Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1889, p. 4

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thursday octobfctt it 1880 jingles and jokelets cbr oung jolks cowntr viien you com into the margin of tit rtvwr deep altd wtoc wutch sorely must b forded kre ywj rmclvuit other tide tlie cummt breast all bravely von soon will join the band uoal in the du borne eouutry vhre tlievm uuderund hik parlor 1 imd aa article the other day which vat tmiftl thai never bavt a parlor tha roeanlty of the writer was good it wu nearer htw room too pood to ae do ootjhotaillhouoifortblechalraiid sofa ud pwny pictorta up foe itrangert to look at do not keep it fa dirknu and ciill until wtddior or a fooefal opeui d all that was rwy teauble if a parlor moat to swd that way dont have out bat etty foi all that hare a parlor how ever plainly joa live if it ic possible lo have one avkula room mt apart a tort of fortrw toahooie ivoaldootpat all the com- fortau thiojs iqtoit or all the pretty ones yet while there are loiiu chlldrtn thing will get broken and tpotled where they play all day aod it ia jjxxi or the tired mother to ban one udy place to ait down ia for a quiet rtat and in which the father may be able to read or write or talk to a friecd quietly but moat of all he parjoru good for le- fendins the innermost lecreta of hone then are many people bo are oite m- donble at callers vho should never t allowed to bunt into the midit of a family circle in every home it it necessary that line should be drawn where bosybddiea cannot- overstep the unapptncsa and tutemper caused by iotrusioaoi itranut on domestic pqvacy is very treat and the parkir inst them that u sst iowpvwe too may say ai the spider amid la the fly yftll you walk into my parlor witbfat offence and urs butyboby can thus jbe kept out of the kitchen or sitting room and cannot go about telling everybody that you had huh for dinner on wash day or thai you are turning your but winters auk cloak calls are often a mere mask for impertinent curiosity and the best defence of the til lage housekeeper against such iotrusivenew is her parlor so i say have a parlor if it ia only ten feet square and furniabed with only two chain and a candle stand all hair an hoar with thr wise hen ihe tlti indturrjmiluof tltt day milburni amniotic qoluinc wioo fortt uealheiyitemajalit attacks of aflaccihj bilious ivvtr dumb ague aod like troubles cannot fall mr john k thomptou of blielburno l 0 writes my two childreu received jircat benefli from kowlcti li i tract of vfim strawberry for durrhajtandeammercoai plaiut i gave it according to direction snd they soou recovered 13c icro and net the geuuinf victoria carbolic salvo u a wonderful btaliujf com pound for cuts woundi bruises burn scaldi boils piles pimples 4c tried tested prom a year ago last fummer i was troubled with dysentery procured dr fowleri extrsox of wild strawberry and ook according to directions which complexly cuted me roncar e gurxy lyudbo got this medicine cares all lcohcs of bowels in matoternu dyspepsia assumes many pluses dtsafreaable to the safferer yet it ukci tio form whicii from kto to fosr bat burdock blood bitten wtkuot cure dj b b curt the appetite snd renovates the eatite tyetem frcmbidtowone- scofqu leads to ccuscrjptioa frcui three to tit battles of burdock blxd bitters will care scrcfclt tlt rbecm boils eryaipolis pitnp tetter thltiglcs ecsld bead abre cyttaudall tkm sffectious by clexutiiig the erglem and rctflbviug til impuref mstcer thit cuscs bad blood 6 bortle of manchester onurio co k y writes i obtained immediate relief from the use ol dr thomas edec ricoil i hate had ailhtnt for elevcti years have beeaobied to sit up all ntght for lea or twelve jnights ia lacccasiaa i can now tleep soandly all ntctit on a fexther bed which i had nat been able to do prcviocir to using the 01 j kcrerelj utacknt i wis geverly attacked with diirrbxi and omitint the paiu wee intense and i thought i coali doc live till momics sit doses of dr fowlers vcui strawurrj cared me and i have not hid the least symptom of it snce i ilcs autx hcrrikn hamiiton onl aivics t motukm are you diilurbed aioight and brokpoj your rib tick thlldaufferjdflaocrinjiwllhpauof cut titsft tooth i if so scud st once ind gets bottle of n windows soothing byrap for cliiklrou tecthluff its value ii meal- calible it will relieve ho poor little sefferor iratnodistelyi dtpcad upon it motbtts roro no mltuvo toy at it it curci dyiefitrv and diarrhoea roflulatei the itooiach and bowvlt cures wind oouo bofteut tlio ram reduces ioflsmmstion aod gives tcuo and energy to the whole iyi- tem mrs woilowi soothing syrup for children tcetbintt ft ploatnl to the taste sud is the prescription of oae of the oldest and best female physfcisni and narioj ia the united ststei and is for sale by all druggists uirooghbat the world price twentymo oenu ft boule be iare tod ssk for mr wioilowi sooihior byrup and lake no other kind old choclatfs ciiat a dent in da dough oil abow in de loaf de man dat kin steer da boat neednt row ef yo go crossiota yo ec gbtto climb fences a cats eats sumn but de rats er isikly to eat mo i ef yo got a lazy aabah wuck wreoebbah yo nueamidkl i de good diannah dat yo doant habc to pay fo yo enjoy de mos i -j- de sigs er good wen de ben lays urn an ef dey spile hit ast de hens foil aftahyner bean dat an seen bit sjl yo er ap toe wondah wat drew de crowd aw7- fouows first year cotton weddnsecaod year paper weddin third yesx leather wedding fifth year wooden wedding aeventh year woolen wedding tenth year tin wedding twelfth year silk and fine linen wedding fifteenth year crystal wedding twentieth year chins wedding twentyfifthyear silver wedding thirtieth year pearl wedding fortieth yer ruby wedding fifiitfr jev i golden wedding seventyfifth year djtmond wedding j a whole block of buddings it kincar dine wu burned friday loss 11600 1 g alios wallace has been arrested at t2- bcry ior poisoning herhasband on scp- i tember 9th- i winnipeg wholesale nfen will endeavor u persuade retailers to increase their m- isjmnce j the 2ew brunswick government offers ft000 reward for the discovery ol the fiend jwho sent the candies loaded with stryci- nine to mrs hcjte owugpretalesce of rdeasies the pott artfaflr public bcboola have been jclosed j worms eacee mcch iickcss tmaug children freeauu wurm powders pre vent this andmskethe child bright and healthy carapxan sorejrcarcd to tte kdiidr please inform your readers that i have a positive retnedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho k- less cases nste ueu jctaituecuy cured i thillbe fi to tend two battles of my remedy jfsex to any of yoor readers who have consamptiaaif they trill tend me imir etpces and p o tdrst bespectfolly dc t a- succu 1u west adelaide sl toronto oat i it is worse than madness ta neglect a coact a cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the longs aod bronch ial tubes travels with perilons rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickies anticorisainptive syrup the medicine tiutt grasps this formidable fee of fhei human body and drives it from the sys tem tins medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration suhdoes the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influencein curing consumptlod and other diseases of the throat and longs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themseloes from much anxi ety trouble snd expense let them procure a bottle bf bickies antlconsumptire syrup and whenever a child has token cold has acongh or hoarseness give the syrup according jo directions i ha barnhart cor pratt and broadway has been ajinfierer for twelve years ihrooih rheumatic and has tried every remedy she could heaj of but received no benefit onfil recommer ded to try dr thomas eclectric 02 she s iys sbeeannot express the- tati- faction at baring her pain entirely removejd j and her r leumatism cured j tfce waskf aelsw treaty if one of he important topics of the day but more mportant ttfll to a sufferer from catarrh ii tlie question what remedy shsjl iuse 1 ry- kasal balm it never failj krfohiiceliy kasal balm has helped me more than i expected jt would i have not felt so well in nice ytn i cm lureit will make a permauerrt cure there i i a wide difference between mi ane wbt h sffecl merely the symptoms daffier e d those which affect tu cam the first useful pklliauves the senoni if of geui ine efficacy produce a radii core tc the latter class belongs nortliroj a lyman s vegefaple discovery and dyi peptic cu e tbbroaghnesi of operation ik lu specia attribntcin all cases of billioutj- nfsa cost veneaiodlgestion kidneycom siuu si d female weeknese kever jlow the bowels to remain con tipated t st serionj evil eniue nation a plls art t nsurpassed as a remedy for con stpaiion mimariluuuiwumt cmjlphlifrji a luon the tailor has the nicesi niuge of nds to select from evsryibinj osw and i try choice and cheep he it admitted o be the beet tailor iad cotter u ciliada l 8irakfdllawla many diseases result froni neglected cocsipitioc such as sick fcesdicbe bad blood foal bamort heartburu dlsziness and general ill health from oce to three bottles of bnrdock blood bitters isfioaran- teed to care ccuitipatioa and all disciscs caused by irregukrity c the boweli if you want toucy orseil a farm ad- vertise in the toronto kiy ifa7- that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every sseefc and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone trbo wants to pur chase adrtisemeutaof this class are ia- terted in the toronto watty hail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty centa awordfor gve insertions address the if ail toronto canada the third page of the toronto dui mall is noted for want advertisements if you want to bay or eell anything if you want a situationa mechanic a busi ness mtcbicery iodsin if yoahave lost orfband anything r if yod want to had oot where shyonc is advertifie in the to ronto uaily mall and read the advertis- ments on the third pae pf that paper the chargeis two cent a word each in- sertibn j address tluzliaii toronto can- adk is utercrtlbff mepri tiie inland bevenoe department has recently issued a bafletin of about thirty pages which is devoted explosively to the subject of baking powder and which ehows that themsjorityof the goods in the market are adulterated and unfit for use prof a megill who has had charge of this impor- taut work for the government gays that imperial baking powder isan excellent powder a iwrd to the sensible house keep er should be sufficient jwmes k gilmoar of t gilmour co wholesale grocers brookriile says i have useid tamarac elixir for a eevere cold and cough which it mmodiateiy relieved and cured give houowtyg corn cure a trial it removed ten corns from one prir of feet without any pain what it has done ooce it will 5a seaip 1 pajnes celery compound acts at the same time on the nerves the liver the bowels artdths kidneys i tbiscomuncd action pres h won- i dcrfaipbwcroaircilhjesset i why are we sick i uecmsc ne allow the ncrvci to j remain cealencd ffsd irritated zaa i these etcatorsaiis to become clogged j cr crpid and poisonous feigners nre j tlieriibre farced ino ibe blcd that i iliptji be eipeucd naturally f celery cohpwhd 1 will cuselbilioobsefispilefl cohstuanoff ebuzt c01c- pxaikts heikaer dxseasxs txxalewzaxxe8sbtuju- tisx jtetniiloia ajt9 ail vekyous dteordeej bf qoieting and strengthening the ncrres and causing free sctton of the lircr ing their power to throw off disease wbyfsfftrflflionjftiat isdaeaesl vbf wmenwwttfifilefceikupatjasi 1 wlij frif huied or crsuoricrtd kaiser wrajriaiarefierrpoiwiickotaaaehti war kavt iltcpuu tjetu x uietsikxf cdxir ojmroincn aod j lue rticdytunnew to jllctc j jsmfyofl dr vric4pl welli r1chabds0h k coproprjrtert j j hontflkaj pq pt ikes c c riaubivs a co guxtiillooka levorecold which set tled id mythroal aud loogi and canted me to entirely jloie my voice for til weeks i laffetcdgrfslpaiu my wife advised me to try minirds liueraeutsad the effect was mimical for after only three dotes and an cutvtrd spplictlioo my voice re turned and i vrtt able to speak hithe army that night a privilege i hid len uuablo to enjoy for ijx weeki varmoutb jjkuoxs puriotxc what torontos wellknowu good ismar- iua siys i have boon troubled with dygpcptfta and liver compltiat for over 20 years tad have tried many remedies but never found au article that hit done me u mach good at knrthrop lymant yeget- nblciviscocr- aud djtpeptic care cliuie potlelf toaaai cwred an old pliyiician retired from practice having hid placed in ins hands by an east indi mititoairy the formala of a timpla vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of cocsuraptloaj sronchitis caurtb asthma lad shthrost tad lang affecuonvalso positive tna radical cure far kervoas debility and all kervoai com- plaints sftrr hariog tested its wonderful curtlive powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actwiti by tois motive and a desire to relieve hajnan lafferidtj i will tend free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng- ith witfi full directions far prcptricg and using sect by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a knnx 13 powers block rochester k y kctaqd gvirrf thc rtwflvrtmf- browns iloasehold panacea has bo icsi for relieving pata both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels tore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken- the blood and he ai as its acting power u wooderfal browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doumethe strength of any clher elixir or liniment in the world should be iu every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the btst remedy in tiie world fcrr cramps m the stomach and poius and aches of all kinds aod is for sxlc by all druggists at j cents a bottle t irikkii sew tatzrrlial flsj- vetr j home treatment sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases arecoaugious or that they are dec to the presence of living pantiles in theliuitjgmembrance and eustachian tabes ificroscopic research however has proved this to be l ict and the result of this discovery it that a eionle remedy naa been forcolated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made it home by the patient once in two weeks x b this treatment is not a a snuff or an ointment both have been discarded by reputable phjticians as injur loos a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is tent on receipt of ten centa by a if dixon son 303 west king street toronto canada toronto gtj sufferers from catarrh troables should carefully read the above repairing promptly carefully and neatly effected at kenny bros boot shoe store acton nasaljalm aceruin tad ipeed fct cold in the head tadciurrfc m all iu ppr soothikccuaxsirc heaukc astiai rekef peneifleet cntr flitare brpouilc uinf socajlcd discawnireifeprr ttnpwa et rxiirrfc ie ai hexdichc partii dearaesx lotiaj isse of ettfll feci bccitb baffcc tra ipiuiae case fikierat feefcof deligiret if jija are irratiif n r etiese cr fcindred tyraptomx jroa tiava cirtti ad should lose no re in pr a boale of xut balk be transit i tra recit cd ia fceadjst ia carrfc allowed ill dmcsisut cr 11 be stsi pcit paid ca reeec at rrice so ocats iad 6 ijxz byaciicsiinc rilfuro 60 biocrviar oht t beware cf isstjitfaa iciur jasame vhe ubqest scale works mcanada pverjroo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improyed showcases money r dhatfers ileal choppers akd b3tciiejs s0ppus c wilson son 6d6spwnaoe strret east i i irbaonitcvont c eryuic ru trfae urdoek pills asurccunc roreiliousncc3 corjotipatiom ihdiocstiqri oizrinccc sick hcfldagilc rro cicca3c3 of tmc btdhaw liven fno covcu3 thct nas tiitrtitcrajcm arts ppoupt kl acticu au rnu a vatoflcu sio vo cvrwcit ccoco cirrcnn ii ttic trrrrcitt trii cene cr cmnofmc amd ccctittc dtccarcs for scythes snaiths rakes hoes spades shovels forks scythescrind stones nails hinges locks and all buildingsupplies harvest mitts machine oils paints and oils tube paints peuchens prepared paints wall papers window blinds alabastlne groceries c solk agent for v uytmtvauihiou souic kaili ituccirtilyfetli isock aud caruju llolltn xlu klaur- cucai perfected iscucles j b pearson our 50c t beats them all 400000 people i canada and united states jvouch jiuww mt if tou uric oiun ll it duiiditt in thi wohtdthat auelph cloth hall large arrival nbw fslt- goods shaw crltndy merchant tailors cuelph it is an established fact that j h mhtthews em th best maorkd ajidmoct oaijir priced stock at light and heaty harnem wtir corrr combs brmbm fiveat ptd hinieu ook dtutera tm fir nets trunks aso valises that ha 7e ever been displayed in acton ordered work and repotting guaranteed satisfactory remember collars fitted by us are guaraxteed not to hurt 5 h scatthews 3ku- street acton special trial trip t ttsm ifwuss- wt dtart fttt ztss wnt rtoit ut ziss until jany 1890 for 25 gettts and we will send it to the address of yourself or your friend any place in america w lgi ve you he a l th this extract from the tolentiflo papers ba1lway ttmrji 1 i ivsj crand trunk halfway oodot omdv- nmmtlikip ri i j j50m accoio- iiai going wfij u tjdjad s 71 p r ooiiigeaittminj5uiij m w of great britain apd europe a hmtsniiwk w kttoctttt thafoorkreauitrecdlcalcsntres of the world are london parti berlin and vienna tboso cities have immense hoijiudu teem in ff 5lthnfferiiikliumanitt crowds of atudonu ibrons the wards todylnjtnnder thonrofewon in charjo ths moit renowned pbyai eian of the world tah and prac tice bero snd tho lnitltatleas art itorebaaica of medical knowledgo aod sxperleoce with o vlw of maslss tbfa cxperlfnce taliawa to the pablie tbe hoipital bemfldy co at rrost csnonte ecnrej tho prescriptions of theao hospital iirspairod tbt ipeciflca and al- though it would cost from l to sioo to lecora tha attention of their ittlnjuiihed orifiinaton yet in thii way their nrepared specifics arsofferodatthe nriceof theooack patent medicines that flood the market tnd absurdly claim to cure vflrr ill from a tingle bottle tba want slwsyi felt for a relit bio class of domestic remedies is now ld witli perfect satislaetiou tfa koipital ileracdicii make no tiiircasonsbla claims the specific for catarrh cures that and notbinf lse j o with the specific for bron chitis consumption and lruiff troables rheumatism s cured by no 3 while troubles of dicestion stomach liver and kidney ha to their own cure- to these s addod- specific for percr and affne ono for emtle jweakneis a ceneral tonic snd lioodmakep ijiatmake blood and rives form snd fulness and an in com par uo remedy for hervoos debility ko 1cvks ca7absh hay fvh rose cold catarrhal deafeth orly mnkirrtle aire tmnilri fnm in kttara thi public ulitifr lihtariti a4nuriir ud catarrhal dljirltiaioi ori an aire rmoailn fnm ithntifi sovntt fitw ktfor thi public uii u not a rnvfor elntnintbeta an uscardid ujujuriifit 11 00- so sc0vbh8 colds brofuhis asthma consumption an nccittastot rtmcttf tfof not mtrtiu ttop a cough but cradlcau iht- thtau and itrengthtrs the uiags and rutom watfstf tltmm gciitj a nta itato ef lift 100 so 3rheuma7i8ma tlttiaguutit end fflfk inotm if tcialut it tilt eiitcit ia paris aho treatl ectkiag hid btift iii rtpatsuoa on iitd rtmify 1 so tliy8 aud kidnzw cyeppsta ah0 ihdigistioh cqhstipa7i0h bfttghts disease- a favorttl iaugktirfttd for vie uaek who hat ruiatd mart ticmacti tma oeo vlt a rtmtdf ittirferf afyk ptatu 1100 so 5tkm aho aqu duttb augcllaua ritralqlaftv know aot orncw damaqt lull rfor tki tyftm it it tnatndto irtok it far i ux u a rtmtty tkat faakatu it r100 ho 9fzmau weaklis tmgjupmzb whites man f womin art bnicn toai ucautt y nieltct tnut dlttans until thnnfc csii sealed uti ko fl and rtgoin ktowt and ttrtitj s140 0 1htalthtforii amd fvutccs strd w uood blood and fatm if it ifhtomt h xxr if leramng vti thi pttfl flood blood and fati if it lfwajcifbloott h xr tcramttg tin tklt perftet tonic 100 ho shcuvdus dbilm loss cf p0m8a cuac tarddin public will kdl a atrelrc r ccda for anunforxuatl condition tio c it did n a hn rfto eher high prktt for theajy awi cxrjtica drvgi end pttli tin properiiu cf ahlt began uxtiht ignorant and vto cxpate uoa by celling oour timfidnvd litttri injsthert in the cents ctferioia butntti ike no 8 end use cgdu cloo one iboxijle jtch to be had of all drcgoists o j rav i di vk s oedioao nd t tel than trt dj hajma vftjs i where ibw dijoi ipii pa utor trt b totjmby dotof brn inj to h taa j e b teatn kiirnir aiaoj tirvu l uid iad tanertd u atai b be wo depmbfci line dijrtux cucii rw idea- trt b tbtjmbt dotof trtp jft o p j i ire aaiaac timid i 1 iad tanertd u ohm b be uw hgcoiabb fetoacc cf cl 2 j ui azit in ii ii nim- lai not soda tometcrtaa tie we foarutca cm i wnzrt i book et nr ol our sena itamp for deterfp- i um catalog to iphal eemedy cojon h speight son acton j a speight manager caut iii ku with ail ihc kuruiturc rtwjuircd w itirulxh tear diiv and rosy liilo ldjp cr to rejilcuiih yoar home tf a ictflwl one in anr style at tbe very loet lyice there is no artidc of famitore we cannot mpply and further we deiircrjiar onjitorc and yoa bare no utaaging freifibi charges and run no risk of breakage we en suit all undertaking our iliryavcj tars ciiricucc iu uiislsiiijcestas resulted ia conrincias ihc lnblic ol this entire ceuiniaaity lht c ajijirfirstclaig work iu all orders and in styles which ccinjidie wiji ujcfc ol the city at one haif city prices j our hearse t tu tttluci ot- j cur ttajii ilmyi present a bceotciiic aiicaxuirc wc have pka- erc ia iuni ihc public to call ou us fcr anythiiis required in our lines speight fc son this week r b jermynl is making a big display of dress goods mantle cloths and millinery every lady should see pur dress goods which for yarietv of style and elegance of design surpass all bur former efforts the cloth is bight r the shades are kihf the price is away dowiii every lady should examiue our ilantle cloth and cloaking before purchasing it is not old back numbw stuff which has been resurrected every fall for many years but new and stylish goods we have to ofter aud we do 60 with confidence knowing the style aud price are correct our millinery opening was a grand success hundreds thronged oar show rooms and expressed their admiration a great many put it in more tan gible torm and gave orders tho milliners are busy but we bavo anticipated a hy trade and are prepared to fill altorders we solicit a trial order and would remind you tliat we do the leading trade in fashionable headgear in acton r b jermyn kb this week wc are receiving large shipments of eur goods in coats jackets muffs boas caps and collar visi tors to the fair should see them chekp themotm only 25 cents the men saceewfal hnaedj mot doc not br j aj ttmi ltiii- pfiteejsmij pq7c r lb kcj2ur rivlttfanvt7 ikndrthtii hare u krtij dads btiann cun- fcr pavltiil aajaloln trntci ianj ntscnjl tlttjallliaraj fvjti 1 liunr rtrofncferrrc- jcrjhr7 rccommf nd it j cji l rr 2 vcrrrupaiajj3n kehdalivs spavheure da 11 7 itrtpjtl kuouh v qtwuil taili unl a ft- txaiojf v dilii bravia csm y r jmi- tj tad fsrriueai i j taat iir nca2i kath curo rvlr rtflete si4 nri- cur- irwiic3in mn i hatet liailm sbiq7js rourtiiaibjeuyilaentlilal ifta hurtq voasrr lp wtacnax fti f uscomihei kendalls spfivirl cube 8nn care and blutcr i haa and ihejhaie frr filiel ta what jim aie ttirj- mil tin v hare fund a bad cimof siua and aiactwncaan lurrtim oltertandlnboamarfalc i ltobjat to brwj from nnd hive not wn w7 ilgn cf ew in tbeir pzfpriiis tocfli xnu 1m iiru ja a trier 81 pr hotllo nr ii drnsjljta tate it o j cin pt iuiimiin aent lo ay addrtas ca rcli ol ptt l m x 4- ii powo purest strongest fs7 cohtxihs no alsm amcsnli lime fboipfaftai ok alt iijurans srssifiittt ewg1llett p kaiofjirnieii cr v the celebkitzp eotal teiet m aitnritatjuikl cii a o pen tjp ny oar tadjot adfmf trbtn iks puck n m fr emir aodnlsmth annaiiimiui is hail cui btear7 a- siitr uh mast kick htrf tutf ci ti feslitisinujarti- armlm b- ir 19 um m- ftaanaatafvuktokrct rr aav3 tcjufcrra j1 tkuclcvlkii ho ancuillala v i- majnhoq j how lost how restored iui published ja uev ediion of lirclvfei- wella celebrated essay tn ox- ldlealctft of siterniatorrbcta or incaiieitv iadneed oj excess or early indiscretion tlie cciouralcd author in ibis adiulrtllt cuaay clearly demonstrate- tivm a thirtyfflir uccnfut iruclitp thi 1l0 cjanasjff cos qticuccs of ubxit error iuay le mdirsis ctucd oiuliug out a mode o curt it osrt staple coauiu anttcccctca by means ai tihiii rntj ludcrur namatqrrjialh conditio way mav euro hiiasclfl cltarly vrivatcly jiefl mi- eally nctbis loctare should uc in iba liaula ofeiaj yoathand crcry majjii uielaal bnt undersedl ia a jlain cnvelci tq hj address oa receipt ol four ccbu orlort amps address j rr tiasoalvirsill lisiicilcb ukvst kv voiis pob will cure or rsueve dyspepsia indigestion mundice ysipelas salt rjeum heantburn hladache dropsy- fluhering of the heart acldftyof the stomach dryness 0ftheshn and every sxclcs of disease arising iro disordered una khhfeys sroifacniiovrs assioca 1 ieeos5ft t hilbusn co fhll goods kelly bros mcton also zvzky desce1pti0x 01 rubber and jleti stamps tinouey 8tbwast mpo co 10 king hi wt toronto the right place to get right goods at right prices is at kelly bros orderedclothing a rare book ui ftt bniri jju g sicsns n toon sehiti rnuui i 00 pioj jiuonutti etiar snuo ir mu pot pud fm oc dcilu not pnuion ci imshto on noii at owe our tock of scotch englitb iriih fredoh and canadian tweeda tod worsuxi suiliaga panting and overcoatings is o uio choices nattomi and tlie best qnalldes lu the market in thii branch particular v par mcial attention and guarantee satlsfactiou everjrtline onr cotter haa bad long eaperlcnce lo city trade and understands every branch inlhebusineesthoroufihly a good tweed suit made to brder from 1300 up v an elegant good worsted suit made to order frqm j1s00 up weoanmalteyoaabootltoedpanijiorf3go doninlss your chance ta secure those goods as the nricoa are right rehdymhde clothing wu bavo in lbc readyuiado douiing hue a ttry largo stock of ucunyoullia uoji aud ctnldreus ovurcoau and suits nil lirllc aud ues ltoy orcrcoau rotu hjonti uco ovireoau from 4x0 on tim largeaiiiw of geurbkoraialitubiln iliu coniuy are to l wu at kallyuros aud tho prices are ricbt we hate avry larte itock of cuderwear hats aodcmpaat uio loreat prices r r cood stock of staplo dry 0oods always on band flood taetory cotton 5c yd all wool flannel aoeyd onx stock of orocerics is large and comjilete uid always rreah any kind of ajdcen 30c lb 3 liart rlctrie aoaj for c of ono everybody admtb i wten i sivaats i dxnotiiiiineirrtbjj stop ussninr i tiird at1 llwc hive tbcat rcuni i mean 0 lladhvl tfukid- 1 lave nude oqdhcaae cf fits epilepsy or fallimkj sickness t a lite lonq atiioy i trtitrvt ir v is u i rckon lor not ron niia rorc a a duv lor a irmiisi- and i irxk itnttlj w 1u cure vwl ilit 3 o bootisfi brarch offloo 194 west adolalds streoi toronto t it m mmi w o iu a inn iudcl oar 23c japan teais the beat kelly bros ctonj destfloys and removes wopf or all kinds n children w j adults sweet as- syrup ano cannotiharm theimosl deuicatetchilb r

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