Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1890, p. 2

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r bostt on n- ueckeuu ot harris sff rm kockoodfa ibe krnx 1 toto mujutjv mitum bride pruluther li hreuoh- km 8u item on be nit uw i the k a cfrein urforid sivs l mks djbd i umuu lowsi lilch on the utb inu tinrhe oiih- m of kon tod harriet fleu- mojoruicilv o actoujipd lltoen i miloiilitliiulrani loili ijsim ylootv rvlit o lb llp alclender iilxtlwu ew of fiqaeelng lo her bad yen 1 xs xhuiisday alail 17 16c0 votes avdoiuets attorney- general martin hu reentered ike ilaeuoia cabinet on the prwsnrfl of ifis friends wbo reprrteqtod that he woali scricusjj- embarwfcllie goveromenl if he ci2 col help them nitti he legislation which he wu larjjely rcsjonsiue for hiving led loaimontnetntwrs o parliament draw siooo k mfisiac and lck a mie mileace to ard from their residences geo laurie m 1 foe shelbarue x s- is said to hare cfuifri laad3nenejm his place of abode aai drawn goq mileage in cpnseijaenc tjit muter created quite a elir in the hocse cue day last wk liacr dealer who aw objecting to par ing duty on quart bottles that do not con- lain a quart shonld fall back on dan oconcels famous proposition and insist gu the passage ol in actriuirinj lhal ail quart bottles shall hold two pint there uay be headaches andheartacbies enough a tetrpcrance man might say a bottle caaiiininc three hall pints bat that la not the point when it comes to the payment of duties star s i mes stoke ys address dellrred before the annual munj the cannden unnafaaartn association atltubsforckxifai fornifcny years mr w ujborey uiq founder nmbecuatk glovo works hu occupied uia chair of ohio magistrate of tiii municipality ha hu afoo hold the office of warden of on county and u il prtwnt diitrinan of two of thio mort im portant eoumittcocof uie coopty council bar hit mrvjoet are not coo ft nod to tho coqqiy of hilton for two yoar he hu preaidod over the canadian mniofaoturen anocfatioo the oocopancy of which offloe hu on mvra ocoailont heeii referred to in the fun iutsu at the annual meeting of the astociuoa t toronto lut week dpon reurioitfrora the preideflcy ho de livered a lengthy and ootuprehemke ad- dreu whiaii hu since been eulogiied and criticued trom ahona stand poiuta by botli the political aud independent brean of the country aj mr storey is wellknown as one of the opmmou uhoki of the day ft tho flrowins diilnounition to wilt for retails if this country is to beoome clrod ind vljtorotii it will only be by tbi same wane of development which roaiet uie child i jnaa 1 1 u ibis withering wa are all workers most ot qi hav ritea from worths men iad art workers yet it is in the rocolloctiou of most or ut hea labor of every description wu rewarded with half the money paid for the same labor to day and oils is not only applied to male but femalo labor as well many of tbe daughters of this coon try nerved fn house holds ihirty or fdvly years icofor three to five dollars per month aud thfs at a time when he coat orfibrici and wearing apl parel was twioe the prfoe of the pretest day it it within the recollection of somo in my heattnn whenmaoy of the early pioneers of this country travelled fifty mile to mirket sod tooepted fifty cents a bushel for thefr wheat and took in eichanfie store roods these men en- duredhatdships and toll cot dreamed of by this rene ratio a and yet the peufmlstio xl w k storey esq eeem of acton exrtxsocxt cisiiixx jaxmcrrcnu issocunx yoa nefer saw a saturday like this tnier the scok let- jthe town is full of drurkecntss remarked a townsman on saturday eveoicg- the icemen were idle sjid ihit our axcdcnt for it but certainlj drsnfeernees vxi alarmingly preralent and yet people complain of hard times white there is a steady drain from industry to the refers of those who sell that which k not lreidcr any other necessary orilhs pcjxt ia liguricg op the increase and de- cnasci proposed by the taria ahanges sub- isitttd to paxuimcnt for approval this tashfjp die it ail gives the reduction ia raand numbere at 100000 and the in crease at 700000 ia the chief items affect ed these decreases principajly relate to ptrairi windosrgiass and molassec and the increims are made lareeiy on floor rnentfi and fruits the increase it is con tended is far protection to the farmers lam pleased lo meet jououthis fifteenth innltertary of oar organization the pres ence of so many on this occasion is the best possible indicationi h to to the act respecting private- lunatic iycrcf the fcllotnag crtr sectioni hare lcea added if ay persod knowingly fres cccvejeor fitrpoiies to any patient or leehriite confined in try private asylum zzy ram brandy whisfceyor other spirit- gcas liquors cr morphia cocoaine or other drag- withont sanction of the medical super intendent erst obtained in writing sack offender being duly convicted therefore be fore two justices of the peace shall be f a cam not exceeding fcm every one who taowiagly assists directlyor indirectly any patient or inebriate detained in a private asylum to escape from each asylum shall he liable on sammar- courictions before two jasi ices of the peace to a penilry not ex ceedicg 5100 i r the oniloofc for spring trade all over the coantry is very cheering and toronto wholesalers expect a decided improvement all along the line the amount of wheat coming out is far in emess of wliat was ex- peoied two months ago it had been thoagbt that there was very little left in the country but those who had it kept dark and fanners held on because of jow prices kgw it is being delivered all oyer ontario vi large quantities and especially so in the district around toronto it is all being tlien and prices keepfcrm so that things afxer all dont ioofc-bad- the number of fsiares since january rst hasjbeen aboat- ecal id those last year at the same period bat they have not been of such importance asr have there been so many heavy oqes- the total amount of liabilities is consider afclyjless than a year ago glxeeal items john xotmin queens printer and acccuntant of the legislative assembly of oltarwwholjae been in ill health for some time- ha rccificd and led ki cameron cflcadoc has been appointed to succeed i pfipi aild a little echoclboy look leg cp frcmliie geography the other day h theie ocean swells acrthiag like the ma yea cill swells in one pafticalar tjty ire tery much alike was he parents iy aui what ia thit 2 they are irl lillckiug creitious a cjcjprheaiire pamphlet treatictf wiku liiucr licenses and the ballot fcci has jest been i received from he acthjr kcv i l brethourj fhb of xljrord jlr brethoar is well iblftto deal withthc subject as he las given tie question oclicecsing the litiuortraec carefulstady j fir many jexre j r- keferriljitosfissvetherald who u to tue nart in the anciversary services at ewrchcreh oq the lib 3iay the kew- marke meis ijhus jfh wether delighted he audience beyond expression her voice is cjer ax bell and the faintest v hifper cccid be heard tnthe tei derest and most sympattetic eipressioa mr if p moore president 3f the hal- icz fiandiy school akociatiot paid the disdple eundayschoci a visit ut sunday morning which ivas very much- ppreciaied by hc schio the school hop i that this vriil not fce the last vint 0 this kind and in- pleased ths1 the jassociaton baa a prtsidelt who takes each an interest in- the wfrfc cok atca fuller will coatrib tie to the cjmbr of harper bamr to u published apriliitha short suiry ect lied old ldy pratt it is teqoel tc her story euiiued aunt bet pi otograpb which upon its appeflrance it a recent number of the bajxr wis hailed as a proof that american literature wu a oat tobe enriched by the works of auotaer strong new ensjand genre artlstotthi school u harriet prwcott spofford slar f e wil kiia sophie swctt and othersj if yoa want a daut y filtiuj sail and good workmanship go u suvklcco by the majority of the readers of the fen pczss and considerable interest hss been manifested in the comments upoa his state ments we present herewith his portrait ind the most m portant sections of the address the principle which the association it del the postfscesare now served by a daily signed tonromulgate those principle which form the foundation of oar national itreogtn and progress i think am justified in the statement that the hopes and expectations entertain ed by the few men who originated this u- aodation in is75 have been fully met this association was organized in the interests of the people of cicada and for the purpose of developing the resources of this country in particular and arousing to new life it latent forces hidden by the pall of dweoaracement thrown ever them by i free trade tariff or urifi for revenue only how far we have succeeded bf- our support of whit is now known the na tional policy let the tall chinnevi every where dotting the cities towns and hamlets of this country attest let the growth and prosperity of he past ten years also speak out and iutly let the jury of the common wealth the people who have twice endorsed this policy bear testimony et ia every where evident that the vigorous young life of this country is becoming more aggressive and selfreliant i would do injustice to the good sense of my american friends many of whom are members of this associ ation and our brethren to suppose they would feel offended at mf remarking hatthe abrogation of the old reciprociry treaty by the united states was the birthday of canadian self reliance i regard it as a memorable event ia our national history the abrogation of that- treaty j- and if the american people respected us hen they have not been slow in according us unstint ed praise since because of our plack and eaterpriae qualities which have always commanded their admiration and respect there have been occasionally disturbing causes between us but they bave ansen from business rivalry mainly and not from national antagonism let us hope that peace and goodwill mayebntioae between ourselves and theamerican people and in the 6pirit of the ancient patriarch may john bull say to brother jonathan let there be no strife i pray thee beiweeu thee and me between my herdamea and thy herdsmen for we be brethren i believe i may confidently say teat with the exception of such industries u have been affected by the remarkably mild winter trade hu been fairly good cana dian factories have been well employed and business fairly remunerative the present outlook though uninviting it cot so gloomy u to lead to disco aragemeul while there hu been a lessened demand for many lines of goods it has arisen from i desire to husband resources partly owing to the low prices prevailing for farm pro- dace this however if the usual form of industrial compensation and can only apply to purchases in excess of real- wants i believe the general condition of the coon try commercially to be sound and healthy and with the exercise of care in production manufacturen may reasonably anticipate a good year a most notable utterance was recently raada by the presi dent of the canada permanent loan com pany in this city at its annual meeting tbe president is reported to have said among our receipts the fdiareholders will i am sure be struck by the large amount received on account of mortgages the payments made b our customers fast year were most satisfactory never i think gentlemen these evidencmof geqeral thrift are incontrovertible proofs that we are not only pcogresiive bat prosperous during the year 1888 according to the latest statistics 37g6 emifratfts settled in canada this shows a numerical gain of 21q over the previous year and should be regarded u satisfactory when we consider that he government discontinued the practice of granting assisted paaasges in april of that year of this number 40937 grumbler will have the hardihood to tell ui the former days were better than these let us contrast he condition of thi sons and daughters of this country today with those of the days i have spoken of kot every portion of the older provinces u served by railways every home where frugality and thrift ibides it the home of comfort and plenty while many are he abodes of luxury elegance and cultore v i maij and it is no uncommon thing to the farming coomaaiiy enjoying the- morutng paper a few hours in advance of the village or town beyond it is a notable fact hit we possess tho best postal service on this continent having one poat- cfixc far every 032 inhabitants while the ratio in the united states last year wu one for every 1015 this fcrniahes a reason why wc axe charged three cents postage as against wo in he united states i think wf have no reason to find fault with this branch of the public service under the ad vantages we enjoy turning now to tie question which im mediately aflecu every iodustry ia his country the question of protection let us not overlook the fact that vigilance is necessary the amount of free trade argument promulgated lo convince the canadian farmer that be is being ruined by protection is indeed wide enough but it lacks cae essential to sustain it i c he evidence let me repeat the words recent ly given by a noted free rade journal which related some faces for free trade journals have occasionally by accident stated facu it ays tbe farmers know to their sorrow that their surplus grain beef pork and dairy products must be told in foreign markets in competition with the cheap productions olevery other country now this is he case and why go to foreign countries if not to reach he tolling and consuming millions where nations have built ap large industries giving em pfoyment and population to the land t if such condiioas are required to create a market for produce in europe on what hypothesis is the farmer asked to assist in destroying the industries of his own coun try and prevent the development of his home market let us pursue this question to its legitimate conclusion and apeak the words of truth and soberness it is a wellknown fact hat the conditions of trade vary with the inexorable law of supply and demand should an overabun dance n any psrticlar class of farm pro duce take place the invariable result it a depreciated market for that particular class of produce the effect of which it that the farmer adopts a different clus of farm ing to iessoa the production in one direction and meet the demand in mother as with the farmer ao with the manufacturer he it subject to the changing conditions of trade and mast watch dosdly the coarse of his competitors to see that supply does not exceed demand i cannot better ilinsfrtte this hvr of supply and demand than to suppose that twenty thousand men and women of this country were withdrawn from tie pursuits of agricukare and profit ably employed in industrial occupations tveshonld at once be confronted with the fact that a home market had been created for every dollar of breadstuffs we produce it t therefore sufficiently evident that the interesto of ha husbandmen and the manu facturer are so interwoven that the success of one depends on the success of tbe other and thst a diversity of occupation and pursuits is essential- to the successful dfiveloptnentofthis andevery other country this ban only be accomplished by duties on foreign imports sufficient to protect home production and has encourage and extend the home market ii our agricul tural ptodacta cannot find a home market it iisafncteutly obvtoas that the cost of transit to a foreign market must be borne by the agriculturist if protection to native induitrv is so essential in the interest of the farmer it is equally so in the interest of tbe workinemen of his country i have yet to learn thaanydeputation of working- men ever approached the government of his or liny other country uking it to with draw iit protection to native industry the coc imon sense born of experience ii be time enough for free trt it agitation tut not till then a general rerlilon of the tariff made ntcttaary by changed oondf tiooi of trade hu ii lut akin puoe tod titoacfh nov op o the pe i attorn of some perhaps yet on the whole it may bo re- girded at satisfactory anc will no doabl give new rest to the triie nd revive many flagging industries the losnoo minister it ii quite trident has bee i aotuatod by a desire to guard every in orcat aud may fairly be oongratolattd on iit success permit me to say a la t words on the queation of combinations i am convinced o the fmporuuce and alii tyof well-direct- ed ladattrial oomblattici a lu wlioh are involved the material tatei est a of employer and employe tbe prfncue of mutual co operation by all concerned la eaaential to the i access of any eoterpr so more espec ially of an industrial char cler insignia tint ind unimportant fndi are the effort pat forth la basiness life there this great principle is disregarded- d while 1 think it fully within he prtvileg i of every honest man to draw the line i a point where combinations opvale agi iutt the pubuc good yet i am couvincet of their value where aach is foaud to be a the interest of be muses andl hope 1 e day it no far distant when he millioi a locked up in savings banks to he cred t of the frugal working men and women l thir coantry will form no animpotlinl i aire of it active ado trial capital and hen faith and works may be so manifested u to secure the corelative condition f employer and employe in mutual com ifnalion i am pleaded to have it to say there ts yearly be coming lesa friction betw u capital and labor u the claims of ach ace better understood in conclasion what si oar substantia lity as a british dependency on tins con tinent let no utteranoei to the contrary or the labored litem p at o c tale a sentiment in favor of political uuion or ibsorpion with a foreign power decc ve us we ire here md have come to tt ty do not the enterprises we have inacgn rated andcarried out point io substantialit- are notour public works oar warehases cur indus tries aud our institute at of learning evidences of our substanlii lily u a nation and is not canadian senti neat hourly be coming more strong strikhg its roots into and clingiug fast to he soil of its nativity we are prosperoo and 1 appy and what do we lack to make us res peeled by other nations z have we not a history and a flag on which it emblazoned the records of bat tles fought and victories won have not canadians lived that were jan honor to heir country and do not tach yet live and whose names will live when canadian his tory is written have tot men lived in this land who have died in defence of her liberties 1 and why have ke erected mon uments to heir memory if not to record heroic needs and noble acti i they ell us men live in this country whose lifes service is bent on ignoble designs ind whose every act ends in he direction of base disloyalty to the state it may be so but no true canadian envies lie reputation of such a class i do not kuowwhitlhe me estimate of good citizenship ii iliiit not loyalty to onescounry surelyheday has not arrived in our history when the exigencies of party are paramoout and when politicians re gard our national honor and fealty to british connortionuofsecond importance when ia the record of political parties hu any statesman wortbyaf he name been asso ciated with the egregiois blunder of trying to wrest oar allegiance from he british flag never there never will be one let it boldly be proclaimed of us as ah association that we do not join fealty to any party that does not carry the flag of our coantry and keep step io it music settled in manitoba and he northwest f f tutorthan any visionary theory pro- and no doubt contributed largely to tbe selllemenr there being 000000 acres taken up during the year at this rate it requires no mathematical calculation to convince poos dec by free trade propagandist and to the redit of the workfngmen o this country be it aid they have never proved recremf o their countrys interest when us hit this part of opr coantry lis rapidly thil v wa at uroc bttt h filling ap and will continue to increase a greater ratio year by year l am aware a common argument with ooinmerciil iniouists and the eoduiies of this country generally ts hat the country is uot in- creuinsin population as it should that our people are discoutented anacontlnu- illy coine o the uuited stales this is i tf- affecubim 4ndny legit theoidditmal will of the peattmist up- -j- having his content matt be in on tbfs question of our people occuionsky i m protection lo home mannlac going io the states there is thii to hsy to preach free trade to ihe work- that while he social and butineaa relations g of this coantry is to iatult hifl of the two countries conduce to an exchange of population it is very much open to question whether we con tri bote more than we receive v hibited a knowledge of trade matten foreign o the mind of that class of free radert vho tbeorite in city offices while they w irk out the practical problem of human xistoace it it indeed a praotical conditlcn hat confront the workingmau not a theory and it coocerot a question inleljige ice when free trade ooahtries pay ijha urorkihgmaa u high wages u be obtains on thfs continent with tune advanta et and cost of living then it will the cire a witcff slfocld get on the care hat any machine get de pends greatly its lasting and its proper working ard particularly is it so with a watch they have to undergo so much rough handling and are subject to so many changes of temperature and position it eeems to me that they art the worst used machine in the world they are often allow ed to run day and night year in and year out without aay ittention in the way of oil when every other machine about the place is oiled nearly every time it is used for a few hours h yoa only knew it it costs yoa more to let your watch an more than 20 months without cleaning than it does to have it cleaned that often because it is bound to wear o it in half the time and then yoa have to be spending money all he time t nkering it up and then get no utisfactioi i some people never oil any of their machinery until it begins to squeak if watel les only squeak ed u loud u wheelbarrow i do when they need oil tome of you woo d make a great deal more noise in the world than you do it ts really a shame ta see first clus watches spoiled by pure thought lessaest because a person who can afford to buy a good watch can surely afiord to keep it in proper order to give you an idea how much work he wheels havato do i would stale that american watches have 300 beats per minute that means the balance wheel tarns hreeqatrterf aroaad sod back 150 times each minute if he balance turned in one direction always the wheel would revolve 225 time each minate figure up that speed for pour waggon and andsee how far yoa would ravel in a day of 21 hours and tell me low often your axle would want greasing the weight of he balance wheel is ranch heavier in pro portion to he size of its p vot than your waggon ixle hu to support the lever makes 300 movement per minute the scape wheel 500 revolution per hoar and the other wheels in propirlion no two piece of metal can rub together without wear unless there is oil be wpea them and oil will wearoat in lime tit always best to wind your witch u nea the same time each day at possible keep it ia aruear the tame position at nighi u in the day when carried dont let the baby play with hem it may quiet h child bat it it hard on the watch when on are winding tbem do not twist them imand bat bold the watch steady and turn tl e key only and yoa will be leu jikely to bre k the ruby pin no barm caa arise from tut sing the hands either backward or foward whenever yoa notioe the bow getting k ate get it tight ened u dirt gets in around the eads when loose an open face esse will keep the movement cleaner than a hunting case if you find tbe winding com nenciag to slip btokgetit attended to be ore something worse luppeni if i am s epping on any ones toes i cannot help ii i am stating nothing but what every watchmaker knows to be facts watcho u a rule do not get the attention hey ne d ia writing the above of coarse i am hung ii to call your attention to our abil ty at watch makers and at ihe tame tim i give you some good advice i know tuii r uoh that if we do not give you tatitfaotiou re will not get yoar trade we want it id will do oar very best to win aud keep it by attention to every detail ia conoeotiou v ith yoar work whether watebe or clocks md no amount of labor wfjl prevent ns fron making your watch a time piece if it can done oro d fx wolc guelph ftife sferitig g novelty quantity variety quality or tes kenny bros dominion boot shoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies ssoes slippers tan shoes and novelties for spring and summer wear men s alli gator and galf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines willibe found complete with firstclass goods otuipm work ind iwy mwt trnski tad tilimi isrmttitr take notice that weare going to give the best bargains in boots shoes that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash j freh ig taken in exchange for good y brqs acton spring millinery opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following days j i with one of the largest and most attractive stocks of ilillinery that we have ever shown the styles are the latest and the trim ming the best as weemployonlyexperienced hands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect onr stock as we will be pleased to show themturongh fullrange of new spring dress and mantle goods new prints suitable for early spring new parasols with long andshort handles new embroideries just to hand something altogether new iii these goods fall stock ot cottons cottonades table linens towels towelings etc cheap stock in boot3and shoes extra values iu all lines cf groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs hendersonmcraecco hcton business millinery openings are now over and a thine of the past never in all our history or we understand in the history of the house has jthere been a more successful one than that heldby us lastweek throngs of ladies crowded our show rooms andexpressed their delight at the brilliant display of hats bonnetsand millinery etc on view there we would now direct your attention to other departments as well large quantities of our spring importations are being displayed upon our counters and tables which are lined with eager customers and in every respect we feel that the spring season has opened for us and opened most promis- ingly the past is secure the future opens broadly ande step into a new year of store history with thejiervejto do and the determination to win your approval thebpening spring is auspices with encouragement and as our seasons wort advances you will find pleasure and profit increasingly yours gbryknqo 1 gttelph jorsntixftttsl inclldiku book lumplleta postm heads circulars ad c socuiej fite best if fit octtio art at tliodrratt rtlrt asiz sbortnotico aiiylydr fddrtii ii ivsfookk yieriieasofllet- letj- acton loiigc xo iqlfs 1007 mekt8 id ibo oddllloi ma muhy btocst trr wedcaiklat ttifbvws tffertbrw ijwarsweleonie tor com of eoisit tnilon and lai apply touic iijdcntocjoran of tbe msmbtrs w williams k 0 ii hw0idk5 fann for sakv flltyictesin tb ijownjifp of luntmstba composed of tast qtirter ol lot k ceatt acre cleared 13 acrw under eoluttfoobt anclibtub orebsrd f liacrn walnedb v good well and never uluue spring on t2 premhtse are two dwelling boaicstn vats which is ftor arwj bpajwdo vott offlre jialf- barn and outtmlldroc lutnedlats imarit c fuwi for furtbef partlctun spplj oothc rrcswi sddreu t t usjtonleyfii7twq 1 v 4mb tof halton union fanners mutuu fire iiii cov v public notice is bcthlrpu en that tbsfigj v- um union partner uututj ptrvsuiarabce company hiting coin plied vrlth tha rmitiota i of tbe ontario insuranoe act has web iktwbd tor the teat ending juna jdth usd irt iranf the busjnesaof losurioc on tie ircniunn k plan fire tiaas otber tliiu herein m and uaa ofarturtdg j colin callteok sjetar eden jlflls airi uu 1flo for sale a rare bargain v is offered to party parcbatinc a neat aad um- fortable brick realdetict in pood locaut fe village of acton and beioc in ern respstta i tery deaifable propertv having on tht premaw an aboncunt supply pi bnl and soft water sad a good stable this property vonld be an attractitw and rttr tenlent boffle lor retired jarty or an naiuaitjb profl table inrestrrunt lor tpecajatoncieajsst- isu for fall particnlars appljno wjuoobe atbiioffioe intowiihallctoa notice jo citizens tbe residents of this municipality are bertby inrlted to deposit all mbbut eta wnjes mar bare aecnmalatod abont their rrrtntists dnrrns the winter in tbe gp now beic filled ia at the park and notice is also given concerning all ctfceit 7 pcru of the tnnniapaiity thai bflaw ba is whicbprobidiu the depositing of filth row bisb et opoo aur streer laoe or bjjilaek within the muridpantv will be loictly ertfireed wh-stoeetbke- boras oflleeapril lltbls30 private sale ok v valuable farm ipropebty under and liy virtae af the power cf silt j contained in a ccrtaiu luongage tht bo dwrsigtied is iostnicted to sell by prirate sals one bncdrod aeresi more or loss ta tht fiat i concession of naatagaweya in the coastycl o halton there are elghty4cvcn aoieanav three acres ot good hardwood bush and flit balance la cedar irwmmp firstclaw soil oa the premises there is a splendid bask bara sad tabling for s hortce and si head of eatttelabo a rood dritiug abed attached there re two good frame booses and anoth scnau stable a aererfailiiia well tuid jroad spring on the teat tito a firstcjaaiorobard of apple and pear tract aod some small fruit- tba propcrtrii wb fenced and u within half a mile at ubflattlav- won on the c p railway between gnelwiism uiltoo possesaion dvpn immedimaqt if sold beforo april lodi will be seld starm tacrtflce and on the easiest possible wins for farther particulars address i pk j uqost actca mr uoorehas also for sale a ntnnbeif pav ate reaidencei and raloable building la iaabt village of acton excellent banding- sites in ts city of winnipeg uan and sevebal choice fa in the rielnitr of acton 03 exceptionally was- onable tunoa do not fall to examln his art before purchasing ornajtosbaia jrtoo dzr tcrestl tlibdl sig upl valf aboi paiif iefsl olutj mon 4 paaunj week i 8 ae ahadel auctiqksate valuable house and loi in4cton l under uid by tfrtnelof the wwer uf ad uined in oezuln mortgage which u1 h pimv- dnoed on thedar ofluile there wm b olrtm for tl by public tndaon t the door of al hotel in tbe villag iof acton ot friday theiiiithday of may 80 at tvo oclock ii the afternoon tne fal- lowing property m lot number thtrtyeeren in jaines yotups survey in a prtot tjbe village of actoq as wd down on the regstered plan of said surrey cgdj taining one ftfthof an acre more or le9s0w the premiaea isrincted a cood brick boos two rtoreys eootairfiag six rooma with good eemr- ttewualsoaioodjwellontbetrttiaea- ibis pro is dtaatedton arthur rtreet la crow- ins part of the aujage conteieratoitatlt- and post office this is a pood oppdtruy secure an eaoellentrealdence s5 i iiffi teeu8 of sal8 ten per ceifcfs the day- of sale balance within one monlhf for further particnlari apply to acton or to wil hemstreet mclev aatuonoer id tejidenwddnssudtutbcuhbrfned endorsed tender tea liidiainpphea sra1h andu will be receircd at this office up to udqeof mo day sbrt april imi for the delivery m indian suppliea daring thejscal yoar ciidiiig b ja 1831 eonsistingof llourief bacftn tirocenos ammanition trino acricaltaraj lmpiitunts tools etc daty paid at tarions pimsuimn- itoba and the northwest territories forms of tender containinc full iariicoars relatire to the bupnlios required dstes fde livery otc may be bad by applying u tbf m- dertdgned or to the indian coiotniisjcuw at begina or to the udian office winntig parties may fender for each dmcriuuon of goods w for any portion of each des cripuon cf loodsj separately or for all tbe poods called for n tb ftcliedule and tbe deiartuitaitriirtet to itself the right to njeci tbb wuou or amirt of a ieodr eaoh tender must bo sccouiivilej by aa ac cepted cheque in ftor of the tiqpcriqfendenl general of indian affairs on a canadian jot at least five per cent of tbe amount of the tender which will forfeited if tlic party ten dering declines to nter luto a contract baod on inch tender when tailed upon to do o or trbe falls to complete to work cobtrscttil for hrao lender be not accepted uiu cbciue will be re tarded each tendar mast in addition w liio ligature of the tenderer be signed l two smue m- ceptabletothw dcparunilt fouio vi per formance of the eoptract based on his tenller this advertisement u not to bu icarrted by aay newspaper without the authority ol the qneens printer and no clsvlia for payment by had sach aathonty j lvakolghxlt dcpftii of thbsnreriattndent-k- feral of indian allain department of iudiin affairs otuwa uatti liot t uueltii u4bkets flour boiler j flour stonel bprinc whcit fill whou brm eerie oiu rt pee h strew r wood per cord ecs pef doceo batter 4lry peclled butter roll cheeee potatoot por bifi apples pork lutbtlio pelu hidee coene wool pine wool i- turnip ia iaii au ii 1 w 1 0 w on a i ta 0 11 lossj lossj to 0 m to 0 w u 11 iu to t ttt- to y i toon- lo 0 5o to 4 0j to i w to too 11 to 0 15 v 0 mtllj- to 0 60 lol to 5 tolsj lo os 10 3 co 8 to ob 10 111 a mrrwpomieot revely mtiires tvlli ii the linitultr bl roaeyj i ink- thet wa dont kndw bot the campirtoitelf fw oolod men in ths cooirtianity wouldnt jajtij i dimerution on ths ob- joot ashed b tmtj otta them i bonal uilorl farqij fcrthl ouat qatstl prbmj bitht ait i vtuesl jlushf jjlb dcki m m

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