Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1889, p. 3

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mo pin i 0 i i tc4ibr aa iuiexge r fcwbj- cb xtu4ahbellj andsiiiiisles luakt f w iu i specialty hsothebs se fiodmb sit iicjpixnud with lrr a mid- so- pg2 caj ot tatvts e edqkek koebeste f l rsaler i hiu carpenter shop and 1 lefliij i ui acrostrc joserkj for j aachiaerj cffloprys plaaia cant gosrfirtco lit ad iig sttt iron u- vuh saws placer taint re alio t quantity of omen iced together ormd3mrt i altlrto hfisr 1uc1sk lable dwelling ifobsale- j- it decide xae ac w rase two etenjys 5ss3b nth bxzd ndsox ier codmoi- eci td nsrj cr rlit tee ca min attest j till large kitchen fril erunbeboasc i elj fcaflct gyppi iy- fhse nfess office actus fjjjghethodist church acton jjjv o a qjtford ma rj pastor pftttorit bowrarwmc tmhuc 8rrie laso ou nd tso saudly tfbooluo- bible dnooodnctvdbvuiq tpiw all cordiijlr invited- rbmfien w4 tiiton li vsleotae at- uyt olit u door hitting ire jlnl rplr ko h p itoan rt6wrd bank of hamilton ld office hakuton- cjjnrurinj rfl000oa uzteryr frj tvxsjoxl i georgetown aoency a grail bulinf batinen truucted savdgs bink detabt1lext deposiu nccivod ot 11 ud npwtfdg uterett tllovod x cattcat rites ko ootk o withdrttti required 5plklils3s h m watsok ajjcnt repairing llkindi ot wteht clack jrut ui4 ctc csretuur rrpirtd fintcuw ort qius reo-uw- oar motto a ivteud cactdaier ill ojl tiriiic ecniemua- lire ijjcc ctattfaciueajtch geo hynds i dealer c-j- jneuert smonery schoci books elc f actok ont jt jutolt t f ttss ihhradarsepti51befii9 1889 iixy mikofi locals i utled by uie eterttoajlilfiil md alert free prmreforteri islist 1889 iiiiyoja j- e jof acton j of haltox i- r pfven tea i fcattru3bit- kftdd ts tfce pf jambi jaarili geti ct tiittitirf ttarmztiiwl btbadd wcticii to i or daireried cf ibe est safe lact ot jb perjeets p asebsec boo of tfaejnid e enctid iqtose in toe mai ms far 1 enter of tfae letfds- i at jfcnicf jkj eli3t fa a fiai tostecl op tlmf ofiajl tsst13itii car of aibscbb e fox idspeetiss i 1 fgfatt t- es or urr other euuuiib 1 imls tttttnrvjjtte 1 xhos t 1sxjeel r jqiaapidi wood es brown fcspor dtlirtr to jjr f4 juie jticer j l iiwc itcscl centbal ibition i the eihibitioo gnmods isfite f guelph ttiursdayst l vepa- s rwd leili fiiil iculoa to the s03swj uickeszi becttt- jtime- jr jivti biiciort- so diniluis fm latfaefe here utj flu but js ss3- jtalssoaday jm sum irilr s b tfrpffjr fll 1 lufpmd imm dttidoa oait tchuj- pirfc byitw election tomorrow rbroalo exhbition closes tomorrow wcoliiosfcc nie ot uituoa ii8 7lc milk jtue fcrc pcrss to jmnixy 1690 far jj eente the oiirille star cxls the georpc- ton btsebajliststdab of eubftct fthe rxle ot timtaoo o airinitoa for 1338 w been btracfc it 2 cents oq the jliass hxplen of gaelph tikes psxt in tte foresters concert al georprtqrn on r 4eyerjboay wbo hx seen is seems well pleased with the iue poster of icton rribn eihibition we mxiersuni uul itr john ltwsoa vli is tharuy to remote from acton to a point over the line the bearerton cprovwxnls that tihige to foqow acton i einnph and por- otpme pihlic ptxt the propher position said t paar man ac he placed his arm around miidcn1 wifsc on bower avenne the other eftniog after shoot ai weeks of contintiocu dmnth the splendid riin on sanday night 4hereatroc4 and war mnchapp by eteryfaodr i6henwuiieb 20000 five per cent water worb debentures hare been porchaad by kanager ejan of the bank of ttnfpilfay orangetilk for 106 the regular halfyearly meeting of haiton techeri association will be held in tba if odd 6chool room milton on the 10th and uth october viist eonday wasnt much of a day of teetj on the g t bahway an almost cotktanf soccesaon of trains thtmdexed- ihraagh anon fron morning till night rthe libel case between the two editors 1 bt marys has been settled itr moir obtained possession of the name of the winter of the article and immediately with drew tle suit ia number of oar citizens received ipeaal and pressing icvitatons to sisit goaionsfonday the long drawn oat can of johnston re ratledge was at the bcaannfi fmr t b brajk of ccmminsrille mho managed acton rioarrailla tor some itflie is now naming his ntw nue with grtat satisfjction and it farored with a bood nm o trade the ehelborne ecorqoiui ra sii years 4 last weei there is no more heilihy yoongster in the newspaper fxmijy in the perince w l smith nms it and he fcabws how ta do it to perfection the county council has expressed iu tfllingness to grant hilton a lease of the pbperty in the rear ot the jail tor the par- pose ot erecting a high school building there it lttu the power so to do henry sell the famons merchant ce said that adrertisementa ehonid be ikiog attractite and conrincing they boaldaj once nieet the eye arrest the ft and fasten on the memory r- a coo pie of yponjf ladies had a narrow ipe from serions in jary in getting on the 227 tram here sainrday afternoon after it bad started the prompt signal to stop by stationmaster harry holmes aterted bat might haze been a fatal accident j the gotcrnorgeneral wrote that be pold be enable to attend the provincial fair at lcuion on account of important toiinese deutning him in the east we ouerve that his lordship is hard at work tending horse races and balls at quebec condon adctser if yon have a neighborthat annoys tpo by borrowine the fcrx press jast ben yon want- fa read it yoorsejf elij taem that ihey can hare it sent to theirj ddrtas direct from the office from the 1st o next moctii to the lit of janoary v fat only me this is a special offer lrthe yoaa ladies of the methodist etcrcfa 4tifion have leased part of uhej xhibitioti grounds and will have refresh 4 ojent booths and lanch ooaniers tbereoa daring tht second day of the fall showj p that it wfil not be necessary to leave the ffoands to eaticfy the cravings of the inner n- ucfurmer when will brampton fair be faeldl the directorate is apparently dead this kaf ko particnlan liare been tarnished fc bflioe of anything to happen the days beo people gomfles to see pumpkins and dqaiks haspassed away it is aboo ve the directors were prodociog some ort of programme brampton tiam where is brampton anyway t t i mr w lee the favorite tsilor has jast received a oca assortment of jjoodi wtal smtiags light orereostingi hid other oods laitable to the- seasod the watkl fuoabip on all orders is firstclari and i aaare good satisfaction to all fo biuu art garland ftote wich en t fejr choicest variety weeping willow iwrse cbertodt 6 a bttwau home gleanings wlfh arnlloitl 0 a local character and all interesting ii r are being irottedoui aain vn cichaogc gets off the following th intcrtstitig stories m the mammoth siash his pompkitvand overgrown potato wal soon appear it the promtnoot publica- tioosotiheday takwtchworkandmotto qmlt bt oldtn timet will be miearthcd and doflaty for anbuier aaaon and the parlor wills kill be donadidot thnir mottoes and thfc fancy work til genfincmi to worry the jawua ttportera of the fall ahowa a ptfej mtthoi ptra tbornley a toroiito woman whose hoshandii addicted to drinking to exoess wiined several liotelkeepers tortfrain from seitirtg him with liqaor the warning wia nobwded aud mre thorniey had one of j the saloon keepers before jadge jtfi- dujal for damnges and received 1100 u such another saloon keeper against wuqbl ahntook proceedings settled the matter by pagring a similar ssm with costs the law will give thii moad ot protection to the wives ot drnnkardi if they pat it into effect tie dustr wj at te depot l bevy of young ladies in town im- plorcd oar reporter the other day to atir up lha members ot the council aboat the matterof continuing the sidewalk from the gt il station with a crossing to the mill street sidewalk dartog the dry dasty wiither th walking through the tnkledcep duatatthtspomhisbeeuaslusafferabtaas tbj anspriukled yard at the union station at toronto sorely there ooe member cf th icoancii gallant ccoqgh to s that the m idest rcqueit of the young ladies is gnated r taj timpurs baifca c fieme the royal templars ot temperacce of a toucouacilkosoohtvedecidedlohold lb sir first annual picnic in the exhibition pi xk boildfcgs oa ifonday next 23rd intt a i friends of temperance in acton and vicinity are cordially invited to be present o course bringing their baskets with thep in usual pionic style commiuecs are t wnrfc and all arrangements will be cooj- pleted at ucpn on itondsy for a realty enjoyable time eterybody u requested to be present as eixly in the afiemoan ax pcssible artistic jab printing those reqairinffsxy kind of printicg sboald not fil to give thcfca pucis job fiootns s call bill heads letter heads envelopes besicess cxrdr lgs pamphlets circulars and posters of all kinds executed promptly and cheaply the latest designs in type and material enables us to tarn out work ecsi to the best- call and see samples every merchant will want some pfintlnsfoc the exhibition leave your orders now we can da your work with greater satisfaction by having it a few days in advance i fxullczidcut atimtcz ion monday mr thomas eiowsou a resident of hilton was driving into town as tte om c p r express was coming in from toronto it is supposed that as mr howwn wns haftlof hearing he hid not heard the train signal for the cross road and wus killed by being pitched oat of his n is he wis thrown clear of the track the beggy wxs completely smashed rip and the horse badly injured deceased leaves a wife and a family of grownap children one of the sons is ifr 2 e howson who was far soine tine a merchant here bat is nbw in toknto qnitedfcplocl success j the following shoald be carefully read bv some of oar townspeople the pros- prir cf s toun ib cot zzxgsd by the wealth of its jahabitante bet by the orifcrmlt- with which they pell together when any important undertaking is to be accorrplithed a mm with a thoosxni dpusrs at his cbassaci and a lovg for his town m his heart can do more for the building up and improrin it thin the nkaiionaire who locks up his capital and snaps his fingers at home progress a unanimiois vote on the park bylaw to morrow will exhibit a spirit of unity to be appreciated an all sides jfrsmpiaa irst actcz seccud j tbe last at the series of lacrosse matches fcr thcceciral district championship was played at brampton last thursday between the young toroctos and the excelsiors ot ttat place and was won by the latter by foux straight games this puts brampton at the top of the list with five games won and noncjost and oaly one goal tost in the whole seriei of match es acton takes sec ond place and has also a very creditable kore having lost bat cue match they won every coal bat oce plsjedon their own groands and lost their one match to the brampton boys who compose one of the best amatedr teams in canadx- bxcuff meg t judge rose has recently given a very jmportact decision in regard to the right of a police officer to handceff a prisoner a rnan was arrested and taken before a magi jtstate for furnishing a central prisoa can ities with tobacco tee judge held that ithere was nothing wrong in this but he lieverely reprimanded the dciecthe who made the arrest for using the handcuffs to handcuff an untried prisoner unless he resisttt arrest is trespass according to the law and in this case the detective will hare o pay the handcuffed man 200 damages and lhc costs of the suit police officers teoald do well to overhaul their rules of condact and when found mike a note youthful competitors is literature the publishers of th montreal kuneu aave jost awarded the prizes for their liter- iry competition amoog tbe ying people jf the domioioa tales aod iketches were liied for figm all school children illustra tive of pioneer life in canada with a view of stimulating patriotism andcattve literature at the same time suitable prizes were of fered forcompelition in schools counties provinces and the domiioon lord lome wastbe jafge for the dominion and mjjs slayeeluyhoiden ot st johns kewfound- iaod wen the dominion prize a splendid typewriter john llartin 5f ilton won the county cf haiton prize f acaalays histor ia five volumes acd john itirtin stilton john springer special john ptolemy kelson uis3 hi ta ii foster cummins- ville won thcschpol prize tbe johsstos vs ruileign case the sait entered by mr saraael johns- toa jr sgiinstmr w h ratledge butcher last spring in which it was claim ed that the dissolution of tbe partnership which bad existed between the two was in equitable wasarranged to come before a m mckinnon master in chancery at gaelph on monday for ad judical ion the matter wae however settled oat of court by tbe parties upon the basis agreed upon wheb tba partnership wae dissolved each to pay bisown costs- in ihesetuemcnt it was agreed that a uotefor s2000g which was given jby bamael johnson 8r apon wbicli he was liable to rotledge and trans ferred to a tbird party was agreed to be delivered op a note for similar amount gives by ratledge to johnson jr was also agreed to be given op the accounts doe the late firm are to be taken and divided equally w a mclean for plaintiff w laid law qc for defendaut neighborhood news furulshctl by ctjrrtijwnuenti culled rrom rxdangti ani flcked u by the way ub air g h keuody took his scat at the oouacil board lamt week hu first official ant wae to movek resolution of ooddoleoce to the family of tho lae a 0 mckiulay whose plaoe ho had been elected to fltl tbja aaioaaueot wae inoreated thtayear about tloooo but the rate fixed li op pretty high bolwiuiatendiiift twenty mills ji the flguti- i the agricultural society is dolug all in tte power to attract sportsmen to town for the fair five hor races are in eluded in the epeoial altraotiona the exhibition two weeks from today creclman bros are as usual making a fine exhibit ot their knitting machines at the toronto industrial a great attraction was the operation of their machines by a blind girl ee1x the fall icssion ot the townshipcoancu was held last friday owing to the repairs at present in pro gress preaching services in connection with bums church were held in the baptist cuuwhou sunday the sunday school wu inthe basement of barns cbjirch as usual the new seats and desks have arrived aud been placed in the pablic school tuey add much to the appearauco of the school room besides being more coaveotent and comfortable than the old ones mr thomas ware ot fergus has sold to mr john h reed of erin the old james ross farm at cumnock for 8000 the farm was sold under mortgage in july l8sswhen mr ware bought it on specula- tion for ig5o0 mr ross sold the farm a few years before to mr blatcher for j100w kkatchbull there is nowfourof mr jnokitcbiwii family sufferiag with blicfc diptheria butr it it hopedlhat they may all recover so far there has has been no more cases in robt blacks family the majority ot farmers have finished see and some fields are looking green on account of the continued dry weather lately the pastures and root crops were beginning to look quite parched bat a heavy shower fell sunday night which will greatly benefit it quite a number ot perous iu this neigh borhood intend taking in the big show during the week a series of revival meetings are being held in the methodist church crtwsoas corners hy the pastor assisted by the misses hall ot gaelph the meetings are well attended and much good is being done a gentleman of oar town was overheard to remark one day lait week that he had well nigh made up hi mind to start another paper here and had evjzn went so far as la take a trip to the city in search of a press make haste brother opposition is the life of trade i would say- to the funny people of the star that rather than apply personally to the devil as to the situation- ot fanny- town i will be coptented to remain iu darkness as to that particular point a devil even if he joes belong to a printing office is a something that i always see from therefore i cannot under such a cir cumstance accept your verykind invita tion as our editors have taken the hint tgave them two weeks ago and have- put it into their most serious spnsideration perhaps funnytowfi would be a ptaaiatlt place to spend a month or so after the event hap pens providing that there were no report ers aroand what say yoa gakvihe is to be without agrain market this year mr watson who has been leader of the methodist choir here for soie time past has resigned his position the vacancy willte filled by mr j a doty an old member of the choir mr j hccraney son of win mccraney ex m p visited his home a couple of days last week eerand mrs barrows and daughter left ia monday on the midday train for their home in dakota dexthofhrr ror r hcbbs the mary friends among the readers of the feee pkzss of rev r hobbe and family will be pained with the intelligence of the death of mrs hobbs which occared at the parsonage at tilsonburg last satur day she wasavictimofcoosumptioaand tor the past year has been gradually failing bat with christian fortitude she bore her suffering her devoted husband was of late almost constantly with her and had the satisfaction of personally ministering to her comfort with perfect resignation to the call of an allwise providence she has pro ceeded her husband aod five children to the bright home beyond the river mrs hobbs was especially dear to the people of acton during his pastorate here her mr hobta brought her to acton as his bride and this is the native place ot their firstborn she tilled the position of help meet to her husband aud the peoples pas tor with acceptibihtyv to all the sor rowing husband has the bcartfelt sym pathy of all who know him in this heavy affliction tbe remains were interred in fairview cemetery kiagara fails south on tuesday yarrow- escape abrowns- mlij the fire alarm racg oat wildly last friday afternoon about thrw oclock and the word was parsed around that browns milt was on fire a large number of citizens hurried tothe scene wbere it vis learned with geoeral satisfaction that while the fire was in dangeroas proximity the mill jjad not yet caught a spark from a gasa ing locomotive ignited the g t r fence and with theheavywind blowing at the time it spread rapidly iu all directions a field covered with heavy oat stubble lies between the track and the mill and with rapidprogress the fire was making across the field for the mill when discovered willing workers to the number of a hun dred or so subdued the flames in a few minutes within a quarter of an hoar the tire had ran throaghovera hundred yards at fencing the most of which was levelled to the ground at one time mr brown thought his mill property was certainly doooied to destruction its hun dreds of piles of lumber and thousands of cords of slabsjare as dry as tinder and would go like a flash among the workers none were more valiant than miss mary brown and hixs foster a milton visitor they stack to tbe pamp- until all danger was averted j c mckiulay l d b- of brampton lias now charge of t bo dental office in georgetown of the late a c mc kin lay all- branches of dentistry will be carried on in tbe most aaisfactory manner with all the latest and most approved apphmceti he will also visit acton twice a mouth aa didhislale predecessor tbe liberal pt- ronrge epjoyefl by the late a c mckiulay hr respoctf uiw solicited for his successor- cmckixuyldis h pfilonil pntion lrarrphsbmpffuncviiltorito aod from actun with whom free press headers irchrreorlfiaacoualuted miss katie orr is visiting friends iu milton miss lottie hemitreet is visiting friendi in toronto mr johncommiogb of hamilton was la town od saturday miss frecland spent a couplo of days this week in toronto j mrs m fern ley of brantford if a gt est at tho parental home mr and mis william ramsey visited trjends in gaelph this week mr dd christie ot toronto spent a day or so last week with friends here mr and mrag tongh of grand valley were the guests of acton friends on sua- diy mr andy pearson and miss pearson of clifford mich are the guests of mr j b pearson messrs j wilson ot georgetown and albert wilson of iowa were in town last saturday miss lizzio coruiali of little britain as the guest of mr w williams during the put week mr a ijoomer of liu wood has been ap pointed clerk oclhe sixth division court ot the coanty ot waterloo mrs m brcnnan and mother have re moved to toronto where mr brennau is cow engaged iu his calling mr aud mrs r d warwi ot the era georgetown md mrs mckiulay were guests at cedar creek farm last thursday er alfred warren of the state journal staff of lincoln kcb returned home last friday having spent a couple ot months here very pleasantly rev mr drumtn of the presbyterian congregations of georgetown and lime- uoqsc has been granted a leave at absence for three months he and mrs drumm who is ill will go to colorado the rev w s mctavith b d was elected ncepresident of the brantford ministerial association at the meeting last thorsday st george journal rev mr mctavifih is a naaagaweyaboy who is rapidly climbing op the ladder mr wilbur kujcnt son of ilev mr ku- gent of trsgslgar street church lias gone to gaelph to attend the training school he expects by phnstmas to have his first- class professiotiaicertiflcate and he is not yet eighteen years old mitchell irco refer dr auld who has been practising with dr webster here for some lime has par- chased an interest in the practice of dr stacey of acton aud has goae there to reside dr aald his been unusually suc cessful in his profession and we wish him prosperity at acton georgetown herald rev j a holmes of memphis mich has jat been retaraed by his conference to that charge for the fifth year this is a great compliment to his acccptiblity as a pastor as there is bat one other minister in his conference who enjoys the distinction of a five year terra rev j e farmer bd pastor of the sherman stmetkoqist church milwaukee has been returned for the foarth year at list quarterly ofjieial meeting of his church complimentary resolutions were adopted concerning the work of tbe pastor and his retcrn for anothet year was unani mously requested success has crowned tbe efforts of this promising young minister a former actoaun and he enjoys the esteem and confidence of his people the tiritors to the exhibiton on tues day had ry little comfort billy bell is anxious for a chance to defeat gathrie of georgetown in a 75 or 100 yard foot race our merchauu hid a burglar scare on saturday night- the burglars tailed to materialize however f a cheap excursion to detroit cleve land chicago saginaw aud grand rapids will be ran over the grind traak railway on the 27th and 23th insls messrs henderson mceie fc co an noance their fall millinery ope for wednesday nextjth inst tbe ladies of acton and vicinity are invited to call and examine the new and elegant styles to be on exhibition a social under the auspices of the ladies aid of knox cliarch will be given by mrs james mcgregor at her home lot 2gcon g kaaaagaweya on friday evening sept 27th conveyances will leave the post office at 7 oclock sharp the oold fresh air care is a new cure for consumption slowly being accus tomed to the action of the air the patient is moved a little nearer each day toward an open window the last stage of the cure consist in sleeping in the open air regardless of wind rain or snow the burial comes later a case ot extreme hardship has been discovered by the civic charitable authori ties at 17 young street james price his wife and six children live there he is suffering so much from heart disease that he cannot work his wife is nearly dead with consumption one child is a cripple and none of the rest are over twelve years old mayor dorsu granted temporary re lief to the family bat it is a case for the intervention of the charitable hamilton spectator price is we understand a native of this township and is related to the prices of the sixth and seventh lines referring to the exhibit of the canada glove works at toronto the mail says h there ti any one manufacturing firm exhibiting at the industrial fair whose goods are worthy of the pride and patronage ot canadians that firm is messrs w h storey sou glove manufacturers of acton this firm has an exhibit apstairs in the main building qm fall goods kelly bros t j i i t suitings and vautings tu coo- vlooe yon that wt have the enotoafjgeofti bthe county a vorfocl fit gnarantoed every time a cure lor sors ejrsa is alook uiwag1rtcsilr bros elegant auortment of tho most faahionablo spring hata which they can sell cheeper than any other homo lu the county i wehitejustreotjvrtaoonureduoietfoithb latest aud most faauouamu struifitties sad bearish qsnuetnm -s- loucanuienioiisj by huyiflflrtmr beady mads clothing at kedy hros we havejuit received a vary largo htock of ueas yoothr boys andj cmdrei suit which are of tho choicest patterns indityle xtmi8aiufromtooep ocfanufromtflssup childrens suiu trom ei75cp oar supie dry qoods cant ba beat oar stock of groceries is very compltte and ot best quality at lowest prices oar 25c jipan tea beau too worid kgton ordered clothing new hats new ties ready made clothing dry goods l groceries kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros- -great- s -at- xi je3 jermyns acton a picnic for bargain seekers 5000 yds of vew dross goods ia the scarce diades loch as uahogany and green it about hajf prica we can tave yoa at icut 50 per cent black cashmeres reduced to 25 35 i5 50 to to aod t5c w guarantee the t5c line to be silk warn and well worth si per yard we can save jo a it leut 50 per cent new prints zephyrs chambrays and muslins a good aasortioenl sew shades heary ida cloth anil tut dyes we can tare foa ss ir centin thii line gloves and hosier au kinds makes and colors we save yoa 5c per cent hern wo dont iintfead to sell goods cheaper than evy other honu in canada forjthere are others wbo tell egoallr as cheap oat thej- doat do basfoeas in this coanty satins a grand line of satins evening sbsdsi at 10 cents per yard do not delay as this line is being picked up rapidly and we cannot repeat it less than 55 cents millinery absolutely pure itrengthand wbcoosonidi wort ooonomical thautbeordlnarf ktndtvua cawt be eow to eompouuon with u mnju todo oflpw testahort welgbtalum orphospnat pqwdars bold only 4nnt borax jjaaxvo powxaa co 106 wall bt 2cy doriugjuly wo will sail all trimmed bau at ctat and aatrimtnod bats at s9 percent be low coat now is tbe time to secure some of the finest bats at median prices parasols corsets and bustles in vailety boots shoes and groceries bamembei we havs tbe best lie tea an the market rbjermyn jermvii fells 3teap castor i a for infante and children j i i btonuch disrrhcea eructation h a aacsn kd i aa vomm c d proaiotei d aloae- h amcmo kd iu 8evoated 8t dmktj jr t thi cartlcb cowasr tl stamy street k y ust0ffa1xfaie3 the following is a fist of fall fairs which bare been pabhabed up to this dale sec retaries ot fairs will oblige us by sending in the names and dates of their shows to this office in order to add to the list actox ustox acton oct 8 and 9 provincial lrtudoo sept 9 to w industrial toronto sept 9to21 gaelph ceutral gaelph sept 252c27 midland central kings too aagast 28 to september 7 eastern townships sherbrooke p q september 3 to 5 central canada ottawa sept 9 to u southern brantford sept 10 to 12 northwestern goderich sept 17 to 19 central hamfltonbept 23 to 27 wellealey aud fjaslhope wellesley sep tember 2t and 25 south grey durham sept 2t and io centre bruce paisley sept 24 to 2gj southern coantiesi st thomas sept u to 27 north union orangeville september 25 and 26 great northern collingwood sept 25 to 27 esqueaing georgetown sept 26 and 27 north waterloobetlin sept 2g and 27 north brant paris oct i and 2 peel brampton oct 1 to 3 the northern wilkerton oct 1to i north perth stratford oct 3 and t eramosa bockwood oct 3 and i sonth waterloo oalt oct 3 and i garafraxa- bel wood oct 8 and 9 centre wellington fergnoct 10 and hal too county milton oct 10 and ii it iboltebbollert goelph sept 1389 dcjj mn eiiton i must admit i am somewhat in arrears to your readers as it is now several months since i have had the privilege of addressing them through the valuable medium ol the fkee pcrs on the attrac tions and advantages of no 27 it is however vain to endeavor to do too many things at once so that while i have not been talking to our friends of tbe fzx paxsstofthe past ten of twelve weeks i have been working for them and it has been a busy time with me any one who knows something ot the immensity and number of the manufacturing and mercan tile concercs which la britain france and germanv as well as in the emaller nassagaweya brookvilie october h j states of europe bend their energies to and 15 erin erin village oct 16 and 17 if you want to becure a firstclass boot or shoe made to order out of good material and byreliable workmen go to kenny bros boot shoe store acton james h gumoar of t gumonr dr co wholesale grocers brookvilie says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it m mediately relieved and cured best of all j liwiiector of public uoads parish cough medicfuwt avltk therry pe loril is iu grvaier ikuiantj ilian eve ku prcjcraiji- fur tiiruat and lung truiibles w su oitnpt iu its effects so asrecahiu to tl xtc and so tindery known r ims 1 is the lamily medi cine in tr5ii is ul huasehclda i hav iind for ycsir from a broudiial truub that whenever i take cold or am export 1 to inclement weatlf- cr shuw fttir iy a very annoying tickling sensation m the throat and by lifiiciilty in breathing i luive tried a great many femeiiii3out noue does so well as ayers cherry pctoral which alwavs gives nrouint relief iu returns of jny old coinpraitit ernest a iicqkt wjie dunne la i consider ayers cherry pectoral a most important remedy j for home use j i have tested its curative power in ny family many times during the past thirtv years and have never known it o fall it will relieve the most serious ajfuctions ot the throat and luncfe whether in children or adults mrs e g edgerly council ulufis iowa j twenty years ago i was trotiblad with u disease ot the lungs doctors afforded me uo relief and conshlerti my case hopeless i then bean to 1141 ayera cherry pectoral aud before il had finished one bottle found relief jl continued to take thh medicine until la cure was effected i believe that ayerfs cherry pectoral aaved my life t- somnel grigys waukegan 111 six years ago i contracted a seve e cold which settled ou my lungs add soon developed all the alarming sym toms of consuraptiou i had a coug 1 night sweats bleeding of the lung 1 pains in chest and sides aud was o c rostrated as to be confined to n y cd most of the time alter trying various prescriptions without bene tit my- physician flnally detetmined to give me ayers cherry pectoral i took aud the effect was magical i eeem 4 to rally from the first dose of tms medicine and after using only thi bottles am as well and sound as evei eodney johnson springfield hi- ayers cherry pectoral rrsfakjcd bt dr j c ayer k co loweh mu a ioldbyaudroniiti pricetl subovllea supply the worlds chief requirements in the dry goods line will in measufa appreci ate the labors of the baler who has to wade through all this labyrinth and make his selections suited to the varied requirements of tbe trade for which be caters to do it well is likely to tax all his time and abili ties and bo it was with me though rested and invigorated after a most delight ful trip of seven days on the bosom of the brftsd atlantic i found after getting into the factories and shops of the old land that tbe inspection of samples remember ing of quotations comparison of values and studying of styles gave me about all i could attend to labor however becomes a pleasure when you feel you are accom plishing a purpose my purpose was to get the very choicest good at the lowest possible prices and i ncruiuly succeeded as i think 1 shall be able to demonstrate to my customers my purchases almost to a fraction were made directly from the very best manufactures tbe cash being paid for the goods as soon as they were put into the bands of the packer i also established a purchasing agency in london through which all purchases between seasons will receive proper alteotion my customers cin have any special article aenfoutinir way at auy time you would find it not a little interesting to look over the piln of invoices that have come to hand and notioe all the different places in almost every port of enrope from which our supplies are drawn in paris 1 bought goods of rare elegance to sum up no choicer stock has ever been placed on our shelves and i feel that the two mouths spnt in this way will benefit both soy customers aud myself we are now busily engaged opening out and assorting our purchases ana iuvite oar many friends to favor us with s look through our attractive stock with assnr ance of oar best endeavors i am the publics obedient servant e r bollert 27 lowar wjmdham streetj guelph 1 only 25 oftntb x- mammoth house georgetown j- immense arrivals of kail and winter goods ourstockuabont complets for tbefall trade and- we are receiving extensive addi- tions daily welibvea the pew- est fabrics in dress goods at ex- tremely low prices dres silks trom 25c per ynd op onr millinery showroom js complete with all the- latest novelties in millinery our dressniakingand mautlc making department is in fnll running order ladies jack ets dolmans and ulsters in large variety an imme3se stock of cloaking materiaito ebbose frmn in cotton woollens flannels ilinkolsjtweeds shirtrogsy lriuti oar stock is very com- plcte and purchased before the recent advanced prices an ex cellent grey flannel for 12c icr yd tip carpets hobsefnr- nislmigs in large variety not for- getting ladies and gents foot- wear our prdered clothing depart ment is a i i readymade clothing in boys and mens immense stock great bargains the biggest drivq on earth in readyinaue overcoats splendid overcoats for 350 and overcoats fir s500 worth j10i00 others uccordi ugly cbaap i we shall he glad to see yoa come aud inspect ourj stock and see the bargains buy if snitameii not you sbali bb courteously treated wmmcleodco u am if oth house qeohgptowm dr washinctom throat and lung surgeon toronto of all patients who consult bim bat b to curs t mneh larger per cesti general practltioenjn general pn of consampuon have meir origin in catarrh tbe bead and throat a few of tbe mcv wo- mlueat srmptona of catarrh will b foand bfr- low and let thos who bare l ccmsumj mident sympton a low and let thow who bare seen consumption in iu first stages recall tbe terrible fact iftb above is not correct and why so many this terrible eiaeaeo is that when hope w everr chance trtmeat to a auceeasful jsana die of pr mad also eveby uksciiiption oi rubber aud metal stamps tinglet db stewart mfgco 10 king st west toronto u held out tbe patient neleeta till toojats today u tbe ealdcn ing in time tempos cruunation is tbe theft ity takat time fliespro- thne children cry for pitchers castoii ivhca eaby was sjcfc tto gave her casioria when lic a a child ate crfed far castoria wbes she bccacacilss abeclen to castorli wlicnsha hai child rrnibecaretheoicasioru tp farmers and threshers xrepnvpnrmosjbetvonly the wehknawn bs21lsss oil i p i j 9rsr t w wmrt a t h i i itanrins m it w svliu mjjjb1jb j oa p axltl opli wiggoniuidbortf poweri huh il re nied iid highly romjnmaami ffcnngadph finwn uk for tb in noother luuutkjturoaitqmcftoltjrou tetkjby i 8 muel rocers sjcfo toronto i dr washington has been compelled to auk monfnrrtisits to fauy supply the wishes of haddredi of patienuwno availed tbemscltm ol his euccoaif ol trtattqott- his new method is bued oa tho princile of eonvbyinfi cola meal- cated vapor direct to tbe scat of disease thus biiagingtbemedieotioalnditect contact with thedueaaed tisaaee he doernot claim to ejin he does claim r itags than the general practitlosenon general practice- it j not an unreasonable claim either wbea itla considered that tho donor has derotod t rears to the smdy ol hit specialty and lmyapred oo all the new systems which tt6 been before the kcientioc world bis treatment ha risen super ior in iu eflecu aud cesulu to- that euopted by- the most sminest specialists even in new torx as he has today pauenu in that city wbo hav been given np by sew turks most dtttirrrnlshed throat and lnng finrgeons and harebeen com by his treatment the namsaof sdme of them have ben published in this paper on sereral oocadons u must be remembered that dr waantdgtm who has deen devoting years to the apeeul- tody of throat and lung diseases baa tcday bees handsomely rewarded for his indomitable ahd indefatigable petsen eranoe and eonld there be a more uiiblereoomltioa than tbe teatf monials pnbliaaed in this paper from tune to time the dr has bnlltnp in extensrre pne- ties throughout the dominion sxaminlnfall patients peraoually and will be wholly rapes- aible to all who have an oejcaatob to rtait him another fact it ia well for all to remember who may be- troubled with any of tie fouowmff symptoms ot catarrh toat la very tart majority of casea it is tbe incipient stage of con f somption in fact so per cent ot all the easel v th ql synjptohib of catarth sosceivtlbnity to catch cold in the head a feeling ot tightness across the bride of the nose i r with sometimes pais tuning o the haul pas sage aecumalatten of mnens whicnls di charged by the nostrils or drops back into the throat a sense of iialn or heaviness owrthe eyes often in the back of the be4iid neeav sometime in the top of tbe head at tim diuinus pain in the eyeballs lasfvezaatea a doll drowsy sleepy feeling in tbehead dvel- ling of the nose and eyes sometimes a pro truding and distorted appearance is given to the upper part ot the face a tendency to sneeae frequently bomeiimm tbe secretions- are col lected together in hard masses ox chunks which are with great difficult- ranored fiametiioest the mucus tnpmbraae is broken and scabs form which aro discharged with inneos in some cases the secretions are very eonons and are found in tbe back of the head and throat chiefly and very little stuffing of the nasal pas- sage with a constant desire to dear the throat hanking or spitting or raising ot tough phlegm especially in the morning or after taking a warm drink in othjer caaea the amount of phlegm is ery little but it is extremely tongb ana almost impossible to remove r a few facta to be remembered 1st dr washington is tbe only throat and lung surgeon in the dominion devoting lis whole 4me to diseaaerof tbe passages snd ho has aovoted seven tears to his sped alty i ittd he has been compelled to open an omc in ottawa to meet theever mfcwraaujg rt 4th he consnlta examine treats all casts personally and u solely responsible 8th he represenls his own bnalneaa 6th be rives testiamonials of top moat ren- able and tiromimadt character f tesidenta of ontario of tho most wonderful eara ersr kt corded with whom a large iumber are aor gives the nwne tajwjs ji dtn not the mere iniuals wentni3irniasia anrtomdicl or harry aadinvitee any pencst uterested to wrhefor ps j f 8th this is the beat season jd wtucblestommaampttobaiidcuaeaseb e thehesuithroafandjuaja fzr 1 ot ulf lluoat uusjabck wuildcton illlieictobiot- mjudiimdliur bis on mtulsni nuj tutowmoluuoulrw i v t rj mm sajss

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