Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1890, p. 4

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free press calekdar twisasiaasj uil l j t i mrtfinsnfr tolls 3 t ti i ims a lollllliskiilt nisafsijtasil 1 t s ik twilliu lllsli71ltln s6 r 5 10 11 u uk 1516 171 is 50212 23312 tea as 3031 f louuuklsj s sartsi s jih its rl f 5 loin is i isif nils asaasss aaiiiu chc fiaiintt jfolks thursday siusch c issfl aszsixssfirx cr fnouil d oh jo tat pi jti2 iron bcnrt pitc to that liiccditttni itud the lo hi tuft the iki i 1tk3 ciir eoarfos tii wrca vy trvw ioci in tbcc i would coaiiili- t the iiu aaj ticfithe iicasurr tbii t- tii la c trail lilerbut lccelvadlr if ft 6t tsy uwt eoisiort and thy counsel rvit thwiy is drkad heaven focnis to bile frota tae the light while other walk in jltd- nes let hi2 hitia kill- 1 cry iu jiio- odbcot cv phda tcco aiidlereneher tolctatiiacss tad cricf to uriely bear th buriea c my thoabt to sect lh pals thysetfhaetsomyfajsut afld tefaly string toe thy tm bclk to fear aad fait as d never laow niki la tmia i etide the heart thxts u4t- wxocrht i casact yield the harpia i oagkt so loos the ti the ieur tu to brief ko drty calls cor hois let of thy titics thea stay oh tistez stay- in heart u breat- iac- oh do an e oh do cot go bst lead tfcy solace to uiy tara jlea aad frcai the depths cc thy ttrtctioa my j why ihas cheald seraniioa ratrfc oar wty kotfea of kindred love cor sycithy jltb it at cisjht by destinys dccrc tha by that love which drtti as umt today asd fay these tear ao trcajth ol will eta 5d by thtt light ind lilo to both c i xadby thy ftiih co curtrd cjnitr j 3iidic oh save twntyc lat beir thy sitr plctd- ohdoaotc3- cairv xatceal hktokv coiared terrier by the ntme oi fritz which leimei in chilirtvs- jarlaic to plky uhy 2e p rt biby to chicfa he cace vet eneb ttttefced cxre- f ally refrticlrc froaieiiiwicf or teirio it u ia llcs pappyisii hxbit kith tiiniur objects the little fprls cosld esch select har hoam or corner of the roaa ktigd usothier to fritz inibis lifay tsd it ttm tmccng to cote the cadnis fcnokinff on with which he wosld reeponiwhea when either of his lady neighbors would if xow frtu xadcsji ooaie to sae c lid bring yox bfsy or kow co home fritz ted i will ninke yoa riirit wberecpon he twoald gtther his tafled rifcnj giager between his toijl whiulasihtrot bicfc tn hu hoase uy hit baby dotro icd himself beside it tnlchins esficriy the prepirttiaas for the expected virit ridcwith a cordial wag of the tail and a veritable kaoe of welccce ia bis brown eyes as the visitor knocked on the vtllj for admittance gravely seat icg hintself as he wax sea and respond ing fith a barfc or a repeated wag of the till to- the cirilitifls o creeuog fritz woold also pliyhtse with the boye acapping harralesly at their heels and afiajt all manner o canning devices to cktch them at the dxre or on the home- rcn never once attempting to molest them when aafely at the proper btsejd jl dogs eek ansc a friend with whom i fpect some months in xezia owned a larfieand very fie6e dog called zip he had been forced to wear a bbcfc and ciuxa from hie focrth month tnl beoom ing u he grew older qciie a terror to viri- torf ru jecorely chained dcring the day when zep wta aboct three years old a pcpp5 wai presejed to my friend- this alwu of averjiierce breed and but a few montha o age zep snarled his disapprobation and woli permit no liber- ihot from the playftil interloper growing nazt and more inriy nntil one nigbt a wiil o distress was heard and before cdo- cpf could reicbhim the hapiete pap wis chbkfid breithleas by the jealoas older dog when aearch wta made for zep hewia found hidden under the honse dor cocld any effort dislodge him bat some tufl daring the night he crept forth drag ged hit victim under the steps scratched a deep hole and carefully buried him re- mmmg tat several days beside the mojnd hardly taaticg food and apparently enter ing the keenest pangs of remorse i tingles and jokelets kalfad ttflttr wuu uio tjc ken lite wits ant tfcmymcn lift v scfltttad vcl 1 cau highly rcoommeui lligjarda fectoral balsam it care4 tny daugbicr of aooagh flie hid been troubled with over eiuche was little slie is now 12 yens old mi- m iumutk hcotlmd unt uollowayti corn hire destroys all kinds of cofns and wartf root and branch who then vonld endure them with such a cheap and cffictuxl remedy iwthiu retch catfciupauaii httt ttcitditrtte dju pits i pufftrid with coiitipxtion and hfkuclie tnd c imuip ol h ii b oii trititd found it did nic to much ikk1 that i cot ccivrsl uup hiid prond it e mrecure mi houcpt tavioi rhipk p 0 out soale symptom b of worms art fever colic variable appetite retlen3s weak- ness od convulsions the onfailinn remedy in dr lows worm syrup v gored tiy x cow a goe opll belongiu tu mr peter lind say of xisoa out was badly hooked by acow two lotties of higyards vcllow oil cured it this invaluable remedy should be in every houtc it cures cuts sprains bruifcs burns and all paics aches in man orybjjiu as a pickraecp after cxeeisive exerlioa orcipocare milbarns beefirontnd wine is grateful and comforting irtcavtajc ntfcncrj i f offered with ueurtlgia and obtained uo relief until advised to try iligyanls yellow oil sinco then i have found it to be an admirable remedy also for burns sore throat and rheumatism mns- f caul n 137 richmond st w toronto ont for kctue rash summer heat aud general toilet purposes use lows sulphur soap the opinion of aa liircrblnos kan 1 vt a doyle manager and becreiary of theiliniota farm crsmotual insurance co beulah man says my wife and myself have commenced the use of kasti balm and the benefit and comfort derived from itwarrants a continuance of its use an inactive or torpid liver mut be aroused and all bad bile removed burdock pills are best for old or young ta fane hate ball lttc probably will notaccept ottawas challenge as mr gilleu of toronto the manufactur er ofjmperial cream tartar baking pow der is very short of help ana thinks play ing ball a waste of time when they could get wort imperial is sold by all crocers and is the best kemembcr thtt ayers cherry pectoral has no equal as a specific for colds coughs and all affections of the throat and luegs for nearly half a century it has been in greater demand than any other remedy for pulmooaryoompiaiuu all druggist have it for trie frrilite tactv jfe the testimony as to the merits of uur- dock blood bitters is overwhelming and admit of co dispute it is the best blood purifier extant it actiua on the stomach liver kidneys aqd bowels is perfect it ceres dyspepsia constipation bad blood biliousness sick headache aud all ekiu di c c rirhinisico gckt- my horse was so tinicted with distemper that herald not driuk for foar days and refused all food simply apply ing hlsards likimknt outwardly cared him r feb i7 cut hriuait cav c c liiaimi i co ge3tsr have used jour misaitus likimekt for brunchitis and asthma and has cured me i believe it the best lot h p l i ml a limmstcjv otr uttie folks- are some dt yoq too little to remember tit the icng oofflraiadmeiit here are some line the editor learned at school when he wu i little boy it it called scotts ebort version of the ten commandmenu l tbdn ihalt npt have more gods bat me 1 before no idol bow the knee z tate not the name of gpiiu vain sor dire the sabbath day profane r j give both thy parents honor due 6- take heed that yoanomnrder do 7 abstain from wordsanddeedsunclean koc teal thaogh thou art poor and mean j kormake a wilful lie nor love it mq what ls thy neighbors do nut covet lxuesuxt oeafnemaitr frirr jl new baoie treatment sufferers are cot generally tivure thtt these diseases are contagious or that they- aredce to the presence of living psrzmtcs in the lining membraticendeastiikn tubes jficrocopiereetrc3i howeverrhts proved thir to be a fact and the result of- this discovery- is that a timple remedy ins betti formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cared in from one to three simple pplica- tjona made at home by the patient otiae in two weeks x b this treatment i loi a a anuff or aa oiutmect iwtli htte been d by reputable pbyeiciauk tsjnjur- oaa a pampultt explaining tins new treatment it sent oil receipt of n ceuu by a- kvutu 6yn m wet ktog street torooto canada toronto a snneren from catarrh troubles tiionld carefully read the above mi tear affertne- i was troubled with dyspepsia for eix years fjur jears ago i got a bottle of b b b from your ageaf mr john pearce of parry harbour whith iconsidered com pletely cured me a return of the symp toms aboct five weeks ago however was promptly removed by using only part of another bottle and i feel as well as ever i did in my ufa r maiiy e doauxo parry arbour out ciuhactek many people seem to forget that char- actcr grpwi that it u not something lo put ou readymade with womanhood or manhood but day by day bore a little and there a little gravt with the growth and strengthens with the strength until xi or bid it becomes almost a coal of mail ixjol at a man of busiticsi prompt rc liable conscientious jet clcarlicaded and energetic when do you suppose he dc vcloed all these admirable qualities when he was a boy ixit us e the way in which a boy of ten year get up in the morning works plays studies and we will veil you just what kind of a man he will make the boy that is late at breakfast and late at school stands a poor chance to be a prompt mail the boy kiio neglects bis duties be they ever so small aud then excqsea hicjtelf by saying i forgot i iidnt thiuk will never be reliable man and thejltoy who linds pleasure iu the suffering of weaker things will never be a noble generous kindly man a gentle man burks anufcluklsleakk at a late meeting of a scotch mutual im provement tocicty the works of shakespeare formed the kubjet of the cveniug and a doctor au admirer of the bard read a highly eulogistic paper cu his plays after the meetiug had dispersed a tailor ap proached the doctor and remarked ye think a fine lot o you plays o shakespeare doctor 1 do sir was the emphatic reply an ye think he wis mair clivir than oor ilabbie burns why theres no comparison between them said the medico indignantly maybe no was the cool response but ye telt us the oicht that it was shakespeare who wrote thoe weelkeat lines uneasy ltet the head that veara a erowu koo rabbis wud never fcae writteri air nonsense ax that konsense sir rhundcred theindignant doctor ayjuist noasense rabble wud kent fine thit a king or a queen cither disna gang to bed wi the croonou their head they aje hang itowcr the back o a chair ax ihlortakt wattfjl h ct and ccoifart t the ksotertac browns hoasehold panacea has no cual for relieving pain both internal and external irecres prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as iu acting power is wonderful browna household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of tny other elixir or lioiment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for crtmp in he etomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggutt at j centi bottle coiriampctan camf an old physician retired from practice having bad placed in bis hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthmtaud all throat and lung jafiectious also positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cates has felt ithts duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering wiiltend free of charge uj all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addresciug with stamp naming this psper w a xoyei slo powers block recbester x y it is worse than madness to neglect a cough or k cold which is easily subdued if tiken in time becomes when left to itself the foreranuer of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickjes anticonscmptive syrap the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the bnman body and drive it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals th4 diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful ineuencj in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the live of their children and themtelucs from much anxi ety trouble and expense let them procure- a bottle of bickjes anticonsumptiveji syrup and wheacver ichild has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup tccording to directions mn emtok kisa wfl known fact that the mijoritjt of people are inclined to look upon a cold in the head is a matter of little importance involving ak the moil only a temporary iuconvcuieucj ko mare dis astrous mistake was fever made the neglected cold in tie hesd is the source of tho catarrhal affections with which about tcvcii until of tbo pcojlc uf this country are afiucttil aud catarrh itself is too often the pral consumption and death of catarrh are manifold may be mentioned offensive breath dull oppressive- heariichc oi from the nostrils into ui chial tubes deafness ot coutlaut hawking kuj watery eyes a lucking of general debility riul frcjuent dicziiits tli the more getiffcjsytnptofcih experience their fcliould lui applying a remedy delalsare proverbially dangerous and in the ctso of this tno pre valcat disease may lead to death we offer nasal balm to the public as a positive iminary stages to the symptoms but among them cnsivc droppings throat aud bron- partial deafness litting weik and couih and feeling ng in lint tars and fo are but k few of ud those who no time in cure for cald iu the head all its forms and stages been tested in thousaudi testimonials in our pbss is all we claim for it i sufferers it will cure y use pleasant aud agree v require a douche or any ment to apply t give convinced of its great efiii find for catarrh in kaeal balm has of easts and the sion prove that it has cured other x it is easy to le und docscot torturing instra- t a trial and be icy suld by all dealers or sent post freo qu receipt of price wcfor small or si fcr by addressing fflioni i c ont large sizo bottles brcckville a short road to health was opened to those suffering from chronic cougbaasthma catarrh lumbago tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or inflamed breast and kidney complainu by the introduction of the inexpensive and effective remedy or thomas ecjeetnc oil avon- aiiiaeii a a worthy gentle man having an unusually red nose was long suspected afbemg a tippler on the sly by those cot acquainted with fcis strictly temperate habit his unfortunate dis figurement was readily cured by the use of ayers karsaparilla c c jacobs buffalo an employeeof the u 6 express co says dr thomas eclectric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 6 years standing having tried alrrioet every known remedy besides two buffalo pbyticitns without relief but the oil cured him he thinks it cannot be recorameodsd too highly pale woebegnne invalids suffering from poverty of the blood bilious sufferers and those whose circulation is depraved should uie without delay korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure the celebrated blood purifier which stimu late digestion increases the nutritive pro- pertiesof the blood and eipele impurities from the system cthutunptlan kitretjcarerf totc editor please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy tor the above named dis ease by its timely uw thousands of ho lt ctt iive ikxu pcriiuueiitiy cured i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy jtsle to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their erpress cud i o address- iiespeelfully di t a sloclk 10 wtrft adelaide st toronto out mr john magwfxkj victoria road writes northrop lymans vegcuble discovery end uysreptic cureis asplendid medicine my cstuiner tay they never used aiij thing nioreeffectaal good result imiuedhilely fully its ne i ktiuvt its value from pergonal experience having beeu troubled iocj ot 10 yezr with dtpcytit siuce uiictiitdjgeatioj gouon without that depressing reeiuio well kuwtt a dyspep tic i hue no iicitiiun iu leoonimend- ingjtin tny cae if indigestion iili- pation ileartbarnor troutjfts uruitu fruiu a dijfdcrcd tcouach the third page of the toronto au mail is noted for want advertisements if yoa want io buy or sell toything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mall and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word each in sertion address the llarf toronto can ada aiivio to moiiiui- are you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child sufferioy and crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its valua it incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it in other s there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and give tone anl energy to the whole system mrs wiaslows soothing syrap fqr children teething is pleasant to the take and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beit female pbyticitns and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twenty- five cents a bottle be sure and ask far iis wins nows sooth t so svrci- and take no other kind no begin to think about your sprin clothhg i can give you a fine light suit at a very low price if you have your last pnng suit good yet with the exception of being wiled bring it in and have it cleaned equal to new the public kno that my prices areright liith3 mtrcbauttailor mr h luinshaw photo artist is turning out beautiful work now highly creditable to any tahery outside the cities all cusseti otitis work are carefully and artistically executed and his miuealure and life izes are equally meritorious h you want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtthlg mail that pier reaches lugogo fanner homes tvery week tid ynir iwtveriietceiit should meet the eye jf uijoou who waul ta pur- cllurfe adtertiaemtiiu of in rlaxtc are in heriel in the vormiut htilf mall tor five cnt nitrd tb tiierttid or twenty jtiiru mir for five iiitti-ri- addrcw tee mtliltwuuiitcxtinak xdllictdsulim the date printed on paper denotes the date u cription his been paid e label of each to which the sub t sckfest aktj most powerfni altcrativo ik ayers sarsaparilljt young and old are alike benefited by iti use for tho ctuptivo dis- cxcs peculiar to children nothing else is go ftcctive sa this- medicine wllilo its flgtccj- blv havor makes easy to admin- r jfy little loy hid large rjtoiu- injis ulcers on his nejck and throat from which he suffered terribly tfvo physicians attended him hut he grew continually worse under their care and cvenixvly expected he viuldiliejl had heard cf the remarkable- cures t tinted by ayers sarsaftarilla and decidfd to have my loy try it shortly aftrr he ixgan to take this nudinne the tileitii com- menred healing and iilt using several tot tics he was entiry curctl he is now as health v and- t rem- as snv lioy of his age william j f dougherty hamilton va in may list niv joungrst child fourteen months old vgjn to havf sorts- gather on its head and ikkiv wr ap plied various simple ritntdies without avail the fores increased in mmilier and diwliarped copiously a jiliysician was called but the sors continued to multiply until in ft fe months they nearly covered the childs head and ixxly at hut wc begin the use of ayers sar- capariila in a few days a marked change for the better vrsi manifest the sores assumed amor jieiilthy condition the discharges were gaduallydinnn- ished and final h rcjei altotthcr the child is livelier itsjhkiii isirehor and its appetite liettcrrtlian we have tb- ecncd jot months i rank m jrifiin long point texas the formula of ay s arsaparilla presents for chronic dijaws f almost every kind riic best rcmedv known to the medical world- p- m wilson jl dwis5s arkansas ayers sarsprilla rcrrtccu dr j c ayer k co price tl cistciule lowell mass liooc burdock b will core or helleve biliousness deskess dvspepsia ilidigestiofc erysipelxs salt rheum keartburk headache azd every zvz disordered drorsy flutterikg of the heart acidity of the stokach drykess of the skin of d liisicr 16 cases of 3tfew spring goods ntportd this week to the riaht house hamilton slihicutsowelspk blood t hilbitru co ssssk jj i i took cold i i i took sick i i tguk i i scotts emulsion j result i i take my meals i take my rest aku i air vigorous rno j anything i can lay eciuns fat too i emulsion of pure o uii to takf i hands on scotts 31 livepofl and hypophosphitesoflirneand i sod not only crrrd i fonc consumption i he up and is now iltii j flesh on my atthekate or a 1otni i takcjtjfst asiiasily as eiucmiilfttm 1 f cnkr wraiirm wm to c il 5jcaadsl0j i scott c fijuxi luoip- liltutlit j g j bones i a day i j hi milk r in fnmon kiltrifk i a eeruia iri tpecjr csre f iccid aihe ksld tsi caurrfc i in all iu uiftsl 60oth1mc cuaksikc healinc i iniiirt rtkt tmtr cm fakir ic uaar udlltd stczict arc ttxpw tynrcsit ct cauna loch is teadjchr paruil tfaizcii izsirc tenia o cci fcul fcrejiil fntij md iaif ktnartc uutiucur for mfr vrrjiifrc lustea rcerxl fiic of iebvdtjmc i j2 ire troubled with tsj cf tb cr kiedrej tzipicrs tc live cturrfa arvi its4 ioc ro lice ia fracwir a bcttl of kiut bllv j3e uvrvti in time mjlceted cold la heid ressli ia ojrrh cunrti byccostcipticaanfi jcath kttil bititicu lr ill dnijtpici or will be sent pott paid on rapt ci price co ceais and j x by sddrciidc fultorq co biokwtx okt ta bewtrt of fraiutfecs nraiur ia name advices have been received from mr thomas w watkins now in the karopean marlteti ititing thst he b been enabled to obtain spring and bnrnmergoods direct from ha maaafactaren at much lower prices than ever before the cash down is what makes the manufacturers tits obeap goods aud soauuf u lo sell at sach low price as to increase sales to sach an enormous eitenl that con each dollars worth sold is all wauins desires for profit importationi this week are q bales of prints cue case towels ona bal sheetings two cases ladles aud misses embroidered underclothing two cases victoria lawns one ijale cretonnes honeycomb and terry cloths for infants wear zephyr and checked ginghams childrens feeders class towellings silk ribbons silk ribbon velrattvsilk velvets braids point lace cartami tidiw pongm bilks faille fraocaise silks cashmere silks 8potted muslin cashmere esse caimn gloves printed drillettea bleached aodlsncy ehirtings bleached sheetings charming now style of prints tud cretonnes flannelettes naicsoclc mailed jaoooet swiss cheeked and brilliant mntlins persian lawns cambric handkerchiefs corsets waist steels secrtackerti ladies and gents embroidered and knitted underwear ladies will please call to see these new goods the prices are so cheap and the styles so rood they are sure to please rememker tbegreat special sale of wirrtergoods at in cnanycasea less than half prices mlt still be continued uatil all are sold this is the time to buy carpets many of which are going off at far less than cost prices and nearly all therest of the carpet are selling off at a big discount please enter the stores east of carpel window many make mistakes aad do not get into the right house corner king and hughson streets hamilton feb 13th 1800 thomas p- watbiiisrs y great- gkreat- racket dry gqpds must besoldmoney is the thing wanted and money we must have we htro determined on b ktle on monday 20th day of january up to the- lqtli day of march wjfl we shall give a discoanl of ten per cent forepot cash on all sales of i2 and npwards with the exception of white cotton factory cotton and cotton spools which will be five per cent this will be a rare chance to get goods at extraordinary lowprices the goods are already cheap and all goods are advaucing rapidly so now is your golden opportunity to lay in a stock of dress goods dress silks miflidery ifautles shawls cloikinjj and ulsterings wool len gcoas fare prints cottoue tickings cottonkdes checked shirtings denims flannels ladies arid hens underclothing hosiery small wares tweeds cloths of all kinds readymade clothing overcoats carpets oilcloths curtains boou and shoes felt overshoes fur robes etc our manufacturing depart ments such as orderedclottnug dressmaking and millinery are in full running order busy as nailers but we want to be bus ier tbisis going to be a cracker ola saleaiid whoever comes will get the bargains ladies gentle men and everybody are all cor dially inrfted to this sale at the mammoth house reduction x7 t- sale -at- rbjermyns during february w mcleod co georaetowk mantle cloths cloakings dress goods millinery hats caps and furs must be cleared out before march to make room for very large spring stock which we bought before the advance in prices this is a chance to make money r b jerjiyiy cans speicht st son acton j a speight manager aiipyoa with all the ftraiinre required to funiiihrosrnct and cos little lome crtoreileaiih rosr home h a settled cce tu asrstvts at the verybwesi rice there is uo article of furniture we eaunctmrplv acd farther e deliver cur fuxzitsrcaai you lave no anxcfficetrethtchirfrfsud run co risk of breakage we cam uit all undertaking outthirtysvuyitn etiicricrice in ibis licsiccs has reculted in eonvmciuf the ltiblic cf this entire eorna unity thtt tc un fntclase wort itr ill cr3n icd is style which compare ith those of the city at cue half city frices our hearse- t u tu excellent one tudgrtcajaajsyi present a becaczisc tpimartccc ve live plea- urein iavitithe ibiic to call ca cs f cr ayjus req tared ia ourliccs 7 s- importing for spring iff our sir ryan sailed from london england ou saturday 15th inst per steamer arizona of the guion liue having completed his purchashes for spring aud summer we cau hardly over estimate tbo advaufagesto our customers of the personal selection of all importationsreqairementsnotoulyofthecanadiantradeiugeneraibut of the guelph trade in particular our long experiwice in importing having prored to us the marked infeiiority of letter orders whicb we make use of only for repeat orders as compared with selections from the manufacturers stocks made iu person byau experienced buyer mr iiyan states taat never has he been better satisfied tlau with the spring goods just purchased the shades excellence and novelty of winch will delight our customers we expect to open up many lines of new goods early in jlarch and cau promise the ladies ot guelph aud vicinity a variety and assortment of spriugand sumrcer goods which they will look for in vain elsewhere meanwhile beariu mind that we are still closing out our winter goods atsale prsces as room must be made for rue spring im portations gbryknco guelph railway time tabt j v3t crancf trunk railway kendalls spav1k cure litin fir u frrw ho untsa tirthun7tia dtl fikarxiico kendalls jspavin cure rtl cpotoo of jour kzvuli 5rif in ct ftz hit kcmntsj it lo tllcrke aja vcmljlr asgihit t 1rsr- ira j- rrt kendalls spavin cure ia e j karxii ecu gau i wilt crcntff uwhat i fcitfim klor bane ctte aajictm lh bz ueai a3 books stut fonowci u- cirvcjduj i br iis lost a cae ct anj- lti yoamrci 1 ijtsrxtrbn i hcncxatto- kendalls sp4vih curl price tt rr boftla or ilx bttij f cr l an dm fttiueitorciaptltror yoo tt1utaiob io aar idiirtwr tlfvtoa ton dkb jklptdjijcoka- sold br ajll dkuggi8t i joll vd rn i jstitr ic- r r- r7rmo cp 11 tr trr ari tie ir ircluis ri hi-s- t iciklcnil i hivedjii the itiici fits epilepsy or t at ttkcj sickness a uk lz stdv f iriiaxx7 tt r tirtirtcio j il- ii ii rco frl f i j a rnd atrrii its 11 in turr iric ty- lmvll1lr nritt 7 f iil ius oiirtr it csu i- j z i r r trl tt wiucure- a h g poot xclf braarh office xesx azaias street toronto njlsttrlkotc diodcs teira trtf i li rii i iil i-ltit- aa itiifta s3 iluitifuu ieirrti oitihiluili uou4bjf4 t1 li it ta lie ir in l-nl- irx rnt r j i- lallrlif jbi wi ill crc i p- c urii se sralra 1 ljliir ti to cthichf ith feeehalff worm ponders jhe largest soplt vdeko- ik cakada over 00 5tiyles of hay scales grain scales l farm scales tea scales iwr0ye0sh0y0wk iqwev drawers meatchoppers ii ak3 bjichess swues c wilson i sorl 6 0 esplanaocstrelt east tokontcont

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