Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1890, p. 2

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rs borir tt a ui ult le of ft kumic iwlrli of diighter uuma mattiij tl aetna ii u cth anru tl ii of mr 1 t uittlritt ol ka ltcuuiuiuk nllmr on tt 111 silts bomiion ttulssmml tt tin mui opmomjo kmuj ij bj lb bridi soul weond uagf rr uluitv btnn to atralt kmn homo roaacvttdiiciterouit j boacb pfled awwsit brmimooi on afirusm wuilun stlwltlakqapitqclon2nd april uotarl surrct kfotlxt yon t bionuii ojtul la georcetovh on tb mli intu t4ertnm p daocbter of vkjr boomer n ted j vn int one dtp- roaiu- u crvvson inomert on the ttli ami orphi svokli4ior u ot tuouu 1 ortot trd is yrr tm u inonlhi cljt xtmt jwfjoss hosie glean injjs wtiicli klfoiily of local curelr nil i autotnciuif jiorfatr i i mr divid einliy bti led hit lito rati deoce here ind gone to work hit firm on the gaelpb rod wfcich hu lor aome time beta rented to mr dvjd wilioe the road here hem to bo in the wont potuhle oohditian kocrittoou j h tedrsdayatbll 101890 mr yotuig o peterborough lias louad tha eockwbod uoib and inlands itarting btraiueu at ouee tbe wutu celebrated lielc iood wniwsarj by art entertainment a tbe town hall od monday erenin mr walker of gaeiph bu organised a brtdchoi the select knuhu iarockwood capl wtaeman and wife ol tilbury cen- tr are taking chard ot the bock wood oorpa atiaaes- brjw and bulmer ot toroula have bniipndiofi a week vilii friends here ua mr v0uam teucuotkbf tbii rmags la at prtmdt writing very low ha has now becfa litjc longtime and baa for aome dayi i udijblo to ukfiqynouriihment ho ii very weak and hi friendi cannot bopo tlit be will long iarvle in fact bs may drop off at any time ge0ret0vk notes and 1 oxyek extsv al oagoode hall on saturday protect was filed agaiaat the return ot dr uonta- rue st p lor haldimend the petitioner is ir j w sbeppaxd and dr uonune and peter beicheld ekitarning officer are tne defendants the petition chargea bribery by tbe doctor beraonauy u well as by agents cbarjpeabf impropriety are made against tbe retarnihg officer the woridv uu wnich the honse of beprecestatitw at washington ha passed postpocea the halding of the eihibi- tion onto 1693 two yean being considered jsobhort a time for the work of preparation in hew of this arrangement new york and r washington iwseachanc of their taking part in the celebration of the anniferiary of the discovery of america it is proposed ibit in ortoberuke review of the navies of the world aball be eld in kew york harbour and then in hampton boada and that a statue ot coiomna shall immediate ly thereafter bfrunveqed in washington where will st louis come in oracaprrul letter kviness suin eitorts if acriaiitaral jtirfi- inery prince arthors nsibaisinrt the csnieeii ottavi april 9 my report this week is very meagre bat is on s par with the matters ot interest transacted in the house the holidays made a abort week of it- r i irtbcninal acaikek extobxcxi a return hronght doti friday night shows that the namberiot binders exported from canada daring the paat three jbxt was uk reapers 50 mowers 135- tbe principal countries to wieh these machines were sent were g real b titsin australia and south america and thej drawback allowed on the erporation was 176- ro onruii reran nscs strong representatiotis baring been re- ccired from the korfhwest urging the government to devise means whereby prairie fires may be obviated ax fax as pos sible audit ha ring been shown that many fires are started by sparks from railway locomotives in the bqllto amend the ban- war act of which sir john miction aid has given notice it is piroposed to insert a provision whereby railway companies will be pcrmpelled to plough strip of land on both sides at their tracks as a re break the ucikt 6euv already ottawa people are beginning to discuss the probable antecessor of the late lr perky in the representation of tie capital in the house of commons ottawa is blessed with a large bumbei of aspirants for political honors ana there may be aome discaityrasaiislying their claims hany conservatives appear to be in fsvor of the candidature of mr c tt f fr mrm h mr mackmtosh worthily represented the city in the last parliament and in the general dectiotwjf 1887 stepped out rjitjt orhox t l 0- clttzlt the death oa monday morning of hon p j 0 chauveao aherillof montreal removes another prominent figure from the canadian literary and political arena mr cesarean was for a time premi of quebec and subsequently speaker of the dominion senate he was defeated at an election for the mouse of commons charlevoix county in iff and accepted the position of sheriffof montreal in 18tt- he was the anther o 4 number of im portant literary works year president of the canada the deceased only a gifted and polished writer- but an eloquent speaker and an enthusiastic edu cationist- he was a coocerrafive in poli tics rerxcr xtniri the visit of prince arihar dnie of con- nanght to canadt intolves bat t tery brief suy at ottawa i be will proceed direct korth bay junction there and then take the tano steamer to kingstq thousand iilands to montreal he will run ap turning to montreal the and was for one boyal society of gentleman was not isiarr is understood that to toronto from remain two days iicheliea and on n and througii the montreal from u the capital re- am evening lgiilst the ciitecs the begins board of ery member of parliai xade has tent to ments copy of a memorial forwarded to the premier asking him to aboosh the cantoen etthe barracks of the xorth west mounted police force at begina on the ground that as merchsnts striving for a lirelihood they consider it unjust and unwise for tie gofernment to foster and encourage a wineas which is b artful to their interests rotef a korthwbstmember has received ad vices that 2500 mormons are likely to ettle in alberta daring the coming sum tner sir john macdocah w ii probably spend tbe rammer at biver da oap t i anderitood that 3i davin is pre paring a remarkable oration in which he proposes to explain thectnewhaf condemn atory remarks he made ip regard to mem hers of the government the other evening the wunbedon earn will feave montreal by the steamer polynesian on jane i5th th total amount of liaor taken into the korthest territorifes list year under permit was 151020 galfcna spirils 11 660 gallons wine- 1422 gallons beer 25 527gsiloos porier 471 jallons i per cent bcerllsigauons 1 hojiers drained ehee bejcmtte qot april 8o march 2dth a man named belaoger tried to elope with another manj wife a mrs la- framboise both residen a of the town of lanoaater bub while trying to cross over to port loois 00 the ice thty broke throagh and both werednmned in the aoutb chanoel of the st lawreoce rivi r their oodiee have dotjet bees recorded w 4 new spring stock including fine tweeds worsteds c or spring wear baa just len reccired at the aat end clothing siore order yocr aprini a nit now jleu merc ban t tailor j w rev mtf fowlie performed his one hun dredth wedding ceremony last month beeve oonboy hu again been asked to join the wimbledon bide team j this year he has anlil the 15qi to reply it he con- aenu this will be his third year as toember- misses m yoosg and j moorehad have been appointed delegates froou barui church auxiliary to the annual meeting of the preabyterial if iaaiouary society which meets in hamilton i a council of the boyal templars of temperance is about to be organised here the yidette baseball club was rn-organ- ized last week and tbe following officers were appointed for the coming season w conboy president j h collier ytoe- pres h saunders captain w carbery secretary w wanaboroagh treasurer msnaging committee t saunders h matthevs thos 6oott d miuoy nd the cap tain adtocalt tfpasra creelman brof knitting ma- chuie mannfactarei have diasolved partner- clip tbo baiineib will be ooutiooed under the same name chancellor mc vicar waa not able to be present to proacb lu the baptist church on soiday bat la expected next saoday the georgetown gnu club held iheir first aammcr trap aboot at artificial birds on the air jtroandi on good friday after noon the boyal templars are meeting with much laoceet at present tbeir numbera are be in g increased at every meeting sir w tindal in aldooa coi cabinet factory met with a bad accident one day last week ween he had his left hand so severely cul that it seas thought he was in danger ot losing agood part o it dr satheriand attended to the ugly woand and he has hopes that the hand can be tared uckld paragraphs fieipeettns vlali rkto and from acton wiui whom pree arc mr re or lciiacqt uaud pnia reader kassatiaweta 1c1ltox oa tuesdsy evening 22ad of april mrs w h lindsay will gie an at hoine or the benefit of the ladies aid fund 6t knox church j tbe olympic lacrosse dab hu been re organized with the following officers d wr campbell president w a lawrence cepresident d a eobsan secjtreas messrs j ford j hannant and j f little managing comciuc and m e mitchell captain a novel eotertsonmect entitled a festi val ot kaliona was given by the y ii- a ot the methodist church in the towi ball monday evening each nation was j repre sented by a booth at which the oottucoes and bill of fare corresponded to the mlion the affair was uniqne and succeastal mrbobert knight of msrlettemicii has sold his 100acre farm in esquesing to mr bichard moore we hoped tbit mr knight might hare soil bis michigan farm rather than his ejuesing one and returned to settle for life in his aid halton home and we are sorry that he has decided to do otherwise ckaap ion mr william h darby has giren up tbe farm where he has residing lot st on the fourth eooceaaion has gone to work mr william hasbanda farm ou the gaelph road ifr daniel wilson has rented tbe farm fust vacated by mr darby the measles are very nrerslent in this township and school no 1 in the akins neighborhood was closed soma time since on that account la grippe or some thing tike distemper hu been plentiful amongst the horses aroand here id some cases it baa been aevere and we have heard ot several who hare lost horses in th airway the constant freezing and thawing of the roada in the vicinity hare made them al most impaaaible and has in terf erred very mqch with teaming a great deal of which bai had to be put off en til next aeaaofi thia has left the saw nulla bat poorly eap- plied with logs and will make lumber scare for a time winteraeems to linger in tb lap ot spring and the spring like a young suitor seems to have do objection some foolish young fellows have taken to akyiarking at night on the gaelph road several gates hare been removed roads fenced op a buggy lifted on to a building and other mischief done if the perpetra tors only knew how little eredit for common aense they get ia retarn for their trouble they could not do it again q wud some power the gifted gie as to ee cartels as ithen see oa people are generally foolish enough with- oat taking special pains to make it appar ent mr j h mckay merchant of ailaa craig miss addison teacher in whitby ladies college and misa m swann music teacher toronto each spent several days recently at the methodist parsonage visiting old friends kvatcebull last satiirday while mr george inglis was proceeding to guelph his horses bcame unmanageable the draw bolt of the demo crat brokeand the horses ran away fanning a short distance the animals jumped with their fore feet into the back of another rig and getting entangled one of them rolled over in the mad the other one plunging on top of it cutting it severely about the head after which they regained their footing and made quick time for hugh malones hotel sheds where theyj were caught mr inglis and others of the family wcpm oninjared the only damage ascertained being to the horses which were badly cat and bruised and to parts of the democrat j at the residence of mr jno atkinsoa york road on the 1st inat the wife of mr adam anderson of a daughter j spring seems to have fairly begun the anow and frost is fast disappearing j and as a consequence the roads will be very muddy for a few days i i the fall wheat has taken on a shade of green the past day or so and looks to be in a fairly healthy condition the early riser has atreai tliese mornings in listening to the delighfol music of our many feathered friends which have return ed- t j 1 mr frog if on deck once more there is resin on his bow and big serenade in store a snake wac killed the other day iadf in the village oaktille mr mcgregor of tilaonhurg preached two very pathetic sermons in the presby terian church on sunday last the jcon- gregatan both morning and evening was larger than usual as many availed them- elves of the opportunity of hearingone who spent his boyhood days in oakville special aerviobs were held in st jades charchoa good friday- on sunday the floral decorations in the charch were ex quisite and were truly a feast for the eyes rev wmj meikle preacba his farewell sermon next sabbath evening the ser vice will no doubt be a solemn one to many to others one of rejoicing i two of the boya who were committed to milton last friday have been aentenced to thirty days one who had no stolen artfcles in his possession was sent home the folfaw- ing day i 1 mr ii k chisholm castom hoase officer wife and daughter mrs parish aailon the lith for the old land- i they expect to return in shout three months their many friends wish them a pleasant and profitable journey i the editorof the fergus kcitx bcard says that the acton fees peess has a lady correspondent young handsome clever and witty and in an indirect way he stales that the is a flirt this mr editor takes the cream off your very complimentary ke- marks in the kartrccard the correspon dent whether a young lady or an old bachelor pining his ufa sway in vainfor a glance from some swjet maiden believes in having fan bat there ii a point at which fun ceases to be aacb if you go beyond that point it is flirting i suppose i j haw never had any experience ia that line what ever perhaps mr ed you eonld in lighten me on the subject you think the trip to utah is unadvisabfe the imere mention of drowning the bachelor in salt lake might cause some serioas thinking on his part and who can tell the rasa t missionaries never have any evil inteojio n so nothing very serioas was meant in reference to the bald head you refei ad to the mafadg of bastles and pillowahai u for the heathen ia foreign lands isuppcae you think thevoakriue spjuaten could dt a better work in iora mating pies aodtafaii ta ior the heathen bachelors in conalui m i most say that i thoroaghly enjoyed tea ing the ucord it it an interftsting i ai d newsy paper thanks mr ed tori tie copy hfetboaku of edccatlov hit trotccdiaps of the kwting ou itanday evenlnir last the board of eddcation of acton eubuc school met on monday evening members present a e xicklin chair man l francis t h harding and geo hynda the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed the chairman of the board reported that the committee which met miss alice snow- den of gaelph in february had engaged her j to give weekly lessons in calisthenics to the papils ot the school an hour each to boys and girls for three months for two dollars per lesson and expenses the second report of the committee nn finance was presented with accoonta fohowa u lloore for esuiek uegtma co io alice 1 saotden e lessons la tjfi fapift j tndcrpesses ubsl j i trto moved by george hynds seconded by t l harding that the report of the finance committee be adopted carried the anditors annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the board for the cirrent year was presented moyed by i francis seconded byt h harding that the aaditora report be pub lished in the fex- press as asaal- car ried i tbe success ot the calisihenic classes was referred to aoda general expressioa of satisfaction of the progress of the pupils wasgiren complaint was made that the actions ot several unruly boys disturbed the work of instruction the chairman was instructed to request constable easton to remove from the room any boys who tall to obey the orders of the instructress or are unruly in any way upon motion of messrs hynds and francis the board adjourned to meet on monday evening jth may i ontario legislature pr0e0gced tocoxto april 8 the legislative as sembly was formally prorogued at three oclock yesterday afternoon by his honor sir alexander campbell there waa a very small attendance of membeis and spectators a few ladies having seats on the floor of tbe hoase the guard of honor consisted of a detachment from c school of infantry in command ot major yidal lteate lsarie and ef mis tbe lieutenantgovernor en tered the chamber about three oclock at tended by commander law cols dawson and grey and capt harrison on tbe floor of the hoase were noticed most of the cabinet minister ifr meredith and others of the opposition mr justine haclennan very rev vicargeneral roooey and col kay of the 96th regiment port arthur his honor then gave his assent to the variots bills passed daring the session haridgpertorraedlhisgabernatorialfanc- tion hishoaor was then pleased to deliver the customary speech from the throne concluding as follows it now da voltes upon me to bring to a close this tbe last session of the sixth legislature of ontario in doing 10 1 wish to assure you that i take leave ot you with a dae sense of tbe wisdom and patriotism which have guided your deliberations my hope is tuatyonr successors will be found to be not less earnest in fulfilling their duty to our com mon country and that like you they will itsl umes show a just appreciation of the high trust which as representatives of the people they will hav been committed to their aafekeplng tbe provincial secretary jhen said mr speaker and gentlemen of the legis lative assembly it is his honors will and pleasure tint this legislative aaaembly be prorogued and thia legislative assem bly ie accordingly prorogued this concluded the formalities the governor then left the chamber attended by his suite and thoa passed away the sixth parliament ot ontario waited one tbosasnd customers to potehaeekeitr bum f 250 pants made to order lira john ague in viatting friends in michigan mr george blair of kilt ride ia visiting irienda bore miaa maggie kicklin ia home from tor onto for a few days j mrs james gtabl ot toronto visited her frienda here this week hits julia cleveland spent tue holidays with her friends at tborolj mr jobn b ten nan ot toronto was in town several dayi tbii wec mr and mrs james matthews spent saoday with friends in elan- mr bobt grant of parkdale apeot easter saoday at hii oldhpme dr and mrs lowry spet several days thia week with frienda in hamilton dr 0 e stacey of toronto ipent a few boars this week with aclou frienda mra thomas perrymankaa been visiting friendi at st marys daria the week miis celia stafford ot toronto made her frienda here a ifaorl visit this week- miss bella henderson of it ii ton ipent a few dsya this week with ictou friends t fred h smyth of toronto spent a couple of days this week with acton friends misa maggie bonis visited friends in her old home at st mary s daring the vacation mr james eamahaw ot berlin waa in town renewing acqaaialaree daring the week mrw kanaswin of caeff spent aev- days this week with his bro her mr j y sauna win dr boa andr dwarreeof ihejicrzld georgetown called upon i e fuze paris on monday mr and miaa matthews and mis ben nett of georoetowij made acton friends a abort visit yesterday j mrs d henderson and in dr lowry attended the meeting ot the womens far- eigamiulouary society at hamilton this weekf mr charlie matthews ot naming mich ia borne to recuperate his health he ia suffering from an attack at iafiammiury rheumatism mr dcook who has been employed for the put seven years with messrs header- son mcrae a- co left last week to take a aituation with t eaton a co toronto rev john chaancey a w 11 known color ed preacher died at dresde 1 the other day at a ripe age ha has been a conspicuoas character ia charch work deceased was born in 1612 m the state of maryland and came to canada in 16o2 ile had been a faithful missionary and mil ister in the b m e charch for nearly 30 tears deceas ed contracted la grippe at ottawa some weeks ago and came home to die last thursday the yonnoest daughter of w h storey esq reeve having attained the age of aweetsixtoeuj thfloccaioa was marked by holding a birthday party at sander land villa the beautiful family residence quite auamberbfgueets both local and from a distance were present and a pleasant evening was pent mia edith was the recipent of namercas con gratulations and hearty wishes for many happy retarns of the day the conservatives of pt met in con- ventioa at brampton on saturday to nomv inate a candidate to contest the riding with mr k- chiaholm the present representa tive in the local aaaemhly at the ap proaching election mr james l hughes of toronto waa tbe unaaimoai nominee do yoa ever receivs contribationa written on both sides of the paper asked a gentleman entering a newspaper office ko sir never emphatically replied the editor all right i was going to endorse this cheque to your order butt i dont want you to break yoar rales then he went oat leaving the editor in a deep green study i samuel edison father of the great in ventor thomas a edison it at present risiting his friend and relatives in vienna near st thomas he is in a measure com bining basinets with pleasure coming to this section with the purpose of j archssing the old edison homestead lying partly ia the village of vinna and will fit it up tor a summer resort for the edison family and collateral branches thereof t a edison the inventor we believe headsthe list with a subscription of 10 000 lftekalir a word from mr gladstor e on any 1 ab ject that is ot interest to hin is aure of a welcome from americans generally bat when mr gladstone writes concerning the book of books an added int ireat attaches to his words in the minds otall the first of a series of articles ou the bible from his pen now appears in the 5 j rime other articles in the series are to be given at in tervals of a month these articles are by special arrangement with their writer to appear on the same day ik the sunday sdiool times philadelphia ia this country and in good word in london flyers hair vigor is the ideal ilairdnwiiig it re- a stores the color to gray hair promotes a fresh and vigorous growth prerenls the formation cf dandruff makes the hair soft and silken and imparts a deli- cate but lasting per fume soviral months ago mii hair com menced falling out and in ft few weeks my head was almost bald h tried many remedies but they did no good i final ly bought a bottle of ayers hair vigor and after using only a part of tbe con tents my head waa coveted with a heavy growth of hair i tecommend your preparation as the best in the world t munday shared grove ky i hate used ayers halri vigor for a number of years and it has always given me satisfaction it la an excellent dress ing prevents the hair from turning gray insures its rigorous growth and keeps the scalp white and clean mary a jackson salem mass f have used ayers hair vigor for promoting the growth of the hair and think it on equaled for restoring the hair to its original color and for a dress ing it cannot be surpassed rmrs geo la fever eaton baplds mldh ayers hair vigor is a moat excel- lent preparation far the halh i apeak of it from my own experience its use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft tne vigor is alsoacnre for dandruff jjw bowen editor enquirer mcarthijr ohio i have used ayers half vigor for the past two years and fountl it all ft ia represented to be it restores the natu ral color to gray hair causra the hair to grow freely and keeps ft soft and puant m v dayalioes n y mv father at about the age of fifty lost all the hair from the top hi his head after one months trial of aiyera hair vigor tbe hair began comiig and in three months he had a fine growth of hair of tbe natural color pi j collen saratoga springs k y raaraasd bt m or j o ayr fc co lai field vrdnoliu nil p man i spring millinery opening we will open our show rooms on i wednesday april 2nd and following days with ou6 of the largest and most attractive stocks of millinery that we have ever shown the styles are the latest and the trim- mine the best as weemployonly experienced hands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect our stock as wc will be pleased to show tbenrthrough fall range of new spring dress and ifafttle goods new points suitable for early spring new parasolttwith long and short bandies new embroideries just to band something altogether new in these goods eail stock of cottons cott6nades table linens towels toweling etc cheap stock in boots and shoes extra vafaes in all lines cf groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs henderson mcraesvco hcton new spring g novelty quantity variety quality kennt bros ot tbx- shoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies shoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear mens alli gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines willbe found complete with firstclass goods cttitom work tad baixii tlmn oanralltdos tnmtai tadvtrim ingrttttmmtr take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots shoes that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash fresh ekgs taken in exchange for goods kenney bros acton twentyseven we have passed through tbe customs house this spring up to date 27 cases and bales of newspring goods shipped from liver pool glasgow etc as follows like cukard ctjkard ctjnard 8tate white 8tar ouion vessel bothnia umbria gallia indiana adriatic arizona no or cases i 1 1 9 9 3 37 cases and from new fork prints uhallies etc total tbu is only a small portion of our importations for spring- more goods ore arriving daily meanwhile are working day and night passing the contents of these cases into stock and can promise oar oustomers that we will this season fully maintain our reputation for choice goods and as well for goods that you will nor find duplicated elsewhere obryhnco aueiipii tto istotjrrtisr 1 sal oif s uitos smth atihi fob sale chun trwu bitlnr tri 2j fflh is trail uk ac oruujmwim jorpkl uoim lliclmmdllilo acton ljoflge no 204 mekts in ujeioddfello b block cterrwkjnevlivcreciilirv tartirn un lajcom for c5f s tart jlv 4jconi iorjot 01100 ud lril 10 hie ootlertfastoris ol tbe mwnber i rts w-nluiis- hawoar k g 2 acre fann for oh to rent lr r bitti t ot t con 6 juunmi u offcrifi j lor term ofyen isiiieciittocibfe exen abnndwio ol itrt on tbeiliiv3ihss 0 urc ploutuu ui liiswl plongh isdiboni plooshml inrralr on th prcmiies or fm hugh jlclalgblci box tlacjtqhl fann for sale ipjityacfet in the tovnhip of ecm eompomd ot et qnrtr of lot 16 tcats 10 tat cleared 5 uxe aadez catlmioahmt sum la bosh onchsrd of 12 teres vtitnibr e ifood well sod ajter fijlmr ipriac onutt prwnhws are t6 dweluni ijodim in ooe which is store sad speysidport onve trims bsxn sod ontbnijdiiigi imzjedute nosseackh for forther psrhtulsn tnplyoa the prcmjsmnr sddrea r rw ltbsjxoxeysptyiiaflpjj halton union y j- faitnerelentualfirewci notice plbl1c ooucwuberebrgiten thst thhaw ton union firmer mutnl fire ipsmiqc company hstind complied with tbe prarwam ot the ontario isiorsnce act bai beea lidaam for tbs rear euflifts jnae 30th vq0 to tt tne bnslness of insuring od the rjremiani sou plan fire risks ofcor than uercantils sod mmoa oisetaring colcn caiteeoxbatretsrj eden mill ajual tth 1s90 10c i pur lersj win and foe sale a rare bargain v ii offered to part purchsslnj s nest sd ek fsrtabls briei rastaeooe ts good locautf vilisss of acton and being in ererr tmftst terroetirsblfl property hiring oa tbe prstnun nsbundsat wppjr oibsr good stable tbis prbpertr would bt ta sttrsctivs and wa- renlent bom for retired psrtj- or so timmtsdt profluou inrestmeiit for ipecoiitori orcapisu- ists fatfuu psriieulsx sppjy to wjmooke at bis office in town hsultfoa bird ssd soft water sag new planing mill t baah and door factory j john camoron contractor hsj flttd op the bfoildibg on usin street isttfa- occupied u a trunk factor with new mscktoirt aodu prepared tojfarnish rlsns ipsciactllads ssd estiidstes for ill classes of bnildidfi tod eiecat ill sinds of tbessing 1 itatciung sadm0l3ea luxi ill fcttces or saahtsa doors ind vksdom and poor trameafuddeaaedlnmber- p s stock op hand all orders prcadpuy john ate sale or pabm property pet valuable ttkdeb sad hr hrtne of the power of isle u contalded in a cextiin monjigt tbeut derstoed is imtrrkted to sll b j rwirsle mis oof finndre aer4 toore o- less in tits flnt colomsion olksaiseseta is the count ec ufltoo there srejlejatyeeren sctes tlesied three acres of gofl hsrdwood bosh udthr bataoce b cedar wimp firstclass sou oa tbs premlsek there ii s ipjeodid bank barn aad itabuog for 6 horses and 84 bead of cans ska rood drfrinf abed attached- there lanrtaw- good frame hoases kaid another small stablva nererfaulxif well nd good springs on tantim also a flrstelass orchard of sprda and pear trees and soma small trait the p is well fenced and u vithbihalf ajnfle of uofistt ala- tion on the c p railway between gaelpn aad mluon possession girtan imidediataiqr 11 sold before april uxh will be sold at arrest sacrincclssd on thej easiest possible terms tor further parucalars addreot i wjjkiooreacifla i r- sir moore has also for eaje a nnmber of prb- ate residarjccs and talnahle bnilding loti is the olage of acton excellent bolldinf sites in tbe cttr of wumipef usir- and 6etveeal choice ftaa ia the ticinity of acton on cxceptiocsiil ress- ookble terms do not fail to e amine hialfet before pnrcbaain- 1 omatows hall adoo no 1 ewierl tht llatidg i jcticra j killed lojeti ajj ana thil fbtnfcj ti huryl h htliafl lol i v wedna from izj 1 thf nun mftkes i bigser j 1 hc route i ecore i merit a tepeks sealed tenders addressed to the nudcrsobtedv and endorsed tender for indian supplies win be reoaited at this office op to noonoimqk- day slat april is9ftfortne dfiliver- of indian sappuea dnring thefiscal yearendlngsxhjiaie usi eonsiitinfiof floor beef bacon groceries ammunition twinei aricnltriral lmplejoests tools etcdoty paid at rarioos ioata in man- itoba and the north- west territories j- forms of tender dontsicuir tall atikalari- relatite to tbe supplies required dates of de- uterr etc may be had by applying to toe- on derwjened or 10 tbe indian commissioner at begins or to the indian office winnipeg parties may tender for eacb description of goods for for any portion of eacb description 0 goods separately or lor all the goods called for in the schedules and tho department reaerns to itself the right to jeject the waole or say part of a tender each tender must be accompanied by un sc- cepted cheone in fstnr of the snptirintetident general of indian aflalr on a canadian bank tor it least fire per centi of tbe amount of the tender which trill be forfeited if tbe party ten- deling declines to eater into a contract based ob such tender wben called upon to do so or if be faqixo complete tbe work eojotractod fof iftbc tender be not accepted the cheque wti be re- turhea each tender most in addition to the sinsturo of the tenderer be sfcned ty two inreuos sc- t ceptable to the deparuncnt for the projer per- formaoce of the contract bssod on hu tender thissdertisementis not to bo inserted by any aewapaper without the authority of the queens printer and no claim for payment by any newspaper not having had uch authority will be admitted l vaxkocgiiset deputy of thesarcrinleudcatgch txfd of indian ajairi deuartuient of iaditn uairs ottawa usich b390 statement beceipts and exreiiditiijres f actov ilbllc school c for the ytr euijln dfc 31sl 15 ft beceipts buic iroiu lii til l govejnment graot lh ii 10 uonloiral aucoldnt k3 10 1 0 0 f rcjood 8 notrnal jm ipjoi eiiexditike teacherj j iiw l bacretarytreasarer fjoj rarruker i3 fo sundry repair- r ij new inap to 1 0 0 i loan ad lun 6cbaol furnitare i ill co c u to intenslt fuel 1 ia o insurance i ie bondrjf eiikmaea- v balance on hand i- teachlkh ju thomaa t uoorcrincipah jtjyi cassie ucphau aeeind dept k3a julia aeteland thhd dept 57 j u haggle bonis foqrtbjdepl rsoo- 15 ou wfcthaundegiiedaiditois baring examin- d tbt sobool eooants ol this mnnicipality foand tham oonect and present the aborv as a tree abstractor the samf mum to j

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