot roatditeu wlrt by in idlbor o pel t indtlisollleovly hiitorj of ttui iicuv tartl agents wanted setii cent and enterjalstos tctilen ji5 bv rtair bomel they all at zfjs hstor7oftbntutry u wall a j andthomwbobavobtiuaeat coanecuoai w them who dojaot go then heit and tho who hive business cosoeetloas m them who do not eo tbew he ff s u urge ai the fnlied blatci and i thij tj u larfia ai tne luuea bw i- if most era constitote tbo foundanon ol i prom5 tjs20 a day can be mio byiscnts 1 ifisi dredi o thooiandi of oplo j i countrtandta the astory ot b jvj nartwnh aontberitul buy tbll boof wslly onblalcdandjiioutb fnuef ghla tails it is thoroachly- sound- ittscucii rr p f jj- ooil earnest workers dciirtas ijsl- apply lmmedjatidy and in order w 5sh itfiliendlwampletceinranw ot and nameimoieo of te- affiw termignaran eed sscss qiullulncok will loll fibaf rraiudlndeclvooar menu v tjmlwtodslverind collect aibvim ths ri8t0ry cq 723ret ruo franciioo cal atu lort 111 yon by when tbem 1 1 adon ofjiejil ronlj t ehjrtml eiktil oebtl dnringl othatl groondl rnan- wl ihedil n- judaol besj bednrj um i rt of i

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