Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1889, p. 2

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bontr iliiijnlu toroulo oa oie ijui ut the wife ot ftr j baird b a ot khuton atlac a iwrd tiaidssilli uitowal ou the 10th oclotwr tlie wijs of mr mows bricker ol the flnu ot brick ecptmoctod j marrisd pittci october by the uv dr cochrane tbrothchu- tar o um bridal aaaiatad by lha uev jr lie- rttcllo aatmva at llrantford on ibolgui xhi irll milieu and rev mr cuthbertsoh ot wood stock anttow pmuullo e dur of th wodrtockbktttxklfietrittoiwm dsiujutwr of llcbwrt lialmw kso oakville lddutuccitrl in the catholic church ar thur oath list hit by k father j l ddberty anistcd by hew fathers tohey tad oueuh ur albert lamb youngest sou of ttl patrick lanib acton to uisa minnie ue- cuu jdet daaguter ot ur llrtck mccaul irthar rrft fia v aecidanlally ulli on the g t u at uqeipuouthctiutiiositirsc flyua aged win f rjc extort jret rtss rsnpsn at october u issa oljl slukiglpajtrcbuncic aclmii crcill 1u eiioucb tu cumwiuil 1031 for fire f ccatdelicuturn ixjvsldliuulx ixr aciov corjikt msi eighbprh0ud uew8 firuulil by orrtxpqnileuu culled from excumrci ibd mtked ai ly the way ugoburtotvk veitxcr t1umcs i 4- rr v lit ass ir irfe fr ccer v trrr vs tire kv y ro k ii j re fir trrf r jt kotes axd c01ocexts foiioing in the wiia of lha rnatwt rtiy on the continent th ctncfiien phacthecmoapcifichiirqt ooloniiu ileipen on tta line cock sm any leun iota of things from cuidiu the writ for the election in wt ltmblon to fill the yicmcj in the ontario legit- iibire atued by the dettfa of the itte hon timothy bliz pardee hu been uned thenominitiou tales puce oa the 11th soramber ml the election on- the 18th i wek later the 1 i trtde retnrni of kewfoandknd for thp year 1883 thow that the total valne of goods imported into the colour iut year wia t742q400 and the exporta amounted to 16523117 there m a anbauntiali incraate in the trade of the uland doriag the year tha tiporta eonaiited almoat excloaitely of fiah fish oik copper ore and amlakina ji montreal despatch cays the fre- qaent acddenti thai occur to people wfac preamt in aiiing on railway tracts is likely to bear frait the grand trcnk aathoritaa are detcrnrined to arrest ill pttioai fonnd trespasiidg m the manner atated notlonly to citizens bat all along tna fine and the proriaions of the railraf art wili be rtrictly enfarced jsiruiariea topper haagaae to spain to reopan negotiations for a commerciai tasaly with great briuun on behalf of canada we wonder if the dona can ani swer that cefehratad oonondnun what uithe difference between an tmreatricieo offer of reciprocity and an offer of tmre atricted reoprccity ud which form will the si commifiionerg proposale taie ja motement is on foot in toronto l heenace newiboyc and prohibit girli from eflinppaperi on the streets two years ajo u ecx ru paaed by the oattrio tcgii utare empowering the police board of the city to deal with the babject the hnm society have drawn trp a byiaa jihioh prohimtaanychfldondereiijhtyeari otita seuing papers on the streets and requires that each boymast bare hi came registered at the police office ud recere i badge to be worn in a oonipicaoiis vtj according to the annaii report of he geological smrey the mineral prodnction ol canada last year wis j 10300000 xha following were the items of produce of 00 goo andorer coti iron oold ijaiiij tlricks uoctb perxotamii ts5ju copper c673 baildingstoae 6h71s jthe total shows a decided increase ovet the prerioos year tne export daring the ywx were h738si0 the imports 61 minerals and mineral productions darinfl the tame year were 128230788 of which 111000000 were of iron and 6tv and nearly tto000go of ccal council uiel ou uouday evening v the koofl in the chair member prca- eot messrs harvey bpcight and sc- cord i ifinulca of last meeting were fms and confirmed the tenders lor the park debcnlurea were opened and contained offers as tol- lowfwq a btimspn toronto 1034 r wilson smith montreall03 dr lowry here entered aud took his aeat j it was moved by dc liewry seconded by alex secord that the tender of il wilton smith of losf tor w00q packdebenlnres be aooepfed and that the reeve be initract- ed to tranaeer the tame upon payment thereof carried v movcdby alex secord eoondedbyjoha haney uitthe keeve and dr lowry be a committee ia secare the transfer of the park property and that tha treasurer be tntlwctcdtopeylaw k smith the lam of vvxw upon execauod of the title to the satiafictiou jluu approval of said cqm- mittoe- carried the stxtceuui rport of the committee on finance was presented and the following accotmts reoommftudod to be paid hartdcoiaal oruii- i fi tiias t ubo pottage iai lutiaucrj- t ou selectors of jururs 3 03 win uamshaw wort 3 t3 h p ifoow iirtatiitcsikuioscey 3 vi kbcoot sastujytmyecior 3j 00 james brotrcj iciiibcr 333 19 jto 65 upon motion of conusors lovvry and secord the report was adopted the rent of the hall for the concerts under the aospiccc of actoa comet band was considered it was mcred by w e lowrj- seconded by akx secord that no charge be made for the use ot the hall by acton cornet band on the 9th and 23rd of october carried i hiea this lubject wax under discctsion the reeve eiprcssod himself as anxious to favor the band always but was under the impression that very little was done by the band daring the past summer in the mat ter of open air concerts on the streets in town one cause of this was perhaps the lack of a band ttacd to overcome this difficulty he itatedrlhat if the citizens would erect a neat band stand he would grant them the use of the vacant lot at the corner of bower avenue and alice street and supply them oace or twice each week wiui foe tfgbtlag free it is to be hoped this generous offer will be accepted the loeatien u central and suitable and there is no doubt bcitukas committee coald with little ehort secure the lends ncessary to erect aceii band fitted complaint was made that every spring and fall the water backs up into the yard and cellar of the property of hiss iforton on bower avenue the committee an streets and sidexalks were instructed to give the matter their at tention- council then adjaeraed- i i iayoi 1a committee of the undertakers associt tien recently met ur bryce secretary of the provincial board of health in refer ence to iecuring legislation for the licens ing of undertakers under the law afi present anyone can be an undertaker and as a consequence many persons under standing nothing about contagioas di or sanitation are in he business it i therefore deemed wise in the interest of the public health to make an examination neoesaarf and if the candidate it found proficient a licence will be granted to him an set will he applied forjotntly by the provincial board of heilth and heuuder- takers association at the next session o the ontario legiilatare a mke this ex- sccinatioa compulsory 1 the ride matchci were held here ou sat urday a social was hold hi he baptht chareli last evening au enjoyable evening was penl the ladicrof the church provided it the auuivcrsary icrvioes and earaecting in oonnoctiou with the prcsby teriau church on sunday aud monday were quite iucoeii fuk- i four young men of marked ability now occupy georgetown pulpits rev a w richardson rv j w churchill rev d 8 radian and rer father oloane tfcram t itlltos the very ludden death of r s heaven who was attending the trinity medical college toruntohas cast quite a gloom over the community he was sick but a couple of dayi his parents who live near if ilton not knowing anylhiotf about his ill ncas uutil lite ad uews capvc by telegram that he was dead the fujirttl took place here on saturday aud was largely attended six o hie fellow students acted as pall- bearers the rev d m ifckcnrie is lying very daugcrouily ill at present from the effects of a paralctic stroke which he had last friday our town council have decided to accept the seven hundred dollars per annum offer ed by the g t r to supply their road at this point with water from the waterworks oakville f i k uit wtdueaday ur wttilun4 bad a lossiag bee a u amber of ithfllieigbbon with theltoxeu turned out to give him a hind atr lbs days work was over tho rirla aud boys of tha neighborhood put in anevamngi fan and frolic itrtmfudod one of tha good old times that uied to be tha hard trosta at night lately are having their effect upon tho tree the lcavci are falling fast and in a few more dayi will present a destitute appearance mr l b allison hu purchased a houta and lot in kniiehball froq mr wm hai band mr wm jsckiou purposes erecting a new bank barn next year and has cot part of the foundation built mr r lamb has tha contract for maaoncry sod mr jsckwa with hu long experience lu bora building will do the framing no doubt to his own perfect itiifaction jjebchants day death or sexat0r tcexec he isacs iwccfuiiy away at his hoaie in esniillon oa saturday i hon james turner of hsmiltoo who hasbeen confined foe some time to the house passed peacefully quietly gentfy a ray a fevjminntes after 6 oclock on sat urday evening in the presence of he im mediate members of his family and rer d h fletcher of the mcxah street presbyterian church where senator turn er had worshipped for the past thirty years or more senator tomer was tern in glasgow scotland on the 3tst march fc2g he is a son of the late john turner of macleuan turner j power loom manufacturers glasgow whenin his 22nd year he emi grated from glasgow- to canada proceed tug to hamilton where he took trp his abode and has remained ever since hu life was a meet remarkable one in a bust- dess sense i senator turner has displayed industry commercial insight and judge ment far above the common order and in his place in the senate his counsel and decision were always held in the highest possible regard he was not leas worthy and an ornament as senator than as mer chant auexfvg coxditiov of the pbjvce of wales hie pliyifefaak la attendance pnraotm his malady to be brfgfit f dueaseand ssrbewfunotuteailotuerrear the tuaa london correspondent cables hat the doctors who have beeu in attend ance upon ilia lriuce of wales have after carefal examination come o he concfu- sion hat lie is suffering fron bright du eaie the qaeen became very melancholy more especially as it is said there if oo hope of his recmeryand that he cannot lke throogh next year this announcement has created great consternation throughout the empire the princes physicaas have recommend- edftfl kgyptiairtrip as the means of keep ing ap vk spirits the prince will be attjotdpanied by his phyrican and every possible means hat will aid in prolonging hie life will be carefnlly aueuded to cau mtim tea tlir dfwfplci and lie ktythu toxuout oct 2l a the annual meeting of the disciples church held at lobo last week rer mr gaff of toronto moved a resolottoo looking toward the anion of he disciples with the baptist body the resiatou ru carried unanimously rev jaroe lediard wa appointed to briogthe matter before the disciples auoosf con- vention in jane next aud rev- w hpor- ter jwas requested to lay uie matter before be baptist conventioq to be held in ottawf snclde of a roeovto civic offlcialw tocosto j oct ib mr frauds lobb for vi years an esteemed and faithful city onjaalr employed in the city treasurers department committed suicide yesterday afternoon he waxat his desk at y a m chatted and conversed freely with his chief and his brother clerks all morning and left the office at l30 p m with mr mcmillan extreasurer of parklale formerly of rock- wood academywho is employed in the city treasurers department for lunch the two gentlemen went to xasmiths retraur- ant and wuilejat lunch mr lobb was cfaeerfal and conversed freely with his companion shortly after they parted the report of a pistol shot was heard from a small passage way near the junction of front and wellington streets and mr lobb was found there dead his books are cor rect and his sad act is ascribed to melan cholia from which he has beea laffering hevas a member of the jarvis street baptist churctr was treasurer of the sunday schooll of that choree and is highly spoken of by the members of that congregation j thelut meeting of the young peoples association was more than atutliy inter esting made so by a bible reading given by the president on the subject of gossip very few young men woald have ooarage euoagn todeal with such a subject before the faces of so many yoaug ladies for we all know that it is only the fair sex who engage in such a trifling matter as gossip the men seek for a much deeper subject however trifling matters are not to be despised a mosquito can drive au ele phant absolutely mad so a woman with her tongue can drire a man to distraction the repainting of the brick stores occu pied by mrl barclay merchaat and messrs forsterd bradwin proprietors ot the star adds greatly to the looks of tha town we hope a few more proprietors of buildings on he main street wjll do like wise for there is nothing that helps mans buriceas so much as keeping up to the times two very thrilling and soalstirring sermons were preached by rev mr kettle- wtll last sunday he evidently ss that if some of the members of the church do not get aroased and let their lights shine before men that all hope of them ever gaining life eternal wfil be lost for my part i really believe that some men expect to get into heaven hanging on to the skirts of the women bat woe be auto their expectations in that day when the lord shall gather in none but those who hive fought their own battlec and sought their own way to the heavenly fold last friday evening the annual meeting of he w c t u was held and the fol- lowing officers appointed president mrr wm mccraaey 1st vicepres mrs d mccraney 2nd vicepres mrs j war- cap 3rd vicepres mrs r k clushoim recsea mrs l m wrightorri cor sec mrs wstsoa tress miss lacy anderson hajflltux i delhi ifaekets 1 october 23rd i860 floor boiler 2 to x k floor stoae i white ctawiotiu x tai6 o oa to 0 00 democrat wueat ajf do to a oo srirfiui u1jc 1 f fc2 too w fail ttlimt li- ftfjto 0 fc bran li h tolouw barky ji 0 w la 0 50 oau 1- oittook live i vtu l j 0 50 lo 0 65 t o fe to 0 s3 hay old i 10 00 to ii oo hay new ji too to 8 so x 03 to 00 wood lt corfl i 00 to i so eggs per ntfn d 17 lo 0 w batter dairy pwkod 0 k b 0 k a is to 0 40 cheese 1 l on too ti potatoes per bag- 0 50 to 0 w aitpiesi i 0 5 to i oo iork i- fii tog w 0 to 0 to pcw- i 0 to 0 m hide l 2 to s 60 coarsf wooli j 0 20 w0 fine ttfoouj a 22 w 0 c taroit i i 0 04 to 0 10 it it stated that daring the last voyage of the umbria from liverpool to newybrk t fireman was acciueutly roasted to death in the engineroom end that he wt buried si any entry being made in the lite king ot portugal died oa saturday andlbis son secoeeds him with the title of csxjoel sea without log the jury reldruecla verdict of dot gailty at toronto on saturdsy in the hicks poisoning case and mrs white abd her ncpiiow were at once discharged patrick hsleyjpf west garafraxa who lofficted several vouuds ou miss kuis with a knife was aeoleticed atgaelph en ss tar- day to three years imprtsoumeut the italian government has ordered 0000000 cartridges to be made with smokeless powder a few words far boys from an old acton school boy- many years sgo i wis a school boy i remember how often a group of us would discuss our ambitions andaims some of us wanted money thinking if we had money first sil the other good things would follow some sgain said politics brought honor and money others prferxed law mediciueand soon in following the lives of these old schoolmates how differ- eat in nearly every case has their station in life been from heir youthful idas of it one boy is now a blacksmith who wanted to be a lawyer another h a minister who then had thought almost averse to that profedou another a bookkeeener whose ides was to he a lawyer or politician and so on all hroagh the fact is simple truh hat h boys who were steady and earnest in heir school work as well as their play are the boys who are filling their little niche in the world lodsy successfully and con tentedly it wis hard to give up boyish ideas but however any of thein regret he hard lessons of life have now shown them that it is not the richest nor the most hon ored nor he wisest mac that is happiest how many times have these boys now grown to manhood been thahkfoi for the good sound foundation in education they received at school how the minister now appreciates the drilling in spelling and composition the bookkeeper his long columns of addition to do at lightning speed the surest way for a boy to get on in the world is la take all the advantages of the common school education that he possibly can some o our business men today are ashamed to write lettersthemselves because of heir bad spelling what excuse is there for a boy or girirto grow up ignorant in these days of free education xoue at all the world is getting so full that only young men aud boys who have cultivated their brain power and trained themselves to think quickly and acurately are getting on business req aires sharpness and cor rectness and earnesiness today and these qualifications wjll be more required 10 or 20 years hence boys in play hoars play all you can as hard as you can as earnestly as you like in school hours work in the same way at last ouc of he paper railroads hat have been disturbing the asual peaceful state of hamilton has presented something definite j the municipal elections are being j run on striht political lines his year both parties are holding caucuses and the feeling has become intense already four names are already mentioned so far but as three of these are tories no doubt partyfpressure will be brought to bear on some of them to cause their retirement alderman mclellan the reform candi date is a little pompous tudividaalwithsll the assurance and conceit that little men genercrally have alderman msor moore it a big man and a catholic he fills a very largenicbe in hamilton society and public life so mi friends and sometimes himself say mr c b smith secretary board of trade hamilton summer carnival and great central fair hu bloomed oat like a jaue rose and attracted a great deal of pub lic attention tils year he is energetic aud a friend of the antiprohibitionists alderman kenrick as chairman of he market fire and police board owner of some real estate aud a genial disposition has he thinks some qualifications for chief magistrate i think his friends are hot namerooj enough fur i limeflofse our little himlet is it present busy with fall work apples are more plentiful hereabouts than in many of theneigbboring sections the lime basin ess which it the principal industry here- it pretty lively at present and thereii considerable demand for water lime as well messrs kewton sons are shipping thefr widely known eraptru blankets in considerable quantities the factory is running full time carpenter sharp is building a uew engiue room aud toilet house for the woolen mills mr c v stafford is shipping two cars of ttone per day to toronto ha has just completed a fine free stone engine bed for the new tannery at acton oar pablic school has bnea conducted with a good deal of success by miss bella gordea and it is very generally hoped that she will be continued in the school mr lewis kennedy is now running the bakery easiness formerly carried on by martin of georgetown and is supplying us with excellent bread messrs taylor bros are still rushing the lumber business under the msnageraeal of mr wd allison alruiiotillutinrtlic mali finding gaicrsl favor for somo ruafl the mail hai been ad- tocatlug the idea of a meccbanu day iu every week to allow retail merchants to visit toronto la purchase stock at a re duced railway fare letters from mer chants la all sections eipreasing their opinion ol the scheme have been publish ed nud the following appeared among those of yesterday mornings issue to uifl editor of ibe alia bin your sogficitioa of a sjcrdiiuu day u a goodonv many country merchant would uo doabt villi toronto aiucli more frequently u offered sonic ultfibt ludacciuont by uio railway companies we ire convinced such on arrange- merit would retail in crctl baucat to the mer chant as they would bay oftucr and jait what uicy required yocn etc henderson udtae co acton oct 1 toronto board of trade hu been request ed to lake action in the matter and use their influence to secure the desired reduc tion in railway rates on lha different lines one water makes throe very tenable points first ho says merchants day woald bring wholesaler aud customer togelherto benefit of both second it would give the retailer iheopportauuy of making frequent selections from the wholesale stockwhereby he would be able to earn a relatively light stock and always eometiiing new third he liabilities would be smaller and the buyer woald be more independent ibin he now is ettiv special services are iu progrcis in the methodist chorch conniogsby the reopening services at burns church will be held next kanday rev a gilray of toronto is announced to preach morn ing and evening the methodist sabbath school has been reorganized it will meet at 10 am in stead of at 230 pm as formerly the pastor and his assistant mr tbomley will superintend it alternately and will also each an adult bible class adcxatc lieut cooboy was quite successful iu the western association rifle matches at london he won prires to the amount of j 1350 the concert was quite a taking affair gallagher pleased the crowd who remained after tha fair there was an unusually large number of fakirs at the show a mau who made it his business to ascertain states hat there were upwards of two hundred they re ceived a permit to practice their operations and therefore the police coom not interfere it is said a great number of young farmers were badly taken in in one instance where the victimised one refused to d gorge he was brutally assaulted by he fakir archie saunders formerly taail carrier returned hut saturday from moikoka with a fine doe shot in he parry so and dis rict theknghboaikgexiribitioxi the seaiou concluded witha series ofsaeees- fal fall shows three exhibitions have been held in his ridcity since our excellent exhibition took place here and each of hem has been crowned with more ban ordinary success halton kaasagiweya and erin are referred to tim tulwrv fciiu the county show held at miltoa was favored with queers weather ou both days of the show and as the licfvrmcr hays the result hu been most gratifying all round impartiug new life aud ooergy to ihe direc- tort planting the societys feet on he solid rock of success once more and encor ing greater things for the future the weather being favorable as he receipts at the gate amounted to 9c600 it is estimated that not less than doto people were on the groands the hall was well filled all the spice being taken up the usual gamesofchance men were on hand to catch the dimes of the unwary baton the arrival of mayor dice and the chief constable their offices were promptly closed ap and the spoil didnt amount to much there waa a total of 2iio entries as follows horses- ss7 cattle 11g sheep 123 pigs 39 poultry i8 grain 61 roots 173 l plants and flowers 75 dairy h3 domestic 2w implements 4c 5fi ladies work 307 fruit uc fine arts 171 sisskijtwetjl falc the annual exhibition of the kassoa weya agricultural society wu held on the hth and 15th the weaeber wu fine the attendance waa the largest on record and there was a splendid show of stock and all kinds of prodnce the ex cellent manner in which the details con- nected with the exhibition were carried out wu moat creditable he directors of the society aud particularly so to iu efficient secretary mr m beattieotcampbelivilc we are unable to find room for the prire list owing to pressure of other matter this wu kossagaweyas first year for a twodays show and the res alt wu highly satisfactory cuvixirinttion this wellknown show the last of the season in this section wu also favored with delightful weather which went a long way to make the show the great s access that it was and perhaps the beat that has ever been held in erin tbe receipts were very satisfactory to tbe directors iu the afternoon tho big attraction was at the outside show which afforded no end of entertainment the side shows of all kinds did a great business and the band enlivened lha proceedings with music fakirs ran riot everywhere and many a a hard earned dollar was parted with by he fools who presumed to beat the knaves at their own game the show in the ball was hardly eqaal to previoufyean and he management could learn a good deaf in the matter of arrange ment for crowds kriu took the banner for the year f550 kite money at 10 cents admis sion is a big thing among tha prize winners at each of the abovejhowi wa notice many of the names of residents of this vicinity if you went a reliable working boot au elegant sunday shoe acomioruble oveu fojl slipper or a good trunk or to use in travelling go to kenoy rroa boot s shoe store acton fine job printing job priding of slldescriptiocs neatly and promptly eieulcdat the pnzcpitxa print ing office orders by mail receive our special attention try tha fact piaas for your next printing and you will be thoroughly satisfied dcnt be tormented by hearing yoar little boy crying about having no overcoat and the evenings are so very cold when you can bay- one for 1250 at kelly bros nicely mode and of the best quality children cry for pitchers castoria vcheiz dabj mx sfcfc we rare her castone whea she was a child she cried tor castorta 7tcu tbe became hisi she clung o castoria ttinn she hid children she r them castorta iheadquarters j groceries bweelbugabs frh salmon slot buckjkq choimtobaccos kmnmlimiu noy4iraa8t vinegars bich sabdinesj corn btabch i n raisins cborychoqplatectabtar voiliiz currants ground cocoanut 8i80da iii fact anything in the line of choice grpceifc you want at rock bottom prices hard wars j kails hinges bolts screws tacks hasps hooks staples hat and coat hooks files had locks z out saws axes axe handles bucksaws han0 wrenches gdns revolvers ca11tridoes shells prim ers powder shot caps wads whips halter s c6vv ties hopes 8hovel8 spades fords kn1v es and forks spoons butcher knives cauviko knives steels chav del1er hooks and an evutess varietv ov articles vou want come and see them glass and puttt paints and oils varnishes turpentine machine oils japans dryers peuchens prepared paints tube paints lamp goods hand lamps library lamps stand lamps hall lamps all sizes shapes and colors- bu wicks lamp glasses shades lanterns lantern glasses rfc flecters brackets etc 0r00sery and giaissttare cherp cheap cheap wall papers 7 ceilikg papers borders corners from sots per roll up j i window blinds fancy linen rollers etc away down- in price alataatine i j t- in all favorite shades bole agent pobj ilriini common sazse suli bilmce grrr suh lock ad cuiuia kolien also huor- occi perfected spucej culi for fur skin v juuudtrcurjirliiijj 1 lur kin lacludlui wiinla n- luiavlvunlclc- j chisi ijnrrjfi asoetlsortliofl-l- fti- lumber rphose rmoirinj i amber can vo upyhtd a llio toruuttf lime counters jalnat unul ijoaso tti mill i uow nunuui and zj stock of ill kind onaiuliriiohhatkt sst majr also be bad tliera johosto limf coup ant ltl t ijimchoua luinbeij and shingles th e undrlcail faitq en imrid at their lain at lizuhioale sboti txjxxj ft at jkl lnmbcr snd sre iteiared to mriily larthm ua oilier witb sfcy qasiti o lumber jotliniiw other boiloisp st rcawtiablfl ivlcea aiuc1a nine sad ctdsr itiluclcs i alo ca band tavloubfiotheis dfportaxt r powder absolutely pure thiipowdernetervanm a marrelofparitj streajiiiasdtholesomcncu ltor economical than tha ordlsary kind and cannot be sold fn competition tth tha mnlutadeotlotkrtjhort telehtalam arpbofphale powders sold only in can f karu b axis a pornea co 10c wall the cult1yator h lvd country gentleman the best of the agpicuftura weeklies ncurfcn io farm crops and processes horticulture fruitgrowing lirestock and dairying while it tlsa includes all minor departments of boral interest each as tha poultry yard nlo molocy bckepicff greenhoase and irsperj- vctennaxx keplies farm questions and an- ttren fimide heading domestic ecooomr and a sammarj- ol the sets of the week iu uazfcet reports are tmosaallr complete and much attennon is paid to the prospects ot the crops i throinc lifiht cpon one of the most important ot sil questions when to bay and whentobell it is hlettjlr illustrated andbr hecekt eklaj1gfuekt contains mora reading matter than ever before the bnbacrip- tion ice is i jo per vear bat wc onr a spec ial kedcctiosta oar club rate for 1890 two snbscriptions in one remittance 4 six bubscrlptiona do do 10 tweltb flnfiecrtpuona do tsto all k sabscribers for 1890 pajlnff in adtsnce dot ire till send the paper weekly train oar receipt of the remittance to january lit 190 ilh charge rjrspeelmen copies free address lnther ttjckeh ft bok ruhhibcrs albany hy- drucs medicines toilet articles and evcrjliiiig kelit iii flntclail drn llotc- alio a vice assortment of fine stationery 8chool booksi blank books etc will l fouiij it mcgh rains drug si stationery stork acton v kannawin 10n6i- t b pearson the golden lion gcelph and glasgow remnants uaxcfactceees jends p haviujr cleared from a leadiui canadian mill the i whole stock remnants of the seasons production iu flaiststels at a little more than j 50 cents on the dollar t we are now offering them at a verv great reductiou iu ptice j thee ends rane from ii yds to 20 yds in length and the price is such that they should further increase the crowds that constantly throng our stores j d williamson go all pcxwi baricf iiumptius ruii froai the elcfhti tinjtia eeds distributed b- d vvqlianisoui 4 co iii tiudlvbhnctbcui to the laou oa or leforj sat- j imlay arjth tnit ii they wish to complete for lie priics offered is i that is luc lsttit davoa which theycaa breceirwl v wuxiursox i tu remnants j d williamson c co 5 and 7 wyndiain st quelph 84 oswald st glasgow allumijfum spectacees j t eegrl assess something new in spectacles and eye class frames drigkt assilvek j will not break will not corrode as light as paper easily sole agency sacured by b sayaqe gjuelph to farmers and threshers peehless oil 0 gold med alb h beeu fo nkmiot the lot ihrt yr m tr pirl axl alfnr you woni ud ho poww tta oil lr gied ud hlfihl teoommwdesis thdbeli fm qoipb fitmwiukforthemnmiioother mnototaredtqb samuel rocer k co tordnto -i- havijjg doucbysijieisfncaiiidjiiorearioor rvputatiob andrtioiiibilitr u etabiih- cd wc ant three men tu yov idmty to a- prcsunl us to wiioui ajiluiv ttrritorr vuliica pren handwjtne outfit frte salary and es-f- peases paid weekly steady employment th yearronnd write usanract o lerjit hardy v stock or canada rihy it i may luiothiuif urcr ecb saleslpix wanted j alcnnatul iciiiioafrtracuij cita sakry- snd expenses i o csperienee needed with as great idttncs to beginum fast clliiiff ncjalfits outfit free vrit quick sod get choice ol territory mstinsagc lich00kkitc01uchtrxti icoulfortabe dweiliji for sale- k that fine ucw doable frame dtilji du wt bower arcane two itorejt ffixaa withu idtchea attached bard uud ku ater eooreai- cut in every repcct snd reuts for u per month 4 tbe brlcklad rcsideaee oa mahrctrat s0i30 two ilorer with luo kitched suaehtd hard and soft water in the uoasc terms snd particalirs tindc known qih gp plicatloa sl j keee itess office r acira st ten wa ba a 04 7dwel i coiial judges court of ilevisioil village of acton notice i herebygiten that 1 court liu bt held porsnant to the voters list act try his honor the jnttee of the county court of tbt county of halton at the town hall actoa cat m0xdat 28th pay of octoil ib st one oclock in the afternoon to br ana d tannine the several coajpluau cf errors ani omisnons fn tho voters lists of the mubici- palitv of the village of ao for the rear ajx 19 i all jwrsons bavins bainess at tbe comt are required ic ittend it the tbove time shq plaee f tbost uookci derkeft f the aid haniripality x0ti9e to olleultpjflj v r 1 -of- p t james fienderson deceased f l y t the creditors i including tho levins aay j- j speeinftor ceneral lien or incmnbraae- on the estiwi or anv endivided shire tbcreaftjrf james hendenou late of the towarinp tnii- fluesingiathe county of halton farmer wboli died oa or sbout the h day of jojv iis an fl hereby required to lend to michael eambjes- f quire actooiortond of the exocotors ctj estate of james henderson deceased 00 orbeis fore the first day of november 19s9 their cfcatt j titn ind surnames addresses and deoriptiousfi with full particular and proof cf cieir dahbsjbit and sutements of their accounts m4thei security if anv held by them qwms t bmrf3 itotod by statuwry declarations and notice is herebv given that aftw tbeiaidjl first dav ofkovcmber 1 the ejteeatoit widvj proceed to distribute tbe asset of the said fj ceased amongst the iiarties entiqed threttst having regard only to the chums of whatintjiyy shall have had notice and theeaccatorbwfflnctgjr be liable for the assets cr any rart tberecs to anypersonbr ersons of whose claim claim te shall not have notice at the tjcrcrrf ieajs- tribatiou f this sotice is given pnrbusnt t u0 u3i csap u0 mcleax a uclean solidton for eiecutcrs john knascll and michael lacju xotke to crelit0k8r -or- william smith deceased tlii atdjlon uicluding thov banns any biwcittl- or rtncxal lean or incumbtaocb uixu the estate or any uadirlilfd share tbereoo oi uiuum smith late of tht xjagc ol actob in the couuty of halicu who ditd ou or abotrt t tbe letentetmbdsvot august 13 are toff required to send to jane ann sujitb acton fu admiuistralrli of tho kstat of william baaii debased 011 or before the 3ith day rf october 10 their fbristianiaad ifcttion adihtssesand descriptions with fall particulars aud proof rt their claims and statements oftbelr accounts and the seeuritv if any held bythcrn clahnsw be proved by statutory decuratious ud notice bertby siveti tbkt if ter the said scth day of october 19 tho said idnrinistriifu will proceed to distribute theiassets of the said deceased amongst the partirk enmledtbow having regard only to theiaims of wluehi shall havethad notice ana the adnimiitraf will not w liabh for tbe asseti or any i thereof to any person or persons of whose cjaau or claims iho shall not have notice at the tun of such distribution this notice is given pursuant to itsa bff chap u0 jitlkan a mclean solicitors for adiuiniatratrir bated this 27th day of sept 1 auction sale st planing mhi shop and duelling in acton tlio uudenunjio hailxrou iiulruttcd by mrit uctann la soil by public auction on the prem ise tho property bwloogin to the estate of t delate p mpcann satultday fl9th octobeej at 9 oclock as follow i steuu planluj tnd caireuter swp which thercar la soid working order plauins aud moulding llacbidfs circular croarcat aw jig sawi iron and wood turuiti lathe nribd- ing stonejsa uid boiltl a quajitlty of cjj thwiopwitbu tin- macliiucrv an rliy wfogclly gslrt vxl b-uub- been duueali thl iho lor ibc liast 1 1 r- te10is be agrecdaiiou w1 or iropirty sj iu totsstot snd ilciiiccry t tasy be teidftr cvh- ai hiilstllxet auejouitr 1890 subscribe fbfe the t 1890 weekly empire cixasas lea isg xewsrapef patriotic in one trueolanada jrueilo the empire- the empire is now the greaf weekly paper ok tlii uouimon da in ptm aud fcitecial srrauuciii an- v add new aud ittratne fester wniai w- greatlylncfuaimjlu intern salt sac as an injuccuicau to puecii iu ibc b all itriotiaufliau3 ibc balatk- yvax will bugivaib free to subwioers rill ul m1w11 iii out olio dollu ir 1 tliq eums tur lorll ccot1 toth iahl sjboul quel j jndi hbol tf copil n wqd f art f mi id pit proj iodl us el v- i

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