Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1890, p. 4

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free press calendar s r i motti 13 ii is it rub -i-u-j- l j a b 6 ti s wri8ll ji s 10 ims uk 15 mit is ii auia li 1 s ts lolliai uhimiiim s i- el f 7 wo iu2uh1516it wia2ia3i t llii kt k mduijttu bwiri iluluunju 19313132221 a 2 t 61 6 ti loilllfu 1415 161t11b1s12021s i tin o 81 10 ii 11 13 a ititijwaiai lis16itilsi9x iij asa3i jkrles and rorelets niuatkotttvu hie vv aitdtue para era lit tnnrmjaytril 10 i60 eijc tuning mollis doesaky ox q2fs cart for fatker does any ou ctrc or utter doos icy an think of the one ipon w uxc tin sust houldr tl cere i the fiisy cozit the uihtr tho strives for your cauifcrt and wgi as frost ur cuto day uthosgshifatctcrcrcit jowcr lad tic dsrt teefcf uc tsric pnv dow tnr tuf- tciuk of the dcelidk uei called epec daily to pa milliner laef college bills bookbilis there arc mkc kinds ot bills every day lite a patioi bcirw ia a treadmill he works ptt from moraine till ciht lsciaiyutiiufc bets tired does any one mite bjt heme bright is it nsbcjitt beexase h locks troubled to uy he vis cross as i twsx kind words little sciiocs tad tjtiiets jugfcl uilil lis liurdeu of care ta for you he ii ever soaciiocs hell toil for roti tu he may lire ta msrs be only t kindness andiueh ntjituy ogive tkesaioeu of todi1 akw iuio uiieruat r diseases ijr lows bali nry valuable dies foe ikio hue saap ptovea to cute croup ctiv 1 lo sci drctw ot yellow oil on fqr iuver ituy ted ral the ihroit kiid ciet with t jotpblhc io ii it privilege to recor iiuead ucynrdt veilowoil it is i lore uttcdi twcliinc sore tr ilea geo vae ot iphiue po ont p ken luf wiu ofikcliiy to oil u ovor care for chipped i3al ocasp etc s tfiuioiuv aiiurxx raid i y uke dr lows worm s rap- it pit the dild und dealroti llic aornif bcrdock blood hittctvi medicine tiude from rools birks iui 1 bs tind it tbe best kuou retcedy foe yipepaii conaii- pitioa iud bitioasncia it dilates froma cotnaio trortt fccrofnloos sore 1 will cam blood pimple to the l fee i at of to iflifeocc w k btrber 5 b montreal write pieii bottles ac kuii bim i khed tbe radf botle eei my itxrh more good thit cr hill suire seed me two lfvc aejtrly t it h done til the rcaiedies ieverciedjinil feel ep jest o i per- cmaent crre illtitlici boou itid tb es aue corar uoilowiyv coru cere is get it botljc it caca ind id p3rchien medicin periewnts thefirtttad thouldbcceunincncts a hit stood the test ol fort it is ia greiterdemiud tha a ever a triatn fpeflil iuaouarrtuenl wc hvc uiftde trrnmcraftitc with dr bj lvendiu co publishers ol atreat woonthe homo aad un uiseinoj whlnh willcutbl all our lubtcriberi to obtain ft copy o ilia l iilaablc work free by cndiok thtir bddrcs iud eticlosinc t two cent itimp for maiittifmho eime to b j keiidill co eloaburch fills vl thl book in now recocaiwd n itandird author ity upon til disftmoi of tho horse u lu phoqoraeoil taloa attct oyer four taiulon coptoc having becu told in tha past lu ycaria sale never beforo reached by any pablicattou ia the same period of time we feel coafldcnl that oar patroo will appreciate the work aud be glad to avail thercictves of this opporltinityof obtafnia a valuable work it ig ueceifiiry that yoa mentioa thit piper iu seadiagfor the treattie this ofter will temaia opeu foe oaly a short time he article to ace rare yorr corns i doat trj- ei- iy cocsideration ervfiarsaparilia rcirs and lodav phtut proof of popalar a itixv hex iinv ki- acd all minds acree as to t proval hat sjl men e menta of bar- dock iillt emtu and iur oated ayera hair ytor prtparatioq for the hair a most exoeljcnl l t peat f ram ex perience its aie promot a the firowlii of new hatr and mate il ioh and glossy from an iilasirtted articieou some wayiide piac4 in paleatine ic the ifareh centnry wo quote te following lam free to coafew that tdid not meet the pro- fetbiax rood samaritan ax l- joameyed thxoagu thi maclifacoredcoantry if one meeu a tiller of the soil he will sidle off as far aaj the narrow travellere apprcacb he offer of a j paxtre will bring him to a luaditih u hoxrfar k it to ntiav god fcnowr come the ftitent answer howloajjlwill it taie to po there f aa long as god pleaaes he answer with a ihnig f his thooldea and a pall at hit pipe v shall i iraih there by doou if god permit- 3ct may i hope to make the distance in an hocr aa god may direct he aaawcrr walk- ingawejv j ia xain diatant or is it very near there he answers moring his nrer ihroogh a wide arc- if cce extracts a more neighborly spirit than this from a samf ri- tan he mast hive tie mysterioae power cf a demsil if yos hart a cocgh or a coll do no neglect it many without a traoe of that hereditary disease hare drifted into a con- bompiives nire by ceelecting what was only a slight id had they ased bicklei articansamve syrup before it was too iale their li7es wocjd have been epred mr a wievr jtitebeu vrrites i thinl bickles anticacsnmptiresyrcp the best preparxuan on the market for caoghi and severe colli abost sir years ago i ranging a ktere cold which settled on my inngs and fee three months i lai s caogh i had a physician attending me bet eradc- aly grew worse until i was on the verge of coosumptioa and had giren up hepes of being cored when i was indoced to try biciles syrcp before i had taienone boftle i foond myself relieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i was ccmpietelr cared i always recommend it for severe colds and eccsamptico the vigor is a safe cere i ar dandruff k bowen editor vu ohio harrardc pectoral bi phlegm curing coughsol atthma bronchitis and at threat aad langs p if harkell v writes i wish lo wonderful qualities of dr trie oil i hd a horse could scarcely walk th the knee and two or li ree applications completely cured him oaeutlc pfje p e owned a litter well until a month old swelled tni tpite of all r i died except pze which laschinylyl siid i woi auucive itr iborooch improied tt pnee ind so 3a was all right wllm v mcarthur s am looscni the ids hoarseness affections of the jeiiore k s rra you of the thomas eclcc- o lame that he trouble was in they throve en their throat medies they all ifas nearly dead i try yellow oil tpplicatiou he fan torn pita a cored an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable rerrojv for the speedy and per maneut care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affeclious also a positive and radical care after hiving tested its wonderful curative powers iu thousand of cases hti fell it hi duty to make it known to his suffering fallows actuated by this motive and desire to relieve human saffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for prcpirinc and using sent by mailby addressing with itamp naming this piper v a kovct 620 powers block itechcster x y p thei greatest clothing house in halton kelly bros do ycju want clothing cheap do you want a stylish suit do you want your clothes to fit and be put together properly if so wh kre the p60plefor vou railway time if catumptltia karctycured to itc editor pleiae inform your readers thai i have a positive remedy tor the above earned dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho less cases nave own iicuunueauy c tired 1 1 shall be dsdto send two botlles of ray remedy itur to any of your readert who have consumption if they will send me their express and p o address respectfully da t a sloenr isu west adelaide 6t toronto oat qnck kclirf fr headache had suffered with headache and tried everything i could think of without effect until i used burdock blood bitten which relieved me right away and i am now re markably well avvin toroxutuf gleu almoud qae tee rxi cojc of the blood is caused by the iron it contains scp lacking by ueing jit i bam i advice to iforkeea are roa disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying witii the paipof catting teeiii if so seni tt once and get a bottle of j5irs kinslowf sootning syrup farcniidren teething its value is incalculable- it will relieve the pocr little euffererj immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about il it cures dysentery ajid piarrnass regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the dxmt reduces inflammation and gives cue and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething ispleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nursei in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the wprld price twentyfive cent a bottle be sure and atkfor 5itij wisiloivsrooteivri snxr nd lake no other kind ttetan comfort ta lie suffering browns ilousehold panacea hks no equal for relieving- pain both internal and external it cures prin in the side back orbowelj sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being iicknawledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any ether eliiir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy ic the world fnr cramps in the etomach and psius and aches of all kinds and il for ile by all druggists at 2z cents a bottle i citieu caurrfjat orafaci 0ay fever 1 nrw ifome treafaieat sufferers are not generally awcre thtt these diseasesare contagious or that thev are iae telepresence of living parasites in theiinmgmeabraaceandtactachian tube 5icroscoric research however jus proved this to be a jfact and the result of tliis discovery h that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh currnxl deafness aadilay fever are permanent v j in fromjonelo three simple applica tions made at home fay the piiitst once in wo weeks k bthi treif meat is not a a snuff or an ointment botfi hive been discarded by reputable phyiieiaxs as injor ous a pamphlet exlfiiuing this new treatment it seui on receipt of ten cents liy a h tiron il sop 303 west king street toronto canada torwo glrjx safferets from catarrh troubles should carefoliy read the above isisoe briudeyont jy the iron when beef iroa and toronto diliy advertisements the third page of the sfail is noted for want h you want to bay or sd anything h yoc want a situation a mechanic a busi cess machinerv lodgings or found anything or if y a want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronlo diily mall and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents t word each in sertion address thz ilci toronto can ada- j l trip t hauttalci list year i went to manitoba on oie c p e- at eat portage iigot sick and at winnipeg i was eo weaiflihad to be assist ed off the train i got a bottle of burdock blood bitters and after the first doae felt better when i get to boisserain i was as well as ever the bitters care the bad effects nf the surface wzter of the prairies doyiiiisicxlo- i bolsover ont m if yuur cough keepi jen awake and rest less by night trke ayers pherry pectoral and obtain immediate relief this remedy allays- in sara at ion heals the pulmonary organs induces sleep andrestores health the sooner yoa begin the better c c eiancirs d co gzsr hy horse was so asicted with distemper that he coald net drink for four days icd refused all food simply apply log jiikakds li2tdiekt outwardly cared him i feb ii7 cift tfnbket ciars c c kicaaci- co gns i have us your iflkards likisiekt for broacfaifu and asihi tad it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i jili a livtsijsrav if yoa want to hay or sail a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtiy hall that piper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone wno wants to pur- chie advertisements of jthis cla are in serted in the toronto whj hnil for five cents a word each iosertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the hail toronto canada i a dammit la a of ctir fyet cared sir jacob d jliller kewhary writes iwvs troubled witji iufimstion of the eyes s that danng nearly the whole of the summer of 1652 i coald network i took several bottlesof northrop 6 lymans vesettble discovyy und it gives me great pleasnre to state that it cared me ofniy aulietion it is sn eicelknt medicine for cosiiveness mr h b jfckiucon painter- jfount albert tys last surocermy system ggt impregoated with the lead and turpen tine used in painting my fcody was cover ed with tcsrlet pou a large as a25nt iiiece and i got in such a state that i could pctroely wall i got k bottle of northrop l lyman vegetable diicovery and at once commenced uking it i ia large doses and before one hlf of the bottle was ased there w not a t pot to be aeen and i never felt utter ia ray jifej hiaxrdt uofmcbj car kstt lerfmucrt henry clement almonte writes- tor a long time v ws troubled with chronic fheumttism at times wholly disabled j tried anything and every thing recommend ed bnt failed to get any relief antil a ren- teman whrfwas cared of rheumatism by drthouiaeclectricbiitoldme aboat it i began asingjt internally aud exterually and before two bottles rera used i was rad icalfycared we find jt ahonsehold med icine and for croap bnras cute and bruis- ce has no eqtul i a fact worth knowing u that blood dis cists which all other remediesfall to cure yield lo ayers sorttparilu fresh cumlrnia- tloa of this aulc- njent comes to land daily evett each deepseated and stubborn com- pliints as ehea- matism ehcama- tio gout and tha lite arc thorough ly eradicated by the ufoof thlstoa- derful ultenuire mrs e irving dodge 110 west litu street new york certifies two ycirs agoaftersufferins for nearly two ylars from rhcumxttc gost bciugatie to walk only with great discomfort und living tried varioos remedies including mineral waters without rilicf i aw by an advertise ment in a hicagu apertlut a man had xn rditvtrd of this distressing com plaint after long suffering by taking ayers sarsariirilhu i then decided to jtuaue a tri1 of this medicine and took it rgiilirly fur right manuis i am pleastd tossy iltt ft effected a com plete cure nnd that i iiavc since had no return of tin iisuf mr t a stark yashna k h writes on- year ago iwas taken fit with rhctimatimo being couuned lomy hfire fix month i came out of tha sickns vcr dchilitated with do ajipetite cntlitiy syitcm disordered in every way i commenced to cjc ayers sarsajuirilli aid began to improve it care gaining in mrcnttli and soon re covering urmwial health i cannot say tof mnrii in praise cf this wellknown meviidiu i havctihe n great deal of medi cine nothing has done me o much good a avcrs sarsaparilla i hlt ilslioucfinal effects before i had uite fhiwjitd one bottle and i can rcelv test if v tliat it is h best blood- mcdiciny i know of lw ward sr woodland texas ayers sarsaparilla dr j c ayer co uwell mul cra kiproi i ulj thronfih ti accomj i gping wst going eafct tliiitiajc nd trunk railway jo woi l i thro- rimssu u in arcmjjjj nar ortlouxoxiin 10nnnljjoo ubt cjlno cfltti ca s j notice v havirg an a 1 cutter together with the best workmen the country can produce en- ables us to turn out none but the very best of work our prices our prices are remarkably low jve give elegant suits lor iaand 12 made to order we have withou a doubt the finest range of overcoatings suitings and pantings in the cou pants made to order fof250 mwead nassau iasal balm a ceruia tsd ipeedr rare fa cold ia lie head aad ciltrcfc ia all us tares sotttkikc cluhsikc huukc tasizrtref pereaaert cers faijrrc -pctj- hirj ijciitd disaw- ire siaplr iype o tuzrv such at kfjaizhc pink deire loiiflj esc of initll iuul txw iukchyj sad ipiainf central fcelir of debl ity i if yn are irczble i wih any cf these cr kindred iysptcms yoc tire cirh ird thojld ikc ra tie ia praainar t tortc d ktt bum be tfzrneo in time ntiae3 cm in icad rslt fa ciurrh fssowed itcwipikjcnddeith kttl btkiiscbr z idrci cr will ix teat ps paid ca recetot i riic 0 ccsts ari tux bjddreie ftjlford co bmcnuit oar 1- eevarscr iraitatfacs ticilsr fa came com emulsion doe8 cure i consumption ihhbhihmhiebibsid i in its first 8tages palatable as milk j be lure yna get ihe genjir in silawn j j color wrapper i by all drugiji at 50c andsr00 j scott bowse iicscvnic t8 cords iiojhe buns casr iko backache btovc containing ictz knt mr4 raa v ferf ii sijwl how inccw foiiy 0ed aivr rtte hart wnere there u a tseancy 1 vx iitextuii f dlirw un lentfr vilb each mattir hr iha uo o tat toot rerybody anflle tueir jieii nii nnrafiddolitkaurthasuik treatett crpen can wltiioot it adapud to 11 cnikdliii frert ora wnoowni nwabonlfl harcone fn r fyi ark tr dealer r write ftloiu saitikv ma- r readymade clothing- men youths boys and childrens suits in hundreds all sizes all tyinds we can fit from the youngest to the oldest the greatest bargains you ever laid 3our eyes on it is to your advantage to call and sec what we are doing b b bi burdock blood bitten is a purely testable compound posi fyrfectyejuutinrkjtcraoterujitbs cf the iysum ani controlling tharis tioirfc iltso purifies thebiodthath i cures all loid bsaorsial ktlnmit oon pilrple to lh 01 cfqalqiont thif coibised tl nariralwtjftj i mcrstittlic ti- lrikiaaejibow35 stnrtujriv lttjailioa ftsacnrefwij dijisffi c ho skin from le lo tt- bo pimpkfi blotch v and all tbe snuv fop kents furnishings staple dry qoods in this department we down them all having the do you want bargains in the following ifsocalland greatest varietyof the latest styles in hats shirts ties and see our stock ofcottons cottonades ducks denims shirt- collars west of toronto we can suit all new goods coming ings tickings towels and towelling in daily cdl and see them f we have just 10000 dozen of eggs wanted kelly bros mill street acton crrpets just to hand the following lines fine- wktch bepairing purchajed a stock or fine americau ifaiu springs fine jewels and other good material tor watch repairing bring your work to b say age watchmaker cuelph speicht son acton j a speight manager cafl supply roa vttnihthsfnreftara requires oiflrcfsayouruetr and cosy utile hams or to rtpttiu tour honie it l icttjod ooein mv rtyla at the vory ot prices there is bo artia of furniture we cannot supply and f erther e deliver our furniture aud you hare no irrsneinr frefcht charges aod run no risk of breakage vecaaiultau brussels carpets all- wool carpets hemp carpets tapestry carpets- union carpets stair carpets clark fc thompson carpet house next door to herod co 30 lower wyndham 8t lies tfl ran ioj- -tbwlitkua- nmi u b4i pn 01 aain iiieut froo twoto ionriottles will care sauriita jr eccma ehinch erviipclaj akeail sceakjntaninsottjaudajrklneriitkxtt it is noticeable that stutereralicinate diseased are nearly always aggnfr atcd bv inlaiij itcliin batitiiis quicker tmbsidei st3t recidtalof the lijebyb33 jb- ontognireryt pravaeotdiseaseit5u- scrofulous btfelling humors and- scrofula we hare unipubtd proof thai froqi tbtw to six bottles osed internallj andbjootiiii application diluted ithe skiuuloiam the affected iru riji effect a qjit bj crcat mission ol b u ij is to regulate ug- hrer tidneri boirels and uoouvtoeccitt acidity and wronc acliia erf thtkbii aod to open the sluice ruts of ihg ijffca 0 can7 off all clogged and intpnre us tiona ajiowing nature thuj totiinttrvj aad ramovc without jail 1 bad blood- liver complain biliousness drsptfsss headache drops rheumatism- csirnn species of diieaso ariiu from disoent liter kidneve etotuicli betreb and uui mc puarantee criry bottle of jj r j should any person k dissatisfied anena the firtt bottle neiriil refund tbennnfeja- application personally or by letter ffei8 also be glad to fetia tifimocialt aod m- fomiaiion proving the effecu ob bb4 the above named tiueafi on applieaja to t milbuus tv c0tontoput- rl d h to am wtaat bdmjxaberiudtkmi ibw ttd fcfm inci koi lad ihu m tr rjij vr p tttrnmmi job ttw lu if job woam ult ispurrt i co box sis porssk3mfltr 3e atisma jnensj 7sa 1 jim a tadf al cvil i liave made the disease of fits epilepsy or f sickness i is no rvison tor ncvoa- 1 v stonloratrdlisescjar relrufs kiimnym are4 aos branch offlca t lest adlli stn toronto tii w nd bn w t blkxpaj tit rr h mbtf tfitth prt ef in fcali ii b pw 1 ululettcvllalb80octi4 our thrrtyflra y this entire undertaking experience iathlibrticesshaa resulted fa touyincfn tie pchlfc bf i wmcinntty thit re upply ftrrtelss wctfc ia all orders sad a itjie hleh compare with t jioto of the city at oue bait dty prices our hearse rjaaetcuectctiaaadourteaijiaisiracuialj6caruiin appearance we have plea sure la inritfu the public to call oa urf for anything- reqafid in our lines gtuliplioldthhall new spring overcoatings scotch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy m5rcj4ant tailor8 cuelph 1 scccltthis extract from the sciehtijio papers of great britain and europe a hew xpastvs ik mutcufe t the four greatest medical centres of the world ana oloudou paris berlin aad vienna these cities have immense hospitals teeming with iufferiaf hurdauity crowds of students ihrcma tho wcdr tudyinff under thflprofesjcrs in charge inemost renowned rfcysi- ciaus of the world teach and prac tice here and the inititutious arc torehoujes of medical knowledge and exjwrienco vita a view of making fhu cxrrieneo avaiiatls to the public the hospital semsdy co at great expense secured the prescriptions of hese tcfpitali trephred tbe ipeciiict and al- thoneh it would cost frcai 3 to slooloieciik the attention of their iitinguiihed originators yet in thii way thetr prepared ipocifics are offered at tha price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure very ui from a ingle bottle- the want always felt for 4 reliable ru oi domestic remedies is now filled witt perfect satisfaction tne hospital remedies make no unreaonahle claims the ipeciflc for catarrh cuxei that and nothing else to with the specific for bron chitis coniamption and lang troubles uhenmatism is cured by lia 3 while troubles of digestion stomach liver and kidneys bavo their own core to these added a inecific for fever and ague one fot female rweakness a general tonic and bloodmaker that makes blood and gvres form and fulness and is fncomnaablo remedy for kervo as debility ho vcancz catarrh mr five cose colo catatshal deafhz stbt c jrfiertc cure emaaetlag fnm tatrftfc jounw no bifort tmtpawc tkliunctaakforotatntkltouari rsca4ttjjujttriu gjflo nfolt bbohums asthma cqkaumfnqkaj focomoaratit rim4 fas net avrf9ccflifi twitridlcatu th tiitasa ana xo mvmaislta thhlayaulta ami mtlh ixosra tteut ii tat eaosa ami a trtats zguuag chi buu us rtputatiandh tha rtmtdg t so turtsain kidneys gyspepsh avo mimrtm cchstipatigv shears diuak- a feceriit augkttrfad for iht tadt ao hot rutata men itcmxt am acaoi uta a rtmtda toalticnttt fa ugh pjactt tlcc miitthp k mt 0umb meaum hluralsiaifw knaa mat stops iamagfiklt iott tin ifmum h u trtattitta bnsk it fat a trt artmtdgtattiradfcalil it slqq wlna isvucmss rt hjjts mang momtn art brotai res tccaaje titu rtgltct ftm ilitasas anil tinrle a rcttt ut tto far rtgan atahh an tirttfji 01 00 ho 1heaith f0makb ivulcts c a ffoorf moot op lots of it if aeoi biocd is z- 1 nnmajf km ws btrftrt toc slco so tkkvou8 desiuty 10ss cp k1vz2a aatxm rurtrlm p6e biv kcfar rre r cci fur fin iboff4if conrftovt ao- 3 i gc a r us 0 triaf mill iproo btvan of igncrcrt weeks ms9 ejiamt high prle i oreeaj en trcriklcst tfnrr onff plt tbi praptriln cf cacj teg art trttfjy ignorant and tho txfexe tiau bqtjgvatir nngdt hal ittttrtto othen in it rcrs vefsrioar butintu uujio8 and tiec cgain cco- ohe porjsjfl kjlch to be kadop i i t gists nrrr axm utbcwrcmotrittipritowiadtrfliiiiptatooirtrtc itrlln tfc htxnwrcnsj drauma s canb medjtme ud vm tamca4 ittaoe bu cu huapia kerafcla rtk uauelfw wxtiutm mftcidl itm praka ratf ite artid hirt priced sai ucjsi cuiila whatcad qutbotikltattuunihanorieujairrortvcciyir ioe tlie mxtitioe for cu rciaea ud nemxn dcuor j- mpocuhla tjtjnipin tail ic3 y in doo- tbe mcrtijinc for ic r k i mrnabi doing lrrrp4jbi- injury ii mjww mrtliaj umum bo voil nd btrwd tn tex iatte um iwjpitiub ushxtt f tw pranjes of 1 bcie thoc dtthnockt qucki cct then theqi i in do pjiirzt r 3 hcsfcehi far t sitmtjttlioemtlc or ibm cimfidjnc femc boy el kut tnd mpoauiim fim thaos uumeu cmr jwumo tunc tij not utde tqma foirastra vte riaranti borlo ol ujr ol out laediona o pn uxro fcumc ixaeit tua fdaaca ptisr pedii or ptta taedkiae ia tho tou i2sr f i a ffrtto knm be largest scale wflbb in canada over ioo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales ivfdoyed show cases liqhey draps meatchoppers and butchebs sdppues aishis ik rcii writs j c wilson a son 60 esplanaf s street east t toronto j mention tni paper t- e lac r write hirsts pain exterminator fliousehold remedy 41amllt j dtfr 6lrl tac lys j iltmililor in mj tumlu wj i nernnlnt ibs hw j i hmvlltiarliuronkijs i bemtlm sprain niibr 1 vtln iironld not bt wltm3 i in mj hnnr i fin k 1 it itlhe world t b js i nlclfbotlilnirrldl rreiprhlbl idtjaalrclt f f dallev i 0 fs te baking powder thecooksbest friend

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