e ai kj tree jprsbs calendar mji rtmt m fc55 thursday uav k 1890 cik goiing 3folks otttorraxwxr jauuic a fst ire reallecs sad rooch jamie fincen uaie dtsamr jamie caa serer make aofte cnoach jainie lc laid to ret oat the tj- put the nj- of beautiful liiicgi out of the way with hit 6nies and tcj-t- oat of the way with his iticks ud itric ji out on the itrect with tin other boyr euy to slip iram hoinc rwtriiat oat of the mother care into the throne oct of the way of ret and complaint oat of the fun barne nrituy aloac out of the way of truth ud right out with the bold the reckless the giy oat of pttritj into the night if other yoar boy if oat of the way oat into darkness crime ud woe ifotoeiwbrdo you weep today weep tint jamie has tout to lav yoa who enthlmoutof tne wiy ptmjroa mother to tforgitea and far your boy too pray oh ya y foe be- ic oal of the wy to faeaten vm he u surely oat of the way- jingles and j0kelet8 luiru lluyrwuh tlto wuf mm the wtu nd the vatajrrvhl oft lie day the oioit ittytmblr mtartuva tod ud mfm tiimultnt ii uilbunii keemroa id win ihadfc very ud coujih this fail bat iistyarda lectorl biim cured me com- pklcly e raminsr wuhsjjp lvctocal uuim curt coulis colds hoerkma aiumia irmichtlis and all throat nd laittroabiw mr a muhoryof uillnrytowuont say uy daughter safftred foe jean from uiui dtrirwaiiutvaiid huanjiuii caurrb uer ctw wkx undf r the treatment of emin ent physician in the cmud blates iud cintts tu ilkhldlv n of xistl bajui hat had mare utttficiti effects uitu all former treatments cocabiued unsightly pimplex blotches uu and all ltcluiif humor of the ckia are removed by- atinc pr tsawit salphtir soitp xlumtui la ber liuks jxjy xow beuuie ityoall be k ndcoto ifoepj mirnraill pre jou iiueof ur ayer tiioe acucoftled cauititic piliineit utn yoa need tuedicme bmy itniliog iwuy dropped cff o ilp it ooce a seuonibla hist datiucltu bnajtiajcap of wiolr dirop chilly tretther previil and rbcamttiim ueandic lambtca fore tbroct croap qaiatey nd other pciafat effect of laddea ooldim commoa hijtyirdt yellow oil i 1 traly vijaiblfl hoatehold rmdy or ill inch ootnpiiinu for lulvbss during 1 mominc wijfc l tnerciiiat who tru detained by hasinas in anuterdud cune to a group c men who vere rtjndiai round well info which strotmlybaut tnm hid jail been lt down- apipcwhom edoath iti ix tte top o the well hid beca opened lid 1 t treun of viler from it wu flowiag down iota the- well ud beginning criiaiily to fill it tho fellow below hid jjaite eooagh to do if he did not wut to be drowned to keep the witer oat by meni o ipamp which wu it th bottom of the well the merchant pitying the nun tiked for in eiphmitioq of wht teemed 1 heutle croel bke sir replied the old min sunding near chit mia is hepjthy ud tuoogthave myself offered him work twenty lima nevertheless he ilwiyi illawi ianekiogittha better of him ud be will mike xy exeme to beg hi bread from door ic door thobgh he might eaioy earn it himself by work if he liked we are now trying to toake him feel that he can work if he nsa the strength which is m bit irmc he will he nred if he lets them hug idle he will be drowned batlook continaed the old lfaiehmc u he went to the edge vl the well ibt fellow finds oat untie his got mascles in in hoar we ibiu let him oat with better reiofatioax foir the fotare sach m the case and the- cure wu effectaal oaitllss at wvrh dr law wormbyrap has removed tape worms from 15 lo 30 teet ioug it also d troves nil other kiodi of worms w watoullmlyu po write i wu iffltebsd with fbiamaltim od had fflven op nil hopes of a onrv by chinos x uw pr thommkolmtric ou recomrasud- ed i immaduwly tut fifty toil ud pasohamd oar bottltt and wlthutily two ippltoatiodt i wm mblt to nt irouud tod althoogh i have hot ated one bottle i am nearly well the other ihree bottle i ravi aroaod lo my drijchbon ud i hate bad to many cu 1 for more that i eel boaurl la relieve the afflicted by wriiln to yoa fur a iapplj ftprrlal aeaaeeecaieat- we have madt arraaiiemetiti with ur 13 j kendall co publisher of a treat- u00q ihe hore and u dimimx whlnh willeoible all oar iatscrlbert to obtain t copy of that valuable work free by rending their address tud enclosing a two cent stamp or tnailaig the fume to ft j kendall co etoshurvhklls vi thu book it uiwrvcnnitlc ilmirit mhur- jty opoo all iliwue of lit- hofe r its phedomenai ales attest over fuar will ion copies uviiij beeu iou in the past tea year r a salenever befqru reached by any publicatioci ia urn ume itriod of lime we feel cunfidciil that our pacrona will appreciiie the work aud be clad to avail themselves of this opportuuiiyot obtaining a vaia able work it i uecessiry that jot meatiou tbht paper in send tog for the treatise this offer will re ma a opeu for ooly a thort time caolr jtkcrulaed it is easy to find oal from anyone who has used it the rirtaes of hsgyirds yellow oil for ill paiafal end inflammatory troables rheaaulism aeanlgia lamhago frost bites bonis barises sprains con tracted cords stiff jointa aches pains and soreness of any kind it baa no superior constipation claimc many ward ofi this dread disease by the ose of smsil sogarooated bordock pill when needed the pablic warned- mac y peopifl are deceived- into ntglecting bad blood dyspepsia coastipation etc andthas allow these and other diseawtlo become eaubluhed act promptly by using natures blood ponfying tonic bar- dock blood bitters which regalatee the entire system caring all diseases of the stomach liver kidneys and bowels iahhaie beafm alter a long winter the system needs a thorough cleansing toning ind regulating to remove imparities and prepare or sum mer thousands of teitimonsii show that bardocjc blood bitters i the best spring medicine ever discovered producing a feel tog of buoyancy and strength it removes that tired worn oat feeling and restores lost appetite if yoa want to bay or tell a farm sd- vertfse in the toronto lfif mall that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and year advertisement should meet the eye of someone who want to par- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wtxhf mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word or five insertions address the mail toronto canada the third page oc the toronto dauf uau is noted for want advertisement u yoa went to bay or sell anything ii you want a situation a mechanic- bats nest machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each ia tertioa address the mw toronto can sda kestaad ukferme the lexrrar browns household panacea has no equal or relieving piin both internal and external- it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat iheamatiim tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal si it acting power is wonderful- browns household pan acea being acknowledged u the great pain reliever tnd of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for ue when wanted is it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps m the stomach and pains ud aches of all kinds ud it for si le hy all druggists at 15 cents a bottle ix kibeksiasisx a number of patriotic sons of erin were seated around a table discussing a little of everything when one of them began a lamantation over a lightweightsilver dollar he bad in hi pocket thtidaath uiti worn dbwnthot trying ye woojdn know th hid from the tail if it wasnt that the bids always oath atber soide got warn thot wsy by cinrylstion v so they ay bat oihelatetome smart dirils tuk a jackplane an ahcraped t doune z tiro o her for lock cirkylation cant wear a dholler down like thot 1 it can too an ocii prove it said a liiird- have ye got a good dhollar uinny jdinny curiouily enough had one and produced il i kow pass it round th tahle around it went twice more twice more it went h wancfe more and let me hov il 0006 aeaih it was orcalafed and fioauy rested in- the palm of the investigator octhe perfonnance he then leaned over to the owner of the dollar and htndftd him a flverffloarter pbwatslhi asked the latter thotsyer dhollar t i ctrculatiotr history says left it mark that evening upon something more than pare dross ffarpat hagaiiaz a kew yprfc letterwriter says there are doubtless many of your readers who have never heard of the action taken by harper bros the well knoan pobluhert m this city concerning that very btd book robert elsmere they were the first o secure it for the america n market and had stereotyped the whole- book ready for priatine before hey discovered its hereti cal character when this was known they immediately ordered the plates to be des troyed thiiloofctas if their christian tty extended clear down to their pocketbooks j we rnant admit that the nicest and cheapest window thades are to be had at kellt beos thy also i have very fine ksaortment of hoy and childrens sprinc mils ill wzet and awsy don io prices cltlkest caurrfui dvfne-flaj- fcrer x hpit i ttmmc treat menu i sofferera are not generally awire that these dtaeaaec are ooctagioaa or tht they jre dne to the presence of living peruilem jthelinihgmerabraiieeind eustachian tuht jlf icrotcopic tesetach however ha proved jllikto be a facfjaodthe resale nf tins discovery u that a aimple remedy has fweu formalated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and liay fever are permanently cored in from one to three simple appfict jtiftps made at borne by the pat fen t once in weewu k bj thia tnaxment u act s suoff or an ointment both havcbeen discarded by repuuble physicians as injur- joot a pamphlet explaining tins new treatment is tent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon son 303 wet king street jtorodto canada tojowwo4e i safferers from catarrh trouble should jparefuify read the above jllrrs umimemt fr tmlf hjrrjwttrrr ur john aodenoo graasmere ool writes ttii vegetable discover- you sent me u all gone and i am glad to say that it ha greatly benefitted those who have ated it one man in particular tayt it has made him a new man and he cannot say too mach for its cleansing and curative qualities the bet aid tfcr cfceapeif 100 dose for 100 cents bordock blood bitters does yoar head ache take burdock blood bitten it your blood impure take bardocfc blood bitters are yoa costive tike bardocfc blood biuen axe yoa bilioat tike bardocfc blood biters are yoa dyspeptic tikebardockbiood bitters 1 cent a dose i cent a dose burdock blood bitters- why toner from disorders caused by im- port blood when thousands are being cared by using northrop 4 lymtnc vegetable discovery it remayet pimplet and l eruptions of the skin itr john c fox ohnda write northrop a lymans vegetable discovery it giving good satis faction those who havetued it uy it ha done them more good than anything they have ever taken for the thorough and speedy cure of ail blood diseases and eruptions of the skin take northrop irymsns vegetable dis covery mrsb forbes detroit had a running sore on her leg for a longtime commenced using northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and she it now com- pletely cured her husband thinks there i nothing eqssl to it for ague or lay low fever c c riausvt co gcrrs 5fy horse was so afflicted with distemper thai he coald not driak or tour days aud refuted all ood etmply apply ing hinaiids liniment outwardly cared him feb 1637 cxpj hekbebt cxst c c rtrgabts co gexts i have ated your hinaiids liniltent far bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the beat lot 5 p k i sfsa- a lmxoftox ctfkeoiffes karefcsrcd to tle editor plettte inform yoar readers that i have a positive remedy lor the above named hit- eae by iu timely use thousands of ho j- ie case ntve wxu yciajucauy cured i hall be clad 10 send two battles of my remedy rtke to ay of- your readers who have cotitamptiorcif uiey will tend me their express and p o address retpectfalfy dr t a btoccit 185 west adelaide st toronto pot bichles amiconiainptive syrup is s a couhuistiati of everal medicinal herb khichexert a most wonderfal inflaeaco in cunuti palraonary conaumptiou tmd all other diseases of the langscheftnd throat it promote a free and easy expectoraticd siidgiieex en totiie icrealesttafferer codiim col borttje- of breath mid affediufiaof the client sttendl with wrmk- neu of cde digetiveriribr with general debility xiu to vaiiuh under its iu no other remedy acts to readily io aj lay ins tasmmmxloa or bmjticm ap httn oold eveu the most obstinate coaeh is overcome by its peaetratiog sud heating properties when children are affected with colds ooaghs iflfiammafion of the langs croup qaiasey and sore throat tins byropli of vast importance the namr of deiiliii among children from these disease is traly alarming it i to piuuble that a child will not refuse ft and la jpat at toeb a price that wu7 uot exclnd theoor from ju beneau hy go limping ud whining about roar corps when a jo cent bottle of hollowly coth cure will remove them give its trial ud yoa will not regret it aima to motiiees are yoa disturbed at night and broken of yoar rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of catting teeth if 10 tend at onoe and get a bottle of hrt winslovt soothing syrup for children teething it value ic incalculable it will relieve the poor little offerer immediately depend upon it mothers there it no mistake about it it cares dysentery tni diarrhea regulate the stomach and bowels cure wind colic often the gums reduce inflammation and gives tone and energy lo the whole tyslem mrs winslows soothing syrup for children feething is pleasant to the taste and m the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and none in the united state lai it for sale by all druggists throagboat the world price twentyfive cent a bottle be sure ud eskfpt mas wdcklows sootsora srucr ad take no other kind cewtasspuia cured ac old physician retired from practice having bad placed in his hands by an east india missionary- the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy ud per- muent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat ud long affection alto a positive and radical core after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of eases has felt it hi duty to make it known to hi suffering fellows actuated by this motive aod a desire to relieve h amen t offering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with lump naming this paper w a note 820 powers block rochester n y i largest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales suproyed show cases mohey drawers meal choppers axo botchus toptuu anqszss ix rctx writ ix ami c wilson a son 0 esplanade street east torontc ont mention ai piper c ery ima xou write dunns baking powder thecooics best friend hirsts pain exterminator household i utldcmkufirulaxlrttrrul i told b7 u drsjflim f i muiy fccc rrmt hirim w i rwlorilw llnllrjrmtr7it- kwuiawmb too uiblo to an ottjh tt ul imt tad do other ublrtiektlva t thli world- i osowntd pnrart- jon k6 houeliold pitb young children ihould be wllhoat lb soorw o lire u ired ererjr jai if utlmeljrum 3 innor korthanpton rommon frutu jo inj- pelt mo io tcknoi lejje the nrui beno- su i hire derived of my children irom nt excellent cherry w 1 t two dor children from croap and ooniumptlon and hed the mtit ear til loilnj my only rc- nilnlncdatuhurand ion4i they were delicate happll i and that by glvlni them ayeri chertj- pectoral on the flrt ymptomao throw or lung trouble they are rellewd from danger and am be coming roboat healthy children in the winter i of 1883 i loot a bad cold which in ipltc of crcry knona remedy grew wane ao that im family pbyalciaa oonaldefed me incurable atrp- poalng me to be in conaumptloii aa a lait retort i trl4 ayert chery pecto ral and in a abort time the cure wot completa sinoetiien i hare never been without till medfclnf i am fifty yeart of age weigh over 180 noundt and au trlbota my good bealtn to the oae of ayert cherry pocioral-ow- fouker sileni j- m winter contracted a tevere cold which by repeated ezpoaore be came quite omanaia i wu much troubled with baaneneu and bronchial irritation after trying varlotu medi cine without relief i at lait purchased a bottle of ayeri cherry pectoral on taking thlt medicine my oough ceased almoat immediately and i have bees wall erer tlncefsev thoa b buase ii secretary holaton conference and pk et the greenville district ji e c jooeaboro tana ayers cherry pectoral ruraaxs ar dr j c ajtr k co lowell matt sold by til dnfxttis prfe 41 stx uujcsai canadia ftrintejjs read an furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work tobe had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder i ress cotyib to hcton knd sbe our improved country prouty press riv work the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work w have ruolbe prouty for tight year and lb longer w run it the bjtljrw ilk h it a vhutrf to woffd easy lo handle coau little for repairs and is easy on the printer s pocket book w call it the beet preaa 5f j toiay for the money com and ae our prea at work ii you desire sample of work aend for therd and w will gladly inrntan ibom we can give too your ehoioe of a number o diflorent sirea and stylet of presses at all pneca think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from y agent for canada acton ont w to farmers and threshers tjsejonvouralaoliiiisrvonly the wellicnown 1 tjpig peerless oil j eflfirll lortnn a t si have been awarded it during the laet three year uuliu box1ual1b try e1io p ixli oriulfor yoa waggoataud sons powers these oils are need and highly recommended at tbemode anntaelph farmers ask for them naa ooother ktaauiaolurad it qlhsoittoll votkl by 8amuelrocers co toronto guelph clotli hall new spring overcoatings i scotch and canadian- tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailor8 icuelph headquarters house cleaning supplies ceiliaga corners erer -for- ever- requisite orr hand wall paper centers tad borders- the largest stock and neatest patterns w have tad spring sample now ready come and see them window shades fancy linen in beautiful shades of color and design in decoration all squared slid hemmed with spring rollers complete ready tor immediate ate also paper shades in pattern and by the yard alabastine a full supply of this favorite kdsominc those who have used it onoe will have no other all the popular shade in stock paints oils varnishes- etc glue whiting washing soda pearlinc washing crystal soaps brooms brushes etc everything yoa want for a geaoral cleanup alto prof barks disinfectant and deodonxing powder our so cent hardware spadea fibovelt garden rakes glast and a general stock of groceries and pun spioesr t beats them all i j b pearson i hcton war with the knife cutting up th j h matthews e best leather that morey can buy and mak ing it up into no 1 harness if you warjt a set of heavy or light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or any thing in my line call before dealing elsewhere as itra bound to please- in prices and material repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h matthews acton kjhrpets fust to hand the following lines fine watch repairing we have just purchwed a stock ot fine american main springs fine jewels and other good material tor watch repairing bring your work to b sayage watchmaker guelph brussels carpets allwdol carpets hemp caipets tapestry carpets union carpets stair carpets clark fc thompson carpet house hext doer to herod it co 30 lower wyndham st cuelph of great britain and europe a kew dbpa8wk iii utdioml i the four pettiest medical centres of the vorld re london paris bsxllnand vienna these cities b4t immense bosnlttvu teeming with isffering bnmanitr crowds ot studenu throne tho werds ttb4yiarand the tnjfesscrs ia ohrje thtmostrenownedphjii eimns of the vorld teech andprac tie heat and tho institution are storehouses of medicsl knoledgo svnd ttperitnee with a tw of making this experience avauhlo to the puhlie the hoipiul remedy co at treat expenm secured the prescriptions of tbem hcipital prtnared tbs speelfies and al- sihoufh it would cost from z5 to jootowcure the attention of their utinrmislmd originators yat ia this wtu thstr prepared specifics are offered at the nrloe of the quack patent medjoinei that fiood th market nd absurdlj claim to cur ttery 111 from a duel bottle ths want alwir feittjor a reuable fllass o domsstle remedies u now fiysiwit parset aatiitaction the hobpjta rtmadlss make nb nnraasema elabas ths ipecifio for caurrh core that and nothing ue so- with the sneclfiofot brotf- ftbitls oonramption and lunc tmohlas jrheumatism ii earad b mo 4 whila tronhlm of dlcastlon btopach lifer and kidnsyi hate tbiir on cure- to tbes u added a sptciflo fos peter and ana one foi tenuis weaknessa general onic airiuoodmaltar thafmakas bio ad fi tea form and faineaa rv5te tfiis extract from the soientifio papers cows catasttu htr frrrn misf outu4j vsfc 2li5s- ft mmrnvftmtt co tfzjli r aaiaswfcsta ui iutm ut lirtnytkuia tte lamps rf mtoru mvm tltun jto ithuhattslta iiltluti art r0- n ntcltlm in all allan upcrlt mo st uj cfta ta tit npntttiun ui ruirt jiij- tt maim omtnuio fmrlu tlptiurjltu for ui cfact rln in itmtkuttilltlthplcxtt rm kcvmiaiaft in arisf f nax tarns til teu rtrntt u tntuaaa itltlm t wm tftf ram enttrokc rti cscoms jf wtiatf uses avstaaat asto tinnlc sail statist fit fe aw rsftls tttlti us itwjta 100 loitthotminutfit ifmtttlftkcis xo xiwj otuurr am or kivma was urtruta nuh mpiall a rat t cm fftrhmt camltha xai 1 i gous c am trltfmlu ntt ttwart t linrsm neaa art etane ftlett areteoa ax vartttut we fi tins tit mnitltn tf tc rttf an mtttrltlmnmt ft was umw t udyrw cfsmtsiltl kttsn la eutrth at isms itartaa tailmtu uttkt surf it agaim s1o0 ohe doiwiiarach to be had qf ail dbdcqi8ts sff5sfflslsassflb nw iajbt m ub pfes wrtra adkmn ct jpiial remedy gqtonlt railway tliaj m grand trunk rannm i ooiao e1xt e am jy jimjjssg- ratmneer 1 1 01 am i nrotiissjsais ti00nm imi otat ii- throofjh vug 00 dui t uall lh aeeom 0i pin actcm timgorclqtiyokjtii ooitgwwt-9timind530pw- ocmseastjomawd jjovat t- thli titiih lalian irnit trim mm3l3 j2vfz tbli time ubo trttit irjwtfltsto r3f burdock blood u a parelf tejjetabk conipdnoa wrfect rsnuiinfftmotetall of thi ststeaiii snd eontrohtog thta- j ions ii so paries tht hkwd thai cur all blood bqujors and ii mon pimple to the wont ihis combined willt its oi cleanjn and parifjim secretioru o the urerl skin render it tineqrjali diseases of tba c tjs tjh bcwssiiai ssacnrtlaria skin from one io two bottle will entttojl pimples blotches nettle rash taut i and all the simpla forms of ajj immip v two lo four bottlerwjll earat1ttt- or eczema sftinges eirsipelii ajflaw scesses manipg sorea jtid s skjomptw it is noticeable that sauerere from u diseases are nearir always aggrantedr mtrfaw itchinfibut this qnickjy snbiidesjaj removal of the disease by b33 is on la grayer yet prevalent disease safcaj scromloas bweuipgs bomois and t 5cr0fu we hare andoafated proof that failing to ii bottles used intemalltudbteajtaid application dilnttd if the minis bmaam the affected parts will effect a eani hi- preai mission of 3 u b is to regnjawtw lirer iddners bowels and moody ta f acidity and wrong actm of 1hi rtrstrmli and to open the slojoewsjs of the kptta- to carry off all cloueandiaaitam lions allowing nattira thus to aidtecow and remotb without fail bad bloil liver complaint biliomaiek ap headache dropsy rhcnmalien jadesm species of disease aruing frumftnrim- lirer kidneya stomacb paarahtoe evity bottle of bjj-3l- ebcmld any person be dissatisfied afiers3at the fait bottle we will xefuadtfie motels application personallt or byletiet vtifl also be glad to sen fonnation pronng tho effect ofb frh the shore named diseases cn to t milbobn c co fofojjio oai uk uimimssttnfii w p jl nwl iilia atf ri mm bvm 09 t am pr wm iill fcjig aums dc c nx tfls fotttuatalktn 1 5b wben i aaycoitk i a kjmaasmt bnratlmeajltlnletbfiiai- pi 1 urtx a radical ixel v i bare quae the disease ot pits epil falliitct siok3srs a we tons stoly 1 wrllaktabillrtj- ctualiwirorbteaaei liaatfiwraaswsw is no reason for not imw iwrnbteafare esa stonralorativfllllejuulb y rn btrmmts ixraiuiilx llzxrv vajjo omee it ros to mtlu or h5i cthi brenciomoe t 17aas adaklds staai toronto 1 ussisioistt auauerr a oo dm aabavuaacasa nffsayattl a certain ind speedy opt cold in the head ana ctssav in all iuuts mtrdtc cteabist num isitaat ri fief ptnnmat ga fifltrs inpessius uaor socalled disea are timply itftiyasws catarrh taeh u beadaebe partial d sense of smell foul breath nawkinf and tpuist arenal feefinj ofdebqity ett wrwam troobled with anr of these or kindred i3ta bare catarrh and ustom lose do lime to p- a botde of niul btn bt warntd j imiocmdorid n bead m in catarritobj br coocomprioa and daub sasatubaautusuasi til druteiits or wfll beicttkrslpidon rectip price jf cents and 8 tjx by a tolfmo a co tagnui toti ts beware of imtutians chnljar in baas scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil and hphosphitis of lime and 8oda jtatiamsd lor oowsotiptwh fanftdm afccutiwajtaiars csuta ohiaslc oola an palatable aaihil- ksma bcettsesawoa urair p p sold to all dhatwiit a ls -v-