Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 26, 1889, p. 2

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iiuisddcblj it ualhiaafad ou ibcluu lec lphraimuilu hnuduat honiljvcutlotilidccvliliaui kutf ed cl w year tktritrdvvougkmlikh 2g 18s8 jusfilctiug uiiuictrly one qilf oar tiaet is levied by the school lrtils tiie rate- lyen should cviicc licit interest in school malic r by attcqkuc the aaunal meeting hud uoanualious today lxal option is in force iultvehciawcf aai cjcltctpaiuics in mauiuua tlicrc axc icoartoralci lowcs and cities ia tual nroviuca and of tco c only- niuo have a ijtcoc license system tlic reccui loiniuioa cctkr wilh reflect lithe coasting iradc iu brilibh coambia his locu virtually iliijnvva iu what wis iuicudei to hurt the itiiud slates really injered canadian buuci the russian government bas uscied a decree imposing aaiitional limitations opon traffic on the german iron tier making the regulations poverties commerce almost pro hibitive a cciicral eatery his besn raised a4iet the ue order ca both sides of the bcrderlice letit is unlikely tint the pro test will compel a codirttafion of the edict it is almost beginning to look as il the good oldfashioned canadian wider hii become a thing of the past recently preen christmases have beea the rnle and the resalt has been almost complete stagnation of bcsiness at what should be the busiest time of the year there his been little id the airlhis ircefc to safest that the festive chnstmts iidsia hrc daring tiie ten tacntiis endiepwith octo ber 162 rogsswrhashekof barley ilacd it fulgtirerennportffliinlo the united states compared with j15g41 bnsfcek urortli s07cl in the tame months of 1455 xeaily the whole of tlitsbaxley went from canada the onaosnt paid into the united states treascry in the farm of duties upon barley daring the first ten months c lq was hk78 the innailfinandalhtalcxent of this do minion famishes a mostiilislxsiory ahow- iu the revenue has increased very large ly while he expenditure rcmiius alisost stationary i triilic increase in public debt i much mom thin cussl by the ci- ccditure on public worts the -increase- iu post oclce savings bints thoki that the peojile of moderate mcan ire ii i thriving condition ciraiaisallrislit tljntix x ncis explosive more potent than dyna mite and perfectly safe to handle has been invented by a hanarian cho has sold the secret to thi aostriao government it is called ecrosite and has been proved terrifi cally destructive when explored in the loading of bombs vtiih esidkelcfit powder explosives of vast power and other means of slaughter the eorcpein notions will have a fine time when they jd to war with each other at present however it teems as if ktnc of thm are afraid and others dare nct- xext vkar a colxtil ncjl monday the ratepayer wilt bo call ed arjou to select uu tndidtwi tor the afuai ipal coiincil orlheoomiiiiyoar lu comi lancewith oar proraiw ia laat iasue we hive iulcrviewed lie meraben of the prcei t coulcii relative o ihetr iuleiilions rcpcc tine the future the result ia piveu below mi w it sruktr kcevceaya ithiak t hav kcvcd all the time in the coaneil that lould be expected of any ciliwu i havt appreciated very raucli ihe kindncas of the people in jcarafter year placing mo in tlic chatif the chief afacislrate bat now 1 am very anxious to be relieved of i the po rtlibu and prefer that the ratepayers felct me other person i have very kiudlu feeling toward uicpccple for the reason that iu nearly every instance when i hava advocated improve menu of interest to our avn they have fcecnded my effocu and ca rricd into effect the tmnrovcaiontc sujees ed kow howcer 1 will most willingly give place to some olhr citizen bnt u itwilhstandinii my desires i will not leave t ic muuicipaiity in the icrch oud if no other nan can be eetfured to accept the on erous 2 and the people want me i will of coaise ntidcrtake the position in this case inwevcr e wocld expect the people to fitan 1 at my back darinc the year and electa mancil which would work harmou- ioosly oothcr the community is well aware hat for several years i haw been aniiocj to retire from pnnlic office and i have sacrificed my time and energy year after yur only becicse i hivn a heartfelt interest ia the positiaa and progress of oar enterprising town dk lowiiy i do not desire to enter aay contest bat if the rate pa vers see fit to re turn mit to the coancil aiin i will accept the poaitioa and endeavor as in the past to fearlessly look after public interests ifeei that some citizens most sacrifice themselves in order io transact the bzsiocss of the municipality and if the people favor me with their censfeace i will do my best to serve tjeai rumor that i am open for candidature far the eeeveship istirej groandjese i do not feci myself thcposjtiau and thenacaia my tijptfvcoald not allow me to give the office the stteaticn it relaxes in my opinion if r storey is the man who fihoald ocenpy that office he hai the experience and is cenerahy acknowledged to poaess anasoal ability and his petition in life and lasiccss pat- him i a better place than almost any- other citizen for the dalics6f thit oflice if acj inexnerieuccd cftizea ever allows himself to be plaoed in tac jositiiiu he will cd tha office crzbtuczs a rrcat dcsl moire work uaac- ajia ability thin is pcaertlly imaindd ko i aiii not open far the ieveslii the basiccss of the coauctl during the year has been pleasantly trailr hkrltvmokb ustm ilantinu to tha imilnr of u o vwp dkih bin tho rotmh wailher with which wintorhuset ia and the drlviog itormi which have lately passed over oar farm laudn exposed at they now by the loss of so much of ancient tareilj should lead an to cousidcr the valuo of making soon as next spring oponi a more general effort st tree planting than has previously beea a item pied information has of late years been larccly diflaicd on this subject and the value of shelter throughout a farming coaturyisbetlerunderstoodbyijl daring the coming winter the farmer who intends to plant in the spring might well plan out what portions of and be means to devote to the purpose and make- arrangements for procuring his trees tree planting in no longer an operation of doubtful value the farm which poas esses a thriving plantation so disposed as to give necessary shelter to other fields will command ahtgherpricc lhaifbni iltogether cleared even upw a valueffmch will ifisvi niuch higher in future yearu7 year that passci by without jiis precaution taken it a severe loss to the owner of the land lours etc ii wittnih toronto dec lith 1889 suashu on the canadian tacitlc cirs pstifl toixod galt dec 2i aboo oalock this morning id al soanded csussd try two train on tue canadian atlhfl west cud ot the iron tho grand river being on uiatwhuoshuatioguba and s box otr coo tain io jbocsme detached fmm tha ready in- tho yard and assisted bya very strong nt tho time which carried bridgo an lucoming in tho vest collided with tho the caboose into the box t it ore and both cars wer and totally destroyed uccmiug train was dami bat not disabled tli- half past two arm of fire wu of a freight ic railway track bridgo spanning 111 re it appears lepot thcoabooie mnrchandiso freight train al- n down grade wind prevailing them across tho igbl train from flyors driving r apsattinc ihc sooa in flames e engine on the fed to tome extent kfed it is gratifying to hear car coantry spakeu veil of ahrcad sjii its greataess ex- loued by s frien21y pen auadiii to siaiis- lical docoments lately pablished the sav annah stifiut tasff comments oa the positijb aadprojects of the dominion it points out that our ares is 37q382 jaire miles while tilt cf the united states inclnding alaska is- but 303000 the fertxhty of the sctl and its adapubilty for growicg- wheat are admitted of oar natural resources this friendly critic says the riversbays and lakes offer extraordinary oalnral facilities for commerce water power beyond cajcalation exists for mane- factares there is more iron in canada than in any other coantry of the earth and other good metal and minerals from jjold down are ahandant the forests arief im- meaanrely vast and contain all varieties of osef nl wood atcd aiid as far as i cm icara the jiubl is prctj- z ha1tok fakkees i w 111 it t ut of officer for sett lear wif are xcarlj all tntlie lower end of tiie county the annual mcetins of the ecalton county farmeri institute was held it 51 il- lon on friday the prindpai besiness was the election of officers for the coming year as follows president j d wilson oak- vifle first vl-sr- president j r lindsay georgetown second vice president g h kennedy georgetown secretcrytreas- urer a peart freeman directors wmmeleodhstndishf raddell k d warrsn editor georgetown trald l grant w itccre georgetown c p preston homfay b- xoble korval john alton t earris thos- efiman jdxn- rice felan thomas howarth c cclham of oakvifle henry robinson w c beatty omagb j a walsoti eden hills a c mchiuin i tf olmes kassagaweya john ifcuacgall dr itobertion d campbell y i brothtrc l farmer kil- tou iv fisliir darlittu george e fisher frtemairfi cainjhtll ktlsoa goore k ftahcf win clements and col campccu wcrt apnuid dtlteto uic central fantrens icstitcte in toronto it was decided to holds meeting at oakvilie oa the ifttini i 5th of january and at gkrgeown en the wh cf the stme moatii piracy to tke errkadinox tueatv a lit oftioa-fl- ttfcfrh it u iruposed to cover xfisjiisgiju dec 11 the proposed new exiraditioa treaty between great britaiu ani tlfiunited sutecimimany of the featuret which cajred the rejection of the former draft treaty by the saate last spring the list of off eucts which it ia prnpvksd to mahe extraditalije is as follows sfurder or attera4 murder 5ianiaaiur coaiiterftitiu or ajltnug money and i attering countcrftit or altered mojey larceny embezzfcinet- obtainiug moiey or goodv under false pre tences robberj c burglar arstjc abdaction train-wrecking- piracy fraud committed by a a bailee hanker agent factor trustee or member or pal lie officer of any company made crimioll by any law fr the time being iu force this list it will by cen cover most of the offences committed by the fugiuve well txti5cd with the jyears workr l cofndtllti uiuli txid i do cot in- tend to run for coaccilior for another year sly business demands my whole attention and i cannot in justice to my ciitaxers and myele neglect it a great rainy cf my frieids have been pressing ce to oser myself i ar re election but i answer them all that ccder no cocsideratioq will e accept office in the coancil of 1890 cvvst h stekiirr i have no decire to contina in the council i am not sorry that i entered into the ooatest last year and to i a place on the council beard during i he year i have endeavored to do my dut ae expected of a pabhc officer and i am cm e the ratepayers have nothing to lind fioh with as far as my actions are con cerued ihave sect a good deal of time in the nterests of the town and now e think so ne other citizen should come along and take hir share of the responsibility to to the conmoxuty my relations with the council rave been pleasant and agreeable one thii g which deters me from accepting the posi ion next year is the vast amount of worl roicircd of the council iu the taszze if actao m going to keep abreast of the times hi public im provements a fetter system of street iightin mast be inaugurated the streets andsideralks mutt be largely extended and iiproyec and the hew park will require l good dea of attention i feel that my ex perience f the past year will be valuableto me as a itizea and if ever i am again iu the council i tn satiised this experience will be valuable to myself and fhe public for 1890 ilam not in the field corrcnxoc szcazit thinks one year is enough ic cosnctl business for him at preecl he lays icnd that public busi ness req aires more attention than i cai- calated aad i can use my time to better advanlagp in my owo interests i have during the past year faithfully endeavored to- serve the ratepayers to the best of my ahility fcet to eo thankless s position as monicipaj councillor i hive no desire to return count me out from tiiis it will be observed that sever al vacancies will in all probability occur and the personell of the couucil will again undergo considerable change there is no doubt sir storey will agiin be returned to the reeves chur hy accla mation and it will simplify matters very materially ifthecpncil is- elected through out without the iarnioil of an election it is hoped tliat zood ijyjefct luen who will give public matto due atxntijn will bu uomicated ccfurtucalely it u tou much thi cic that miny of the moit upright citizens and i burire men of good jujcment refrain a word to those coxcerked to the editor of the acton iwik piuih droit sin i cannot but feel very much obliged to you and your correspondent for bringing my case before your readers and would say that if it is fallowed up by some tangible results i shall feel it my duty to again establish and maintain a custom woollen mill on the old site which- 1 feel sure woald serve a very large section of the county of hal ion i might also add that custom woollen mills are fast disappearing and if some effort of the farmers themselves is not pat forth ia the direction of tecuriag some one with a suitable site to keep in the business the will ffud that such places that can accomodate them ia that line will be few and far between as if the old sites are once occupied for other uses they will tied it hard to get them established again therefore i would earnestly plead for the support cf the farmiuj community and ask them to think the matter over whether if would not be wise on their part to give of their means to assist me in rebuflding and maintaining a firstclass custom carding and spinning mill where they coqld lalsviys depend on hiving their work doce in an honest and workmanlike manner from my present stand i can serve cus tomers from uiectcater part of the tcwn- ship3 of esuesidg acd trafalgar and the whale of kelson and lower part of kassa- gaweyi ana i might here say thst 1 have customers on my books from padinch and beverley townships also east and west fkmboro and kelsou sxid trafalgar along the lake froitf from burlington looakville if i were assisted s little by fnends in such a large section of country i coald put in and maintain suitable machinery to meet their yearly wants and woald guar antee to keep machinery for their special work which ithinkthafarming community will see would be to their adrantage d victrcsxiv ctmpbcllville woollen ilills camp be ii vi lie dec ioth isfl grave kobbt sumrut oat dec tl were discovered in the cer night in the act of opeuiaj the remains ot an old goa posited yesterday two c to watch the cemetery a approached the grave wl were at work and ercd they fled bat the other ba ful fired ahead a charge party as they were lei shouted i am shot and in the darkness at the so three years ago a party to rob the vault were fired them wounded here wfailc the dutniuica luoiitrkicu careji 1 pdrlrailsiof the christmas dt a fine number the sfi sislo raphael gloria le rolle family kisgara several nd tha xfontrtil cadeu m capital number with il dqiriuiih will close its address the dominion hshing company g e leg director 73 soames lurnttfl is a doana de san n exoesith st marks pablic men ike altogether a neit ifsae the bird halfyear ilnstrated pah- ibarts minag- itrectjxontreal a if 0jiext follo agency the st john 10is0vixg case thcjurj cad ifrduaald cltrscd icztb cxndief idsiue sr jiiiv kku dec uoa batcrday evening after nearly sit hoars deliberatiaa the jurj- in the trial of w k hcdooald on the charge of sndicj the package cf poison ed candy which caused the death of ifrs ifccrae iu october returned a xczdict that the prisoner committed the deed while insane and was therefore not guilty the prisoner was reminded till tuesday morn ing while judge king communicated with the licutecautgoveraor in council the verdict gives general silucactiou the nshlvci tiugedi al hovo ltr scott sat- tiie slsjcrof iter son fur 110000 dainsgrt i oaxwnnlix dec 21 the details of the tragedy which occcrcd at glen cross on 3iay 20 lait when james scott last his life through being ttracfc ih a stone by henry atkinson are fresh in the public mind atkinson was icdicted for murder at the recent dcfferiu fall assize but was ac quitted this morning a a hoghson solicitor for annie scott the mother of the dead man issned a writ out of the commoa ileis division of the higlrcoari of jattice against afkinson the plaintiff claims i 10000 damages and the endorsement on the writ sets ant that- these damages are for the wrongful killing of scott by atkin son of your lime reader prontably devoted to uie those who take an enterprising house learn th wick to it get on iu the who have any idea of engsj massing busiuess will do stinsoatt co portland art and general publishers mostexccptioual advanla are satlicteolly cnterpriiing make posh io order to ditioa it costs nothiug raakesaccessfcl canvasser full particulars will bo i address the firm thci given above rotltuy rhiy perhaps be kiug- foc a reliable eir business and world people ting m an can- i1 io write geo aiiie the great they offer the is to those who to be wiilinfi to tetter their coo- o try women as well as men jt to those who full address is taki we beg to draw ourreadi the great strides which pc ukea in canada of late clearly evinced by th teemj our prosperous contemporary petitory fcrlcvr pabhiucd a by h b donovan the reached the close of ts is invaiaabic to all wh either commercial cr fancj beautifally illastrated coi leading experts all over amj france aud makes medical and qacstion the price is aciy f i per ye four months for 23 cents atcjcf pablction and pigeons and small pets is the same office rs attention to try culture has tears this is colamus ot ihccawtfrtai toronto ont rvtc has now year apd an interest in pooltry it is trrbated to by crica england peciaity of its departments hora trial trip t wei fth children cry for pitchcfs castpria ecriei wia thy vrzs eet ttc fate vtlca tii rta a clili the hhics the becaaw hie the vhtrz she til cfeiiren she ztl like the effect prod need br areri 1 pectorml colds fatal accfuext ad slicide from taking au active part m thedtsecksioa j f delhi out dec 21 james wissner a teamster in the employ ofwaiter cole lyne- dcoh while driving a load of hay out of the barn of mr j c hall by some means fell off the load and directly under the wheels of the wagcou which slowly passed over his prosirateform he died shortly after wards from the injaries received the de ceased formerly resided in siracoc michael fleer a welltodo farmer resid ing a short distance from this place com mitted suicide yelerhy luoruingby hang- io shortly after rising he went- out of the hoase aud was not missed for a few initiates and when found he was hauing to a root of a stamp fence with k halter- j straparound hi neck his mind had been pectoral colds and sore throat are in uijst distil by the on4 refreshing chefry and general management of town affaii they look to thtir own comfort and dtcad the tarmuilaadcritictsmi which municipal official life generally engenders we skculd lifce to tee the best men the munici pality affords placed at the counil board irrespective of all parties and creeds de signing perssqs who desire to attain their own ecus arcap to raise the cry that this that or the other inanpartj or institution is trying to run the town be not blinded by any such unworthy utterances consider candidates on their individoal iterite and support or oppose ihcia accord- ingly if it cn be shown that any man has awd or is likely to use a position at the coancil board to serve his own individual interest i or thtt of those j with whom be may be connected et the expense of the town then byall meani rvject him hit if on the other hand lie ha beeu tuccestfcl and honest in the mau- witmeotof his own baisines manifesting an intelligent intcrestiu public affairs it may b uikcn for rantwl tluthe will serve the public riih fully ayd i wartli- of pablic trust some time somewhat unbalanced and be had made several unsuccessfal attempts to end hi life h leaves a wife and grownup family the eclifseoe tre suv a fatal jump tiutu dec hi viiliam foley a young man 20 years of age a resident of wellaud was killed while iu the act ot jampiogjou a freight train at the michigan central station here this morning the i ua fortunate young mans great failing wa torn american justice ndsojoa ruing in j drink aad it it supposed he was nnder the should ihe treaty be adoptod canada- therefore the dominion wflf no longer be favored vith theort of immigration from across tho border whiclijiabeciiwj fash- ibuabk of litt years influence of iiqaor when he wu killed his widowed mother two brother and two sisters who are well and fsvoably known liavc ik heartfelt oyinpjthy of the cum- iiiuuitf the total cclipee of the sua on sarurjay wat not been in ontario erst because of the scud clouds which followed the heavy ram and secondly because if the sky had been clear it woald not have been visible ia thispxrt of the world in korth america a ver omall portion of the solar disc was objured ehortly after saarisc wheu the ecfipsc ended and in kova scotia part of florida and iu part of central america oxdy coald this portion j of the eclipse be seen 1 ia the whole northern threequarters of seulh america j u sll of africa except the northwest corner and throughout all arabia the eclipse was visible but the line of total eclipse merely skirted tha lorfh coast of south america passing ovar the island of trinidad uad touching at cay enuc to which place a party bad gutio to make cb nervations in africa the belt ui totality crossed from loiada op the west coast across to lake tanganyika aud oer laka victoria kyanza to lias awath on the eastern coast the british and coiled stales govero- metite sent observiug parties to africa a move is said to bo afoot to induce parliament to adopt the u s system of j banking on the expiry of the canadian bank charter fta opposed by the hank ing interest on the groand that it would restrict the circujatioa of bauk notes be sides dopnmng the country uf an elidic currency i hara used ayer in my family for thirty y always found it the best croup to which complaint iave been subject cant brooklyn k y from an experience of years iu the safe of prop dnes i feel justified m r ayers chexrj- pectoral best recommendations of tin the enduring quality of its p befng- more salaljie noxv t twentyfive years ago vh success was cousideird 1 rtsdrakemdljeiiot my little sister four y was to ill from bronchitis ti almost given up hope ot ha oar family physician a f of hirgo txieriencc jirou less to rive her any more saying that he had done all sible to do and we must pre worst as a last resort we i to try ayers cherry pcctora truly say with the most ha after taking a few doses shd breathe easier and within d out of clanger wc rontlnued pectoral until satisfied she well this has given me mil la the preparation and f confidently tu my cusiouie lcpper druggist kurt wayi fur colds and coughs takj ayers cherry pectoral rneraazd cv dr j c ayor k co l ltlcc i ill ixiulct ii wonl kelly the rijj oorswekof scutch hoglis laucrns aud ujo bctt every time our a good tweed suit ulcsu ifloku jou a we liavu iu ui ruoilyinade i sizes hoys overcoats are to be n od stock of lupla dry largo aud cmurluto sill grave robbers etcry here last agriveinwhich leman were de- en are employed d ooe of hem the robbers the air when cog less merci- bnckshot at the ing when one all disappeared me place about attempting on and one cf statement of the receipts and expenditures of the municipality of the j village of acton fkom jaxy iii 10 dec 15lh 1559- keceipts eoiaiico od bnd from ik8 tum from i8s8 tuea lor 1880 cemetery debeutaret interest lefiiiliiive grant streets tai sidewtlki liccuie tonhili borrowed money tx arrcara fioea extexdiruhes i w2 15- cemetery lr2 h2 contincercics 3500 00 i charities 181 u debenlorei 300 60 board of health 1 tl interest im 00 j public school 3 50 streets and sidewalks i18 83 i insurance 103 50 i printioc i 1200 00 j town hall t 2 00 salaries 12 00 hefondtaies county kate iffl m isi at 53 00 220 00 20 00 371 35 1818 00 89103 70 00 15j ig 15 5 582 05 9 00 13j05 christmas i attractions public park s015 00 borrowed money cemetery rear balance on land assets cah ou hand boiidiags and heal estate librarj- 1365 volumes arrears of tales 1 cemetery grounds cemetery notes uncollected tales s903o 23 i f 13 x 138 00 os so 53 c7 1500 00 a go 870 33 ig857 00 i liabilities county ilate unpaid debentures on town hail cemetery debenture due 6choo board balance 1200 00 u9 m 3s 9030 23 t im 35 old 00 1000 00 560 00 1uk 25 u6s57 co t t moore treasurer actoclxc lsujwi i whstorey 1 reeve one devoted to issaod from also pringljbs stock 01- i statelaes watches both gold silver this christmas is largfr than ever an especially large number 6t pilled gold cases being bought in quantities to supply our now popular clubs particulars about oar clcb system write for everything is prepared aod ready for you bosy hands and busy brains have for weeks past been at work preparing a grest christmas surprise for you and now the feast is spread and you are iuvitsd to come and partake christmas that most gladsome lime of all the year always lends a peculiar pleasure to iboppinc pletspre to the poor and wealthy may be the buying simply of that whicbris necess ary for bodily warmth or comfort or the gratification of affluence and luxury and in no case mora pleaaot to lbe averse human heart than when the purchase pan takes of a surprise to some loved one our best impulses aod sympathies are thus called oat oar display is confined t goods u-cit- imstely within the line of oar bonnes all gxxls of practical oscfalness as well as richness and boa a ty every dollar spent with us goes for goods of practical ase kemcmber we are santa claus- headquarters for dry goods the maoy pretty and asefal articles now displayed on oar shelves and coanters will in a few days be distributed and make glad the heart of many a child wo man and map discocxts varying from 5 to 50 percent off the regular trade values on many lines on which ne have made recent very heavy purchases al- sacrific prices will add additional attraction to the wealth and beauty that is displayed everybody likes a bargain aud especially so at christmas time and you can get it from us adoct 75 ladies misses and childrens mantles and jackets at redaced prices about 150 ileus and boys overcoats at reduced prices about iiio metis and boys tar caps at redaced prices about 250 ladies jerseys at redaced bilk dei- ibthevt parity of teitare beaaty of color and iownes3 of price are characteristic of the goods we show here lovely evening shades in pongorj surahs merveilleux a falliefrancais rich black 6ilks of every price- lovely silk handkerchiefs lovely em broidered handkerchiefs keliable kid gloves all colors misses kid gloves all j ciies charming knitted woolen goods j grand value in cashmere hose dies gooih- are always sought after at i christmas time oar special importations fill oar shelves with beaatifal goods thai cannot fail to please- 1 hoc8 ffcxisif iv jast s tpacli here on thelaeus the value in tabie linens by the yard will amaze you while the beautiful bnowwbite fringed cloths in 2 3 3 yard long with doylies to match will appeal to your good taste ladifs bear boas i muffs beaver capes and muffs lynxboa and mnffs persian lamb seal and astracban muffs all use- fal and attractive in their way and very but were crowded for space anil mast halt be sure and see oar display bring yoar friends with you and if you dont buy theres no harm done the goods are yours to see anyway and- to take home if you feel inclined and may you have a merry coastmas gash foiure intiikai i s52 1ak pi 1ttx13 wantedt- if r- issps fcalarnsdiiiitniij tkir t v deceiiuu v ustait so tjbrfiair cliristmas eiitertainnient the sunday chooi ii ct inf tl oijai of tbe w ct cte- in v bvlsgs christmas entertalnmeati v r w is i i r oi- friday 27th decem ttc i rtcrc t wil ocsisrfritji ji lauon uu lr urn djoir j hie eijs lu u tcint y jl iw miniitmojajss wij 1ujc kan tcr uicccijiot j a wllectiok will he takes ov ti half or the tchool j i coriaiirtiac v cxvsrwto tie trisu to atc tbt cleiri teukeaat 6 public meeting of 7arm5rs j a i jlik cctintcr the fujr cfncdcniljb cf tiie if ncawid cf earmers mcfttjal- fire insurance coy council chamber acton ox i monday 13th jnt 18904- rivlitkjiir r ah fajtiierstusijicp ia le lot cujpt of efr iacins kraiosa erla and s5i- rtxectfiur rejcjted to oltcwi lioiauioiijmarrm toil rredue we a pjoiiooii li-s- branson halulup tvb pikec 0 1 ret- l jfotrt d ufinaiiof ilsowj hedi presents sterrjs i- princle the watchmaker of guelph rslarii f cr castcrii loczstoris tfcetacarori a loht price ic jj y s cherry hs croup cases io reuevcd use of this ui remedy igthens the ogaii allays n and pre- s inroads of aption iu siage of that disease jcherry peo ieves cough- induces rest pectoral and have remedy far iuv children u carley aver thirty irletary tsedi- udiiis piie of the pectoral is pularity it on it was its great dous ivaiw ars of age tat we had r recovery man and ced it csc- mediryne it was pos- jare for the ieterhnned and i ran jy results reerned to week was giving tho ax ciitirelr cd faith remmend it o uaviug clcsed negotiations witli a french dres goods facturec for two cases of henriettas lyin in bond in new york and tlius sarin the duty which the manufacturer pays we arc offering them at the very low price of e r bollert 25 27 lower wyndham stl ctelph auctionsale farm stosk i trnplemenq tlit cccictjcil has teciiiuiutiiiriltt- thomas arthurs to sell by public auction oc lot 27 cab 6 sua- sawcja cd friday 3rd january at lvchck tlfi l fctock 1 sisin lloncs i lio j car oji colt liili cons iii cif t3o io catc ia ichnury 3 yfariias b titers 1 mcunrom hcrfcr calves implements- nr unmtfonl biedet- 1 en 1 hascy ioirr 1 iifsey nle 1 ws market wagon 1 laitcr sion j pair bob njcigl 1 le piir botsleists 1 iknnliiz mij sred drill 2 pair iron butonsripiovclcaaj plow 2 ten doiime barutas wtiaews seek yokes ciiaiiir forks simvcli and nctaereui otlcraniclrt about axivnsbcis oata iimitg bt all wheat trr be tiirfifid tad etra left oa the place j loos cood tiliioliiyiiaj tekais all stii of tij aud uiitr tasb over this anioum 1- aail enaiiton approfw joint cotes sit iv 5udicunit cc tor cbao oauanl bay cajb v3j liemstiiilictadcuracci 49 cbnts m41 iiajipyr these goods tire worth ij cents und are a bargain that you will regret ifyou allow them to elip a beautiful rangcof trimmings to raatehin blackandall colors and the first dress maker iu gaelph to uiakcthcm up j d williamson cv co we mean the mammoth house seorgefown is the headqtjabtkhs tor millinery millinery novel ties mantle making mantle materials dress making dresscoods and dress silks tailoring cloths 8ultings overcoatings and cents furnishings ladies we have uu extensive variety of fur boas aud muffs in the latest styles colors and very low prices we have tbcm in liear beaver lynx wallaby seal persian lamb mink astrachan goat imitattdn bear imitaton seal opposum and uufluloon gent3 fur caps in beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal mink and french seal fur kobes and fur trimmings of all kinds our stock is very extensive ths principal part of it was pur chased before the recent advance in woollen uiaiid cotton goods novelties aud scarce goods de sirable and cheap goods are add ed to the stock ever- day our staple stock isimincuse and very cheap we can give yon tlie greatest bargains ever otiered to tbe public mantle gnods fir 50c worth 8100 for oc worth 8175 a ninenificieiit sealette lor 600 worth 1000 notice ti cttedjtobs j- dokald mcphedkaln deceased thh crcjiiorfi n-cluiia- hr btinj abj iiwciftc or gtnrral lieu or incuibnuce bji- r oa ilc ostale or any laikiioj iiiarc caereof of donald uclltcdraiu iaid ot lbe toauji ot sastaawej in the coatnv ot ealum etntl- nan wlo died oa orhboat too iccnrjseeoid day ot stitialtr i are berebv reyiid t wad lo liobct akias kaatcbdal looaec j the eiccatorsof the cstaujot docah ueftad- raiudoccaaodoa orbctorouietvcctruihddaj addresses and dcseriitioas vii fail partiealas aad irrojf of ttieir claims and slatdqata of liieir aooouul5audtae sccaritr if any held by tiicla xlaiaslouo itovidbystilaua-ydeelat- alioai cad aotioo a bcrcliy dfea that aim lbe aau lrckyutrd day of december lf0iac leco- lors ttill proceed o duuibalc uie afsou ot taid deceased amoagit tbeiianieintilledlhcr to baring roeailoiiir lo the ctaiiiu of meli iheyeball have bad ooticc aad the kacccton cili aot be liable for the acta cr aar part ii ibcrcof to aay person gjiurais of abcoedailas j uierhal nqj have uoiico a the lime ot loch dianlutjous i thtuoike js icu i auan to kso bfi cbailly 1 sk lta a 511 leas soliciion for iectcrs uilcvl ibij axb day uf november xotre to ciiemt0b in the matter of tha estate of jares afi- deisoh late of the villne of acton in the county of halton yeoinan at- ceased iyiuslant to the licviscj tatatti rf cn- tario cbajitcr lie uoticc is kertbrjnjea- that all persens having claims lor deoaodj against the eitttc of james acjctdiatictui- dlagc of aclon iulic couyly of jhahon jw- j man decease ho tlicj oa vr about tha jrd iay of novcnibtt ad itvo at tin said viliacci of actou arc hereby rlijuind to sead iorpald or deliver to finlay siccailum miltbe vjo cr r john daucan suluii l0tie kiecatpttoftii enate of uie aald james aaidcrsoii tltaador totiuthria 4 vitt gueljih solicitors forth fcid esecutors on or before the etrd day ef tanuary u9u their christian uime tunianis addreascs tiiai dcacrijuiods vith fell particiihm indproofs of their claiina iutcmcat of aceocats aud uoticc of securities iif any held by tbtnu aud further uit notice ttat atcx ilcmidoii day of jaaamy l0rthcaaiij eiscuonffihpn- eeod todistribqtctbc ascv of thouid deceased atdong tht ijlrsoiis entitled ti ret3 haling n- card only to inch ciiiiai of vhirh notice has been givan and the raid jnutois itul cot be 4 liable for the mid ascltor au- iart tiitrwf so fliltrjbntcd to asr irscil oi cvrscastji wheisc claim notice shall not hast- uen ncvivij at tob time of said oistriumiok ilthllk a avatt solicitors for tlit sild ectitors vatltl atiiulapitliis xlt dav- i ofoectuiurj the best family nervseiper in canals uljlturd urly half a ciuilary- v king- o tha weeklies lssstjoo- free press london ontawo mass jabotoe 5 and 7 wyndham st ouelph 84 oswald 6t glasgow ffhll goods bros hcton lv bros hjt place to get right goods at right prices is m kul ordered kxdthinc irisli french and canadian tvoedi and worsted saitiaci pantlngs and ovcrcoatinii u of iho ciiolccs q jialluca lu tho market in this uraacn iarticiilarly we pr iecia atteiitiou and guarautv mtiafactiou imt bad long experience in city trade and auderataiiaj every branch u uw bukiueas thoroughly made to order from 1300 up an elegant good wonted suit made to order from 15 00 up good thmxi 1aiiu for xoo dont uiiaa your chance to aocurrftbeao ecodi ai tic tricea are right rehdymhde clothing jcjothfoflinc verv large rtock of uena youtua boy ad childronaovercoau aiid uiu all pricw and from tu op siciii overcoat fromwxonp tbejirgost itoelf of genffurniauinci in the com at kuuy broa and the jiticea are rhjht wo hare a very lrffe itoek of underwew hata at the lowatt price fcnnty sodi al alay t frvon obdcspea band flood factory cotton so yd all ool flannel soc yd anrindtrfapiceasoclb 8 lien electric boptorzc ofa uur c jlau tea it die btst oar ttock of groceries coarse everybody adnitts kelly bros acton allwool double width beauti ful colored henrietta dressgoods for 30c- per yd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black aud colored silks aud satins aud a choice lot of remuautsol colored silk- and satins being slaughter ed fr 50c per yd tbntwerc100 aud 8150 per yd plushes 2-x- per yd up other drees mater ials for 8c and iycper yd worth twice tiie moneyi winceys for 5c per yd worth 10c prints for oc per yd worth 10c check ed shirtings forsb per yd wbrith 13c tweeds for 25c worth 50c grey flannels lie per yd up good allwool white blankets for 175 per pair mens under shirts and drawers for 30c worth 00c auimmeuse stock ofrcady- luade clothing and overcoats nce boysovercoats200 mens suits 400 and the biggest drive ou earth in mens overcoats tor 450 and 500- worth 1000 boots and shoes ladies and gents overshoes and rubbers carpets in brussels tapestry allwool union hemp mattov oilcloths mid a spleudid union carpet for 25c worth 50c pat ronage respectfully selicited tkc handsomest printed paper in the dominion all the news in full by ttlciraph telchcc- iuaijintip eacc mi to lt btar of pujlalion illiibtratious lracjcaluad tcful are piven each wk blocal maret ivraninnit acjiful inral i e rartnis ii caiiltal jlst tlf2 tillnu fil kverv inprfibctof the lu ic i tah v tht alncislmra lhiortmnt he lrcc froi tiumi and coinlsuid t siillod in farm wtti large s100 pacr lit clnli fcraitl thkfa3iuy j ell t-a- riy lotlj cd ft- jito rsoj jcattically t fljc ihuj coluttil i conncji i inerr ycl 7tm taisie ixi abemel thh acton rtpces tbej acton jafiuirij jhf kev wl the mctf t1 abutch jrcmrlitl veu i a school ment afl ikne rjl inryaj be ha jai certif pri ab poijtl of ill balarcs cm 1ss9 free a illvdiijmk chkistuas xlmuei 1- iul l chiohu a free cf claivi t giionaa free cf cliar to tua h for laft artisn- u- 1t cs it sjvanct- hiktsof uitcii-iriai- iljiu l rnuucc i a tfliiaud iuii- iuti tlx irt 1 tlt tlv bclfiliou 1 agents wanted evcrywbeie uberal cash comrliisjuou allowed tikiiiost ivtulir lmytr to trv f- free press lirloz ouuri w mcleod co oajorqetown till ctok free press v tlte lealiig- v local -newspaper- of halloa conaly thursday aioratjij at il rutliahod acton ont- subscription priro only 100 in dis try it lor thioo months jor zictati a he vrilt pt il not tbel poll avfitj waj si fe i

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