Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1890, p. 2

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a- 1 1 attn lonw of 4 dm6tr 8 c4l oo u tod aprfl th wf ot mr job a hovwn of diijbim te ooiaelltu intl un k w john uuinn ot 1 4abtm jumd cijm- jl boolblaa oantn oa uallth ottt ietootfwlmjmn x woototoot on h jtttli april moor ohmutoiiurtb run cnxt4uuifat moomburt on in unl april 5nil cnnntartum brother of u uu tin thon 11 moore bf ictou iffsd m nn ft bom of toe ton iuhhui canft erin on tb tab ajril cbxtatfn rid relicwof u liu job emit ejed a jmct holmu at th mueuc of hii bocra 8o- miajeeq buir on lb irh april gtonre uoncu moondtonof rur r hobbtl o ttl- oobx re lcd 6 yetn 10 nianhl end t dm the xrtou jfret ms thursday april st 1880 the i qsservatlye kt4kdaro bearer the cowvitiyw oe hilloa held their coaqenuoa to select a cuididttc ifor the vfprotvchiog ontario eitcttoc il milton oa tneadaj then tu a good attendance ofdeltotw aud others from all parts of the ooiiaty aod the deliberatious ot the cooraslioq malted ia the nsuiimoac noiunitioo of col w kerne of barlio tod who bu tfprateated liie rxmntr for the lilt tiro terms speeches wen deli vex ed by sir kerns david hendtrioo ex xl pip usoott wuden dr richard cm lr roe and others the jmeetinc pegec their strong support to sir kerns and k the oppoutiaa leader vt r here- dilbj xotes axdcoidcexts ths ocjj practical good to fir resulting from 1 he german emperors labor confer eace i the etident need that srsa shown for one di ys fi in fcten for the ooatiaeoul liixjrflr it is becoming plain that a safe bita a pfifneal u woll u toml necmnity ind bliodoen to thil j tnta ii xorti hirm to the ubcriiy clioei of earopje j yoauk enjitswn ixe ctiu uririns ia tiu ctxmtrj vbo hn pid moaej to b ttoalit fnniit ooeof therfao htd pud iooo trrived tt st tfaomu oat the otherl dij- and mother who had been qoaoad foe a like imotmt ppemnd it toronto thif wek ii it not timethe got- enmicnt interfered to pot i itop to thif jort of nrindllim tar p canxii tw do not uka kindly to the toai of pertnittinjt a poiykuaooi mor mon to piin foothold within their terri tory j cuftd hu i hhit of lffciwg with pit dimaueia end of enforcing her iwt bn ooce they in euctdj hence it ii not likelr that the newest jpromiied land of the fake and penndoos church will prort very hospitable detroit fnc prv us ffarriioa i already nominated by- hit friend ia candidate for a teoond prec- dental term at mr dereland ia still the denocratie farorite it wonidseem that the figbijq1888 will be renewed in ik with the tame itandard4arerc bat the real israel wid be bet um opposing policies of protection snd a tariff for revenue only at present the popoliz tide ii ronninj prettn- btronriy in fa tot of the democrats an eichangb sayi englishmen have a popour sayuig which inrokes urjimnreca- tion on hifn who would deprite a poor manlof ha beer and slr gosdken ir feel- tog its farce jast- now for propoeiog to tax the nttibnal bererige- so strong has this fwjitg been manifested that uis expected that an the budget speech announced to be dditbred tomorrow mr gosohen win withdraw his proposifioa baer defeated i government once b sot been forgotten the generalassembiyaf the presbyterian chufch of mrir meets next month at earsftoga the most important question then to be decided is the proposed reriiioa of the ffestnrinfotrr confessjon adrocates of retisi6n base their hopes ofraccess on the fact pa eightytwo out of the one hundred and twentytwo presbyteries ufaich hare aa fir voted on the question are in favor of revision there art two hundred and twelve presbyteries in the pnabyterian chaich in the united stttes this leaves nineiy prsabyteries still to vote and it is expected that the majority of bese will favoi the proposed amendments to the church ataodards wtsiesi interests will oot be served to an appreciable extent by the proposed new canal rotmd buffalo a public work that will probably cost in the neighborhood of wi000 the welhud canal a water- wsyjof pronounced benefit to western ehipsen t is free to americaor no fair oomplsint can be made against the regula- tion under which it ii open to the contin ent it cost the dominion a very large sum of money and was built with an eve to the requirements of canidkn com merce vet the western states find in- it an oatlet to tidewater of great ralne j prevent ing u it does for sic months of the year a combination amoag eastern railways to the cfetriment of every prodocer bf erain ch cage cajiadtax dtnerlaut domsfos illcsteated fr0j1 the capital senile dlvorw horse of covhosskotts tlie ei kert lnvetiftuoo4 aickeivulutmunp i tlit fuheriu liyern0fi8 rwtasndsjitnalki claim vhcftbhan work 50 to ictox 00rxet band in he isaae of the dominion luiucraud for a jril 19 our readers will find much to ioferi ft them korway house eaks- beka fallf c p r elevators at fort willi m aod the gate of the selkirk are all characteristic scenes of oorgiieat west the f unooi falls on the kamiaisiiqaia are pionc anced by the hev dr grant to have msowrioroa this continent- the view of fc rt william shows very clearly how the oi d order has passed away and the sort of du penaation that has sacceeded it the gate rf the belkirks is one of tbegrandest exam pies of canadian mountain scenery para ise grove kisgaragive a glimpse of a spo that is not unworthy of its name in th i way of portraits itr james john son commissioner l customs j ottawa the canadian e gradaatesatchathsm engliodtbeboaruof the toronto public libra y aod the highland cadets at drill ctbis vt engraving illnstritine a new and impes cant movement in the way of military trsini ig take np several pages address lotah ion utucratcd 73 st james street montoeai rr- xsravqju thousand customers to parch sekzilt bnou 120 pants made o order ottiiuapril 23rdil transpires that an effort is being made by certain members of parliaaeui to tec are an addition to the indemnity a round robin having thai sod iu view la ia circulaliioa ia 18s5 there was an additioa owiog lo the length of ths session of looo to the alio waoos but ibis year the session though long fi not so long as was thit of the year which mt the pre- oedenu i is learned that the- party leaders refuse to sign the applictliona ths pro posal tcwiuorease the indemnity will not be received with any degree of cordiality ia the country j anothcc sifting was given the kykert limber limit affair in committee this morn ing the facts brought oat do cot in any degree improve mr yhertt case at far aa departmental document could do so it was established that the cypress hill tim ber limit which was granted on the recom mendation of the member for lincoln to adams wu covered by the prior application of messrs shnrtreod snd liidlaw il was farther asserted that whereas air rykcrt had alleged thst hie client was the sole applicant for a timber berth at this spot there were at one time according to sir david micphenauac statement no less than thirteen capitalists inxioos to capture the prize when the com mittee row mx ryksrt was aboat to mike bis statement in reply but as the boor was late this part of the proceedings was postponed till tomorrow l semite mvcbci oicxxt the aopleasantseu in the senate last night war the ruling topic on the senate sidetddayj the trouble arose oat of the discussion oa the walker divorce bill there is a pretty general consensus of opin ion that there was altogether tt much can vasaing sad sfirepollingovera blll when it is considered that the senau possesses samijodiciil functions in the i important matter of divorce sanvassfng and the use of personal influence to secure the passage of a bill that nature mast certainly be deemed improper as stated before there was a great deal of this practised by those interested in freeing sirs walker- from matrimonial bonds men were induced to pair to leave the chamber and were coax ed and wheedled against their better judg meat to support the htu the hill mikes a new departure in divorce proceedings and for that reason if for no other should have been approached in a calm judicial spirit by every member ot the house certainly a proportion of the members of the senate did not approach it in this spirit and unless the commons intervene and j important precedent will be established in a way alto gether unfitted to the importance of the considerationa involved j larrrobi aor tacsrecrs mr a j mcmillan the ontario agent of the manitoba government was in town to day after visiting a nomber of points in the ottawa valley in the interests of the immi gration to the prairie province asked as to crop prospects in manitqbithjs year mr mcmillan said they were very promis ing farmers are now buey seeding and ahont 1000000 acres are expected to be put andercrop the heavy snowfall there last winter is so the mamtobans say a sore indication of a bountiful hartest rail road extension will be rigorously carried on and it is expected a greater mileage of track will be laid this summer flanin anv- pteeeeding year everything points to a larger increase than ever in immigntioo and mr mcmillan states that new settlers could never go iu tinder more favorable prospects than now exist tee flaheeiei the fisheries report was brought down last week the importance of this industry to the country is clearly shownj with the exception of the province of kara scotia which shows a decrease in the yield of cod mackerel and herring and that at manitaba where i slight falling off ia noticed in the catch of pickerel pike and tolibee it is satisfactory to be able th stats that the fishing industry of the dominion is in a thriving condition and shows a general increase of 1236 7f3 over the yield of last year in this connection the province of british colombia takes a leading rank showing an increase ot nearly 12000000 pounds of salmon in the canning industry the total value of the fisheries of canada for the year is89 is u follows j kbva scotia 1 wi kewbnmiwiel zjxuflg quflbec igjh british cclunbti zjf8jj57 ontario 1 1 ljstia rrince edard itlaad 1 hkcjo tfaoitoua and korthwest territories 16797 showing an aggregate of 176256 as against tl7id10 for the year is88 or an increase of f 2367j t iccidext asceurce itxiv the government has for the intercolonial railway an accident insurance fund the receipts by this fsnd since ilt establishment have been utz2 and the expenditure istfiu- the deficit is 197 xotes sir john macdonald is authority for the statement that parliament will prorogue on may 10 professor macoun the dominion kctor- tiist will start in a few days for british colombia dr bell will be engaged in geological researches in the bad bury dis trict sir john thompson i authority for the important information that when a settle ment of the behringaea difficulty it reach ed the united states government will be prepared to open negotiations with a view to an arrangement of the atlantic fishery joestion i sir john macdonald stated in reply to a deputation asking for a boa as for a railway the other day that there were at present before the government 93 applications for bonuses torailways asking for j subsidies amounting to ho000oou bat that he would give his careful consideration to their caie e iwyoiiflshoaldcallandseeoartlou fl2jq0 and h00 finite made to order thwy j n betur value than can be got at any oti m rhwe id town by three dollars a quit jupeciioij invited fit goaf anteed jtexrfaos t f teeth teeth teeth j p marshall mds ddb lds gradaate of toronto school of dentistry will be at agoews hotel acton on thurs day friday and satarday of this week dr marshall having saocesslally practiced his professiea in ontario for eight years sad also being eaccowfal at the recent ex aminations ia theoretical and manipulative dentistry held ia toronto was on march 28th of the present year awarded he degree of master of dental surgery by the faculty of the above mentioned college a decree- held by ouly fcrnr other denlisis in the dominion of canada aud the people of this riciduymay coogratalate iheaswlves at befog able to command services of the highest class in this science as mr marshall intends making regular rlsiu gold filling crowning and the highest grades of artificial teeth a speciality difficult operations solicted iveth ex tracted with liule or no paiu by tb use of harmless appuoauodi to thtgoma j charges i moderate council met on monday evening at sight oclock j reeve storey in the chair members all present j the minutes of last meeting wen read and confirmed the committee on itrwta and sidewalks reported that tbey had made narveyol the workoecesuryto be performed by them daring the season in the town and present ed a report embracing this upon scruumalng theust of work re commended the reave said i notice yoa have made qo reference in your list to re- pairs to the mill street roadway coqocillor smith replied that main street needed repairs just as badly as mill and something should be done there councillor speighlr think mill slreeua good etioagh for the present councillor kenney thought it might be a good idea to have a man go along and break the large stones and replace the broken ma terial councillor dowry a good many peopla grumble aboal the work performed two years ago on mill street being of no value if they had drivcuover the roads in and oat of town daring the late season when they were so bad they would conclade as i have thst there is not aa good a piece of roadway within toar miles as that of mill street a little ravel pal where needed upon it now will improve and preserve it councillor speight claimed thai the peo- e art not ia favor of doing inythiug more with mill street at present councillor kenney no they are not theres no good gravel to be had anyway councillor smith stated councillor lowry replied that good gravel can be gat at gordons the reeve something must be done with the street i the firm who assisted in its construction expect as to keep it in proper repair the work was never finished and it should be now the streets should be improved even if no sidewalks are built this year i councillor kenney said its all very well for the reave aod the councillors who have sidewalks ail around their premises to talk about building no new sidewalks bat the people i who have been tramping through the mud all winter and spring want them they pay taxes and should have eidewalkaj the reeve if you ignore pable interests by building sidewalks in view of the elec tions next january you fail to serve the purpose for which you were elected the street and sidewalk committee seems deter- mined to ignore mill street because i am anxious to have it properly completed i say finistu one piece of work before you commence another unless we do we lose what we have expended we want careful consideration m our expenditure as we have hut a limited amount at our disposal the public school takes 1800 or 11900 out of our taxes first thing councillor speight thought if all the money is spent on roads and none on aide- walks the people will be pretty generally dissatisfied councillor dowry i said last year i thought the street could be repaired by filling in the inequalities the reeve the first impression to visit ors to the town lis important and as moat strangers come in by trahx mill street should receive the attention it requires couacillor kenney we should be able to spend about fliooo a year in street im provements and still keep the rate down to 17 mills the reeve sah well ma ice you chair man of the coinmittee on finance and well see you work the rale down to 17 mills i cconcillar kenney its too late foe this year- the reeve i think the street and side walk committee had better revise their re port and recommend only those improve ments which an absolutely necessary to be made at once and then at next meeting present a supplementary report after some consideration the committee took the following action moved by wj smith seconded by jhn kenney that the following work on sidewalks and drains be proceeded with at once pending the adoption of the commit tees full report 5 from church street to top of first hoi south sidewalk four feet wide from mill street to bower avenue oa elgin street sidewalk four feet wide crossing on bower avenue opposite wilbur street extension of sidewalk to miss mortons j drain on willow street 32 rods four street lamps this motion was carriecj after a second perusal of the report councillor kenney exclaimed why you have left out some of the work most needed the reeve kow councillor kenney keep cool we will give your committee another opportunity at a future meeting to extend your recommendations mr arch campbell addressed the coun cil with reference to back taxes due on a nonresident lot in youngs surrey in which he is interested stating that be thought some person had paid the faxes a research of the collectors roll for the year referred to showed that the taxes were returned un paid i mr a e kicklin in behalf of the band presented its claims for a grant before the council he spoke of the present good prospects of the institution of the oppor- tunity of securing more members if new instruments could be purchased of the t that no grant had been made since mi and said the band would be sausfled with ifio tbe reeve well i am inclined to favor the grant councillor kenney so give the band business the six months hoist there u no use throwing srway the peoples money couacillor smith oh give the band a lift they deserve it we ought to require them to play oat oftener though councillor speight then presented the following motion i moved by 5 a speight seconded by w e smith that this council graot acton cornet band the sum of 150 lo aid them in the purchase oi new instrument there ii a good deal of dkttat ihotioa and load talk of pyeii are hu rt in many the park committee interviewed tbe rn and individ ail membei i aboat sfcar- ing meant from the park on qaeeni birthday moved by dr dowry seconded by w e smith that the clerk belmtra ited to adver tin for tenders for the use of urn drivingptrk for queens birthday oalebraiiou tenders to be opened on wednesday n ght 80 inst parties tendering to provide so re tics for payment and tbe proper preservation of the grounds from destruction in any way on the distinct understand iig that all damages most be made gc 3d either to grounds or buildings by the parties whose under is accepted carried council adjourned to mocton the 30th inst maklev the rxpldflelt wa hat vdltcd paris and hnunju during- uie past week i pais april 2qheqry m- stanley arrived in this city oa tharsdsy and left for brussels yesterdsy morning prior to bis departure he uid that he did not trouble himself about the churlish articles published in the french press nor the hos tility shown him by the members of the french geographical socisty he was glad he had been spared a j reception in parts u he woald receive plenty of them elsewhere bscmsxs april 21 stanley and ths party accompanying- him reached this city at 2 oclock thif afternoou a great crowd had gathered at the railway station and stanley wu given an ovation the city was decorated ia honor of stanley aod wore a gala appearance the flags of bel gium ihe united states aud the cocgo free stale were lavishly ased a detach ment of the civic guard ad a body of troops were drawn up at ihe railway station as a guard of hooorto air stanley and u be appeared the troops presented arms and the band accompaoylag them played the belgian and americannational anthems count oullremoulwho repres ented the king received mrifitanley when he alighted from the train ji mr stanley and the members of his party entered the counts carriages which were awaiting them and weredriven to the royal palace the burgomaster of brussels and the aid ermeuoftheoity metstaaleyatthe french frontier and accompanied him to brussels henry m stanley dined with the king at the royal palace this evening the king has appointed capl rey and lieut liebnechts to attend stanley daring his stay here i after dinner in the palace last evening henry m stanley passed ths evening con versing with the king today be drove through the city accom pained by two orderly officers this eveuiig he went to a banquet la thetown hall gjven by burgo master buls sixty covefs were laid the salle gothique in which the banquet was held was splendidly decorated with flags of belgium great bt tain and the congo state after the bciqaef stanley had a conversation with tbe king to morrow the explorer dines ith m lam- bert the scuiniaw of bart n rothschild whenever stanley appears ia public be receives an ovation eaon loac numbers of cable despatches letters and presents are reaching him barsom uter buls in proposing the health of mr stanley proph esied that africa would become what america ia today ia his i ssponse stan ley said he foresaw the day rhen belgians would start by steamer froc t antwerp to visit their bretheru in the c ago state the caite i wltce sh illii get the reeve in this the pleasure of the coancil t councillor kenney it isnt mioe the council is too free with money which is oot their own j the reeve carried the assessment roll for 1800 was pres ented by assessor kennedy as previously reported iu these colnmns there is an incresie of some 18000 ia the aaseskinent over last year the total aasessmeot is f slsis the general as- resameat in the njore thickly settled par lions of the municipality remaius aboat the same as last year in some iostanos lben hfve beeij rd notions aud iu stfeir cases increases have been road kcjoog our farmer cfto ins there has tywsrvir been a pretty geo rsi increase as a result on the care that any ma iune gets de pends greatly its lasting s id its proper working and particularly ii it so with a watch they have to and rgo so ranch rough handlieg and are subj ct to so many changes of tempera tare an i position it seems lo me that they are 1 he worst used machine in the world they a e often allow ed to run day and night ye ir in and year out without any attention in he way of oil when every other machine i boat the place is oiled nearly every time i is used for a few hours if you only km wit it costs youmore o let yoar watch ra i more than 20 months without cleaning tl an it does to have it cleaned thst cten because it is bound to wear t out in half the time and then you have t be spending money all the time tin eriug it op and then get no satisfaction some people never oil any of their machinery until it begins to sqoeak if watches only squeak ed aa load as wheelbarrows do when they need oq some of yoa woald make a grpet deal more noise in the world than you do it is really a shame to see first class watches spoiled by pare thp ugh t less aess because a persoa wbo can afford to buy a good watch can surely afford to keep it iu proper order to give yon aa idea how m ach work the wheels have to do i woald stale thatamericanwatcheasave 300 beats per minute that means j the balance wheel torus threequarters around andback 150 times each minute if the balance turned in one direction always the wheel would revolve 225 times each mlnate figure up that speed for your waggon and and see bow far yoa woald travel ia a day of 2i hours and tell me hqw often your axle would want greasing the weight of the balance wheel is much 1 eerier in pro portion to the size of its pivot than yoar waggon axle has to supporl the lever makes 800 movements per niaute the scape wheel 500 revolutions wr hoar and tbe other wheels in proportion ho two pieces of metal can rub tog tber without wear unless there is oil between them and oil will wear oat ia time it i s always best to wind yoar watch as near the same time each day as possible keep t in as near tbe same position at night i s in the day when carried dont let ths baby play with them it may quiet the hild but it is hard on the watch when yo i are winding them do not twist them area id bat hold the watch steady and turn the ley only and you will be leu likely to breaktbe ruby pin no harm can arise from turaiiguhejufcnds either backward or toward whenever you notice ths bow getting loci 9 get it tight ened as dirt gets iu around tl e ends when loose an open face oase w 11 keep the movement cleaner than a h mting oase if you find tbe winding comm mciog to slip back get ft attended to befoia something worse happens if i am stej iping on any ones toes i cannot help it i am stating nothing bat -what- every watchmaker knows to be facts watches a a rule do oot get the attention they need ia writing the above of coarse i am d on it to call your attention to our abilit as watch makers and at ibe same time i iveyoamme good advice i know this roc ih that if we do not give yea satisfaction wt will not get your trade we want it and will do oar very best to win and keeplt b attention to every detail ia obouocttou wit a your work whether wftubes or clocks ai d uo amouol oi ishoc will preveot ui from nakiog yoar watel i time pisoe if it can he done geo d puis u ggslph ir spring imillinery opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following days with one of tho largest and moet aftrnctiveitocks of millinery tbat we have ever ehowii the styles are the latest and the trim ming the best as reemploy only experienced hands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies wul call aud inspect our stock as we will be pleased to show them through fall rauge of new spring dress and mantle goods new prints suitable for early spring new parasols with bug and short handles new embkoidesies just to hand something altogether new in these goods full stock o cottons cottonades- table linens towels towelings etc cheap stock iu boots and 8boes 1 r ertra values iu all lines cf groceries i 1 i i hlchest prices paid for butter and eggs henderson mcraesvco kcton v business milliner- openings are now over and a thing of the past never in all our history or we understand in the history of the house has there been a more successful one than that held by us last week throngs of ladies crowded our show rooms and expressed their delight at the brilliant display of hats bonnets and millinery etc on view there we would now direct jour attention to other departments as well large quantities of our spring importations are being displayed upon our counters and tables which are lined with eager customers and in every respect we feel that the spring season has opened for us and opened most promis- ingly i the past is secure the future opens broadly and we step into a new year of store history with the nerve to do and the determination to win your approval the opening spring is auspices with encouragement and as our seasons work advances you will find pleasure and profit increasingly yours gbrymnco qublph new spring goods novelty quantity variety quality kenny bros dominion shoe store i i take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots 5 shoes that csm be obtained anywhere kiberakdiscoupt for cash frfb gw u kn in ixohance for goods kenney acton have just opened upsome extra fine lines in ladiesshoes tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear mens alli gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best our regular lines will be found complete with firstclass goods oaipm md bjlitag 41 it trukr inclldikg uooks liaflilcu posters bisr heads circular ac ac executed ias best sty ot the art st mctlwst prices and cm short notice apply or addrm j h p j40ore path press pules jeto w acton jmge no 204 l00f if ekth in ibe oddfrlfcw hi uaubtws ill block ercr wrtrjrtjuycreulrjf vlatlhu brethren sjwsrs welcome for ccfv of coostr touon sjd uvs spli j to tno audmigntd or saj of to members w williams ptd or an j hhvobdes 8creuiy fanii for sale fifty acres in the torulifj of euideslns oompomd of esat qnmtur ot lot is eou l 40 acres elaand s3 sires ooder coitlthidnba aocelattosb orebsjj of ii aero kferedbt good well aod bevtr fhirjc tptisg oa thi premises are two dwellisc houtot ia onto which is store sod flpcpjde post office fttm barn aod oatliolldinrfi lsiiocdist possesska for farther particular sitlr 00 the premises or address hbsr j conle y btieyild p4x halton tmion faniiere mutual fire las co ton union firm em jlmaij flrt laiaraoc cotnpaaj barlod cotnplutl witb the proruio of tbe ontario luaroc act lus been llessaed for the tmt ending jane 39th j0 to trisct the basioeu of loisalns cu tho premiam xob plan fire risks othes thin uercaatile sod lltu ofsctarisc couk cauekon seeretsry eden mols april ufa w0 for sale a rare bargain u oflered to prty partbaaios s nest iad catn forubl rlck reeideoce to good locmhtr la vulue of acwo aod beiiw iu crenr reepect a rt7 oetinble proper r hri 011 tbe premlw as aboaduil snpilf of bird md toft xa aad a food stable this propertt voold ue an sttrtctiie end co tcnient borne for retired srtr or sn nnutullr profluble inteetment for pcula3n otopluf- fste pot fall rrtlealan appirto yr j moobe at bis office 1 in town hall aeteu 1 tenders wanted for bafldlni ffldewautt aud draina tekdees will be received nil to 1st its ad dressed to the ebaindaa of street and su vajk eommitte for boilding 4 feet ildewaussi to maeh per rod and for eanuroctinf si rods ft drain 00 wulow t- the lowest or ay uadir pot nece aril y accepted for particulars tpftj to w e smith or john ktnny w h 6tobet bwra notice to citizens the residaots of this municipality are bersbr invited to deposit all rubbish etc- whfch mar hte accumulated aoct their premiaes donna the winter lo the ga now being filled ia at tha park t aod notice is also given other parts of the mnniclpajitf that bfiav xo lstwhich prohflriu the depositing at filth rib bish etc upon aav itreethuu orbhitaee within tbe muridpalitr wiu betnncsljeaioseas iv u- storywre- beeros pmce april lth is90 tenders wmteb v foruaa offarkonqufienbbljtbdaj tendeb8 far the use of park for oaesis birthday celebration will be recerrsd by the undereicned up to wednesd gth ipal paxtieslerjderinj most prtrttida sureties foray- meet of rental and for the proper prea of the tnmisea from destruction is sayaay with thedissinct understanding that aboaxsafaa either to grounds orbandinginot be mad pxd by the parties whoae tend n accepted- thos t moobe clerk of the ajnnirigajibjr sv kx 1 pbiyatesalev- valuable famsqeemt uxdeb and by tirtno of the power of ask contained in a eertaln inrjneace 4heia- dereignfkl ia instructed to sell ty pritate nla one hundred acres more or less 10 tpesm eonoessian of nsasacawcta in the county s ualton there are ekhtyeeren acres tleares three acres of good hardwood buta and balaooe is oedax swamp fintclass soil oa the enmises there is splendid bank bars and itblingfc6borieandmbed of eattl mho hood driting ehed attached- there are two cood frame booses andlanoihejr smaa stsu nerarfailini well and eood sptings on the farm aiao a firavcjaaa orchard ot apple and peax trees and acme small fruit the property is wp fenced and is within half a mile of uefnttk sw tion on thecp railway botwoen guelpb sad mnton pbaaesaion given imnjeaiatodlj a sold before april 10th will be sold at pjat aacrlnee and on tbe easiest possible terms for further particulars address j w j sioobeackat t mr moore bas also for sale a umsber of prh- ate residences aod tajuablebwilding lota ia the village of acton excellent building sites in tna cityof winnipeg uan and 6evebal choice fablfs in tbe ticinitr of acton on eieeptiooahy rpm ooahle lerma do oot fail to examine his tat before purchasing ofticrtown hall acton 1 auctionsal valuable house and lot in aoton f lnte- ind by rirtn of lie power of h coo- utoid in 1 oruln mortt wblcbj in be ijj duoed on tha dy of nje ihere rtl j st ui by public taction t tho door cf acnew otol in the village op aoton ox- priday the ninth day of may 90 at two oclock iuthe siwnioon thool- lowiotf property til 1 lot number thirty-seven- in james youpllf burviy in a part of the villaae of acton as laid down on the reclbwred plan of said sow con- tsj one fifth of an aero more or leas un th premises is erected a good brick house two rtoreys eontilniog six rooms with good ccuar tbwrelsaisoagcwellontiiclffemuc tbu- 1 property is situated oa arthur itrt in fv kf piri of the village convenient tosuttw indptofnee tbisis s coed opportunltyto secare ao exoelleot resldcuoe tkbu8 op sale tcnjer umt6n tbe day j ot aal balance within oue month tlwreaftsr ior further pajticulars apply to n iioore acton or to f ww hemstbeet uclean a wtlelv auctiooeer endor s solicitors glelph mahkets flour iballerl flourstone spring wheat v fauwhsat j- bran 1- barley oats by peas hay straw wood per cord egfsper doren butter dairy packed- butter rolls potatoes per bag trsitlhlmlr pmlu hide ooars wool pin wool turnip apru sj 1350- 3 s3 w s 10 to s 50 ft b6 to 0 0 u w 0 2 13 w 13 00 0 33 too 0lo030 j w ta to 0 45 tl 53 to 0 x s m to 9 oe 3 500 3 00 i 00 ws50- ojmto 1 oh jo 015 0islo0 011 tow 0 50 top w 0 ti to 1 00 5 11 to 5 w 1 00 to 1sj a 0w08fl i 50 to 3 00 p m to 0 n i fl u 0 q- 0 1j130 x t baf tu iuidn4 aitor oatlceo sjoc isignsj upwal jttalnir abouij our air lers wincj and uj uvobiel azi diuud 1miba i ki trpm 1 an iotc lull wa putdn il why uffer from diwrilcirs ciiised by im part blood wbentbomindj ire beini cared by miaii nortbrep 4 lymtr vttxubl dloottiyt it remote pimple d j eropuoui of ttw kioir l c fai ohiidt write iiorubop lyn vepliblt dlwsxry ubk ro otipo tho wbo btl it r b done them more rood ibis uylbii uiy cx bro iter uken i k

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