born f p tbc m march tire wife ot mraimnnotfcawbter- t auiwitp krki xxkt0 xt uia taamnite of mr ktajnakoatiuttihmuch v dr uffort urjunaiklckimiaroiaieiivfuiutti w mim klltabvth voaagmt daacbtex ot f a qnbiaetloadoo ectuaslumirtw lit toronto ou th llta sjimtt iso bj han j b kalt mr km to mitt twit dtacbtar of w llton- iutn- iha kaq ill o acton dixz ktitr la trafalgar tonfthfiu ou the uui ial john heatv iu the wh yea of hii ajfe irkkuixat milloa on uie lut inn harold oulv oao juuck l krccuiau- agwi i xui and u month moktuv at her twjcucr hover a remit artou iavuu l uortou tuactitr ot the lata juu morton acwl 3t ycar and c luontlit cit extort 3m frxss ii thtr8d thursday april 3l8m- kotesasd cqkments daring the lul fiscal year uia united state imported 843000 toot of bitaminons ooal the duty on which amoaoled to over i632q0q betides many ihoatand tout of coke tnd slack the chietworce oxsnppiy as canada an official pamphlet claims for various manitoba cities and towns the following populations winnipeg iboat 35000 selkirk 800 portage la praine 2500 brandon 3000 rapid city j00 glid- stone 30g jceepawa 800 bittie 400 it it estimated that fully 2000 sodls have beeaadded to manitoba t population al ready thii aeaaotw and that of that number orer too were heads of frpfl and ad alt male the balance being their wives and children and the masons operations will not open for a week or two the fanner may cften feel poorer than he really ii from the system of false book- keeping which he practices he aptlo figure simply opon the amuont he receiret n indthl which he pays oat and strike the balance as hit profits for the year without oompatingsrnat he hu fjoueti oat of his land in the way of a living prince bismatk was bora on april lit is 15 and this week therefore attained the age of seventyfive years the yoan em peror it only thirty one yean- bat he evidently thinks that he know t better hox to rate germany than the giant among statesmen whose aervices he had jest dis pensed with before he is much older he may learn that he ii mistaken en hit speech at tavistock some weeks ago mr mowst said u am not going to dificoss prohibition here he was eantioos as the colored preacher who said 10 a white brother who was to oeenpy his painit onesanday morning it will be jsst ax well to mafcc no allosioa to itciiia in de sermon ttis monin t it might frow a damper on de meetin jtaiioii r the manitoba cuouu says at the prerent raid of increase in wheat average id manitoba the cropof 1635 at l2 baaheic per acre will give abont z000g0q this vast amonnt will be better realized by knowing that it well require 2700 trains o i j cars each holding 500 boshels- this would give over seven trains for every day ia the year and if it mold be carried direct from thunder bay to the atlantic withpat changt of vessel the saving in freight would pay the annaal expenses of winnipeg city or the province of manitoba the ways and meant committee at washington hare struck another blow at a canadian interest that it now beginning io be in important one by transferring nickelirom the free to the dutiable list on the new tariff bitt the canadian nickel mtnf appear to contain inexhaastaole quantities of this metal and some of them are so rich that nothing short of prohibit- pry duties will prevent their prod act from being shipped to the united states hat they are now jost teing developed and the curtailment of the natural market will de lay this process wdnta the annaal report of the inspector of ontario prisons has been published the total camber of persons committed to prison daring theyearwaa 12531 of whom 7682 were convicted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment the nationalities of the persons committed were canadians 570 english 2142 irish 2370 scotch 4 americans 640 otheri 2g0 the religious denomisatisos to which they claimed affinity were i roman catholic ui church of england 3476 presby terians j 10 methodist 1632 others 816 ofthe 12531 persons committal 3- 333 could read and write while 2508 coeld neither read tior write- the number of persons confined in the various institutions of the province at the end of the year was lml against 1376 at the end of is8s a wamxg to eettlees to tie ediior ai the ffccz pezss dtuz bm yoa will be doing your farm er readers a very great seince by publish ing the following as a warning to those lookiag to the northwest for new homes not to be induced to choose uocle sams barren and famine stricken dakota in place of our own fruitful canadian korthwest keep our young canadians ia canada the governor of south dakota accom panied a deputation from that state which viiiud su paal last week for the purpose of eecoring aid for the destitute farmers of the state the deputation met the st fan joint relief committee tnd among its speakers wis judge holdridge of miner county who said tbose wbo represented there was jtban- dtnoe in his section of the coaalry were certainly egregioasly mistaken he hnd lived n minor coooty nine yetr andfcnew ery man in itaud spoke with perfect knowledge of the situation tne coanty commissioners had demoted nearly all of their time gratioaily to this matter sta tistics ihowed hat last year wheat raised in that 00001 sversged only one btnhel to the acre corn one baihel and flax one bobjaf- there was practicaliy nooateat all and potatoes ateragei only ten baihels grass which was depended on for fuel by many was almost a total fail ere also the people are poor it was awing- to the cohtribatioas from tbe outside that the people ived throagh the winter and in the teeth of all statement to he contrary be declared that if it had not been for the generosity of tfie oauide people aad the railroads and if they had had an ordinary cold winter hundreds woald have perished by hanger aad cold- not oae farmer out of five has seed and doat know where to get it thanking yoa farthe insertion iamyoarglrnly acmuruc filsit the capital letter the bad c prtseatm hj the flmu t klulster th fluar datyuflmr imp rtus rm uuim xk ottw4 april i thflfinaooo ilinislfrt annaal statement lut tharadi showed oar affair i to be a a comparath sly ulii- faotory ojodition for the lasti nuaucial yearihsictatlturplut ihowa wis tl865- 0s5 and for the curreul ar is claims that it ptymlmtto be farcer tl e coautry wnerallj u prosperoai oar 1 oma tad foreign baiinesf cootiaaea i to acreaia steadily not very rapidly the most iraporuik featara ot hon mr fotecs speech ni the changes he sane unced in rthe tariff these chtnte art bai ed oc the principle that at far at possible 3aaadu market i hoald be reserved for i jaoadiaa manafactarera if foreign tour lriea ex- clods oa from their markets the least we can do ha said is to try and rtfltiu our own markets jfor- our own cittseaj oa tbe whole tht cbaages indicate a small tdvtuca ia the duly on a ooniideraule camber of articles mwiudaitrie tre affordod better protection alterations htv beeu made to make the law more plain with regard to several arcliclet duties found necessary have beei taken off raw materials or mob u enter into manufacture hito been placed oa the free list and the tariff his othu- wise been amended to make okr fiscal policy more in harmany with the necets ities of trade and manufacture tur wrrr ps rtocn etc amani the- most important clnges an additional duty of 25 cents a i artel on flour to equalize it with that dn th i equiva lent quantity ot wheat ia otnntction with this there is to be a redaction of half the dntyjon molisses and a rebate ot 90 per cent of he duty on corn when gn and into meal seed grain to be grown foi ensilage is placed on the free lilt the i a ties on meats ai d live slock are coasid rtbty creased the growers of fruit in the great counties n western 0olariotnd specially ear the kiagara frontier will b pleased to learn hat the daliea whicflea sled pre- vioas to ess have been replaced- ir at leait nearly sq uqccc dtroarcas a deputation of imnorura of liqaor in cses will latemew the minister of cus toms oa the question of the atimaled quantities in caet liable to duty the new law places the quantity at three gallons while the importers contend that t should be only two they also want an i llowance for braniiy imported under proof tec cost srtmrcfr the net debt of the cquntryjon laly 1st is 2345313o4 oa jaly 1st 1839 23727jhi an increase t 13683 the past year shows a gain over 1887- of 2874409 or 6 p c while the increased eipeuduure was 119939 or fr p l- raz icrcil ecetlcs ikik rrso the acsaal sorpaof this year tvat sg50q0 against 11900000 eatim tied the revenue being as shown ahova sua the ex penditur 3g9i7ss4 againi 3600000 estimated- as compared with ie3 there wia a nirplns of ic5035 agains a deficillqf toronto the agent of the society who of tci003l andthe surplus fucd was kpoicj agajhst rndiux6rtki mr darin a good government bappart- er astonished the house oa thursday by specking bat his mind for once he point ed out that the grsre qaesfipa of jmmigrs- tian was being discussed in the ab ence of the leaders of the i government je coo- tinaed we have at the hea of the government s great manager oc ien but in some respects not a statesman hear hear we have one fine brain in the administration bat after him nd here mr darin waved his hand with t lore do- qnence than any words he could ha re used and went on at the present moment we have a cabinet of antiques i cheers i dont care how wide my staiemei t is cir culated it must oome oat we want a strong movementj and we can i aye two millions of dollars a year if we fal back on the true principle of putting eapa lie men to office cheersjj it is a thing iot to be stood any longer i lit it unbearable what have we got at the present momer l it is a government by deputy minister hear- the heart of the administritioa s loald be given to the formation of an imc igratios policy toa may say to me ihat ii your scheme well lam not a binister and i am cot going to peddle bra na to a man whohasnonej great laaght r we ought to have at toe head of tha depart ment of the interior a genius and man of reaoaroecj j this conntry is not go ag to tol erate a government with simpl animal magnetism at its head and will oat any brains in the remainder of thebodf they will have to go if they do not deal rith this vital question of immigration c beers narzeroy or wzzamtt ixd kzl cexs mr costigaas report on the i itpection of weights and measures and gas a me down yesterday the inspection cost 3i000 more than the fees collected 0ftles83 1c1 were inspected 380 of which bad to- be njezled j ko less j than 400 ma sores of capacity and 173 lineal meaosrei had to set aaideas wrong in the mat er of gas the illominatingpowerhasbeefl ve y gener ally np to the standard at otta va nine- teen instances in which it was lelowtbe standard were dacovered butin toronio out of iw ttc made the gas was not once found to be beiowthe standard the gas meters too have been fairly dl norafale in montreal 36 recorded more gas i ian was used and 2 less gas than was used while in toronto the figures were 22 and 22 respect ively i tut rrnrptj zfxejruox at the liberal reception on e itarday night mr james trow the liben z whip on oehalf of the liberal memberso parlia ment presented mrs mackeazie with a parse as a token of the esteem id w ich she is held as a hostess sxd leader o socials gatheringfi during he session of parlia ment the evening was ooe of 4he pleaaaqtest pf the session notwithi ending th it many of the leading lights of tl e party were absent it the press dinner rirr otuso tbcke bill the new grand trunk bdl sijcs for powers to borrow anladditional sail of 7 000000 at fburper cent the mon y to be miuiiinr 011x11000 rriday and saturday the 4th and ftn of april lbw aad following days we will make a- mag- ojficeot display of millinery jackets wrapt iiiiii dress silks dress goods from lhe ing officers and general dry goods inspection ii j hon mr foster propbuiet that reapectfdllysolicited wjcmclml aco nill probably be a jsarplas of abojt 2- tieorfietown out i j300000 fn w3q laid out thcjv in ud of the st cliir tan- uel j3ood00 for oompfetii g the doable tracking of portions of th s road 43000000 for improving the jlidiandj section ioqqfiqq for improving md in creasing the rolling stock of the detroit and grand haven ritilway tooooi ktxeltvrnniee limit the ryfcert timberiimit case wai before the committee on privileges and e actions on friday j when sir david ma heraon asd others connected with the dept rtment of the interior were etamioed- thi y said that while mr ryfcert was veryjprt littent in enforcing attention to his claim io ita proper influence was used nor w f any attempt maden that direcliori sotes the voters lists for many ridiois are now printed and ready for dfttrif fifteen listt have notbeen receired the ooalraou for tbt oauadian pacific fast sloamert bad bea 1st tbs atlantic hit aanrlce promised u to be tr ran fed for iortlyiw vwi iodj4 mrvioe sobsidited iktt yuur has bmu ioutnrtud mr w ferleylitf for otuwtdied jetterdty morning fl ffu 70 yean o age sir john macdonald toaobinffly re ferred to hi death tl the opening of the house today y holy bible book divine too fortysecoud annual heeling of acton llrancli bible soelely j ax ixtefiiwtfxt jlkktixc the tony wcood annual meeting o acton lirauchot uieliible society- was held iu knot church last wednesday evening the attendance was fully as large at usual and comprised representative from all the proles tan t congregation in town the meelfag was opened at 8 oclock mr h p moore president in the chair the ohdr tang all hail the power of jesus ktme and her rbcook offered a far- rent and appropriate prayer the presi dent then made a few remarks in connection with whickhe ruferredin feeling terms to the death of hu predecessor mr robert warrjn dr lowry the painstaking secretary treasurer wu called upon and the following admirable report wu pre sented ita pmuiscxr ixtt faruyra i or tint socuty i in prcseiitiag the report for the year 1889 i am gltd to state that an awakened inter est has been manifested in th work and progress of oar society the task of tbe collectors though u a pleasant- and often thankless has been carefully undertaken and thoroughly performed the collection at the annual meeting exceeded that ot the previous year to that with the advance all along lhe line yoor treasurer was enabled to remit to the depositary at toronto a larger tarn than formerly to assist in print ing and publishing the bible and intending the light of the word of god to tbose who have it not and who have hitherto been denied the privileges which we enjoy we hope another advance will mark the work of the present year and lhat the collection of this evening will show that the interest of those present it not abating the financial statement for the year it ai follows cell acted bj- ilrt jtmcs uclaux and uiis i lawion til l ules hcpbiil and mal- bj- ueurs fucmu elliott and robert kinnaxri 1 4 jlr james quantie 00 j jxr ajexander iledcnsjd sco junes l warren 80 wuta tcenaady and uoors 9 u jieacrs- c davidson and samuel wordas 1 4 33 delicti tabsenptioas from fanner rar t w depository aajet coueetfoast annot meeting less postage and itauoaery ltf btuace the turn of hs2m was remitted to the bible society at toronto i alt of which is respectively submitted w h lowet secretary the report was adopted after the singing of an hymn by the choir the presiient introduced rev james grant delivered a most interesting and profitable addreas in opening he expressed himself thankful for the spirit of anioa which pre vails among the christian people generally ia support of this cause and woald hail the time when we as gods children shall be drawn even closer together we are here together interested in a common cause as god t redeemed children he felt that no eulogy of the bible waa necessary but came to tell what the bible is doing and to illustrate the work of the society its pro gress and success it baa become a great river of life to thousands and if we do oar duty it will continue to give the word of god to thousands more the society evi dently enjoys the benisou of god and its aims are more securely intrenched in the hearts of the people today than ever before the address abounded with anecdote and illustrations showing what the bible is doing for heathendom ees dr gifford g b cooke and j w rae each made a few remarks relative to the work ot spreading the tcriptoret its importance and progress after which the office bearers for the ensuing year were elected at follows vrzsmxxz 2 p moore vies pkesihevt d henderson secsxtisttkexsubeh dr lowry caiaaxxez john cameron eev dr gilford james i warren j s ieanon gabriel walls james mttbewx thomu t moon sazaaef wcrden w t bm th and john eobertton cqlxxctobs thosa of laat tost were reap pointed with tne exception that x f lindsay and jobs gordon take the territory sooth of the cross road oa the 3rd ith and 5th lines miss uxxiie moore has since the meeting been ap pointed to accompany miss kate lavsos south of mm itreet a pleasing feature of the meeting was the presence again of a chair made up of members of the church choirs in the town this contributed much to the suc cess of the meeting as appropriate hymns were sang at intervals daring the evening a digression from the customary pro- j gramme was made toward the close of the meeting this was the presentation by mr d headerson to mr and mr wm waldie who left on toesday of this week for manitoba of an appropriate tea- monial in behalf of knox church it was in the form of a suitably flluminated address enclosed in a beautiful embossed gilt frame and gave expression to the worthy standing o mr and mrs waldie as earnest and liberal christian workers in connection with the church regret at the severance of ties which have for so many years been growing stronger and stronger and heartfelt wishes from all that god would bless them in their new home mr waldie and his partner were visibly moved tt this kind act on the part of their fellow workers and quietly thanked them rev mr rae made a fitting reply i the meeting was brought to a close in the ringing of the hymn when we all gather home in the morning and the benediction was pronounced by the pastor of the church wheel boles and art the on is which of tenet t get broken both from ibelr atosaaary tmallneaieodibitr wtltfla in tht move- meal thi balance being nitre tht back of thtcauinaitofteqifltsk prouurt or a knock from the outside plough handles are a grand thing or watchmakers they art death on jewels and pivots the beet jeweli are made of the hardest klndi of precious atooes inoh at irnbisi gtrntti etc bat at thty bavs to bi made to imall tbey are always liable to be broken ot til that an cracked or broken probably not more than halt of the own en of the watches know when it wat done tbey will ptrhapt 1st their watdu fall or hit it against something and it ii continues to go think nothing wat broken bat the ihtrp edges of the jewel which was cracked will very likely bring lhe watch to a atop later on by gradually cutting the pivot off care mast be taken by thewalehmaker in pot ting ttrem la that the letting will not press too lightly on the edges else they will crack the mora easily the sue ot the hole should always be very oorrect to eniare good time keeping every watchmaker thoald keep a full assortment io as to keep above the temptation of patting in bad fits if yoar watch sees not rul satisfactorily it may be from some deteet of this kind tnd i will be pleaied to examine it for yoa and report what i think wrong my work man and myself are most caret ul in teeing to those httle things and after all it is the little things ot thlr wbrldj which give as most trouble yoart g d pringle wttch- msker guelph each year i see more and more ot the importanceofbeing careful in a great boom spring suits prices it kxll eaten eve x bttoa iveryone wixtid one ihoatand cailomert to purchase knit baas v panumade order i s ers from stomach and fi derange ment dyspepsfa billousneis stck- heauache and constipation fini a wife andcjrtnln relief ia ayerjs pills in all cases when- a ca thartic is needed these lil is ore recoil- mcnitd by leading physicuur- drfr e f fortius- of uultimorc sav- i vayorspuisttktlk best cathartic cad lapcrifat- within the freschrof my profes sion t brown pf oceana w ya writes i batejiriftcribccl aycrs pula in my practice a3ralihem ex cellent i nrge their general use in families pf for a nomber of yeant f yns afflicted with bllloatneis which almost destroyed my health i tried raricas rcmcdi bat nothing afforded me kny rctiif until i began to take ayerpilisg s wanderlich scranion pn i have used ayers pjiu for the part thirty years and am satisfied i should not dc alive today illt had not been for them they cared niece yiicpsul when all other remedies ailed and their occasional use has kept bje in a healihy condhion ever stncct p drown chester pa j having been subject for rears to coostipation without befng able to find much relief i at last triol ayers pill and deem it both a duty and pleasure to testify that i hare derived grat ben efit from their use for pver two years past i have taken one of these pills every night before retirinr i would not wolingly be without them g w bowman 3g east main si- carlisle pa ayers pills have been used in my family upwards of tweity years and have completely verified all that is claimed for them in attacks of piles from which i suffered many years they afforded me greater reliej thananymed- icine i ever tried thomas f- adams holly springs texas ayers pills muxxs t dr j c ayert co gold by- 3 itmzsuu aj vducrt l ugrfirfne io lowell mats since oax last announcement we have been in receipt of over 25 oases and bales making in allup to date over oke hdk- deed cases and bales of new spring goods forward and pot into stock for the season of 1890 more are ba the way and by the time all oar purchsaea are in we shall have pat into stoek what we believe to be the most colossal stock ot choice dry goods ever opened in the city we have made up our large basineaa and for thii poinds to do a purpose have where did yoa get that elegaot suit that fits you so well at kjxlt bans marked the valaea in every department wonderfully attractive mind you we dont deal in jobs nor do w profess to do boaineai for nothing bat oar facilities and connections with almost every desirable known market are sacb that we have every advantage in buying and with the moder ate profit we ask and the freshness and beaaty at our goods the inducements are unexcelled a laege- line ot plain and fancy jacketing and coatings for ladies wear in the new shades of brown j fawn beaver terra cotta are selling very fast they are very nice goods two cases ot ladies spring jackets have just been opened and inclade very natty and pretty ityli prices very moderate oar dress makers are very busily at work orden are pouring- in upon them we certainly never ihowed t ich attractions in dress goods our french aad german finecostames are real beaj ties they are worth yoar while to see our prices ia staff goods commence withj j cents and end with 125 per yard koechlin baomgartner loerracb with agencies in aris loudon jewfxs of a watc1l- ation ft yet there every watch made nowadays has tome jewels but the old english verge hadio go without any and yet many of yoa know how well and how long they tuod to mo the kind of watch has changed to much that in the present made lever seven jewels are necessary although from eleven to seventeen can be ated to advantage auy more than seven does not add particularly to the time keeping qualities but are pat fn principally that the watch will ran longer without cleaning yoa will often find the pivots which ran iu holes which are not jewelled an the oil wean oat lighten ap jatt at a new boggy wheel will tighten on the axle rdm want of grease this h where the jeweled hole hu the ad vantage no matter whether ii bat oil or not the watch will nm bat tbe pivot will very likely be cptting all the aame so yoa eijeweli sometimes get yoa into the bad bit of jetting yoar watoh ran too long tboat cleaning and therefore wearing- u oat sooner than those without to many the malleti jewels are iu the balance j berlin europe have the producing the finest and effect fn printed materials are really perfect pictures rangement for them while year and have jail receired signmeot direct of sstteeni llamas to describe the ei qaislteaesn of color and design baffles our powers yoa matt tee them to tpprecifl te we thall have another lot of them in i few days freshness beauty value characterize oar stock this season at nevnr before we oonddently ask yoa to comp ire strictly csbh ml r b0llert 25 k 27 lower wyni lham st oublph increaise in watkijas sales the right house hamilton- h ii bi ood m ohb owiogto botlng them fob thk cash down dl ect fbou tbbllish ibhh fbench oebman swiss belgian austbrabr amek1can an canai in anufactombb aku mb sales abe so enormously labge that fotjb cent8 on each lol1 ab8 worth 80m ib takes fob profit his sales began to increase ln woakimbl 1ha8 1 h ad labge ob15abb almost every yeabbince he ha8 incbbabed his 8aj sosfvvajd times ybab8 bales webe i18m7m mobe than any previous ybab these labge balm ra habu 1 ibts show the benefit of being able to bupply ladies with almost eveby article they reqliht at the lowest pbice8 possible bmmbr lb rrwt tie ot winter ooodit i gfib prleti ii still soinr on ud it will pir oaitomen to boy ibtar moller short jiokeu mintro clotii mmpmsationb to for nut wlot it tboat btlf prlou tnd htve the in of thm durio th tmrotchuw oold pnn this weekr one oabe blankets one case silk8 two cases dm8 goods ont3 case l one case 8hirtingb one case cottonadef one case window shade cloths two 1 bales oakfbt linings chtrmln sprin blbbon sttln kormillii sori ftoto frtnoata broth dbebjmane poj d lurtrln bilki in bltok tnd th ittoit btdei nw tyle ot drmi good bg drew bob bltok srtk lto dr f drnu dreu shield collin cosi tin glnshtrnflnletm white cotton b stwh dow stock of beautiful new cabpets lately abrived b ore to enter ibeitorei last of tot ctrpet winoow iliuy mtke miittke tnd do not get into tbe right houbl t a h d watkinb 181b ism ssss i ltto jsiitkistmmi for salftor exclitasjm liodorboym tircifrty rood tit lou in toronto cod kituiiu ecjjirj hoak aclj to i iitu axm dm for sale uoqftt- itij io join is the t iltuatod on trte brmr f wihosi church itreou luriup bud und toft ust rait tres 4c en ih prt noies ar partlelfe kcxiu i i tiichioodhaioa v m m acton lodge no 2w ioojr tsta ilc oifattigt- hjj mataiaa icg valus itr block ttfit edtcavcttuiig valil k wiccuc for clty t ft spif to the menljiafdorabx ganadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job wor6 to be had in country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press iowie to hcton knd see our improved country prouty press nij work this thefree press is printed on the above press andthe work illustrates its merits no s1500 drum cylinder presscan do better newspaper or posterwork we luce nm tbe pronty for eight yetrs tnd the longer we run tt tbe better ve like it it it imple etiy to run- etiy on type euy to btndle ocitu little for reptin tnd n euy on tbe printer pocket book we call it the belt preu to be bid in tbe world todty for tbe money come tnd tee onr preei tt work if yoa deiire umples of work mnd for tbem tnd we will gltdly fnrniih theni we ctn give yon your choioe of t number of different lizet tnd etyles of presses tt ill pribes think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power pressfor only 600 to s700 or an 8 col book press for soo full particulars from agentlfor canada acton ont sprinc aoods are arriving daily we hare pleasure in announc ing that we are making large accessions to our stock every day that the goo4 have been purchased on the tripst advantag eous terms the goods have ad vanced from 10 to 15 per cent since j we have purchased we bhall give the entirehenefilto our patrons silks dress goods cottons and imported woollens have ao vanced the most we have a magnificent stock of dress silks ana dress goods we hegin dress goods at 5c peryd dress silks at 25c per yd a beauti ful satin iferv at 50c per yd our black and colored henrietta cloths are unsurpassed tor quality aad lowness ofprice oar millinery department is in tall swing great noveltiee stylist hats and bonnets oordressmakiug is in active brethren tlviyft wlccuc for ti tntlon ind 11 of tbe upuiben wwiltluis 11 11 wolidek k o secretmy m acre farm for sale or to rent v iqtkcouc mlaciwpyaj offered tottart j for a wrx of jean 1tnmtitiipnsirnlin dvcu aboudaoc of itrawoa tbersm abot 100 icxu iilourlublo ucd almost 30 tds plooslied laqaimoa the peuiirt or to lifgh ullacgiiuk v woioaetea farm for sale fifty acret ij the tcsnihp ot esqaeatai comoftod of tm quarter 3t lot k toa oacrei cleared tl ams uuj ccititiiioabij toce ia buih orthmrd cf tern wtctwjby good veil sod utrrer fuliiu cprisc ca tbs premises are two duelling boucs io tatt at wbicu la itoro aoa spcywe pot woc fraaa barn aad outbuildings immediate prwimlm for forthcr particular ijiroa ile emiiao addreas i mhajcoyleysrtrsiatpa- guelph busiiessoolle gcelph ostaeia- initracliotigitiabjircrtia itooktocpiue coml ariibetic scrim lenmaosinti lloa itactlct rhonhaad tnenaiig rates moderate jsatistnciii textmetcaddrc m liccohmick rriwiba hoi cottcspondeact l9litical ertmanj coml lawj- french laojuage caraateedfib new paning mill 1x1 saab anil door factoid john cameron contractor- has fitted op the btuldiogo uain street latalj occupied aaa truukfactoirwiuidevmaeiitasr- ud u prpparod to faraiib ilun pciflcaiiaoi aad cfiiisatca for all ciwm cf luildloja aa3 execute all uacu of and uollddia j iiue au- rrnxs or c sashes docra and wijidows ad door 1 frames dressed lumber and kocp a itock 03 hand jc1 orden protlirtlj attended to johncailehoh private saiie valuable fakm peopebtt ukdeb and by wtne of tbe power- of tli contained in a certala mortgage tbe aa f deraigned is instructed to aell by fmrnt aaltv one hundred aeres mam cr less in be ftrjf j cobceaaion ot hawiapaweya iu the coanrci haltoa these arc ielcbtvcven aciva ckttvd- w three acrts ot goofi barowood- bni aafl tta balance is cedar nraap firstejais 10111 oona premises there is ia splendid baakvbaxa aa- tabling for 6 boned andsllead ol cattle bt aftood driring abed attacbed tbers aratpa good frame hooaea and aoqtber small atahlai neterfauing veil aid pood springs on tbahabi also a firstclass arcbard ofjappl andear hwa and some small frbit te propertr ii wejt f leneed and is vithid half a idle of moftatt sla uoa on tm c p allwaj between gnelpbaoa uiltonie possession piter iminediatedly h sold belon april idtb vtlpbeadld at a gnat lacriftcs and on tbe eaiiestixwaible tains for fartbef particnlais address w j mo0be aetol j i lit uoore bas alsfof gic a comber jof prif- ic naidenccs and valuable bohdlng lou fat om 1 village of acton exfcellent building sites ftj lbs city of winnipeg man and sevefiallchoice fahus in tbe tidnitr of acton on eicptiooalfy onabla terma do net fail to etaiaisc ba fist before pnrchaaing j3 lattowx hijx artot a r b jer7vn spring styles are x0w on 0ue colnteesi the beauty of the icason is reflected io oar new stock of dress goods a great variety of netf shades iu charming fabrics at low prices this department is a very striking feature ot our stock we have aimed at mating our seasons display of dress goods a notable one and if great variety dainty shaiiesaud lovely patterns cau make a stock notable then we have succeeded to our entireiatisfaction prints and printed sateens aud cie o reputation of must artistic these goods we made ar- in paris last tbo first cod aad printed one price co beautifalas a poet8 dream the prices are the lowest milli miss mcbeth will have charge of this departmeut agaiu this sea son well have more to say about it iu a few day6 parasols si wide ralige of choice and price is here we would call your special attention to our parasol stock if you require a stylish and durable article at ajow price i gloves large patterns the correct thing few labriqs wuicli have been o popularized of late years have been so deservedly popular as these operation we turn out dresses goods we have unlimited variety lovely designs in shades as gowns ifanties and wraps to f t tl suit the most fastidious our ordered clothing depart ment is iu firstclass working order we have been busy ail winter the reason why w turn out garments to fit and prices to suit beadymade clothing in profusion carpeu and oilcloths beauti ful goods and very lew prices ladies and gents footwear iateit btyles and lowest prices as a further inducement b patronage we will give to any party that will bay for cash 30 worth of goods at once or at different timeai book worth 6 websterstmicyclopaediu and worlds atlas and another in ducement to whomsoever will buy for cash 2000 worth of goods a choice of three articles in silver ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing a half dozen table porks a half dzen tea spoonsand one batter knife and one sugar shell or a pickle cas tor orti butter dish any of them worth ver 800 tickets will be furnished to show the amounts purchased at different times aud when the amount is purchased they will get the choice of the articles presents are on exhibi tion in the store come and get the great bargains iu dry goods and the presents with the bargains tenders sealed tenders draed to tie uadmiiset j ind endorsed tender lor indian snpplwt r will bexeceiyedtttluoficenpuidooaoimgs day xlst april w for tbe drfirerj of ioflb sgppltgg dnrine tbejdictl tearfaidingaxhrnae lifii eoniiitlncof floor bcol stcon oroeewts ammnnition7tino acricnhirrtl lmplfnafc v tools etc duty ptii tt virions poiou in mibi itobt tnd tie sorthvest territories form of teniler bonuiainc fall jienienaul relttive to the popiflies required dstes otoe y lircry etcmsy belltd br sppmne to tbeoo- dennkned or to tbe inaisn comm blns or tbe indlin office yiimiipeg psxtiei fauty teoier for etch descriptioo rf eoods or for tnj portion of esci aesenption of boodsl sepsattely artfor til tie goods ctllea for jj in tbe setmdnles snii tbe deptrunent kescml vj to itself tblrtsbt loueject the scnole or sfljptrt if of ttend etch tender mnstjbe acconilnied by akie- oepted chenne in fsjror of thu 8nperintend qenersl of indian affairs ou a canadian banx v for at least five per qent ot the amonnt of the tender which will bi forfeited if the party j i derini declines to enter intoa contract baaeflwo c sneb tender when eauled upon to do so or tfoe tails to complete the work contracted for- if the tendar be not accepted the cheque will barer tnrnea j- r- each tender mustjiu addition to tbe signature of the tenderer be igned by two sureties ac ceptable to the department for the proper pty formance of the eonjract based on blsrender this advbrtisenienjsapt to be inserted by any newspaper witfont ny authorilo of the queens printer andlno claim fpr pafuient by j ravine haflsnch atithoriry tvvankorgiixkt i deputy pf the snrerinteusiitien- tiraj orthdian afflis deruucht of ladii affairs ottawa match ka j di any newspaper no will be admitted- w mcleod co aiobqztowh good gloves should fit weh wear well and belfreefrom ijnrious dyes we aim at keeping a stock of gloves that shall haveno possi bility of a failuie to suit custorders either on the score of shade stylo or price we keep ali grades of goods but we keep nothink that doesiiot give the buyer good aud honest value for evory pertnyof purchase monev e i i j every thread housewife should inspect oar carpets curtains liberty muslins scrims cre tonnes istair linens crumb oloths etc etc wateijs bros the piottjee gruiery coeluh 1 hiames t ilctulliis victckk uoulc1ng room molthixnus cornice folis frou 31c irutsa nam hosei hois iivii lie mttists uarkblals oil colors water color chi- ihr lirdo- etc etc ready mixid pair ai wall i enamels cord wjrv naiht chains liocs ec wateiis bros st georges square- theres baryaius bere aad yoa mast look ihrorjrh in order to get a correct idea every alirewd boyer will oot be slow in nndiifg oat oar prices for staple goods are pheuomeoauy low ask to see oor linens and cottons v boots and shoes dunns baking powder thi- cooks best friend ii yoa want a nae kid boot or a good solid knockabout or a ploagb bno yoa can get tbem here remember we sell 25 per cent cheaper than most stores v gf ocery stac complete oar 33 cent lu still leads the gmj 1 t7aw3mmttik hirsts pain extemnat08 household remedy lismlkon onlj ii used four l- kxscmslkaloi- u inar xasailr hut klam anr ilri ttavt turd fear ratat kxaerawlkalor u wr xasailr fir everitktuihiit ftrspilir v ir- lttt4 wiis iek ii ctsrol4 auaraasjsthuat spritsaauad stars s tmtkackcaaa svl lerever uttre u mab iwawlrafso be wlllwat it ta ar fevaase e im retobbsneaul it tu world t beairsljau mitlelcboiiuirr sl4raterul xaua etc 11- brcbtalv rrgarroh buieu awcltfj koti tojenoorirage- oaitomeri irbo pay cuh we will jritre to all bnylrrg i15c0 worth ofsoodilniide of iix toonthi a ohoioe of three beantafal piece of fiuerwire which ivi oar itore tl 1 d rbjbrmyn ffltce r ii- il i- ic isbe ikiratetll f r 91 bc4d uinet ioftbe prsteij idaj jrithii cheitj i rwip prw 1 day seuorl neat upail saropl othet if- it i h- irl