Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1889, p. 4

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meil jt- nifecor uid shingleatt is il on li tjiyloh hrot- rtakt le mesrui your liy steady anm2i3- krbortcr kir hon tauucd will j ix ot temtory static- act blxliiles roshvsw xjr i i msle v qupealei shop aid dnfcg j stiinos w l2cted chaw icua gootur tns irt is lis saw isa si t p tana abo i mat car kes r ilccixx faemetflopistchurch acton rigv o i- qhtord ma phjj pastor pinonag uowttarenuc ru c ecrvu- 10t ajn end 6j0 kuaday hoolsja uillc clara conducted by the vlot au cordially lurttcd al- anwrl nd ntilott altays welcome ftwneri si the door c nine arc dcsirol apply to it p uootc ible uwuiiiss dobie taac dseiliag st iw torc sik wfejj izard l3d soft titer nmjci- ibt rcs 1st il tr lrs4cacc on uain- street- xiadc kop office actus phgekteai kbition ic eiifyiiioa grctarii f igueeph bank- of hamilton head office hamiltok curat rut it 1000000 kiaekve tod cwojmo oeorqetowkaenoy 1 general banunr basinest transacted il iscis bask deiuituixt inierest allowed it current rites bolide of ttindrilwqiiired no j h it watson acenu j repairing luainje wtch cocks jcxrllcryuni fiajr rscoike- oar motto a iijd i geo hynos jtirilcry saiionerr echoed boolu elc i acton ont stbc rtflit fttt itss iaursdiy septeubee x isg psy m looals clwei lj- uic evcrtuonsltfui and alert ti5 27 or fcrirrtda3liles fldc lees ct tc 1 1iacheszie rgement s ocr second fijer gmns rooei to the whole npfiec lifrkng hling lit tbsbt in 17 i t position to i ere into one of the fiost utiiiie snow- rocus n tins hfbole wcoad soon o ga i ere dirided intb dtek- pms isehaer 8 worfjootpsi koo itmifc sad cab- ljg xictmg kooin xnd ri coit boxe la uiii re pronded loaes and bich ire placed ftttbc co- frjeacs fronj to3i icrpose is not only tojf- tud theipeet floofli fet icniers cbnifost ini bco- otlec cfcaiges to ubs te f pive oolifflr in doe lipou us dmin the p ickier i irhcre u bto thev limati come to ittj i procniad for yoor beoefiti eare them withsaw fc iij see oat atactajn iwonderfouy t pnecs s istcji goods boojptf et mxsafictorer car bfj t v3tfarrscrel hffe w ke abafsell oa crjit 5o torn ua 1 y of miiiipcry luneiwoi li or kt 3 cotorai ke filer lirco ne jinc- fra ibe mfanutr cfvttlcfc we pamota- wtrvlthb- ibeyi e ill pre as more tta luu bring ifc til cw tucoh eili f it iv unroem fie etrtr pu of opi- i ith- vtbodois ed lidids guls ct ra ktim- bi eot dd clotljint knjtfed goooi s5 ui tcuxhmi oeir ctsa vnioa exhibilioa opecs t week iraobt taestiir ipirfchsl uxestfetomx will le it ifce rite b 13 gi0 milts on the delltr i i tmiryetiilioafacrbsaiic3iili ec tic daliif iastyyir itwxx 17j the ointrtl ethibitions o htniilion 13d gcelpfi ire the ittncuoosliiis week the osiiii oixterkjesirtefncc will i be lridinjtfi8aislh7 schools next san- r- eemtcisec knax charth social it the i hcaeof lire junes hcgrejir on fridtr i ctoeqc- three haadred tod forir ticfcetesime cid to tcjronto ilpcioa jtitian dcrin the eihibitioa t bciilbmc chareh loots rell in its oeircoit o paint stone color with tern cotl iicuigs eeion tixpiyers uiii paj- 13 mills ior the pririlese o living in thtt mnjiid- paety this yetx ber father oxove s j eemdacted i the nsul moathly services in st josephs oiaich lui sanday a winnipeg merchant speaks pftatc- aactuoeot his who his ran ap big hill u tie store ts my trusted friend ioatrillepablicaiio high schools were dosed one day last week to prre the popils u o of attending torotto show fmrs- hngh eeid ktssaawec has pttrthmcd the new brick hoose on sgu btriet from sir w j gibfaocs for 11010 the brick chimney ti the new uaner j h pad gaily rising akywaxd its height will be lio feet when completed the high est in the ooaniy the carpfcciers aad plasterers art nohinx lorwtxd the braidings upon which they are at work with 1 view to completion before frost sets in vf- clift has completed his first year uropcktorof he erinrfcaftf under ha snpermtradgiice the anneal hac ably represejted erin and ridnify theati ends nee at toronto exhibition bat wedaesday wis ihe jargest in its his- j tary between 7500c add 80000 persons vere present n3 ucjoi was taken at the i dr lowry sold bis brown driving mare to hr d w ajeianderieatlier raercbsnt tomato for jijo cash this soimal was a heaoly and the doctor was very loath to lcther the 21th ancnaicontentioa of the sabbath school associaftou of onurio will be held in toronto on taodaywednes- dsy and thorsday the 22nd23rd and2ith ot october the fall ifillinerjppeniiig it eb jermva s w3i take place on satardsy 2th ins an excellent exhibition of bead wear and fill joods generally wfli be given and the ladies will not fail to be luracted there- br it is reported that boy v somerrille b sold the dandas banner to- alex- oder f tlrie editor of the manueai star hr pirie will rtaove to dnndas at- aa early date mr somerroie will go- 16 bocbestcrk y and engage in newspaper work bo lert r wiyndiam street iu3s amut wiw son sor adc 6tbeet tm the street organ has become sach a- nawance in ifootr eai that the city council b inderuken its regulation henceforth the organ grinder most pay fee of f 20 od most refrain from turning his crank wore nine in the morning and after eight night i la orderl to fender the borronodioi in toepiog willi tbe elegant fah goods now opening op tx his store mr k b jermyn has jost completed the artistic decoration rf the walls and ceiling of hi wellknown dry goods store- the shop now presentsa try attractive appearance acton is now in a fair way for baring a drag stoce second to none in the coanfy dr hcgirvin is enlarging his store and fll add to his stock thedrogs and slauon ry in the store at listowel as also the fine shop cxicres of that place oar atizfics will uo he pleased with the information tbatilrj v kannawin will return to acton and lake his old place in the drug store home gleanings vulrh immonlyora local cliarsetrr tud aluntcwitlnr acton ctaruei flaad concert the band ia arranging loc a grand con cert tor wednesday evening ith october the second eveniug o acton union kabila lion tlc progtitnme will be one of ouasati iclcrcst and will include several oouidc artulff of wellknown merit railicdiars will bo annoonced in a few days tbc stiff of ltt9 rqgvqltttown confttfil has passed a broad by lajr which stipolites that all bread mumzfeinnd in the towo mast hereafter bo stamped with 1u exact weight i or i pound f ind all foimd waaluig will be cpngscated for the benefit of the poor andta additionbakcre who violate the law are liable to a penally not cnxcdtng fa6 foe each offence or 10 days irupriwinmcul a word with g tinners the gunning season has opened and the fool in the forest will again gratify his ctxroaitj as to whit is in the bush by firing a bullet throagu it if people would always make sure ot what was before the murrle of their guiis before firing they would often thereby be raved the arduous and unplca ant task ot carrying a dead man home the fool is not the right pcrsooto entrust with a gun bat somehow very often he is the man or boy who gels hold of one advertise stnyaainnis when au animal or article js lost the quickest wiy to recover it is by advertising it in the newspaper a great many people adopt the penny wise and pound foolish policy of tramping- the neighborhood over in fruitless search ot the mis tug object losing more time than woeld pay for au advcrtikaent mmy times over if you have lost an animal advertise it if one has strayed cpaa yocr frecniccs advertise belicve yciirsclf and and the owner the fete pcrjii his a vviao circulation ihrocgh- outthe section rer br pokrnext sibbzlh the anneal edccationxl meetings in coa- cectiaa with the ifethodist church will be ldd next sandiy mcrning and evening at the morning service the pulpit will be occcpcdby rev dr lott the secretary of education toronto dr totts is one of the leading minisrs of the church he is a preacher of great power and unusual ability and has been stationed in the best churches cf the dominion the dr is cot a stranger in acton having been present cu several f crmer occasions itis hoped he will be greeted by a targe congregation dr gif- ford wiil preach in tlie evening inprorejnenfs the buckskin tannery of ilessrs h storey t son which is managed by ifr william ramsey is cow turning out great quantities of gbveieath2r in the shape of buckskin and antelopes which were former ly imported in order to facilitate the work a cer engine and boiler from the works of john doty toronto hive just been put in for power and heating this is a desirable addition it mty be a matter of news interesting to our readers to ieam that hides tanned in this estahish- ment are imported from south africa and west indies the hides cf other wild animals beside deer and antelope are some times enclosed in the sales i3crr apnreciate rjcirs two londoners named taj and thcmpoh started a wheel of fortune near the chatham show grounds honda y although warned by the police they were arrested and lodged in the lockup tuesday morning they stated to the police magistrate that they had porchafaed the apparatus only two days ago that ihspec- lor bell baa charged them a license fee of si and that constables and detectives had stood around watching their operations the palice magistrate read the statue and fined thern the lowest limit allowed 520 fakirs of this stamp are advised to keep away from acton union exhibition or they wiu be similarly dealt with the dcczicfss voter list the revisits omcera for halton has post ed copies of the voters list for the domin ion in town and has fixed for honday jsth october as the date for holding the court in acton for the final revision oi the list notiocs of objections and claims for sddionsl amendments and corrections must be delivered cr scut by registered let ter to the revising ofscer at least two weeks before the date fixed tor the sitting ot the court a court will also be held in acton for wards and u esquesicg on saturday 2nd xovembar for wards 1 2 and 0 in stewwltown oa friday 1st november for the whoeof the township of kassagaweya on the october at the township hall brockrillc the royal tempters fictic ifoaday broaght right roil weather again and a pleisxater day will not be real ised this fall as a result the pfcmc held in the exhibition park under the auspices of acton council ko 300 royal templars of temperance was a success hi every re spect the exhibition hall and offices afforded ample accommodation for enjoy ment and the splendid grounds outside it being utilized for the core boisterous games iiid their qnstv to the general pleasure the royal templars were the first to u5 the gronndi for a public extber- bg since the favorable vote oa the bylaw last friday aatharir rag the purchase of the park hy the municipality and it seemed as though many failed to realize what an ex cellent property it was for the purposes in tended until they as citizens felt that they had an interest as owners in the premises it is a fine property and those at least who we represent cnlfonday were highly satis fied with thecbaacits action and thepeoples vote gamesand amusements were there in abundsjxeud everybody evidently en joyed themselves there were three thirty- foot swings several croquet lawns quoits fori curling and last 1jct by no means least ca joytblc to the players or amusing to ihe spectators wis the gime of hase ball cap- uiccdby drlowry sc and hx john lawson whose teams were composed as follows- neighb0rh00b furblftbd by carrtihoudent culled from euhmfti und fltked p fiy tlie wny erin c j mcmillan ft buying i rain iictu aud al uilltburg mr johu iluvo b a o weal torouto janction proachflvl lt b today la the disciples chorcb at ii an arrangwnenu have boen i isde to have ft grand oonoert id tbo blue ribbon hall erin yillie on tho eveniou of thartday october 17th tht lut day ol erin exhibi- bitioo under the direotiop o mr john a qaluher otobotph the mmlinnual session of goelph dis trict of the mflthodut chmch was held here on taeeda ysud wednc id ay i ksatcitbudl mr doaald mcphcdran o id of the oldest residents in the township dii d at 9 oclock on sunday morning hit interred in ih ebeneumi monday alteruoon at a oc ock ha has resided in the township it is to years and wu between 8 of age mr tbos wilson possesses a freak of nature ia the shape o a pea tree which has only one pear upoa it ai tho tree is out ia full bloom some very keen frosta at there was ice one quarter f thickness ou monday mornii g iiid for a bo tit and so years d the rest of nights lately inch in geqgkiowv eiqueslng exhibition will open here to- day tho prospects arc jof for a saocess- fnl show the first cut under th earlyclosing bylaw was imposed last w ck by ifagis- watkius was fined i and costs in tm 5b ioaiit miss culp violin times amplighter miss alexander- elecu haydeu vocaliii misselu irt mr james fax iiaciorist these wellknown artists will appe lr at the for esters concert tomorrow ev sning georgetown has to oomr am at aboht theneglience of the well as acton r the habld hut week says where iaour lamp lighter our streets arc in toul darknes these nights and complaiuls are uume oqs perhaps ou street luminary is waiting foe the dec trie light but he must mi ia the best ot whit we have adtil the oltief comes miss m c matthews has alma ladies college st t rock wood crotcdid otic la t rcf the annual fcarvest festiv il of st- johns church washeld oa the kill ldl scrmon wis preached by re of eioratha church wis beautifully decorated for he occasion with the produce of the fieldsla the evening tea was served in the town hall until ha f when a fine musical pr gramme was rendered the following were in most prominent numbers duet light misses hamilton aid mckcigue news and pm remains were cemetery on gone to attend lomai the thor smith 1 in the star- scots miss you 11 soon recitation mary queen ol bradly georgetown 6olo forget kathleen miss mnkeague solo give mebfck my heart agi in miss lee oran solo zifendelsioh is priests march mrs johnston as neatific lecture and a baptists opinion of prcsbyter- iief by mr strachin in his usual inimitable style duet mist and master f lee sandwiched between he songs were short but pithy addresi es by kevi mesirs strachan and walker rockwood fennel georgetown and smith elora each speaker took occasion to paint a moral and adorn a tale the singing cf the national anthem brought a pleasant and profitable evenings ent rtainment to a close dr and mrs dryden ae away lour through the western 9 tates mr d l and mrs shul z have removed toguelpfa the people of ocfcwood part with them with great regre- rocfcrood lodgs a o it- w will hold an at- home on friday evening oct lltfa on wednesday last mesi of acton threshed for squ has bels of barley and wo bushels of oats making lf 10 bushels ot grnin threshed in one day we are pleased to bear that mr john carrie of evertoc swept everything before him at the provincial with his short horns personal mention iaristapiiineipectlntviiuorito and from acton with whom free preii readers rcfcrc orlesiacaunlutcil mrs- thomas c moore is visiting friends in hamilton miss jossio browuof toronloia visiting acton friends mr win putoiuot kin the- gat of friends here miss emma ahem visited friends in toronto this week mr sid kelly of toronto is spending a few days with frieoda hero mrs john speight ipcnta few days this week with friends in berlin mr william shaw of tiverton visited friends hero during he week mr j c hiu left ot monday to spend a week with fneuda in detroit mr l g matthews left on friday to visit friends in detroit and vicinity misses mcnab and mckenxio have re turned from theif visit to creemore misses kauc and annie llyan of george town spent sunday with acton friends mia lizzie foster of palmcrsfon spent several days during tho week with friends here mr and mrs jb coleman of htrabace viiiled friends in this vicinity during the week mrs w j nickjin of glovcrsville hss been the guest of friends here the pist week or so mr alfred center aud daughter of st andrews que were guests of acton friends last week mr peter mcgregor of toronto greeted numerous old friends on the streets hereon monday mrs g l bcardraore his been the guest of her son mr a o bcardmors dar- ing the week christiana filman glovcrof burlington will apply for a divorce at tho next session of parliament mr and itra tbos kennedy ot parry sound have been guests of acton friends during the week miss ethel foster who has been visiting friends here foe several weeks returned home on saturday rev dr gifford and mr u p moore were delegates to the district meeting at erin oo tuesday and wednesday mr w d frick of newark nj came to acton thejjrst of the week to get- ac quainted with his brand new family mr j m moore is oa the high road to complete recovery from his recent attack of typhoid he is able to walk out again rev alexander ruisell tbcfreshyteriin minister of bothweh mrs russell and children visited their cousin mrs s a second list week mrs j w crewsoa left roschiu after au extended visit of seven weeks much improved in health to join mr crewson at cornwall who proceeded her some weeks ago maiiyafcnr rciderr will remember mr w a xrast the gltc reporter who officia ted on several oocasiocs in st albans church daring s vxcaccj in the pastorate rev m frost has completed his proba tionary work and is now the church ot englan l minister in charge of st georges new g aagow n 5 he has just been marriec to miss dimaris constance logs of char ottetown pel bell bros re strange 500 cawsc inked todeivl aaacpleof our citizens have lost vain- able mi ch cows during the past week by stracgu ation in each rase a large piece ot food hiving become lodged in the animal j throat on thursday last mr thoma mcltm was the sufferer and on monda morning mr thos bingham lost his cowy both were excellent milkers and condition our fall goods kelly bros itioliby stock of kail suitings and paulina will eon- in the county a perfect fit guaranteed erery time k look lb rough our veil sa rtuoe you that we hare the e a euro for sorit cyoi u look ihhhtyakeuy bros elegant aciortmcnt of the taoit faihiooablo lrn hu which they can wllcb baer than anj other bouse in the county vo have jaitreoeirodm hundred dosen of ojc utot tod laostfasbia scarfs for gentlemen voucauisve moncr by btiyibsvour ready uado clotbfug at kelly ijros nvo have oit received c block of stciii youths boji and children i kaiu which are ot the choicest natt odd tanu rom 1jj o cbildroui suiu rom it5o s very largi auditylm ucaisulufioui jxlaji thin sitiflft tki tad lr jui i choicest attrus r- ourbtsiilc dry goods csnt be beaf oar stock of groceries fs very complete and of beit quality at lowest jficcs our 23c jsiu tea bctu uio world hcton ordered clothing new hats new ties ready made clothing dry goods groceries mmmothrholtse georgetown kelly bros auvice to mothstw ara you disturbed l night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with pain of dot ting teeth if fo send at once and get a bottle of mrs window a sooth jg syrup for children teething its raloe is incal culable it will relieve the poor utile sufferer immediately depend apoq it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures djseatrv and diarrhoea regulate the stomach and bowels care wiad colic eolteus the gums reduces inflammation aud gives lone and euergy to the whole sys tem mrs wmslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest aud best female physicians and curses in the united states and is fortsje by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfire cents a bottle be lore and ask for mrs winslows soothing syrup and take co other kind butter and eggs wanted kelly bros it is worse than madness to neglect a cough or a coid which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the fore runner of consumption and prema ture death infiimtnaliou when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do cot delay get a bottle of bickles aulicocsumptivc syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy zxpectoration subdues the coagb healsthe diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influeuc in curing consumption aud other diseases of the throat and laugs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselaes from much anxi ety trouble and expense1et them procure a bottle ot bickles antlconsumptive 6yrup and whenever iclifld has taken cold has l cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directiocs- mr c e riggins beamsvillc writes acuslonier who tried a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery says it is the best thfng he ever usd to use his own words it just seemed to touch theipoc affected about a year ago he hadi an atucfc of bilious fever and was afraid he was iu foe another when i recommended this valuable medicine with such happy results children cry for pitchers castona a johnson the new tailor has a splen did record from toronto hamiitcnbrant- d fapdoc detroit cleveland ponuac abd chicago c mcufy7l d s of brampton i charge of the dental office in georgetown of the late a c mckidlay ail branches of dentistry will be carried oa w the most saisfactory manner with all the latest and most approved appliances he will also visit acton twice- month as did his late predecessor the liberal pat ronsge enjoyed by the late a- c hcdoliy is respectfully solicited for his successor- cmckixutlds lmjv jltj eate lawioa ificrie adaia acuje acderwjy ijcijt joittoa agsie kaat annie wmustzi hattie tharstoa tfr ww johcstaa ktiuas geo tunrslri hi ulwfox s hit ilieoes acdcrson uciia iiataihaw lucy kecaedy agie andarsoa karali fcrsosoii uttie moore tiuajfoore ur 1 lecn h wjjliacis f s warren liar dt gatord score 2s k jobobon who i considered the cleverest tailor and cutter in canada has opened up a seal tailoring establishment fa hnfieoords block mill st score i we were ccing to say the game was an amusing onejjui jhs 4 no name for it jbb3se3piayed wellt liowverrforhniies and some ot them coald each their- ax mirers some considerable aboat playing ball the older members of the picnic party spent tne afternoon in social inter- ijoarfg aad pleasant conversation and their enjoyment was of coarte enbaoced by wit nessing the fun of the yojrag folks mr rarashawlout photo artist was presentand took several news cf the building and grounds at five oclock preparations were made for m aiidtimpartof the programme wwnotwithoai pecaliarattractioa whn the boot shades of evening arrived the com pany dispersed and the udauitnous express ion was that the first picuic of tbo royal temphus wisa success oakville probably the most cxeiti g game of baie bail ever m oakville was witnessed by a large gathering of eager lookerson last moaday afternoaa the gune commenced at 2 oclock sharp aad a ded a boat 515 beiag played by the business men ot the north cad and the south end of colbonrne street some of their stits were most charming especially notic ible was that of mr a e eradwins it was a common remark to hear people comparing him to the bird of paradise f am sare he must hire went to the shoe maters and got his feet stretched a number cf inches for the occasioa mr c a bradbary attracted no iftile attention with lis manceuveres and was well nalned the clown ot the afternoon- mayor urqul irt i am glad to say escaped withoat doit him self or the groand any harm even at tdid happen to be his murfortane to fall wee and a while truly a little fan caw and then is relished by the best of men j the core ran 13 to 32 infavor of the south end f the town the steamer macassa c ide her last trip here on friday last eer and mrs wm mei de intend leaving the latter part of this wee c for utrip to the sunny sooth the elder of the presby terian church have very k ndly granted mr meifcle a leave ot absence for three months thinking that the trip won d prove beneficial to blk wife who has been out ot health for some time past on sui day last be de livered two excellent serrr oas taking for his subject in the morning mercy and in evening its twin sister g wdness at the close ot each sermon he r isde a few touch ias remarks referring to i he kindness aud the intrest the people oi his church had shown their pastor and h s wife- we hope their tripwill be a pleai lot cue sai that they will retain both bei lg benefited by ill j five deaths havft occared here during he past week- snreiy t eath is doing its work in our town il br dgs to our minds the short bat solemn 6 wtence the old mast die theyoang rmw i mrs jas black of eierton visited her trolher mr wm fore ter of this town last week her sister liss mary forester accompanied ler heme mr johu- yoang of california is visiting parents mr and mr wm yoang of town the b t of t cdaacii give free iconsert onfndsy eyenii z of this week great preparations ae being made to make the oakville fair surpass previoas years re lairing promptly carefully and ly i5ected at shoesjre acton j li5tqf pall fairs the following is a list of fall fairs which have bi en published up to this date sec- retarie of fairs will oblige us hy sending in the lamesand dales of their shows to this of ce in- orderto add to the list acre uxiox acton oct 6 and j prov ncial london sept j to u industrial toronto sept- q to 21 gael ph central guelph sept 25 20 27 midjmd central kingston august 23 to sep ember 7 e1 2rn xownships sherbrookc p q septeciber3to5 cenl ral canada ottawa sept 9 to 11 soal hern braatford sept 10 to 12 non hwestern goderich sept 17 to 19 ceo ral hamutonsept 23 to 27 wei ssleyandeaslhope wellesley sep- tembe u and 23 sou h grey durham sept 21 and o cen re bruce paisley sept 2l to 2g sou hern coanties st thomas sept if to 7 nor h union orangcville september 2o and 2k gre t northern collingwood sept 25 to 27 esq lesicg georgetown sept 20 and 27 nor h waterlog berlin sept 2g aud 27 nor h brant paris oct 1 and 2 pee brampton oct 1 to 3 thf northern walkertoo oct 1 to i not perth stratford oct 3 aad i en mosa kockwood oct 3 and l soc h waterloo gait oct 3 and f gai ifraxa belwood oct 8 and 3 cer trc wellington fergus oct 10 aud ha ton co onty milton oct iqand ii il na sagaweya brookville october h and i j eriberin tillage oct ig and 17 vtarra 47 trii rc are her catarii- wia l as a gihd the cried for castoria vcliea tk- became miss the clasp la casiorii khca she had chfliren she stc them casoru it you want to wca e a firstclass boot or shoe made to order oi t of good material aud by reliable workrr en go to kenny bros boot or shoe iter actou rich and poor prince and peasant the mrliionaire and day laborer by their common ue of this remedy attest the worldwide rep- utation ot ayers pills leadiug pby- siciaus recemmeud these pills for stomach aad liver troubles costive- ness hilioaiuess aud sick headache also for eucninatism jaaadice and neuralgia they arc sngarcoated con- tain no catniiil are prompt j bat mild in operation and therefore the very best medicine for family use as well as for travtters ami tourists i have derived great relief from ayers fills five years agoiwas taken so ill with rheumatism that i was uuablcto lo any work i took three uxes of ayers pill aud t wis eutirtly tured since that lime i aui never withoat ft lox of these pills peter chrkienven sherwood wis ayers pills have beenln ttse iu my family upward of twenty years aad have completelr verified all that ia claimed fur them in attack ot piles nun whicli i suffered many years they afford greater relief than any other muciue i ever tried t f adam iftilly spring texas t have tui ayers pqis for a nnm- utif ear and have never found any- thing tqiial to them for giving me an apitii and imparting energy and ftreiigih toll urstem i always keep them iiitjic lkiuseb d jackson wiltoingtou del two boxa oi ayers pills cured ms of severe headache from which i wm ion a mfferer emm keye uubbarimon 1m wlicnevcr i nm troubled with con stipalion or differ from loss o aopctlw ayers pill set me right arain aj kiser jr hock hcue ya ayers pills are in general demand aroonj or custouier 7tvr sales of lliem eicecllliom of ail othet pills com bined we have- never known them fail to pre entire satisfaction wright fc ifanneuy sail diego teiaa ayers pills rcxfared bt i or j c aser k co lowell mi bod by all iealcrsui medicln 5kly 25 cents castoria for infants and children citaiteiiiotiaidapadteaflinattel i 0ttuenre oooe oomhpauoa t i i boar btomach diarrbosa er taowhona u ucnta k p i ba 81feqimkftcibt i mssastblammukitkm taa ctoruua otnrrurr 77 morraj street n t m1xllnery and dress goods opening at r b jermynis satueday- 28tk sept magnificent display correct styles reasonable prices courteous treatment are the inducements we havejo offer and we cordially invite the ladies to call and look through j immense arrivals of fall and winter goods onrstockia about complete for the fall trade nd we are receiving extensive addi tions daily sveliavaall tie new est fabrics in dress goods at ex- tremejy low prices- dre8 bilks from 25c per yard up our millinery sbowroom is compute with all ihe latest novelties in millinery our dressmaking and mantle making department is i fnll running ordel ladies jack ets dolmans and ulstereia large variety an immense stock of cloaking material to choose from in i cotton woollens fiaqnels blankets tweeds shirtings llinl- ourstock is vei-j- com pliite and purchased before the recent advance in prices an ex cellent grey flannel for 12c put yd up carpets hmisefar- liishtugs iu large variety uotfor- geltiug ladies and genta foot wear i our ordered clothing depart ment is a i- j t i heady made clothing in boys and mens immvnse stock- great bargains the biggest drive on earth iii readyuiatie overcoats splendid overcoats for 350 and overcoats for 500 worth 81000 others accordinglycheap weshall behind toeeyou come and inspect onr stock and 6ec the bargains buy if suitable if not yon shall be courteously treated wmmcleodbd mamifoth house qeofigetown dr washington throat and lung surgeon of toronto remember the day saturday the 2sth september w i to farmers and threshers ubfionvourmaonineryonly the weliknown toerlbs flit 9art n mlinatm huobecn awarded it dnrijg the lut three year ttulid mujuajjo try onr p aj s von waggon aud horse powers these otis are tued and highly recommended at thetfode fnngaelph farmers aekforlhemnso no ether manufaotnred at quinoltyou vorkl m samuel rogers co toronto ir w ha been compelled to mat monthly visits to fully supply the wiales ot haodnds ot patienu vbo availed tbeauelrw f his incccstml treatment- his new method u based bn the principle of contojrim oold maol- caxed tspor direct to thn fieat oi aisoacs tbtu brlnfiine the medicotion iu direct eoawcv with thttdbmsed tissues he does not claim to cure all naxieuu wbo consult him bat he uom claim to cure h mnch larger per wntage than th gcralpttitiodortioceiierjptctioe it is otaoanreasouable claim either when a is considered that the tifctor has devoted t yean to the snidy of bis specialty and improved on all the new tysteins which hare been before the acientiflc wbrld his treatment has risen super- ior la iu eflects and renltt to that adoptm by the most eminent specialists exenln nf york u bo bn today iwtlents in that dtv ho have uociimtunijptiynew yk most dlstiagauhed thnt aod lung surgeons and bare- been cured by bis treatment the name of tome of them have ben published iu this taper ou several occasions it must be remembered that dr was who his deen devoting years to the special study of throat and lung disease hs today been handsomely rewarded or hi iudomllable dmdelugablapersiterancjdcoumthere bo a more tangible recognition than the testl- nwnialsjwblisnddui this paper from time to- time t the dr hu bnilt nu n xtenit prar tic throoghout tbo dominion e all patients personally andsrai be wholly respon- iible to all who have an occasion to visit mm another fact it is well for al to remember who may be troubled with any of the following symptoms of catarrh that in a very large majority of cases k is the incipient stage of con sumption id tact 90 per cent of all the eases of consumption have their origin in catarrh of the head and throat a few of the most pro minent symptom of catarrh will be found be- low andjet those wbo hte aeen oonatmiptlon in it flntsune recall the terribla fact a the sbdve is not correct and why so rainy die of this terrible isessc la that when hope and every chance of treatment to a laodesaful issue is held out the patient neglects tin too late tcday is the colden opportunity take warn- k ing in time tempusrngit ttme flies pro- eraatinstion is the theft of time symptoms of catarrh susceptibility to catch coh in the head 1 feeling of tightness sexoes tlie bridge of the note with sometime pain stuffing of the nasal pas- tag accumulation of mucus which is dis charged by the nostrils or drops back into the throat a sense ot pain or heaviness over the eyes often in the back of the head and neck sometimes in the top of the head at times disxiness pain io the eyeballs in seven ease speight cvson acton j a speight manager also evehy ukscbipnos of rubber and metal stamps tinoley btewabt mtg co 10 kins 8t west toronto powder absolutely pure tt is powder never vanes a marvel of parity strei etnandtrbolesonioness more ooonomical thai tbe ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in oora petition with the onltitndeoflow testsborl well at alnm or phosphate powdors told only lno is botii baauo towum co 100 wall oecmc hiltewam ala u but vtmbwa sal tttfisr alii arttai hi jrat fiuitk tpi iti ij istem tib hbititu apstlwutsd imlftfx ttoni llutrt cn ia rt sntrr fmm oh iy can wlilly you with au the pttraltnre required to fnrnlihronr new and coty little home or to replenish your home if a settled one in any style t the very lowest prices thete is no article of furniture we cannot supply and further we deliver our fumttare and ntenarsetuk w e can suit all you have no arranging freight charges and run no risk of breakage wee nbllc ol lee undertaking our thlrtyjlve yean eilrience in this boiineas has remlted to convincing the this entire commnnltv that we supply nrstlasa work iu all orders and in st i which oomnare with those of the city at one half city prices our hearse ia an excellent one and our uaui always present aboooming appearance we bmv plea sure in inriting b public to callon o for anything required in our line speight s a dull drowsy sleepy feeling in the head dwell ling of the nose anu eyes sometime a pstk trading and distorted appearanceis given to the n appcr part of tbe face a tendency to tneexe frequently sometime the secretions are eel- lectod together in aurdinassa or thunks whicli are with great difficulty rcuioved bometimc the mncus membtuie is broken and scabs form which are discharged with mucus in somo cases theiecretfons sre very copious ind arefound iu the back of the bead and throat chiefly and very tittle stuffing of the nasal pv uge with a constant desire to clear the throat hawking or spitting or raising of tough phlecfflj especially in the morning or after ujuiig a warm drink in other ease the amount of phlesitris rery little but it is extremely tough and almost impossible to remove a few facts to be remembered lstdf washington is the ionly throat and lung surgeon in the dominion deroting ti whole time to diseases of the passages tad he bu devoted seven years to hi speci ajty ard he has been compelled to open an omco in ottawa to meet the erst increasing demands 1th he consults examines treats ail cases personally and if solely responsible 5nths represent his own business 6th he give tcstlamonlall of the most reli able and prominent character of residents ol ontario of the most wonderful caret ever w- oarded wifch whom a 1tb number iw q gives tbe name iu fojrri p- o ad- dreat not tbe mere initiate which might foean atom dick or harry and inrit aajreffon intcrested to write for patuatir sb7tub is the best season to tfcat catarrh which leads to coosubiption and sb oiseues 03 the hoad throat and icngj 9uidr waslungtoa eradimuid lo u6t at toronto with honor in j iiboston ukinga spul poloclynie eours ou disoasosof the throat and longs lsbtdtvaablugion willbevlcubiterson- ally iiuorintenuiiih bis own moutli conkouauou true butiuort enrv

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