Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1889, p. 4

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j 2 ittoa fwun thcrsdiy october 1689 sire onnjj folks th old maid who nan the moffvfrtddf mirth to mibt a wicketi ponwat ittrth monj all the daucfatrnjfllio ranh r th old old maid wbo woald not wed lor aiv o gold t w1i maid not barter iota untold forfeit or all could self unfold the flmi old maid who would not cart herself ear on wonhleea man whateer they uv lwr or r cid maid to itay vvbo tj4lau rt meotl who aearcbca round uic tad to seek 1 who helps the poor with fcardewed cticcl the kind old maid wuoee heart has tender love far all who hup the chodru when they fall her f ct run nrifi at vrt ry call the dear old tuaid ho terrta the lordwiuioarneit lore who waits in faith foe jojf above t her life a benediction urom the good old maid br vtr jatm coozr sqrxovr jlkgjiek and jokelets half an horn with the wue men the wlti udthtrarftcnnhiortbe day victoria tiubolio salvo is a wofldorfu hadrufl compound for cots wounds braiaei bams icaldi bolls piles pimple ac f a plomtag dtkwftry isufftred with oearalftia and objulos4 to rb until adyitod jto try hsrtamji bellow till jbinoethcnluavefoqodutfr be id admnablc- remedy also for bams lore throat sad rheomatiim mrs f ciuchon iatwcbmbddstavm toronto oul divorced woltex what become of divorced women a rut field of aaerplored territory if opened y the qnect jon jast aa males are lupoos- sd to seek for their dealh s6me ipot where no eye can behold them go divorced women onoe divorced an believed to wilhdrair to aome myiteriooi limbo tn which- the rest of thir lives u spent osobseved bat tbi tribute b4 been at the pains f collecting itatiiuvaboaj them and it fiadythat they can accurate j- be divided into the follow ingdaisea clxka v remarried within s year 73 per cent cukq waitinfi for an offer i 10 per cent clamm j fallen into etil ways 10 percent rtafis rr devoted to celibacy jt per cent these figures have been compiled from a comparison of the divorce lists with the mtjiitn hr fwww u sueotnu of jsjiestjusticea of the peace clergymen lawyers and court officials and from per j sonal inquiry among those who ban been divorced they can be accepted u fairly aadsiibstsiilially correct chicago trtcw if yoar children arcjtrodbled with worms give thorn mother grave worm exter- minatof safe sore and effectual trylit and mark th imnronmmt in yoorshu life wu a burden cnlillaledy i aoffered from headache always i precaded by constipation makiag my lifa a batdeu- a friend advised bar deck blood bluer i took three bottles and nowlfeel myself a new man and tx y headaches are a thing of the pait j a r jiuxv j ottawa oal mr raj harnaoo chemist and drop- gist dnnnnije oat writes i can with confidence tecom mood northrop a lymaai veeuble pisoovefy and dyspeptic cart fordyipepai impuw biood pimples n the face billaushets and constipation such cases bwvingcomc under my personal ohervatioa annes to motuxm are you disturbed at uiflht and broken of yoar rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of out ting toslh if so send at ouoo and get a bottlo ot mrs wlnilows booth lag 8ymp for chudron teething its valoo is looal- culable it- wii relievo the poor lit us sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtru there is nojnjitako aboot it it e refysenty j durthcca regautcs the nch and lowvls lures wind colic ftewib rqnhtadttbcs inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs winslowi soothing syrup for children toothing n pleasant to the lasto and js the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and narses in the united states and is for sale by til druggists ibrongtent ua world prios twtniyflt cefctan ollsv b sure andaslc fofmrsilqilowifoothing syrup and take no other kind tthat seall a gieir eead a methodist bishop in a letter to his laughter claude once gave the following wholesome connael i i wish my daughter that yon woold devote yourself o serious reading it is nuanesry not only jo develop yoar mind sad nuke your knowledge respectable in society bat it is a high moral duly it ic swgrtvc qnestioc whether a christian ought to read anything that doea not increase knowledge andprepare for life j very moat tssnjpe allowed on ihe other aide is a piiatffdreuiag fot ncresvtios ton i- fear are waiting time with mtgannea and tales and empty stories in general this is a great evil in fact a tin quit it bead history biography poetry the eo gltsh daasis study the bible in itc docj- trinea principle and history ton wiu thus improve your mind heart eharactec i want yon to be wise ood happy the time ha come for yon w prepare earnestly forife and its responsibiiitie a word to thewise i sufficient the alert watchman warns as of pproaching danger a hack- ingcoogh warnajos of coming consomptiau tketode by the forelock and usehaxyar4s pectoral balaam the safest inrcht and best core foct couchs cold uthma hoarsenou bcoochta and all throat and incg tronblec atawptu tared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an gut india mhfsxnary the formula of a simple vegetable rdmedy for the speedy and per maneofcareof consumption bronchitis cillrrh asthma indall throat and lang affections also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all kervoascom- plaints afur having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it hit duty to mike it known to his suffering fellows actcstes by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send fr of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng- isb with fall directions forpreparing and using seat by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notts ho powers block rochester n y differences of opinion regarding the pop ular internal and external remedy dr thatnav eclectrie oil do not so far la known exist the testimony is positive and ooncunent that the article reliever physical pain cures lameness checks a cough ia an excellent remedy for pains and rhenmatic complaints and it ha ob naus eating or other unpleasant effect when taken internally c c richii fc co gettk i look a severe cold which set tled in my throat and luogf and caused me to entirely lose my voice for su weeks i suffered great pain my wife advised me to try mioards liniment and the effect was magical for after only three- doses and an ontwsrd application my voice re turned and i was able to speak in the army thai mght a privilege i bad been unable to enjoy for air weeks i yarmouth cm bus ptruxcz i ramrteedleriprcilr may be of iacsumibla advantage to csc or it may be a mere fid uiu opponents call it bpt no one can deny that nasal balm has cone more for sufferers from catarrh than any other remedy known mr thomas roche rochefort ont sfcys i have suffered severely from catarrh and never got any relief until i used nasal balm i never thought icouldfindso sore a care it is a pity ill afflicted with catarrh do not know of and oie this wonderful medicine if yoa want to bay or seii a farm ad vertise in the toronto wxuf ifau that paper i reaches 100000 farmers homes everyweek and yur advertisement- should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of thisebuaarwta- seftediin the toronto llviy hail tar five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the nfifl toronto canada i i attacked three times having been attacked for the third time with inflammatory rheamatann whlchj kept me in bed au weeks under medical care withoat relief i resolved to try bordock stood bitten and before i had finished the third bottle i was abf to worfcjagsin geoeoe koira garden hill oct rntaad cvtnrortu the sastrrtaf browns hoasehold panacea hu no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cares prin ia the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache itwill most inrely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns hoasehold pan acea being acknowledged u the great pain reliever sod of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use wbea wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world fnr cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by sll druggist at to cents a bottle i cttiieh i mtw latirrfcil tvaflieia bmr iever i bene treafsieaf safferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagions or that they are dne to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrance and eustachian tabes microscopic research however has proved this to be a fut and the result of this discovery is that a urn pie remedy has been form all ted whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever ire permanently cared in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n b this treatment is not a a tnaff br an ointment hot if have been discarded by reputable physicians as injur ious- a pamphlet explaiuing this new treatment u scut on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon son 303 west king street toronto canada toronto olou safferen from catarrh troubles should carefully read the above it is worse than madness to neglect cough or a cold which is easily subdued i taken in time becomes rhen left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema tura death in aim nation when it attacks the delicate tisane of the longs snd bronch ial tabes travels with perilous rapidity teen do pot delay get a bottle of sickles anttcoosamptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and- drives it from the ya- tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful mflaenct in caring coniamptuni and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parent wish to save the lives of their children nd themttlaes from t ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles antlcousumptive byroft and wbsoerajiild has taken cold hai fcowgh at hoarseness give the byrtp aceordiog to direction i am latertstistt keprt j the inland revenue depsrtment hu recently issned a bulletin of about thirty pages which ia devoted exclusively to the object of baking powder and which ihows that themajority of the goods in the market are adolterated andynnfit foruse prof a megill who bar had charge of this impor tant work for the government says that imperial baking powder is an excellent powder a word to the sensible housekeep er should be sufncieat 1st juar ffcnau dyrpepfia ummw msoy pbaaes sll disagreeable to the sufferer yet it takes oa form which from two lo fonr bottles of bordock blood bitteri will not care bb d yui sppietite and renotflies the entire system i never allow the bowel to remain con- stipatediest serious evil eosee national pills are ansurpassed asm remedy foe con stipation take ko chances bit depend on solid facts nothing equals uagyards ltlbw oil for barns scshls frost bite cbilblainf neuralgia croup sore throat and aches aud pains of every description no matter wufre the pain or soreness im or from what it arises hagyards yeliowoil win give qaick relief mrs barnhart cor pratt and broadway has beena snoerer for twelve yous throngh rhenmajtie and bu tried every remedy she could bear of bat received no oeuefit aqtil reeomonded to try dr thomu ecleotric oil siieys she cannot express the ssg- f action it having her pain entirely removed and her rheumatism cared r almost driven insane i had such distress u my stomach and heoilihst i ibdocht i wonh losemy reason bat on loifi burdot blood bitters i 1 derived greet benefit i have uwd three buujes aud ani now as well as 1 ever was in myitis thauks to yoir medicine mit lizhk tinrcua bdiierviutr oiir mibsric tjuimeat rr dirkihrrfs worms cause much sickness aaoog children freemans worm powders vent this aud make the child bright land healthy calmuiuaa screfr cared to lie editor please inform yoar readers thti hive a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands ot ho leas cases oave xxu puuuueauy enrtd i shall be gkd to send two bottles of my remedy rses to any of yoar readen xho have consumption if they will send their express and p o address bspectfnliylja t a sloccw 164 west adelaide st toronto jul busi- the third pace of the toronto lain mail is noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or sell anything you want a situation a mechanic ness machinery lodgings if yoa have j lost or found anything or if yoa want to jfind oat where anyone it advertise in the j to- ronlo iyiffli and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in- sertmbw address tit mai toronto can- there is a wide difference betwoeir meth cines which sffect merely the symptoms of disease and those which affect its pause the first are useful palliatives f bessrtaod if of genuine efficacy produce a radical core to the latter class belongs nort jirop lymans vegetable discovery and dys peptic cure thoroughness of operation is its special attribute in all cases of bilhonf- nesccsuvenms indigestion kidney com plaints and female weeknes brilliant 1 durable 1 econjmica diamond dyes excel all olliers in strengtli purity and fastness none oilier arc just as good je ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and infeijioi materials and give poor weak crocvy colors to be sure j of success use only the diauokd dvks for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c ve warrant them to color more goods pack- agefor package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliahtand durable colors ask for the diamond and take no othe a dress dyed fi k qoatcolond iq garments renewed j ceuti a chifdcah ui then i at drefsbu ud mmbtuu oft bwk fri t wells mchms0n c modtrooi p q the favorite mtdicm- for thruatiud itii dis- calucs leu itinbetii and ilt s avcti cherry ivttoral it turtx xronp whooping- couglt bronchitis and aitliiaaj soothes irritation u ihc larjnx ami fauces mrctgrhcik the yojitl orjraas kllnt horciuvt ul tie lungs prtwuts connumptlaii ami even in alvaiitttlktuts uttlixt tlitfzx relieves oisihi and iiidittts filicp tcl i vit otlicr ircraratiiti for ii- tscif tin- tlircat und ltn xo be t-otu- jtarel with this reudy my vift iiad a divtrrin catiit v it li ani in llic kiilc mid titvast ve ihil iuiots nicdinncx imt ikikc ii1 i it my xl until i pit a luetic of vilurry ifdnnil whuh hasrttrcd aliripliuir 5tr dlcim had llic iaiid tli- coiili ua rtiicictl tiy n of aycris tlkrry iwtoral t uohtatitatuiif in ryiiiiuiiidiiiiiii cough medicine in frryuiu- apmcuil iiurt ifortou toraiiau ikkfdjt m trillion ark i luyo utu rtftiuictl with astlimi for forty uar lt iriaf waafskcu willi a violent cotiii uhicli thresteued lo terminate my lac every one prtt- ioiiicei lite in iitinitiion i detit- itiicil ry ajcrn clerrj i vet oral lis ftils were uiayical i ivns hittimli- ljlvnlieil ami nctiihticd in iiiuirovc itilftiltri-lyrceovered- joel uullard gifurl conn gil nwittlir nn i lil a sovorc hem- orrltapc of the lun liroitplit on liy an iiiifjtant ctittpli wmch leprived me of vlicit ami rt- itritl nrioiiic rctne- ii l3t olitaitim io nlkf utiiil t 1- pu totakt- ayers licrry iertnral a tew 1 kit hit ol thiinlieineoirl me- yn e colinrn lit secarid lowell ms5s for children affiirttd with mll wik ttc liroaror crmiii i lo not lrsv cif any rinoiy whiefi will give ltnt kjieedv relief than aver cherry pwioral t tune fimml iralso involu- ali iucams of winkipinj toili ann laveioy li7 wantiiiiffton street ikston mavs j ayers cherry pectoral razfahco dv r or j c ayer k co lowell miss bold ljfclt dnrruu- pri 1 iix iul ii i he largest scale works in canada toostyles of ovr hay scales grain scales farmscales tea scales smproyeo show cases jsthbfj brawers heat cfaoppers akd bjtc8ek soppuu icon ik rai wrlie jx utmi c wil80n 801 3 0 espuanaoe street east torontcont teslvitii caper c t rf usse iou urue urd0ck pills asubceunc ron eiuousncca constipation inclsestiotr oisziiicoa iicii hladachc no saznu or thi stomach livcn atld dowcls f rictanc uiuithonoucil amd fnourr itl acc atio kail a vaumolc aid to 0u0cccr cuoo dlttcno in thi tbcatbtkt aa1 con cchnonic atia oc3tihatb piscaoeo btsrkg cons the alarm time tgiget up every lady should see our dress goods which for vfuie elegance of design surpass all bur iety of style and former efforts the cloth is right the shades are right the pride is away down hav jou i xlektl aiaiui clock ilnolclulgoo hrudauid lurime venrlamlj tun irtand darlns the winter month lnit oartoclc at oox price sotroablo loliowvoaourtocfc ufrea ell georfie hods act0x aiau op the bjo watoh gbuelpli gloth hall large arrival nfew fmll- goods 8haw crundy merchant tailors cuelph it is an established fact that j h mtttthbws k the best tuorurf sad taott rtssooiblr rriftd itock of ugfat snd hery huikm wtiilcrirrj hnulicsai vtdt htrnc oui datcnsad fly nats trunks xd valises tht hiv nr bien duplijed la acton ordered wort and repairing guaranteed satisetor remember collars fitted by us are i j guarktelid kot to hurt j- h jfatthevjs mill street acton the ery ladv aliould exnuuiio our mantle clotl purcbamlig it ia not old back number s resurrected every fall for many years bul goods we lave to ofler aud we do so knowing the style aud price ar tci r b jermyn is making a big display drees coods mantle cloths and millinery crand trunk railway krrttc jtimiyijriu li kll ll h hi i tlro- ltnsass throojli kl im jih lsssa attorn lomijn iaci utt titer orclosixoiuii ft oolngwcirwjniid5n6it7 oolngk ljoinnjsjji t fi and cloaking before ffhich has been yew arid stylish ith confidence ccrrect our millinery opening no4 was a grand success hundreds thronged o ir 8how rooms expressed their admiratioi a great many put it in more tan- gible torm and gave okfers the milliners are busy but we have anticipated a big trade and aire prepared- to fill all orders we solicit a trial ordpr aud would remind you that we do the leading trade in fashionable headgear in atoii r b jermyn nb this week we are receiving large shiiimenu of far goods m coau jackets iluffs boas caps and collars visi tors to the fair should see tiem 7ufqtto cherp the speight son acton j a speight manager cu latnily joa with ill ile furoltara required lo furaiih yon or to rtiilalli yoor liome if 4 klucd ooc iu sny itylo there is uo irticle ot uruitarc we csnnot luiiyly tud further j new snd oofjf litue home itihejerjiowest price we dalitor oar uruitarc sad risk of brcslaa undertaking itablic -ot- 0urlliirtrrcc4ri ctitrieace ia liiithutincss bu rciulted la conviucuig the mil this entire community tlit we apilj flrstc work iajwl td m kylo which eotojitje with uiose of the city si ooe hklf city price j our hearsel tiiicxctiicitoietndoaruiiijwjireeutahomfag ipiiearsiicc wo hsvc ile- iai in inrtuuff the imbtic to call oa ns for iothing roqolred in our iibch speight son special trial trip you can have l jit0tt jw ziss fflltqttbit ftet rcss vct jutmt fm wss until jant- 1891 for one dollhr i and we will send itto the address of yourself or your friend any place in america jtccut of great britain and europe a hew dtpabtube ik medtclht i the fonr grcatet m mlcal centres of the world sre london fsxif berlin snd yitnn theto cities bsre immense hospital tcrains with loffcriuff hxunsnitr crowd of itndctiti throne the wtrdi todyins under the rrofenori in chsrye themostrenovncdpbyij- elsa of the world teehand prac tice here snd the actuation are torehoases of tnedicsl knowledfio sod etperiejica- with ft view cf mskinf thli experience srsihihla to the public the hoipiul bcmedy co st rrest cxtcnte lecnred the prescription of theto hoipiuls sprepmred tho pecief ftnd ftl- ihonjh ityoald cost from is to lootosecorq the attention of their utingnubftd origin ton yet in thi way their pre tared ipeoific are offered at the price of the anaek patent tnediciner thal flood the mrket tjd kfaaordly rrp to ecre very ill from a u rifle bottle the want alwayi fait iox a rauablo class ot domestic remediei is now filled witli perfect satisfaction the hoipiui hcrtedies make no niireaonahlo clnimi- the i pecific for catarrh cores that and nothing lie to with the pcci6c for bron- chitii cooeomtion and loitp troubles nheamatiam ii cored by no 3 while troubles of digestion stomach liver and kidneys hare their own euro to these is added a ipeciiic for fever and agne ono foi female jweakne a general tonic and bloodmaker that make blod and gives form and fulness and to incompatible remedy for nervoas debility this extract from the scientific papers x01c ca7amii hat fever rose colo catarrhal 0afxtht n cmthtntia curtemanilha fnmdrtjfie tourctt now btfort tk pabile tilt it itit a tmfffor oiavetaliata art ccarfrf at injuria 100 ko tc0v8hs c0u8 brokhttts asthma c0n8ump710ia1 lucamjanbit rtmiiy dots not arcfy rtop c ccug fcrt cndleatu u ihtast aai ctrzngtkizs fkc latgi cni rtttom wasted tiivti gidcg c uea itasc ofjifu 100 no sahtumattsxa 4iattjhu4 and f3- txca tftaalitt h thu cutcie ia parit via trtett cevihg tltt tuit ui rtptriavoa at viit rtmtdg 1 so 4urat am kidneys dyspepsia aud imdtbesriom ccn8vpat10h srtqhts disease a faeoritt ttaitgthitltitt for tht csatj- ska baa tvlnh man tiomom than ajeiol ua a rtmedg tanitjtotf i tig ptkcti 100 so 1jtye8 ahd ague dumb auqe uaiaria xturalqlafui kpw ax graoe 4aaagi mm dots on tffiitm tfft trtpltdto brnk it for a tlrt- ut a rtmmtj uat crarficuw iu 4100 mi- female weauie8s mcssuudfvss whites maxf woaitx an bnken roorfcraiajs ttieg efprct f fen cfwoi until ihnrh en mtci ute ho ts nffrf rtgaidhcaltk cflrf ttrcnji tq ko health xorm ahd fvlffess rtcrtf ci qoodbtood ani tott if it if wwek if woorf is pr if tenant iiutaii perfect toxic jg0 so sjfervousidebjutr loss of p2za quack cvrevtftfsvi pf wc mill hell a pfro r rc4f for an titfortmott eobrfftoit no 0 h gztg n cicji out trial aill pnoa bemare of iqntrz- quests mko caarof klgk firlcar for cteap ojfl ttzrtkltzt rfnffl and pus mp pnptriia of crtci key era utterly iontrant ani tckn expose uoa bj 1 cfrfi par confide itlal lettrrt to otkert la the seme cefcrtoat tutlnut use ho said ive again 5100 okb- doiijle to be had of all drrfcojsts 1- y3 ursjvt irtn lirt ttcp ise retnedin ranii price mdinlniill m ulcr rnual iistotaaiac qtucx anefl itodkiact uvl itflead thac turuie ion titm wurta tod itun pralonc pw ue aod ktfh hi iu1 ihcu n j tnu a fttajom laioctg any rspeoibk tdinidaa wffl ttil cwuk im men iltn tin ixjbr fee tcur gic aaul tta trwtliy b rtcf ibcc dnjmcvi qwto pet thdt nrt a kmxiitteiag anpantik auj re witillins ihikj t totd iafl lanerrd lo mbcrs b the ante lwe tic qiuck ocotki iptra o ttw tr pi c gamine ueocfe una t docea of tar- fjskttr- 1 hospital remedy co toronto each beta daa i xow fcra tk high daa htpit3 kroedm vhieh od dahboft wdi vho fctcrjd ktq4lljwek no nedjebo taan alo vnkie ead ocrroai debiliiy bxiirr to the p write ualctttn uttht haiinrtt tat isrir rrcraba ot q ft boy vt a rcpta- a f ax we c coo i i t ptt r mwirw tn i vl mrssu tc 5fiw tincrftfat rrtry ctrrjlis cuiimn ii irtrr i it ir- cm ufiilhyiilwc wu iajlj t1in creicretivij fitiitjofj lt z rtii ccrclnrrtrt iou tfecxmefillu to t mtl vtw riivilr t7 ceiu j butxiii kekulls spihcufll ot h j ttrsdiix lesbn- via tt oenuiutttu a lew wiof fjarkrs illi fjtln crb rrj waknea1 ftfirtafrfran icftl ccri ta i rn t fitra eiwlcrf uyut iaur kicsuisn curctnar c- sipuaaajirafii trft cad ie t tmirdititbjtj ihrrnrh7rh klluju maoneoftoaraljablcbvks ntlted alj ttrt on tne horse yourrtijinir v y wajuntj- kendalls spfiyih cure pots- etiint ju luf la sa ihiioi kn rufinn 1 filwv s pari a cure anrl blister on la 1 oid ther text btt fuel in wtiil 0 iwif uitffut io i uat cand r bad ca o situ and sliotwn rwc hirj oftcirsitaallnroeiatnitriaxi i ujquht to lrwl fiv ahd hi not rfn sny kisni kdwo in tbelroffjpr- ycu trrfr j 3 ornoat prlcgl irrbtlf or tfrlotlwfi i a3 drajorwj uarott it ran sri vff jfntclimin fat n tar sddrem vc rccrlpt ct ikftyui iw lb 1 jrestdall ccue3 01d ijy all iy ynrih fsfistt t v r cists ajnax mw lias mabtuuulhuatabstakti- h j ew g1llett kjbhjfactobeafif i the 0ele3eaied soyal yeabt zrsssz mwrtaikaim tlmimtmi ai7ccrkmaatoa t i tu trr tbi h wmmm her ot ilanrawa jfkaimeiwnra manh how lost how only 25oents also bvebv ueschutiox 01 eubber and metal stamps timotlt btewaet mfo cp 10 kirs st wel toronto i oeemcbathtluiin hu mth vnrnnffi u jihltty ilnactluttt ami bunt em lis sri tesbc tide mutos aiauvum t fee hi hart on m yatax tost in pin 100 packages of new gcoocfcs arrived -at- the right house kamltton this week slide comlitiagot ctrosu carpet felt braynin bust coneti blankets table dimiskt towelli direct from berlin tble oilclolhl drain bag cotton diaper turkey doylea cottonaden woo inija flannel embroiderim boy collara 120 pain painted window shade 000 yard window lace onrtiiu ebarinini new atyle of lice mechlin and broikl silk keu watktns big tbere ia a rreat ron on the manuee short jacketa dolmana boasian circnlara childrena and m jot remember that watkina hatimported s3 caaea of mantlea jeraey eto iu the vryoowest at old giria op tp the largest womani direoi from the german maoofactnrers who make them eheape the are aellini now at vert low prioea for nperiorsood ho hu alao reeeited 9 caaei of new o uliter clotbi from the beat german and kngliah uanafaotnreri jot ere tlioje bndome manll i emboued brooue ploab and bealette clotbi the dreai good eto are beautiful and very ch mantle maker are all doing a rmlilni bnlnew and ihe ladiea are deliehled with the style and i re going off well the alock of cerpeta carpet mateiiala wiodowfaruihinii fnrnitare coveri i hreqnina of variou kiids and newevt styles rememlier ihn mantlea mantle and uliter clutha winter whirh an- acllink below coat priow pleane eutor tha aioree ptdt of tbe carpet wuilow m not gt into tlie rnjlit hmk corner of king itreet eant and hngheon atrecl hamilton oct ltili 1680 thomas o wltkjtinji i cam german miutlea en yrns sheetings frill rtfl cloth tapettry cajrpeu ace orowded everjj day cses mantlet jeraey etc ea in all aizes from- lyear than any othar peoplft and 1 faahionable mantle and cloiht in plain twilled the millinery dreqs and of the garment cerpeta ir window cnrtaiof ilaid- ud drtti gnodw froni last py make raiuke aid do i 1 ad ti a joetpuhhihed suewoditionr wells calebraied easay oa r of bperatprrbq or in sap excess ox eajly injficretioa tbe celebrated author in oay clearly detatmstratcs frpn f accessfol prscue tht the alarming e qnencce of early error rasy be rsdicsdy esrei polnlias ont a mode of care at one shape certain and effectual by mean of which nay nffercr no matter what hh coadltkmjwt be may cure himself cheaply rrita 1 cally nthi1ecturekhonidbetathelian4sedewj yonthaudetcxymsain liielacd flentnaderseaj inlplaia entolope tosaj addreas on receipt of four ccnts or twa poatap itamps addren amxrtifjwtosi lollaxiu bid cwinr tl ssothkcicialbillfi- heallha mint jvtcd els r faurrh nch n k- senw of mail fbru nacsca cehtral fter r r- trouwed wlih mv ott ct izve catath i shi r bce cf ntsi t ctlenedcold ia bcid i- t cimpiicijl rr- r ir7t5alj lzt2i iwiai rvin2 tadxiuinefc t lryan niai stfcplnu an o itii pvasae tnli isbwea li- t i preei 0btii oral ftsspl tie tied i ofltra i 0lncb i01oetl yv aoti till be i nlr i adtal cbanl n tie j ps btia as nextdd w tlfin for tbl order i atmr r jlendadl j ef m hpnedsj and ch ak moilb atel ip and fro twial porcbj onrtc comtm ldrsrsifcor v rtjmao co 3rr rt biirc cf isiiatos3 il11- z rsrtc ll gst tlion i sirciiui ldo not 10 rrin 1 ury a uaduvil ftt- i iwive nude ihc disease of fits fepilepsyor falling sicmress auclons rtndy i ss iviiklliltorstclisps liwaawothrnloibgj- i ijnaios lor noi now nmr ajhjijj j it eoss s on imuliiy gr 1 so brcn bffice l4wst adelaide pneei toroyo mi d low s v0rm syrup oys an removes ckrastl tsisttzetas syrufi m utabli bola and ul uarbld extaa- pnbli tbi wett cltedif thd tbeisot iteu oornl fesohal tuni p oot j conrial demjitt ccmiu awpn icaflontl iipr ifv- 5

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