Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1889, p. 2

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j harrixd riitemrtricxdin grace cttttrch ilratup ton on the 3rd october b uex or hrtjxt lfv h row of pt carting to miw uutie t vcctong daughter of the lain jaum wcclaug itowinanrulc j v rtu gttw fatto tm ou the 2uil of oct ertte dr torrance mr hog troldsli of mutcttt to mm rcc voauicrwm at lrauiosa t i m uasmiaiitvt klu ou the ut of oclo krr virutn joiil uuu father of lb groom ur john mlllsaecotiatail far uourv j it i ktin ft lo lliialptu to mta rfnyder daughter iutn busier ke agent tituhon toon in w oodrtoctm september skh im hobcfrttodioiuiprlf uttlwschuid ctlu too ccd s3 tn 1 niautnt i daji tljcttoit fttt rcss thursdir october 10 1689 votes ad couuentk the- rale of uaereet upon depositk fa tbc poat office ud gorernmeat wrings buila in canada vu tedaced from foot to tttreeand a hilt per cent oa the tint o october eumoci are afloat that ihe nut of sir i geo stephen end 6ir donald mith toxew i lore is to image an alliance wiui the i western ajaenc roads to control traffic north of oregon mooe is being made go fast that there will soon be more aullionares than paapet when that utrre comes who is going to saw wood it seems that a bone cannot ma twtj an the tutted stales without lulling a mfllioaue c a movement a on foot m st petersburg focobsemag sunday as is done in great bnln and america- it u said that twelve hundred st petersburg merchafita hire already declared thenaef vea orilliag to keep their placet of business closed oa the first day of the week the fishery commissioners who were sent tome months ago to europe by the dominion government to enquire into the state of the nemos fisheries hire con dolled their labors sad wall return to canada by the steamship sardinian which left liverpool on thi srd october they mti fcailand soojand sua holland duringtheir tour of investigation the lows sapreme court ut a recent decision eipressed the opinion that pris who habitually gad tboqt the streets late at night have no valid claim on the courts for redress if they are mined that ruling may seem severe but it is based on a law that is older than any human enactment s o girl imnng any respect for her good name can gad aboat the streets after night if girls desire men to resfect them they most first learn to respect themselves the industrial and other exhil has been criticised for its attraction bat it his not got down to the level of a western ontario fair which advertises thai trues are offered for the fattest baby the prettiest baby the handsomest boy under three years the prettiest girl under three years and for the handsomest set of twins not orer three years of age this is really carrying the crtxe for uovetly too far london has made good its claim to be considered tin most cosmoplitan city is the world it has just elected a jew for lord itayur with a roman catholic and an atheist as aberifis tiu wooliieemto in dicate that religious opinion is no bar to sdtaneement in england provided a man possesses ability integrity and has been snccessfol in bnsmeas a man may con oeal his opinions bat he cannot conceal his nature ur sfccrae the saraia boojtseller whose boose was dynamited daring the scott act excitement is a candidate for the local legislature in mr pardee s old constituency he is a strong prohibitionist and equal rights advocate and ooght o poll a large vote in lambion krttccraewoold make a firstclass representative be is nobody s vassal bnt an intelligent and independent- mmded man of whom there are too few in pogiosifw the w c t cmon ha begun the temperance reform in the right way by enrolling in children the report published in yesterdays iar highly gratifying in this particular tne women are the back bone of the temperance movement and ta them more than any other agency must be attributed the steady growth- of temper ance principles and sentiment if the whole sex could be united oa- tins question there woald be no more intemperance scar men who get drank and then insult their neighbors should take warning from a jndg ment delivered by jadge jeite yesterday li was m fact a verdict of served mm right in the case of an inebriate who pro voked another man till he gave him a thrashing it was not a good law however ctt may have been sound justice for no one has a right to take the law into his own hands except in defence kgaiost violence to person or property even a drunken man has rights one of whirh u right to a cell in the police station not mdifcnnxinite pommelling b aojooe he may tumble against on the street b at lc best isn is not to get drunk ifa spaa has lfixl miks of road china has only 86j miles bnt it now seems probable ithat before long china will have as man miles of rails as japan the recent decree of the emperor of china directing that rirorfcon a railway 700 miles long be under taken at once was issued only eight months after the sadden and unexpected interrup tion of the work on the proposed extension of thetiea ts line the proposed new road isto extend southward from fekm a distance of 700 miles to han kow a treaty port on the lingtse aboat ooo miles from the month of that nver whosft foreign trade last year amounted to about ijj 000 000 it will he wholly in the interior of fe country tissle w m a ulublau riaxmll ont october i between two md three o clock this morning mr holland if the central hotel was awakened b the raising of the window in the hill downstairs and securing his rciolrer lie proceeded downstairs wbsre he meta mused burglar whom he asked what he wanted the burglar replied with his revolver the ballet lodging one foot from mr holland s head holland returned the shot without effect a second shot was find by the burglar having the same effect as the 4rst and holland retained the shot the ball taking effect- the burglar thee fled leaving blood sfsoas til along the nil and sidewalk this is the second attempt at burglary mr gnmth baring bid one hundred dollars worth of woollen goods stolen from his wserwm since tbe last assessment io hamilton bepopulauon has increased by 33d the present population utjtst at is fi3j acton vxi0s exhibition a vt satwral ulr lllsu oupilttenlm on ill side for uttiil tud atmipamuce oooi eatitlr aullahgt attlvdavcf the exblbilioa of acton cwou agricuu taral society held in the park tbe past two days was a complete success and realised the anttcipaliouiol directors exhibitors and visitor as a rule the fair throughout the couulrj have not becu favored with dcsir able weather bat acton s was an exception to the rale crood weather was cajojed both das and it cheered the hearu of the management earl tuesdi morning the exhibits coatmenoed to arrive and the sounds of hammer aud saw were heard oa ill sides a general rash pre- vailed until noon bat bj thai umc the exhibits were placed and arranged order restored sod the exhibition building presented a most beautiful and attract appearance this attraction was very materially enhanced through the efforts of the citizens committee whose evergreen decorations with mineature flags and chinese tanlerns as accompaniments added not a little to the general effect rue rxnimo nxcinxaru in the evening the hall wss bnlhanllj illuminated and at seven o clock the judges having completed their duties the pabuc was addmitted a good crowd gathered and the visitors were well pleased with the exhibition presented owing to the fact that the arrangement ot cxhib tsand allotment ot space was placed in the hands ot one competent man the classification was much better than heretofore and of course exhibits presented a incch better appear ancc besides the masts discoursed by the exhibitors of p anoa and organs acton cornet band played a dumber of excellent selections and the cvemug passed very pleaaantlj tueoramxiiiin the second da was of course devoted principally to the exhibition ot the live slock and the manner in which entries in this department poured in from early raorting tfll noon was surprising interest was largely centred m horses and when it is known that there were 1s2 entries in horses alone it is not u be wocdered that this section of the show was a great at traction hal ton his a provincial reputa tion for horseflesh and one would natarallj conclude that the best of it was at cton union exhibition jestcruaj in cattle there wen many fine animals shown ana acton never had a better exhi bit of sheep and pigs 4n unusual number of exhibitors of pooltrj were present and is a result the prizes were distributed over a much more vaned ternton the exhibit of agricultural implements was up to the usual standard and a tine lot of imgle and double carriages and i amber wsggons were oa exhibition i ihe kill nxmurr ai before staged the inside exhibits were very fine ihe entries in graia were not as numeroas as last year but a ene lot was shown la the various claises nevertheless a splendid chow of roots wis made bat thefsrden truck was meagre owing to theterj geaeralfailaretnthetruitcropthis season there was letx than usual on the fruit lahiea but the entries m butter and bread made ap far this lick la butter there were 9s entries and m bread 3 a finer show of batter and bread was never collected in hilton the ladies did tlc r whole daty m their department- the entries in ladies work were numeroas and the exhibit excellent and t-aned- in the collections there was a large amount ot beautiful work and these added verv much to the general appearance of the ladies department the show of fine arts was larger than last year and being placed in a better position in the hall the effect was superior tio xjxttotll fxhilit the exhibit of the products of manitoba and the north west was as anticipated a leading feature of the exhibition it was in charge of mr e m feel of the cana- djanpaciec railway and dnncg the two daysof the exhibition while the thousands paused to new the grains grasses ac no question wis too simple or impudent for mr peel to courteously andiutelhgeatly answer some io bags of threshed grain of as man j different caneties and i i or a sheaves of grama and grasses were shown and the farmers ecpectally crowded the space continually the exhibit was gener ally admired and the information imparted was valuable and interesting tel extereaim irteidjull the aggregate ot entries was somewhat in advance ot fast year and reached the respectablenumberofabouliooo ofthisno less than 2w were for the special prices offered by the friends of the exhibition and uere it may maj be remarked that the iarge hat of specials numbering oo was considerable of a magnet both to exhibitors and visitors the attendance was large and satisfac tory some claim however that the fact that the namber present was perhaps a thousand less than hut jear was due to the raising of the admission fee from 13 to 2ji ceoti this maj have been the case bet it does not saj much for the liberality of those interested in agricultural pursuits and the pull pel inclines to the opmon tlat the falling off in attendance is duo not so much to the fee as to the recognized fact that 13jhas been an off j ear for fall fairs even the largest of them seffering the receipts were horcver crj satisfac- lor i ttfl lluuma xiw 1 vcliniluj the tradesmen and mtnafaiturers did themselves credit in the displaj s they made the west side a the hall wasbiled with this class and the several exhib ts spoke the enterprise o those who made them to a marked degree ths oeautifol and comprehemrve exhi bit of messrs w h storey a bon of the canada glove vaoks wis a centre of attractipa it was the same as hat ihowa ot thatoroato exhibition and of course excellent in every respect it embraced the numerous lines of gloves mitts and moc casins mauaficiared by tilts progressive firm and to this was added mtnj samples of their saskacliewaa buffalo robes and overcoats princess baby carnage robes imitation persian iamb coats arc this was the largest and noest exhibit made henderson mcre l co showed a varied display of millinery which was great admired by the ladies whoie en couiums of praise were unstinted the exhibition made by mr george hynds was fine indeed watches clocks jewelr fancj goods in great variety the trumpeter clock wa novel which com mauded fientmi attention go to the store and see ic kelly bros with their splsudid exhibit of suitings pantings and overcoatings in endless variety cinght every visitor as he entered the ball the display of enu furnishings was very creditable mr jl s porter showed raymond tew ing machines mr c y kelh of giiepli had mveraf bell plant and organs whovc excellent reputation requires no comment masicil merchandise m variety was shown the watch clock and jewelry exhibit of mr b savage of guejfyli waa very highly praised some very valuable- article were shown and the whole had ft most attractive ippoarauoe mr w t l the tailor showed several handsome- bod well nude salts aud a varied assart meat ot cloths of thelites i stylos and patterns the bono exhibit of mr arthur liiog was worthy oltiotice bwcetoesi in large and small quantities was freely dispensed no exhibition u the hall commanded more attention thau that ot mr h ram ahaw pinto artist his extensive collec tion of photos and crayon pomilti received most favorable criticism and boats of visitorasur surprised that such excellent work could be executed by an artist outside of the clues the splendid frames on this exhibit fere manufactured by mr c c speight mr j h matthews showed a horse harnessed with a sett of his splendid harness the fiax felss bad a nioelv equipped printing office in the exhibition building and fancy cards and sheets containing the announcements of a namber of oar enter- prising batincss men were printed and dis tnbutod by the thousand to the interest ot crowds of delighted spectators txiuiimox xotls tne press was represented by mr gal faraith of the guelph tkuty ilcnxry mr bradwinof the oaktille sfcrr mr camp bell ot the milton champion mr warren of the georgetown fav d and the inzz peiate staffs jowahiemp audw hern mpp were among the visitors yesterday to mr j b pearson who bad charge ot the arrangement ot the hall ts doe great credit foe the splendid appearance secured the list of prizes awarded will ippear in next issue a cause for gratitude was tbe fact that not a single accident ocvured to mar tbe pleasure of either management or visitors general satisfaction was expressed at the absence ot running races at the exhibition the society did a wise thing in prohibiting them tbe concert in the town hall hut evening by actoa corset band vu well attended the best show in halton was the general expression of ruitor good humor and good order prevailed throughout acton cornet band did their whole daty in the rendering ot their numerous selec tions ealtoa su0vt tuc exhilitues st rocuood hut ttecl rcii ui io tlic hundant buek pair aged ewti h black u wet- ion pair shearling ewae h black pair m lamb h black ju blk oxronu oa suionhibe dowxinsai best aged ram h 4 j h watson ram lamb h ajhwaieon pair aged ewes huh watson pair shearling ewer h4 jh watson tlr owe 1 stubs huh wl son ritis laoc nuite iuilli bow robert croft boar pig dropped in 1889 jes grey sow dropped in 1989 jas grey brusunua best boar r talbot a cree tow johnsocket 1st and 2nd boar pig dropped in 1881 b barbara w 1 rndd sow dropped in lasod barbaroe b barbara scrrolks on onum sioll iiite narui best boar t hurrcn sow f harren rt binder boer pig dropped in 1889 w pin der 1st aud sod sow pig dropped in 1839 fhurreowpinder 1ontttv pair turkeys w agnew thos wilson pair geese j taylor j socket pair ducks j taylor j stewart pair plymouth rocks j r harris s barbara pair leghomi wm coo a j lehe pair any other sort w m coon colin cameron agkictlmixl raoducts ejilux ltc two boahels while winter wheat c bwackhammer wm ramsay two bushels red amber winter wheat j hatching m m p farrier two bushels bald spring wheat j black p mcgregor two bushels beardy spring wheal e toltou xrd john atkinson two bushels barley six rowed 1st pruse given bj thos holliday guelph j r mitchell jas ramsay two bashcls small white peas u talbot wm agnew two bushels small white oats j is mccnl lougbrgeo taylor two bushels large white oats jareoeudough r talbot two bash ell timothy seed thos wilson 1st and 2nd two bushels flax seed ohn la j lor tho whson half bashel white beans s boott sas ramsay twelve ears indian corn c swackhammer john black coots potatoes white elephant j u mitchell c swackhammer k potatoes beauty of hebron d h taylor potatoes anj other sort d h taj lor geo kitching collection of potatoes not less than six varieties geo rutching i jolliffe bait dozen swedish turnips 1st prize by r dredge r dredge wnxmcxenne half dozen aaytrtfacr sort of turnips t w benham jis irwin half dozen mangold w urtzel long red r tal bot 6 scott half dozen mangold wartael globe r talbot i w benham half dozeu field carrots john ramsay wm mckenzie three wtatet cabbages wm stovcll w benham three winter bed cabbages wm btovell i w benham ha dozen table carrots john taylor goo taylor half dozen parsnips w m blovefl hntaidf half dozen blood beets wm half dozen to era benham doiea red onions mrs l parkinson ew gallop dozen of anj other kind of omens as ram say e w gallop two pumpkins john taylor d h taylor two sqaashes black john tayior two citrons wm stcvell j taylor i2heavj swedixhtuniips a dredge c qookburn cretonne miss p tolton tfrt l parkinson arssene mrs leells mlse fanny lee crewel embroidery miss u moean mlsu p tc4too pert and ink sketch i j baker pencil drawing 1st prize by o brio a kwtlrb qnelph bos ton rooking chair j j biker miss m ramsay painting on plush miss tolton painting on velvet his tolton mrs l parkinson painting on silk or satin mr dr dryden mies toltod landscape in oil 1st prize given by waters bros mrs dr dryden miss m ramsay collection ladies fancy work 1st prize given by p anderson glassware miss amy ramshaw g easter brook for girls qoder u yean of age three best hemmed pocket hand kerchiefs agues a baker miss tolton specimen of knitting agnes a baker specimen ot painting miss tolton agnes i a baker ixowehs best three window plants mn horrob mrs argo collection annuals mrs l park id sou mrs j ramsay pansfes 12 sowers not less than i varieties geo taylor wm stovcll balsams 12 flowers not leas than i varieties mrs nomsiumri c cameron slocks 12 flowers not lees than 1 varieties mrs l parkinson mrs colin cameron astars 1j flowers not less than varieties mrs jis ramsay mrs l parkinson french mangolds 12 flowers not less than three varieties mrs james ramsay mrs l parkinson african marigolds 22 flowers not less then throe varieties mrs jamea ramsay wm btovell zinnias mengolds i flowers not leu than three varieties mrs james ramsay mrs l parkinson coxcombs four flowers mrs as ramsay mrs j hormh bonqnet foe table mrs- l parkinon boaqaet for hand mrs l park insou special for gelding or filly in road s tec class james breeze it appeared very much last tbursda morning as rockwood show woald ex pcncncc its usual wet weather and indeed for several hours there was a heavy down posr the wzi uy u ta u 77 hi uuinaail tad i xetj sooi jhiar fch if l p j large attendance was the result tbe gale receipts were in advance of former years rockwood s new brass band played a nam ber of selections during the afternoon the new secretary mr robt dredge performed his labors with general satufac tion the following is the prize list hlivi dunitt brood mare r ros sell thos bole coit foal a- mcquillan l russell filly foal john duff tho boles one year old colt john taylor thos boles one yearold filly m4hp farm twojear old gelding john allan two year old filly johu duff span of heavy draughts 1st prize by james goldie guelph barrel best flour jas watson j a wallace gcvrjla pcewaxl best brood mare 1st prize by d guthrie mj p gueipu s barbaree a stark colt foal thos boles d armstroag filly foal g a wallace thos cor twoyearold colt geo kitch icg geo grummet one yearold filly p mcgregor thos cox two yearold geld ing thos cox jas gray two yearold filly g mcarthur t simpson span of general purpose square piano stool given by c w kelly guelph value io charlea thain gnelph neck joke value 12 foe second m k m p farm peter mann cilxurtur- best brood mare r hamil ton j filaimmons colt foal peter ma- honey hjy f oal w m kitching u harml ton oneyearold filly prize by george beattte goods wm husband d barbaree one yearold gelding kobt dredge a cree two j ear old telding charles tolton wm husband two j ear old filly h mickle a stark span carriage horses 1st prize given by j w lyon guelph book value ut j lister wm mcintosh tingle carnage horses in harness 1st prize by b r mccou kej guelph i armstrong f forsyth hackney prize by mr mackenzie horse shod all round h devlin rouisteci best brood mare jas hynd ham wm argo colt foal 1st prize by thos jigo john sockett wm sunter filly foal j leslie j auld one yearold colt j fitzbimmone j breese one yearold fill j breese 2nd two year old gelding wm husband wm agnew twoyear old filly p hartaett w m knnah span roadsters horses prizes by jas innes ile john hooper w lvert single roadster in har ness whip bj harvey l co gnelph value 12 r ulbot geo coughhu beat trotting horse under saddle thomas gowdy john hooper prize given by w dyson guelph and ice president ramsay for the- horse got around first w m sunter t gowdj cirtll dt cuius aged bull 1st prize bj griffin 6 grundy guelph box stove valued at 7 john cume twoyear old bull john tay lor one yearold bull jas grey bull calf dropped from show to show john came cow john tsylor jss grey three year old cow jiff grej john tsylor twoyear od heifer thos hamilton jas grey one- year old heifer jas grey john taylor heifer calf john jeslin f sarles herd of durham cattle to consist of one ball and four females all the property of the exhibi tor 1st prize by shaw 4 grundy pair pants value u ju grey gmufcittle best cow wm sharp a son alex barns lhreeyearoid oow wm sharp son alex burns twoyearold heifer wm sharp a son alex bonis one yearold heifer w m sharp i son ju watson heifer calf dropped from show fo show colin cameron w sharp son steer calf dropped from show to snow e sarles working oxen in yoke jas mcoul lough j jestm best one or twoyear old steers wm sharp a son herd of grade cattle to consist of toar females tbe prop ert of the exhibitor prize by dredge secretary w sharp 6 son xoaxsttt laxrrxcrrtcfi best pair blanket prize by burgess t son photos value i mrs s scott- osiah royce ten yards fulled cloth mrs jas ramsav mrs d scott ten yards rag car pet miss b gallop crazy patch quiit given by s d williamson mrs dr dryden miss i k cockbum msple sugar 3 1u ramsay honey strained 5 1u r dredge root ramsay maple syrup half gallon as obnen j r mitchell i lurr racdccl firkin salt batter not leas than 50 1u fit for expectation pair ot blankets given by harrufc co john black w m kifchicg butter not less than 15 lbs in stone crock prize by watson bros guelph china tea set mrs sa ramsay g easter brook basket of fresh batter not less thin 5 it moderately salted prize b a little a co gaelpfa goods os croft mrs s ramsay dairy cheese not less than 8 1u w m hodg fcmson 10 lbs butter in crock prize by g dpnngle g easterbrook ixinfcc bet carnage harness g l gallop set single harness g e gallop iitrlejlext nc harm wason t lundj democrat wagon t lundy covered buggy ji b anderson i c wallace iron beam plow gowdy manufacturing co toltou bros power straw cutter goway manufactanag co k pigott scarifier or horse hoe tolton bros turnip drill gowdy manufacturing co pair of iron seed harrows tolton bros b pigott shod horse shod by a member of this society r gibbons set of horse shoes all howes speciil wishing ma chine i hxndbndge vlcien basket ot hops john leslie as o bnej loaf of bread home made prize by gaelph shoe co pair ladies shoes john- lethe i loree a scott s prize for best loaf of home made bread miss aggie ramsaj 1bc1t etc collection of apples not loss thau 12 varieties i ot each named apples to go to the donor prize by robt mitchell gaelph cuh p mcgregor twelve saow apples v mcgregor john black twelve coircrf apples imcgregor c swackhammer twelve any other vanetv of fall apples c swackhammer j johffe twelve rhode island greenings p mcgregor twelve american golden raised p mcgregor twelve northern spy thos wilson p mc- gcegort twelve any other vanety of winter apples c swackhammer p mcgregor six fall fall pears j j baker jos leslie winter peart joe leslie sample of grapes jss grey dozen siberian crabs mrs argo dozen piams j j baker lujrxjnroiifc ixv nxe hit wreath work misses ear baker joei leslie crochet work m cotton miss e mc yean miss jennie cockburn mesh work misiemcaeanmtsf jptoiloo worsted work plain mrs colin cameron mrs jas ramsay worsted work raised miss j p tolton miss mceid booked mat miss j p tolton mist l varkinson qaiit m piece work miss i oockbnrn g easter brook counterpane mrs soman t simpson fancy quilt 1st prize bv r neil gaelph pair ladies shoes e k r barker mrs norriib gents shirt hand made hiss b gallop miss e met ean gent s shirt machine made unwashed miss n cockbprn wm kitohmg laundried shirt not done by professional mrs argo miss i p tolton specimen of ornamental needle work mrs peareo fanny lee specimen bead work mies e mcn ean miss j p tolton j pair worsted socks prize given by a little goods um hitching mum j p tolton wonted stockings miss i v tolton wm hitching vpeoimeu of darned stockings or socks miss e moveau miss a dredge rait plain wm kitcbing mite double mrs james ramsay wm kitcbing specimen ot fanoy knitting miss i m coekbarn miss h mcn ean embroid ery in cotton i m cockboru miss l uc eau embroidery in silk miss e mc aau j m cockboru embroidery in muslin ilia e movean t m cockbani embroid pair ewe lambs d h taylor a jiorrish m rforstrf hun e mo ean braiding boctbwws best aged ram h black miss j m coekbarn mrs james ramsay bneo- otswou best agod ram p mcgregor u douglas shearling ram r douglas t waters ram lamb wmrae p mcgregor pair aged ewetj wm rae r douglas shearling eet p mcgregor wm rae ewei lambs p mcgregor 8 scott lacetzn ou othee loxo woolcij siieei best aged ram a tolton thos wilson sbeatliugraoi a nornsh l toltou iamb g eastcrbrool d h taylor iled ewes a nornsh j husband shearling ewes a nornsh j hosbabd laksiatatiov ix leamla ou tuesday evening october 1st the congregation of the first presbyterian church eromosa met to bul farewell to rev j mcl gardiner their late pastor who has been compelled to resign his charge and go south in search of health there was a large turnout and the whole proceed ings showed the appreciation in which mr gardiner is held and the regret caused by his severance of tbe tie between himself and his congregation a very plcaxaut feature of the evening was the presentation to mr gardiner on behalf ff the church of a purse ot floo in gold accompanied by appropriate addresses rav j w rae ot knox church acton was a guest at the gathenng ikjmiviov ilutrated the last number of ihtlfotmnuwtutftrvid has several features of interest including a namber of good views of the quebec catastrophe portrait of depaty minister burgese and of bergeaul hall and pnvate burns prire winners at the d r a match and a telling feature in millet s ityle the hay harvest the pablishert annoance a serial story on the lpper can adian rebellion for the 12th in it and ensuing weeks the dom n qh uttufrated is published by the dominion illustrated publishing com pany mr g e desbaraw managing director subscription u address 71 st james- street montreal 0 b ryaa l co it is not really necessary to enter within the portals ot this mammoth dry goods house to- learn that an exceptionally fine and choice stock of goods arc here to be found the tastily dressed windows tell the story nothing more handsome is to found even in the aly of toronto and that it saying a good deal the whole store is filled ith goods suitable for all classes and when one views the choice dress goods from france germany and england it must be conceded that if is folly to go to toronto or elsewhere to find anything superior or in fact equal to thit displayed the counters and shelves are laden down with handsome costumes and trimmings one special thing noticed by the scribe as he passed throagh the large store on his way to the mil show room was a long silk man tie standing m the centre of the store on a figure- it is very nch and is gotten up with long angel sleeve which are lined with nch bilk and finished with bows of silk and an entirely new fringe a tor onto lady remarked the proprietor lm mediately placed her order with as for a similar mantle when she saw this one it would be impossible to attempt a de acnption of the tasteful decorations in the following department suffice to say every body who attends this grand opening will feel amply repaid for so doing the fash- lonable hats shown this season are large with flat crowns trimmed high one ex ceediugly pretty pattern hat is called the pohche and is tnmmed with velvet feath ers and ribbon the cniversal is also a beautiful large hat tnmmed with bronze green velvet and ostnch plume to natch j that exceedingly becoming hat the gainsj borough is also shown in brown ani cream velvet tips and nbbon the beau uful display of rrench bonnets beggars description tbe cordonne and the coquelitot ire the leading shapes and areelegantl tnmmed with ostnch tips sad ribbons la match one lreuch bonnet elicited especial admiration it is trimmed with tern cotta applique nbbona aasprcs and birds the most fashionable tnm mings for the coming season will be plumes ribbons and silk velvet the prevailing shades are green pohche and different slides of mahogany beautiful fabnes for evening cosumes are also shown in tuscan net draped over pongee silks in manv beautiful and delicate hades the large room on the second floor for roerty used a a carpet emporium has been converted into a mantle department it is beautifully fitted op add the display of mantles is varied and elegant their prices ranging from 82 to 65 mr ryan has selected these mantles with excellent taste from the best markets in england france and germany and canoot fail to meet the requirements of all who are desirous of obtaining elegant goodtiu this line guelph fhrald mwx i iajn r ju 1 fur bd fchearliug ram h black raw latlib h in head balm tfurk mlu l hwui uiu i m mil ud kmdr care foi cold lathi hai uid cunt bintaiucei smtumumsmg taitut bjltf rernwit cm fibm inpomlmo irau of uell fed itmvkuruizrsrbifess vtaaed eou u bud rank h cuanh feooins 11 dnniki iiii u mm poir ptu oa az5 of im so can ud ia kristsi nuwb ft m baamui on r bnnra of fralatlou mlu bjuai catarrh a e o eft the jeweller of guelph being an issuer of marriage liaises sells a great man engagement and wedding rings possibl as large as ou would find in an stpre in canada it is worth while looking anywaj ceo d princle watchmaker cuelph millinery opening af this ilion on thursday friday and saturday ifd ith aud 5tu october we shall displa our fall importations of i mantles hats botoets s ucll as the loch designs of our milliners we make no comments but leave the ladies to judge foi themselves of the merits of our displa all ate coirdialh iinitwl j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyniham st qnelph 84 oswald st glasgow alluminum spectacles i eyeglasses something new in spectacles and eye class frames bright s s1lr ill not corrode s light as paper will not beak easil sole agency secured by b say age guelph to farmers and threshers ubb on vour machinery only the wellknown 9 gold medalb try ilso our pmruli aili qtlljiior ou wjodtiidhorepowri thewoili in nudiud highly tecomneodbd l thallode fumqaupb farmen aik or tben uenoothec murafmtnred t qqua oity 0u wotkl by samuel rpckms a co toronto o t t rto jbrrlls jvpflesamgd snag tiih 10 lulak icasuforfnrskim has cjumikb aeaail lu3ibeb oiulti 8 lumbci cu be bpyll j rrnt 1 lb liouu u itock c rlll k m ii 0 vc hm tt tr jokonto l1i cow ant u iiimliei- aud shingles tll b uiaerjoied bio oo bid ultuli m lumuar iti uil ncired u lomljfnnsb trthanl f life ulqttubt ol lunger torlsij iaxllbuhhpj i h ial011 public bar i3p0htan ftunodol busiaiicaht4utwtilc it utuo audnnwciibmtyb auss 1 e want tirec u en in your vhtf ttz rrrtwcit w to boin exciasue tcnitofi irin 2 gicl iiandwl o oajrit tna 1 bdwr urfltw ixnt iuii wkih biddy fai ltmaart uk t car round ntc us it ouc or lerbiztmrs hock or atnau iccitt nj ual uothhjj nnrwrjiao i j uocbcsterkt salesmen wanted jewell uif al tn aucn inhjlioa iinucei wih m- ofl cvpciuci iiwd o cxperkaee eolod ilji ui gmluliftuucckbeudieix ful mdline kcultle ootfll hts qolck ud get eboicc of tcmory tuuuse a r hookekbotheirht for sale in tender f i colbltfl emjellfj will borocelted ol lo uio m inl or foooojo of ilaun of jletos m cr cucdebcolar addles t t mooee aok of muiueinilil yeu 5 per c for sale i steam planing mill carpenter shop md f dwelling the atoej rennctvfn actoa art osered f ialei tbr mmchioctt cotnplims pluinf and wimdiag macliliie cci ciooils t co oalt j circular cwkdi and jlj nvs froo im vood toriing lathe with iwi planer ssim grlndibc hone etc alto i jantittoi euna- ten toojs will t told louicr ottoacfalbeiy iat tools scisritclv iiito mlb i uttlvx comfortable delliii forsaie ollte lib i thai cue new double frame dtnllif m wmi ikrwer atcuuc two ttorryt sijb rbk kitchen jtachfid hard fcnd ku water awn ent in rrery rwpect adel fora ptj month l tha brieaclad residence on lfala imat ptwo storer with laree luicbtn btiicfati and of water in thehocsc v ins and jianlcolan made kficrcn npea i tion at fee pbe5 ofhcs aciss xometu fbeditobs -or- willx4mmith deceabko lnetoahajsat 1 tjffll thee thl crsditors incjodlns thorf tteaflc oc canaml leui or i upod the estate or anruodiridm stars i of tt mixta biuith ute oi the siu aektt in the cottnty of halton who dud on stoat the setcoteentb diy of august ibs an kensf required to send to jane ann smith acttmf0 aulmlnljuatrlz of tbe lttato of u ullam 8a deeeaaed on or before the kth day of oetabsa lflrjs their cluittisn and inrnanies adilrwunf descriptiotu with fall irtiqnu and praof ef their claims and lutfuierju of t erwaa and the toenritjif any heldlytbcm cumtm be ttored by btatntory dcclsratiotb and notice li bcixby ncn that after tbe aid sgth day ot october la89 the said adndnlsttitii will iiroeeed to dutribnto theasscts jrf lbs mil deceased kniongst tho imrtics cntilletlt barinc recard only to the dauns of wifck slw thalrbavo had notic and lite ijimiltm thereof to anr person or iron of wltwe cl or claiiiii she shall tot hive ubucc xl the ticds of mch lstribuuou tnli notice li awn l unuauit to kixo kbt cba 110 jilu a uiiaa l bolieilon for adiuinilxrttru dated ibis rih dsj of btlt- lto ijf auction sale steam planing mill shop and dwehha in acton the nudertunied has xai insiruclod by ilnr mccnu to sell u jjubhc suction on uoicn ises the propext j beloncine to the estate of the late p mccann hon- saturday 19th octobbb at 0 clock asrolujws 1 k bteaoi planing and carpenter stop jj which there are hi good working order pafflfls sod moalding itavchines circalsr ctotacut jig saws iron and v ood turninfi lmbtmbbfr ing stone tja iuncr knlrcs 10 llpeaflm and boiler 2 a quantity of carvcutcns took 3 tbabloi with dwdlflig bo c tbc uschinery and tooli will bd sold wi- srately or together a good business bis wen done in thxs ahop for tho pact it cr tdfi roc aventi asati in i ed wid ling en id to at ihe throad hi hoe noocl 1 w thms fcrlroich aud midiiacr ny be sgreed oixjq tools to be bold for cah 1890 ifibb weekly empire caialhs ltluiv m5tair patriotic in tone true to canada true to the empire i the empire is how the 6reat 1eekly paper of thl doiillo kud iincial arrsaren cuti fare bedic ude to add new and stltacluc lvsturc1bicu ww greatry increase lu intercut and talue aianlndaeeujeni torlsa ilin tit hsodi j all patriotic cauadiatu ut balance of prawn year will be giren free to new stibsnbers uliui ii oi 1 o o lajhr it ui oo ull adwess tllb lillllse tiroato jl w i j bqd c knul alltlf i j tllitj fhn iho lhei ruu notice 10 lkelutbro 01- james henderson decebd rhf orauton nol b uiojc l s j peellc or cogent ui 3 ttio eute or ny unrhr v1 b uueaheddemo ltc of it t toniilbll k uoenl lu ibe couat i- hk ton is 3lodloirorboiittbe hli inj ot jal j- s berebf required to id to iel el uj m oulreacti1 o one ot ll o 1 iecijr oj g f ute of juuee homier n d oa ortt- forethehmdtotso em r lest fi jst um md luipu djno hid dise rttlifull rinloulu d 1 roouof s uid euleajents of their imuci uw ocuritl u my llejd 1 r tbem clun litotod by dtatutory dectw wm aud noliw i bcrvbj ncu vlt tier tbe j tlrldyofs tik u o l- j nroeeedtodistribuu tlosit 1 tj- fsje ceual luujuslt uu rtii mtul uieiw uvtm retmofoul to ti luu of bmj lull ttrotikl notice md uetiiiojlls boluhotetbeumt ot i put ti miy ninouor person ot nboee tsriz i e mill not hn uouco it tbe tune ol t txibirtltm thu nouoe li siren l urstunt to ll 4 c ixtpl ooal uuil oup no uclea a uolra- jubu liuiitll md mid iy

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