Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1890, p. 2

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-v-v- i borjf k aobcuann of a daughter tnttnonfcbjwii tic wifoof mr w i otutcr ktqaming o awu mcnctutn acton ou llic ith iau tlu wjfn ft he alct uetl of a daughter fif nrmon uarcli 3rd lh ifc o mr iliirf htrvloaecawrb of daughter uuntacleorsetowu on uc litre february ui irot ur andre- uann o a daughter jltxlxutlo oearcttown eu on- stth l-vl- raintbetflorcii4uckiutiiik a im tfnfcnttton fdirwy ih lx t j honutrn atmae tortmto unfiled mr t 4 hurcett ot the fmrint al t o i married wobtittrmlria hewrlrsihhurli n lb trcidcoc of the briicc itrfur i lv mo4uiwuof mrc mcg4ju enuetlugtoiuut uaorttf tnrubullof ifcwrtr jttixiliutk at vnvt ncotvh- dar lu february li itf kcv j v lvifcv ur albion johat of yfctmk c ronrcny of 0n hound to uimlaiu kuillv illmi youngest daughter ot john fncc ki-i- cf tt- disd lu in march 1890 hlmtior tiodiivv mavij eusgli- trr of edward godfre y niuvairortas l rnlrie mtu ou ilic ftfc march oci ambroe k of uort nieljin aged 3 yrr and 9 months hill a artooit thflrtidcflct- of lict s-an-ii- uwurtjiumcdoauieeil march jity ukorc relict of the laic cuu-ic- a kill ud i tui and i moaqw fit ttoit rct ws5 thnrsdit search 13 16g0 kotes jlkd cokkexts among the petition to the legislature of xatth dakota one from jacob uob racier proprietor of a at grind- fbrltr liking that the stale rcimbaxte him in the am at 170006 on aeoflantof daznace to ills brawery property by the adoption of the praitibitfoa amendment why sack a petition ii u prohibition does not prohibit the minuter of education protest to compel the attendance it cchool of 90000 children between the age of set en and thirtf who in now tayi tvxy sach ictioa on hr boa paxl will serioasiy r iriuithe prodactionoc i fine crop of ttfiimt in the ner f ctttrc far teadinc poetioni in ontario jiilt btoa iportf this is how lome one fjrares it ost from bnjihel of corn i diitiuer gets foar giuooi of whuiey which retaili it 9 ic the gcternment reu figo the firmer who rtiaed the corn geu 46 centf the nil roadgetiu the mwftiarer get h the retailer geta 7 and the oocsnsier pets drunt ko vooder mny kaniu ftr- men ire oiing corn as fuec 2r w- alriei ibit of wooo agtiust the township- of caledoet or the dcstrccucn of his fam br the umble flood list uu will probably bmried at the dnfferin spring assixea ft ii unlikely tlut this will be a testcuet and that if the tewesbip is ad- jadged liable the claims of other parties will be settled by reference either to arfci ration or to an officer of the caort the gorernment bill to prevent tha dis- cioaare of oficjal docamenii and informa tion introduced hi lhe senate is very lengthy and prriride for the imprison meat of any person who may ie tnior- matian concerning the defenses of canada to any foreign power or otherwise divclce information injuries to this conatry the bill u an exact copy of the imperial act oniheaune goestjon li the pauper popojatioa of octario ic- crftniog the legiiilatnre of that provinoe hag aanctioned a government bill for the establishment of opnntv pocrhonses and indnatrial farms it was once the boast vc upper canada that pootbonses were zuy known within its borders bat those arcxo dian days seem to hare passed swiy as i population increases it is natural ender thej prevailing lyitem for a larger residuum to be predpitiied to the bottom of ihfl social scale and it is better until the world has grown wiser and better that those in want shoold be provided with industrial homes than i that they should go to recruit the criminal class or become hardens cpoa private charity montreal star manitoba is fast becoming the radical province of the dominion it has bet a single legislative chamber iu executive rjstem it timvii and effective and excres- eocas privilege and anomalies are being hewn away from its political structure in a very doodad way tax exemptions are the latest anomaly and privilege to fall before the reformers axe and froci this time onwarda manwih not pay his neigh bori share cf the monidpsi government the province ofoatarid hat heretofore j been the mott progressive of the provinces bat it is now in some particulars behind manitoba and the reforming element in that province openly declare that they have only began their wflrfc wuuk ealtov tzachees aisoaltiok the aanail jfeetincheld at geprsetunt lut thorfdiyiiidrridai 3 the association j met in geprgfitown public school thursday and friday and there was a fair attendance- president husband called the convention to order thjrp at 10 oclock when the following lessons were given to classes of children on calisthenics by hiislaidltw on thtf teaching of can ad is a history by principal harrison reading to a ix citss by iftse cleveland and temperance and hygeae by mr meade all of which were very creditftbteto both teachers and taught at the afternoon session inspector smith oc wentwortli coanty gave sn interestidg talk apon edacatianal subjects then prol tafig from ingetsoll uadertook to teach a dassto sing m the presence of the con vent wa the class beic selected from those scfaolart who never had tried toeingby dote oranyplan thefrofessor i gave the class a lesson in what is knows as i the tonic sol fa raefbod of teaching to sing and in about 20 minctcs be had them to ring a tune from this notation without help of any sort in che evening pabtic mcetinwas held in the town lull to hear a lecture bj- inspector smith on tbe fcrmatioa of character as a fketor in edcrattioa mif cleveland of actoo rendered two recrtatioos in fine style and- prof tg sang several of bis scotch soegf on triday morning at the recjaest cf the convention prof tagg gave farther explanation of tonic sol fa before leaving for gnelph- this was followed by several papers noon which free discussion was in- dolgfld n inspector smith gave a lengthy address npon arithmetic bespecting some of ms methods of teaching exception was tticea bat generally his remarks were- ofvaioeto teachers a paper oa iro- tnotioa examiuation was read by ur mcgiuwy of palermo the couventiou closed ou friday afternoon house of commons tlicvitfft orivrllivmeottlic hykcrt sromlnt sabliatu obscnatitr notes fbok the capitau orriwi mar ii as matters have not bocu iiarticulirly stirring aboat the house lliit wtek space will allow a short reference olhclacof parliament the dupli cate lege ot the legislator and no doubt this will prove of iulcrcst to the fnx rixvo roidors thrbasr scene be sow on the floor ot the lloasc prcscuted to ihcgarc of the risitor to the padianicncsrj- paljcrj daring the session is heightened by tlw coutinasl fiit- ticit about of those dim iuutivc hamaa but- cruics known u iwgcs these trim utlje felloki arc a sort cf cudentady to the statesmen lach his some member or bcnstor whom he admires and imitates and cuv hap have wtthin the raiie of his amhitiuu to iml fouic daj thoboys take ah fu teres t in politics loo for if there it a cliange c pitlyor speakers there arc changes made in their ranks the seuale stafl liokevcr are exempt from the vicissi- ludd 3f an electica as their tenure of ofliee is secure wliilc their agi and couluet war- rtujs their being retained in service for this reason he atiendtnts of the old ladies look down loftily oa their brother servitors cf the commons and consider thcmsclres quite a select cirdc at the same time the boys of the lower ifoase look cpoa the knee breeched attaches of the upper as boyish old fogies without a knowledge of wirepalling and not it all aa fait on iniuert political men icr isv iv they arc the legs oftlie narliamentar- ixns in a figurative sense and while cot usually well cp in learning have shrewd heads often crowded with scheme winch wocd do credit to theireldere they enter the pablic servibe as scou as they are big enough end have perceptioa to note when a member snips his fingers and arc able to ijo his bidding in a jiffy when their statareexceeds five feet their usefulness as pages is gone many cf them have a chanoe to be appointed as messenger or as- same some other posiliaa suited to their capacity in the house or one cf the public departmenlc while acting as page the pay is 8150 per diem this is supplement ed by tips same dove it the end cf the session being the proud possessors of sums ranging all the kay up toftoo earned as a reward for their smartness in serving their masters a page renders an extra service isifycy cling records for memben to the oncber of frcm three to fifteen each of these cecertlly reward the boy with a re minder in the shape of a fi bill or say a five at the close of the season the aver age page is a nobby little fellow uses the best lubin for his handkerchief wean neat fitting clothes combs his hair carefully keeps his face and hands fccrunulously clean has chining backies on his shoes and has always a jingling pocketful of small silver for pages usually mike considerable money makeit easy and nearly always spend it freely oa boyish ficdes jlv lve jo ltsiktes what members do yoa like best ask ed the fjn pccss correspondent of one of these precodous little gentlemen well be said with a knowing wink we generally lay for a new man and sire him up the first day he takes his seat if he pans cut liberally we try to cut out each other in attending to him if not why we are on to h and he has to snap his fingers two or three times before onr deafness al lows cs tp bear anothtr gouroe of revence to the pages it the tipping by people on bosiness who send in to see a member or from enterprising men who send a pile of circulars cr ader- tiring matter every day to be distributed among tbe virions desks if a respectable fee is left for the jitter service every mem j bee is sore to gn some advertising matter to engage his attention when he takes his epat there are sixteen pages employed in the commons who attend indiscriminately both rides of the house their ages range from ten to sixteen years and they are appointed by the speaker or sergeant-at- armi they are under the control of nar- ensfl tcrgecn who is assistant chief messenger the senate employs five whose apes range from twelve- to seventeen years the latter are provided with new- suits every two years while the boys in the commons have to purchase their awn out fit the ctsxetstiwil in his characteristicind outspoken style eirluchardcarttttubtjeaterday arraigned the member for lincoln for hit connection with the cypress hills timber limit secur ed for one john adams for 5000 throagh mr bykerts intervention shd which was shortly afterwards sold for 1200000 for mr eykerts services his wife wts to receive one half of the net proceeds this agreement was carried out the money being paid over in i3s3 sir eichard said this wis- one of the few cases where the tracks had not been covered or where the thieves had fallen out over the division of the spoil and the matter had come before a court of law as expected ur eykert met the motion with a request that th matter be referred to tbe committee on privileges and elections bat be insisted that properly speaking tbekcuse had no right to interfere at all he declared that he wis an honest man and that the people of lincoln bad en dorsad him as an honest man by returning him to parliament for the past 25 years and had reelected him since these charges were made after hon david mills and messrs white of eeafrew charlton tis- dalejeoweu macdowali bergifl mcmuiiea hickey and weldoa of albert addressed the hoase the debate wis adjocrned to be resamed on monday next- mr kykert in accordance with the rule in such cases retired from the hoase immediately after hit statement in defence kibbitk ojtelvoci petitions were presented to the house last friday praying that such laws may be enacted sod enforced as may best secure and preserve tbe observance of the sabbath especially with regard to labor on railways canals and in post offices and other places under government control the twobowei kxelky mr cacuaf the minister of agriculture has issued a circalar stating that be has imported from england a special variety of two rowed barley for seed which he offers to supply canadian farmers at two dollars per bushel mr mulocfc has urged the i government to distribute their seed barley i free tj of mwtroal ityi tba pungfl bill wai olvi wir it will oftlioon be a wo ajqr for zjftwtw tod its frlendl if ihh prophts comes truo world bit johomawjobt4d came down to the house- the other dsfroslorod and refreshed after iiii lite rospflev a white rose in his buttonhole si bright and chirpy ai a youth of twenty lordbrassey- hit written to mr wra smith deputy minister of marine that he may possibly visit canada during the com ing summer in hit fsmom yicht the 6an ocam a wive ofchincse immigration hn struck canada the revenue from the poll tax at 50 a head collected al vancouver last month was 222s against m50 a the cot responding period fast year iuk kiklvu as5ike8 hie jodjr krcelvck willie ulevesj miuox marcli 10 the spring assises for this county opened today before mr justice macmahon there boiag no pris oners in gaol awaiting trial his lordship received the usual gift of a pale of white doves there was however one criminal case to be tried one which was tried it the axt aieiiec hut in which the jury faded to arrive it a verdict the case vu cod in which a voting man named john hamer of georgetown wis charged with having wot a letter to miss alice then cap tain of the salvation army it that place threatening to kill her it was shown in the evidence that on account of disorderly conduct in the army barracks the captain had given directions shortly before the receipt of the letter that hume should be kept oat of the birrscks for a period and that lie was subsequently fined for hif mis conduct the letter was one of the most indecent in its expressions ever read in a court among other things wis a threat to treat miss sheppard in a jack the-rip- pcr fashion- the text of the letter was embellished with rude illustrations the cue hinged largely on a decision of the question whether or not one of these was tutendedto represent a lethal instrument otherwise- the chief evidence against the prisoner aepecded oa an expert opinion founded on a comparison of a letter known to hive been written by him with the one in question that the letter was bis work a verditcf not guilty was returned mr john king qc and mr t g mathieson county attorney for the prose- cation mr wm laidlaw qc for the prisoner in addressing the grand jury his lord ship took occasion to speak in a commend atory strain of the work of the law and order association and to comment favor ably on the proposal to make sentences in determinate in their presentment the grand jury favored such a classification of prisoners that children and hardened crim inals would not be allowed to a in prison the rivil cases were two in number tn ultersoa v brown judgment was byjeoa- scnt for the plaintiff declaring him en titled to the timber growing on a parcel of land the other herrick v elliott wis aa action against the sureties of a defaulting agent of the plaintiffs the defence being that there had been a variation of the agreement upon which the bond was given without nquce to the sureties judgment reserved mr a w aytauafinlay and mr dmcgibbon for the plaintiffs mr j w elliott for defendants tfic expenditures on the franchise act up ic date amount to wjmh advices received by the government from washington indicate that the behrlog sea negotiations continue to progress favorably hon mrtupper will probably not return nntil after this session hxcldunpfiecoopafonn goiot1 j lh u cm f lb teftt mlnui oo cmdlu vol ill andcr n this continent behind the moantein it this season montreal it will be wacres in exnc j printing the hon geo e fosters bad- contain 60 miles of sfdings and will gue get speech last year in pamphlet form cost employmfidttosoomeu r23g eeheft of kea50v a ujtltua preacher wlio it ataronte cflirersitj grades tc sadden becomes insane hxmltcn msrch 12 william h eadia was pet in the dock at the police court yesterday charged with insanity he im mediately bowed his head in the attitude of prayer eadie is apparently about 22 or 23 years of age a toronto university graduate first year probationer of the methodist cburchand has been associated with ret thomas boyd as junior minister on trafalgar circuit in halton county last sunday evening he preached as usual to his congregation and nothing wrong was observed in him oa monday however tihen on a visit to rev wflliimketuewell oakville he betrayed symptoms of insanity eadie boarded the midnight train for hamilton that night ard arriving here was taken in tow by a cabman wbo drove him aroend town and finally dumped him off it some hotel somewhere on his trakela the unfortunate young man got potsefion of a lot of bank blanks and filling them for various sums pus bed the little bundle be neath the door of freeman d sons real estate office 2s james street south- the only reason tbat can be assigned tor this is that eadie boarded with a family named freeman at trafalgar the notes ire ill made payihle to rev w- h eadie jr a molsons bank requisition form found j with the notes is filled fa u follows in favor of rev w h eadie a methodist probationer of the first year in canada i approved by the pope exchange on po department savings bank it ottawa per torooio audendswiih amen forever chief mckinnon interviewed the young pastor and obtaining bis relatives address which is in harford he advised them of eadies cocditioa eadie s father and grandfather are inmates of an insane asylam eadie was considered a promising young preacher wis highly esteemed throughout trafalgar circuit and his sud den affliction is much deplored why co watc miry buiuk okakgotex it bkaltrtos the grand clut iter aud grand lodge compris ing s00 delegate ik session bsuotox march ii the grand black chapter of ontario west opened their ses sion in the court house here yesterday a large number of brethren assembled among whom are most worshipful john graham grand master james browuetl pgm edward medealfe g treasurer s k hammond g registrar rer wm wslih dep g chaplain w l deii g lecturer e floody g pursaivani j ed t richirds grand c most worshipful wj parkhill g master ba w h murray dgm of ba a m todd first g court mao ba w g mcan dreis g c of b a their session in the afternoon was secret tne grand lodge of onurio orangemen met at 2 pm today in the same place and an address of wel come was extended to them by thecorpor- atiou of the town of brampton aboat 300 delegates are present to harwr kagaxlne the paris figaro recently gave the first announcement in france that alphoose doudefs new tarunn serial port-taras- con is to be pablishedin an english translation exclusively in harpers maya- uiic before it appears in its original form in france the figaro louka apon this as a most significant event for the fa turn of french and american literary relations and as if to explain bow this unique enter prise was possible it aware its readers that harper mogasiar has the same standing and influence in america as the rexat e jjaczmondet in france with this difference that the american periodi cal counts a hundred thousand subscribers some ptoputty that in wtnvpojr wtoh s ihtyoaly break to iaksr job but its not so iatna vikhqakertud i 0hl to know ive rea loauiint eiplaiu tbe reason all we knof is tbat it certiin leuoni and daring tl under storms and sudden atmospheric ch inijei more main spring break thin durltff steady weather it is thus generally luributed to elec tricity in some wiy or other but jail how we do uot know wlwn i watchmaker pate in i now one be generally- warrants it for one year so that they are likely to pot in the best thoyhave sajhat they will not hive to pat iuauothor for nothing so i dont think it is because we put in poor ooes whit is wanted somebody to in vent one which will not ue affected by the weather in the meaulime the pablic while willing for this mm to get his patent oat should hairs break will hire to see that a urw one of the old kind is put m iu i proper msnucr and of the correct length hrpodth sud thick ness the greatest fault i find is that some wstchmikers do not keep a complete stock of the different americas makes and there fore hive to put in perhaps a wiltham ipring in a himpdeu witch or m elgin spring fa a rockford jvalch etc this should never be ai lowed u they are not alike in their proportions sad the watch will uot run satisfactorily personally i im very particular on tba point and keep i foil assortment of every mike i ire inxioui to gain ill he mew easterners i can ind keep ill my old oces and my long experience tells me i can only do this by careful attention to the small details in repairing gv d prince watchmaker guelph a witch will usually run hoars after winding indrise iblstatkins sales -at- the right house hamilton dtxavsaee dalvgekouk mn eiiroc itisawetlknown fact that the majority of people are inclined to look upon a cold in the head isamitterof little importance involving at the most only a temporary ia convenience ko more dis astrous mistake was tver made head jj j to 35 iminary stages to the symptoms but among them the neglected cold in the head is the source of the catarrhal affect iocs with which aboat serentenths of the people of this country ire ifsicjed and catarrh itself ii too often the pre consumption and death of catarrh are manifold may be mentioned offensive breath dull oppressive headache offensive droppings from the nostrils info iht throat and bron chial tubes deafness or partial deafness constant hawking and spitting weak and watery eyes a nicking cough and feel tag of general debility ringing in the ears and freqaeat dizziness these are hut a few cf the more reuersisymplatns and those who experience thed suotld lose no time in applying a remedy delays are proverbially dangerous and in the case of this too pre valent disease may lead to death we offer kaasi balm to the public as a positive care for cold in the head and for catarrh all its forms and stages kasal balm bar been tested ia thousands of cases and the testimonials in oar possession provefhit it u all we claim for it it has cared other sufferers it will care yeu it is easy to use pleasant and agreeable and docs not require a douche or my torturing instru ment to ipply it give it a trial and be convinced of its great efficacy sold by all dealers or sent post free an receipt cf price 50c for small or 1 fcr large size bottles by addressing fcltoei df co brockulle out special lmaeeaieat- we have made arraniemeatc with dr b i kendall co publishers of atreat- iseon the horse and his diseases which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable woric free by sending their address and enclosing a twacect stamp for mailing the same to b j kendall co enosburgh falls vt this boos is now recognized as itandard author ity upoo all diseases of he horse as its phenomenal tales attest ever four million copies having been sold in the past ten years a sale never befort reached by any publication in the same period of time we feel confident that oar patrons will appreciate the work and k glad to avail themsdves of this opportunity of obtaining a vaiaable work it is ecesairy that yoa mention this paper in sending for the treatise this offer will remain open for ouly x short time kes sad cemfert u tie sttfferiaf browns household panacea has no equal far relieving pain bo h internal and externals it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever sod of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should bo in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and iches of all kinds and it for sale by ill druggists at io cent j a bottle i many a life has been saved by thejirompt use of ayers pills traveers by bind cr sea are liable to constipation or other derangements of the stomach anolbowels which if neglected lead io serious vnd often fatal consequences jtbemostruro means of co these evils is the use of ayers cathartic fills the pru dent sailingmaster would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as without a supply of these pills though prompt and energetic in operation ayers pflu leave no 111 effects thty are purely vegetable and sugarcoated the safest medicine for old and young at home or abroad j for eight years i was afflicted with constipation which at lt became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me then i began ti take ayers pills and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action so that now i amin j excellent healthmrs c e claris tewkshury massachusetts i i regard ayers pills s one of the r most reliable general remedies of our times they have been in use in my family for affections requiring a purga- the and have given unvarying satisfac tion we have fonnd thenfan excellent remedy for colds and light fevers w r woodson fort wotth texas for several years i havta relied more anon ayers pills than upon anything else in the medicine chest to regulate my bowels and those of the ships crew these pills are not sever in their ac tion but do tbdr work t loronghly i have used them with goxl effect for the aire of rheumatism kidney trou bles and dyspepsia a ipt mueller steamship felicia now v tk city i have found ayera c ithartfc pills to be a better family med due for com mon use than any other pi is within my knowledge they are n rt only very i effective but safe and pie want to take j qualities which must make them valued by the public r lulea hauel perfumer philadelphia p u ayers fills noim si or i c ayer t co tjowell mut gold by 11 uubn i i h hill hii good u ohup omoj to buying them for the cash down direct from thtfbrmsh irish french german swiss belgian aubtitlan ahekican an r canadian manufacturers and his sales are 80 enormously labge that fouk cents on each dollars worth sold 18 all he takes for profit his bales began to increase in 180s and he has had large increases almost every year since he hab isob8a8ed his silkb some years over 80000 his last years sales were i1jm7m more thah any previous year ithese largb 8ale8 in habd times show the benefit of being abu ktsopfly ladies with almost every abtiole the y require at the lowest prices pos8ible ifcoiember tba rrei j ol wiout good l rora id pw oral ofl to 1m tbo bf prion ii still sotog on ud it will pir outooian to bay tbeir mullet 8bort takiu mmtl clottii knittot sctrfi shwtlf tie or nut winter it tboat htil priwi ud bivt tbiuhoftbeodsrioclbeipprouhiofooldiprtik new importations this week one case blankets one case silks two cases dress goods one case corsets one case 8hirting8 one case cotton ades one case window shade cloths two bales carpet linings churning sprio rlbboni btin mcrreilleai barb faille friculu brocht daciuu morle fooie ud laitrim sllki in buok tad the uteat ibidei nev lle o drou good bgw drew kobe buok silk lwm dreu battoni dreu neu dreu shields collin caffi tie ointhtmi fluoelettee while cot ton i seenncken deslrai ticking a stook of beautiful new carpets lately arrived be lore to enter the itorei east ol the wrpet trindoir mny mike miiukef ud do not get into the right hnaic thomas o watgmsts himillonfeb 13th 1880 great racket dry goods must besold money is the thing wanted and money we must have we hire determinod on i bif sile oo jioihiy 20th day of january up to the- lotli day of march 1890 we shall give a discount of ten per cent for spot cash on all sales nf 2 and upwards with the exception of white cotton factory cotton and cotton spools which will be five per cent tbis will be a rare chance to gel goods at extraordinary lowprices the goods are already cheap and all goods are advancing rapidly so now is your golden opportunity to lay in a stock of dress goods dress silks ifillinery mautles 8hawls cloaking and ulsterings wool- leu gooas fars prints cottons tickings cottonades checked 8hirtings denims flannels ladies and ifens underclothing hosiery small wares tweeds cloths of all kinds readymade clothing overcoau carpets oilcloths cartains boots and shoes felt overshoes fnr robes etc oar manufacturing- depart ments such as orderedclothing dressmaking and millinery arc in fall running order busy as nailers but we want to be bus ier thisis going to be a cracker ot a sale ana whoever comes will get the bargains ladies gentle men and everybody are all cor dially invited to this sale at the mammotii house georgetown w mcleodco georgetown igcreat- reduction sale -at- r b jermvns during february mantle cloths 01oaknng8 dress goods millinery hats caps and furs must be cleared out before march to make room for very large spring stock which we bought before the advance in prices this is a chance- to make money r b jermyn speight son acton j a speight manager can soiiily jou with ail the furaittm rqniri o fnmwi yoor ne and oofj- liiile homo cr la rupieaiih yoor home if a settlad one la ur tyla t tha rtry lovt tnleea then s do article of terniturv ve cannot supplr ud iirther ts deliver oar furniture ind yoa tare no amaging freklit cntrcm and run no risk of breakage w eaaiuit ill undertakikgr t jce la this baihiaat basmoltad in eoiituicuig ld cuuiii ibis entire comminitr lht we topply ftntcla work in all orden tni ia itrlet thieh eomrarb with llicwe of the city it one half city pricea our hearse t ta excellnt one and oar team alvtvi present t becoming ippauauc lvo iiiea- lore in tnriiiafi th pabuc to cul oq iu for anfthiug rkjoirixlin our lineg i bl tlt ol lb iiuu mx sls n r scoitir for sale l lltnu1 n njtjwlliotjs a hot ii- litaca on il sjjit- 4c ni 1ortlruss hot ai l lilcbinomnaiiob- fariu to ftiit tlit uodtnigiied dirt lo tenl hi it lot i od 81 oo uie sib lbo i17j uu sj uu we jia lino ttn cooulninsmuciet good ina hmssa other contentac poelon h sl- for luu rutleiun pplj on lb prsis hoijeiir witsox lato jiqiimfajjebi- lb i ti lodge xo20i- iooj mhkts in 1l odiktllor hill j ulock erery wcdndijaenbjat brolbron ijwj- kelcota for covr l 15u00 ud inr 10 uuj univiigiii jts of tbe member w willu5is h h woiisb j i- secrtoo 200 acre farm for sale os to rekt u for 1 term o yein lioiuodiilenoh men abuadooe of trw on the puiss 1cd crc ploasbiuu lud ibonl 30 iss plongbed lnqnirejm tho prenilidoito v hlch ucliugbux bomicio farm foi sale fifty fccrei in the townihip of ewttr ooropof od 0 ast aartr of krt is tastt 40 aern clearod 5 acre under enltiwifag uy uetf in bath- orchard dfl2tvcret vgendtr food well and never tailing tprin od om l2 good preffllm are two dwcuiachoxart which is store and bpctsinaj am j bain and onttrnlldinsk tnitfediat for orther partuulan applroa the addreu v xas j c0nzet spu f for sale l k kare bargain is offered lo prf porehaainsa nest and ml forubl brick rctidencc in good loeautj vulac of acton and being la ererr napeet a terr awirbje propertt having on the prmtes an abundant mpgly of iiaid and soft ttia taf a pood stable rhis propertr would be an atcnxtlvs amttx- renient home for retire paffr or an nasst profiuble inteatiscnt for ipeculaurs otcanital- ista for oil particulars apply to wjmoobe- athifloujeelntotnhaiiak cheap comfortable houses tnd profitable investment the ondeninod offer tor sale ktoi obu- fortable dwellings in diftrrect locahda ia the village ofacwnoncicejrtionajrejobbb terms also one oi the nicest so ache farms is the county of hafeon nicely attnated wd cocttnientto post offlie store and raqny tion and well adaptau fur fruit and rihbk growing good oflctard buudlcgs in flittiui condition commodious and contcoini d ercrr reapect- b0xe6t wobklitg mes who are destrfons of kcurinj a untne for ibent- selres and lamllies mar select from n twenty choice builiing lots irhich on easy monthly payments tabmeks in need of money can be supplied vita i somsof moo and qrwaxds at lowest rates- pf b- terett on approveffann secnrity v w j moo ywnah 3udicial j notice to credix0b8 xehemiah smith deceased plbslaxt toaijodjmentof the high govt of justice queens bench dirision tnas in the actionof cnipbcllr smith te endtten including those hiring any ipecinc or gentnl lien or incambranoeopon the instate or any fa- dividual thare theaeoo cf jereniiah smith late- of the township ofkaesagawem4n the cooatj of bajtondeeeaae4bo died intir abont tk month of uarch iss9 are on or before the wentysoeond dtof march 1s90 to r set prepaid to uesaragnthrie ft iiattof ttti tyof gnelph thqsoudtors of tbe phunufts thetr ohristian names and iniiiiiini i iflitribm and description- the luu psrtitrulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and tbe nature ofihe securities ii any heldbyihem6r in default thereof they will be peremptaarrei- clpded from the beaefit of the said jodgemrt every creditor holding any secnritristoprdsbee the same before meat my chambers at the qty of gaeiph on the twenjvfiftii dar of uarcb 19 at ten oclock ui the forenoon bebe the time appointed for adjudication oa the dabea ijatedthisiinddayof february iso sgdlsa sl uckinnos local llxster at iitdfk s importing for spring oar jir- rvak sailed from londou englaud ou saturday loth iost per steamer arizoua of the guiou liue having completed his parchashes for spring and sammer we can hardl- over estimate the advantages to onr customers of tbe personal selection of all importations by one familiar with the reqnirements not only of the canadian trade in general but ot the guelph trade in particular our lonr experience in importing having proved to ns the marked infeiiority of letter orders which we make use of only tor repeat orders as compared with selections from the manufacturers stocks made in person by an experienced buyer ur kyan 8taebtont never has ho heen better satisfied than with the spring poods just purchased the shades excellence aud novelty of winch will deligbtonr customers we expjet to open up many lines of new goods early irf march and can promise the ladies ot gnelnh and vicinity a variety and nssortuientofspringand summer goods which they will look for in vain elsewhere meanwhile bear id mind that we are still closing out our winter goods nt sale prsces as room must be made for the spring im portations i gbryhneo guelph j v kannawin druggist stktioner siccessoe to k mcgarvin kcton ont m- stock is now complete with eventhwg found in a firstclass drugstpfe big bargains in fancy goods for the next few weeks tz- swearing of isiisfcr makix good resolutions anduiis end of the war i- the tiie geacrally chosen aa being the liiost s ac j appro priate for j ftumins otct a new lel during 1s90 b have resolved to make hon fhoiograpiis uxan wo did to 1889 j to mala batter photographs hn we did in 1889 to pleaaa everybodj belter ihac wc did m1889 wehae uicfadlidt ir photographing your babies j lastantaneotis process wring the rosy little cbkrul 10 us anl jjt cbanuing pictnreroue tliat qm be out vt yuur dearest treaauroatu aft2da lictores areas low as nood nuik d a livicg jiroflt will allow ctou i

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