Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1889, p. 3

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9 fiojur mrraina5toooo tt lift tbe wits oi ux w d flick of kiwi x j of a daughter dpcsvinaetoaon the hat iuat the wife ol ur w h denny ol daughter btwlcton thnutrox at the rwidroee of ore bride uncle lvt hallk-o- church rfllc od th lahbeptiberbrtjfiiniion aristed tir rct h harper ucorn k bupcl- loa to qrdlae a tbontoa both oc guafph bku spexck on tbtfndav sepljs tt tb reaidenc ol the bride father 38 ontario tttwt br the hev e a stafford d d john h retd l d of ttlcohbatt oats ot otiupfr- aie i to uavt daogblcr ot jacob spcnoc f toronto pxsd yklzlkot diphtheria at their narciiu rti- denc london the belovrd ctuidreo of robert tad htlen walker ot the 0 t ft loaiia 13th sepctwa aged 3 yean konirt htii bent w tftd3 ttn months ehen htii 18 aged 13 rert 9 months saaa 15th sept iso tcvdli yean 5 tmalha it rtoit fm uss thtirsdat septkmber 26 1889 notes axu cokuextr hon wilfred laurier hon- 0 mowat lad mr s a fisher o drome quebec will address meeting under the auspices of the voaog li ben i ci ah of toronto in lie pavilion in that citj oa the evening ot the 3qlh of september the c 6- cruisers of the behring set lute act been able to prevent the british colambiah sealers ram reaping some ptrt at leut of the seal harvest for four thou sand seven liaadred ud fifty seelikins worth thirtysix thousand dollars hive recently been shipped from victoria lo london via moatreal thk kkw park as vu generally expected the election tut friday upon the park byu to at thorice the issue ot debentures for t000 to porchue the park and buildings oomprii- ug some twelve acred resulted in favor of he bylaw by au almost unanimous vote itii true the role was a small one but the ofsiaion memed to prevail that every pro perty owner in town was favorable to the very desirable scheme of wearing the park by the monlclpalily that comparatively little interest wii manifested in the elec tion- the vote stood u follows polling sabdiviifou no j polling subtli riajoa no ror auumt 31 0 hadsouc bay is the hunting ground of numerous american whalers and sealers the whales are plentiful and an easily caugut- nine of them fill a three honored ton schooner it iaja the spring that the eesis ara captured in order to get them come of the americans winter at marble island an island situated well within oar district of eeewitia canadians will not grndge the a mffnoann a few whalea or seals bat really if behrinrs be is a closed sea bow can hndsoaa bay be open uall the deputy postmastergeneral has ez- plained that the object of the department in asking postmasters to note the weight of printed matter mailed at their office was solely foe statistical purpbeer kot since the institution otnse postage for newspapers has an accurate return been made of the amount actually rrtfa through the maihvand for this purpose therefore postmasters have been afced to fur a return of newspapers and period- leal matter mailed at their offices it is sincerely to be hoped the matter will go no farther ujorij- for the kylir 00 a number ot lady electors voted but these were not canvassei kow that the pirk is m a fair way for becoming the property of the town it be hooves our citizens to take a lively interest in its future huch can be done by united personal effort in the way of improvement which will tend to greatly benefit the pre raises and be no bordeu or hardship opou thoe who will interest themselves in the matter we arc pleased to note that there is already a move in this direction and we commend lor perusal the note from one who will help to be found elsewhere in this iuue the writer u ii earnest in this matter and will work as heartily with a committee of citizens in this as he has frequently done in other public schemes and councillor harvey will give the re quested impetus to the matter then a good deal can be done in planting trees and the splendid halfmile track which is a feature of the property cau be greatly im proved at the- west end by one or wo days work by a reasonable number ot telms and helpers we have no doabt this matter will upon this suggestion be taken up and carried into effect ko piece of properly in the coanlry his greater natural advantages or beauty than this it sects ill requirements it commodious- is well adxptod for exhibi tion purposes and jast as thoroughly foe athletic sports surrounded as it is on three sides by a beautiful sheet of freth spring water the facilities for boating are unexcelled in an inland town its location is pleasant and very convenient it is hoped and reasonably expected that acton will take a healthy interest in her new park and that oar citizens wql aim to enhance its beaaty and attractions tee rateh mills k kedtktlou or fofer mills from uit years jute the esti ix dkta1l couqcu met on monday evening the reeve in th chifr- members all prose at thcumhiulesof lut meeting read and oonnrtned thcv principal business which name be fore tho council at this iqtieunk wii the preparation of tbo estimates of receipt and eipoudi tares for the current year sod the striking of the rate the estimates as finally rt vised sre ai follows t ukvkklk j uecnici taycni sad ollicn hauldiialffrant torn 1uu and offlco ceuicierj f dog tax statute labor tx finos iud lcutluct kate of 19 uiilu ou usouuieut of s9sti1 an eminent statisticaa has estimated that in the wars of the last thirtyfour years the iocs of human life has been 2253000 the greatest loss wu in the american civil war 90uqo0 men and the next in the crimean war 750090 in the trncobustian war 250000 lives were lost in the franooprossian war 215000 in the auitropruasian wir 45000 and in the italian war of 1559 45000 the tery large loss sustained in the wars in which russia and turkey wereepposed and the compar- atrrely small loss in the two prussiaa wax are worthy of note in the two cases where the losses on both sides are given the american ciril war and the franco- prussikui war4he loss of the vanquished was far greater than the loss of the viciarsv la july fifty american workingmen and women went to europe to investigate the co of european workmen- they returned last week and mr thorn paon s the manager of the party says the worfc- men in europe are not to be compared to those in this country almost every trade j was represented in the party ani they ex amined carefully the products and mach inery jjf the old country it ras observes that the machinery was cumbersome and lacks the completeness yn in this country in the glasgow iron works it was found wages were 33 per cent lower than in this conntryone of the party who investi- rated the printing trade said that in eur ope they are about where the printers of this country were twenty years sq anoth member who looked into the en gineering work in eorope said wages were about 50 per cent lower than in tliii country complaint is made that matter forward ed by book post takes about twice the time to reach its destination that letters do there is a very reasonable rule that books and similar matter must be posted half an hour before the time of closing for letter the rule itself amounts fo an undertaking that books etc posted half au hour before the closing of a mail for letters will be forwarded by that mail with the same speed as a letter and that in any ease there will be a delay of only one man- bat the delays which are oomphuned of are much greater than this it may be that they are due to the fact that the clerks who handle the mail matter are too few that they give their first attention to the letters and leave other nutter for times when work is slack ix this he he case the staffs at toronto and other large offices should be increased there is often much need for expedition in tke carriage of a parcel as in the carriage of a letter and it is not reasonable that a man wishing to transmit a legal document or i piece of manuscript promptly should be- required to pay the full letter rates the baltic fatrase at the cdnelu otexbocxd sept- 22 sion of the investigation info the death of 1 hambly the deck hand on the steamer baltic who was tarred and feathered by some of the crew and thereupon jumped into the lake and wu drowned the prison err tbo kaasel aaron tripp kenneth ifcfadyen and george daggett ktze com- mitted to jail to tuni iheix trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction i acpl brufceman badly injurtd miitov onl sept i3 a young man jnamedbarrisabrafceman on a c p k j freight train met with a very painful and i serious ac bere today while uu- i coupling car he slipped and fell on a rail one wheel passing over his left knee caus- i log a separation of the joint and a fractore j of one of the bones of his leg amputation of the lesj will probably be necessary i at the industrial exhibition last wed- j ueaday tjiere were 75000 people the largest number that have ever attended a fair in ckodand the reoapu were 16050 u you want a reliable working boot ian elegant sondavihoe a comfortable even jing slipper or a good trunk orrajise to use ia travelling go to kenoy titos boot a jsfioe store acton j a fall slock to setect from at satisfac tory prices at kendy bros boot 4- shoe store acton a peculiar case the st- thomas timet says at the division court thursday john mekjllop cf the dominion hotel sued thomas kelly to recover t3lg7 kr ifckfllop testified that kelly had brought to him a cheque oc 33 cents from the car wheel works hc- killop read the cheque 33 and cashed it for that sum cu presenting it at tie unisons bank he became aware that it was for 33 cents kelly testified that be had h the cheqee to ifckiilop whom he owed an account of l or 3 and the latter handed him 30 with the remark take this and blow it in acting opon mc- kfllops advice literally be proceeded to biow it in treating all and sundry with the result that next morning the ca was all gone ifckillop meantime having discovered his mistake sent his lawyer to kelly next morning ordering mm lo hand over the balance under penalty of arresf kelly declined to pay7 hence the suit at the court thursday he swore he knew the cheque was for 33 cents but thought ilc- killop had given the money to have a blow out well if mr mckfllop chooses to give a man 30 to have a blow out i dont see that i have any right to interfere j replied the jadge verdict for defendant j killed a beak wh 15 a bylaw to provide for the expenses of tba village of acton and the support of the public school for the current year was in- lrodacodread the required number of times anqpas4cd the rate for each fond being inserted u follows municipal expenses 8 mills public schools 6 town hall debenture and interest 3 17 mills and cemetery de- ben tares i of a mill in all 19 mills on jlte present years assessment of 226333 this will raise aptotal sun by taxation of 52fu5 this rate will provide sufficient funds to place the gouiicil in a financial position about fo00 or f gog in advance of that of list year all outstanding debts will be paid and the council for 1800 will com mence operations with the unusual experi ence- r a bylaw to provide for the sppointmenl of a collector of taxes for the municipality for the current year was introduced and read twioe the committee on finance presented their thirteenth report recommending pay cient of the following accounts thos etfitog trcrt etc it cemetery flfi kplfoorcidvcriisiscpirfc bylaw 89 k h- p koote rrtctiag icd adrertirins s 45 report adopted upon motion the council adjourned to meet oa wednesday evening 25th inst at 730 oclock the worlds kutlsitiox of w2 sport tnat the peoiile of woodrttkk have eiriit at tueir doors- wootetotx sept 33 our citizens were surprised this morning to hear cf a bear befngsbot within a mile of woodstock early this morning dan miller a noted shot of the wood gun club was called from his bed in own by mr weir a farmer on the uln line to come and shoot- a bear which was on his flats dans only avail able piece of arms was a shotgun and the only amtnunaition he had handy was some cartridges prepared for shooting at clay blickhirda he took these along and went after mr bruin after following him through the woods they managed to tree him mr miller let fly landing a charge in the jaw and brioging him to the earth it proved to be a btg healthy spring bear there were no strap marks or anything to indicate that he wax a tame one mr miller exnilrited it today on dundas street to about half of woodstock exhtbrnox votes with fine weather the show this year is certain to be a successf ol ore merchants and others intending to mkke a display of their goods should secure space in the main bunding at oooe mr j pearson has charge the grounds and itaii are in excellent condition for the show it is expected that the latter will be handsomely decorated for the occasion as it was last year entries are already coming iri all in tending to enter arcticle for the coming fall show should do so without delay there is nothing gained by leaving the en tries phf fl tba last day forms of entry eti may be had upon application to the secretary actons hat of specials is an attracti every quarter and will itself bring a number of exhibitors filavce apologized wiaaryctos sept 22 thegove of the united states snd franoh finally reacheota peacefal settlement of the diplomatic compiicaiiols ariaing from the arrest and discourteous treatment of mrs dorr miss vsnxostrand and anolhocxew york lady by the french police authorities at- men tone these ladies were arrested and thrown into a cellit the instance of a dressmaker with whom they bad a dispute overs bill minuter beid has finally been able to elicit from the french government an explauition and ail apology with notice that the offending officials had been repri manded these facts were communicated to the complainant aud as they have expressed themselves entirely wtiisfiad wili the measure of reparation the incident may be regarded a closed mr w lee the favorite tailor has just received c uce- assortment of goods for fall suitings light overcoatings and other coods suitable to the veasou the work manship on all orders is firatclas and i can asanre good satisfaction to all fon siix art garlaud stove with oven a few choicest variety weeping willow and horse chestnut s a titiauv cx11vdtvues iumic sdioolt mt83 00 current loi 950 oa street ud sidewalks moo sjtri 500 00 tova htii dvb tad lut ru county lute 1qk printing iai advcrtiiii uooo cemetery a caretaker 1100 00 luianeco to 00 lateral ou cemetery deb 80 co boulb health woo coariuea 5003 lateral account iso town hill 13 00 cqctincucfc ii 31 various american cities bidding for the pref erence ofloeatlou that a world exposition is to be held in america in the year 1802 is one of the prominent signs of the times but where it is to be held is an unsettled and much dis puted question the city of new york with its usual presumption long ago an nounced that it was to be the site but if her citizens are as niggardly in this matter ss they have shown themselves to be in the matter of raisingmouey for the purchase of a suitable monument proposed to be erected over the remains of the late gen eral grant the kations hero in river side park the exposition would be a slim siir indeed and verily it looks though that citys chance is about to be f ostrated upon the very point of finance chicago wants it st louis is after it and washington pots in a quiet bid the for mer city is leaving no stone unturned in iflustraxing the superior advantages to be derived in locating there its first capital stock of j000000 has already been sub scribed and application has been made to increase it to 10000000 lis location is central and favorable to the people at all points of the compass and railroad con nection is extensive up to the present chicago is about ten lengths ahead in the race and will in all probability git there tebribl ttoaaawli of tom of rock crash down from the citadel to chaplain btreet quebec kaxy uv qcmc sept 20 about 780 oclock lut evening the whole city wu thrown into intense excitement by a report that a gnat cliff slide had occurred in chaplain street several thousand tons of solid rook had crsthed down with terrible force from almost under the kings bution on the citadel and a little distance west of the end ot duffer in terrace it oompletely demol ished seven stone and brick dwelling houses on champlain street some three hand red feet below the b battery police force and fire brigads corps were sarly on the scene and rendered ralaable assistance soma scenes were extremely heartrending up to 1180 pm there were six bodies taken from the ruins about twentyfive persons were removed from the debris badlyinjured some bare broken arms and legs others badly craahed and mutilated in all shapes it is supposed that at leut fifty persons are yet under the rains the roadway is blocked with solid boulders to the height of fifteen feet in some places all the wound ed who wore removed from tho ruins were carried on stretchers to the marine and fisheries department where several physicians and clergymen looked after them several of the wounded were taken in waggons to different hospitals com munication with diamond harbor and cap blanc is oompletely cut off by the land slide which covers the road in a solid mass for some r00 feet in length and from fifteen to twentyfive in height tslegraph tele phone and electric light wires are all down tht extext or toe blslstch miljaiiht at this hour tho awful extent and terrible character of the disaster is only beginning to be understood there are many more under the debris than were it first imagined under some houses crushed cries of help help i are heard and no immediate help can be given them although the soldiers and citians are working like trojans very little pro gress is made in recovering the bodies owing to the stupendous mass of rock and debris encumbering the ruins about 175 bodies are supposed to be buried under the debris the body of a woman named mrs berry- man has just been pulled oat of the debris it was mangled and bleeding and presented such a sight u to affect the strongest man more rocks are still crumbing down the people of the locality are fleeing with dread lest the whole boulder forming the highest point of quebec will give wsy- help is coming in abundance from all quarters of the city accidents are occuring every mo ment to the rescuers the crashing of timbers and the rolling of huge masses of rock put the lives and limbs of the volun teers in continual danger physicians and clergymen are on the spot ready to admin ister to the first sufferer rescued from the ruins the mass of rock detached from the cliffslide left a vacant space of extraor dinary dimensions it has worked im mediately under the dufferin terraoe undermining the support of that great promenade so that it is now unsafe the northeast bastion of the citadel is perpendi cular with the cliff side huge rocks are still menacing the locality hanging u they are on the flank of the mountain ten corpses and sixteen wounded are now taken out the work is still carried on but it will take several days to haul out all the bodies the damage will it is said exceed 100000 the bouses in the locality were built of stone and back and inhabited by shiplaborers etc the scenes witnessed at the place of disaster are heartrending here a mother seeks her child there desolate man digs in the debris in the hope of finding his wife cries and appeals rend the air the confusion is such that no pen can describe it the officers and men of the royal school of cavalry are coming to the rescue with ropes picks and shovels aboat goo men uenow working clearing out rociu and debris of all kinds tee lilxat hcllettx quebec sept 15 at six pm the fol- lowing bulletin was posted taken dead from the ruins 3i died in hospital 1 missing 12 fatally hurt 1 saved about 50 of which 15 are at present lying in the hotel dien hospital lumbek j the torodtflaiocomtmftibsssi home tho mill u dow twws- stock d au kiads of aiali my alw he had there tt uej tobostolhiecoiffasry t awootut scggetftfox toliic klilor of uietaai iaxuc sin as the park scheme is now an ac complished fact i thinkit would be in order for the citizens to make an effort to remove the stamps and logs fromjiepondt and thereby beautify our park and encourage more boating the water is now very low and no better time could be found for removing them if councillor harvey the owner can be duced lo take the intiatire and put his usual energy into the matter and invite the cboperatioa of those interested i am sure it will be a success kow mr editor knowing yoa are favor able to anything that is a benefit fo the place i leave the matter in yotrr hands to develop i merely offer this u a- sugges tion i remain osr who wilt helt acton sept 23rd isso a fatal collision- cbxcioo- sept 2l the chicago bock island pacific passenger train which left the main depot at sm pm to dsy for bine island was run into by a freight train at the jtkt 0nurvifc panhandle crossing eighty- seventh street englewood ie passenger train was at a standstill one coach projecting over the crossing into this coach containing about sixty persons planged the freight train travelling rapid ly at right angles to the bock island track ithfl wreck of the passenger coach wu eompleto the list of the killed is mrs kedey j mckinsie fred hnffner mrs brown and an unknown worn a a all of washington heights those most serious ly injured are gus imuicahy chicago fatally hurt uist aj k steele anton thaberg and parker harden of washing ton heights several others sustained slight injuries the glut candidate ix east hlhoy bcrshelt oct sept 23 aconrention of itefonners of east huron was held here today to nominate a candidate for the local legislature iu be comings general election a number of gentleman were present including mr the gibson the present member and mr e e wade of brussels president of the reform associa tion of the biding mr gibson being will fug to ciceja the nomiuutiou all other coudidates retired iu bis favor and the bomiuatinns wu made unanimous dur log tho meetiiig brief addrseses were de livered by the gentleman proposed before the convention by lite candidate and by the minister of education in the evening a meetiug wuneld ia town which was td dressed by evenei speakers the d0mivi0v illustkated a protrsit of the late jadge sicotte in the doatuiox luutfiuced for sent 22 recalls some of the old political struggles of pre- confederation yean in which the deceased gentleman wu a prominent actor the hamilton carnival is depicted by some fine engravings the north west and british columbia are not forgotten the damu- hit iutdralat is doing good work in mak ing known the scenery resources i and progress of the country and is well deserv ing of support a case supposed murder kimoex out sept 22 wm emery jr wu found dead ou friday near his home in the northern part of marmora it is supposed that he was shot by some un known party but it hu not as yet been ascertained whether it wu done purposely or accidentally an inquest will be held today tiuelph markets september sttli i36s fiour8tont t a tes65 white clavioni 0 w to 0 90 scott whaat 0 9q to 0 90 democrat wheat 0 90 to o 9a sprtaff wheat fillwheat 0 83 to 0 63 0 s3 too 81 bn 11 00 to li 00 bariay fl to 0 50 0te 0 jt to 0 s hve 0 50 to 0 55 pea 0 so to 0 55 hsyold 10 00 toll 00 hay new t co lo 8 00 rtnw wood per card oq to i 50 eggs per dorxu o ls to o is hotter dairy packed ok lo 0 lfl hntta rolls 0 19 to 0 90 cbeeu vu to 0 ia potatoes per bag a eo to o to porlr 6 45 to 6 80 ymbfkinit 0 50 to 0 to pelu r hidea j 50 to 3 00 coarm wool a ao to o so messrs northrop lyman are the proprietors of dr thomas eclectric oil which is now being sold in immense quan tities throaghont the dominion it is welcomed by the suffering invalid every where with emotions of delight because it banishes pain and gives iustent relief this valuable specific for almost every ill that flesh is heir to is valued by the sufferer u more precious thsn gold it is the elixir of life to many a wasted frame if you hate not purchased a bottle do so at once and keep it ready for an emergency its cheapness 2j centu per bottle places it within tbe reach of all to tbe farmer it is indispensable and it should be in every house james h gilmour ol t gilmour it co wholesale grocers brookville says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe eold andooogh which it m mediately relieved and cured 3 i i j i great millinery show lmnbeit and shingles the uoderibucd ha ye onlud at 1mcjl at umeioum ahpf 700ot fcrtrfw lumber and are prepared to rapd kms other wllb any oumll ol luttsriisst other bumiot at rcawjablo sleewffi pine and cedar iwritfei li ll oh bant tattgh uboi hejw henderson mcrae co i i m kcton i our grand millinery display on r j wednesday 35th september will be open to all corners salesjim wanted alcnaaneot losltion caiiastead wtaiii apd expenie raid xoeidnuh needed with urettdtlufiitobeian faal telline ipeeialtici outnl irettss quick ahd fet chotceot territory mangiee a k hookeu bochatersj the ladies of acton and vicinity are specially invited to inspect our display of new fall goods i which will be found most attractive full lines of the latest styles of ladies dress ioods in all the newest shades wth trimmings in great variety a cordial invitation is extended to all henderson mrae st co hcton 3 3 3 b 3 3 successful buying a succewul dealer most be a wellknown one he most keep his name before the public he most be up with the times his stock must be such that if any one desires an article she will uy u its not at ilr as there is do use jr looking i to accomplish this he must be known u enterprising reasonable in price of recognized teste in selecting goods and lut but not leut be mist ascertain which are the best markets of the world for goods and bay there i the manufacturing centres of the old world are u every one will acknowledge the fountain head and aoujrce of the dry goods trade the great london wholesale bouses buy their goods there and later ou the wholesale men of toronto and montreal purchase theirs in torn from these london boases now it will st once be apparent that if by any means the canadian retailer can arrange to buy his stock from the manuf aotaring centres the consequence will be he will be able to not poly undersell tbe nonimporter but to place before bis customers tbe very latest and freshest goods designed these advantages we are now offering our customers the benefit of for nearly two months mr kyan has been visiting tbe old country manufacturing centres and writes us that he hu placed orders for oqr fall and winter goods it prices which will enable us to convince oar customers in the usual practical manner of the advantages of importing in the meantime we are anxious to reduce our stock before the arrival of our fall goods and are offering the balance of our dress goods colored bilks prints etc at prices 16 clear au examination of our goods and prices is all that is needed to con vince the most sceptical gbryan cfe c6 gu the leading dr goods houbb 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son grand display of new groode -at- the right house hamilton i come and see them an oimenee took of new fall and winter good carpeta honeeiaraiadinjia and millinery haa been rebetted and ia now ready foraale at tbe bight honae u paekagea opened up uili nk making a total of orer iso package already received tbia anaon and yet uiia ia only a little over onehalf of tba eponnou atock required thia autumn and winter for tbe trade of tbe right hooae going direct to the manufacturer and bo jinn iu large qaantitioa paj ing caab down on the apot for tbeae gooda enawea watklnato gin hit coatomen tbe extra good value in all gooda eold at hie eeubliaboent a magnificent aaaortment of irlab and scotch nude houbold linen gooda joat received including towelling table linena bleached and unbleached towela dofllee table napkin diaper linen fronting the mantle department ia ehowing an eitenain variety of fancy dlaterioga plain clothi iu blaok and colored brocaded clothe fanoy andplaiu ailracan alao beeiettea iplendid nine elegant new fluah velor mantling in blaok and aeal brown tbeae are correct gooda for etyliah karaenta in thladapartment ia alao to be eeen an aaaortment of new mantle abort and long length alao baglana paletota and clroohtra elegant deaigna in broobe velreta a large ranety of prioea and qualitiea in colored and black pluahee a ipeeial line of colored plaahee only 75c per yard new eilk velvet and velraleena a large aaaortment ot dreee gooda comprtaing silk warp benriettu in leading in leading ahadea alao black allwool frankfort ckjtha foule sergea allwool caahmeraa fancy ptalda alao fancy check aid bordered and embrddred dree bobea one ot the ohoiceat rarietiea ot dreaa anduantle trimming erer imported into canada beantifol 811k fringe aeotlooal trimming galoona oirnpe ornamenta tboraiiera epaulettea seethe sew lace curtalm from 7oo to iu par pair kewort atylea of chenille and fanoy makee pi portiere curtaina table cover table boarb drapery fringe curtain holder and other houeeturmahlng ir the millinery department am to be teen sew ahapea or fall wear hown in vdrat straw and felt a urge aaaortment of carpet innl tiding bruiaela tapeatrv and fjddennlnlater in new pattern bare amnd carpet bweepara oorniee polea painted wluiow bhadea etc manllemaking and mluinerr depart- menta ready to reoaire ordera bamember to enter the atore eaat ottha oarpet window a many make miatakea aod do sot get into tba bight flooae look on the window for the name mportaxt y hamxgdodetmslirfincanaa4ir rejinutton aiid raipouiibllttr li twss cd we ant three men m your rfthnntct 1 present asto wboa eiolniiyii tetatorx n ciren hamsomo outfit free rsuarrisi pensm paid euy steady anplcrbtag- yearroond nsriteusstotceotttrni rtoc fw canad 4 pcclilty j u mayimotheksntirmylri for sale steam planing itfill carpenter bhcp tia irwelllng the bovojircciises la actoa arc oflcftd ir tala tbe machinery comprim r and meoldins iniehine cant otrarr7cii gait circular ctdwiuadjifitars iroe iw cod taming laxbe itb planerjah crtnding stone etc alio t quantity of tanss ten tooli vil be cd together ctmaclcm tad tools separatcjj- iniljlo mesl p mccm comfortable dwellings fob sale i that fine new double fratfe dtthte oq west bower attune two itorej ssja hh kltcben attached bard tod tatt water eontisi- est in every raped tad recli- for sb pa month t tbo brickclad residence- oa uaia tixxtt soijo two itonjr with larce kitcimjn attidad- hard and aoft water in tbubqiue j termi and rtarticnlars made jtnoprn nsee ti fkee ikess office uar jpt allkol buges r j swelled t illateil t gueleh central exhibition will be held on tbe exhibition gromwb f in the city of guelph -on- s wednesday thursday frifaj septj25 ib 27 prizcail be prcnforstockproitolaais wort fine arte coliie do etc- etc bpeedinpin tlio jlorx kiug and utlier aitnc- uoos iu be provided for further partlcnlars secffiw lasti uti may be bad on application to the secxetarj a- whttelaw 4 uackeszffi president secwj i itthei the changes on oqr second noqr pi as the increased room onthe wbola naperi flat of the adjoining building are sioa completed we are now in a poaum to iovite onr customers into one ol the ioest ilillinery and mantle show rooms is this comrtry the whole becoad floors ot the two buildings are divided into makers workrooms milliners wotsmosbs millinery show rooms mantle and cos- tome boom ladies- fitting booqaad ladies parlor and cloak room in mat latter room areprovided looncea- tad easy chairs which are placed at the con- venienoe ol our- friends trom town snd eonntry oorpaxpose is tiot only to bct vide the choicest and cheapest jw to stndy oar customers comfort and av venience- still other changes to take place of which we shall give uqtice in ass- time t v cases and bales of new fall goods fcavs been rolling in upon os daring tho pas week and the wonder is wheno to store all the goods b at they havent come to stsy they are yours procured for yoar benefit and yoa wont leave them with as lent all we ask is come and see our auractioas and find oat the wonderfully low prices it which we sell firstclass goods bobgfal direct from the manufacturer tor spot cash is the eloe to the secret here j have it and as we doai sell on credit y can buy cheap from as hundreds of new mantles and ljhnan endleas variety of millinery attractions great piles of ladies dress goods grand selection of blaok and colored silks kid gloveswe offer three new mate of kid gloves direct from tbe oiangfifr toner each pair of which we guarantee we aak the ladies to try them tbey art lovely goods and will give us more than ever the reputation as being boose of gnelph underclothing the cold weather put you in mind of it we thought cf it loug ago in the early part of bom- tner we were dickeriuj with the mabu- factnrers for the winter woolleua and we have them right ladies girls genvsand youths of various traltes be sure and see our boltouian clothing as well ak onrgennan silk knitted goods j every day brings us something new e r bollert 25 4 27 lower wyndlam sireet aatw cry pi lea f hamilton sept utb 1889 tsq1vta s o wtjtctb he uficest scaleworrs in canada over ioo styles ot hay scales grain scales mrm scales tea scales jmproyed show t whey drawers mnickeprs r us botckebs ssmies asoaau rcu- wtiie m cwilson a ion 6 0 eptnade struct east toront qhi sqchej nirk1 14 uaatlco una jufcr a err time m wrufc hu geor

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