Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1890, p. 4

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f ibsb pk880 mjcndar tcli quit colt is jjjrtmt fxtt ress thur8p4tmavij 890 8ljf jjoattg jfolks tbx uttlx uxstrsss the rain vu falling itetdfl- tin clouds hong thick tad lor when mother nid ti jasl the day korliujnutoiw- and xeliie gltdlr broagfct her ehtlr clots to bee mothers ifcu and ureo tenoning thimble pot on tallmans head with prid gi thea anwaond from off uit spool ao4bntktthtcouaquin4d and clipped the end tod twisted u i tmktihrpthtid i 1 i aod next tbe chow a uesdie bright bat tens v k4 to trf bfar lb thread rent fe tad ibxoagli the needles unjtrt i tbsn kelli had u maks a knot fa little one rot bio l and fitting oal ha pieee of orfc bagta tt utt to mw and in tad oat bstgmadlt vent aadkftfttnekbcuad ofdtintrctitcbm tuturoom it woaidbtbardtanad and rten to mother tajd mr dear yotfr tewed enough todaj tb ktuii took br thimble off and pat hex work my emilit pouihok peasl of tkcth jhqle8 and j0kelet8j oktbib hour with tttfcavfc ktulav ww andthfntwtiortuut j most areble mtontlve tonh in ill titrouttut ft itbljwryt p iron win tail thdj amtlmbuxirtlfi lha wry bad cabsh this fall bat hei yards pectoral balsam oured me com- plel it k robtsatw wathtflo f ctond iltlstm curm ooaults colds lt en asthma lironehtlte tod til ami lui troable nttuhtfy irimplw blotches tan and til ik limnors of the ekin are removed by dr bowi salphat butp a btttcntble hint tiuriuthe breaking ap ol wiuler damp chflfy wtailicr prevail ktid rheumatism litis lumbago turv lhrutt7 crvup wvy end other paiuful ffeeu ot sudden tr common hazards yellow oil truly vt tat bin houichold remwty fur til i oca complalnte r lovs worm 3jrriilia removed upe worn ruin 1j to so itet ouj it also des royea nil other kinds uf worms kaailr itruuei i tjy to find oat from tuyoae bo ated it the virtaef of hitrdi yellow oil for til ptlnlul tad tnfltmmttory troi bje rbeamttiam ueortlit larabtro froi t bilei barm barikf tprtfni con- tru led cords itiff jolutt tehee ptiui tad on oom otmny kind ft hts no toperior c 3uuptuor cltiaif auuy tytrd oft uiii dmd disetta by the ate of brntu 5q trootfed bardodc piil when needed the public wtrned i tuy people are deceived into otglecttog blood dyipcptit eonetipation etc thai allow tbeee and otter diaettee to beobme eattblubed act promptly by ati i ntturei blood panfyinn toafc bar- da t blood biuen which reraltta ihe re tytteai caring tli diteuee of ihe ntch uvtr kidneye tad bowelt other grtvet worm extermtattor ii pie ittst to uke iare tad effectatl in de- itr yiax wonaiu many btre tried it with bw t reeolti llpis mtal avmcnatat w hn otdi trrnuimtntt with dr 8 jikrtdill ocgmwubtr ol atntt- im tisofm ipdllrt dlmimi whlnh wllleni61 all ouiubhribtn to obulm ocpjrohhi viloibu work n by itodlnx thtlr iddrw lui inolotlmi two out lufop tor milllnr tba umi to b j kyidill 0oeloiboreh ftlu vt thli book fi now mogul ti itudird tatbor- llyopoo ill iiihmm of th borw u lu phfloomcnij nlmittcit over four tatuion oppiei luvins bmii told in the piit uu fiui i lib nivor before mbbad by toy piibhoitiouj in tbt umi ptriod ot time wo foil oobdctit tlutoor pttront will tppreoitla tbe work tud be ultd totvtil tbemmlvuof ilili opportauiiyol obulnlnr i tulmblo work i it it neoettiry tbtt yo raentloo tbll ptper la mdiug or tlie trettlw tbii offer will matin oprn fur only horl tltui itbf vajut uf remedy ibuald be elliqil imby ulcurliieuropcrllot accordldgto tbii iuudrij ayeri striipirillt ii the belt tnd niuit floonomlcl blood rnedloloe it 14 lacrkfltbeotuaq tbt mott para tod couceiiiriled price 1 worth 2 i ooule u yoa witit to bay or tell t finn id- itnk in tbe toronto iivcmy mail tbtt piiper rotebet 100000 firmer hornet every week tnd yoar tdvertittraent iboald aeet the ejfc of tomeone who wiuti to par- chtte advenftemenu of tblt olui tre is terted in the toronto ifreely hall tor five oenu t word etch interllon or twenty ceutt t word for five utertioor addrett the eltil torouto ctatdt edacttion u tn ornameot in proeperitj to t refofie in adreraity xhoat who follow alter otberi in blnninx tre in dango of following them in suffering htppinete ltei coooeejed in oor datiei which when fulfilled gim it forth as the opening rota pres forn fragrance- lift to be worthy of a- rational bang matt ba alwtyi in proettiori we matt tlwtyi parpom to do meet or better than in tinmpwt lre are two torts ot content one u connected with exertioa the other with habits of indolence the first is t firtae tbe other t rice fbtoext beet thing to being happy one- tell is te be able to make others to per haps that may be the sort of happiness they ham in the next world pare is no tree htppinett ootside of lore tnd elfstcrifioe or rather onttide oflote lot it inclndet the other that is gold tnd til the rest is eill tbe tot cootoiostnest of trying for real mpfutrtnein anything ii a great sopporl it takss the sting from fsilore and doubles the joy of tocceat some sy tbe se of cbitalry is part tbesft of chirairy it ncrtr past ss long u then is t wroag left nnmtrfstm on etzth and t man or woman left to sty i j will redress that wrong or spend my fife in he tuanpt i ffoe to av in yoar study to muter your faasbtndi i tamper do not forgetto keeps firm bold i of yoar own wocqcd are less selfish tnd is injperiads but they are more sensitive and hasty fhsn men end more apt on teatb ocrtssvms to moon into a flame and become indisntnt about trifles of all things in the world beware most of this fsioltforbymdnlgfng it yoa lose tbe grace tad tuttgegroond of yoar sex when yoar hatband speaks harshly to yoa ts eren the best of husbands may do in an etil moment either remain thent or if ton trepreesed bard giro a firm bat placid reply in a tone that expresses neither eon tempt hot exasperation condis uaga- she j iglintierslegu tfter t long winter the system needs t thorough cjetnsing toning tnd regulttiog to rexnote imparities and prepare for sum mer thoottnds of testimontls show that bardoek blood biuen is the best spring medicine ever disoorered prodocing a feel log of booytoey tod strength it removes that tired worn oat feeling and restores lost appstita arnacc vo uorutm are yoa djstarbed at aigbt sud broken of yoar rest by t siok child lafferiutf tod crying with the pain of catuag teeth li so send tt oooe tod get t bottle of mrs windows boothiog syrup forchildreu teething iu rtioe is incalcaikble it will relieve the poor uttle lafferer iaiifiediateiy depend upon it mouiers there a no mistake tboutit jt cures d j watery tnd ditrrhost regulttes the stomach tnd bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives lone and energy to the whole system hn wlnslowssoothing syrup for chudrtd teething is pleasant to the list tnd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians tnd nurses in be united stales tad is for tale by all druggists throughout tbe world price iwentyfive cents a bottle be iare and ask for kus wqelots soothkg snrr i nd take do other kind a dry hacking cough keeps the bronchial tabes in t ittte of constant irriutioa which ii hot speedily removed may lead to bronchitis ko prompter remedy can be had than iyers cherry ctoral which is both tn anodyne tnd expectorant boys 2ab good books there are few farces more powerf al in the ehapmg of character than those which spring from reading eobinson crusoe hts sent thoostnds of boys to set and other books less wholesome btre sent thousands to prison many yooth hts been inspired tonobte timt tnd tiotefal life by the help oft good book a distinguished scientist says that a single beok which fell into his hands daring boyhood gave him a twist towards science x a little negro boy- a- sabbath scholar palled bnceupon a misaiootry and told him be had been very hi tnd had often fluxing the sickness wished he hadcorne to pray withhim bat thomas said the missionary i hope yoa prayed yourself i oh yes sir did- you repeat the prayer iuoght you ko sir i pray- fed well but how did you pray 1 i fait begged sir oar young readers hssy their praters every morning and evening- how many of thea know what it it o beg frontgod j the third paca of the toronto uatif mail isnote3gprwant tdtertisementt uyouwtntto boypr sell tnytfaing if oawant a situatioo t mechanic t boii pees machinery lodgings if yoa htre lost or foand anything or if yoa want to find put where anyone is advertise in tbe to ronto daily mail tad read the tdvertise- znenu on the third page of that paper cht cluirge is two cenu a word etch in sertion address tht ifdi toroato can- tdt curajj ntmiwmkmf rercr a at- j j tumejrtmumtmi jsafferers tre not generally aware that these diseases are coauioa or that they tre doe to the presence of hrin parasites n uieiinitngmembraocetjidxiutachian tobet microscopic research however has proved this to be t ftct and the retail of this discovery a that a simple remedy has been ftvmaltted whereby catarrh catarrhal dewnessltnd uty fever are permanentiy i cored in from one to three itmple applict- tipns made tt bome this paijnt oooe in two weeks h bthis treatment it not t s sdoffjor to oiotroeot botb htve been by tepottble pbytfcitns as fnjar- ptmpfalet explaining this new tt ft teat on reeef 0 of ten cents by jion aoa p west king street atdt- tprod taoioie safferprs from cturrb troablet should carefully reed the tbort afameri ptmlam chazlea tfogill osnabrach oat writes ify wife saflered for five years with that distreasing disease oaurrh her case ni the worst known in these parts she tried all the catarrh remedies advertised bat they were of no sse i finally procured a bottle of nasal balm she has osed only onehalf of it and ts thorooghly cored tod now feels like t new person i feel ft my dutyfo say that kasal balm cannot be too highly recommended for cattrrtht troubles and am pleased to bare all inch sufferers know through jft use they will receive instsnt relief and core peter kieffer buffalo says i was bad if bitten by a horse a few days ago and was induced by a friend who witnessed the oocurtnoe to try dr thomas ecleetric 03 it relieved the pain almost immed iately and in four days the woand m completely healed nothing can be better for fresh woands- hest tad cesafert the stferlaf i browns hoosehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain botb internal and external lit cares pria in the side back or bowels tore throat rheumatism tooth- itche lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quickan the blood and heal as its toting power ii wonderfal browns household ptn- teet being acknowledged as the great pain reliever tnd of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in tht world should be in every family bandy for tse when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in tbe world for cramps in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds tnd is for sale by all druggists tt is cents t bottle l mr john aodersoo grtssmere oat writes tbt vegetable discovery yoa sent me is til fjoae tnd i am clad fo say that it htagreatlyjkncfitted those who have osed if one man in particaltrsayi it has satie him t new mth tod he cannot say too much for its clean fine and carttire qualities the lest a4 fcccfceaiml 100 doses for 100 cents burdock blood bitters does yoar head ache take bardoek blood bitten is yoar blood impure take burdock blood bitters are yoa costive take bardoek blood biuers are you bilious take bardoek blood buters- are yoa dyspeptic take bardockblocd bitters i cent t dose i cent r dote bardoek blood bitten a lifetime of torture it often endured by the rheumatic their pangs may however be promptly relieved tnd the disease ert- dicted with dr thomas eelectrie oil which is moreover t swift tnd thorough remedy for neuralgia lame back sorer bruises frost bites corns excoriated nipples inflamed breasts liver complaint tnd all affections of the breathing organs cpatahptlaacaml an old physician retired from practice having had placed fa his bands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per mtnentcare of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections alto a positive and radical care after baring tested its wonderfal curative powers in uioastod of cues has felt it his dafy fo make it known to bis suffering fellows actuated by this motive and t desire to relieve human saltaring i will send freeof cbtrge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and umia sent faymtil by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notts 830 powers block rochester x y i i iflasalbain nasal balm c c bxrhisg co grxts my horse was so afflicted with distemper tbtt he could not drink for four days and refused all food simply apply ing mikabds likiment outwardly cored him feb iset- cut heebeut guff c c rkhltw co gzra i have ased yoar mdcards liniment for bronchitis and asthma and it hts cared me i believe it the best lot 5 p e l mas a- lrrrjrgsto ciaejaiptiet tarelycered to tti editor i please inform your readers that i have t positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely ose thousands of bonn iest cases nave wen- peiwauttouy cared i shall be gltd to send two bottles of my remedy na to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and p- 0 address bespeetfallyde t aocc isc west adeltide st toronto ont biccles anticoasamptive syrup if t a coabiuation of several medicinal herbs which exert ajnost wonderfal influence in earing palmontry ooasampfioh tad all other diseases of the laags chest tnd throat it promotes a free and easy expectoration tnd gives esse even to the greatest sufferer cooghs colds shortness of breath tod affections of the chest attended with weak- uess of the digestive organs or with general debility teem to vanish under its use no other remedy acu o rediy a a i laying inflammation or breaking apt severe cold eveu the most obstinate coogh is overcome by its penetrating andhealing properties when children are affected with colds coughs i b flam oj allot of the ijingt croap qainseytad sore throat tbisj syrup lidj rut importance the namhejr of deaths among children from these diseases a truly al arming it it to palatable that a child will not refoae it and in pat at such a price that will not exclude the poor fronr its beoeflu- itarvts uafasesii rr ele krerywhere a ittttttl aeerma tnd ipeedrcare f top m fc head tod ctuxtt stsdil 800ttdic cleawlllc heaukc itttutrenef penntmst of fsilore mptibc catarrh uur tooilled dlseuec ire umpir irmptoou of uurra inch u hcaduthe pxnui t lotuif tense of unelt foul breaib hawktsr snd ipitiint oetbo eenenl feeling of debility etc if roa tfe troubled with uf of uiete or endred itmptoou too hate cilxrrfa ind taoald loe no time in proennne t bottle of kjlx bum st warned in tin neglected cold in head raulu in oiurrh followed frconnmpgon tnd death niut- balm itioldby ill dnucriiu or will be tent pact paid os receipt of price so centt tnd tjtoo brtddreufnc fulf0rd4 co biocrviux qkt t beware of alutfoot similar in ntme he largest scale works in canada over too styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales fuproveo show cases honey drawers and sotchets acoixii tn rblf i write or termt c wilson son 6 0 esplanade street east toronto ont mention ums oaper c tr ime rou wriie hirsts pain exterjunatbr household aulrlfxttl fmmm f i xxoktb kuomirk u tht wood dl vt e4tm which tl otbwranodlmfail to cure yield to a irt 8awoprllui froih ctmflnwv tlen of tali luto- tnesi comet to htnddtlly eton uub loop sotted and stubborn com plaints u bhoti- uiausin bheumt- tle gout tnd ttio like are tliorough- it eradlottext by theumoftalswtm- derful tlterttlre mrs xl irving dodge ho west 135th street new york oertlflot 11 about two rears ago titer suffering for nearly two yeti from rheuroatfo goat being able to w ilk only with groat discomfort and lit lug tried rarious remotlles lnclndlnj mlneml waters wttliout relief i sau by an adrortlso raent in a chicago j per that a uinn had trellerod of til s dlstrotsfiig coin t after long s ttertng by taking s sarupariua i then decided to i atrial of this nedlelno and toot h regularly fur etj bt months i am pleated to say that it effected a com plete core and that have since bad no return of tho tllseasc mrs l a star nashna k d writes one year s i u taken hi with rheumttlim being confined to my boos six months ii came out of the sickness wary much lebiliuued with no tppetlte and my s item disordered in eery war i couim inccd to use ayers sartaparilla and bogtn to improve tt once gaining lu strfiiwrth tnd soon re covering my usual h tith i cannot sty too mnru in praise i this wellknown medicine j i hnve taken a j rcat deal of medi cine but nothing has done me so much good as aye s sartaparilla i felt its beneficial cl fects before i bad quite finished one iiottle and i can freely teatujr that it is the best blood- medicine i koowofl l wward st woodland texts ayers sai saparilla iumid it dr i c atf k co lowell muh rmmllimteulm wenliltibouli mm wrr oijijjti t mania tmh tttu t u moq i can furnish yb with the best presses for country news and jot work i to be had in this i ar n t f finy other new cylinder fress- country and at lower prices combto noton rnd 8bb our improved country prouty press 1 the free press is printed on thtbove press and the work illustratesits merits no 81500 drum cylinder pls can do better newspaper or poster work w btre iht prooty for right 7rt d the looseri run it the bjtter like it itta w ettr to btadle ootu utt e lot rtpejr tni it etiy on the pntter t poeke book we etil it the oen fmi w ue i luiulb iylth7onir com ffroat p t work if yoa deir tn plo f t- wlb an them we ou glre too yoaroholoe of namber o diflerent mei tnd ttylet of preteet it til frtoet think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qtopower press for only 600 t0700 or an 8 col book press tor 8800 full particulars from agent for canada acton ont the gcdlden i imm ready made of guelph to fanners and threshers i 0seonvourmacmneryonly the wellknown peehless oil 9flfl t 11 twinn 4tk htve been twtrded it sniing tht utt threeyetr kxjliu mauiud try lll0 oar trulia3ili mmfor yon wtkgotiitndhoriepowert- theteoiii ire uedtnd highly reeommendedttthemode ftrmooelph ftrmeri ttkfor them ate noother j miaafiotareditqmaboityollworklby 8amuelrocers t co toronto wonderful value clothing boys two pii ce 8aits natty little things agas from 8 to 11 years from j20 boys tbree oiecc kniekei- bocker snits 9 tf 13 yeareprice from400to88x0 to goo xlenn saiu frdm 450 up mens coau from 200 up ajiwool tweed stock to choose times the size town of j 5 and 7 wjrrn 84 oswald st an immense from four any stock in in carpets tapestry carpt from 80c up union carpets from 35c op allwool carpets from 75c up brussels carpet from 75c np velvet pile carpets from 90c up tape edged cartains from 75c up curtaiu poles and trimmiugs from 25c np- madras scrim and artxins- lins very cheap d williamson fc co dhitm btguelph glasgow qkrrets just to hand the following lines brussels allwoo hemp carpets carpets tapestry carpets carpets union carpets stair carpets clark thompson carpet house cuelph next door to herod co 30 lower wyndham st spe can sonply you with or tortplsaitb there it no trtlelt of yon httt cht son acton j a speight manager i tbe faroiuire required to tarub tost oew tad ooey uttls boms nr home it t tetued one in ear style tt tht ttry lowatrt prices ornltare we can not toppl y aiid farther we dehrer our t arnlturs tnd no arranging freight charges land ran 00 risk of breakage we can salt su undertaking out thirtyfira years this entire omnc unity wbiah isansjuwututont v sanlatarltiig 1 speritnoe in u1i1 bniiness bat rsealttd in eontlneing the tmblio of unity that we tupply nrttolass work in til order compart with uiote of tbe city at one half city p our heaftse iur team al ways nrssent a baoomlnk tbspnbuctoeadobbtfot tnytbiaf t work fn all ordtrsand in stjlts brlees u x appsaraaea we lit i reqttwd laoorllaea dmmq ulea war with the knie j h matthews cutting up the best leather that money can buy and mat ing it up into no 1 harness if you want a set of heay or light harness collars halters whips brashes oils or any thing in my line call beforedealing elsewhere as i am bound to please in prices and material repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h matthew8 acton gruelph cloth hall new spring overcoatings scotch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuelph and united 6tate8 vouch that if you are sick i they ahe the only remedia ih the world that wll give rou health mut of great britain and europe a mew dehlttvae th medicjkl 1 the foor greatest medical centres of the world are london paxil berlin and vienna these cities have immense hpitalt tccmis with trafferiug bmnanitj crowd of student throng tho wards stndyingnndflr tho rrofeuors in obargo the moit renowned pnyai- oian of the world tctcb cnf prac- tioe here and the institutions arc ilorbdaica of medical knowlmjc and rperienco with a view of making thit experience avtilafclo- to tbe pahlio the hospital eemody co at great expense secured tho pretrlptlm of theto hcspitalt imrmred the spediici and al- ilioagh it woald cost from 425 to tixtoiejoro the attention of tbcdr dutingniilied origin tor yet in thu way tinir rrentred spesiilcs arsoltered at the price of theanack patent medicines that flood tbe mtrket nod absurdly claim to cure every 111 from a single bottle tbe wut always felt for a rellshie nlassot dompstio remedies it now filled wiu iperfect tatiifaction toe hospital remedies make no aitreatoorble tltimf thensolflo fiircatarrh cures thah and nothing aowiththespccifloforbrod- elltis ooothmption and lnug trophies pjiewnatlitn is cured ly vq whlletroubles of digestion stamtoh liftr and kldneythavo their owa cto to these ft added aspecifloforifetecand ague ona 101 female weakness a nneral tonic and blriod maker tbafmaks bin iind gitrcs form and fulness ana an inotimparable remedy for fctrvooi debility- thj3 extract from pie scientific papers tvjwsf catabmhhay feyeb msb cun emtuatlmgfnm tdtnvfie taunt sm tfar ftltcardtti a ttjiricnt tloo dlmossf t as as cotsuhptiohaa facomparatfs rwrri ton net 9x0acqthtxiatcattk tfteoif aat rtraiffthtsttchtrfsuij rrriorm wjrt ljitt vktegactmleaxoflifi ff00 t ko xfifieuhatftma ditlinavutf twrf wtih fiaoaa acialltt h thia titcse lu parfi mho trtat xo uver ami kidbets vtepsta amd a uvorht ttaturfiv for thi frock hoi mtl monaiommto uaa eje oi vu a ttmri loflttdfltrf in ufa pacss 70o jkfcfe abue owra aub muria meuratflafav knew whet grow rtonage twt tfo uitltmjttutnftitobmiltferatt vn urtmktitiafnjicatstit roa llmbfj wmfc istxwuznisa fwit9 wowtb on bnkcjt ftiw sextota tkigtmfnt mtss tfimora mmitttknrhs nn- re- tad vit ho d a rwgdm ttau ud ttrvji c7c0 ko t health fcmm amd fvuets ftetf oa 0 ocrf bhod onrhttoftt if rtaa h xck utcrtmna u9tkmprfktuic rtxl ko sjjcffvou debiutt loss cf p0fa eaac rhrarimmt pawc mil kil a frr r rrcd for m imtorfmot condition mo c i czx it r ti pr4 trial mitt prom bcmux tf tgacrr- rrzefis e ie p rftrcc en rrljeu druot asd ptttt tit pnptrvn r ytve ututf ffffonwt cerf trto ptrote tvu tv eriff newt nnjfdh vol httira to otjfrral the cent rxjerlom tualant otmo9uhtlt03c3cix cc5 qke dqiiarbaoh 2 to be had of ajj- 1r oi3ts 1 rwr hhiffriji cw nr iteep tlt rtntdn rcaa prka to m d m ritrptorai mbtliwmuhlf dacveimaateimcktartttiiniuclmktml ntalml ll itrfim 61 cfir emtfimmomin i tfc an ma priad ttl iui diner xrtrftn take ucillryjil rcfccrit yj kailway crapd trurijt rati 041x0 bait bxprfss rotsenger 9wmi tiptsa util 11 w tm i thrv tbrerogh exp fl or njii 1 utjf accom lu ptni teeoav- tiht orclosotb going wcsl9 30 am and sso jp doing eutlowtuaikn this time uble went into efleet cvresdl cures flhfrl cures df promotes digestion mr nouifaiaxari drtt- rtntfcr tctttnlmuiereaa in iu wttvt iftnmimm try as j1 tuctai ntsi to no pnrpott iwmtp 1 diltajid siwr aw 1 u cuuiltely c cures const cures cohstipi cures cottstfpjli acts on the bowels dzab fins- bttjij rosrhgh alllkbtg kir emitlmjat mr b4f 3tt lutde isarer tt my bowtii bovti tod ox mlt iai i lctlueutomj ttienmodiut4in buh mitt p wlttifiwiu jlwrlbmbtiii i 1 j regulates the uver cures iu0ir cures bluoi cures bilnusiqt hittinttntbhiti rnn kith uwr liued tnttt which litd 1st tmoettiflav uatif i t4 liitlrk alter ixrttlm i uo towt tlkt raoommesdjttcrtf of dvtt si lluir a e vhtttcf when i nyfuee i domtm stop tbem or a thae tnd then btrttsrr rrfn i juaxaludical cc1k ihstemtlethatlsetaeox itis a life long stady i wak ocuetneworstctses ler- it no reason for not now n at om jor a treatise and a t infaliablk ruarov girt office it easts yon jiotlilu wlmcnrtroii addrp h knch offloo wemt j toronto ami th sevta pert et to tali ii ha pwwsfe4u bmtctmtwiraittwtlu t t -v- tu axptnc swtwt u- ualltt a co bermuda bottled tou must so to brrtroitkj yau do not i will oat be resr ue for uw oonseiinebe doctor i ran afford nrul time nor the money w utat it impoulblcs try emulsion of pure norweciam cod 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