Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1889, p. 4

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i a mt xtnri xtm taur8dat october 10 1889 kb outtg jfoliis rorqstmsjfot l mothers ul goodbye j dtat friend parting sigh i menace from on licti fcrpeltucaol y lar which lod bath ulcst i maiden heart confetti a taldleta last repeal j forgttuooc k patriot i lore of fame k twcl familiar strain k poets last refrain forcftuifrftot jt wish all heart i contain k roice from oer he main lshohcfcalti- forcefctoenot food foktholgul jingles and jokelets half an njnr withtlio wlw hcu ijic wiu mdtlie ivmstii gflbc par milbatri iaxoroolicqaiuine wineicrli fccuiatyieaikiinuluckiof uchilf bijtoiu ewr dumb acne and like troablc cannot fail mrs join e hiompaou o blwlbaruo p 0 write my lo children received great benefit front fowler kxlraqt o wild strtwberty for diarruaaanduutntconi- plainu lg it icqgediur to direction and llieoournvcted beiure and eel the geunine j victoria carbolic salve ic a wonderlal uealuc conipoand for cats woanda braisea buret scalds boil pile pimples 4c the complicated protracted and tiand alo ti will cas in oar coartx shoald aajt t io nible rcca who have property the pre priety otdis poaine of il to suit them ml before they die make yo vid an make it clear if noder the inttdioat approach of forticn tdeaa and cattorat we allow oar chriatiin- sabbath to be taken from as wvtu it will ro all liut it moat precioat ta oat dnlization let every christian etii sea atandruard now the align teat compliance with evil weak oi the will and npeic divine amisunok if yoa oneoo in the boaie of rimmqn your moral bacibom mar never be tuopk aad straight tfiio read 2 king v is tha veatimutic lead backward dolt fouow him if yoa cant potbrt aiid bope into him and bear him on in a fir ward mottmeo bid him goodbye end keep meridg when pablic kntimeat end oar civil statat come op fuuy to the bible taad- ard otitbgjaitioiloxdirorcevthare will be let opportunity for bad people and 1 temptation to week onea if the ttewardi had taken a little mc re pain to meet the greasing need of tae preacher there would be a lighter barden oq hii heart more aanahine cm hii face and ptrbapatfore hopef nlneaa and power in hii armosi he haav human body aadj a haman todl tried teitftdlproteal aymrjaflo last ininmer i waj i rootled with djteatery i procured dr fowltri extract w wild strawberry and took accordinjio dirccliout which completely cared moi kniiettt e giuxk lyndharst oat thit modiciue caret all laotcnesa of bowel j judotest k cookeer j u coo only aa exact aaeooe ithen weights meesaref tenperataret and jeiaet time coold alwaya be pven and not jo modi left to the jadgment ot the coot unfortunately few hoasekeeperc hare real flood jadgment and inventitenesa and the litter ii especially neoesaary where economy id imsoilaat dtinty cooking aot aachi u tempt men tergiattorrfrawfaat onr boose- jotea abooid atudy a rood table doe not depend upon the amoont of money spent bet the mannertn which it u tpent lee erery scrap yield all the noariahment iniita power let erery miatren torn iier atten- tjonto aentjfic cooking for three moiibx and with her intelligence ihe wql ate better meali than twothirds ol the socalled ax lxttrrstiyg cffeomrtc this rare bit of inspiration was written bellows fall vermont in the summer of 1853 by the wellknown poet john nitj a iwiilifiil jtjqpg fy aaked lira for a line inherantographforremembraice aaka when tearingorl the blank half efa n sta he had just read he wrote my dearest sarah r sometimes lax yoar sack b thoughts with thooghta of she harpers mayad the chicago uoraug xatx estimites that more than four thoaaand saloons fl ere 0 xn in that city on a recent sanday and at 175000 mast hare been spent for wine spirits and beer daring this one day j at a aidetrack and watertank between greensboro and saiiabory the hoar being aboat nine oclock at night a man boarded the train and took a seat directly in front ox me when the train started the conduc tor came far his fare and as he had no ticket the officer asked why didnt yon get a ticket at blankriller haint i tune why didnt yoa get on there m hadnt time how faw yon going rt as far aathii fifty cents will take me yoa aint loose in the aead are yoaf hot if the coart knows herself i thepco- pleoi fiknknlle rode me ana rail and gare me lea minutes in wiuch to leave the town 1 got oat in fire that shows a level bead doesnt it 7 i want fifty cents worth of mors distance- as fast as i can get it detroit free prtw it is worse than madness j to neglect a epagh or s cold which is easily subdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema- tfe death tnflsmmatioau when it atticks thedelicate tissne of the longs and broach ial tabes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickles anticonsampttre syrap the ibeaii that graans this formidable fo o ithe hnman body andjlrives it romfbe ayt- tern this medicine promotes a free and eaiy- expectoration snbdaes the ooagh heal the j diseased parts and exerts a most wonler fal infloence in curing consumption other diseases of the throat and jongs paresis wish to save the lives of their children and themselnes from much- a ixi- ety trooble and expense let them prrj ore a bottle of bickles antlconsampave syrap and whenever aclnldhs taken c jd has a cosgh or hoarseness give the according to directions- j i keveratiov the bawqt to remain aoa- stipated lest serioas evil easae kxti nil pius are unsurpassed as a remedy for eon- j stipation rap i a pleasant as syrap nothing eqaals tt as worm medicine the name it mother graves vorm exlarminatnr the greatest worm destroyer of the age 0 dortle of ifaacliecter oatcrio co n y write i obuioed iraaiedite relfe from the artcfdrthooiaseclecric oil i hive had aathmaor eleven year hve been obliged io iic up all jiiht for leojor twelve nithti tu saccession i can iiow siep soundly alt night on a feather bed wtiicli i lud not been able o da previous to asing the oil i i tererttr affsekeit t was soyerly auacked with disrrbeca and vomiting the pain was intense aid i ihoogtt looaw tiotlife till morolinr six time of dr fowler v wild strawtftrry i cored me nd i have uotj had the least yyinptom of it kiooe j lfit- aixr hofkui ftafniijjn jut uutr uulmuui cere dipfcfhrrlj all aduci to mothsrs are yoa diitarbed at uirlit and brokeu ot your rest by a tick child iufferiu and crying with palo of oov ting teeth 7 h to icnd at once and get a bottle of mrs wimlows soolhiii- byrap for children eethtty lie valoe i incal calable it will relieve the poor little offerer immediately depend upon it mothtn there is no mistake abuat it it cures dj teutrv and diarrhoea regulates the horn tcli and bo well carea wlndoollo lofteoa the kum rodnces iuqimmstion and dtree tone and energy to the whole ays- tcm- ilrt wmslows soothing syrap for children teething it pleasant to the lute snd ii the prcscriptfou of one of the oldoat and best female physicians and n arte s io the united staioi and u for sale by all dtujiritts throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be aura and aik for jlrs wimlowi soothing syrapand take do other kind in masr iormt dyvpepcia tuumci many phue disagreeatble to the sufferer yet it takes po form which from two lofoatbotucs of bardockbtooi bitters will not care bb b cures the appetite and renovxtcs the entue lyslem excellent reasouc exist why dr thoxas eclectri oil khoald be a ted by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs xes upoa the skin rhcatnslic pain corns lunioos or external injuries the reasons are that it is speedy pare and unobjectionable whether taken iutcrually or applied outwardly j from bad toworae- soofck leads to caotaniptioa from three ta six bottles of bardock- blood bitten will cure scraf ala salt rheum bails erysipels pimples tetter shingles scald head sore eyes and all akin affections by cleansing the aystera and removing all impure maker that causes haa blood- haladiesmalliplyoneanothcr asimple fit of digestion may especially d the con stitution is not vigorous throw the mechinisni of the liter and bowels oat of gear sick headache follows poisoning the blood by bile eniues and there is grave and serious diataxbance of the eclire system check the threatened dangers at the oatset withxarthrop lymans vegetable dis covery land dyspeptic care that draws every imparity from the blood 1 i a striae fanawucf ilanyj diseases result from neglected consipation such as sick headache bad blood foci humors heartburn dimness and general ill health from one to three bottles of bardock blood bitters is guaran teed to cure constipation and all diseases caused by irregularity of the bowels- if yoiwant to bay or sell a farm sd- vertiseni the toronto ithy mail that paper teaches 100000 farmers homes every wwk and your advertisement should meet thejeye of someone who wantlo pur chase ildvertisemezts of this class are in serted itf thf toronto tetby mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the hail toronto canada c c rkiuuis co gtxrsitook a eevern cold which set lied in my throat andluuca and caused me to cutirely lose my voice for six weeks i suffered creat pain my wife adtised me to try iftntrdt liuinieut and the effect jvac magical far after only three doses andsuoatarard application my voice re- tarnedad i a able to speak iu the army that uijiht a privilege i tisd leea auible to enjoy far sir weeks ytrmsatli cuxrjs plriutcx whil tuconiotlkrellkaoiru gd asmsr- itansays have been troubled with d jspepsta and liver complaint for over 20 yean and hiv tried many remedies bat never found au article that has done me as mucli eood as korthrop a- lymans veget able dieoovery and dyspeptic care i- cuia e pcttia cauamp cared an old physician retired from practict having had placed in his hands by an east india mistiocixy the formula of a simple vegstible remedy for the speedy and per- macsatcureof consumption bronchitis catarrh at thuja snd all throat and lane affections also a positive and radical cure for kervout debility and all kervoascom- pisicte after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thoaaandt of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to hi suffering fellows actc tea ty tnis motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german freoch or eng- ish wiio full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp nttcing this paper jw a notts hfl powers block rochester k y worms cause ranch sickness anjong childrea freemans warm powders pre vent this and make the child bright and healthyl caatenptias sartircared to tle ediior please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho less cases nave txxu pctuiueaily cured shaflbe glad to send two bqttlex of my remedy rax to any of yoar readers who have cousumptioa if they will send me their express and p o address respectfully dc t a bloct ia west adelaide st toronto onl the unrd page of the toronto dcliif mail ifirnoted for want advertisements h you want to buy or sell anytning if you want a situation a mechanic a baai- neas machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone u advertise in the to ronto 2tay mail and read the advertise ments on the third pase of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertioui address 77 klu7 toronto can ada j an lafereitlas kepvrf- the llclaad revenue department has recently issued a bulletin of about thirty pages which is devoted exclusively to the subject of baking powder and which thows that the majority of the goods in the market are adulterated and unfit for use prof a hcgill who has had charge of this impor tant work for the government eays that imperial baking powder is an excellent powder a word to the sensible hocsekeep eranouldbe infilcigct james h xilmour of t gilmour co wholesale grocers brodkrilie says i hare aled tamarac elixir for a severe cold and coogh which it m mediately relieved and cured paines celery compound acts at the same time on the nerves tthe liver j the bowels and the kidneys this combined action gives it won- ticrifll powerto cure all diseases why are we sick because we allow the nerves to rcmaia weakened and irriulcd aad these great organs to become dogged or torpid and poisonous burners are hqrefote forced intolbe blood that thoold be expelled naturally c0mp0uho will cure blxioufivus flxcs i comttfftttojr kldhtlf cox- rrajjrtstrerwaetdiee18x4 rntale wxax3 ebsrhitjka- ram ntruigu ajts all nstqub dis0aoei fly j cuieting and strengthening the ocrves and caming free action of the 1irijoweisandlidncysjand rotor- ingthdr iowdr to throw off disease vlqra8cr0nivtiflbi aad acbeif whytormeatrd wiiipiecitipoos1 tbjfrictilcsidvterduorteredkwmrsl j t9csawemrtasarabiaaab4i1 wfcriaujuiiaiskul 1 uk pathcs ctuxr courovno aijd moioe in health h an caiiitir n utmactr l macdj iiifm j stvfysj dntgtdt prltitlm i slrtrfoo wtsichaflrismacoropristrt monthital pq keif aad forrt the kafferlax browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores priri in the side back or bowels sore throat rbeomailam iooth- ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken ihe blood and hesi as its acting power it wonderful browns household pan acea beinj acknowledged as the great pain reliever nd of double the strength of any ether elixir or liniment in the world ibooh be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paint and aches of all kinds andx for sale by all druggists at 3 cents x bottle cttlxkk cxfxrrfeal orafaew haj- fetcr jl stew home trealsaeat sufferers are tot generally aware that these disesses are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites tu the lining membrance and eustachian tabes hicrosccpie research however has proved this to be a fct and the resale of this discovery fs that a simple remedy ha been formulated whereby catarrh catarrh deafness snd hay fever are permanently cured in fcooi one to three simple spplica- tious made at home fay- the patient once in two weeks x b this treatment u not a a snuff on an ointment both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injur ious a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt cf ten cents by a h dixon soa 303 west king street toronto canada toronto gtac sufferers from catarrh troubles should caref ally read the above repairing promptly carefully and neatly effected at kenny bros boot snoe store acton dr fowlers ext of wild itiprberry cures iholera iholera morbus loljic-as- ramps e iarrhea ysentelff amd all summer complaikts and fluxes of the bowels it1ssafeanoreliable for children or adults urdock pills f oteorc cote f fok bljtcysncco conctiprtioh hcacrchc id ccacs or tkc ctoc2ach uvzu auo dowclc thcya pnourr ia actjc ariorsra a viimazlc ai to cvr33ca glooo dmrna iu tkc tnciturr mi cunc or cimonic the largest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show uses honey xipras mtfttpptrs mo bojcbus ggmiu adduu ik ruix a t writs r unu cjwii90n 4 601 6 oevlanadj- street eatrr toronto ont kautloa um paper v 07 iiiua rw wriu sccclcthk extract from the solentlfio papers ofqnatfrttaln and urope a nt ocpaktvm ih httllclkz tbs four rmateitmedlcal centres oftba world ar london pcrit berlin and visum- theno chics have immense lioiphals wrnln3 trtth aurterlnf humanity crowds of students tbrona the wcrfi btudylnfunder tbo profcsscrs in ohsrga the most renowned rbyi- oiani of the world teach and riac- tlm hero and the institutions aro surabeusai of medical ksowlsdgc and itperlenoe with a view of making this experience ftvallibla to tha puldia the hospital remedy co at prtat txponia lecuxed tha prucrlptlons of tho hospitau jinnared the stctnct and al- tboaffh it would cost from js to sioototftcuro tho attention of their ittinguiihed originator yet in this way their prepared specifics arflofferidat thflprioeofthcquacle patent medicines that hood tho market and auordly claim to tare verv 111 from a slnfla bottle the want slwars felt for a reliable nles ol domestic remdia is now flllad wltb perfect latltfaction tea hospital remedial make no unreasonable claims the specific for catarrh cures that and nothing else so with the specific for bron chitis consumption and lnng troubles rheumatism is cured hy ho j while troubles of digestion btomach jjver and kidneys have their own cure- to these is added a specific tor fever and ague ana for female weaknessa general tonic and bloodmaker thai makes bio and rites form and fulnou and an incomparable remedy for jierroai debility ko lcurco catafixh hat itfff kosl colo cauflrhal oeafh8ju otilf antkintle cure emanating frtu idtatlfie iourtti torn blfort tha public hit it otaanufuetittmuttbethart cccartfarf a lajuriznt 100 ko 1cwehs colds bmhthlttb asthma cohsvhpuomaa hcomparebli rtfy 4ou wt nra tt rcaqtfi the lung ani rtltoru tnittd ttltuu wry c cia itatc of ufa twt to zuhzvmaiisua tlillagubm fflrf stfl- lroca iftcialtlt t tfsc i parl wo frtfltt rxulng eitt bait til rifxtetha m ihit rtrfjf if so 4-fwff- aio tuofttrs orsnwa ahd tkotqcstion cohbttpawh brtsktb 05wf- a faverit tlaughttrftti for tht quack who hoi futrittt men hoaochi uu elrqu uit a rannir caflt jontd in high placu 9100 ko jm amd aqvz ouus ause uauma hturalbiaftw know ahat great iamagt tkli iota tht ifium ft it trtstrtto hrtak it for a fct utt actmtiythatiradlcatult 9100 ko ftmale wtathes a6vuntl8- whttc8maig wtmtn an broke teas btcetut thtg ntgltet that rfisaist until hrwlc cntf ractti uu hn ads rtgejjt htdtk twrf ttrwfji 5100 so htaltx form amd fvimzss dttd cj o4ea wocrf anrf tot of it if rsak tfbld 3 por if town g uu tkii pvftet tonic 9100 ko m0ia dbiurr loss ornweaa ffuaca ammt piibue mill hell a errirfjia fjsofl for an unfortuatt wtittian ma oh goldj ohlch- ont trial rtt pntx btwan of rt cnattt uho ckargt high prtcu forchtaa onf btrtkliu drugi ooi pillt tit proptrtiit of which tktg or kttttf ignorant and mho expoto w bg ztfflng yva tonfatillal ittttrt to othtrt in tht tamo aefarlea butlatu uu mo 8 and hoc again 100 ohb tdoivivae bach to be had of all detfgqists tallbnre01cvtjrilajotiuikmix aa retpecuije pfeicun ates roc iyi ito fa 00 pen iku ioakl im n ltn one ixiir tx imtr data tb ncdkmc fc fenafc wratae saa brr irtm ihe- dnfcooe qudi rn tlmr msc a larujf faf trrrfnribfa fam w ao fam r k8rreuiilmctuliiuinluriinluocknbtluni tawjwtibh hwia ff -j- tkktri r ihto tta oim ciofk iptm txnba lie bwuf rale or tbo co ulc mr tit tad tatkxiiu irw aaat urumsk mdcf i rn tm x th3s bonk c wij- ol oat toljcaa j prc bare coumc ixactt ullk i doc ott ipooa or p coko s rtp- frsafr hospital hemdy cotorontocaa j tnprmar it is an established factthat j h tantthbms trunks and valises tim ht rr bmd diipljtln acton ordered work and repairtafj ouaranteed bfttlaotory remember collars fitted by us are guaranteed not to hlkt j h matthews mill street acton 1 railway timet li grand trunk raltyi erprrl xk uj txreti j i j tlltoitli e in 1 mill i jsjff aecomi llittli atcfiu aubj 7 oolosculojod iu nd5 3titii 4r this week e- r b jermyn is making a big display of dress goods mantle cloths and millinery every lady should see our dress goads which for variety of style and elegance of design surpass all our former efforts t the cloth is right the shades arc right the price h ava dowii every lady should examine oar jxatitle cloth and cloaking belore purchasing it is uot old back number stuff which has been resurrected every iall for many years but ne- and stylish goods wehave to ofter and we do so with coufidence knowing the style and price are cfrrect our millinery opening was a grand success hundreds thronged our show rooms aud expressed their admiration a great many put it in more tan gible form and gave orders thelliuiners art busy but we bave anticipated a bij trade and are prepared to fill all orders we solicit a trial order and would remind you that we do the leading trade iu fashionable headgear in acton r b jermyn sb this week we are receiving large shipments of fur goods in coats jackets muffs boas caps and collars visi tors to the fair should see them chekp the motto speight son acton j a speight manager can sapjiljjoa witii alitxi fersitarc required to turn your new and cosy uule iioujb ortoreulittialiydarnceiltsctiiodouclnixrstrleattho very lowest irices tbere is no arliela cf fcrnltcre we cannot sapplj and farther we delirer oar farnilara and yoa have no arranging t rcifitt cfcxe and run no risk of breakage we can icit til undertaking oarlhirtycveycanr criierieacc iatliisbcsioess uasrcsuilad in eonvincinr the jmblic o thii entire canuncnity that wc fapply fintclits work in all orders and in styles which compare cith those oi the city at one half city prices our hearse u an excellent one and our team alwavt present a becoming appearance we hare plea snre in inviting tho pnblie to call on cs for anything required in onr unea speight fe son headquarters for scythes snaiths rakes hoes spades shovels forks scythesrind stones nails hinges locks andall building supplies harvest mitts machine oils paints and oils i tube paints peuchens prepared paints wall papers window blinds alabastine groceries c i i sole agent for-l- i b imi common sinn sua buoce gravity sub lock ul curuai bouoxi auo binr- nra- perf edl sttecucle encel pcrf ecled fipecuclt j b pearson 6or ooct bes ihemijl guelph cloth hall large arrival -of- nsw fhaucoods shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph special trial trip you can have t tton ftu ss ijtrtnit jtree jpress sthe rtott jtrcc f xtss until jany 1890 for 25 cents and we will send it to theaddress of yourself or your friend any place in america only 25 cents also evesy uesouptiox of iiuhber and metal stamps tiholey t stewart lpo co 10 kinr st west toronto 1 rare book ion baa s iians- n una stam tmuu i oo wca liujiuio toiar sutri it uu ptst fill fh sli dciuu ibbu pnuaac iwini or write at onoc fhll goods i i i- i at j- i kelly bros act0n tbe rightplace to get right goods at right prices is at kelly bros j i i ordered clothing j our atock of bodlch english irian french and canadian twooda and worsted fcuitlpgi ianiing anduoreiccauubs is o the choicest pauorns andthoboaqnahuea iu the market in thii branch irticalartv wo oy iiwcial atteutiou aad guarantoe aatisfaction ererytluifl ourcatterhaahadlongesiieriencflincity trade aud aadontaiis every branclj iuthebusinesathoroafihly a good tweed suit made to order from 1300 upt j an elegant good worsted suit mode to order from 18 00 up we can make you a good tweed ranta or 300 dont miss yoar clianee tosecnro these gooda as the prices are right rehdywhde qjothing we have iu tho ruadymade clothing lineja very large stock ot mena youths boys and chlldreui overcoats and suits al rrici and e largest stock of uentsforulanings in the couf arc to be seem at kelly lira aod the pricwi an riaht wehire a tery targe stock ol todenrearliata and caps at the lowest riot a good atock ol staple dry goods always on hand good factory cotton 5c yd large and oomploto and always iresli any kind of picee 30c lb shark oar 2 jaan toa is thi oaty all woolklaniicl jbcj d jonr atock of urwtfriin u klectric soap for lie ot courso evcrjhody aduuts beat kelly bros acton m i ac r jowl ifm0f doe not llrr ktdprwf ljft 6thttst1uj f q fc j x f lb kctuittto ttwwtifi faltovi qmltftnm im bid vra- a dalli bparls cjm tor havtai tad ld 1 caw oflinvdcu tad gtlfjlt tod fircal it sri- nmattrj rnpkt itniili tcry kmiimtjllnm kendalls spfivdlure j stthoamp q jrruttiq p b a kcjdu vn- knoabcnti van7tt oealsl i bare used ffwoottlctiittisri- dai8jrtn recnrjoif ulcn u rjitcrtaz fraca lc rnzatn a rer tuj t irt u en ihatrftraljmllm klrrilrt raeooeofy7tirtaiiiablebookjmtl tn tlmoatoe rafse touisrrrtrny l f wcxsiwa kendalls spavin cure j da e- jtnuiaoo baosbirrfcli i jb xl dceupnien i alwji keep yam auhhlts wa tmrin carv and blit oa jaoj and tby tare never fabslib what yoa te ti7 will jro v hare aired a bad cateof ejatji and also two cases ot iurslca ofnarsstaiiunponi3arrtwt4cft 1 booefat to brrrf trom aad teve sotsmn anysli pi dliac la i their offsprtris ywcr ttair xi- j tltrm priocsl rrrjplrr ritltttiesriff a in dueiu lutp i it ran pt t tcr j oa cli so u cot to anr addrcis ua receipt of nfccvyitj j 5alr j7xyiuil ccx eaoborkb 7acifi r- i solctdr all dnrnolsts l 11 n rpal purest btbongesj wit contains110 oiurrrwttfosice5t6l ewcillett cniciaoafc aumufactillercr wibkuaeulw i umh x wm ustrtnmt caisi msts ill ihi tatters wrir lit ktd t m eaqioi umrfrsrsmdr ndvaattbas inctln lamsnwtottstlfts tt tin gri m her ii kiinr wb a t rrslv frfi ix iriartt 1 wm ha m ir ratt tot jtl i ari mm jihbt- iwlsf 1hiimi i i lini uim o wnit if ai c-t- tm 0w tfc em nzb3tzi u xsh aafmsbtsrvaikisrbvsiitccf ijj tsrijtii tttve cv co lx 40 aauw iialafc ytbj ordwaf mtiijri wsmlad s aol ttnttii lamsol 1 manh0o1 v how lost how restored jastpnblihedanowediti02 of lr caifat- wauaclbrated baaay on the baaeatcm of 6pennatortbaa or incapacity indopd oj excess or carlv indiscretion the celefcntod author ia this- aimirabk essay clearly demonstrates from a ihhtyyeats successful practice thai tho alarming coaat qucdces of early errormay bo radically csrei pointing oqta mode of care at once aimpal certain and cflectual by tatacs of which erst itiflcrcx no matter what his copdition may ha raay cure himscli cheaplv privately ana cally ttrdslmtcrcfdronmbeintbehanaatfeterj yonth and ottiy martin the land sent nnder seal in a plain envelope to say addrcas on receipt of fonr cents or two posh amps- addrcsa thoaiycnrcu moiicalcc usx st sew tons r0 box us t ilb lirrclocjr bqop will cure orjelieve bltlousnessr d12zikess wj dyspepsia indigestion jaundice ehysipelis i salt rheuli1 heartburn headache dropsy fluttehing ltt of the heat acidity of the stomach dryness of the sx1h arid 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