Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1890, p. 2

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p its ii u iwn mmuffittokoa 8 wuiam xuu at- lousa koi 7 hajuuxd t 4108 sjcdh toll fo ilrmboaii lrt vuu count ob bundav fetuttb 1s90 ii xtdtnon aed u rsera u month daual ksklenda stadjaresn f mouths ruixiai laotwm tus lata reaidsare i maiuand idftf irth lust of puou- lnorontnoh houda ui iuu in 01uwbaaeandn yesji or saturday ulhtvi at blifalhrri reafc coca toronto william j aooand fan of coo incur itohsrt johuioou t u wed so m at the residence of iter sister barth oluw lita william weavers srd ti i month ud u dart thcjtunertl vol take place tram liuiehoutc it ock ok thursdar monunr for anon after ser vice i a be josvphs charcli interment will take place at lbs r c eceuvtrrv dublin ttl jfm tes5 ti ursdat fkbruaily 20 18m votes jlxdcookxtfe ate fetet mclaren tlic millions re larobermiu of perth has been appointed to the senate iu place of the itu senator turner in the united states senate ou uouday mr pawes nresented i lot of pelitionf from mirtchatti asking that the sale of ialoi- iaitiaj liquors for export to atria be pro bibitid tbe cifntta habit prevuls to such an tsterjt and to injarioasly to tot youth of baltfmow mdvtnat the iegisiature has been arsed to pass a bill tmoainaiax of 50 apou dealers in c4arette- tbe americans who are exploring in itecopotunia have uncovered at xistrii thsqld kipor thwternple of bel and hive found tablets vith inscriptions of u early 3750 b c with other articles of lrchboiogicftl value the whole coantry will rejoice to heir the dediratian of the toronto architect that the junittrtity building cur be restored without detriment to their former beauty wfaieh hu for a generation been an inipir- atioti to all canada what the korthwest issemhly demands front the federal parliament is lfnll oon- trolof the moneyi voted by parliament for jterritodal government i power to deal with the liquor qaeatijn and the abo- lation of the much abased permit ryitem and 3 an executive council responsible to the ihly ii tu usoosced a tliort time ago tnat thejfederal bank toronto had paid off all jtn karalitire tmonnting to oter foor mil- lion dollara and ii u hot inootineed tnat tba firt parment of s123j00 win be made l to the fcarehomen thia week and another dividend to the shareholders is officially protnued within sixty dajs russia is at present in the thrnes of a temperaace campaign which the central government does not kern to be seconding to any extort if one may judge by the nerve from the department of slew in that section thirtysixtihaee sent petitions 6t- petersburg demanding the abolition all liquor selling esuhlemmeau within their boundaries j afew days ago a poor french woman in jbonrg jeceiteri from the united states qovernment the snm of 8126371 being a back pension for her husband who served it the american- war and who died about three years ago emmedislely on the re ceipt of the money she drrided it with her stepson who he tud had been very wnd to her ttin his fathers fl in the local hoose last tnarodsythe estimates for 1890 were sent down tht vote asked for amoanted to fi3200jj made op u follow carrent expenditarc i22s83flg capital accoont f 5657m9 other expenditure 125213jl under the kead of civil government an lncreue of t 11 is uked for an able badet speech vmm delivered by treuarer boss and sir he clarke replied- j bir john thompson kisister of jostice tm on friday iworn in by the jad at oseoode hall u a member of the bar of ontario hi wasafterwsrda baoqaetted t the memhen the ottiiwa free pro 1 uderaunds that this step hu been taken with the view to hi entering upon the 1 iractice of his profession in this province i eenring an ontario coatitaency and be coming leader of the conservative party tax exemptioos most to thf death sell hu been sounded and it is only a aestion oltime ere exemptions from tx- ltion like the toll gates wiltbe looked cpon m a relic of bygone yean all over tbe i oontry boards of trade and other kindred i nstitdttoqs are lifting np their united ioice aeainst it land the rcsalt wql only w a matter of time many abases bare prang oat of these exemptions which mast m remedied fruit- the capital xho llow dentcsi wwfeihtatcttpaiubr dnalldnnjitittll i notjs f tut u omwa feby 19 the debate ou mr mccarthys bill lo abolish frcdcli u an ofqcial uncusjm iu the northwest torrl- lories by repealiua olsaio 110 of the kortli- west territories acl wu brilliantly opened by mr daviu who- liftda most macninoent and attentive aadieace hn was it his best in the vein be exoelli io tiul ol pointing an argament with a jest or polishing it with a metaphor the qaet- tion has occupied the attention of tht house slrnost exclusively daring thoweoksnd some of tbe most cloqarnt members have taken the floor for and against hon kd blake delivered a great speech on friday against tbo biu his proposed amendment proved a sort of tnmbslicil but he lias since compromised to miuo extent with a eecoad amendment hon v laorier spoke ou monday the beausoleil swendmeat was defeated last evening iu a oc of g3 o 117 sir johu tliampsou luca proposed the counirouiise amcndaicat tliis propoiiiou takes iu the firl jialf of mr ulakcv ug- gestdd ameudmcut aud cuududes orifh lha statement that after the next jvarthavcs election the uoasc will favor tbo kcctu- vest aacmbiyuaviclheriglt to decido u to the manner in which it shall coadnct its proceediagf il will be observed how- ever that this compromise does cot deal with the great issue riivs ix cjlmli a peculiar- error has just been unearthed iu the census returns- on thursday mr charlicn moved for the names of the sir pagans returned by the census enumerator as residing in the county of joliette que bec in li there wu he said reason to suppose that these six pagans were mem- bers ct a frwbyterian french canadian family one of whom wasnow a respected clergyman of ottawa the rev mr ron- dean ee thought it a queer state of affairs in the province of quebec to have a protestant family counted u pagans mr bechard believed the ward pagan to be a misprint for presbyterian the motion carried jfc tinx ox icct mr davin has given notice of a series of resolutions respecting the korlhscest these ask for a system of irrigation that the korthwest halfbreeds afcoald have their claims recognized in the same manner as those of the manitoba halfbreeds that land for the territorial university should be wt spart that the railway act be amended so as to give further protecticu against prairie firei the rssnu si tzotzll a defect in the imperial spee i from the throne wu pointed oat by mr charltoa tbe other day he called the attention of the government to the ict thsl in that delivery no refereuce had been made to tbe behring sea troabte in reply sir john haedoaald said that there wis no neglect of this matter u negotiations are now being made by the british ambassador at washington and the united states secre tary of state for an arrangement on the subject ice- ctkctt rx hlv olwi ftlx j c rykert 5lpbju got into a scrape through the publication of hxs very questionable correspondence with adams of winnipeg in i2 in the securing of a large timber limit people are wondering bow he will explain away the charges of using his influence to 6eccre this korth west timber limit eicce the interesting oorrespoodeace submitted by sir cartwright has teen pahliahed in sajuard the opposition in caucus have carefully considered the case it is understood that sir- richard cartwright will move for a special committee to investigate to charges l sotes mx davin has givea notice that he will ask on mosdxy for the appointment of a select committee to enquire into the con duct of col eerchmer commander cf the jt wufinntd police from the date of his appointment until last december it has been learned on good authority that the government have determined to renew the wfw ukudi arrangement for another year and will uicrtly bring dawn t bq to that e5eet one of the bants has laid a new proposi tion before the finance minister it pro poses that each bank shall deposit with the government bonds equal to one third of its issue and that it shall pve the govern ment a hen an its assets for the other two- thirds mr- peter mclaren the wellknown lum berman cf perth hu been appointed to the senate to succeed senator turner harm ton his appointment will probably be gazetted next saturday torovt0 cvitersitt bdeved the progress that st josephs islsud 1 ia made since t7g when it had a popa- ation of only a couple of hundred and bat dry fev of them white ropl it worthy of dote it hu insea until it hu now be tween three and foar thousand iahahitknts rmch would be remarkable for a eountrv sith nothing bat iu agricultural tnd timber eaonrees to help it if it was not a refiec- ion of the progress everywhere noticable dlover the ikstrict of algotia the generoos action of the council in educing the tavern license fee twentyfive lollars at their meeting on monday win no loubt be appreciated by those who expect tohave to pay for ucensesbjit ratepayers senerally are wondering where the advan tage to the municipality comes ial it is true the license fee wu tourer in other municipalities but was actons rate too high or will the liqaor vendors sell less liquor beeaase they- pay less for- their hoenses wetrosrnot an ocean penny poaiage between grel britian thecolonles and the united btatos u proposed by a member of the imperial house of commons is qaite possibly within the region of practical reforms although it h not been favorably entertained by the brifish post office aathorities the prop osition however and the argument brooght forward to sustain ft show how far we in canada are behind the mother country and the united states in postal matters while penny and two ceat post age prevails in each of those coautries respectively canadians pay three cents the reason given for ththigher rate iu the dominion is tbe enormous expense of the service over a vaat and thinly populated region bat were uie franking privilege or rather abase abolished a great saving sruold be effected tt is au anomaly that a persoo ia the united btate air util sftertwauy part yf cauj fur twu ceuu hll ncuaduli t hwneuust pay a rate ttfty per cent higher for the same win ice the huge itoutiofrtis great tougas oondi asit fm thsdssuh knell of ths flt unwrsuybaudiii la tht ooantry itoitristofe6 tljoounds o ptopu bin vision ths uiyrttlni today at- though tht felloe hire bifc trying to kssp the grounds clear fasvsors stadtntt etc are hnnting for relics sad booki troyod by tbe fire ths report of col qiowikl and archi tect dick on the building wu u utiifao- tory as the trustees could have hoped for under theolreamstanoes ths wills wers so suhstantially built in tbe first instance ihst with comparatively little id ths way of renewal there will be no difficulty in roofing them anew some imail portirms have suffered severely but hot the wills of the building generally and there is every reason to believe that the structure can oon bo restored to mora than rti former efficiency the odtflco large u it wu originally bad become ihadeqaate for the requirements of the faculty and students and made the necessity for extension and rearrangement greater if carried out they will greatly increase the efficient working of the univcrifty there willbc uo break at all in the lec tures accommodation having been found for all the classes whose studios will be coutiuued without interruption sir diuiclayilson has received messages of sjtfipathy and proffered aid from repres entatives of victoria mcgql queens trinity yale harvard cornell iu fact all the grrat canadian and american fern- versities the trustees oa saturday waited upon the government to restore the building at a cost of say 25o0oo the 190000 insurance to go to the government towards making up that sum leaving the actual grant from the tegbslalurc jlw000 the legislature hu complied about half a million dollars will cover the loss the library wu worth lay 1150- 000 it will take according to the univer sitys architects estimate 1250000 to restore the bailding while the losi on instruments museum specimens records and the outlay to provide temporary ac- commadation will require say 100000 in all 500000 of this sum 160000 is covered by insurance 90000 on the build ing j50000 on the books in the library and m000on instruments etc 4tprtsbwtfih ill folfortactebfoeitiui ofhuej balm lain tosr lotarsttoflhiiarmioa nttbutori this mk loth monlothsf tj ttrtulnx malur u dilti lb a ting t paptf which may fat regarded sj somewhat of a which may be regarded u coriosity it it called the qoldrn sra and purports to be printed in t ie year 1908 and ii filled with items an i paragraphs of svsnu that may reuonab y be pe4 lo occur at that date it dei li also with the transition of canada irom dition to an independent gradual absorption of tl and thii article to uy ths all tbe matter fi breexy able and much of ft dot ideiy novel wa would advise oar readers the gotten tiro aod give i ah any ot our readers received a copy of this paper can dn- so by sending their address on messrs fulford a co iu present con republic and its united 8ute leutls logenias ploy and read a get a copy of a oaref al perus- who have oot i postal card to abstract of the accounts of thuj- municipality of acton foh the- tear ending 3 1st docemder 1869 the buildings and aliltfile library destroyed im neariy a hihinn dallan- tocoxto feb 15 toronto university was totally destroyed by fire list night the loss is estimated at nearly a million dollars preparations had been made for tb anaaf conversazione at which two thousand people were expected to oe pres ent and it wm jutt before the guests com menced to arrive at seven oclock mhai the fire broke oat the building wis not sup plied with eaosgh jis jets so that on any special occasion it was necessary light p with lamps two men were engaged carrying upstairs in a rack a dozen lighted lamps to be put in the chandeliers when pee of the lamps fell the oil ignited then tn the effort to extinguish the flames the otherlamps fell and broke the oil spread ing all over the stairs and down into the already heavily oiled floor all the build- ings trere destroyed the library worth hoodoo the museum with its valuable specimens and cariosities valuable docu ments chemical apparatus mathematical instruments furniture and utensils were all destroyed- one of the domestics wu severely burned the property including all baildings and contents was injured tn twelve companies to the extent of a hundred and sixty- four thousand dollars the stone of which the building wis construct ed seemed peculiarly suceplibie to tbe lies k it cracked and bnrst out and came down ia masses nor did the iron work fare better soon the roof of convocation hall followed it iuupuie crater beneath and the hall war left a ruih utter and unredeemable the library soon ipiiowed only about 100 oamea oat of the 35000 beia saved there wu no lire alarm in tbe boilding and the nearest hydrant wu 1000 feet from the baildioes the armory of the vpiwp sity company of volunteers wu detroyeo and the cartridges as the flames reached thttn exploded with a noise resemhling vol leys of maskfctry tbe university wu boiltiu imkuthe architect wwwfg storm sir daniel wukou fresidentof the university i almost hcnrt broken he was curried from the university physically iucaiblc the university buildiut is tliujtd to haw bceu the finest of its kind iu america a inking feature of tin- nrc wan tlic fslliuk uf luctxk uuiid bull iu llie iuii i toner of the vuiwiily when tlt fraifn- wbrk iu which it skxxi had betm burned away the great bell fell crashing throajh ode local eulebs i lot cf business eathed throaxii at lost keeling the govenmwnl of the part xe assessor yet- tavettx ucexse fesltdlceii council met on monday evening the reeve in the chair members all present- i minutes of lut meeting read and con firmed a depatxttotroci acton union agrical tnral society waited upon the council os peeling theuse of the park and buildings for the annual exhibition the council wu addressed by john duff president and a j carrie director on behalf of the society the collcc tor reported that he had not yet been able to complete bis collections moved by dr lowry seconded by j a speight that whereu the time appointed for the return of the roll by the collector hu expired be it therefore resolved that the time be extended fill the first day of march carried the clerk explained that owing to the renting of the town hall to travelling troupes an extra rate had been levied by the insurance company moved by w e smith seconded by john eenney that the clerk be authorized to pay the mutaax fure insurance co of wellington co the sum of tvelve dollars being the extra levy of of one per cent- on town hall policy carried- moyed by dr lwry seconded by john kenney that the park be reeled to tbe acton union agricultural society fortheir anneal exhibition thia year for the sum of thirty dollars- carried the management of the park was then discussed and the following raoiutioa was adopted moved by dr lowry seconded by w e smith that xhcreas it u expedient that provision be made for the management of the public park recently acquired and whereas in the opition of this coun cil the citizens shooid be represented by a citizens committee consisting of not less than three persons who shall be duly quali fled ratepayers of the atonicipality who shall advise nd concur with the coancil u to the mangement and improvement of the park be it therefore resolved that the follow ing persons shall constitute said citizens committee for the current year j b pearson jsmca mitthews george havill and john harvey the committee an finance presented theird report recommending the payment of accoauts as follows thof csxion ffl meals to tramps gecrsa harih ropsirin chandher eco report odoptod moved by j a- speight seconded by dr lowry that leivt- he grautl to introduce a bylaw to appoint jd aasecr bylair introduced nod pscd first and secoad readings the licepse rjuestim then came up for discussion moved by dr loty seconed by j a speight that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to limit the number of tavern licenses for this manicipality add to fix the fees for the same bylaw introduced and read and com mittee went into committee ot the whole cpon said bylaw j a speight iu the chair in committee it wis moved by w h storey seconded by dr lowry that the number ot license be limited to three and that the sum to be paid for said license to the municipality be one handred and r fen dollars committee rose and reported bylaw was read a third time and pused the total fee to be paid for each license this year will bo l0 this is 25 less than last yew council adjoaracd to meet next moodsy evening uk1kofajit the chfcaiia fc grand tunk raiiwiy hasiisused a sal of uenty differeot caj endars for 1890 which contain decidedly novel features each it illustrative ot scenery along thexbdta of the sea 8ide and white mcmntaiu special so well known during use tourist ucuou u the finest train iu the world and which daring the coining tourwt season will aaio be placed on the route ot the chicago grand trunk ud grand tntuk liiulways the iijubtnligoi are by the photo gravuropruca inmi direct photographs from nature copies of any of t o set will be sent free to any aildrush um rttrpt of ten oeuts each in blauiptby ttudromiai iv klavtsuw puneuger it ticket aent c st o railway chicago 10 neceut to balance from las tues coljected cemotwy tark deuaataro interest- lecttlatits ffrsjil to iabl fichool btreeu k tddmralks licenses m town hall borrowed ruoniy tax arrears fines 411i si 131 xfhbd lwoo 3 so ix el 1113j u00oj i 00 liod rayuest by cemetery account conuniiouelos chariues debsntores board of health interest account m pubuc school 18q streets it ildewalks u insa ranee rioting town haji bauries befond account county rt bomnred mony cemetery war portion- public iixk balance on hand asserts caah on hand baildings and baal estate lilffry lssvolnmm arrears ot taxes cemetery grounds cemetery notes cncoueetod taxes ici0 07 county itaw unpaid town hall debealows- cemetery park vtiuuc school boud balance- we the andersigued audil ars of the vcisflc of acton do hereby certify thai we have e ths books and accounts of the treasurer ot the said village of acton for th4 year 1969 and ths above is a true abstract of uic samei j b pearls i a e xlcstzx k 132 u7m 00 2 mm jtlx3 an 8913 700 ia is li 15 s79 0s 9 60 133 a lica oo 30l5 00 g6 6 a is ixtsoa l500o0 23 00 csx ietio o s iras seoooo 1000 03 3000 ou toan acdttqtls detailed statement of the- i j expenditure of the xoitfd jauly of or yillaer of acton for the year ending s lit december c89 i paid wm smiiii thomaa iuloa w bamshav thomas melam thomas ebbacb ooxtiyoescies psidacspeicfatrent hart a co sutionay ttuoore sandrios l jchilliaodries j john matthews express georffe hynds futloaay telecnmbrothersuilton wetbtaithpound rc behalf valantarc j eucgarvtnreettioit wateroos co ostimatet w il btoreyt electing fntooj l j il smith tcloctins jnron l bedsterinsbjiaw j dhendexsocdeod troff k ifcgarvtc itatfouary too 12 41 wu 11 00 30 3st ics leoo lioa 5 c 3003 103 i io chabttibs paid thomas eacton tramls i jolialron ramc w h atom aoffris ohnswa debestltlles raid dr frvcxin iffltou boakd of health psid h b cook san inirwc x dr staeey medical h 3 lvtebest paid hank hamilton gcori town liccnie cheque dr freeman georgetcj n dr freeman hi1ju henrj grutottatf public school psid h- p moore treasurer streets akd paldc hill r peter savers james brown thomas euton hiram byder wulfam srailh edward dyues 44 h mcdonald edward malthcn adam cook i henry bell konald kaon jodn matthews b pearsoa thomuuclam- hobert morrow hnch byder- ct7hin valks nil ica ti stato ti is 71 85 a 13 liso 15 33 1st sfij 2 00 33 ii cm 1 00 i 313 1 iso i gblraqe paid uoyal ins co paid h v moore tovk i paid john csmeroo far wood j una fence a- e si 9ala2ues paldttmooroisaw l lyman j e megarvhi thomas easton auditors j h smith jobu lawsou wm smith befuxd paid kobcrt wallftec- mrs james hydcr county lujte paid county kate iiokuowed jionev paid bank of hamilton ukah cemetpill palds mcgarvui- public pa raid w e smith park w g smith flxtums tialauco on hand wo the undmigtibd xofl aetou do hereby veltlf y that the books and arcomits ui atdd vlluc uf actuu fofuib abuvc ia a iruo deudlwl atau jlllhakin alimpklis vimis i cjj 30 00 oo yii- fortheext tpn days before our spring goods come forward we will make a 01earing of all our remnants of dress goods mantle goods tweeds flannels remnants of all kinds must be sold and tjie prices will be low j d pntairuk orricx ikd house corner mill jhto a jbfrtisrrtfj r aulp- vyjis ii miwkxdr i ciiwimcibr yaiij- r the houk op ci jreh hlinii u pm by mr dttlllti and lulii 3sc35isbi i r uooiie fam to mm- v sw lot ko c in ibo tcoaof esqnetha tti t property of thqlaie matthew mccawim ho lea d or a ten of vcarf for psiar tfculars apply to mar- mccannbcuieq filecpjuissortjck fmii to iftnt lauoo ik a to oo isi au 10 co so oo s oo 30 00 f boom aoouooo 15 00 kb ofllsbs3 utovniicbof wa havv ojuuhlued trumsurur of be aar urip aul the f ihu mine avuitous special special values in readymade clothing good overcoats from 375 up mens coats for2oo less than half price furs and fur trimmings at cost bargains job lines in shoes we afeshonga line for si 00 in button and lace that were worth 1 j and 50 cents but we have too many of them and they must be sold 1- ii itof m tod ffr kjn lh ith lint couultimgkoizrm good una bttl other codreulaec vomiira iitpsi for fu pcrucaur tplf on tb pr k4beki vatso liineting keby lotbw acton- 1 odge nq wi 100s meets in lbciodijleira wn vii block cfnwuajlrteteninfr viiuk bfrturen ftij dcome vaz oppef ssf tation mdl tjitly to tbo undtritipitdorii of tht membor t wwillllis hhwomto 200 acre farm for sale ok to eent 1 j lot xt con c niusiip u oftcred tdbt or termoicu b9iuuiuitpbucj citm ab of ttnv on tbcjuglabaitv urongbbie ibtl bant x tsk inquire ou tbo ireinimc or favgh litlauoblk dauieaf citil 100 sere jiloogbod trniturt a 6are bargain t s is offered to party parchajricffaacataadeooi fortable brick reiadenee in good locality ig- 111afie of acton abd being in exert respset very desirable prspenrj having on the pf an abundant sapply of hard and soft ntesaas i a good stable j this property viuld be an atn-actlteaadeea- venient home lor retired oarty ot an amwafly- nrofitable investment for ipeealators creatttak ista forfubpartiealars apply to wjmqobe r at his office in townhaqaetaa cheap coilifortable housed r ash pb0i5ablb investmekt ondcndgnal osers for sale several e x fcrble dwein m dijertnt loealitiaj hi the village of acton on iceptionarsaattaui nna also one at tb nicest 50 cbe farms in the county of haltom nicely attsated nd cqqtenjent to poss oslcestore apd nfttnj ttv- tion and well adahted for fruit and vegetatls growing good orchard building htflrtvekai condltioq commoaions and conreniep inettry respect p hosest wobktxqbgafr who are deaiitotts il aotacip oa selves and nnw may selectjr twenty choice bail cling lots wb on easymonthjy 1 ayments vabuers 14 in need of money can beu sums of 6300 and c awards at terest oa approvei rtarm dray full stock of groceries at bottom prices rs ibsbright sugar for 100 5 lbs good japan teafrioo s remember the place for bargains is at the glasgow house henderson mcrae co 7scton only styss a year swearing off is slang for making good j resolutions and this end of the year is the time generally chosen as being the most suitable and appro- prista for taming over t new leaf during 1890 we have resolved to make more photographs thin we did in 1889 to make better photographs than we did in 1889 to please b very body better than we did in 1889 we have the facilities for photographing your babies ht the instantaneous process bring the rosy little cherubs to us and set a charming picture one that will be one of your dearest treasures in after days pietorea are as low as good work and a living profit will allow lr i photo artist acton baby new s prices also 100 iron log of- cail ji yies for 1890 j vi afltaydowh r j vvheel strbglgood and cheap at- i days jbookstoffie day sejllsche our iboucr flour steuc sprinji hct fau wheat bran baxhjy chu rye 7 peas hy btraw wood per corl egls ier dozen batter dlry batter rous- poutoes ior a at savages in guejlffh von will hot find a fall itocit initabla for tbe coining feative beatou gold watches 8ilver watches diampud kings gold baud feugy lovelj patterns gold spectacles awl eyeglasses full stock of silverware the nicest napkin rings in town come in and buy now and give us plenty of time to engrave- mouograms or iuitials b say age guelpb i overcohts suits i pknts if you want stylish durable and cheap clothing made to order call and see whal v we are doing fit gaartuiteed every time or uo sale our prices are so low theywll astonish you a nobby tweed suit for si 200 a handsome tweedsult for 1400 the best in the land only 1600 kelly bros i inspection invited klly bros 1 lanrbtkin polb hide ccnirtwavool fine wool tnroili kntin the date prin paper denotes acription has hr d creigh id the ontaric eoditrrjction of bnildinxa which uubvhuakkeis st- oa slpp nominated to x ntest noali conservative interest at thcpm eleztiona legislaljite atajaabl v y monday a miss re from the lieitt bover- nor wai read rec immenslni sat asinmot eoeedipg180fooe set apart from the consolidated revenue food 0 aid iii there- the cnivewty cotleee ithlheta00ooiinranos will plaoe a quarter of a tniutnn at tbe conv- mand pj the oa lego ttostees for tuildua pnrposea yibis crant will receive the approhiflioo of both sides of the house i kev pr talmkgc is evidenuy ojlerrrjned to throw around jtne nets tabernjplo to bt bnilt tot him ail air ot sentiavutj v brougfeti stone from the riyit jifliou wli oonveriid into a baptiifrljfvlouaiad an other i6bejjlace i as a coriior alsttintl j new biding wb idb be took from mprtia be soaiie olonr saviours last fgmenja he brings also a itsbe from moul siiui j and mouier fro n han hill tere great apostle ol t ie gentiles electrilled i polished athenian by bis welllmom eloqaenqe 1 r the third pan of tile toronto 2w jfoib notepjfor yaut advertisements u yon want to b iy or loll anjltiingi you want asitua ion a mcohanlc a tf nessraacbinary lodgings u yon haveloit or found anyolib or if 6u want to 4 i qnt whereanjfoni is adytetise to the jfc jva natobautltnu and read the sarertj oientaon tbo thxd laiid of that rsipaffevjj tiwihaibu tw ccnu a worjl eaeh l aertioo asdrtii rejioit toronloj ada i t ift ju a hi onfl inoun nj uvel daj del tdl m v 1-

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