Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1890, p. 3

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talutiienaim ni uif bud d rff jgf- the methodist church acton rbv itorffoed itx phd tstor fuonagft bowr irwrm pjwie service kuu sjn and wj pandar school is i hi bio class conducted by the i pastor 1j1 cordially started strangers ana visitors alsys welcome ai- tsatit caber at the door it riltinr are desired applr to 1l i alooro sward i i bank jof hamilton head office- haiomok citrru tun rr linear ivyp j tcbsbciu i csirttii hfofk nowoo u 6 etkvsv pikkctokjoilv snrwinx ivcwdciil a f kiuur vkcrn john 1aoctoa cms gcar geo boscu v7t wood a it ua tdtirc to reut h xwu 1tbe h ljn i osiljimbsiiisis krpivosu tkotal it vjrsox iclou i 10 i fire no 20ki 106 j ji rariu foe sale keht i- rtrt ot itf rw ibis me lard bol 51 fc-j- ta lie rtsojrt au i bom agoa for tale qeokoktown aqehct ii discounted and advaae made til soluble wcartuw dsurr on all pans ot ctv- siu10 cintkd stittjirnt ubitij unl lb caxttxkst or eitrore boacbt and sold cofcuxttax niadv oa all aosksible potats on wort favorable tcrmis sayixgs dernmtkvt driver rwtlvcd ot l end upwards ud bv una uorol troui duo of deposit to data uf sitbdrsrsl srjxtai pavsits alo tpecrrod t cartoiit ntai of tuicnt xo aot ot frithdwj rpqnlird i huwatboxajiat bt aisortment bott pris eetl tcuiment bt qaihlj- at geo hykds aotoh oht sv liacs is phtms fioiii sc ofncxds cotabx hair brosbes toota bnubcs ebool iloolx riblm butiotktt sppctackst- au uadx ot vatclies clocki tad jwollry repaired ceo hynd8 hgxofthk bigwatca tosiu ot etacfciar aajsr slje mtwrce rcss thcesdar mabch 13 1890 3eaxy ihix0r- locals bargain izlpoofi- locttt ia t ptct a i cl bird 4ij xcc nicr ad irctl rrtjt- or u ancsoaflr i- lor nis orcpitax- wijjiiookr ictovn hih irlac- brta1le houses investmiejslt i fiia- ad rtiltir c- it inn tad tcrtaiifr kil caculcs in etery aksisa nk -o- vjiiooe ceeuit0es j- btctl diriiioz ixfc- i aeil i si ilg erediiors kpoa sse icsail cr asy ia- aev i life cocny bo iidi3 or ictihe ut o or belcre tfca uatti 15c ic aead br is gsjrit i was i the i tlcrr oi se k i t cz utitibmii tzy 2d bv tlain ci b perec pwrijy 3 irf tl- slid jadeziij- r ttt ivwtt toproabce r ciuaixss i tbe ost ezit-y- tiij- trf usteb l it- ioreeocbtxibg the liour en tf rlafaca ft3rr ko j loavilltiicrilgneipb 1st itipner arvis ont rgvv complete found ho i son fains icy goods lt ft7 weeks i fg off j- isotutions jiave resolved lrapas liisii we hd in apbb than we did vour babies wi erocefc- uii wh utcol ywur iriun- dicsjon coart todiy hr t hi prwton it almd y iraproy 0inc to the lick ol a quorum there wis do mooting of ike fiord o edacalioa oodiy etening the toronto world wufioed s0 list efc for publishing aa adttrtiienient of ibe louisiana jotleiy comct itrt j mcrdoct o itcitistor hau wiliotffidaet divine senise in the baptist cturch neit sunday tcoraieg aad evening- a maskaweat z ia eioce fay those who allecfuie cotrcat of itcilaster hall glee clab in the tbwa hall tomorrow esesiaff i 1 eer byrori laing occapicd the poipit of the ifethodtit chorcfc- last scmay matmng ha sermaa ras ihoajjttfal aad icierestine i v ithe doable whistle oa the aev tannery is ftther tlartliog in its screeches the jrccacntspf thesoath side wont sleep moch mw after g ajn ifcitsster hall glee club d toronto tire i reputation dor exeelleo x in their entertainments go and hear hem at the town hvftoroorrot evening a irestern exchange thinks i this s tad year for winter to- liajcln jthe lip of sprin- winter will be apt to have a cold fpical column if it ucgerilongj the belt organ co g uelph have xold their businees to ah englisu syndicate for t750000 alithe 61d meraberiof the nrm of wbeflico reuink large tie new ooaipaay- beeve storey and cansuble exston complain that the tramp nuisance is bc- coming almost an unbearable bore ap- plications for aid or shelter da received nearly every day from the middle of the aftemooa until nudnighl tbe auditors of k tfcgsxncdrufsiit decided to accept the offer of 1j 3 y ksnhawin to pay 50 cents on the dohar for the asseta the liabilities are 55100 and the assets tiwo tmi wilegiietbe creli- tor about 20 cents oa the dollar i on seyeril former occasions the bap- titi cburci has favored our citireos with fitotlient entertainpents provided by talent frcm a ftfttfn the cohoeri by ilrifas- ter haii glee club tomorrow evening promixe to equal that of any former occasi j the advertisement of the judicial notice to creditors of jeremiah smith xabsagaweyx deceased trill be found in another cola inn the date when creditoct noldmg secnrities are to prodooe the niine before the local master it gelph jstbe j5th of itarch and cot the 25th rf septem ber as inadvertently published by the olidton in the advertisement pe past two home gleanings wtiic h irt hflrtly actin otrlhila rtwpdhllshedjbylhc-ecj- seli pcbllinins company boston iassi in its ifarch number eontainra large and very mteresiing varieir of reading mifcter and illiiciraijre pictures specially adapt ed for tbif delighr of chndren- in tact every article in ft is illustrated and no more desirable publicaiion ootid be placed nthin reach of the jarenflet for whom it is iotaded the price i1js0 a lyear plaoes it within the reach of all- m here is a pointer to- driven en road- iythe lair provide thit if a man wants i4 go fjjter than i an other who is ahead of him on the road be u going lie hu a right to pass and if he ts prevented by the ovherand an accident jihoold hap pen thereby the man thus obstructing the road is responsible for damage doae ko msu his i right however to infringe upon tae right of others in trying o pass we have only four astracfaaa ifantles left and are prepared- to sell these at a peat bargain j gb bus cogueipb oa saturday the i5th march the hotetaud other property at silver creet belongicg to mr wm ferryman will be offered for sale by auction- w hru- tit aocuoiieec ia uewpting stock facladiog tae tweeds worsteds ac for spring wear has just bten received at theeastjend clothing score order your spring edit now w 1 llh merchant tailor tilelpif kaeketv hivv you stny abiaitibbitt it so they should be advertised other wise the priou ou whose prtufiim the beast may be fouud ia liable lo be prosecut ed and canuolcollect charges those who havt lost leoi ly recover the animals hyiomrttnganadveri liscmeut in their local paper u the matter ialtotdoudtejrr y a babbath school ahociatiau for the township cf eramosa wa formed at speed bid 14 feck- the following were elected fox uiturti year viilmpjntlur li mccomiack iai3uuiotuitcv u slrcchan lid itr leslie tauivmitmr wtlur scott icorrxryur uatiianuttnut arrangeracuts were midc tor the holding of aoonvcutiou in may a memsrztl jscruioa hev d slrachan of knckwsoii moder ator of the guelph presbytery preached a sermon in knox church on sunday morn ing bearicgupou the life and labors of the late llcv d ccuneroc- if e took for his text phil i 12-13- whcrciore my be loved as c have always obeyed not in my presence only bet now much more in my absence work oqi your own csl valiou with fear and treniclmg jor it it god which wockcth io you both to will and to do of hit good pleasure mr strachans ser mon was tell suited lo the occasion and wax listened to by a large oantcgation khax c2t arch services special services havcbeeu held in knoi cucrchthii week ke malcolm lcitch of klora was annouaced o conduct the services the first three evenings this week m on monday idcgranhed an eicasc foe absecee ecv mr jjrumn cf georgetown was then expected for tuesday eveaog bet again arrangements miscarried aod that morning a telephone mcsiige said he coald not come rev mr hie the paitor preached each evening on friday at ii oclock kcv mrhauaow cf miltaa will preach a preparatory sermon and oa scu- 4aj- the csual taramccioa ecrrices will be held tta rvrookea btrley prof sauuden has esued a circular stat ing that the government in accordance with a policy previously anconnced has purchased 10000 bushels of- carters vriia prolific barley twd rowed barley and that this barley will be c5crcd to the farmers of ciuifda m bags cf two english buihek ll21hfctoiiebagtoach individual at h per bag at ihir price the barlcj will be delivcrtii lo the nearest railway etation bo that farmer in every province may obtain it at a uniform rate any desiring this barley should communicate with prcf saunders ttperrrnul farm ottawa at once enclosing st fscry wexe ca s sututics we cowce by the brtiitfard lxjwtjr that rev mr ilaes address ca aatistics at the brant sabbath school convention last week was to favorably received ps to call forth the followicg from the committee on resclntipns that sabcithschoof statis tics are of much greater vilne than is gen erally coasijered and the admirable addrc of the rev j w rae of aclcn his demonstrated tic fact that itispossible to mite stitistica interesting and we urge upon the superintendents cf all osr schools the necessity cf carefully tabulating and promptly forwarding to lue proper osicers thcinrormatiou so desirable and so valu able tie yp u icrtiinmrt the entertainment given by the young peoples union ct the methodist church iu the lecture room en tuesday evening was excellent in erery re pact ana thoroughly enjoyed by thafeprcsent the programme cempriaed tolos by mi3 emma m moore duett by misses hemttreet and frazer readlcgs a ad recitations by missciefraand ev 4 w churchill gtrgetown r e nelac c uelph k f moore and rev ijr gisord and choruses by the choir of the church and every camber ws very credit ably rendered itce weather was wet and disagreeable and the attendance not as large as it otherwise would have been the members of the union are however well pleased with the character of the evenings programme and the reception accorded it by the audience j am ice episode since the ice harvest commenced many amusing escapades have occurred- at the poad at the height cf the operations it was nothing cncsual for two orthrce men to take a cold batfc any day hat them ciement of the eeason took place jast friday six tcame were hauled up along side the channel loading with ice and when three had their loads dh about a quarter of an acre of ice broke away and three o the teams the wsgoa of the foartfa and some of the drivers went down into six or eight feet of water it took considerable time to rescue the imperilled ktnmals as owing to their position octy one team could be re moved at a time and the last had been ia the water for half an r boor howerer they are none the worse for their bktb and the only damage sustained wacj to the harnee y jjl official visit the- visit of hrj j fifannfilgx pc m of brampwtototlodkoi 20 loo f at the regular meeting for the installation of officers was much enj ayed by the ofscers and members present mr manning was assisted in the ceremonies by messrs james mclam i francis w williams and hp moore p gs add at the conclusion cf the special business for which his visit was made he addressed the lodge in a neat speech urging the members to increased activity in the order which has done so much to alleviate the sufferings ot humanity the work of oddfallowahip in not merely that of a financial society bat has fcr it object five great duties which call forth a peculiar sense of brother ly love viz to visit the sick to relieve the distressed to bury the dead to educate the orphan to aid the widow- and in obedience to these commands nearly two millions of dollars have been expended daring the past year for these noble pur poses oddfeilowship carries on u work under the flags of thirteen different nations every day 150 join its ranks- eyety day jo0g it pent for the relief of distress its benefit are large aod expense to mem bers nominal in comparison bro man ning left by the 10 pm train for home neighborhood news fnruuhrd by contipouumiu culled from juhani kk ij measles an quite prevalent at present amongrt thd scholars of khooiwctioa no mr jbteph haw of bay utile muskoka sndwhoaboat 17 yean ago resided an ibis neighborhood paid a visit daring the past week to old f riohdi again xhcfiiccediaglynoo and hriht days of ijc ttml week okqttesalgdkiive of eugar the days and uighla now are both about as short as each other last sunday mr thomfts boll was stricken wilh paralysis llix uflvlio botelfteper of campbell- villa was ined ijo aud oosts iu all 33 befwr mayor dicolaud a avilraou p for selling liqaoc after ijevca oolock on tuesday llth february last wept j janes a youux eujdiih farm laborer rather wek io the tipper story who has been working in trafalgar warbroagru to jail by constable- coffee charged with horse stealing he was foand at postvillc with a neighbors horse in his posession he was tried by judge miller convicted and sentenced to three month imprisonment- champum mr d mcgibboo barrister who has been laid np for a week oc so witbsevre bilious attack is we are happy to say able to be out again the band had a meeting ou taesday night and reorgauized with a good mem bership the band should be eacoaraged by the townspeople as it is a benefit to the towu to have a good band here mr uob- liu will lake charge again the recent hurpkrs ilie jurj- at prliimum clutntt iltinucli niui j bnwellitli j siiygti palvcriosirch kit at t8c oclock on sitardiy n coroner mclityi jary which hid ba in utilon lince 1 oclock ntarned this vordlct thl the nld froderick cornelioi benwoll cuno ta bii death by two pistol thou fired into hii head from bablnd one ueskjtcdau0thcr bftefljaujlther infflolent wtatim deth and yoar jaron htve reiou to believe that aid thou were fired by tlia iiqd ot itoiti nald burchell aliai somerset wifh the dc liberate purpose o wikully and ioloniously oommittioutrinrder on oraboatb 17th tollo anavw ari ol fte dplnion that florenoe burthell wife o the laid ltogt- iild borchchwas aewswry to the murder after tits fio i the undiuit seemed to satisfy the ure number of people which gathered iu the or which wu sufuoieot 1 ge0aewvv the cuntract for a block of stores lo be to be buill on the vacant lot msiu street owned by warren mckiulay has been let to mr joseph ruddy the lender was 2100 the building is to have a stone front plate glasayic and is to be com pleted before the 1st o august herald john hume of georgetown whileckp fame was dismissed at the assizes at milton en monday the public school teachers took the town by fitorm last week the concert by the jubilee singers in the methodist church ori thursday evening wxtnat largely attended the iiescua duett revivalists commenced a series of services in connection with the hoyal templirs of temperance oa tues day evening the council has purchased l2o silver- plated dog tags for fgto chief search supplies meals lo tramps forlg- cents each the village pays the btll 1 the council refuses lo pay for the ring- ifig of the town bell at 7 pm oakville the partoc concert given at ihe residence of dr lcik on tuesday evening the tth insl wac not very well attended a lew gentlemen were present the ladies plain ly see the great failing of the male sex and will in the future as they intend giving a series of finch the hungry creatures for their absence was accounted for by the absence cfcatables however the arrange ments made were all admirably carried out instructive amusement social intercoane and sweet music were eivea with entire satisfaction we are bore these social gatherings will increase in popularity as they become better known the object is to raise money to recarpet the methodist church proceeds amounted to f 1110 mayor urqcbart has beea authorized by the town council a oiler a reward of fifty dollars for information leading to the arrest of the barglars who have so frequently of jtte visited many- of oar dwellings and stores theamatear minstrels held a concert in the town hall last thursday evening the talect was all local and all acquitted themselves in a creditable macnar pro ceeds in aid of the band sixtyfive dollars was realized on friday evening a dette took place at the k t of t coancil the subject being resolved that it be inexpedient to submit the ssctt act in the coanty in the hear future the speakers on the- affirmative side were ev wm settle well messrs h mcxeil and e wales on the ctcative messrs w mcseil j taylor and dr lusk the judges gave their decision in farorof the oegetive tide theoakville mammas accept with thanks the humble apology from mr lacy of the fajmenton telegraph bat the twins visnhohnfdrm him that wishing otsjj employments is the worst to says young so say we of following our mammas examples mrs fcfittlewell it visiting her parents in st thomas mhbiilkesbitimorubdftciassof cdabwiajpng she aalorjjome tune been iwesinsiniotiira from cati odr ytmoj eojie wuf atathwetteof mr marlalle tas receouy had a new ace poviqthe tnildtog of tot 9jcilv conveniences mr sec andrew itmayor of our town returhedtat week from a two weeks- trip through the weitern states hour toller floor kutiusf kail wheat j brao oauj iaixii wood jer card yss ltr dtaen batter aalry uaekad- sk dt bag- tnaiyt karcb tttii 1393 t lj to 1 j i 10 to s 50 0 a to 0 0u to 0m ii 00 to ii 00 j 0 36 too j 0 ig lo 0 sr i 0 to 0 i5 a w to o ac too lo eu 3 08 to 2 w ou io 1 to o a to o i 0mttf outaou olitodu o so to o 0 76 to i oft sootou 1 0 260 tosoo 030 to0 0 10 to 0 13 et itiiejtuaqital cotvca mr h eamshaw photo artist is turning out beantifutwork now highly creditable to any gallery outside ihe cities all classes of his work aro carefully and artistically eiecntea aod his roiaeature and life sies artreually meritorious we have a few fur good left ooosist- ingof maff boss ic which wo will let go at a great redaction r g bbavi co goelph tiic collector iltlams his boll nud hetrftes j f hi dlwiiarrc council met on monday evening at laq oclock members present heeve storey and messrs speight smith aod kenney tbamioulos of previous meeting wen read and confirmed j the collector returned his roll for 1889 si completed moved by j a speight seconded by w e snrith that the collectors roll be received and the collector be now relieved from further duty respecting said roll the committee on finance pretexted their fourth report recommending pityroeidt of accouou m follows hcndetsoa uceae it co tapiiitt9 stf hart ift co statloocry i 4 08 thos easton poundkejper 10 ool irpjltooro inintinswid advertisias o s i 1 os moved by w e smith seconded by john eauney that the report just read be adopted carried coudcil thenadjoarned mr oouau kennetly of jot ko u thipnout df foreign rood wm tboy paid tto 0 t k freight ou ibeafg stoicot- 3 erin near osprioga will houa- ijoojb fewmpww smsbsfa s h 2 i cteoekwje jww isbweh piemeou on friday 21st march at oue oclock wa heyimuict auctioneer a cheque for fifteen hundred su iweutysix dollars and oue centlw ondentaod that g b eyan co soft gueipb gave the collector of oustdmi thertv ou mdaday last their cheque for h52c01 being the viikspfsytats aud town hall during lueifieinodo asto mtt barchell here it a wtde diversity of opinion ihrodghout ihe county of oxford as io- her alleged knowledge of the murder before or after lie fact assuming ihe accused to ibe guilty as to burchell however after ihe strong chain of circumstantial evidence that has been woven aroundhfsfii there are very few who do uot bcliora tbatjelwlli beimpoaiible for him to prove au alibi tm prisoners were uot present at the lhqaceyi odsy but coroner mclsy could have had hetn if he so desired rltpriucipal feature ot the day th addition to the verdict was ihe positive identiflcalioo by pclly o the re mains as those of beowell the young man went over to the cemetery accompan ied by th several jurymen aud 800 persons the cofnn hid been disinter red and the hd removed iu the grateful sunlight of this beanttfal marchjafternoou and with hundreds of eyes riveted upon him mr pelly gazed at the features of the occupant of the coffin he said they were undoubtedly those of the young man who had crossed iu the britannic with him and who had met such a cruel fate in the blenheim swamp 1 nuoira fiu- ont march ic the police attthorilies received a cablegram this morning lhat mrs burdiells jfathcr and siller would sail on the germauic for niagara falls i when the public officer conveyed liic coateulk of the above cablegram lo mrs burchell at mrs baldwins a beam of hope culightenei her face but when she realised that her father and sister woulot soon be by her side her eyes filled with tears and the unfortunate woman sobbed bitterly police magistrate hill wa interviewed this morning in regard to the report circu lated that both burchell and his wife were to be removed to woodstock jail the magistrate says he has heard dot a word about their removal and says he cannot see how that could be dons withoatconsult- inghiin and furthermore the in rcstigalfaa will not be concluded here until wednesday when no doubt they both will be commit ted to the county jail at woodstock in which county the crime was cornmitted lokkon- eng march 19 mr david scvenoc the ftther of mrs burchell whose husband it is alleged murdered frederick beawell was interviewed todiy he repudiatea the statement that his daughter was in any way accessory to the murder and denies that her tuarnage to burchell was irregular he says that he has now in his possession a copy of the marriage certificate and he believes that his daughter has theoriginal he received a letter from his daughter three days rafter the murder which he considers an absolute proqoher innocence of any with the crime tilt vcwiuuklt jfystfj tivwyiixt march 11 the inquest on ihejdsyjdr the late r a smith was re opened here yesterday at three oclock the witnesses examined duringl the after noon were j turney eli holmes and wm denne and shed no new light on the sub ject wm deonc corrobarhted miss smiths report is lo the parties in the house daring the night and turaey relsted a conversation he had with sjnith about la grippe on the evening if the shooting smith said to witness that he saiteted eon- sidetabiy in bis head here the inquest was adjourned till seven oclock in the evening j after resuming theooroncr addressed the jary andeoqaired if they thought it neoes- sary to call any more witoesses they asked for drwiddinelii opinion as to the revolver being in the hand pf deceased when discharged the doctor begged to be excased on account of his official capacity as sheriff itttefrinjict the jury retindtt15 oclock and at lofo they misferesiutcwrrt to the effect hhatkiwri arthoi smith came to hifakft itwv jputol shot wound batwhether toisidmot was fired by his own hand or fcilhro of oine unknown person we mfuoablcjj to lay pergo far i jriplu irctullf jrom icton with whom free press keiaer ire if c re or less aoiiuf nted liias nettie clark la visiting friends in orangetiiie j sire cs smith spent triday wrdi frieeda at limehooae 1 mr fletcher hall of trafalgar visited acton friends thia week j itrs 21 brickir of listovoi ia the truest of her mothirv hiwtril hicj r mra thompson of gnelphj win a guest at sanderland villa over sunday kfiss henderson of sfilton vsa the guest of acton frienda doringjle wek her davidjajlejjpfibrontonaij dr auld his son a short nait on inday mr and mrs wm cook j of toronto visited acton friends a few days this week mr david mcmackon of highgatc spent a coople of days with friends here isst week mrs george matthews is visiting acton friends she is soon to leave for bjoom- ucldn j i mr and mrs john anderson left on monday to attend the foncralof a brothers child in king mr i m moore foremaji pbt f ver pott lafe of the tnzt riew bacv ii iutownacoaflfeof diys thiaweek mr doditia mebediau ko nirir ai fireman on an engine between toronto aod allandale was home for a weekor so en hrt 9tbt7 l iofa mention was jnada some weeks ao ia still confined io his room at htai mbtht ra residence glenwllljams ibrongju jleori y and other trotlblfatid ia hniyvprln aa apoodlly xtfc rhe du jtlwon lttiljl ion paper denofw the dan op to which the lob scrlptlon haa bten paid t wodneaday february ad 1800 mors new qoodb new8 they keep oouing in every day alllue early do yon think well w sure nerer the last to any feature of the mtreantlle race but isnt the weather more like spring than winter t people will boy win ter goods a fowlf they are thrown be fore tbem at such a low price that they cant get put them aud by the way thats the kiud of treatment we are giving our winter goods 87jc dress goods for in stance for 15c we are not the people to bang on to stuff the shelves mast be cleared each season but people are com- iug in every day looking lot something new in tiess goods fr trims and salcens in cambrics lawns embrbider- ins iu carpets houseturaishluca io cloths and clothing and we are ia shape to supply the demand do yon want a bar gain in winter goods well give it to yon do vou want something handsome with the blush of beamy aud freabnesa upon it 1 wo show you the ooutcuts ot over go caws and bales already to hand and more arc coming every day dre83 goods are worthy of spe cial mention 100 pieces of novelties pat into stock this week people talk of ad vance inpriks you cant see it in these goods they are the best value we have yet shown we bought them cheap we sell thep cheap the price for oue line la only 5 cents per yard thats all that ueed be said another liue loceuu comprising a wide range of all wool slripea plain colors blacks brocades the very ideal of a bargain a line of double width mohairs at 50 cents very attractive and much tobe worn a lovely line of double wioistrjnes at co oenu all wool element and stylulj ouercojfcts if you want stylish durable and cheap clothing made to otter call and sjeis what we are doing fit guaranteed eveijy time 6r no sale- our prices are so low they will astonish you a nobby tweed suit lor 1200 ajhandsomo tweed suit for si 400 kelly bros the best in the lahd only 1600 rv f- rl inspection invited kelly bros the press inew york for 1590 daily sunday weekly the a ggreasive republican journal of dm metropolis a newspafir fob the masses we havent said much lately about blsek dress goods well everybody knows the beautiful range of these gcoda that we always carry we have just opened out soma specially nice hoes ji j3ick -heori- ettas black twflu black black jatqqards bfack bariti cloths jjlack diagonals all remarkable for fi iilltjuw if style and sppoarnce and good valid oar dressmaking department ii baiy atleudmg to orders t founded december 1st 187 largest daily circulation of any eepubli- can paper in america rpan of up faction palls no sitiaa to areofie thk fituss is the i vlros has no auimi the most reuiarxable sewipaper suceeu in sew york the iltesa now a kational xew9- iaieb raiidlf crowinc in fator with hml hcam of overy but in the union cbtap ne vulgar tenaations and trash find uij ijiww in the colamns of tax piixas it is an erjioiiiltc er patillshed at the lowest price american currency penults tun iuxss has tho brlflhtest ditorial pace n kcv york it trklca viui potiiu y tm pkess blvnivedtnoxtr t spfcdded 10 ltfio paper coteriiiff crerr current topic ot inttttat the vox weksxt ernnox eoytalns all the rood tilings of ihe daily and sunday editions writh siccl eatares rnited to a weekly pnbu i -fifit- t j i r i cation iot tuom who cannot afford a mkny y doni itdaw wh orare prcvcnuid br distance from early receif- an attractive stock of cabpes ia ittm wsexlt u a splendid substitute and h0csefurkishikg6 we carrj j as an adtertislnn medium the pbess ha no didal do anylhing in them aotij last aea- superior in new vork it reacbos an jou oncur are bound w m ake slsts ssusl them a success on saturday wo reoeivedj nn sitg bales of new carpets iorefy frosh pat- the terns in tsnestrim and rraa1 also hiiaii tlj roach of all tbe best aud cheaiest crumb- clothes hearth bugs furniture i m and window tapestrioa and this week irj dlij o4 sunday one tear is 00 eipect a large consignment of laee cor- smooth 2 50 lains we open thi department not be- 1 lsiontli cause we expect to grow rich out of it daily only one tear 3 00 carpets especiallyaresoldcloseeverywhere fourmontha 100 we will aay this that nobody in the trade i sunday only one tear 2 00 who pays 100 cents on the dollar eaabr iwoekly press- 1 00 ill sell them cheaper than we phfase mark that this is a new department we ace bound lo make it a big one the profits will come by and by startling value in grey cottons white cottons grey sheetings bleaehad 8hees- ingi fancy ehtrtingt fns slrrperl ticla- ings 1 one peic plain figubbb no credit e r bollert 25 27 lower wyndham st guelph t5end for tin pnrw ctrcnlar vith full i-artica- urs and list of cxcellenturcuutimf baimples free agent antod everywhere lbajnj eommiiaiona address ptess new york- waters bros the picture oallest guelph rlltmes i pictcukb picture jlocldings boom uolloings ookmck poles from 3jc mass uons baskeb kods from 13c abt1sts xutebul6 ou colon vat colon china colon brnsties etc etc rcadj uixed falsu asia- iralls eaaincl cord wires xlili ciiains hooira etc waters bros st qeoeoes square new spbing iobda3 prints f we libve jtst opeuod this week a largo lot of dark prints for the early spring trade u fmicys icombinations anl j new dress coods j also targe lot of kewdifess gojids iu all ytfio liei sha with buttodb and trimmings to match w can- show extra value in these goods new mantle coods f in blaclf apd colored iu fttripes kaueys aud plaid i new shirtings i from 10 cents upwards white muslins large assortment of white muslins cottons bales of white and ircy cottons ohcioths floor anrl table oil cloths ribbons and lacs j new ribbons and laces r cents furnishings qenta tie collars and cuffs in great variety readymadea boys and mens suits at cost pric as they most out foot wear o cleared see our ladies shoe atl00 button aintlaijejedaced from 8150 yen cheap line ot mens aud boys sho that famous japan tea weiave jnst received auother lot ot our japan this isthe best we have had 5 ibs for 100 tea t 25c all lines of grocrln at close cut prices remember the spot for cheap coods clasgow house acton i is at the dominion boot and shoe store kenney bros acton wc arc now entered uksu another rear with its bainew and dotneauc care andnoltithstandinb that kc are head over lieajs in cnsiaeaace hare tinis to thank our namerons eutomen for their very wad and liberal patronafie dtwfa the part jear we appreciate this pat- rotiae acdwcl in retaru eontinac to aoobretcry effort tosnpplj- all who i call upon cs with the best the market affords whether in boots shoes slippers overshoes rubbers trunksj valises dkc oar orderei and kiairiss department trill rocersx tbe usual careful attention wishing all trospcrouiyeatr wc are yours respectfully kekney bros acton de henderson mcraeco hcton ri i v springt- 1 1 statcia repairing we have just purcliajed u stock ot fiue americau main springs fine jewels and other good material for watch ilepairiug bring your work to rb sayasl watchmaker cuelph grand preparations being made at the lion of qualph for the spring campaign almost every steamship brings as an addition to bur stock oar goods are all bought by our glasgow buyer who has teen in the europeau markets for the last fifty yeas and knows all the ins and oats of the trade he is no mjere ncjvice whose knowledge is limited to an occasional visit of two or three weeks but who is as familiar with the english markets as the average qaolph buyer is with the toronto market this is one of the great secrets of the wonderful yifruo always to be had at i aut desired the friends of hiss lizzie alann who is the amount of datv on their fiffij taking a course at uie las jfnto for the lomem a large aaaprtmont of spring gooda this season blind at brautford kill bf saaod to learn that she is getting along u oewfully and that her course there la like y to prove of much value to her through 11 e with her other hiaucbos she ja making apalprogreu in music just totianrl the foil brusaelcarpetsji- all- wool carpets hemp oaipet8 lines in t v union carpets stair carpets qlark thompson carpet house guelph next door to herod 4 co 30 lower wyndham st the lion guelph c glasgow before buying your spring goods at least visit iur establish ment and compare our prices this is all wc aslf aud wo are assuicd it will do mutually beneficial j d williamson 5 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald bt glasgow tc co iu n

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