Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1890, p. 2

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turrxd bride lather byia hot t l wllklnaon hf v f- s jm ol wallandport to mia alice s carrey otdunnrfllo dud april m80 alaaarieet henderaon teed tv yvan b moatha pighbobhoudinews fuulsbed bj- conripdwlfcau bulled fiw kichanpci nod picked if by llic fflj 0okginow w ijt xtdit jfr rss tutlrrnu may 8 1890 the reform candidate the rtformen o halloa met oa stlar day at milton n elct iheir cmndidato lo coolest the wanly nyiiait ool kerns the opposition candid- mr heurrbobiu on reeve of trtllnar iraa lliennanimoaa choice ot the oouveduoa sud he hasaccepu- ed the sttusawn the campaign u now opeuext and the politiciant ofcoth parties ire earnestly at wottinthe lutcrctu ot their respective candidate notes axo co klkfats a beaton divine advocates the satanfay hairholiday at a better way of meeting the aemandlor shorter hoars ot uboetfisu the eight hour movement he holds ihat an boar lew fb day vroald not rive the leisare and rest required theoecesaitj-forrelax- alioa is not cooliuod to any ooe class ot workers business men need it as moch perhaps more- than those engaged ia minoil i oocapations besides the saur- day halfholiday it already u establiahed custom iu i comber of trades and coald be made general without ices or dislocation in iodastriesand bosineu of the people it is the role in eoguni and has bwu foaad to work admirably and with the best resalt the same may be said here considering the extent to which it has been adopted- c the following from the toronto uau may be applied to some extent to acton x well as to toronto are oar sanitary anthoc- ities as math on the alert as wt have a right to expect ihem to be drminag is not the only thingjo oooaider as much harm is probably dooaybespa of deeaying tege- txble martr by sneiean habitations by the ref art of the dasunn by the abaenoeo the wbttewuhez as is ever done by improper drainage disease floonabes in septic con di tides bottenness and foolness are iu paradise place it amidst snrrbandingi of perfect hygiene and cleaninesa and it will fly uie a mm before the rays of the rising son can oar health committee assure as si ibis beginning of sammer tint every pert nlthedty is properly cleaned every nuis ance properly dealt with every health in spector not a mere gfarified labotrr or partisan hingeroo bat a k and acienti fic aectectite of onhealthy conditions llie hot weather that his so suddenly come apon as is fitorabie to many classes of disease the better we are prepared the f will be the enemys attack a jndidons overhaoiing of all weak points might save life and money- bye and bye bey mrlttchardion wenlxo preach wr- mns iu liiprwpectiveciiarje atbrantford lit saturday the committee ou the slu demonitra- lion hive hut received macli financial encoaragemeut so far the hotel keepers who receive the lions sham of the oenefll are very slow in chipping in the ex- ccptioni arerileksrs benuett and biggar co they and aitisetu gane rally corns dovu with the rhino shortly the demon stration project will be dropped- lirmld bov avt richard ton b a will preacli a sermon to foresters thacoiigroga uousl church uoxt sunday evening rock wood oa thursday jut while m ii l barry wax jointing hhtagles hehadthemiafortane to ran a sliver through uis finger leaving a lerymily wonud ilr tinrfell lntidy btacktrnith lis in iecui uid hil patented au axle cap to pteeut lite hat from accaranlaling on to axlesot bucket ifr john stnchin las been engaged as teacher iuthe public school the employees- of tlie woollen mill are having two weeks holiday ou fiitarday montngone ol oar- yoang udiec caiht iroat lint weighed a iwund nd three quarter let as hesrfrom some of the voaug men the presbyterians have changed the hoar of their evening serrice from 630 lot if r d strschan- bx ot qaeens college kingstonj retarned home last week from hit winter leauou he piwed all hwex- aminauocs very creditably coming oat first in oharch hutory andiuoing a scholanhip ot 30 two more sessions will complete his coarse he leaves on saturday for hi samraec wctk at his mis- rionstitfons of draooa and sfetr actox koiopaxcockciil arbor day toaay tenders for side wslt- j taiarrears itirtov the retonnen hid qaile a roasing coa veauonatinitoaoasatarday tfaey were a nnit in selecting henry rowcson as their candidate and say they will elect him the waterworks reservoir is to be given another coal of waterlime the tariff for ase of town hall has been arranged as follows leetare for benefit of the town l oatside benefit h relig ions temperinee agrienltare school and mechanics institate each day if re- q aired exln 1 dancing parties 5 24th may dominion dayfci concert for local 5 do oatside 7 ooanty show day lo the highest bidder op tn oct 1 ho for aterm of nights for local benefit 1st night s3 each sibseqaent night 3 oat side benefit 1st night 17 2nd night 55 each snbseqnent night 3 reading room extra 4 the government has ref ased to sliow the people of ifilloo to baild the proposed high school on the property in rear ot the jsij the reason for the prohibition is that the school wooldbe too nearlbe jail the itilton driving park association hat madcirnngemenu fori grand ceiebratioa hereon the 2tlfainst there will be trouing racer bicycle races foot noes and athletic sports generally a short session of the council was held last wediiesday evening the reeve in the chiir members all present minn of last meeting read and con firmed the reeve mentioned tint it wu deslr- able to arrange for a pabfic arbor day as osnai moved by dr dowry acba4f by k e smith tint the beeve issue a proclamation setting apart thorsday 6th may for arbor day foi this manicipality carried iforeii by w e smith jeconded by john eenney that the charge for arrears of taxes on lots 46 ili 48 and o m youngs survey for ibm be cancelled receipts having been produced showing the taxes to have been paid tn 1886 carried tenders for building sidewalks and lay ing drain were read as follows for sidewalks foox feet wide edward dynes 15 cents per rod george dark 36 cents do for drain on willow street edward dynes f 290 per rod root bingham l63- do rob morrow i do at this stage of the proceedings the reeve left the chair and the coacdl abruptly sd- joarnedi a sots tekiuble dkath- a terrible accident is reported from westminister having occnrediast week george froggett the 12 yearold son of mrs froggett wfio lives near the proof line road a couple of miles from there had recently been unwell and was tent out to i tisiihii grandfather mr bolton living on wnoeseim 10 london township in order to regiin health- he and his ancle henry bolton weredn ring a roller past a cheese factory at lot 16 when boltf n asked young frpgeu to hold the horses a mom ent while heran into the cheese factory to speak to some of the employees the boy placed a couple of blankets on top of the roller which had no cover azid climbing on it sat iown bolton had jast reached the factory door when the horses became fright ened and started off at a gallop one of the boys feet was caught between the frame and the roller in sach a manner that as the team rushed along his body was being dragged into the frame and against the roller about 25 rods from where the horses started was a small bridge the jolt occaatoned by going over it pulled one of tht boys legs completely off and the limb was left on the roadway aborit half a mile fartiier the mangled body was thrown from the roller and the team dash- ed on for a couple of miles the boys todyjwas literally crashed to a jelly and he died in afewminutes on the roadside where he had fallen y struct kya train- gyixnf kay 3srs george presant andjher two children had a narrow escape from death at the g t e crossing while going to market this morning they crossed thetrack in front of a westbound train and did cot observe the eaztboand passenger train although the signal man warned her of her danger sirr preainc managed to clear the crossing with the yoangest child bat olive aged 0 ws strock aid receirai an ngly wound on the leftside of the forehead and a fracture of thesknn a deadly toy qirttrii hay this afternoon a nam- bejof lads were practifing shoounu at tars et in the yard of b haioer sod while wil wbreckou was in the ae of shooting at i w target oliver the fourth son of mr hai ier ran out of the shed and received the allet in tlie temple he at ooee fell and became ancoptcions and shortly after died kxatchenx tfcerpnng has opened up very favorably this year for seeding which is now well advanced many of the farmers have finished early sown grain is np qaite green and coming oat in the second leaf the recent rains are nature to don her brightest robes fruit trees and raspberry bcahea are coming out ia leaf the daodyiious deck the lanes aoi the woods are fragrant with wild flowers measec are quite prevalent in this neighborhood at present gardening ic rife and a general riat in hoasecleaning carpel and stove pipes it imminent trout fiihicg is in season the small trouts terrible adventures ia hooking urge fishermen is expected in xassagiweya on the isth april the wife of charles brcwno a son v ifr wesley dirby sustained a severe sprain to one of his knees recently it will be some little time before hevdll beable to ase it with any comfort bently and albert wilson arrtfae posess- ors of a pair of wild rabbits csugbl while yoang in the harvest field last year they have been kept in a bank slabledaring the winter and ari now about fall grown and the other day it was discovered that they had given birth to a lively young one which from k rue must be aboat a month now bntiom itorsto and prom e press resdcri minted mrs thomas easion is visiting her daughter in toronto mr and mrtatfriddayof toronto visited friends m acton over sonday the bev william iklkleute of oakvllle has removed lo35 oxford st toronto mn j mferiiley md child o brant ford am guests of mr j no matthews rev father milousy of arthur ipent a few hoars at the old homo in acton last week mr w mckaague and bride ot wollaad- port were guests for several days daring tlie week at the mause mr john ltwsoo- ot harris to a wu home tor the anniversary services tn knox chord j- mr t wesvlua charge of the g t b basiuess here dariug the absence of mr h 8 holmes mr charles matthews w gradaally im proviug in health he was oat on bitur- day for a drie mrs h b mccarthy who spent a week or so with friends here left on friday to viiil rieuds at milton aud vicinity mrs a brain matthews who has been spending several months with friends in welland rstarue home last week bev a b winchester of toronto has accepted tha call u st andn- wss cliurch 43erlinaad will be iadacd on the 13lh lust mr henry bobiusou the reform can didate in the coming elections wsstntown yesterday getting acqaainted with his eon- s tit a teats mr w f mclean of the toronto itorw was on monday nominated to carry the conservative banner lo victory la korth wcntworth mr d henderson erm p occapied a seat on the platform at ilertdilhi grcal meeliog in thepavillion toronto on tues day evening at the woaiens medical college exam inations in toronto on friday last miss byan of trafalgar was oqc ot foar who took honors in first year revswm frinell d mctarish wm patterson john neil and james grant all members ot toronto presbytery are aboat going on a trip to the old country mrs john chaplin aod children and mrs mccollom of cheyenne wyoming ty arrived here on friday to spend a few weeks with friends in the old home her chaa e belt brother of rev ifr belt rector of the newly establiahed st james pariah gaelph has been offered the pastorate ot the church of england at har- ristoa mr a w stralhers whose sdoptioon exhibitions have several times been witness ed and enjoyed in acton has removed from st thomas to toronto which will be bit fata re headquarters messrs george hanll alex waldie col allan jno kennedy jr g c clark john j kelly john mckae jno lawsoc v s w e smith c moffat and k f lindsay were delegates from this vicinity to the reform convention at milton on saturday mr joseph peters who for the past year has had charge ot the bakery department of mfl g matthews business left on saturday to take a similar position with messrs mckay bros milton mr peters earned f4r himself a wide circle of friends daring his stay in acton the steamship batavia brings confirma tion of the marder of rev thomaa a large missionary by burglars at tokio japan and says mrs large was wounded bat has recovered arrests have been made but not safficient evidence secured to convict any one the members of maple leaf lodge x mp3a- marched to the presbyterian church on sunday afternoon at 230 oclock their number was largely extended by members from the toronto and other neighboring lodges bev m mclennan officiated preaching a very appropriate sermon mr j galvin late of tie wh bait band picton has been engaged as leader of our brsas band with such an efficient master oar band will no doubt famish as with choice music this summer rev albert johnson who is engaged in mission work in the bermuda- islands preached in the methodist church oa san- day evening from the words in eph 2 is at joe dose of the service fire sunday school schoiarb were received into fell membership with the chnrchl on monday evening the members of the wctu held a conrersazione in the teqiperance halj meeting opened with singing by all scriptare reading by mrs benuett of georgetown and prayer by mrs bradley the president of ibe hal- ton wctu mrs bennett who presided it the meeting ollowedy with a short and pithy address speeches were also given by mrs bradley and mrs jarman of tor onto both of these ladies especially the former spoke in very plain and forcible words about the objects aod purposes of the white shield movement the question drawer wag opened and a number of inter esting oestions wace answered by mrs bennett mrs bradley and mrs jarman a silver collection was takeo np and aboat fivedollars realized although the amount seerucbnialj we are encouraged to know that little sndofiea fills the purse the fisfc jubilee singers gave a sacred coucert in the methodist church on friday evening the audience was fair and if ever ibe softening subdaingiani inspiring chords ot sred song were felt those pres ent on friday evening realized such tw true he air whispers melody and we hear music in nearly all tlie elements bat none it so perfict a that of uib banian voice especially when it is caliivated to sing the tones of love to god aod man eerjoae hhoald call and tx oar f lfcotl 11200 and 11400 soil inadu lo order they are better value than can be gut at any other iace in town by three dollars a suit inspection invited fitkowanteed kkuabuos- 1 charles brown aged i l years died at hiie waterloo ooanly hoase of indastry at berlin on friday he came to this oo a u try fro a england ome years ago and was sent to the institation from gslt octt ottawa letfee eikerti hair hxs come immfrratlon too oldfor a patent oruwi mjay 7 the erent of tbe week bas been the climax to tbe eyxert scandal on friday afcemooa shortly after recess the unexpected happened and iff eykert handed in his resignation as member for lincoln and niagara and left the house prior to this action he made a short speech referring to the matter and abasing the committee which had his case in charge he ihen advanced quickly to the speaker placed apa per in his bands and retired from the chamber by the door at tbe back ot the speakers chair there was a dead silence the scene was painfoi and judging by ihe faces of the members both sides of the houe were taken by surprise the- clerk rose and whispered to mr speaker sir hector langevin rose and held a whis pered consaltation with mr speaker that functionary rose and put the question whether he should leave the chair that the committee might go into committee of the whole on the iron d alias resolutions not i word about mr eykert tbe motion wu carried and the business of the house pro ceeded mr eykert seems merely to have forestalled the action of ibe house as ibe investigating committee were to have un animously reported him guilty of conduct scandaloas corrupt and discreditable the fact that this report was agreed upon was currently reported about 5 odocfc and jast about that time mr rykertappears to have made up his mind to resign the weit robldo0lv the writ for lincoln and niagara was issued on monday it is understood that nomination will take place on tbe x6th inst polling may 23 rd ikjasainoy it is reported tonight that the supple mentary estimates will contain a proposed appropriation of two honored thousand doliarsfor immigration purposes making with the fifty thousand dollars already voted a qnarterotaraillion dollars for this object it is proposed to expend it in in creased propagandism j too old ioe i purxr judgement has been rendered by the saperior court in the lawsuit between the two herb doctors e racicot and a eacicot brothers the former sued the latter for alleged infringement of a patent on a tonic powder a mixture of carbonate of iron and jalap tbe court idd that the prepara tion was a most ancient one and conse quenily there could not be any infringement in tha mailer however a racicot having used his brothers name on the labels the action was dismissed wjtboatj costs xotxil mr cliapleaa gives notice of a bill re specting inn ctillectiou and implication of labor afittisties tbe hon oliver mjiw1 wa present on the ut f ilia houae frida afternoon and hfcld a itlle levee there hon mr foster in amborily for the xu cement that miuleijieqt of tbe old ftceonui between the dominion and ihe province of ontario and quebec is likely to us effected before long viastat one thousand j customer to porchaaekrllr bans it 50 paournade to order queat fi at b 4 unfile palate aaywtot itly dtstroyeda lafrtffomb afjdh stiperlb tloxtiieiliay 7th greateei oonfla- ration wbfih hu sir t iketi flao in i liogle eiuouibment on it e island of mod- treal oooorred yesterday t longae point aboul six smiles from tli montreal post- offioe yrbeti ths jmmiuse jonatlo siylam contaiding 1400 inmal- 1 all told was burned to thi ground this building which from its si ten live proportion hu been a familiar object to all those sailing op the bt la wren o was built in 1s7 at a cost of yearly ihreeqqi rters of a million dollars and has ever sine boon in charge of the providence ham who lo the number ot 07 directed by that well known lady sister sle theresa dejesd have had ex- ciqsivq control of ihe jnsl tatiou tbe local government paying the sisters to much per head for the maintenance of about 1000 people afflicted with all kinds of insanity together with 300 idiots ho were kept in the same establish men l jtoday this msg- nifioeut property is a mass of smouldering ruins and forty at least of tbe poor crea tures who were confined therein have en tered upon their last sleepl beneath crumb ling bnck and heated debris the great mass of oufortauales are i caltered over tbe country far and wide and on the wbole the bleakest desolation reigis supreme no pen can describe the awful grandeur ot the flames tbe terror ot he n ana and llie alter helplessness of ihe handnds of miserable lonely and horrorstrics n victims the unfortunate inmates wlu lerialied were all females report coxv1xt10x krirearjboblnson the lasnlmaas koailnec for the local house miltov may 8 at tlie reform cou- veution which was held here today nominate a candidate to contest the coanty in the provincial election mr henry bobinson reeve of trafalgar received the anaiumous nominaliori speeches were made by j r- barber georgetown d wbeeiigac gampbellvilie waldie m p henry 4tobinson tte nominee and others a bat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for about a dollsr a pair of boots and staokiogi too my poor old toeakn looking blue ill go a five for a new salt iw ten and get an oterooat hi be a dude i will yoe bet a city swell ariitocrat i hold on that int su yet v an undershirt and pacts ih get ill bay a paifo gloves qnlined if they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll give for im the staff thats going to live to travel the oouatry oer and oer and recommend kelly bros store borne groceries too im going to buy for my dear wife as well u i tu agar and other things ill get we intend to live till wo have to quit the watch pedlah watch and jewelry pedlars can sell cheaper una regular jewelry stores be cause they hive no rent or shop expenses to pay this argument was broaght to my notice the other day by a person who had purchased a watch from a pedlar paying more for it by a great deal than any or dinary jeweler would ask and the above argument used by the pedlar was what caught him now this j person had not thought much about it but believed it be- cause the pedlar said it was so if you will just look into it for a minute you will see the fallacy of inch af argument for instance the pedlar carries his stock in his pockets or a small bag and of course pays no rent for that and very likdy no license whereas i pay about ffx for rent and taxes the pedlar has the advantage of me there the pedlar foots it around from one house to another andjof ten sponges nil meals and lodging while i dont the pedlar has the start of me there again hasnt he bat an the aaher hand while i am paying rent and taxes and apparently at much more expense than he my work- men and myself besides being here all the time to fake care of any watch we may have sold yon and see that it runs well are earning about 2000 per year in repairing yoar watches clocks jewelry spectades etc now the pedlar gcta cone of that does he and as all my expenses for working material rent etc is not more han f 1700 or 81600 you see i am ectniliy ahead ot the pedlar in having all my expecsee paid and a few hundred dollars to boot and again as we have so many more things to sdl jfe will do much more business and therefore can both bay and sell cheaper than any person oaly having a anill stock the argument might have sortething in it with dry goods or groceries where the owners have nothing to do between customers but pitch coppers but you see it is actually the other way with us aa more than all our store expensesare paid by oar skilled work manship and by the by vbile i think of it it you want tobay a watch or dock or a marriage license or any sther little thing ot that kind just drop in md see us and if that watch yon have had so much trouble with is not going right ye bring it in we will never give it up antif we make it right and if it cannot possibly be done we will be pleased to return the full amount paid as i particularly request that you ask for yoar money if we fail but be sure and dont forget that argument about the pedlar yours truly g d pringle watch- maker w can ciiange your watch from a hunting case to an open face it yon wish it done blow gentle breezes blow mi yoisv a to kelly bros store ill go hiaards uasmck far sale everywhere s fr05i yomach end liver derange mentsdyspepsia biliousness stck- headache and constipation fin a safe and rtii relict ia ayers pills in all czse where a ca- liiortu is neefled thesa pills axe rccom mended by leading physicians- drj t e hastings cf ilaltimoro says ayfrs pills arc the cs cathartic and pericnt within the bci opei reaca of my profes sion dr john w brown j of oceana w va writes i have prescribed ayers pills in my practice and find thoia ex cellent i urge their general use in families forfl number of years i wad afflicted with biliousness which dmost destroyed my health i tried various remedies but nothing afforded me any relief until i began to take ayers pihsc s vtanderllch scran ton ha i have used ayers bjlls for the xizt thirty years and am satisfied i should not be alive today if had not boca for them they cured he of dyspepsia when all other remedies tailed ami their occasional use hamkept tnc in a healthy condition over amceit p crown chester pa- y having been subject for years to coubtipation without being able to ii ml intidi relief 1st last trikl ayers piling and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that i have dckved great ben- aflt from their use fo over two years past i have taken one of these pills every night twforeretiri ig i would not willingly be withont hem g v bowman 20 east main 1 1 carhslo pa ayers pills have t jen used in mj family upwards of twi nty years one have completely vertf ad all that is claimed for them im ttocks of piles from which i snffored u any years they afforded me greater relii f than any med icine i ever tried thi mas f adamsr holly springs texas ayers dr j 6 ayer co lowell mast sold by all dngfruuud l acn li uocudaa mfaardt unanicttt fpr i ale krerrvrhcre i puls tmylljchp l 1 rtfuf ryiny avtal b lit joq ce or a litilt tnctny i tliejf mil for mib iod boy smi hbt becah thqr uy lo driw it tflu other meniianu caql boy to cbemp beoasm titiy dont ro ia to itftp tliey mil on tick their monex i ont and ukjv to oiod hit ibfjro aboat anaio ja think ibav tbe ftd of which flr if toy get enoosb to bay alait from bead to tom if not im here a grab for crowi if i aint goodlooking i have oonoeit that i oan pay for bat i wear and eal for credit l one of the ireatet enrwa ill tell yoa in the next two renee i look like a man thati cbaaed- by di oh wormthen that ihy were really hogi they charged two price for their goodi tlicy chased oae to the rery wood becaoae tbe bill i conldnt pay my train wu poor and cheap wai hay im noneat boya y im a dandv wonld ie them the money if i had it handy before i wt ill toll yoa aqoare while the wind ia wbielling through my hair i happened to pnt in my left blp pocbtl twenty in caah in there isocktd it tbata all i have not one cent more bat it will bny moat at kelly braa ftore and attar tola i intend to boy at kelly store nntil i die yoa think thii rhyme oonteln no io well let yon eay as withont defence bat to boy good chop and to ute a oaf pay the oaah and deal with oa kelly bros the great clothing house acton spring millinery opening j we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following days with one of the largest and most attractive stocks of millinery that we have ever shown the styles are the litest and the trim ming the best as weemployonly experienced hands every lady can depend on getting tbe work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect oar stock as we will be pleased to show them through fall range of uewj sprixg dress and mantle goods 1tew prikts suitable for early spring 1tew parasols with long and short handles new embroideries jast to hand something altogether new r in these goods fall stock of cottons coltotfodes table linens towels towel ings etc i i cheap stock in boots and shoes extra values in all hues tgroceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs hendersonmcraeco hcton new spring gds novelty quantity variety qrvmv kenny bros domhlmfir sijoe store v i have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies shoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear mens alii- gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines will be found bomplete with firstclass goods caitom work and repairing i at- tnmka ana vahaea alwaji carefully done w in gnat tanetr take notice that we are going to give the- best bargains in boots shoes that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods kenney bros acton import at ipns this weqk 60 jpackkges to the right house hamiltoii watkinilmportationaaddaaleaareperfeatlyatonithing the spring trade ia openinjrrooat eatiafaotorilyi and he bu to engage extra yoang udte to wait on tbe immeoe ordwdt of onatomerd who throng thu favorke reaort ojf the laiea of hamiltoo whooow tbey will get good valoe in the uteat etytea beiet and moat faahiooable tnaaea to behad auywhere aa ail watatna goodi are parcbaaed for prompt oaah and the vait amoont of bin ealea enablea him to mil k very amall profit rtboae 60 oaaee and balea oontained tbe aodernom wood ladieet fancy capei a magnifioent aaaortraent of the kteat ah freuoh oaabmerea iiaoe cpuara bnfflinga fain french kid glove bilk taffeta glow ladiea anrane 8il1 fbingb8 chenhib csbtarnb ebou leipzig table covebb heavy oafitoh tabexil bodleb8 cubtatn polebbbass tbimj1ikgb wool cabpetb veht hahd80me ta bbogbels carpet8lin0ledmb tableoil cloths table uamaika falptootwiiidow bllnda lenoa dreaa beta oaahmen bhala cbadda bhawla ferrii common benae coraeta crompton ceubrated c flowora bilk velvet bibboaa dreae shield tnlle bat bhapea ladiea bibbed cotton veata boya bilk tea two oeeee embroidery cotton in a great wriel of new ooloral bbonlder brae fanoy barrel ot aaaorted hair pioa juttop hooka tinabl wire 8urer braid military braid ladies belku fomilortaael dree button flannel ery haniioaiersaoorial lasoaa oconbbertrwi carpet warpldw tixlingootpaniorfi and raanyotheroaafnl artioiee itr ladie io tbe lanoy gooda oat jatae3vaina charming euok of new french laow ipieaae enter the itorea eaat of the 3arpeh window many make miitaksa and donot grt intn the bight hoa porner king etraet eaat and haghion treat wanted apprentloea 1 aboiw ais o lytgcjsrs second haiid wfudovr hamuton april 17ui 18 1 si l s y pencn dciiring i joi of ha tod ia i 1 dow uib and claw rtinpi iboula offlia thvk press anggy belt ityl or tlie rt tt inodurile prieei oj c rtiortnotlo apl or tddrn if p viodbti vr 1nrr raiu ootii fairview ceraetfifyr l earuukfr of twrrie cnnf oodctuk ill crc olesi ptouiwiis u2i- thv ftarauker nodmklh lormaiv lemanerttlon any rfliimji or batiala im be doo ooder control or tlirrction of ths taker ttaomt caitot u dlrcted bj b4taa rrorjcr ceuetriir cimiutrajf j ictou iodge no 20f- m ekt8 lu llio qhflljois uh ill block errj- wokltuxuy eveniiij vj brothrta bjwbj weleoni for copy- of j tnlion od uwt tpply to iho audenlcimdi oi tbe mtffllxn wwiluaws for sale a rare bargain is offered to party parchiicjj b dcbi bmb forume ljrici ntidenas n good iociitj vuufio of acton bndbclnc ia etcr rstcti tery iit3irlje ptoyttxy hvf rig oa ths prmiba bubbandbut nppjy of bsrd and soft wsier sad bgoodsulle tl propertt ould he sa bttrbrtire tod ten tcsirrt home for retired prtyuro sin profluile lorestidnt or icnlbtors or a isti for fall psrucaun apply to wjfaobbe at liis office in tom bulatssl notice to citezensv tbe residents of thlmnnicipiflttaehhi- tntitl to deposit ill rabfiih ets msy hte socmanltxal sbont hwi fnaiim darinr tb vlstcr in the cap no beio fflui ttttbeprk andaoticls sleo citcq coaoemibgsjl othar puts of the mnoiciplitt tbit byicv tu 13 which prohibits the depobifing of flltb tctv etc upon any street lue ar the manidptuicr will be itrittlji w h-3t0ee5vjleii- eoevoioffiee april lath 18 local election a moetlog ol the friesdb o mr henry robinson cuididaxrrfartfaeexau electiocrf waalkti- eqtieuiia od the viuui actoavffl b hejad in the council chamber 4 -01- tuesday evenikd f 1th 11 it ocljoot 3- t appoint commltteos to promote theelarfcst ur bobinson all ire inrtted to attend an meet hx bao- inioo- r proclamation arbor day yf in order to secure trennj intfireai in plantiai trees and improvinfi the public park i henhf bpiaoint and proclaim thursday 8th may 1890 as abbor dat aod request citizens generally to obsevre tie tune by plsnting shade and ornamental uses arbor dy wifl offtt a gc op to b v toabsibsininprocinsthcraxk itjrwutoli those desir plots la fkirrlvw vaaabay ft make their iejeaons and to msie laprow ment and dec plot ttiere wririifceeybrtii aeton april 80thl8bo j i iv- 0nti0 elejti0ns county of hajton to the electors your vltte and inflaene are rcspectjit j reqnestctm n a 1 f as jqvx repxescnutii in the m 1 legislative assemblt of our rsonxce j jtne 5thlsu0 i i- pliltatf sale v orj- valxtablsfpabk propertit uxdkrsndlj tirtnfllf tha poex til salt oottutned in s eertan tuortgtgev tbe of- dstslsuad is instructed tojsell by pritsarmj r one htfndrad ten moxtr or less in v2- i oaaomtoxu ol nsrejs in the comtji btlton thsxeaxe ekhtjrtctea bctc totm ca oi good euood hnsh and a bilmoe u eedur srimp tntda5 wd n ftj aremisas there is a splfbdid bank barn aa subline foe fi irorbos and 1 bead at cattle sjso a jwoddritijis shed attaibed there art t good nwne hnnesjndanotbpr small stahls neterf ailing well and rood ipringi on the farm also nritclas orchard of apple and pear p8 and some sniairirnil the property is fenced and is within hji a nue of ilohatt s- loo oo the c p rilry between gnelph and milton poabfbsiou given immpfcatady sold belcavapril idth i ba ffcft at s gra sacrifice and on theeauest irtlbjtennb zoc- farther putlcohu dd mr lloore hu bjbo for sale n laber ot prlr treideacosvndvalnbblebndrigou m vulagfl of acton excellent baildiofi sites in ta qtj of winnipeg man and bexeat choice fajtlls j v in thu victotv of acton on rionaljy reis- 1 onahle termj do itrt fiu to examine his lw befre pnlttoasing 1 i orrilktown hall acton aujctionjsalj valuable hoose and lot j in a0t0n under and by tvrtno of the mm f aaje con- uinodui a certain inorteool will bjito for ule by pnblic anchni il li door o ana hotel in the village op acton -as- 1 friday the ninth day of may 90 at two oclock in tbe afternoon tbo fol- lowing rolortjl vu t tot nomber tblrtirfn in jm voojjg snrreylnarartoftbemiikof toon a uw toan on tbo resitlored pln of ail u atntroioiienfthof n aero maro orte uo thvpsmimlu eieowdacooj brick ton wo rtorsja conuinlns au room a 59 tnere i alao a food eil oil lie irajct j property u litoata on uttanatrt in a now- g pf of the vlllice conount to jjlub and twat cfboe thhli a sood ororluaityjo eenre au eseallenl midence j- tobjib ot salktoo of s balalca wltbln one forhtrcbarrtaruimlari applr aitn or to wilhbubtbeet jicleal ancuoneor onbeday thereatw j moof solcileraj5j a fnbfl f x 7 all notli m colu i next bail the r 1 iri

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