Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1890, p. 2

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j ltitiljwla htbbprt ou the isoi lint the wife jot u will uujcc ollml -rr- marked klchautcitowal toronto l tu reafdcaw of to bridtl mother ur chis i mutts on of ll col uunr nwrnoauic lo attni j ohtr amfbut of tht liu jos croat wrdoriumcooxpat um rfiji of tba matyulir ou 15ui january liy iut j avhelmcaid to- afexaitder mcdonald of lilooui wim jut aicdooaid of uooti lafflbtonco fuwwal bdtuoqtuo on thiirtdir dui iul 1 jietldt uachtmol simon llew kaq- ifoou at yvtouiv on ths nth jaiiusrv jtne 1 belcrtd wit of mr joseph moor and mother ot mr will williams actoo bod 63 yean turrt in miichtjj on the 16th but- mary ann head wtf of iter v davit bittieoe and mother oi w il davis tditar adtocite stfod jurjntlt on lbs 3rd con ol saaaacawcys 1 oo tbt ltth tntt- emily qramuiflt daughter of ur matthew qmmmt ted n years md tmoathj from the capital ctott jfr ftess iv 61 thursday jakuirt 23 1800 xqtkaklicoinillvts if pnoqsiy aauouuctd lbo ouuxio lekiulan will meetcu the 80th of jin 1890 for um despatch of batuness the letiioa will be short tud wul pcobsbly be lallowl tt k brief interoi by a general i i ieeuoq ur lane bit gia notice of bit intea ion to uk for s retani u to ihe dumber u dominion voten lists for iftft printed oqtiidelhe government printing barea the tunic of the offices in which they were printed tadtae smpant paid for the nrint- j on the ltth of september 1692 the qntirio legiiutare will be one hundred 01 it it saotwted hf conenpon- ol tv toronto paper that the eentecsry bt eejebated by the erection of s mona- ptot it kiagua when the first legisla tnrt s bl i ltritrtpotmatr giaersj report ihat iha potoffica expenditure for last ttssj tu 1346040 snd the tivenae wis 2s4 and thxi there is in conse- 4oeac6 a deficit of tgib1s xbii it noth- onarail bawereri far the coaatrrc postal accounts hare never balanced the difficulty of manidpilitiek polling twouurdt vote for a bonoi byjaw was iretty well ju nitrated in thecafiecftliedty i london and the poherty organ co of imtoa the bylaw to grant that com- any a bontu of 2floq received only lit otm oat of a toul of 3077 or 77 ihort of b o qmbec required to carry jit- the canadian pacific railway enjoys rne advantage over lie american pacific inea that congress cannot jegiafate away rosx it and that it freednm from know dociodes t winter after winter teilt the ame story i while traffic on the american lnes is paralyzed for long periods by the sow the canadian trains are running on ime this ought to impress npon the leopu of the western states the greet snper- nrity of the climatic condifims prevailing in canada tdaf iwest karthttesi grain has commenced- to mote in real earnest the c r having to famish no les than one hnndred and fifty can per day for export via boston it is estimated thai no less than ten thousand ears will be required for export for grain eras the northwisest via bocton between aow and the latex end of iipril it has been yean since there has been such a good winter for railroading and i to this is doe he rapid return coiome caa fromforeipi roads afad the consegnent ability to so readily meet the heavy demands he speech from the throne gives less lldea than nsoal of the subject likely to en gage the aliention of parliament this don for the reason thai his eieellencys advisers will not have as much control as they wonld like over the snbfects that hi principally engage the attention of parlia ment a most nninterestinff programme has been arranged the chief anxiety or the government apparently befog to avoid the appearance of sensationalam the real interest of the session will centre in debates not viceregally foreshadowed cod that being the emnrt withstanding the scanti- iness ot the programme presented ah exceed ingly lively session msy be looked for j i r i few persoas who andersiand in a gen- eral way says the cleveland lzada that if hiplading in great britain far exceed jthtx in any other country have an accur ate conception of the immense difference between the amount of tonnage laancbed arom british ihipvsrdi and those of the jcaited states in is89 vessels aggregating 1270000 tons measurement were laanched pom the yards of the united kingdom and nearly all the tonnage was in the form p steel steamers in the united states the total tannage was about onesixth u crest and its average- effecttreoecs less and but for the wort done in lake shipyards the disparity would nave been far more striking ship- building in great brilian an iudnstry of truly imperial propor tions vlrcrrptl drtwllg kooiu-ajau- f niuvml8yitf uftehestfim aoiw uhit jau mabnght cloar but very cold day a crowd on the hill flags fly ing and onilormod meu burryiag to tlio drill hsll closed sleigbi driven rapidjy along through whose windows yon catch glimpses of pretty fiirl and handsome romou scaring opera wrsps wliat is it all wait ndse ii is cow five minutes lo throe crossing doffcrm bridge at a fait trot ride the dragoon guards flashing back the glitter of the sun from their golden helmets and carrying in their midst the royal banner they tarn into the parliament grounds and u they roand the long iwocp qp to the great lower of the house of com mo at you sec behind them foar or fire oqaipsges sud reoocnire the livery of the viceroy now you know whats ap the governor general is com ing to open the parliament of canada the oue hundred scarlet coated men of the fcolgosrd present armt the grand old gtraius otrthe katioaaf aolhsm ring out in frosty air the doors arc flung open and his excellency passes iu followed by ulu officers with clinking aocouutrcmcnls the big bell strikes throe the gover nor general en ten the mignificentchamber of the senate all present standing sealed on the ihroue uu excellency motions them to be seated the gcctlemm usher of the black rod wonderful title bows and goes out ta eamxnoa the commons with his genuflexions the premier in the uniform of in imperial privy coanctltor blixiuf with gold lace outshines m splendor that of the governor generals itself the as sembtivge is not quite as brilliant si mud but ilili there arelhe brilliant noiformc of his excellencys laff the richrobes of the judges of the supreme court inltliehind some toilettes of the ladies presently en ter the commons and his excellency reads the speech and parliament is open i kiyrrou ttrrjrjrrmve una attorney geueral ilartin of ifanitoba was in town today visiting his brother he denies the story that he aid premier green way have been indulging in fistic en- counters at their cabinet meetings and says he has no intention of resigning his portfolio he think that not more than 17 members of the local house will vote againt his government propoction to abolish the use of the french language and as far as the paraie ichools are concern ed he thinks they will go during his term of office no ur- tiilrlcirjm nil i nisnxs a delegation of printers from the gov- ernmeut printing burcarf interviewed the secretary of state the other jday and urged that the men be given an increase in wages in consequence of the increase of the rale of living in ottawa they also urged that the rate of wages paid at the bureau at present wss not equal to the average paid in other places ouuide and in the city mr cbapieaa met the depautioa uid dis missed the question with them m a frank manner bulaaid that he could not accede to their request for an increase in wages tiviiat ioatu kisto a hnndrect mfflioa letters 13wxxl postal cards 122c3o0o oewspspen and periodicals 17033000 books circulars etc and 513400 parcels were conveyed through canadian postoeces last year and of the vast number but few failed to get to the persons to whom they were addressed familiarity with these facts ought not lo lessen their marvellousness ot these col ossal amounts the province of ontario con tribute a very larg moiety inlhematfer of letters it liajjds as follows onlcxia 4987000 fiuebec 22437xx xovs scotia cjilookcw brunswick 5i73 000 prince edward aland hluflqo british columbia 2125000 kanitoba and korth west terrorilies 52i0000 that i will give a good idea ol the proportions of- the postal business of the various provinces a sot iertt eteieeil the government has hvj to appoint ur john f wood qc the tucinber for brockvxiia oct to the position of deputy speaker made vacant by the promotion cf hoc c c colby ifr wood is a pretty popular commcmer and will be asaccept- ahle to the opposition as any other itinis- terialist that could be chosen the pre mier obtained this assurance from hr lanrier 5fr wood is a lawyer of 14 years standing a member of partfiment since 1882 and solicitor for the counties of leeds and grenville the salary attached to the deputy speakership is 2g0k sir wood does not vacate his seat on taking tlie posi- tioc uxctl if irawfcpiliiru tlic various tcftguie1rctunneji t inoienejtt of the council for ni svtit oclock ou monday- raornlog for ontiolwlon after subscribinfffe the declarations ot uslig6iubfaudqf oinoo the ftcmbnn lookitholr plsotis ai followi w h storey reeve and dr lowry w e smith john kenucy and j a 8pcight couuciilors- tho first business of he new coancll was ihcvppotnlmedl of the itandiug com- railteesxjf the year for this porposo the council went into committee of the whole with councillor speight in ihe chair- the com mil lee reported appointments as follows krjvcedrlott sad j a speight towx hallv h storey and dr lowry bfluxt4 ixn bhicwjxxl 8tbket ljahtixq v esmjiii aiid jobu konacy cintirrcarj a height and v h storey tjc appoinlnifltits were confirmed the coaacil evidently overlooked uie fact that acton is nov in potsessioa of a gne park and thit the prk shoald have a godlive ccmuuttcc not afraid of work to superintend it the bylaw to appoint auditors for the current year was introduced read the re quired number of times and passed messrs la wry and speight nominating j b pear son and the reeve a e xieklin as aadi- tors the iuiuranec of the town ball and library wa referred to the general ex pressioh being thit the present insurance was unreasonably high it was moved by w e- smith seconded by john kcancy that the spplication of the wellington- ifutaii fire insurance com pany of three quarters of one per cent for three j cars oa the cash system be accepted aud that the clerk be instructed to trauafcr the present iniaraucc upon expiratiod lo said con lpany carried upon motion of councillors smith and keoney council adjourned lorawton mon day evening 3rd february at 730 oclock kjlnk the drlxkex xlvuler xsssagnweya imsittmiifoilunxix v ti lultov auaiout the mnaal rioekng of uh ilsjtmi agri- ktfjfeety m hcldjio jllth lut ik iwmoret trytresiarorri report ii recfpu atmjilj eipendi- 4 biliuoeoa hind 2017 officers were elect d as follows kouri stewart n mident acafcmuianatt elijah diion vic-iirsi- deflts v joha uepbugallj 3bn dickcu abrsin ktark wni altod titar i ayors jsuiw hold wood frmmau iuloy ellii d w campbell di roc ton vohniou harrison j h uccollain auditors v t hirrla jvrio mortimer jtuies ual- thewshh8tloriivhftrboulflw vseotl honorary directors wmclouibnu vj rooloctod tkraurr-lro- urer it was decided ib hold the spring show on friday april 2ptb and the fall show on oct oth and 10th jiext agricultural socle ti pound guilty aad sealcnced lo be iianffel ou the 1 2th of february the prils lo small municipalities ot firing extravagant bonuses ur manufactur- trsand railways is well illustrated in the loflowing from the ltorfeijzfcv we ire on the eve of consolidating our bonded debt at ltrf0 in retaxn ifee this very itavy debt we iiave next to no permanent improvements of value it has been locar- flid for rail way and man ufactaricg boaasmg iod the piling op of floating dents our ancoctroliabje expenditure fbr interest schools county rate and salaries ixnow f 13 do aonuijjy at 20 mills our ux list it worth shout 10000 this left res bat s smiil sum for lighting sndfljaintsioingthe streets withoat any qoestipu of improving them both the assessment aud the rate are as jagh as it is desirable to have them cud we hew hundred dollars that are left over for the streets are divided more or ices according to a system of ward grabbing snilch gives the town ou the whole hut porvdoe for the money spent thanks u the careful and intelhgent oversigdt of u t men who have- had charge pf oar raani- ei 1 affairs since incorporstion not a single 6v liar of debt has ever ibeen incurred by a ion for eithernulway or manojacturing b noses in oor early dayttempting offers wn made both by railways aodmaaafac- tcrers but thorough investigation proved the iuitility of saddling bonus jadebiedness ai ou the municipality- what little debt i have has all been incurred for public riprovemnt which represent considerably more value to day lhau our total indebted- vice cc1l jsjuwuvzgox sstcrday evening his excellency held a drawing room in the senste chamber it was a very brilliant affair the crush was great the band of the goxrus discoursed music and for hoars lord stanley was bowed and nodded to by a thousand per sons dresaed in evening costume there were quite a few viators from montreal toronto and nearly every city in canada itcittkve ceccoiu mr- mccarthy has lost no time in get img to work at his proposed antifrench re form in the korth we t territories acl he gives notice of bis promised bill amending that act and also uks for a return ihowiog by years the cost of printing the ordin ances and other official papers and publi cations in the french language from the time of the passage of the northwest terri tories act also showing what demandthere has been fr ordinances printed in french iut jl1ulq uiu vufjaimttvx mr ctamiescu miv does not intend to bring in a 1robibitiou resolution this wx- biott he says they will wait till the first session of the new parliament when they hope to have a larger shoving of temper ance representatives by the time the prohibitionist get the politicians to move hi earnest in favor of this great qaestiou he present generation d have passed away mtc mri clarke wallace will bring in a- bill restoring his comhines bill pretty nearly to the form in which it originally was the form of if award hss been changed t to octavo and smaller type reciprocity in wrecking seems to be popular as notices of bills effecting this in some form have tteeo given by messrs iorkpiarick psttcrsooof essex and charl- tosoxio jan 10 at the criminal assizes yesterday the trial otthomas kane chtrged with the marder of his wife ia november last was finished and kane was sentenced to be hanged on february 12 mr james a macdonajd the lawyer for the prisoner did not call any witnesses for the defence- mr j as lice street made a very fair and impartial charge which seemed to tncliue towards manslaughter the jury after being absent fromlhe court about 50 ruinates returned with a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to mercy mr justice street asked the foreman of the jury ou what ground the recommenda tion was made the foreman replied that it was the uaanimous opinioa of the jury that the prisoner was under the infiaence of liquor when the crime was committed after the prisoner heard the verdict of the jury he was asked if he wished to say anything but he replied by shaking his head mr justice street then sentenced him lo be hanged en february 12 the crime for which kane was tried it still fresh m the memory of the public it was en the igth of november that he killed his wife while under the infiaence of liquor the coffple lived together in a noose in the westfiad it was a marder of remarkable atrocity in brief the facts are these kane kicked and beat his wife to death on the satardxj nieht and then lay down on the lounge beside the dead body and slept away his debauch waking up on the sunday to discover the terrible result of his drunken madness then he spent the day n drinkicg investigation first by- the neighbors and then by the police led to the discovery of the deed kane meanwhile had fled bet was boon captured j st1vlev avd ike rlttoes of tuedask costinxvf following are trie officers of the nassigs- weya agricultural society for tba year piiljiriiatjobn hoffs vickpnrsinknthohu c huouocic duu h- j jtrcderoq win linn ale bell james sujpwtj l ucitjliio john can uu john h anderttw j w husband junes urriu 1 acritoajjhu ji clhi dzsii drcjie fijctiuai j d fitrue hoxdiiltctott kitchlur j iivil john korrlafi u f mllnelf dcatty a ucgibboa k atlas a a if c itj llin a co kltchlac this show for 1990 will be held oa the 80th sept and ocfil 1st sitiddc at wlnrdim wiytiifiir jan 17 a welltodo farmer named campbell hsnni threw himself into the maitland riser running through his farm early this mdruing and was drowned three of his oeiglibors witnessed the act and rushed to assist him but the river heing swollenthejj were unable to do any thing a strange coincidence in connec tion with this it that ihe previous owner of hsnnas farm nimed mccourt drowdfld himself in ihe same spot and iu the same manner- some yearn ago no cause is known for the set killed belsuius jan il litihiiluu wa mrs blackwell who had been her to market was walking homebyhe grand trunk railway track when she was struck by a light engine and instantly killed hcrremsius were brought back here by the engineer and handed over to the authorities l ihe liidaeuzkkrobc ditered vicvxi jan iljprof welchselbaum of the ucirersity of vienna has discovered the bacillus of ldncenza ue finds in it some similarity to tlie pneumonia bacillus but is sure tliat itis a distinctly different microbe advice to moruica are you disturbed at night and brob n of your rest by a sick child suffering ana crying with pain of cut ting teeth 5 if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs w nsiowssootbingsyrup for children teeth ng il voice is incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it it cures dysenfrr ana diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowel cares wind colic softens the gums reduces ic flam cation and gives lone and energy to the wnolc sys tem mrs vtinilows soothing syrup for children teetiing is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best jfemale physicians and narses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents t bottle be sure and ok for mrs winslows soothing syrup and take qo other kind fra the torocto glqsitcf jan uth jttso wiih wonderful enterprise the j well known world publishing company of guelpb announce that the complete his tory of stanleys travels in africa is al ready in course of publication and will shortly be issued th us furnishing the earliest most complete and authentic information of the discoveries and adventures of stan ley daring the past two years and of emin pashas life and government in central africa since gordons death i the complete work to be issued by this enterprising publishing company will leave nothing to be desired as it will be a summary of all that is known of the dark continent down to this date it will be a large and handsome volume and a perfect panorama of illustrations all from recent photographs taken an the spot or from sketches made by artists accompanying j stanley and the other travellers through africa i as we turn the pages of the book the j discoveries of speke grantbaker living- itoe pachailla and others are in turn folly given and macnificeailyillastrated bat of coerce the most important place i reserved for he more recent and important work done by stanley other works are to be published but it is claimed they are simply old books with a few pages added and that this is the only entirely new book with three times uie illustrations ooctained in any of the others and with o series of accurate map showing the whole route of stanley and other explorers this great work it being brought out eitnuliaueously by the world publishing company of- guelpb and one of the largest and wealthiest pablishing firms in the united slates and no eipene has been spared to mske the work complete agents who want to make raoocy will apply at oace for terms sad territory to the world publishing r company guelpb out magnificent a reals rs scut free on applica tion frospeciuicy now ready it is worse thai madness to neglect a cough or cold which it easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in caring consumption and other diseases of the throatand lungs if parents wish to save the lints at their children and thetnselnes from mach anxi- etytrouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bidtles anticonsumptiva syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directjoas irfren cry for pitchers castoria v1k i ztb rri ecfcj tre gate fcer outorit vlci ii- vnu a chili she cried for casfana vlire the became k to the eluac to castnria tr she hid children she re than cast aria like magic notire hi suurribmj ton- i the omission of mrs fosters name from invitations to government house has cre- xcs good deal of talk the mortuary statistics for december wbow an exceedingly few death rale in the principal cities and towns in canada torontos figures considering her large and destrltctive vuy at glfvwilliams the fluur kill orifr jsepft luiiiams destroy ed iu saturday eveuinff the roller flour mill owned and operated by joseph williams of qlenwllliams ws totally destroyed by fire on saturday even ing the building was frame foar storeys aud about five years ugo was fitted oat with the best roller giving it s capacity of 100 barrels a day on account of ihe rapid burning little was avd excepting a few waggon loads of soar which were ready for shipping the adjpiulug building on the east side the proprietor dwelling honse on the west side his saw mill and xtave mill all frame and none more than fifty iflcreaahii population art very low being 1 fat from the buruah building would have 80 per thousand alsobemii couumcd bat for the timely tfr- sir richard cariwriglit has began to i rival of the georgetown flr brigade the tlraw ammunition ffom ihe government magazine for future volleys on tho cover went trenches he has moved for the re ceipts and expend it ares of ihe intercolonial railway for the half years ending january 1st ihhj end ltf0 and foradetailed state pie date printed do the label of aeh rdeuotesi the date op to which the sah meat of all receipts and expenditures for iptfou has been paid if tho same pcrioda origin of the fire id unknown but flames first appeared ia the cat angleof the mill in the second storey where a stove was situated the mill hud been locked up for tlic week a few hoars previous to the fire the inaa ranee on tht building is 5000 on the stock s1000 the loss is estimated i at sooo the effect prod ujced by aers cherry i pectoral colds coughs croup tad sore throat are in mosi cases im- incdhitely relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy it strengthens lie vocal organs allays irrftaijou and pre vents the inroads of consumption in every stage of that dread disease aycrs cherry pec toral relieves cough ing and induces refreshing rest ihave usedajers cherry pectoral in mr familv for thirty years and lavs always fonrid it he inst remedy for croup lo which complaint uiv children linvc been jiuhject capt ucarley urooklyn n v j from nn experience of mrx thirty years in ihe safe of proprietory laodi- rines i feel justified lit recommendinff ayers cherry fejctoral one of the best recommendations of the peel oral is the enduring quality of its popularity it being more salable now tluro it was twentyfive years agt when its great fluccttfl wax considered marvelous r 8 drake m i j beuot kans my little slstef four years of age was so 111 from bronchitis that we had almost given up lpe ol her recovery our family physician a skilful man and of large experience pronounced it use less to give her any more medicine saying that he luul done all ll was pos sible to do and wejmnst prepare for tho wont as a last resort we determined to try aycrs cherty pectoral and i can truly bay with thef most happy results after taking a few doses siicscenifdto breathe easier ondl iritldn a week was out of danger wulrontfnued giving the pectoral until wdmed slm wax entirely well this hajgfiri me unbouiidedfaith in tho prcjutralluujaiidlrtcuiuuianil it confidently to rayl cuktomers c o ijcpper draggiat fort wayne iud for colds aud cdiighs take ayers cm pectoral or j c ayer 4jco lowell matt lricc 1 1 ill uiulc i vtonh 3 a bottle h 1 the trouble to uk dress goods we need hirdly remind yio ol oortepn ution or carrying the lergept and choicest itock of dreu good in th will find theae ooda marked on g commence k 11thi eb rymnstco their great semi- annual sale to conti for 30 days thla sale will be conducted aa oor siea have been in the paat all gccda ai nearly aa poiw j down the centre of the blare and ao marked in plain fijurea that every ooitcmer wifl bo able to mil the pnoe wlthoot laxin the6uowinirareonlvafeworhenianybarginawearofferio8donngoorbaie 75 yard fine black and grey stripe 1 ladjee colored wool bloratj redoc o former price 80c 0 yard fine black and grey 1laid at 20c worth 30c remnakts weal ioa away down in price and tbe etyloe decidedly new we carry a complete line of dreaf soil- injli while oar pattern dreaeee at once at- 1 tract attention hy their novelty nd beanly and the many linea of these igcoda will be old at a great redaction i among the bargsiue we pfifer iu dress goods are the following j iso yards colored dreu goods at 10c worth 13ie i 1300 yards colored dreu goods at 121c worth sic i iso yards colored dress 3oods it 1 worth 16c 100 yards checked tweed at 12 c former price 15c 300 yards checked tweed it isc former price 25c our mr ryan g- one table will be devoted lo llemnanu of black and colored dress- goods at pncea which will insure a speedy sale hosiery and gloves a beantilal hoc of ladies colorod caah- mcro hose at uoc former pricetc lot ko 2colorcd wool hose at 20c former rric 30c xol no 3bik wool howit 50c orth0o lot no i black llibbed wool hose at 50c worth 75c hisses hose a few dozen of misses hoae at 10c 15c and 20c these goods are worth mere money ladies colored wool gloves redoced from 0c to 2jc from 35c to lo j ladies gauntlet glovet reduced from aoc to 75c i f a few pairs lidiev kid gloves evening shades redoced to 25c house fubni8hing6 i ltoeot we import oqr own ldnen goods direct from the maiiflfactnrers and onr cnatomera get the benefit of the differ- enoe in price aeonred by ao doing- unbleached table llneni special line at 25c 80c and 0c i bleached tablelloen see ihe line we are aelllkaf 75c and 11 bleached table clothe see the beanti ol line at lt25 1150 and 12 towels ladies oow is the time to lay ia stock of towels see tbe lot we are clearing oat at ioc lljc 15c 20c and 25c towellings special linea at 8c be 10c j 12jc and 15c j table xapkina and grey flannels at 1 greatly reduced pnecj is now in europe selecting goods for spring we are the only dry goods house in the city sending a buyer direct to the foreign markets this winter b ibirrisr c oo successors to john hogg son guelph prosperity to our- customers johnbull hi halways get my dry goods boot shoes hand groceries hat the glasgow ouse hin acrjon toon hand downt yow go hand forget hit- heither hi tell yow hit pas me hevery tahm hi deals vi em joost try hit for yoursen hand see hif hi avent been tellin th treuth skndy s iv siccan a place for bairgains as y6u glasgie hoose actdn i dinna ken o in a these pairts baith the misters henderson and mcrae are thocht weel of in a oor pairts an its the bonny bairgains the3 gie that tempts the bawbees oot o anes pocket the noo and again pht ihure andwhere abouts in the wide world wud oi go til for the splindid bargains if it isnt till thim same misther henderson mcrae co the glasgow house in acton beyant biddy alwajs sinds me there for the foine tay an shugar and dhriss goods an iverdthin else entoirely and they ibate all for cheap goods henderson mcrae co kcton v -the- i great special sale continues at the rght house hamilton watkins does not pot bis mods down one day and op tbe neit he continues his great kednotlon hi daily until all are aold pileiof dolmans short jackeu and paletota are selling at ooly luufirio m winter goods 1 going at half prices knitted fvoouon shawla scarfa are aelung oft at far less than half pno linoleums oilcloths mate bjiga window blinds window cnrulmvtcij st wriovatylnllhme c rivals ibis week 1 case fobbwrcircalara direct from the scotch manufacture t caae lie hamilton jan ictli 1890 tnd prloa ar nvais iota weea 4 caw ntqscroircujan aireci irom tue bootcn manutacturea 1 caae linen collra 77 pnoea ar- cottons pillow cottons sheetings coltonades shirtings wraps yarun tickings skirtings drmi- v h grey wi8ans ginghams cbeoae co lions flannels shirts drawers ladies vests genu lilk tiet 1 lnlnga poles please enter the atone eaat of the carpet window many make mis lakes and do not eel inta st sf curtain king and hughson streets j hh house comer thomas o wltkxists toek snarantecd ril moci soarantecri tfam sss and can uriiajiuakl bewiirili- fully ublulbflriiii tie uest tbirt tbtjs ko write st obc43 lor tsmni hgcha8gi tux cuxsinruuiia ifoit sale a rare bargiii- vlllace of aon and belu in n ss very 0eurablb imy brvfit terthtss an aboadint jnpijv oi hard and leftis scoodiuyle vl hi tbu property vnd u a attarfh ml vojot boin or rird panrat ir for nil pinifnlsn aps wjp t- at till office in t ww j- alwl dbtlcel aa ttesurl harris riual annual for 72 pages- 240mrtetnoiai containing articles ol interest ssliaw to all drovers of farmjoal tsbjsjt crope pmltsplowersatei t- t7e want one reader of every trmufil tv the fitrj pueuiaulcbtoiian v3 i o ihe rlkal axxiai or isvltjjt lent raze it yon wanmbbecofbeediva boae ac wc bo lo get anorflef wm addreu joseph hjlbljis beebhl- 5f orelon farm honroehiisl hamiltons marble j h hamlltoe receotly wtuod tbe hiy of fnm3j ttaaifcofji rie sod parchssed one of tbe knpss hot sod cheapest stocks el geautite jsjs uieuts tic ever iuiiietltaobttsr he will contidbefc sell st v- 15 discoont on direct ojdaf j to hinnell with l year upetiepee sal ins dons one of tbe iafsex trades iajbtlj omcx ax1 ffoaw hailta bbckfll mtrij- ustcbcs cor norioli ind bcsoimk 110 reward the aucc rvard will bo paid for tbi bession and conriction ctf tbe j persona who destroyed tbe tvidotts in cnltorsi hall a sistllae hw1bd will be paid k information wcieb tbe connctioo ot any person or pe destrojtrjg snyjropcrtt siihlcjiie ly order w h stoltet jsny litiilft90 coll auctiossaeg tlioiouglirbred lurliaiii and 0rade cattle tbe oodemcuad has receitodnstructiod bji john wabben to sell by rubucsacti3bei lot 39 coiicessioii 5 eioesing tri miles tivm acton station jgtjt- on fl- wednesday- f eljruai-5tir- at 1 oclock sharp the following stock 1t1lile5 ecll v halloa lily 3rd ltrurui halton lily itb lyon chit acton princess cdi swallott acton rriqces tib davie lad eastereteslb ijulls froiu easter svc cth months old t inixc taken all tpuiig stock r- the foregoing arc all registered or ctigflils vt roeiatration in the domiolon hertjbaekl the cows are all believed to be rliealf 16 the tbotoachbred ltolb eed prince 10414 3 iood grade cow to calve in march 1 gees well bred jersey hnll is months omnd i uuiiiber of sheep tekmb 10 utouths credit will xe given osj iuruiahingapprovedlolnt notes wm hemstreet aumaqmk dtwioftis faqf goods at reduced lrices nmcgarvin dcos 13 drug 4 stationery store- acton spectacles vehy chea- jn i only 25 cents also etkin- utscsariimf w bnbber and jkfid sainifi muoley 4 stewabt istoflo 10 king st west tottito 1

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