Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1889, p. 4

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tt rtflit fxtt tin timnsday september 11 888 jingjl b8 and jokelets ftljf oung folks tbk rmnrr cqbblkr cpltblwr i a fumiy chap hi tint uiiug in hi tut hell itr a ihno upon liii lap to lutle it fjjtad fast hi cxlf are alvayt tolod befoni they re rod ic uiotc who call vtrl of ms vcalth l in lift ttore vet in h i hu aw heuiftiff apairoilippcridtl ilmu arc right theyre vroes uaa3 arc left then both ire left made lcccuy hcy ire urotic a wblilcr he will neter cat soc4aaitl is lc vc if be ilriulf xtica others iroal licit trsalov cobbler tree tloora uvinc lot f mica for pelt hi otk t3ul be mar lose tlotui be can tiercr heel miirwlf lie can bocl boats ud ibocs ilellbool a iii and hoo a lia wlita cllkruc kbout vvhca living be pop in hot vuca hes dfh be pew out f c w i drmtifrtr vrru ahjkgxmmorsking- it is not every king hut iroaldriak his life to siv common soldier even ia psy- meat of dis ume nature bat gaslartu adolrln of stvrdec wxs not like other kitf- a one of his moit hotly coalastod biitics iriiasiitic poles he vu trice ia diuer ot his lite and oaoe ha would hav beeu nii prisotiec bat far the rtmarkable qnctuesi and c6orieo oue his soldiers the enemy hid entirely sorroqnded hirfi sal htir doreu pirs of bauds rere eiieciiei iord him when a stoat firea- adierileapcd into the mess shoatiug it the top of his voice hive i care hive a can the bomb wilt barst 1 see see xatorattv every eye wis taroid to seek the imaginary bomb while the grenadier followed closely by a sqaad i of his comrades seized the king in bis mighty arms and bore him oat from the danger before his voaldbe captors had recovered themselves later in the engagement the king set his tall rrenidier overthrown and seized iy a party of ihe enemy wto wu bearing him away when he called a single atten dant and patting spars to ha horse he came thundering down with such tremend- ons force npon the poles that ha h4 liltle difficulty in gmijftng them right and lefv and taking the grenadier tc safety back among his friends xow he to the soldier my brother we are even i was deeply in yocr debt before a thing e do not like yet on the following day hiring entered the town of ifew gnstanis gave to his grenadier a serganls chevrons thos making him proad and happy u5t0frixlfiibsi fue following is a list of fall fiirs wbicli have been pnbhahed ap to this dale se retaries of fairs will oblige ns by wmg i in the names and dates of their ahow to j this office ia order to add to the list ictcs usiav acton jet 8 and 9 tpotindallondon sept 9 to ic i indnstrial xoroaio sept 9 to 1l g aelph central g oelph sept 25 2g tl midland central kingston anguit 28 r to september 7 eutern townships sherbroofar p q i september 3 to s central canada ottawa sept 9 to tf j southern brantfard sept 10 ta li yortiry godericfa sept i to 13 cectralhamiltonsept23 wellesley ind easthope welled sep tember 21 and 25 soath grey durham sept 24 and 25 centre brace paisley sept 2i to 2g southern counties 6t- thomas sept u to 27 north union prangetille and 2d great northern ciiingwood sept 25 to 27 einesng georgetown sept 26and27 north kiterioo berlin sept 2fs and 27 north brant paris oct lxnd 2 peel brampton oct i to 3 the northern walkerton oct 1 to l north perthstratford oct 3 and c eramosa eockwood oct s and f soath kaierloo gait oct 3 and l garalraia bel wood oct 6 and 3 centre wellington fergnr oct 10 and haltoq coanty ifilton oct 1q and- ii nasiagaweya brookville october u and 15 i- erin erin lllage oct 1g and 17 the public should bear in rnfn that dr thomas eclectric oil has nothing in com mon with the impure deteriorating class of socalled medjcal oils it is eminently pare and really efficacious relieving pain and lameness stiffness of ihe jbinfc and muscles and sores oft harta besid being in excellent specific for rheumatism conghi and bronchical complaints to assist natare most effectaauytn her esbris to throw off or resist serious disease it isesntialthat an impalse ihoald be given to fanctions which growing ill health suspends or weakens namely the actions of the boiioas secretion and di- gestion oftentimes thoogh this it im practicable by the ase of ordinary remedies it prom an eaay task when northrop lymans vegetabie discovery and dyspep tic cere la resorted to hollowai corn care destroys all kind of corns and wartj root aad branch who hen would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach f ifr il c winlow toronto writes northrop and lymans vegetable diacot- ery is a valaable medicine to all who are troubled with indigestion 1 tried a bottle of it after snfferiog for ten year and the resnlkare certainly beyondmyeipectationi it isysts digestion wonderfully 1 digest my food with noapparent effort and am now ealirely free from that sensation which every dyspeptic well knows of unpleasant falcets after each meal ann to motkels are you disturbed vt eight and broken of your rest by a tide child offering and crying wflh pain of cnt- i ting teethl if so send at once sod get a bottle of irswinsiowssoothingsyrnp iforcfiitdrea teething lis valae m iocal- cuiablct- it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend opon it mothtra there ii no mistake about it it cures d j seotrv and diarrheca regolatef the etomacii snd bowe cures wind colic cofteiis the euros redoces inflammation and gi ves wpa and energy to the whole iyi- tem- iilrs fvinblows sootbiog byrop for children teething is pleasant to the lssta and is thi pfescriptiotiof one of the pldel any- best female physicianf and tirraefl ia tbeunited states nd is for sale by all druggists throaghont the world f rice iwentyfive cents a botfle be sure ervtd ssk for mrs wloalows sootbidg byrnpv and take no other kind half an roar with the wile men lie wu aid i he raragraui of the day it on do no harm to try freemans worm powders if your child fi aliiug fevtriab ot fretful rnrtmtfaa la belter hun cwrr preserve your health by insistingupon having i imriil cream tartar baking powder uoxccluiu others a parity ail growers toll it j toad idvlrr to be healthy and have ipu of itfo and vim be careful n diet taw plenty of sleep and regulate the bowels jwiud blood with bardock blood bitten a sure cure for oonsttpatiou biliousness dyspeptia all blood humors scrofula and all broken conditions ot the system all age and conditions ot people may ate national pills without injury and wilh great benefit a fact worth hemembartn mr j binnieof toronto states thalhis little baby whea throe mouths old was so bad wfilr summer complaiul that under doctors treatment tier life was diipaired of foar doees ot lr fowler s extract a wild strawberry enred her aaidgle scralch may cause a festering sore victoria carbolic salve rapidly heals cut ound bruise burn and alt sores purity ot idgredieuls ind dbaracy of compounding make uil barns aromatic qainiue wine ihe criterion ot excellence j ilvcathi dr uy httle boy had diarrhum and came very oear dying after the failure of everything else we awd dr fowlers ex tract of wild strawberry which caased a quick cure and i know of two olhers who were cared by the same remedy i fneemks c aitos hillier ont mmtbta c c pucmcw 4 co gests i have used your ificard liui menfe successfully in a serious case of croap in my family in fact i consider it a remedy no home thoald be without capalaland j f ccxxrxctujt 5b say all that minards liniment is the itandard liniment of the day as it does just what it is represented to do i itherea whereas much disease is caused fay wrong action cf the stomach liver and kidneys bowels and mood and whereas bardock blood bitters is guaranteed to tore or relieve dyspepsia liver complaint dropsy rheumatism sick headache etc therefore be it resolved that all sufferers should use b b b and be restored to health a short road to health wis opened to those snffenng from chronic coughs asthma broochiria lumbago tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or inflamed breast ind kidney complsicte by the introdnction of the inexpensive and effective remedy dr thomsi eclectric 03 r j i liar fnn ftladsmxe it y little son aged two was seized with diarrhoea followed by piles two doses of fowieri extract of wild strawberry garb refief and half a- bottle completed a icnre mrs j a ifclutyre gladstone han this median e u a specific for all summer complaints of children or adolu 1 if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad- tertise in the toronto wnhy mail that paper teaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement shoold meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase iadvertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto ffr mail for fire centavwori each insertion or twenty cents ajword for five insertions addrese the mail toronto canada i- cmubplioasartircttrerf toitceliikx please inform your readers that i have a positiveremedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thonsandc of ho e lees cases nave txxu pwuxucaify cared i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rizz to any of yoar readers who have cansumption if they will send me their express and p o address eespectfuliy dc t a sloccjc 1w west adelaide st toropto ont the third page of the toronto daiii hlsjl is noted for want advertisemenw if yoa want to buy or tell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone it advertise ia the to ronto daily had and read the advertise mention the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a ward each in- sertion- address txc haii toroqto can ada oatfie surface skin diseases appear on the surface and are often humiliating to the lafferer from them- from two to throe boltlesot bar- docfcbiood bitters will cure salt rheum erysipelas shingles tetter nettle rash eczema boils pimples or blotches at the same time restoring the general health brilliant durable economical diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other are justis good be- ware of imitations because they are made of dieap and inferior materials and give poor weak crock colors to be sure of success use only jtlie diauokd dies for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons ccj we warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made aiid to give more brilliant an3 durable colors ask for the diamond and take no other a dress dyed for a coat colored iq garments renewed cents a child can use them at dnifpu iad llcrduou dye book fret wells mchafwsoh sc co montreal p q tiiit unaipun cared an old physician ntlred from prtctle having lia4 placed in his hands by ansut india missionary the formula of simple vogetable remedy for tho spoedy snd per manent curt of consumption bronohuls catarrh aithma and all throat and lung affections also a posmlre- and radical our for nonous debility and all nervous com- plaints aftrtr having tested its wonderful curative powers fn thousands of cases baa fell it his doty to miko it known to bll suffering follows act w let bytbis motive and a desire to relievo human suffering i will send frto of char to all who deelre it this recipe in gorman french or ehfl ish with full diroctioni for preparing and oiing boat by mall jby addretalog with iamp paper w a nora 149 powers dlock rochester n y iaatl loufartll the mattfrtaf browns houichold panacea hhi no otual for relieving pain bolh internal and external it cures pem in the side hack or bowels norc throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago aud any kind of ain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood aud ifesl as its acting power is wonderfal browns household pan acea being acknowledged at the great pain believer aud ot j double the strength of any other elixir crliotment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted j as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 oeali a bottle i cough or a cold which it is worse than madness to neglect a is easily sobdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself ihe fororunner ot consamption aud prema ture death iuutmmalifa when it attacks the delicate tissue of he lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of biokles an it consumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe ot the human body and drives it from the sys tem thismedicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues ihe coagh heals the diseased parts and eiertt a most wonder ful infioeoc incaric consumption aud other diseases of ihe throat and lungs if parents with to save the lives of their children and thcmselaes from much anxi ety troabtc and expense let them procure a bottle of bicklcs ahtlconsamptire syrup and wheueverachildhu taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give ihe yrup according to directions catarrhal j deafaeujiay icver a iew home trratmeat s offerer are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they aredae to the presence of living parasttes in the icing membrance and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved this to be a fact and the result ot this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated wherehyj catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in frotu one to three simple applica tions made at home by the pafitot once in two weeks n b this treatment isjot a a snuff or an ointment both have been discarded by repatable physicians aa injur ioos a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents bf a- iliiixda son 3d3 west king street toronto canada toronto globe saffcrers from catarrh troubles should carefully read the above xtaartf umlmtml is he best longstanding blood diseases are cured by the persevering- use of ayara sarsaparilla j this medicine is an alterative and causes a radical change in thf system the process ia some cases may not he quite so rapid as ia others hut with jiersutence the result is certafn bead these testhnocjali for two years i pnftcrol from a se vere pain in my right kmc aud had other tratiirr caa5od bja torpid liver and dyspepsia after givin several medicine a fair trial tritliottt a can t began la txfce ayert sarsapariha- i was sveailv knefitcl iy lie first bottle and after taking fivcilkjttlet i was com- nlelely curevl jdlm w benson 70 lawrence st lowell uast lat slay a large carbancle broke out on my arin the osaal remedies haa no effect and i vru confined to my bed fur eight wcfc a friend inluced me to try aycrs sirsanarillaj lrs than three botlles halel tlie wice in all rayexpe- rience with muiiui i never taw mora wonderful results another marked effftt of the ue of this medicine is the strengthening of my eiglit mr carrie attains ifolly spnjs teri j i jad a lry waly httmnr far yean and suffered terribly and as my broth er and hister were mroilarly aihicted e presame the mainly u herwlitary list winter ur tyrcmj of fenianttina fla reflotnineniledltnc to take ayers sarsaparilla and coirtiiiae it fur year for five months f ttxikit daily 1 have not had a blemish iijwn mv ikkiv for tlie last three kmlwt e wiley iw chambers st kew vork city last fall and winter i wa trottbtcd with a dull heavy pain in my sme t did not notice it mndi at fifnt but it gradually grew wortf until it became almost unbearable idnriiig hie latter part of tills time disnntcrs of the stom ach and liver iiirrexml mytrouhlc i began taking aycrs sarsaparilla aud after faithfully txiiiiintiing the m of this medicine for some months the pam disappeared and i was completely cured frs augmla a furhmh haverhill maw j i ayers sarsaparilla dr i ayer k col lowell mill rifcetl ifi s wotti i i loiut dr fowlers ext of wild trwberity cures hqlera hpleramorbus plica ramps larrhcea ysehtery ako alu summqr compuiht9 and fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable fob children or adults urddck pills asurecune fob blupubncco cbnotipatioh irtdiapjrricri dizdincss nc headache alo discsbc3 of thk 6tohach uvcn it 10 dowclc ftmct auc jilothonoltd aflp mo hpt w actiofj amo ronu a valuacu aid to bur39ck dtooo btttcns in thb trcatmcrrr anq cunswr cktiofho afld osctinatc dloiaoco vtfitfw extract from the scientific papers tf great britain and europe a kw 0htuk iff medicjne tht four ftteaustmedical centres of the world are london parii bsrun aad vienna- thoio cities bars immense hospitals teeming with suffering humanity crowd of students throne tho wcrdi itvdyiniundar the frofeisori in ohatgstte most renews cdphysi- cfajia of the world teach and prac tice here and the inititution aro torshooses ofmadlcal knowlodgo and stperlance with a view of naklngthlsexpsrlencs a valla tic to the -public- the hospital bemedy co at great expense secured tho prescriptions of these hospltali prepared the specifics and al though it would cost from t to tloo to secure the attention of their istinfulsbed originator jet in this fray that- pmared spochlci ars offered at the price oftheqnack patent medicines that flood the market aadabsurdly claim to core ettry 111 from a single bottle tho want always felt tor a reliabio elaai ol domtstlo remediei i now- filled with perfect satisfaction the hospital remedies make no unreasonable claims the specific for catarrh cures that aad nothing else so with the specific for bron chitis consumption and long troubles rheumatism ii cured by no j while troabies of digestion stomach liter and kjdnevf bat their own cure to these u added a specific far fever and ague one for female weaknst a general tonic and blood maker thai makes blojd and give form and fnlnetr and an incomparable remedyjor kerroos debility mo lcuft8 caupoit lat ftysh 808e cold catarrhal deafe8tk etff nuthtittfc cure emanating fnm geftnttfo ttureu no bftrt f aa public tmim it not a wfer olatrntntbau an evicartfcrf as ivjurkat 160 so 9c0uqh3 colds broffhmsasthua coksuhpvohaa heoitparablt rtmrfj doa not civcy jto cceffa but cradlcata tkt tittue ani ttrcigttar the tuw end ratom mantf tit sou giting a itv latc of lif- fl00 ko zuhzumawma uttthgaltltd end wtf- uoxa cfkafist h tkxttcmfa park mfn trtaif cctjuaj ctit buiit iii ripuiation o iku rtmtdi 1 xo 4lye ah0 tmcys ctcpepsta ako ihomsvon c0h8tip a7i0h bhi0ht9 disease- a feoorttt ilughurfitld for u euack vie ai ntinti more ttomatht aoff ajcbol uu a rtmqtf toacuonttt la hlah ptacu- 100 so ifeye ah0 aque dumb aijqe ualaria hcuralqtafiw know vhat enoe darleqt thli rf lit tytitm it it trtattdto btak it far a tfr ult a rtmtfy viet eraflcaui it sjjoo so female weakness ffxecaustties whrstsmana aomtn oft bnkai iaei becauta tkta mgttet tku dltuia until tkrerlc cidtsltd ltt ho 6 end rtoaltt kaaltk end ttrtrfx soo ko 1xealth for ako fuutcss tftre ea poorf bbod end lots of it if wto blood ii pozr if tawnf nit ult perftct toii 100 xo tmemvous debility loss 0fs1we24 quae curttiddin public mllikcil a bxtbies r ccft far en unfortuate condition ho b is cetd a ajca ont trial mill proot bskjan of tauarznt foflc rfo chares klek prfeti forekeep eni certua drugs and plltt tn proptrtiu ef ahlch key er utttrla ignorant end teke expose tou ta rebutj psur confdtrilal ittttrt to etjtrt in tkt roire rcfsrlm buiinttt utftojbendlittegcla 700- to be had op axl dsuggist8 i c aad vffl flip to yaa ortet knr ci tib jnaicarctmixnnaavxi ew irwad iha hfc ciaa hoepka keaajm ttfcs mi una irofcorrmt tic arod ba fwd tfld dahaaea ydp 7l rrf r it ii rtir rkn torn nrdkiib knem i ilyoar dcrfal 6aa not totp i umiibnrnsuhcaiioibajcbtmcniic ajtrapealfcpfatvataaics pw out 0ac fata aedciae j i tkttfcoglditreitiaooddurtrttoitfrr data tbo imrlidne fartaaifceikc3eadmr uh rw m bmhs wma w nu ul uiftvita other ia he mfflc dakprll tan ft om r- iwmtirtiotuch tfceqndcoctophtipirobecikhkatraalabc oe oie conajr rlfc dor ofiirc i ttki lid inr- tm 6oag txmaa under a r ume net ander toma lordffx iui c painaee an i iotmsajaskxatapnoanctauxlxiiciioaat damocotpaiioratcrtacdfcideiatlrtl i yiqsplialrmedrcotoniitocaij golden t oiraw option o gruelpii k glasgow there is no class of goods that afford so iruch worn- and aiwoy ance in the purchasing43 r black silks j headquarters for scythes snaiths rakes hoes spades shovels forks scythes grind stones nails hinges locks and all building supplies harvest mitts machine oils paints and oils tube paints peuchens prepared paints wall papers window blinds alabastine groceries c sole agent for dyuhs couiiuou kcuicsiji it4jtnecnviiy kjli loci aad csruialtoilcrx also ilaur cares ictftculiicctcjes jbpearson oar xte tboiu them il -4rpringl-e- the jeweller of guelph being an issuer of marriage licenses sells a great many engagement and wedding rings possibly as large as 5011 would find in any store in canada it is worth while looking anyway ceo d princle watchmaker 1 guelph speight son acton j a speight manager cauiujiplj- you with all the furniicrc required to furnish yoar new and cost little home or ta roplenlili yoar hazic if lettlcd orc ln mr styfe st tho very lowest prices there ii no article of f arnfture wc cannot sarrly aad t nrtbor we deliver oar farnliare and you have no arranging frefchl cli4rjo and run no risk of breakage we can suit all undertaking our tlilrtytlvcyeirs cilkjricncc n tlii liitinctili has rciultod in conrluciug the labile of thl eotiro cainmuuity tiixt wc i unly fintclus work in all orders and in stylet which compare with lljo6eolhecityt one half city prices 1 our hearse tsea excellent 0110 aud our loam alwayi probent a bocaming appearance we have plea- saro in inviting the public to cajj on u for anything required in our lines speight fe son it ia so difficult to judge them and heing an expensive dress a lady is uatnrallv cautious about venturine an the purchasing where there is such an clement of uueertointy about the wear if you get a good 011c there is no more servicable or economical dress but it yoa are unfortunate enough to get a poor one and the chances have usually been in favor of the latter it is just so much money thrown away iu future we arc going to save our customers all trouble and risk we have secured a new make of silk every yard of which is guaranteed as to color and wear if it is not what we leprescut it to be all we ask is that you return itund wo will refund the money this make is the durable letoffe princesse ask for theabovc braudjor cut it out ot this paper and bring it to j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndiam st onelph 84 oswald st glasgow it is an established fact that jh mhtthems iiecra the best usortd and moeiteasonably priced itock of light and beaty harness whips curry combs uroshca sweat pads harness ofl dtutfin snd fly xets trunks akd alises that hare erer been displayed in acton ordered work and repairing guaranteed satisfactory remember collars fitted by us are guaranteed nor to hurt j h matthews ml street acton for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin ringst b say age auelph xuelph cloth hall large arrival nsw fkllgoods shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph special trial trip you can have wit xtoit m rtss h juidit jtree f wss bc cton ftti pss until jany 1890 v for 25 csnts i and we will send it tothe addresrof yourself or your friend any place in america powder 1 purest strongest besfc contains no alm stnrnittitj zicu ttaspbttbsj j diut wombs sbkuke- toecto os ewgillett tmcaaia lukdfactuces ttf iy tttb celebsatkd eoyaxzeastcaxb doct na haiti ii aj jaw ithx rxxrtjra pq xsj 02bj kctriu co enrabuntl liliivt oentlmws 1 hto ut krn- dimi 8pftn catc fof rpntoi ud buo in a ca iztasnd stlitjoiiittnj toznli iaarr rcrclnfvery npect ictiuuj rcocimfflebd 11 o ji hrrdal yeij rcspeciauy 73 kendalls spavl 1- v da b j sestuli to knmltiijvjiijvc amitlht6ifl k ex oocltooroorfctt ul firavln can dt hlchai snjiittff tms us eat th a vet t bad flm uitszr i cure icmrwaataraaiiejir tktan4 lavtrtjerrelt 1 lie cttr ta3jid jtiapi iu uicooeot yor relcsic iris cicftjcd ata use oa tbe hitss your rttiidj t- i r vfojobcs kendalls spttvih curf jtir eujtx an mjfiara dbjkjnniltojiutirtajtlvrl ocntktimti i iar kep joct ssavstf bailn qin and burtcr m liivl il ibejf bai8 fjlifd in l trial yon rtalo tttr wlp icl i bareenrtd bt caeo eri5 and klsotwn cc rc kingtoce ofyenifl1fnsoama7rtillcti 1 bcrdbt to tircrd iroin nd fare not ua but tl d dimz in ihefr ozmruiz your trulj dj o-tnsrt- prlesl per bolilf rr cxliiucf m i drtitsu nate it or can 5rt rrttyij tr ji vfhbo nt w aar ajicf to nwipt ol fax 15 ua btesd ilx ctx zsoibzrji fiimfc r pold v a 11 purffxst sou swlflruarjlai 1 e3r txtjr ud nuk kll n il i mr t tin r3d ailfc ft ifitr ti mserrfmah i 031 a tf fra3rb cbr tad vma r oi8tmaigtag rfcfa a rx x j npal mvi rta manhood how lost how retjrh justpqllislejn cer cjition of dr coifw- weus0ebratcitkbayouthciaicut of fipenutorrheca or iacapacity inacsw j ttccaaor early tnjikrction i tho cclcbratctj author in tuii anmntw essay clearly demonstrates trjia a tfcirtj f 1 btjeecsafav jiracticc that ilje alarmiag j qoenccs of early error may be jadicalij pointing ont s mode of core at cn w conaioaadcctnaly roeanscf irfcich snflercx 00 matter what his coo4iaon jjse majeure himself clcayjv privattly tad cally- i rathfc loetnre tjioihi lin tliehanii owv yoathandoxerymaaia tbelacil bout ondcr ukl ia a plain envelope addreu oa roceiptof foa ccats ortwoposop amps address v tieoulyanrclilolicalco j laxs st sett tdq l0bji4u changj bsywill office aj txaet- lcai ofrav dxnssto jl s i p offioes- w t 1 f- t w1jl curfe or relieve biuousness dkiness dyspe8sia indigestion jaundice erysiptus salt weu heartburn headache and emrr species odisl tram disordered wtj3v iaaatks stoldcb bowzls os blood tnfiran4cpsssba dropsy fluttering ii acidity 0f thestohach dryness oftheshj l stop tlicm lor a lira- iwulkn lat nsiw i max atiafii i have nudo the focasc ol fits epijibpstor faliung sickness a life ions sludj- i wackavt sgl mr ui otont cues liui olhmlufs is 110 recoil lor not iff a fhi st once lora trealise ind h m pyys onto h ios teffifefo- 111 nirovoii aimrc h ojhjmajj branch oses 184 wwt adalia 2 ulows wormsyrup 0 destroys and remo or all kinds n child c we d k

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