Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1890, p. 2

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mkhetln tilsocucrf oa kuo tth tlc j dlugriter ififfi u oih haw since died 25 t t ii 1u msrch uio vt u l unlearn ot uc sxtrnti ia mlrsisd b thcrcridiracc ot the nfle tstuer rwuiisnlle oa lue 1w1 febro- yf t w j tr- iolitt dtcplioii jou third sou o mr km etciiliossoa llorrit foraierlv of acton lo mix 6csl winner ofhciaitfue tm srrowln tliol miclt on llic soli lal urforltudo thurston otvlucrof the isle ttr l thurston 6 actott scyd if jtr j otes ixncouitexrs a cottofpoudeul iu iiotce ctfajcs hut lie iy authorised to announce lint ilcpope woaldcooseat to act ax mediator llirotlgh wbtcli uie simaluuioa disarming o ear opcultiiofit might f brought about injxew york a life iasunncc corapicy las lent 1120000 to a cuotch aud the church lias hid the live of a number of its members insured ja farar of itself and a piper there speais of this as eotnetfiicg ecus ml il u an dd method ic canada bob bardeue was a plulcsptier s chris- ua sad a frieadof the downtroddea vrhen he said god wasted mad when he made i miu to mean u to teil the postmaster to return uit paper marked ref ased trhea heow two or three vesxs sabscriptiou the camber of lienor saloons in ewr york cifr ig estimated to be 7500 mi m brooklyn 30001200 in all the inr se income ol each aj6oa it estimated it oot less thin h000 annually making jq from the people of the txa aties to sapport the hqaoc traffic acexinordinirj- thiojj has occurred in the united states lynchers hue been broait to triijbdcoavietal the right olsnpposed criminals to a fxir tnii has forotwo been vindicated if this sort of ifain icere done a utile moire freqaently imericaa freedom and julue wonld be held in more respect- the beekeeping boainess k an extecaire one n thu prorince aome i5000 peraocs being enffed in il of lata veafc foci brood haa apfeared among the bees and legialaiira ic dot weight for the proper in epection and regnlation of the barioe in thif partiaijar which the ificuter of igri coitore is promoting an exchange aayr t place it what the people make it sotting more nothing less every person in a lon ik t fictor and a power be it for little or for rnaefc individoaj ulfloenee and interest are boend together u one thertfore a little step forward a littje effort on the part of ail it thai pnahet a torn into proaiinenoe and prosperity of all the trange paradoxes of our time the tteingeat beemi to be that of a person who feacfae that intoxicating ttonor phvaiealij evil ufl morally and sociallr aedaetite and corrapting who warns the public against the tavern ax a trap and a temptation to rain yet who inbistelxtica of citizen takes part in the election of men who aanetion the sale of drink which he decries and denounces drf il lets aa a novelty for the worlds fair to be held at chicago in i2 p v barocm propoaea an exhititioti of the memmifed remains of eing bameeec ii of egypt the pharaoh of the exodus as well as hose of his daughter the discoverer of hoes these ccffpaesarenowinamasenmatboo- iak in egypt and barncm has offered the egyptian government 1100000 for the right of exhibiting them in enrope and america the idea he tars might bring him mil- lion doutrs bm he is willing to transfer all his rights to the woclda fair coramikee provincial treasurer eoca has in- trocoissd a bill respecting eiemptiocs from taiarion and the principal features of the bill are to provide for the taxation of churches and educational establishments for local improvement pabhc schooli kre not inefaded ia the biu bat universities codeges or any iocorporaied seminary of learning will be liable to the local improve ment tax mercantile stocks vill be sub ject to taxation to their fall nine clergy- meni residences and their salaries will be taxed tnder the proriiioas of the bill and they will be placed upon the same footing as other citizess- addrfxs s0 fkeextatiov a number of the friends of ifr william wajdieud family who are aboatto re- move to the northwest proceeded to his residence on tuesday evening to spend sn hour with them prior to their departare- tfae viait was made the occasion for the presentation of the fallowing nj ac companied by a watch and chain to ifr waidie and a cruet to sire waldie jfaixdltai willujc vcuazz jexa paizxde wis the tfiae u iui ipprotdj- i be roc pcrpose takfrg yosr fiircre wecanaotaiiowroa ta ever yozr ccsneclian yrith us if triends ad cefghbox wiihm teetify- icgfa tame tangible way ocr ippttciion tf jqzz g hont nd cpriftt rrnrt tnd ueibotlf condact dsrirg yorr retldczce far to msar rwa amougit a we at yon to iccept ink witcb tad chtiif or foorselfj ted ink craet for jozr cetisible ptrtoerlaroarjoyi ted wmn cot fartieir ftrlniic valae teut oavecir oi czr good vill wd fcimj regirdi for jog ustlitciyhen rc iajtrarikrdiittntloieiy the- recjed jou liisl yocitm cxve nuny wtnn trieiid la icloa and vfcisity who wih yba god t ied tsd every wacngknuuy iiottd to caciiad fa yozr jwtrney tciwii life- fte exeeodicfilr regret ycr rcyavij to dkiaat lands bat trait that ocr low will be yor gain with car beet wklies for the fctcre hsjlaeu ol proiperf iy of yocrfielrec ted fall wcnaatiatiiiataisyogis gohxriii i jobs hxtter y- wj kk i 1 i5 to olicrb sir wildie wis liiea cmpicj by nrpriit he tiitatet hk irieds for their bauitifri preaenls- ud hingh hii words vrere fey there ni oo uck of eriieoee of ipprecitlioa on hu pirt of the fiior roeir- ed itt d hendenon fpofce on belujf of ifn wildie thoiing the doaots for their remenibwioce of her id well chosee words the wlch it t- iplendid dostproof item wind ehjn jeweled with hetty curb chiiiriod iej ind ihe ctse betrs the col- lowing description vzzsrsm v r william waldie lthia ictoiifaxiw hueb ifetii 1200 bothtije wuch and the croetwere par- ciuied a the jewelry rtore of mr george ifndt i he fl t 15l vrr old 7y tiieplblic iitti comparatively few ot emt chueqtart iwrtrc of the beauty and vala of the pablio pattrtccatlv acaired by tie toaniolptl coaucil for the uta of the pi olio and im- proretticnt of the town binct lheappoiat meet of the cituensvcotnraiueo to work in coujaticuoa with the council iu the im prove a cat and management of he park a few ckc ago a good many have bok ever cbrae lo walize the vat ad importance and extent of this excellent property takrog lime by the fomlodk the com ruiticc a few weeks ago nu4e a careful surveybf the park and its environment and irnuged for uauictoai ia prove menla one oflhcsc was the exteniio ot the half mile truck wiwsrd some itijy feet oc 10 in order to effect- mare room atxho entrance and thus avert the danger cf accidents which bat heretofore existed the jog oa the uoc tit side of ihe track is beiog taken oot snd the course msde perfectly straight ou each tide with loug torus it the ends this utter is no small matte to accom plish as it necessitates the 1 ing in of a bay iu the pcud 160 feet lone t- to 10 feet wide and sii to twelve fceticcp work upon this was oommeoced issl week the crib tork has been put iu wit z commend able eipcdiliou and by the aiv of bees iu which a large number of cilize studhortes hac takea part nearly enoch bniih and other tuitenal has beea cent yed across the ice to the point where it is jaired for the wctk ap booq ss the fros is oat cf the ground other bees will be scringed for filliug in the csrth to the propel height firtherimpttkemccuare contemplated anions which sre these a plan of the park it being prepared and a iyitemauc arrangement made for the plan ing of trees at soitablti points throchoat t le gronnds each year the pretty utile giove at the west end is to be anderbrnihed ind cleared oat the crand stand to be removed to a mare central point and an ad- itional en trance made this work will a i be accom plished with dispatch and will bat trivial eipease to the municipality if the people heartily unite in its pcrfonnin as they have dace daring the past week the community is cinder obligation toif r pearson for htc successful marshalling of the fcroec in connection with thl work to ilr john harvey for hit kindness in setting apart far park purposes the port ona of the property belonging to his watt privilege which are being utilized in th improve ments under way and to il thomas cameron for snpplying free ot harge the material used for filling op the e ip it is hoped the public generall r will take an interest in the improvements referred to and it ehocld be understood b all that when arrangements are made or united work en any particular day all a e invited to assist lhebexwerxhcrdd new and imiiortant evidence afstn it birrhall who continues ta haulfbt s and coolness wooikroct starch i tee tcitemenl over thibenwell tragedy is dyin out to a certain extent bcrchall still oo itintzes to maintain th same coolness that baa from the drst distiaeuiahed him he s as light- hearted and jovial as he wa the he was arrested he talks freely first day about all sorts of things bet never makes i be slight est reference to the mcrder hi condact u not that certainly of a man weij hed down with a binding remorse and at he same time there is very little cf that eeling cf fear andshame which often dis ingnishes the innocent he i at least gam t and his condeef is certainly remarkable y yew cvillycc today with very much rejccta nee ilisa lcckfaart in cocupany with detec ive ifur- ray visaed the gaol to see if tie cosli identify the prisoner as the man who waa on the train and sat and talked rith ben well whose body the had idei ued at princeton yesterday they were admitted to the gaol by governor cameron andifiss lbckhart after going the round i of the corridors to see if the coald ide lufy the prisoner indeutfied birchxllwi boct the tlightest trouble she said to jetective slurray i feel for a man in sach s desper- ste position and do not like to be t witness when a mm c life is in danger b t i am prisoner benwell pointing to something through the wiodaw he kanai his head back and the cap fell o he t around and yoang benwell got cp and picked the cap up the prisoner is themtn that accompanied ben ell and i hada good look at both their fact s and i hiss saw them both geics at eastwood lockhart will prove a very injportant witness at the trial detective iforray left here this evening for toronto tee vusqsuls yceve- the prisoner is fully aware of all the evidence shich has been heaped cf against fcim but liqghx at it all i will be able to clear myself my dear boy 1 e says and seems to feel perfectly confide it xhat being innocent i must be sogritted detective ifcrray started withoat a molato- ly a eingle clue and in a short spi ce has- sacceeded in unearthing a case of i ingnlar strength against the prisoner th most peculiar part of the whole affair a that birchtll seems to entertain a sinceo regard for hurray he says that he is i clever man and that he cannot help res sectin him slnrray has attended to bi chills wants in t most humane manner tiqae his confinement in uoodstocfc jail peeplixva ek liztukct birchall reads a great deal bat jwavs has a smile of welcome for the js ter or any one else who is allowed to visi him he made his first move towards a efence yesterday by telegraphing to lawyer tames a itacdonajd of toronto the awyer appeared upon the scene in respon e late last night end today visited the jail when he remained closeted with his die it for two hours ifaodonald refused to terviewei after he had left his cliei would simply state that he had defence ue m- and good the dqjukfon illusteated a good deal of the last issue of tl e jj iiitju luuitircttd s devoted to kew band land an island which although i at yet comprised within the dominion of c nada h almost certain to be occ with us ic some not very distant- fa tare et johc s and pjiceuiis the places depicted iu ibis nam ber ire of iu teres not only for thei bold grand scenery bat kjsj for their his orical associatioae the uewdepatyhaad state dcparttuent occuyiex the nrst ftl hemttors botsford nd girart ketit obrien h p ud hall 1 l p reprtstut the public uieu ot the ifa province old canada- and be north fexi- fttorciai march 17 old gabriel a mitsioa indian who was 150 years old died yesterday at the monterey coanty poorhoase af iqxtihec cotnjrcheosive and iotei rtting cumber the duuthin uladraltd i r pub lished st 1z st stma treet jxqtr il a a pickmeup after cicertfrfl ex rtiou or eijosnre milborns beef tryn and is grateful uad comforting our capital letter proropstlou la view the sruale alivea welhtyoatherlorttie hykert case xotk pnim miroh 10 it would look u if ihe government werofloiog to hurry mil ters now sir john miodonaid gave uouce yesterday that he would move on thursday next that for the remainder of the session government measures shall hav preoed- coca on wednesdays commencing with wednesday 20 lust after qaostioai put byrchemeinberi thht leaves privata members only one day a wt till hcsatt xui0st txcttu the senate cime perilously near having a lively time friday afternoon tha hoa mr ciemow did not with to go oa with the debate of the orahge bill in a thiu house and so innocently mod that it be adjourn cd until moudsy uext monday out as all the world but senator ciemow knew wis the lth of irelaud bat be did col remain long in- ignorance of this fact the husky tones of hon john odoaohue fell upon his car and bore in upon him the knowledge that in proposing to read the orangcbill a second time ou mouday he had in lie opinion of ireland an chose a repres entative heaped untold iosak upon the irish race the world over mr odonohue waxed exceedingly tadignam and wrilhy bat so as lor ciemow receded before the storm and the chamber wu saved a scene of excitement the bill was fixed for tuesday next navil itrulxi wioety tkaxuioml mr adam brown has received from sir charles tapper an honorary testimonial of ho royal humane society signed by the tuke of argyll to baud to a yoang german named albert e ben beck resident at hc- peler who ou the 2cth august 188q saved the life of miss rebecca heath who was la imminent danger of drowning at port dover mr brown will at a convenient date make the presentation to mr eben- beck atteiohtt unismxu mr alauzo wright m p the genial king of the gatineaa invited a party of 22 of the solid men of the house to visit his residence at iroasides ou tharsdsy where they spent a most pleasant afternoon a feature of the day was a weighing match and it turned out that the combined weight of the party was tg77 ibi giving an aver age of sc3 lbs twenty one out of the 23 present were canadian born which shows the class of material canada can produce the king himself was the heaviest man m the party tipping the scales at 255 lbs manitoba in the person of mr labivere ran a close second with 23 ilc british colombia in mr earle was third with 20 lbs p e i represented by comma- do re welsh 230 lbs ontario represent ed by dr montague 239 lbs sad so oa i err rnoit ritiliccmcvrs the remarkable fact was pointed out the othe other day ia the house hat although the c v r ha been running eight years and that net a railway in the world bat meets with an accident at some time or other that during the period named not a single person has been killed in an accident oa the main line of the great canadian road run ejxtrcoctsicc mr landerkia asked the other day if the government hid takaa any action in rehu tion totheoatrage which was last season committed opoa a yoacg man oa thfl steamer baltic which resulted in his death mr colby replied that a commias- ico had been appointed to investigate the asaion of the commander of the baltic and the action of the government frill depend upon the report the commissioners give tex rnrrr scexix the debate cnsir richard cartwrights motion of censure on mr rykert was re sumed ou monday night by arrangement and as already foreshadowed it has been decided to refer the whole matter to the committee on privileges and elections many members participated in the debate but the chief interest undoubtedly centred in the two dosing speeches made by mr blake and sir john thompson both were delivered in a calm and jadicfai spirit but from different standpoints mr blake while averfe to referring the matter to the committee thought mr rykert had not placed all the facts before the house that hs might have done and he suggested that the member for lincoln be given another chance from his seat in parliament to com plete the evidence sit jofaa thompson sorry to iy that i identify the as the man who cat alongside of oo the train and got off along wit htm at etstwood when the cap was p aced on birchalls head i recognised it also i remember when they were oa t ie train nearing eastwood birchall was u ixing to his inend and gesticulating as if he wfiret tended that in jnstice tu mr rykert he of uio pgc and luiue west having stated that before the committee he mali prodece witnesses to exculpate him- selr and that these witmrtses could not be heard in any other way the request ex pressed should be granted- the minister of jnstice said he felt strongly that the dignity of parliament should be maintained in this matter and he promised that in the event of the reference to the committee being assented tothe report shoaid be pre sented before prorogation ud that the government would not endeavor to in- flaecce any member as to what course hs ahoald take sir jchifthompsaaa declar ation had a surpriiingvffect upon the op position as mr laurier after having con- suited with mr blake and sir richard cartwright rose and intimated that they wonld accept the proposal to refer the whole matter to the committee and so for the present the venue is changed kotxa mr john waldie m p for your coanty was a guest ofspeaker ouimet at his din ner last week hoa mr foster has girea notice that the badget will probably be delivered oa- friday and if not tneu it will certaiuly be ready the following week the hon j a cbapleaa is qaiie seriously ill the old trouble having return ed to his throat his physfcan recommends that he again try the air of leathern france- lady stanley will leave for england on the 26th inst bat will return in time to assist lord stanley in giving an official welcome to the duke of connanght in may the duke when here will be he guest of lord stanley and sir george stephen lady macdonald was ou monday pre sented with a handsome majolica rase eight feet in height by the ottawa irish conservatives in commoraliba of st pat ricks birthday the present cost 15qq xinetyfour petitions were presented ia the senate monday ifteruoou the largest number ever handed in ou one day most of them were ia favor of he sabbath ob servance bill the senate has passed senator almpns bill legalising marriage with a deceased wifek gster the worlds fair wxsaixotcgf march 17- fair cocnmitste todaj decide wjuc the worlds decided to dste the opening of the fair april 30 i8w and close october 20 of the oauie j ear hifjard s pectoral onlum cures coughs colds hoarseuesa bronchi tin asthma whooplugooiigh and all bronnhfa sad long trouble priou 2jc per bottle or 5 for 0o what is ca itoarxf castoriatidrsimue pitchers prescrip hon for infants md c lildron it neither oonliiui opium morpt ine nor other kir- oouo substance il fa abarmlesi substitute for paregoric drops soothing byrowaud castor oih il is pleassnt its gvartutoe is thirty years use by millions ot mothers caatorii destroys woraja aud illiyt fever- iahncu cutona prevents vomiting soor card cares diarrhoea aud wind colic castoria reliever teeth ng troubles cures coctllpttioa and nitblency clitoris assimilates ha food regulates the stomach and bowqli giving healthy and natural sleep cutoria is thu child mothers friend cus panacea the it it worse than madness to ueglact a cough or scold which ia easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the foreranner of coastrnplion and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of h iauga and bronch ial lubes ravels willi perilous ripidity then do not delay get l bottle of sickles auticonsomptivq syr ip the medicine that grasps this formidable foe cf the human body and drive i it from the sys tem this medicine protr otes a free and easy expectoration subdues le cough heals the diseased parts and oxer ful inuaenci in caring other diseases of ihe throat and lungs if pareula wish to save lie live of their children and tbemselaei from much anri ely trouble and erpensei let them procure a bottle of bickles syrnp and whenever achild has taken cold has a ooagn or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions s a most wonder- coasumnlion and kpeefat anno nneetue n we have made irraagemenu with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treat ise on the horse and hiu due lies whh will enable all ocr sabairibera to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address and enc stamp for mailing ths kendall co elosburgli falls vt this bock if now recognised si standard author ityupou all diseases of phenomenal sales attest copies haying beea sold ia the past tea years a sale never before reached by any pohlicatioa in the same period of time wc feel confident that bur patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail osing a two cent same to b j the horse as it over four million themselves of this op pan a valaabtj work it is uecessiry that paper in sending for this offer will remain short time uuityof obtaining oa mention this the treatise open for only a kl cad rt ihe terlnff browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pita both internal and external it cures pnn a the side back oc bowels sore throat rleumitism tooth ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood snd heal as its acting power u wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double ihe strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really it the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and i ches of ail kinds and u for sale by all drngists at 23 cent a bottle the public should bear in mind thtt dr thomas eclectric oil las nothing in com mon with the impure deteriorating class of socalled medicinal oili it is eminently pure really efficacious elieving ptin and lameness stiffness of th the cles and sores and harta excellent specific for rh amatism coaghs and bronchial com plain ti some symptoms of colic variable appetite ness and convulsions th it dr lows worm svru joints and mus- besides being an are fever rfstlestuass weak- unfailing remedy ayers hair vigor is the idedl hairxeasing it re- stores the color to gray fruff promotes a fresh and vigorous growth prevents lheformatlon cf dandruff makes the hxir soft and silken and imparts a deli- cat bat lasting per- feme soveral months ago i my hair -com- mencvd falling cat and in a few weeks my head was almost bald i tried many remedies but they did n i good i final ly bought a bottle of aytrs hair vigor and after using only a bart of the con tents my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair i i recommend your prercaratfon as the best in the world t munday sharon grove ky i have used ayers hair vigor for a number of years and it baa alwaysgiven me satisfaction- it is an excellent dress ing prevents the halr from turning gray insures its vigorous growth and keeps the scalp white land clean mary a jackson saiemj mass w have mi ayers jhalr vigor for promoting the growth of the hair and think it unequaled fof restoring the hair to its originatcoiorondfoc a dress ing it cannot be surpassjd mrs geo la fever eaton eapidsjmlch ayers hair vigor is a most excel lent preparation for the hair i speak of jt from ray own experience its use promotes the growth oft new hair and nukes it glossy and softi the vigor is also a cure for aandruffij w bowen editor enquirer mcaxthar ohio i have used ayers hair vigor for the past two years and found it all it is represented to be it restores the natu ral color to gray hair causes the hair to grow freely and keeps it soft and pliantmrs m v day cchocsky my father at about the age of fifty lost all the hair from the after one months trial op of his head f ayers hair vigor the hair began coming and in three months he h a ine growth ot luur of the natural colori p j coijen saratoga springs k v ayers flapgor raxfxxo bt dr j c ayer k co lowei mafc 60l4 vf dnsjlst sad perfumer twentyseven -m- paased through the customs house this spring up to and bales oftnew spring goods shipped irom liver- we have k date 27 cases and bales ofjnew spi pool glasgow etc as follows llxb vessel no of cask cukard bothnia 1 cctkakd iumbria 1 ci7kard gallia- 9 8tate indiana white stalt adriaiis guioj- arizona and froji kew vouk prists ckallies etc 3 total 27 cases this is only a small portion of our importations for spring- more goods are arriving daily meanwhile we are workingday and night passing the content of these cases into stock and can promise our customers that we will this season fully maintain our reputation for choice goods aud as well for goods that you will nor find duplicated elsewhere gbryanco- auelph whv do watcii jcalvsprikgs beeakt some people say that they only break to give asms poor watchmaker a job but thats not so lama watchmaker and i ought to know re reaiiy cannot explain the reason all we know it that at certain seasons and during thunder storms sod sudden atmospheric changes mortmain springs break than during steady weather it it hint generally attributed to elec tricity in some way oc other but just how we do not know when a watchmaker puts ic a new one he generally warrants it for one year so that they are likely to put in the best hey have so that they will not have to put in another tor nothing so i dont think it it because we put in poor ones what is wanted is somebody to in- vent ooe which will not be affected- by the weather in the meantime the public while waiting for this man to get his patent out should theirs break will have to see that a new one of the old kind is put iq in a proper manner and of the correct length breadth and thick- ness the greatest fault i find is that some watchmakers do not keep a complete stock of the different american makes tad there fore have to pot in perhaps a wilt him spring in a hampden watch or an elgin spring in a rockford watch etc this should never be aiiowedas they are not alike in their proportions sod the watch will not run satisfactorily personally i am very particular on thi point and keep a full assortment of- every make i am anxious to gain all the neaff customers can and keep all my eld ones and my long experience tells me i can only do this by careful attention to the small details in repairing g d pringle watchmaker guelph a watch will usually run 2s to 35 hours after winding qreat- reduction sale -at- an amateor poet says the clergy from the midnight cat can one small pointer take for thomas never fails to keep his audience wide awake rbjrjrmyns j during february a book to the afflicted mil enrrott it is a well known fact that the msjority of people ire inclined to look pea a cold in the head ass matter of little importance involving at the most only a temporary inconvenience ko mora dis astrous mistake was ever made the neglected oold in the head is the source of the catarrhal affections with which aboat seven- tenths of the people of this country are afflicted and catarrh itself it too often the preliminary stages to consumption and death the symptoms of catarrh are manifold but among them may be mentioned offensive breath dnil oppressive headache offensive dropping from the nostrils into the throat and bron chial tubes deafness or partial deafness constant bawking and spitting weak and watery eyes a hacking coagh and feeling of general debility ringing in the ears and frequent dizziness these are but a few cf the more general symptoms and those who experience them sbotld lose no time ia applying a remedy delays are proverbially dangerous and in the case of this too pre valexrt disease may lead to death we offer kaaal balm to the public as a positive cure for cold in the head and for catarrh in all iu forms and stages nasal balm has been tested in thousands of cases and the testimonials in our possession prove that it is all we claim for it it has cured other sufferers it will cure you- it if easy to use pleasant and agreeable and does not require a douche or any torturing instru ment to apply it give it a trial and be convinced of its great efficacy sold by all dealers or sent post free on receipt of price 50c for small or il fcr large size bottles by addressing fcxroan drcb brocknlle ont mantle cloths oloakings dressr goods millinery hats caps and furs must be cleared out before march totoake room for very large spring stock which we bought before theadvance in prices a new spring stock including fine tweeds worsteds ac for spring wear haa jqstbtea received at the east end clothing store order your spring suit now w j lzz merchant tailor this is a chance to make money rb jermyn sbmisiiirjif for ssitorfoig apply to thk cndmiffie1 xui el ind or hoa ltort toatsi ioula torono nil tfovoiiejai hoses slljjg job printing lmt tjrl of th m kjnyjtrss ji ic f u0oke yrytlttmoauii for sale atfjft cborcb imcu h fcrtindsfv2 itnikjjrt til kielitood h kama to rent the tiadcnieued desim to rest hk t mi m ud k on th jtd llntujs conumine crn ooojirm bojulffls otler cooventdce lcfusiico rt hrtjs for oil lrtkiilm nilv on th ptmsit st ltohert watsoxlcto enis feb kth ko artoa lodge xo 2w looj meeti in tl oddfdion 1111 ujii- liock cut wmsesdurnaliic vls- liretbrea tiviji wulccirr fqr copr cf eoili tallon tod livi tni to ibe aadmiijaaoisc of the inocjbcr w rauuk h hwohdex s ibmil 00 acre farm for sale os to rent i0ts7cc cxasbie li offered toimti j or teni of rem itip pres abuadnce tif itnvoiitheplmfcalou 100 icres piocsluble lld boot x r ploasbod idtiairo oa the icseoito high uclatgblut baa a -i- wanted salesmen to biil xarscry ktok all goov vlrrastcj firstcias lermibeut pteaatbt prtfltsb posiuoni for uj ricbt mm fpj ialarl ng cidccsei aid wtlj iibtratja- oaoemenu lo bcjnners no previotis eipofc ence necessary quia tree writ for ttrat- fitlngage chaltles hcuasennncrymea metiuon this pajef kochtbr farm for sale fifty teres in ftbe totwhip of esqtmah competed of bait quarter of lot is ena t 40 acres cleared 13 aires under cultjraticubil iac la busb orchard of li teie watafdr good well and dtvcr faiunc sprinf on tt premise are fwoi dwelling bonse in osw m wbicb is store and speysidepost tifllee taa tarn and oabuiidlnpc immediate posstssta for further jcrtictilan apply 6fltua prpabcth addres i mits j cos1et 67iidapi j fob sale a rare bargain l it offfersd to jarty ynrehaiinga neat aod-cacf- foruliie trict rcdeoco in good locality la village of actoo and beicc ia ercrr retpeet a very deairable prpteny bariog on tbrprfadsei an abundant lapfll of urd and soft vata sad rood stabla this propmr vold be as attraetittsbdach teninot bonie for miirm partv or an bsbnauy srofltable investment for ipeulatonorelttaf iti for full particulars arplyw vjmoobe at hs office in tom hau acton ocot snitabj 1 sajt tb notice i wlnj didy hsirrj bsfflent elleryj tbel prciea m cheap cqinfortable hooes- fflofitaitle intestmemtr f the oadcrsicned offen or tale tetcnl eisf fortable dwelhigs in different loeailtifabi iht villus of actooaeicptioiialjjtc also om terms 50 acbfe fabms in the conotv of balton nicflr sitoated aast contenient to port office store and rafhraxsit tlon and well adapted for fruit and ttgrtim mm in uoou orchard buildings in flnfelasi donditioncoinmodxous and coot eniest iaaray respect j hoxest3 vvouking ues who are deairibai of seenrinfi a borne fortba leltea asd familiesi may kt from dtnmda sf twenty choice building lou ahieh will btso on eaity monthly psrinents- jabmebs to ia need of monev can be tuppued with ami of j0o and njwardi at lowe tefett on approved farm ecaritv id nswardi at west rates ol tt- jvpiclal xnotice to crtfditobs or jeeemiah smith deceased ple6uavt o a jadpinent of the hifc cosnt of jasttm qoteii bench dirtsioamds in the ctiodf campbell t smith thscnse inclnding those hfttisg any ieciae br b lien or incumbrance upon tbe utaw say dividual share thereof of jeremiah smjuygs of the township of naisacaweya thecotatt oihalton decciaed tbo died in or aboot-tw- mntb ot march isw arc on or before twedtysecond dav of march k to poet prepaid to msssrs gnthrie a- watajjttm tnfof qaelpb the solicitors of the fta their christian ntmre and sarnameaadarmei and descripuon tbe fnu particular of thjff ciaimj a statement of their accounts abo ffl aatnxe of the securities i if any i held by thaw os in defafllt thereof ftev will fro perempsorw l eluded frem the benefit of tlie said jc etery creditor holding anyiceuritiitowra the aiiie before me at my chambers it the of gaeiphon the twentvflfth jay of march r 1a90 at ten oclock in the forenoon beibs time appointea for adjadication on the elabbs- datod this ind dayof pelruary 10 sgdljamytklvnon local uiiter at gaelpi prospl tbanl quara theml 27 ool from i thejl guelph cldth hall new spring overcoatings costch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuelph wj lee hi lodv ovccd laouut sbiptaent of new spring goods oaiistinr cf tie lat novclucs la scotch canadian tweeds i also fin1 vwifj- of worsteds consisting of tido acd narror sles ia u lhe latest sbsdes jajsa fine yitut of 8atin finish and 1 corkscrew worsteds i hso sfso d flae scnacut of spring overcoatings of si stsdej sajr pantlngs caaaot bo eousiiedia tbe tcoti hriufi la mr etarloy tbe lot cost vest nl piat mslthri li ibt provlcce sad twos s prso- ticsl uilor mjwlf m m i- i lsrst ottfe lo cosds sod tteb ottcd sam i ta prepirod to fositatee s perfect a lor u dofonnities sad erec uiea scotts i emulsion of pure cod liver oil and hyp0phd8phites of lime and j 8oda scohs emulsion b ts a voivurful ficikproauerr it l jierfort emulrfohlt vurful ftahhroiaerr u is hie bat baucdi for tobscmptiom scroftu broncoitlwirtiiij dii- cmw obrcaie oesflutaal oolcu palatable ahilk scottlemalsion s mlr pat ai in sslmoo color mmm aroidsil sltstionsbrsiiustitbtioik bold ij si orantlrts slboc snd i1j10 scott bowhe biuii trehm increase in istatkiios sales -at- the riaht house hamilton n i ohw owlngto bdying them for the cash down direct from the british irish french oekhan swiss beloiak austrian american an d canadian manufacturersnd his sales are so enormously large that four cents on each 1jollar8 worth 80lr7 m all he takes for profit his sales began to increase in 1882 and he ha8 hap large increases almost every year since he has increased his sales some years 0tob mow his last years sales were h3m7m more thak any previous year these l abge salesinh ard times 5w t benefit of being able to bupply ladies with almost every article they require at the lowest prices possible btotuiber th b ssl ol widutr good st from xostl sntt os l7 ieothu his prices is still ioloii oo ud it will pt customers to bay their mantlm short jsckeu msotle clolhi knitted 8crfi shiwll ti 1 prioei sod hv the nu of them daring ihe inproubths oold iprinj new importation s 55- f 4 case blakkktb one case silks two cases dress goods one case corsets 0 0ne ca8e cotton ades one case windowshide cloths two ales carpet linings chirming sprioi ribboni sstin merveilleux snr fule fraooaiee broche duobe mocto pomw anil iastnje silk in buuk ud the itteet slicules jiew styles o drew goodi bogee dress robe blsok silk lmeeorwi bnttoiw l shielde colltn coffi tie ohubuu fluneltttu white oottoni beenndt denimt tiokimi 1 stock of beautiful new carpets lately arrived b an to enter the store east of tht ojps tsdol hsnjm site mistake nd rto not net into tbe bight hootc j r call sad see mv coi chsslag elsewacre os kfcrv 1al w lee practical tailor anb dh1per mu1 street acton tiuaril liaukti tnyma hamilton feb istli 18uu thomas a wtkiasrs flour uotlcr flourtstonel i bpriac wheat fall wheat bran barley oats bt pa 1 hay 1 straw wood per oord i hgft per down butter dalrj- pacaed butter rolls cheese potatoes per bafi- ap5m r lambasib hlta hides oovss wool- fine wool tutuips sttattiifcjtbjs 15toi0 s 1 lo i iu i p sf lo os3 it5to 0 1 oololl oq 0 ji la 0h il ii iu 0s7 gu lo 0 13 0 3 w oss t u 13 8 00 3 ww 3- t ft w i jo 0 u w li i o is w u 0 lil to 0 w o liito o li 0 jtf to 0 w 0 5 to 1 m s 00 to 5 s3 j 1 00 to 1 ts 0 0 totlv-lv- 3 5u w3 00 y oatvbjifj oatoo- olotoow -f-

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