Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1890, p. 2

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fflii ras mm borx m v b cx oi gutel son- he tlccrlmj of ill dotd iled fahnui u1 a1tl1 htxuloruweriltaou dm jth thill eoo of treeou d gall muipliliii u u rui iri j w it fuhirot un 0 a qlioriaclon epsl miwdutnurijiur of kjk kcoou ud ooutin of the lata uon stand uult oorybaiith vnrtl mk onnerljr of jc tton jfm srcss thnrrrtavuatul tee ontar 10 elefttiong jaufjui u the lmy clird far auoict ritt bcucii maaiund kcrttttlk a campaign ofhvkwekkf tae speculations which hiu disturbed poli ical circle or o many weeks nid the una tulaty which hu kept the pduucisnt oa ptm and needle ever eiuc uie lctslative assembly closed hare been sci at rwi by the anumoticement oq saurda r that the dit tot the local election hu been fined been sirirod tit to allay popular feeling our capital letter wrjlmimlmr lllnw arrw fnr onfvth hjlwrt kcmndiltue uttwn anrtiw the america fishermen itolse of wtiltokb xutes gmwi april 80 a very moatual cir catiitance utt sjreeraoal of ih govern- rait nid the opposition oa pillar of pnilic policy occurred yesterday the oodasioq was the presentation by mr blake of bu amendment u follows that it it expedient to pro tide meant wbortby on solemn occasions touching the extrciwof the power of ditallovance or of the appelate power ti to educational logii- latloq irnporlaui questions of law or fad my be referred by the executive to a high judicial tribunal or hoaring and consider tioo in inch mode that the aalhoritiw and parties interested may be oprcscutod and that a reftoqed opinion ruy be obtained for the information of the exocolve in aortpoct sud explanation mr blake said recent eyenu had shown the necessity for such a reference at here provided for the ariru tit juration weir now forced to come to judicial detsrnunatiani aaehalijectbal it ooald not im preveotod thl ta time of race and religioai ilrife wliivr decision thty came to sbonld be suspected la have the nominations to taki place on thursday ma- ffl hki polling tharadjy jane 5 thus lie sixth pariiameo cf ontario has beei disaoited j thecampaicn will be ahortjihere beinc now but five weeks to election jday bat it arolbeahotone it wiutesstrikht issue the lines between the two parties an clear- iy drawn the conservative ire committed to gnat policy and will mats a ngoroat fifth i fjr the upper hand they have a btg majority to overcome but aaof coarse confident of success- the reform party hu hoverer been in po wer for learly twenty ri v- j the annonncement of the fixing of the dale hu not canted much surprise it was generally believed that the elections would come of ia june 1 sotes axd cowtlvfe fheimotuit of life inratuceln force in cutadvat the close of 1889 wiv 2313 2to an tnereaje of 20 mlllioii over the nreyibcayeet the premiams lor the year weseks3730 an increase oflgg5g over 168s1 x u is proposed at toronto that when the dry assumes- control ot the street rail- wir a special low rate ol fare should be fired for working girison their from the places where they are employed the idea ts a good oa and worthy both of adoption and imitation 1 1 the import doty on whiskey has been rawed from l7 to 12 per gallon tbia wih the excise dsty and it manner of collection will it is said improve the quality o the article those ho are sup posed to kfaow whereof they speak tay there ia room or improvement indjthat it can stand the taxi the conditions on which 4he untied states government are wilhngio enter into negotiations for iwpncitywithoisada are simply that wejhail take the initiative by agreeing to admit american tnanoiactares free as an offset to the admiaiion of oar pnodacta in other words unrestricted re ciprocity it is well to bare this clear on- derstanding of the it ti tade of oar neigh bora the despatch which conteys tan informs tioo cosclndes by saying that in the present state of feeling in both countries llr- blaine and those whom hi most con- nil us d to awtit evests at pres- sent so are the people of canada sar ashocklvtfteagedr fauier drywar hure clilldrtn- and ttten i poisons hlmselt bttruartre qnt april- 2jja tragedy occurred yesterday morning jfboot a mile nd s fiiif aarth of here st ttfj ncideooe oz one taomu if orrison a heretofore respect able fanner mrs itarrison bad feoe away from home for a couple of days to visit a side sister leaving her husband with five children the oldest a girl of 13 years of age and the others ranging in age down to a joignvlittle lad cf a ooopviof lummers the youngest slept with his eldest sister when the latter awoke in thel morning she was sarprised tofind that he was not by her tide- fine went in search of him and to ber horror found the little fellow stiff in death laid out upon afpiilt ow the fcitcheri boot beside him lay the bodies ofbis sister aged fire and brother aged seven k barrel half full of waiei stoodln one corner of the room by the dripping of the water on the floofthe talc vis told of their death byjdrowrting horrisan could not be fbuopl on a table tn the diningroom was a cap strongly s of carbolic acid and an ounce bottle of the drug two thdds full the ceighbornood aroused and diligent search instituted the murderer wa found jwrithing in agony on the banks of a creek jaquarter of arnile from his bouse here jwas the evidence of a terrible struggle the unhappy man had thrown hunself into the iwsier rolling from hank to banfc ia his l agony the muddy soil being worked smooth land bearing the deep imprints of his body morrison who was speechless was at ouce jbotde to his desolate homei dr korton be coroner was senttor upon his arrival f jhe used the stomxeh purnp and administer- ied antidotes and aithe hour of writing the patient has rallied somewhat but is still only partially conscious- eis recovery is donbifolj urs mbrrison brokenhearted has just returned to the sad bome ko reasou can be assignee for the awful act temporary insanity n art be the only explanation horrison bad always been a jcindaod indulgent father tod was highly esteemed by ill who knew i im the cor oner empanelled aury but- sojourned the inqcest cntil this evening the shocking aflaiftiai produceda deep ifloom throagh- out the whole commucity ehixfitot april 23tios sforrifion who drowned three of hij childreo krf ednesdxy mgatrdied yestirday morning the made no confession and lad not spoken since 10 pciocjc the night ufore he died yithoct a ttmgjrle a post mortem elimination wa held this afternoon by u bostjn and barraai an inquest held ia the town lall tonight theinqoert w coiidnctld by coroner norton county crown attorney j i jracilao of flraagevillej appesring for the crown mrs korriapp the wife of deceased rehued that moriisoa fell fro boggyustdecemberaiidcnthiifbrehetd but apparently soon recov ted from the effects of the accident thou recently he had complained frequently of his head paining jbim the doctors post mortem showed the fjdj to be in an emacia ed condition triich might have been due 1 o an incipient bofaemdg of the brain wfa ch they dis covered hap and fdj locorroati u concerning rasetcorerany route to dauitobathe hojlii wert or the western i tales may be had at the grand trunk stat on acton raiher than be accepted at an impartial decisioa he did not briog this forward in toy spirit of hostility la the government for it q3uld be m the inlercat ot the gov ernment tint such a coarse as he outlined should be adopted sir john mscdouald complimented ifr blake upou the careful oansideratiou of the matter manifested in tbe motion and in his speech in support ssd anaocnoed that the resolution met with his entire approvsj the deoaioos called for would not necessarily be binding but rather for the information of the govfea meet and thus there wsa implied no inter fsrence with the principle of responsible government the amendment wsa then adopted unanimously rue kiltic ornate the i baltic outrage which has been vsntoafied in the house three or four times this session received another bearing yes terday it will be remembered that a young man onboard the steamer received harsh ud fatal treatment at the hands of the crew after being subjected to a coat of tax and feathers the victim in a fit of des peration jumped overboard and was drown ed mr sfckeil wanted lo know whether the official report would be discussed this session- hon mrcolbyinrepiysaidtbat upon commander gordons report captain bnbertsons certificate had been suspended for s year the evidence has just reached the department and has not been consider ed by hon mr topper who possesses the power to revise the judgement sir ifo- keil stated that the captain failed to lower a boat hon messrs leaner and blake insisted that ihe evidence be brought down this session the ttxcat hcijui the committee on privileges and elec tions met agsin toay t consider the bykertcue it u understood that re portofapwards of 70 pages was presented by urjblaae it is suted to be in effect a fiidicg tbat there is a discrepancy of i0cw in the account given of the moneys received and disbursed in connection with the purchase and sale cf the cypress hill limit i the inference being that some per son of persons not mentioned in the evi dence jmusthave received the iigq00 this report taken with ibe strong state ments m the house implicating ministers and positively charging a j corrupt aa of mooeyj is resisted by the majority as not justified by the evidence the committee it is further staled discussed st some length the accounts printed in the news- papers of the report understood to ha re been submitted to a previous meeting the fact that the outline of the report was permitted tojreoeive publicity was commented on with some indignation seed cejjv juivivxs a connection with seed grxin tdtmces ifr unlock ctcrted s discussion sud en deavored to- ascertain what infisence the members from the korthwesteiercisedi the distribution of this grain to needy sejtierr he wis not of course veey suc- cessfol and mr blake said it would be germane lo the vote to ask if the billot would be granted to the korthwest mr dariojbefcrethe minister eould reply in- lerveoedwifiithe remark that if on the approaching xorthvtest bill mr blake would rnove for he ballot he would support him hr blake i am afraid i would lose my motion in moving the second reading of the bill amending the set concerning marriage with a deceased wifes sister eiri john thomp son explained that it removed any impedi ment to marriage with a daughter cf a deceased wifes sister the bul was passed thnrj its final stages general sir fred middle ton has accepted the invitation of the tenth eoyai grena diers toronto to a dinner on 12 th may in commemoration of batochej an evening paper states that dr monta gue has ahnoanced his intention not to again contest haldimand at the close of the present session the doctor denies this 1 mr edgar wills secretary of the toronto board of trade is here in opposition to the bili amending the anticombines act mr muiocic will introduce a bill making a canadian militia officer eligible far the office of commanderinchief now held by general middleton i the government steamer stanley which keeps communication open between prince edward island and the mainland daring the winter will at once be pat on the fishery protection service on the item 11800 a further sum for coats m the case of the st catherines milling and lumbering company vs the qaeen sir john tbomsoa said the total costtodate amounted to ui52 thkoldklbotoatliulla tlidr 8ed4l refttui pktsmuy 8pent an l eirelh at bc bjlbj dr olburd the sqd versiry ssrvioaa of aotoa loan jq 0 p wereot ijgjpoit interesting character th at htrae in the lodge room last friday evening wu attended by a large diimber d kowts andtlii pro- firsrume there oarrled oat vu entertaining to the company and highly creditable- to those wliu took part shortly after eight oclock p 0 moore took thsohatr sod sfter the sfugiug of the opeaingode and prayer by he v j w ilaetbe obalrmao la behalf of actou lodge extended a hearty weloomo to u oa this the ooouioa of the seventyfirtt anulversary of the order in america the programme of the even log was then proceeded with as follows solo ulduuut ftre alarm with full chorus j itiss ktfmi uoons itociuuoa the stylish church uiu qtxxixna boro alljut inuii window mtthiiuivjimh duel i violin snd orgau ha uiu kxn jxns pa lowar 6olo whoa inj- llovor iletarns ulssicuucnlckux addrvss liaojouxdokoanputonokto duct hope beyond utue iizitturirr axd uooha address r ukv daairwnu quartette come wbere the lilies bloom misirx uocne kxa hxxstuxt ixv ucssas wlllluis ixd jixzi uarbarai bravery uiucuvcukn c 7 belli lorlou ico lumuy in t t moor iioadinc sola addnf soto iju addrcn j juvjw kit 1- tbs ou stile uiik xicxxur vloliu and organ jta uiix lkv urs lowrv uild hirueiuok au uvk lui ceeit the accompauimenu were played by miss kicklin in ber castomary excellent style tbe address of past muter donogh was an excellent oo and ably portrayed i the aims and principles of the order he showed that oddiauowahip was founded upon principles as old u eternity and that the order has made use of these principles for the benefit of the cause of god and humanity frendsbip is one of oar cardi nal principles be aiid and w teach our members that sympathy and practical aid should be extended to those in distress the order now cumbers 671000 members 17000 of whom are in ontario and it has expended 12581000 to assist the lies and afflicted the address abounded in livid explanations and apt illustrations of various matters pertaining to oddiellowahip tbe brief addresses of messrs gifford has and henderson were thoughtful and inter eating the affair passed off most pleasant ly and the members of acton lodge l00f extend their heartiest thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly aided them in rendering their at home so success ful on sunday evening the membeh attend ed dtrioe service not as a body but in dividually at the methodist church bey dr gifford preached one of tbe finest ser mons ever directed to the order and iu members ia acton tbe text was selected from fames 28 ff ye fulfil the royal law ye do well he referred to the broad libersj catholic spirit prendlng james letters and believed they breathe forth the spirit of the order whose anniversary the occasion commemorated ha admired the man or orgsnization which aids the father less and the widow and could advocate the great principles which underlie oddfellow- ship he had during a visit totbe loof hall become aquainted with the three links emblematic of friendship love and truth which is another version of the royal law thau shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the motive power in the royal law of jove it calculated to represent the divine in man and luii royal lew will of necessity control ocr relations with oar fellowmen societies of this character are to be commended because they discountenance evil speaking of one another about one half the misery of the world is caused by evil speaking some people say if you would only make all the people of tbe world christians there would be no necessity for oddfellows and kindred societies bat tbe world is not iu christian tnd tfaews oaetits wee iaiac good work the great wint of humanity today is love sod friendship the life of christ illustrates the royal law otlove sod christ is the friend of sinners still public sch kxa iis ati os 8 ttiebtaudlaf if pupils lath varloui depart menu in apr 1 the monthly exam in at i in of poplli in actott pablio school list friday roioiud u follows host igultuivt baxwu annie stephen oo 87g mamie maiales 271 ida mokab stephenson sco minnie ivtkbk sbuti feii o le rollie smith 7 ctias lfoors 917 i gor- don dean 317 kirby giflord 305 jnion mary fortune 3t06irh mc- clare 238 chu ldwry 219 william lowry 218 johnmcqill 216 marks rxwible 800 teacher slxokli okfaittltvt srxion minoie edwarii 87 kelly isi usdie mcvkb clack m iktcbuziiutl jsmes tweu 879 mary byder s72 charlie mooauu 8g john edwards s6i i jcxion roy molntohj 33f joba mo- donald 881 charlie doati 8s0 marks pouible ooj c mapbau twacher tuikl iierintueit bxxior alice lowry 270 leo a a holmes 261 charles mason thl lvtzixkbrtic edwin francis 155 maada byder 3 10 jessie harvey 2t9 wilha arnold 10 jrmoa- flora mckab 2gf bella ma- donald uq eddie gamue 2iq korval moorhead 243 ernest i pearson 210 jeunie smith 210 john moore uq marks possible 300 j alia cleveiaad teacher hi aastia george dies celebrated flour 10 ffe htanxet at l0kdok is vjilkui usually received and u ttie 0aest of the prince of wales a deserted wife geu 122000 tjicosro april 26 a few weeks ago samuel finberg was arrested here at the instance of his wife on a charge of de- sectmg ner at chicago and was sent to the central prison for a year his wife who sayjjhe eloped from chicago with a girl of eiglifcen who was working for them enter ed action lo recover from him 22000 wliich she says- he took from her and probably hid in chicago aod to day she obtained judgement for the amount esrljsuiuuierin vancouver the liiueteeuth of april according o the ancoover vnr 1 dtrriutr was certainly a summer day mauy fishirig and picnic parties left early to spend the day on the capilaob snd by the streams near moody- rille imost every sbff in tfre boathoases was tak n and tbe yachts were called into rajafsiii in owing to the cpleridid breeie for ailing ertsi yone should call and seeourio6u 11200 ind lit 00 suiu mi they an better value than any othe rlace in town by tj bait xrspectioninritfid kua bj ot berjktxg april 28 henry m stanley left this city on his way to england at 1080 oclock saturday morning many persons assembled to witness his depsrture and warmly cheered him loxdos april 2s mr stanley arrived st dover saturday afternoon he was en thoaiastically received by a mass of specta tors the hour of mr stanleys arrival at dover was 3jtf oclock disgraceful con fusion prevailed on the pier when he landed owing to mismanagement by the local authorities fifty reporters were present and they came near having a conflict with the police owing to their defiance of certain orders which the reporters regarded as unwarranted a number of stanleys friends among them being mr new the american consulgeneral gen sir garnet wolafey and eastern pubs the turkish ambassador and others of prominence were unable to get aboard the steamer which broagbt mr stanley he replied with a few words of thanks he then started for london when he arrived at the victoria station here there was an immense concourse of people insideaud outside the station and he was given given a most enthusiastic greeting the duke of aberoonj baron ess bardettcoults baron de worms and a large number of other friends of the explorer were waiting to welcome him the baroness presented mr stanley with a boaquet he silently bowed his thanks and then entered tbe carriage of the baron ess and drove off with her the explorer looks thin though his health is excellent his most striking feature is bis hair which is white and bashy and hu the appearance of a wig the newspapers all printleaders leading his exploits sod services and extending to him be welcome of tbe nation mr stanley proceeded to his residence at kensington crowds bad gathered sloog tbe route and tbe explorer met with a very euthosiastic reception at the command of the prince of wales mr stan- ley dr parke sir william mackinnen and sir francis de winton have gone to saudringbami where they will remain until friday beuneus body to urjle- interred woodstock april 88 j col ben well father of tbe victim ofrthe blenheim swamp tragedy has written to ueder taker s warts princeton aathorixing him to remove the body of his uufortanate son from potters- field to a plot in the cbnrcii of england cemetery a f lamb is sole aent here for gol- wixttn one those ad easterners to purchase krixr bros 1250 pants nude to order a new spring stock including fiaa tweeds worstedsj tc for spring wear has just bun rtceivedat the east end clothing store order your spring suit now w jlee merchant tailor price per cwt where did yoa get- that elegant suit that fits yon so well al kjxlv bum the ladles faturlte when the popular fashion journal is spoken of among the ladies it is not difficult to understand that tie dtluealttr is alluded to it ir now exactly a year since tkc dtluttuor for may isfto was referred to j having the then unprecedented increase hi its gnbacriptioa lists during tbe proceed- half year but so great u was the growth which we then announced that the present months number j as shown by the following- figures has been even more grati fying aud remarkable the circulation of the dclmeator for mayk889 was 250000 copies while the first edition of the issue for may 1890 numbers itj000 copies each one of which represents a bono fdc paid subscription ia other words daring the past year the circulation of tkc ddlhtaior has shown a natural and healthy increase of 75000 copies or over 0000 for each month in the year the tidies are evident ly oot yet tired of luhutnt as practically portrayed by tkr dducator the care a watcksuocld get a saloon keeper pnys damages the case of mrs thorley against e 3 beiy a toronto saloon keeper to recover damages on the ground that beiuy wld ber husband liquor after she had forbiddenit was at last ended in favor of the plaintiff who gets 9100 damages and costs tbe de cision of tbe comity court went to the court of appeal where the decision of the learned judges was tie j since then certain legfs- latloo having a bearing on the caw vu ratified by the ontariogovernmentandthe t u uym iu defenniut paid 1 100 damage aodootta of watch a time piece if itoa i be done tbe case amount ug in all to 286 geo d i tunou gaelpb oa the care tbat any machine gets dv peads greatly its lasting and its proper working ard particalariy it it so with a watch they have to undergo so much rotmb handling and are aobjact to ao many changes of temperature and position it seems to me that they are the worst used machine ia the world they are often allow- ed to run day and night j year ia and year out withoat any attention in the way of oil when every other machine about the place is oiled nearly every time it is used for a few hours if yoa oaly knew it it costs yoa more to let yoar watch run more than 20 moqths withoat clean in than it does to have it cleaned that often because it is bound to wear out in ball the time and then you haie to be spending money all the time tinkering it up and then get no satisfactnu some people never oil any of their machinery until it begins to squeak if watcher only squeak ed as loud as wheelbarrows do when they need 00 some of you would make a great deal more noise in the world than you do it if really a shame to see first class watches spoiled by pure thoughtlessness because a person who can afford to bay a good watch can sorely afford to keep it in proper order to give you an idea how mach work- the wheels hare to do i would state that american watches have 300 beats per minute that means the balance wheel turns threeqaarten around and back 156 times each minute if the balance turned in one direction a ways the wheel would- revolve 225 tim is each minute figure up that speed for your waggon and and see how far you won d travel in a day pf 2i hours and tell me how often your axle would want greasing tbe weight of the balance wheel is much heavier in pro portion to the size of its pivot than your waggon axle hu to support the lever makes 300 movements per annate the scape wheel 500 revolutions per hour and the other wheels in proportion no two pieces of metal can rub j together without wear unless there is oil between them and oil will wear out in time it is always best to wind yoar watch u near the same time eacfi day u possible keep it ia as near the tame position at night u in the day when oarrled dont lej the baby play with them it may qaiet the child bat it is hard on tbe watch when yoa are winding them do not twist them around but hold the watch steady and turn the key only and yoa will be less likely to break the ruby pin no barm oao arise from turning the baqds either backward or toward whenever yon notice tbe bow getttngloose get it tight ened u dirt gets in arount the ends when loose an open face oui will keep the movement cleaner than i hunting case if you find tbe winding coi nmeocing to slip back get it attended to before something worse happens if i am stepping oa any onaa toes i cannot help it i am stating nothing bat what eve y watchmaker knows to be facts watcl es as a rale do not get the attention they i eed in writing the above of course i an dniug it to call your attention to odr atility as watqb makers and at the same ti ne give yoa some good advice i know tbli much that if we do not give you satiafactio i we will not get your trade we wanttt and will do our very best to win aud keep t by attention to every detaiho eonneouou with yoar work whether watches or olooki and no amount of labor will prevent as fr m ibakiog yoar now the hhryest is sure if thifi it into ill oat jooa jelwmiur oom big if if il didnt ow mold e floariih i j i j thfirar work erly ind lite plow deep while ilugnirdi lew kp jj dom up md fall ciule oet pliate it ibi right lime feeii lure of ibe bin birtwt bu bird work deurvee be will get it if be bu piloted tbe right teed tbe merohint plise cirtfully keep hie etore looking nel ind oiein nee tm hli oaitoaen ire properlr welled on imperii i eaiubie itook trireii tboaiiode mliee una the ostu winter lod sonant i lew we do tobijr niedfc he hopej i tot biibijtertuidbewillbiriltlfhehboqbtbiioooditigbt bo it iei tbe w it that oitobee 01 iu all did we ety not ill for iboee wlio md thii lbe to ff bi if that il if ton bny yoar soodejlrom u we ire the oaly hoaee is oaeipu eldiu i bayr twioe noh yer lo earope onr mb btan nuwting the joodi binuelf pereonilly i ind etery lidy well know the difference between eekclinx in irlielebenell ind lending for it we bay dlreot from the minafiotoreri in different perte tbe world we piy ipot suh or ill oar imporutioni we parebiee oar ooode in tory lirrn qaintitiee wbioh eniblee 01 lo obuia them it tbe oloeeit prioee we hindle only reliibie goodi ind we mike no uooad price hire ioa lud baneei deiling with ai lo the put i if not dont yoa think yoa ire miking i miitiket it mart be to yoar infereet to deil wherever yoa get tbe huge laortmest to obooee rora ind where yoa an get the beet viloe ot your money ud we oliim to be thit hoaee we ire tiring peeiit ittentioa lo millinery thii leuon oar itock of trimmed eiu ud bonnete bhipeirfioweri trimming 4c will well reply u inepection in dreei good we leid the bride gfcuielph inuta bbatietmttfil second hand window i a svfenondailriiiji lot oieujibimvi do tub ud gu chmp esdapjjevr the iked rmlii obfivi i m jfairview cemetiiy r the caretaker of fatrvtew cmujj i- ulnlartaiej hie care of cms xattmujjjs rmnoneratloa anf nnncnali or boikkej be dona ander control ot direction of u 2 uker thomas eaatoo aa dijtjcmj by bjijk- i i urcrjcr ya cemtejy cqlorrn spring we will open our show rooms on i wednesdayapril 2nd and followlnfe days with one of the largest and moat attractive stocks ot millinery that we have ever ehown the styles are the latest aod the tnm- minp the best as weemplpyonlyexperiencedhands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect onr stock as jve will be pleased to show them through n full range of new spring dkess and xfantle goods kew prints suitable for early spring new parasols with long and short handles new emblioideeiesjust to haud something altogether new- in these goods k fall stock of cottons cottonades table linens towels towelings etc cheap stock in boots and shoes extra values in all lines ci groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs henderson mcraeco kcton ctoh lodge no 204 locp vfeltts in iheodjfelloii hall luuhgli ol iloek tnywadiwadateteolijg ge brtthmn alwsftwelcotilft forcotrr of unst tatlon and lawi inly to the aydcnicnriovt of tb nambsrs j- williams u u wobdes s eailui for sale jv a i fifty acres fetfa townhip olma mcqpofedof eaattiuarwroflpi livcotr soaerm cleared sj acre under ealutatilt- lominbojb orchard of jiarea watirrtw good well afld rrerfaliitie fprinc oits primisaa are lo dwellfaic lous7ti ez whien is storo and spepide post jlttses frris bars and onttmudlni immediate pomaman for further particular applj oa tb m address mbs j coklkybrcytiipjrj eth sale a feare bargalii v is offered to patbj porchuticg a neat abd ew fqruble brick fuidence tn good locallti ia ulaae of aetord and belnr in ereit mibi j tery aealrable proiwrit harlag on tbe pntsas l an abnndxnt ray pi j- of bard and soft tator wi apoditabja 1j this proport t voa 14 c attrartltb mmpu raojenc borne far retired party or ao iniisadr prontable lnreatmeat fpr rpecoliton orcatsu isu for full particular applj to r7 w j llooke l i u aibis03eeiatonhaaasioa tendlebs wanted for building biddwllii ud drtw nekdebs will b nccired op to lit uirid l dreeied to the cbiinnifcot itreetiadajiv viuc eommlltjfor boildio i feet tumnldtii o much per rod ladforeooetnictisgsljcdeif dnio oa willow bl tb lot or u ldm not dmeturilt lcemtl for putleaulupefc to w e bjduh or john keaor 7 i fr wh5toeztbei ifubl twtl ml al eotl notice to citizen- thfe rssidenu of this tnunidpsutr sre btabr fotkd to deposit all rabbiab etcafca mar hare accumulate about tbdr prndere daring the tin tec is tbe gap now bets fiuedte st tit park tv and notice u also cren eocceroingaa6fflrr parts of the municipality that bfjaw jta 13 which prohibiu the drxitiaf of tsev rat blah ebl upon an streriglane or brlsoa wuhklhemnridrijitvwillrtrirtecfoteii- w beersi office april ltf proclamtfo v arbor day-vi- in order to secure general lutcreet lo ptautaat trboa aadlmprotia the public park 1 be apiolirt and raoelafin atnflday 8th may 1890p1 asassobday and request dtixens sencuy to qbaerrklm same bypiantint shade aajt ornamental fnea f arbor dar trill offer o6 oppo tat to aasiat is imprncmng the ifcrk- utflulspfh tboae desiring plot in fatrview cenietarr make their eelectioai arf to make iai meat and decoration of ploft there i w i itobeyi rbrrx- acton april xxhl private sale v valuable tasm propztf uxdebandby tirtna of tie power wiadsv eootainod biaceruia nirtca ibe a- dersicded ia inetructed lo sell by pritsteiaals one hundred acres tooro or leaa 1b thartrsl eoneeasion of naasacaweya iu the ooontym halton there are eifbtycven acres data-j- three acres of oo hardwood bush- sae balance is cedar swamp fintclau soil oaf f premiam there is a toplodid bank bam un sublins for 0 bones and u bead 61 eatajail acood dritingshed attached there arft good frame housos aod another small t a neretfalling well and wod spftogaonlrafcib sjso a fltclasa orchard of ae and pear ireii and some small fruit the property mtwl feaeejd and is within half a tntfe of honqntt- uon en thel p bahwsy between anew sad muton poaieasion ciren rheafrdkvjj sold before april 10th wfll be sold sjiffm i- i tacrine and on the easiest j1ble termf ik- farther particulars addreea j fy ooee ixtott yfdinslotsl ulace of acton eicellentkj wing sites ft ity of winnipeg usa an f h fj mr uoore bu also for ate residences and ralnabl tllage of acton excellent betkail chou in the ticiniir of acton oi onabje tesrma do not tail before purchasing orrrcx al valtuble houaif amd lbt inacrdxjj t under arrff by tirtue of the pvrff tained in a artaih mortgage wiieh wffl hspft daoed on tse day of sale there will for sale by public auction at the door of agnein hotel in the j villagb op acton wday the ninth day of may w at two oclock in the alternooiltiielol- lowingnroperty vi lot number thirtyseven in james yoana fiuxvey 1 a part pi the vclace of acton a laid down on ihe registered plan of said survey 9- fini one flfthpf an acre more or less- on the premisee ia erected a cood brick house two rtoreyv containing ai rooms with good ehf- tbere is also a good well on the pranisea this property b situated on arthur street tn a grow- finrparf of the village conveuent- to station and post offloa thisu a good opportunity no secure an excellent residence- tebus of sale ten per cent oil the day oaaje balance within one month theroaner fcsr farther particalars anly to j moorej acton or to wm hemstbeet miieas mcieefsj auctioneer viindorssejlicttera new spring goods novelty quantity variety quality or tbi kenny brqs dominion boot shoe store 1 have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies shoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear mens alli gator and calf balmorals in new styles andof the best material our regular lines will be found complete with firstclass goods oaetom work ind repejriaa ilwiri oveffiufdooe trnnke ud yiliiei tirter lntreett take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots shoes that can be obtained a ijwhere liberal discount for cash fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods t kenney bros acton s stationery- perfumes pure soaps cheap bibles and fancy goods rubfer and base baljs i my stock of patent medi cines is pomplete r choice flower garden and field seeds fishing tackle etc jvkannawxns modi 311 j ebqr coosj rofjf i ihe the over jolt itiol toi itt op i oooj be

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