Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1889, p. 2

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f aour booicciju georpetown on tlweiat nit- tin 1f of j iwomer eq of tirln tnakwokin erin on tbs jaj decwnur tn lift ot c 8 tuotnpaort ot a daashler lttfttaal tt brrow 8ltorooiooa la stel sotraber th wtta ot h supeua ot a mcliux mcturwa at tite ma acton oq tb4tfalwmbrbrbetjwiuehr sfl wcla of erin 16 stitt ju mcttriih of eqaaiiic died ltit au hornby oe lh tad dcmlcr the vile of dcrld lindsay acod 65 ymrt pucx inernnom on liic tii dowmbcr thomas black eldvt wa of mr john lutck ad si ytux jtotct- in torpjtnwti ca satanic y fed no- rrtnbefttw rucha joyce vidoir ot the late tbo sliadikli ta her h9lu jtmx xicaxix tn uonuncdalc oc tho said inst- johasfckiioiml7 wen pccaol vis a brolhcc of mrs joan lie of sit forts l jjumrratgtforcctoviiok the jrh novem ber clarratj2 pcrcival yoange ton of mr c v uadtu ot shclbarno agwl g tccmllt cljtttoit jtrtt press execution ok haflvey j a uaiqiuup hiiriroiaatlic knot shipcd ftiid ttie iatortuiialc juauv blow slnnfm to dtalh bcried beside vsfind daughters thursday pecubb i notes jlvd coiueents altorfceygcneral martin of manitoba tuggecta that a conference be heid to coa- aider tie scheme ot uniting mac itaba and the territories in one great troriace the- ontario government lis given ap all hope otever lalhorainj the gait poison- in caae detective murray is morally cer tain that be could pat bis hand on the fiend who murdered- poor little iteta cherry hat there ic no evidence which oaald be relied upon ta convict him before a jadge the imountf money attracted to paris fay the exposition is estimated at v30oqo- 000 i00xw00a from the french people who came from the provmoee and f 150- 000000 from the 1500000 foreicnert there were 530000 enlishmen 220000 belgian 160000 germane and 120000 americana in the list of thoae who attend the information as to stanleyc brilliant diiooverie ia aa yet very meagre though we knairtliat his report to the royal geo graphical society has reached london we simply know that they tnrpaas in ex tent and interest the moct sanguine expec- tationi of the geographers end that the moat recent maps of central africa rill eot require considerable revision the farmer is getting a ucod deal of at tention froragovernmenu- in these days great britain- asd the united states have recently establiihed departments of ajri- cnltoce the british minister ix to hare 300000 a year to spend apoa the depart ment germany spends 600000 in the same ort but all these are exceeded in liberality by france whose yearfyexpendi- tare it l million and a half it was noticed by many who joarneyed- ta hiladdph to attend the late convention of the cmted society ot christian endeavor that no imofrine cars cere called for on the longest train one train that contained nearly a thousand delegates hundreds oz them yoang men had not a single smoker on board even in the baggage car a fact which speaks well for the attitude of the tonng people on thetobacoo question new torfe toot is is worthy ol note as a sign of the times that the knights of labor assembled in convention at atlanta ga having dis- cohsed the eight hoax question in an ex- haasttve manner decided tliat the mxtter of short hoars should be regulated by the demand this practically leaves the sab ject ui the hands of the local assemblies and a one concession to the principle that in matters like this there can be no uni formity of practise either as regards place or occasion the question of abolishing tax exemp tions- is having a free and general sisals don through the press as well as in the sessions of the various religion organiza tion of oar province and the outlook ap- pears favorable to an early change in the law on that qneslioo- if all men axe free and equaxanderonr constitution why shoo id the man who has one particular faith or f no faith at all be cempelled by law to sup port the institutions peculiar to the man who has a different faith the stratford tanse sgeeringiy says it pays to be an evangelist llessrt hunter and crossley received 11350 for their six weeks work at kingston almost u large as the champion baseball salary p thau right surely the evangelist is as good a maa as the baseball champion if not the world is degrading and getting off its base be it further known that the evangelists in leaving kingston made the following donations hoase of industry 100 general hospital 1100 i orphans home 1 100 c c t u- 10g hotel dieui 50 x k c a 10q erfey poor relief 103 mitchell adccrcuer it a stated by t quebec journal support ing the government that mr foster will in all probability be collector of customs at btjohn before parliament meetf andrthat mr colby will be in the finance ministers chair the warning of hr hill an ecglith member of- parliament concerning the probable effect of great britains apparent indifference to canadas interests in regird to the bearing sea affair may not after ah be without result the- government has been reminded that the beginning of the movement in aqit in civor of independ ence was caused bf englands ref aaing in the face of australias entreaties and de mands to assame a protectorate pver new guinea nd thus prevent menace to aus tralia of divided sovereignty in australasia great britain could not be got to take action until germany as australians fore saw she intended to do had actually an nexed a portion of the island great britain then annexed the side of the island nearest to australia bat germany is now firmly established in the south pacific j the australians had not one quarter bo distinct a grievence as canada has fl- ifalton sses the gte far 147000 the trial of the action brought by the county of helton against the g t h vu beard friday at osgoode hall before mr justice eobertaon the action is brought to recover the sum of wofloo being the bonus granted by the county of halloa it the tone of itc oonsjractioa to the hamil ton fc northwestern bahway one of the condftions wntbat the h si nwe should be built end ran as an independent road 1 for 21 years plaioiins allege that the re- cent amalgamation wittr the g t it w x breach of that condition and jeek to recover iheir bona judgment tru reserved the tail act in the harvey ttigedy wu enacted on friday morning at tt oclock dating the nthl archdeacon diiou and rev g b cooke of acton passed a few hoars giving the doomed man ooatolation and in the morning again visited him harvey bid the gaol officials gombye and spent liia tew remaining hoars in spiritual conversation he slept fairly welt during the ntght and ale a hearty breakfast at a quarter to eight the sheriff went to his cell lie showed the sheriff ha had wrapped two pieces of paper around the middle fingers of hit left hind que of the picas wsa- a few lines nf s letter from his youngest daughter gcrtidiue ia reference to a birthday anniversary the other was the rt of el letter from hit sou in which the latter forgive him for all the trouble he had brought on him at the hangman went to the cell aud pinioned hit arms a moment or two before the hour appointed by the judge the solemn march started from the cell rev g bcooie leading followed by the archdeacon in his gown then the condemned man with sheriff he- kim at his side then gaolor mercer and oally the liacgman at the procession entered the jail yard the archdeacon start ed to read the burial services ot the church of england which he continued until all the roeritittoscs it iue tctrrnu had been concluded the gallows was placed in the south wesc angle of the jail yard by the wall it coniisted of two up right posts thirteen feet high with cross beam at the tcp the ropo drops from the centre of this beam and reus over a pulley and down the outside of the post where it istlched to a heavy hanging weight of iron 3 to pounds a small rope governs j this and runt down the inside of the post where it is securely tied when the procession reached the gallows- the doomed man took hit position under the rope the sheriff asked have you any statement to make he aniwered i have not the- black cap was then drawn over hit head his legs tied with a strap and the noose loosely adjusted by the inexperienced and verdant hangman the archdeacon then started the lords prayer and when the words thy salt be done were reached at sm the executioner with a sharp chisel cut the smahgovemingrope which released the hearr weight as it dropped the condemned man shot and re- boanded with his feet nearly a foot and a half from the ground it was at once seen by the disturbed spectators that the kobsc eilxct bttx reorctli iwcstoj and instead of the unfortunate mans neck being broken or his being suffocated at once he was slowly strangled to death the noise and movement made by the poor man were an awful contrast to the heart less laughter of the young men and boys which came from the tops of some trees near the jail yard and which grated most harshly on lie ears of those who were wit nessing the dread spectacle within the walk if ever criminal expiated his crime on the galtawt the unfortunate man who was ushered into eternity under ssch awfully dr herod jail surgeon was beside the body he ta that at seven minutes after he was drawn ap his pulse was beat ing sixty to the minute three minutes after that or ten minutes from the start he was pronounced dead two others hucg in guelph since dr herod has been jail surgeon were dead in four minutes less than half the time the body hnng uhhalfpast eight when it was taken down by the undertaker and others and conveyed into the jail tee isqcesit ixi rvxtxil at 1030 am coroner keating held an inquest over the remains the following were the jurors w h cctten foreman m j darin w noble w d shittcck w dyson m stanley d r rowen a trng geo skinner j c allan w scri- vena r e nelson w j cockham d naismith john yule christian reinhtrt dr herod in his evidence severely commented on the bundling manner in which the execution was- dose he felt haxreyi palse after be had been hanging seren minutes and foani it at go harvey was coosciousat the time he thought from 1 the pulse from the grasp of the hand and from the movement of the body he made a special elimination of the corpse and found that the neck had been dislocated the jury found tiiat harvey had died according ta law and recommended that the government be asked to consider the advisability of employing unofficial erpert excationer the remains eze handed over to dr lett and archdeacon dixon and the fan era toot place from the jail to the english church cemetery- where the body was interred beside that of mn harvey and those of lily acd geraldiae harvey the f unerai was strictly private llitvevfc us etituixxi a reporter interviewed archdeacon dix on thursday afternoon to find oat whether harvey mace any further statement about the case the venerable divine etsted that he waa more than ever convinced that harvey wat insane when the murders were committed the last statement of the un fortunate man throws some light on the question he suffered he says indescrt bable mental torture all night previous to the death of his wife and daughters he could not sleep and as he looked on his wife beside him his anguish was horrible he bought the pistol for the purpose of euicide but as he walked up thestreet he thought of the warning given him of the dangerous effect which a shock would have on his wife then he imagined the pov erty his daughters woald be plunged in by his own removal and the possible death of the mother here ended ssid the arch- deacon his consciousness of free actiou- the sou sent a despatch to the gover norgeneral ca thursday asking him ta pardon his father but his excellency re fused to interfere with the case received 5u for the job siiona mckim related tht diithifluisbed jarvices 6f the gentleman hat officiated in the dissowfou of noil the ceutrel prison oouvictr xat i vanes or harms ritt lu commenting upoti the tragedy a id the terminating bceno in connection thoewilh the afatfaayi to thou reared amid he squalor and wretchedness of the slums jof a great city crime comes at the uatdral lequenoe it their environments and to tuoh aatortun ales the com mm ion of brime needs no greater incentive than cupidity no greater stimulation of brutal pitfion than j strong drink and no leaser excase than that they knew no better and that both the state and society were to tomei extent ctilpsbly negligent and associates in the crime bat with the man who is read in the map l luxury and surrounded by the rcfin ng in- flucoces of education andcxamplf it is did ere at society has done its duty to hand inflicts death of the in this ws arc and re al the wards him and when be raises his against tociciy and commits a breacli of the highest rosl law unlawfully taking the life of a fellowbeing tbaa society the extremest penaltyjwhich is the extreme penally foe a breach highest physical lawts death and respect the social and physical li identical harvey u a man of education unement even his demeanour scaffold was more that of a philosopher- than the maudlin sentimentality aed leen which are the chief characteristics- present at the act of judicial dueolutitju with criminals from a lower social and lutcllec- lual stratum in a moment of foolishness he fell and took from his employer what wss not his when discovered ntt denun ciation stared him in lb face he toot down in coldblood hit wife and two children preferring tint they should die believing him to be a man of honor and si kind in- dulgcnt father rather than they should witness his infamy and degradation and suffer the pangs of penury which his imprisonment for the time would entail to deny the justice of liis fate would be to deny the justice of the death penalty and thus place a premium n crime from the moment that detect in blacks sand fell upon his shoulder al he comer of king and yonge streets ia tie city of toroato until his lips closed frever on he fatal words thy will be done he never ex- personal menpon fsrafraplu bfiptctldr vliltnr o and from acton wrh whom free pre is reader tcmreorlciaquftin cd mr bimda frtwley of goorgetown spent baodsy with friends her mr arthur ltiog is attend ng the bee keepers oomenuon at brsnti ird uesn l mcbrine w n speight and jos perkins ot berlin were hofne for suu day mr wo smytb of medfocjl uckcki pent a day or so last week with relatives hen mrs h ramahow and ion left on mon day to spent a few weeks with friends at uxbridge mr aadmn robt morrow left yeiter day to ipend a few weeks witii friends at peterborough and mill brooki hits annie boomer who bis bceu visit- ind fneods at ashgrove tcdl hornby for tome weeks hu returned to acton mr w d balfour mpp for south euex baa contented to retaia his seat he legislature daring the next session mr h 8 holmes g tj r stalicn agent at acton reached towjou saturday on a two days visit to relations and friends huron 7crtf fkll ooods pceliv bros -at- hcton the right place to get right goods alright prices is at kelly bros ordered ctothinc our stock of scotch knjtlisli iriih french ind canadjan tweeds and wonted suldnci jsnttoci and oercotini i ot ui elioicw patterns and the best qotlliici lu tlio market in ititi branch prtfiurv wa par qiecial tueuifoa and guarantee aattafaetlou every thne our cutwr lias had louff experience iacily trade and tiuaor4lidi ctery braach intbf baslaeta thoroughly a good tweed suit made to order from 1800 up an elegant good worsted suit made to order from 18 00 up vocaa culcc jou a good tmdtants for e3jw dont mist rourcancto iccuro these goods as he prit are right- rehdywkde clothing we have in the readymade ejothlnc line a verr isrso itock of liens vouihi boys and children overcoats and flults all price ii boys orereoats from mjfl up ileas ovrcou from uxo en the urjest itock of gents karuiibinp tn the county arotobenmnatkolljurotaiiduio jiriemare riaht ye hare a very large stock ot cndervearuuj and car lotest prtcei oodii always on baud good factor- cottcn 5c j d all d itocjc of tiaile dry oodl alvars on uauii uooa ucwry vxicu j u a il lame andcoihiietc tudaivayi fresh atiy had of iptcft 30c lb is bars electric kap fcrlic ocrifc jspautoais the best reel kiiiim wcvtil out stock of groceries d oteoane flteribody admitaj kelly bros acton hto afifatrtistnwnis aeood ccaeral icrvsm anljto j mkswh 6t0key ram astray cumk own u vtfuiiimcf ibc biidrtiirtij i lot imshriielu it bhaet35 ram owner cau lsvo tlie sui 1 ittu ptopcrlt tad pajla ciccs tjhvbelxl strayed stkaved tq lot i ecu i- erin eboutthcvrtli ot sortmtxj 8 lutn and xtio bclnr tne whit tnd wo spcttsj owatt eau liara them by itoving proickj- ind iai- cijiriit moiioancbewsox cash for fur skins tiik ncdcrvdc j will ja j mu fcr til lzl cf ur fkine hicludiflg njslrat5 ncewn miak ikcukoic- ckas ciittsil acfcnnlfctei pressed a desire for hfi resigned to his fate and appeared to be iredericton cgt4xsthesntict the icl snulned by sjn luereifed jfajoritj over two prvlout volctj sr joes kbkoir2 thejsoalt act election ia fredericton today acsiust re peal was carried on iu the midst of a blind ing snow storm excitement ran high and uyou waut tobeeare a firstclais boot or shoe made to order out of good material and by reliable workmen go to kenny bros hoot 4 blwe store actoq tii elxgkli the moment the hangrnan who appear ed cumaiked cut the cord he retired to th gaol much speculation was indulged in with reference to hii identity which sheriff mckim positively refused to dis close it is tid that his name is george smith and that he is a farm hand em ployed occasionally on the sberiifs farm he came from the island of gaeraesey in the english chancel two years ago ha is twentytwo years bf age and has a wife and family depending on him for support the promise of naffiefent money to help him to tide over the earning winter tempt ed him to became the instrument for carrying out the sentence of the law he is by no meana good looting he is aboat fie feet sir inches in height with a ruddy j complexion which was positly flushed- with drink a pair of large cold steel grey t eyes a large mouth a sharp pointed aquiline nose sod a retreating chid his hair is what ia- technically described as j bleached blonde his general appear ance is tht of ou iiuoraut fellow ihe both sides stood wrilingtou st urns carle wa queens kizss were confident the poll i afisi 8 h c totals 3t0 ilajority for the act ci at the election in lo the act was sustained by 13 and in leaibfti for the third time the peoplerkave voted on a petition to repeal the act and once more it has been sustained frederictoa adopt ed the meisure in is7s by a majority of 200 in iss2 repeal was defeated by il of a majority and again in 1u by 13 of a ma jority in yesterdays contest the majority against repeal was increased to gs among the contributors to he chrittmas qfotx we notice the camei of rev d rogers atwood and a r c irmin b a son of rev dr carman mr ed a hemttreet who went to colorado last opnag occapici a good posi tion aabookkeeper for the mi eager of the polar star mine at mineral- point co mrs adam dickson of bsrrie who hu spent teveral months very pleasantly with her many friends and formei neighbors in acton reurned heme oh monday evening it it reported from- otta ra that hon wtn micdougall for some time member of parliament for this cou ity has been appointed chief law clerk f the house of commons ia occasion to th rate dr wilson mr c w marlatt of sh iborne visited frieodt here on monday x r marlatt wtt called to georgetown last week ca a sad errand the burial of his bcy boy mrs marlatt waa visiting friends there when the little one suddenly took a letter from mr alex lucas kansas formerly lays we had splendid jrops this year and are doing well our faintly u in good health we receive the fnn puts regu larly every monday and very much mr jos warden who fair a number years has been engaged grimtby haa sold out the other evening the members of the independent band of that place tendered mr warden a compli mentary sapper and a rial grimsby ladcpendail and the make the offi dokimov illtsteald a large portion of the doailxun hutixa- ted for xov 30 is devoted to the kingston royal xlilitary college the subject is fully and ably illuttnted compiling por trait of the commandants historical descriptive letterpreu number of special interest to military and volunteer readers a moat instructive article on british columbia especially the wonderful growth of vancouver from the pen of mrs arthur spragge will gratify those who are ccucerceoftn the progress of our pacidc province the test of the number is up to the usual high stiudard the djaiuik itlfymfcd is pablished by the dominion illattrxtcdpublishing com mr g e pesbarats iick and died mcdonald of liraehouje kt welcome geoaget stcq the staadlfl of the pupus nations following are the names cf thej pupils who took the highest percejitages at the re cent examination form l junior division aemnamc h price 5f j mcuermid 50 maggie mcdermid ij minnie cree j fihortiu a auicnai emma godfrev 97 c gamble 86 c wheeler 77 vera board 59 j mc dermid58 histuht and cowrosmoi- 80 jane cree 73 minnie williams 68 j shortill 67 c gamble gt emma godfrey gcyert board 03 m mhdennid gi peotictl lrtolitcee tild gfcutuli j shortill li cavbeeler fa ketlie grieve tering addreas ch0ql t the but exiuii- j xow beady grand christmt double number or the new york fashion bazar price so cents i by eabtcriiiticu i00 per vesr tier citiuctuia kcuscs covruks a magnificent chrotno supplement of meiasonier i great punting friedhuid1807 iierrvfcntifi ktpoleou at the leuithoc hit glory at the uattlc of iriedlaad from the oririnal j ptctcro now fu the itcttopoiiun ixaieum of art new york tor which m600a wtrc paid at the fiiuoc stewart ije tt r tho icadics uhioc imblicauon oa this couuiicat acd no doubt the cheapest truro host ot the faahioa ttalea in the binli are fucdsit3ultaaeaaljhi sew york sad paris it is the iaot couiplet periodical fir dreta- tnaiiert in hs world aca lha mot popclar ftshloa itteacuc for mothert and heads of 1 families j tho christmas xuuiber jc tapflrblyidastnit a bcuruiul colored winter faahioa plate a brilliant cover rtato ot childreos wiutcr suit the tlatcs aud eiifravtuci coktaioed ia thu u cuiber embrace cveclair and ball cotiumev wizux overtannetiu vitlting and bcci tioa gawas viawr boandta and hats kelts tor boys and gtils canw coak cloau wraps ackets uti2 and costuiuea tor all occasion ei- broidcti patterns ktc jo kttibita by ubs alexckdek jokk stbakct wik- teii uli v e kobkisekckitxks- ceatbllv a cot eacticaod story by the author his vddod wite and a ipleadidly iilcnrd christmaa fitcry cotltlcd jiu-of-the-ysnr- the bxzii editoriti department is lull ot bright articles by rariooa contributors if re etowvll haaaa otcretting article on noteltie for curwtiaaa jtn bryaa tua an article on euxabdh barrett brotnlac ail the rrgnlu dcttartoiesta are replete vixh choice and season able reading matter htv alice walker writes i tin s dress maker and i hate bought the kcw york faah- loa exjeut every month for the past four years i could not do withoct the fashiooi are the very latest now is the tofe to stescribe price hjh a year any pcrws tending ul or years abscriptioa will reeeire th boactifnl christmas chratao ecnplemect of melaaoniert gwat painuag fricdiandlht the f oilotririff premlama in cask win be circa to parties sendiug cs subacrirtiocs for fire subscribers one year at tzso a year we ill give to farmers and threshers use on vourmactunertdply thecwellkjiown peerless oil p strayed strayed to lot ecu 2 ens sujm be lit of fiepletabcr b irarlir frucr colr l- i tweto a cray and a roan tliv cwur may bite i it byijronnsrtoitrtyiii ims rct geobgk siibals i 1 1 age n x q flotn 1rtsatm hive been iwirfcd if during the jiiuhrceyeir waggons sud horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at themode fanngnelph fartneri ask for them use noother manufactcredatjttoeb01t70ll verkliby samuel rogers it co toronto jane cree 3 45 c gamble mcdermid guelph cloth hall large arrival salesmen wanted perifavestojiairi itai eipcnscs paij any dctenuincdmta cafl iucceed with us iectliiradraetageatobe- riricn stock coinr inaay tatt- selutigipccialties otiijll free sfcjrthujn addremsaiouce hkovvx bltothebs sv iervoiebocboiutk lumber latli fc slriugles sayebsuihvaigaacv la- uo ia stoci about a louctfi fctt li lanjbcr tuelodie altkiadj needed fr buiiiuq vorio thi mill hu t well cslablishei reutauca far ftnv elm luicbctaodreaosab ric lath lad sbingle oa hand wearu jireircd tj szity every snt ifl our line letei sayebs stiiiatcjap0 mp hblsl frll goods shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph 3 pany director subscription 51 address 73 st james ttreet j montreal korthwest j h hrownlee brandon olbultlloxes d itie kurtery entered ones u ten years old with th manajrmg- fcr the r kovember our little ones taj upoa a new volume number the knreery u the veteran of mazarines for youngpet readera and those ssues in childhood are jof society tpeajung in pt their favoril and who read iu okrlier now active members the warmest terms taking it for theirowp children our little and iu million read ers are still its strongest friends the united magazines hale won a success never before achieved by sty similar publication and today our little ones and the kcrsery- stands alone not oaly in thin country bat iu the world is a marvel of fitness for little readers its illustrations are always new aud lrcsh dvxwn by the best artists and engnved for each number under the supervision of mrj geotue t andrew the sponsor tor to many artistic worfcson the counterslof the booksellers it u erycaref ully ediiad by a- wellknown author it is largely used in schools and kindergartens and is aa educator of the highest character in both family and school not only of the mind bet also of the taste of its little readers poiblif hed monthly by the rusiell fcblitbinj do boston- at l50 year a trial sabscriptiou of tkree months for 2o cenu nptlouof 181 the oultlfratoe country gentleman the best agricultural 1890 the eaklies farmcrops and proi horticulture frhitgrpwlng livestock and fxirying while it also include all minor department of kcrtl interest such aa the f paltry yard ento- moioft hcckeeirfng greeflhoasoand tirapery veterinary bepliea farm kjaeations and an- twers fireside blading poiuestic economy andasainniaryof the news of mfo week its market kepona are uuaiojally eiui plate and much atteutioo is iid to the pmrpecta of the crops a throrfashshtupou ooa of the most finiwrtantofall iatioti6tttjee to bay and wbeutobcll it ia liberal f hloaoratad and by becext eklaburuest contains more reading matter than ever before the sabccrlp- uoa lric is tt ia per rear 6at we offer a6pec- ialbeductlosinour j club rates for 890 i two subscrlpiiona ia out rciniihc 4 bu subscriptions m da 10 twelve subscriptions d do 18 ijto all new sobacribor for j890 ijine iu advance now vc will tout the paper weekly from or receipt of the reunrtstico to january 1st leaa with charge j tsrsytectmea copies kroe addsot j luther ttjcxeb ft b0k publfthm albany k y- williams go third class- brown m w washburn is kennedy 65 vera board w minnie form l senior division aerthcricth6rteli i waahburrt c2 vellie mtleod 57 jessie meleod 5g acne ktton 53 h wetherald 53 x gray 31 altjecei thurtell brown t kateevans cj aggie kiiou u keilie meleod 57 catheh fannie grieve 53 eso hltouv and c godfrey s3 annie mcgeej 77 f harley 77 cath stark 7g x gray tt h teetherdd 7 prxvncil lrrrxircce and gkiukie l thornton 72 jeanie thamgo jessie mc leod 65 h wethertldj gl gertie wd- hams go annie mcgec go form it becond clarsi geogairnv g blact os w stulisl p gant 19 algesua j ryan 57 davey50wstuit50c aemonrnc g black f goodwillie 9 ceyari 8 litk cesar charles heodersou 60 f goodwillie tj c kjun g7 e uavey is ext pcoto littr cj ryan 72 m murray cflj gantgsg black gg m 6 4 iwtios j b ftz annie xiion kennedy 7g g j ryan gf w e davcy 1 b king u3 e syaatgg black i w stuu x kyan 75 j b kinfi c9 p a ruii sui all poisonous waste anjl worn out matter ought to escape from tht uek b a head master system through the secretions of the bowels kidneys and skin b b b cleantesi opens and regu late these natural oatiete for the removal of disease to lessen mortality and stop the inroads ofdiaeaw use northrop lymans vege table discovery and dyt ptic care for au diseases arising from i npare blood sach a pimples blotches bl ioasoess indiges tion etc etc it- has no equal mrs thomas smith elm writes i am using this medicine for dyspepsia i have tried many remedies bat this is the only one tbathaadone me any good j t bay plush cases toy books fine books christmas fancy coods booklets and other choice new xmas gioods so v read jj days bookstore guklyh bay bells cheap for fen sabf criben oce year trecty thirtv forty fifty i 1 15 m saw sjoo x7 50 one hundred subscriber 1 year 75 co thocsaad ts0 00 and for larger cmaberc tn proportion scud rectutancct by postal vtoccy order eeguctod letlerror check and address geofige mtkboe uanroes publishing hoase p o dot rst it to t7 yandettter su xy ckrd of thknks the undersigned has now been in business in acton for about a year and the people of this vicicity hare pitroniied him so liberally during that time that he desires to lender his heartythanks for their uniform kindness and numerous orders this hu been folly appreciated by him and rive new pleasure in giving customers the highest satisfaction in every order inttusted to him by turning out good work he hopes to retainvery customer and persuade others that his harness emporium ii the best place u the country to secure any article in the harness tine i j h matthews harness maker acton we wemeahthe mammoth house georgetown is the headquarters for millinery millinery novel ties mantle making mantle materials dress making- dress coodsnd dress silks tailoring cloths suitings overcoatings and cents furnishings ladies vc have aa exteudve variety of fur boas and muffs in tlie latest styles colors and very low prices we have them in bear beaver lynx wallaby seal persian lamb mink- astrachau goat imitation bear imitation seal oppoanm and llnffiiloou gents fur caps tu beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal iinfc and french seal far kobes and fur trimmings of all kinds our stock is very extensive ths principal part of it was pur chased before th receut advance in woolleu aud cotton gobds koveltfe aud scarce goods de sirable aud cheap goods are add ed to the stock every day our staple stock is immense aud very cheap we can give yon the greatest bargain ever offered to the public mantle goods for 50c worth 100 for 75c worth 8175 a magnificieut sealettc or s600 worth 1000 allwool double width beauti ful colored henrietta dress goods for 30c per yd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black and colored silks and satins and a choice iot of remuautsoi colored silks and sntnis being slaughter ed fnr 50c per yd that were 100 and 8150 per yd plushes 25c per yd np other dress mnter- lalsor 8c and 10c per yd worth twice the money winceys for 5c per yd worth 10c prints for oc per yd worth 10c check ed shirtings for 8c per yd worth 13c tweeds for 2oc worth 50c grey flannels 11c per- yd up good allwool white blankets for sl5 per pair mens qnder shirts and drawers for 30c wnrth 50c au immense stock of ready- made clothing and overcoats nice hoysovercoats200 mens suits 400 and the biggest drive ou earth in mens overcoats for hco aud 500 worth 1000 boots and shoes ladies and gents overshoes aud rubbers carpets iu brussels tapestry allwool union hemp matu oilcloths and a spleudid union carpet fot25c worth 50c pat ronage respectfully solicited w mcleod co oboeoetow pringies stock watches watches both gold silver this christmas is larger than ever an especiauy large number of filled gold cases being bought iu quantities to supply our now popular clubs write for particulars about our club system princle the watchmaker i of guelph village vioyerty for sale at a low pr the unjetjisn bi ucr nsydd it dt hobl wilier to ofttr lor ule his oropetx la iclon consisting oltcmq block il on the lotislfodrl larijfl soil titer ind nuaiucr ol iruit tree for fun rsnsi ofliec aron 041 rtrebjslkaxce 1 i t the subscriber insures tr foot cock and isn mainal conipanfcs t isuow rrock uttrxx ctk4 water1co uuttjal kyal camaoian pehtm lltrcaktut mtro itfaoouesdl cuksoow a lofook the cttt of london we iwcre vtixmle duerss tireo jean tras 60 cents dp tlt i w aid mercairtue nfi from 75 cent to 2-j- tibcxi adjascncnu 4 trromp iiarmcnis iy the aboie coiujiaicj alaingaeeat public meeting of farmers la csnloryiiiy until the statutes of ontario 1 inbiic meeting tor tfce urpoif du- cussingand u xiile loruuas a fahmeks mttttjal fire insurance coy wm oe held in tho council chamber acton satxjrd aydecember 7fi at 3 ooxjcs s2au sal in i i tollm f t respectfully roniested to 11 to uisniacc cn b ececl 1 all ixmers t tend for wfl behjro i mach cheaper rue thwi present prices bv oidee of cojuintee jobt dredob sec town hall acton friday 20li decembes aeu w concert tliti uiembcwcf actqii cour of lie aaeiem onler of tuitied woramen are airaugits lortsoi of the quest coucrrts ever given 12 artoa on the abote evening the folmwjngtellaaoti talent will tale jiaxt miss kate strong sopauo taliiu lit tditsl james fax- catiaias vavariiecotciqac toros miss hemstreet r boiirano acton mrijokn 8trachan eiocutioulm kocfcwood and otbtrt t in additjda to tbi ato wtrf tin prlncipalofficefts of the tipand lodge will be iirescdt h iildrcr the lueouiis ojxa ibe uicrittiof this orocr tbe itograiume will be ivrais ia every it- let admission 25 csnts w i jius j i frmtcii- its jjatthet- coiuiuiucc jcliu kdly i jolu keniicy 1 headquarters for fine teas seetkcguia choice tobaccok gcaaine cokfkes tnra brices sotrviseoaks ktrealsiks vottuutculunti groceries uosli ihvxks irah salmon keens iirotuid spcrin candle christies bisoxits kich 6akdixes caiur i chocolate i gconnd cocoaut llstic boos elovolllcls-lg- xotll ea8t corned beef bikins powdebs ci m starch creuu tahtah bxlsoda lu factinillinsci the line ot choice groceries you tint it nxl bottom jirices hardware kails hisses bolu sctewt tacts has hootataiiesjthat lad coathookf fuca pad locka j x cut saws axesaie hasdles buaisa haad saut huniers wrenches gmnisvqlveri ckrtiidgea blitus inmen lowder sbctcaps wads wbipshajwn cow tihor bbovela sjiadepotjc knives and forks spoons batcher knive carvtqg kcivea iiteela cljandelier hooks and aa endless variety ot articlel yon rant come aod se liiein glass and putty iaisu and oils varnlsles fnricnti jlaccine oils- japans drjen penclens prflpaicd painta tnbfl paints i lamp goods hand lains library iauik staial lamps hall lamps all auaa ihapec and colon burner wicks lamp glasses shades lantrns lantern glasaea ueflecwn brackets etc crockery and glassware 1 1 oheip cheap cheap i j wall papers ccliinsl borders cyncra trotn 3 ctsnarrol np j window blinds i fancy linen itolkn etc away dotru in price i alabastine r 1 111 ill fsvorito shdoi sole aoekt poh l -t- notice hi creditors -or- donald mcphedrain deceased the creditors including those harins m siieciflc or riueraj lien or incumhrioce nr on tho csute or itay nndlndcd share thfj l donald ucjtiodraiu late oh the township t vaaaaasrera in the countjof hahonw nnhodiedca or about the tjj dajorscptemlr hereby reasrrf send to kobet atin knatchbtiii ro one thobucntors ol the estate o donald vcrnio- rain deceased on or before the tcutyimnl oaj o deceaiber iso uiejr ehruaan andsiotaiaol addrs and taeriptiom ith u pj and prcjj ol betr claims and slateinejk uielr aefonnta and the seeontv ll wjj hem clalma to be proved by statutory aeojii atiooj and notice is hereby e tiat j the saj tieutf third dar ot december 1ss the eieeo- lors will proia to ditrlbote thoses ol said 6wadanon hr tohantos rctd onlv to tic clainis i wcn ihcvanafltafethad notioo and the l- ill oot be lijhle lor the aicw r is tbereoi to any irson orrsonio oeclainu ther shall not have uotict at the time ol tnen distribnlions i this notice is civiro ur t 10 chap ltq mcleax a lihav solicit tctesecnton daosd this aim day ii sotcmbcr if km 4 tide i lrjuiiculiiijioit svnsosaul ilajancporatitv baah lock ant oottain holler aliob-laot- euoei lrrfccloilsiccuclei r j b pearson clearikg atcf ion sale farm stock implements tbo nndemntfdlas uhi instnifkdj alex kennedy to mil bv iublic anction en id 31 cot x qutsicj on f wednesbay 11th dko 1889 ar w oclock rm rcllcxv stock span lcrscs 1 ttc- fl coltchnuch cowiltpoj ah 1 call- threylimuhcicrs one ir calf i olddeileri in callri jearlns teuer c calve rc cattle 1 toarlinf sieers 5suc calioa b fxdceiter oitf soa i ts eo lsmhltlshearhn- raiebv lmneo stocl trahl lambs 10 taiai jmis t cattle anuheei are all wfilto4 and b conditioa n t lutlhmexts i branttori umder 1 kau- tordm 1 land rolte 1 fdti bora6onal democlv im- coudttstra cutter ispniw hiwi 1 osiliwa aood drill i s tannine viulu j w plol 1 double libold boarj pio ion iron plow lfimx isn neri tanilti puliwri v ratcitlork etc i canaiaa civauor v- i cook stoves s latior kove tvgd 3 bnckeu a lot ol bee jfssu sett double harcesii 1 sett dotjvrsea isvtt double ri be donblorj- and ui01enveschaini shoals m small articles thlvfaitlltb sru conajni ia ser aer under cultivjion boat f tji e jsbasctpid armcovtxuljciilisondrjauo erinslaiid tbeland i in an i fi- it ctdsvatlou onthe isrni is fifsjjk barn eritb stone sublms uloy a ism storlae haj iramo house- too 7li wdlsteoca orchard se a wsrf sta onder clover and timothy iicnlj s r ud mno aeres ol ull bat m the fro jd the larm is eonvcniently sitatedbelo g i and a hall milm tafr acton sohooi churches 1oit offlc enamk way all eonvenient tetlililbr arovteasouan kcowu oft dayol u3n a fob stock a- iairlbmenti all sawj sand rmdirvciah ow thai amonnv rnoutbitrouriuiapprovtdioililuotes the i btahl iliatlj jala sfv satis ever so miiir the i iog and goe mari taki to w sscizui givej his i yrl our 7swi au

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