Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1890, p. 3

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isttnotts halton too on c i sjsiy 30th 90 jbinson caadidats isbaikmj sections ne 5th issix isc interests cerns adjiaie tothllton r tk acton ijuneat 8 pan lirlio ur uobirsoa to n ccrixj- urritod to in vltxx fts wanted jiicn wasted applj- if t aexold wiiidoav sash clr ioali ejl it ute ps5 office kale strut 3kmhhoa aix v it ihc vilit of acloc crer cf vilr utd fcui con micr forpartica- i iu ectrksi hh1 out lexom j ryrtiy visticc fcrcoof caesti the siaercgngtj or toy e t w 5tc waited i sftie pbue prk for i tit be received op to i zthtr ttjvjttt btxsm kgbesi or try leader dot i x1iooee- juii of tishadpijtl ftefr stosell ciaiee kaaeit t m i jtt sjfledrtid 1 e43t ptiw 18 i iazprod nd testaaoo- ia vested ben u st p3 iathe ro- j y0ukg waited loftfce pfcfciidbaildfaie celelrnoa ih be rv ted f to kaady eracinff jit35l ptotid ferdu fid lor tee pl trees decemeasa i cagrttndm d or traiidibnistt taxnes vtcne tttsriit m 2tet tender crt beceft- i moose trespassers lkrest on tluflr bjourcr ir ether mo- ljt5nia fona5 upon thrfr lttascrrd ccirdinfito j rtlkjxaxi iblzl ex joa s ad fcookiotft fayles57 citizevs missis pilit tare bexebr tj rrbhei y i aixid their prenimb ccntciirii other r ihsz bt-1- so jrirr offilfc r-1- trtt- jie cr pff i wur j nrietiyenioreea- k- stoeet et-rre- kale bargain rhtitr i ttit eai coiu- u u exxj kicalilj i ti t cvtrr pe ct rii ca tbe freinie 3 aid tcil tatr ftd it alricteai con- iibirrcraa nasouy tnrw ryooiie a 7en ete adqa- eevisiox se2nd 1890 7iu catem tbem- ithos t hoose clirt ihealth siid t mjta jub msui ot vsss2f tiffi kethodist church jaotok 0- orrrottd i la shj pmtor jtooapbqttravtnae jji svitaa tj9 w m- soodr fii ill rralllllr utlud rutot allcaduur mriui ud rititon uwrnr rolcamr iwtgmntd- bank of qu3 0ftic ctttll fkhr xt kmuvc fry- j tcfckbltu c-iiutn- hamilton 7 hakolton 00wi06 tmoa000 h b fftrvek aiitcusiul dmectoks-qiix- fitxwuilj tnamcut a a hakut 1rt jcx rmoctojl ci4 gctxst gso- boactt a t wocc a ik let 0s0rqet0w aojenoy alm dikoacwd ind adrtncfli mdt on ul ftbl fknrittac diurn on til rtrt o cxv- etb cxntd 6tlttx omuff uutiy id sstoostimcct pr errorr bohsht tod old oaujcrrtos made a til tccilbl ttolcti oa bwt hrotbl tcnu j- savings dcpintuprr torcxm wwhcd of f i und ufvudi md in- wnft aflowd irom dale of dejvait to dau o dtbdnwl stecul deposits y aba rcd t cnrwnt rate of ittterwl no notice of ttthdntil required i n uwatsox ajrnl atgreohynds openinx up fihiac tacu od lines and hoottv iran axje lad tire vbeel wiooni for tbe children itabbet balls hue balli from 1 wnt spranu onrskc t aj 9 and 10 cent vail rarer are lellinj aat wlndor blinds and eollert itome nice decicnx left ycu our stock o watch qocki jerthry 4od bpec- bveltx cant be boat geo hyxds acton onu gigs of ujc dm watch d r spring 5r rarucus scigtov acrtccuxva omcs isv rrsiscxcsor urgrrtni bocaecorcer till and frederiel ttnu homeg reanlkgs vulch in koittj 0 u cjirer and alltuurciltac f csroj ri expect ta pep tmoobe 1taxy jltxofi eocals cllale4 byuie extrthaiyh fnl tnd alert rreprcheertirt this is nomicitioa dsj t another frost oa tnesdsy night i there h been wonderful crolh the ptst reek tjqiesinjj opart cf keniioa vu hell oa monday the sinitixy inspecti rill commence bis daties next veek court of eerision far at too next 5ioc- diy put in roar appeals a nxnber of aew ixaui es hive tnoted into ton tne put wttk cr m mr j a h amy hu aroieu groani for new brick house oalt 11 street dont forget tiut the pi urinaif geu- enl eleetiom like puee nest tharsdsv 1 the weather this sprias has been en- f seruad eioogh to brek any ireither pro phet allfep- i 7thetree are asin cloflied in beaati- fai foeage while many bare not forth their fragrant blossoms the ninetieth member of acton council hoyal templars of temperanoe wax initiated on ifoffday ereniag mrjohn maithews hai seccred a fine heary drxagfafdray norse tto replaoe the one which died a few weeki ago owing to the wet weather of the patt few weeks fanners hare been generally retarded in finishing their spring seeding there hte beea more new fences ind other improrements made to render the homes in town aitractire thus spring than far yens before an exchange says pc uticiana all re mind us we can neter be too wise for they resnre to try to blind as pull the wool down oer our eyes at harkham tillage a week ago the water works bjiw for 410000 and the electric light bylaw for 1 1000 were carried by majorities of sir and seiien respectirely the iotgoternor has received word that prince arthur the duias of coonaagfat ind party will arrire in toronto this erening and leave for siagara- falls on saturday the queens birthdar is past the elections will ioon be orer and acton will undoubtedly thereafter gjrt to work to irranje fori big demonsteation for dom inion day i the annnil qaeent birthday picnic liblbpniaharyuet tfanrsaay wis largely attended and those present apparently en joyed themselves tne gate money amoanad to tout f 90 the lacrosse matcli t between the crescents and voting canadians last thursday evening resnltaiin a score of 2 to i in the old mens favor ia return match i2 be played tomorrow etening the farmers throagh whose farms the filream known as gorfea s creei r fiowi warn the public against fishing or otherwise trespatwing on their premises sportsmen will do well to honor the warning tne sal ration army pads bind con cert in the barracks on tuesday evening he programme being supplied by the silver band of the army ax gaejph o wen present from all the neighboring corps the sia printing office bowmanville the property of hr w e climte secre- tarr of the canadian p ess association wu badly tcorcbed on st ardiy night in a re in thattowm biight damage to the plani wassustaiqed howt ter jaarterlvommanioii tunica will be held in knot church this week- rev d strchtn of kockwood will preach tbfe preparatory sermon on friday at 11 oclock eer ifr rae the pastor will conduct the sabbath serv cct as usnsi mr james eoss of tbe fourth line met with s painful aoridi iot last wednes- day which wililay him up for some time he wa attending a wood xe at hr joseph arthurs and was splitting wood when s fellow workman accident y struck nia hand with an axe just back of ihe tlamb giring him a serious gash mr george clark hai been awarded tbe contract for the digging o the willpw street sewer by the street and e idewalk commit- tthenrstcotitrictorhaffidgthroitidpthe ob the sewer will nn from bower avenue to the stream ia jmrc smith pro petty ftwaibeahoutsetrenfeetdeeptttbe deepest point and have tfali of ij inches per rod sir clark has commenced the work henry james vluce trsnsutioo of ajphonse dsadet new bamoroasserul port tsrascbnis tonecede the pobli- csuottof the french oiginal introdooe tbe first instalment la ll jane kurooer of harper magazine witli a brief prefaee amoogother remarki he asyi the ooly4efectof fort tirasooo is that it teares no more to coicu ft exbaosu the pobbilities the car r of u the illas trious tartsna closes with this story tho hamiltou ftim ta i itks pros pc for thu fruit crtp til over libit ocw of oonotry is ewhw a gentlemkh who bubvaall over tbo rround ia the past few days- as ys uk tpplc otcbirdt look prtnd and the poach orchardi ipleudid the plain iwcs proraiae fairlj wu th isuoa is not quite u well advanced as it m lb time last year but ihcre ii leas diqgerol4 set back m the shtpo of late froiu such as did considerable damage last teaton xodaraagt was done by thfl light frou of last wk ftiijciafifitinx the first public meeting ct the prcscut cwnpaijin fotthw sectidn will be held in tbe town hall ou friday evening in the interests of mr henry robinson mr robinson wiirix present to addreu the electors and will be wppotted by mr john waidifl mp for this ooanjly and mr tboinu baimmp lor north wentworth on monday evening col kerni theconser valirecandidate will meet the electors of acton and vicinity on the public platortn several other gentlemen wrll also address tbe meeting the electors centrally are inuledto attend to heir the ajxesttoa of the day discussed ht vrypsper afea ia rjemaiirf j the present oalirio electiba campaign is bringing more members of the press to the front than any prtuoas ace there is s whole string of editors otx the list of candidates 0 a the g rit i ido there are mr did centre bcuce mr graham dundas mr balfoar soathj essex mr strattoc west ptcrboro dr gilmour west york tbe tories have mr creigh- loo korth grey mr campbell eu algoma hr sheppard ilaliimxnd mr mcgiuicudar kast lambioa mr davis sooth perth mrj carnegie west peter- boro mr clarke turacto ind mr mic- lean korth wentworth the queens birvuftr- the queens tfsti birthday annivensry on saturday was qnictly hex if y ally ob- erred by our citizens the welther wax delightful and a pleasant day was spent qnecn victoria nras born at kensington paltce on may 2lifa isuj her cnc wtliiaca la died on jcce j3tn lts37 so that the will hate reigned o3 years if ihe lives another month she was crowned on jan- 25th 1s33 j nearly id years igo prince albert ihcloaeens tttsband died on december icthvliol over ii vesrsigo tbey were tnarriedi on feb 10th isfo and hid nine children two of whom are desd tne prince of wales will bej years old next xcvcrcber his eldest son was 26 years old last january when the qceen dies the tnccii holiday wiii probably be trsntferred from mir tlhto koitsber 9th jln appreciative aircjtiirai society- kditors who receive comr lrcenlary tickets to acricclturtl fairs and other- places are often looked upon as deadheads bat the tnicigers of in ohio coanty fair who hive had some experience in such mitters had the following printed cpon the complimen tary tickets they issued this ticket probsbly his beea paid for ten times over neighbo news rubbed by corrcipsndenti otued from kicbaiisct and pitied ap by the way m1ltos tbe queens btrjbay oelabrttiod ou biturday wis well atiinded and the affair passed off jtatiifsctorlty to the driving park association who had lbs programme in charge mlltoo defeated the dofferini of orangevule in the lacrosse matoh ia a score of 8 to 2 1 for disturbing the bslvation army a week ago stoday night cbai j toes wu fined 1375 j at a meetitig of hamilton presbytery on tuesday the call from nelson and daodu street to rev qoorgo need him of kuox college toronto wis sustained i knitchbulx sfmcvdtitu peter wilson weaver of eden mills died suddenly on thursday evening i5lh init the deceased wu a native of gahuhiela scotland and came direct to kden mills where be hu resided over thirty years he wu highly respect ed by all rao knew him for hu many i let hog qualities he leaves a wife two sons and ooo daughter in kissaraweya on the tlb may the wife of john taylor of a ton died ouitha 2uh may the infunt soo of joha taydr j the warm and showery weather of the past few days is causing vegetation to grow rapidly the forest trees will soon be out in fall lesf and fruit trees are coming out in bloom j xassagaweva ettiv col clark will addreu the oleojton at ballinadd ou friday evening mr jiraw lainc of lot 33 oa 10 raised afloebn oupio o weeks oont fonit tbe cxcisriitvebaldifti cresting l favor- able impretaion among the people h ire at the township court of xuvis on the clerk presented ippeals from e 1 eswiok and r sing both of whom cotnpla ned of being too highly assessed on th ir realh- estite the court ft das coniic eralion decided on a redaction of 800 ed thi former iment and 1250 in tbe latter than riohardson having sold bis pi operiy lotovconato wm atcbeson hi wujtrock off the assessmenlrolf i nd the property ssseised lo wm atiheion after a number of nasnes hid boon intered on the assessment roll by vfrtne o man hoodraalifloiuodihoooart tdjouri ed till next meeting of coantn geokgetowx i i i jooa- annaal bv the papr to which it is issued it will be honored in the hinds of any man wocfin cr chili white black red or yellow who favore the aocistioa by prescnueg it it isgood far ectracxri grand etiadtcd the beirer if driving will u entitled to pass a team free j the association recog- nireathe fact thxt its splendid success is owing largely if hotwbouyko the ncticcs so freely givia by the press and while we cannot render an i equivalent in cash we return our gntefcl thanks a bright ya zzglxe cct stcrr a very wd occurrence wis the sudden death last tharsfixy rnorxing of mister fisnkcurc eldest son a mr gtorge clxrfc until the friday before he hid en joyed his giuxi hexlth fast that evening complaided of s pain in the left hip he did not go to work the next day and grtda- ally grew worse sneering great pain was for sereral diji delirious and died on thursday morning tbe trouble which caused his demise was of avery mysterious character he j wis tretted by two pbyricixcs without avtil it is beliered that bloodpoisoning euperindaced by a species of hip disesse was the cscae frank was a bright boy of fourteen years a favorite with all the fauersl on friday afternoon was very largely siended the sad event was the occasion of an excellent sermon by dr gifford in the methodist church on sunday evening rom isa- 41 10 ateek ct weddings last week wis prolific with weddings oa wednesday there were two at three oclock at that hor ir j w rse untied in the bonds of holy matrimony mr john lswsoa of harriaton and miss agnes anderson daughter of mr benja min anderson the ceremony wis per formed at the fcorre of the brides parents on mill street in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives the happy csuple idi ou tuesday for hsrris- ton rev- g bcooke wai the ofbriiting clergyman ai the other wedding on the aame day the principals- to the contract were or louis hcbriiierabeaiiasnd miss carrie eobson dsoghter of mrs bnsan robson and thetitea were performed at mrs robsonf residence on chorth street mr and mrs mcbrin3 left the same eren iag for toronto to spend a few days with friends there on the iltemoon of ihe queens birthday at 1 dclock rev dr gifford made another coople happy on thie occasion mr william murray of xai- sagaweys and j miss emily williamson eldest daughter of mr david williamson of the same township were joined in holy wedlock it lira parsonage the newly wedded pair left immediately- it the con clusion of the ceremony for burlington on a visit to friends of the bnde xo doubt june the month of eoses and marriages will add its csaal quota id the list a large and inflosntial meeting wu held here oa frdsy eving last by mr robin- spa he reform opdidite for this riding the township hm brookville waswctt filled and mri svhie tvas called to the chair mri hobiusd opened the ball by an address sbowing rvons why the agricul turalists especially shoald sappoct the mowat government ho wss followed by mr hartierton af at ion for an hour mr it presented tbe conservative side of the quet lion rfth considerable iagenuity sad pliasifatlity and if the audience had not known better herwqaldhave sacceeded in miking the worse appear the better cause he says hi cannot find the surplus owned by the provincial vernment which he and his friends leem go anxious to get hold of mr waldie mp for halloo follow- ed with alforcible address which thocgh not so glibly delivered u wu that of mr hcudersos answered th the objecuoasto the mowat government and carried con- victioa to the minds of in intelligent sadi- ence which repoitedly cheered him to the echo as he showed where he assets of the province were to be found mr robinson spoke at the close u othe liquor licenses and showed that if the appointment of the commissioner were hsnded over to the county ccancihv as proposed by mr meredith that lbs saloons and whiskey- interests would control the appointment of oar cooocillors and pat the temperance question under the control of the whiskey sellers utt was long ago the meeting was oa tie whole pretty orderlj- with tbe exception hi two or three persons who dis graced themselves and their- party by stamping knd yelling inindian warwhoop style j rer j hoagh and john marshall were away last week to the district meeting of the methodist charch at berlin mr john kitchen of corwhin was appointed to attend the conference which is to opened at stratford oa the 5th of jane the same day and hour u the provincial election a meeting of the township sabbath school association is to be held at the presbyterian eaurch near broosrille si 2 oclock oa wednesday jane ilth we are informed that one object of it is to tike into considerairon the advisability of holding a county sabbath school picnic la some central place at an early date the qaeeni birthdsypused very quiet ly some waiting wu done and a few went to distant picoics wesreallsteadygoing people cid it takes considerable to rouse the mechanic institute had its meeting lutwoek and elected the following offlcen for the year prwident john r barber vicepres thos boston w h kahrs seoty r e hirrison directors tsteele lgranf mst clark w p mooterh g reed tbe institute expended about 1180 lut year and bu 9335 on hand a meeting of tbe village merchant last week decided tq close at 8 pm dot lag the summer instead of 7 u heretofore conitable harley charged elo jopland before reeve kennedy on fridiy with nsing profane language on tbe street t the charge wu dismissed c fgilchriese fcr defendant herald the merchant are inclined to board of trade 1 s e beliale merchant tailor ha made an assignment nearly a hundred volumes hi fa been placed in the presbyterian sunday library jast as we were going to press yi sterday be tad news came of the drowning of yearold child of mr alfred roy dam theaocideot was a terrible ihock to ihe parents era id form school in the f for jnftmtt nd ohlldrer t cutoriauiosadsitedtochlldrtotut i outuemooloootipl ii16ooxfertbtbrl7811t 1 gubssjnrtoa nwudllofc tu oomra omrur 77 tbsnf 8m x y ontario elections count of halton to the electors proesxionsj clsjifs dr auld hu disposed of his here to dr springer of buriingtoa dr auld will return to georgetown where he will reenter partnership with dr vebster dr auld has mafe many friends in ac to a both professionally and socially di ring his short residence here and geoersl regret will be felt that he has decided to dr springer will arrive today to bis new field practice remove usume norman crewion a youcg man em ployed in mr i fnncis kid tannery met with a painful accident hut week he wu at work in the drying fcila hanging ap pel u when the horse upon which he wu standing capsized and he fell down the open stairway in falling his right arm was caught by a protruding oajl which inflicted an ugly tear fir inches bag and almost to the bone dr halsted dressed the wound tfbich required half stikhea everyone should call andsee oar fi 1000 11200 and ik00 suiu mide a order they are better value than can e gat at any other rlace in town by three dollars suit inspection invited fitguiranleed kxuxbcos- wool 50000 lbs wanted tne highest price in cash or merchandise will be given foro4cloa merfcanibjewoal wh mclrot co georgetown onf a dozen field cornandlarnipseed varieties to be bad from t h hxeudcg g your vote and lull ucuce ir reapoctull rouel for ai your represenuuvo in the leqislative assembly of oni iliovixci june 5tb 100 ontario elections county of halton to tbe electan your vote and iuuuouca are rofpoctftolr requested for s more cksbs of chioice milliiiery passed into stock this week at r b j6rmyh lso new dress goods challie3 and prints ai joar rcproscnutlvs in the legislative assembly ok oxtahio i vfji ulhfnlly dikfaftive ujo ilatin of lb i reiulblc iuoo tad do tnjr atuiott to gurd four inuroiu election junk stli 1800 equal riahtb to all the golden lion of guelph readymade wonderful value we ofler big drives in curtains and carpets t dont forget our boot and shoe department l theres bargains in nobby footwear there r b jermyn ifc 1 fl headquarters -for- house cleaning suppliei even requisite on hand v clothina carpets boys two piece sails nutty little things ages from- 3 to ii years from 8200 to 8g00 the young people have not yet quite ued up all the measles as there is consid erable of u ijingloose around the township yet andqoite a number are only recovering there hare been a good many bad cases 0ika1iix sprin goo arriving daily district hieetiiiz j the meeu3 oc the gaalph district of tbe metboditl charch wis held ia fergra lut weducritj tai tharsday there is i- fdli attesiance of miaiatere aad lay dele- eates eer dr willooghby prraidiog eev dr gifford of actoa was elected sec retary with ber j w charefaill george- tjwn acd eeviw hharrey ba-eock- kood as aaaifitante the report showed an increase membership and con tribdionl j2433 beiiig contributed to tbe hission fond an advance of over t200 beyond last year bet g b tnrk ocgaelph was elected tepres- entatire tothe etatiooing committee rev boberf davey gebrgefewn and mrh p moore acton to tne conference sunday school committee and mr w g smith goelph to the missionary comaitte tfessrs aaahaji and ht moore were elected lay represenlatsves for acton to attend tbe anirnar conference which opens at stratford nelt thursday at 0 am fob bitiibecretary stoves wriitas- desks cupboards tables and books oheap mas 8 a8zcim hr ki baysshi a native of japan who ia at present a etndent of victoria collece coboorg gave a very enlerta and in structive addreu in the methodist church on thur day evening his remarks were chiefly a out japan describing the empire people relipon etc ifr kohayashi andersta ids english very well bat has a little dif icuky in eipresaing himself in words mt when we consider that he has only ben studying this language for eighteen months we are surprised that be has mu erai it so well 6oos by krs b g mooi a and mnsic by the chair added greatly to the evenings enjoyment at the clow oi the meeting a number of ladies reqneste 1 hi kobayaahi to give an seconnt of his ct aversion this be did very briefly by sayii g that he was always inclined to be good ind that his friends called him the praying child and told him that the gods loved h m but his troe inversion he saidwt i the result of the bible teaching and effi rtl put forth for tbe salvation of his son by bev dr eby the meeting was of unusual interest and stirred op many b jarts to give and work more cheer fully in the mission field the th was a lively day in oakrille tbe toi r being flooded with strangerh whoa ne by boat and train from toronto and ij srailton the procession in the roornit was very good though not overly large the representations of ihe oakville leathe r co the minstrel troupe and john bull a e worthy of mention a caravan filled c it with rag dolls old clothes tins basket etc representing the result of tree nit attracted no little attention and ci afed much amusement this nn doabt was the idea of tome rank conaer vattve the prooeasion was headed by the band boice music being played all the while tn the afternoon a base ball math was played between the stars of oakvi le and the athletics of hamilton durrn the evening the baud held a concert in the park wehavenowabandofwhioh every dakvillisn ought to be proud eev wm eettlewell attended the annual meet ig of the milton district of the meth odist burchon tuesday and wednesday of las week the report of the oaktiue chart i was very creditable the sum of bojs three piece knicker bocker saits 9 to 13 years price from 400 to 800 tapestry carpetrfrom 30c up unioirparpets from 35c up allwool carpets from 75c up brussels carpets from 75c up we have pleasure in announc ing that we are making large accessions to oni stock every day that the goods havie been purchased on the most advantag eous terms the goods have ad vanced from 10 to 15 per cent since we have purchased we shall give the entirebenetttto oar patrons i silks dress goods pottous and imported woollens have ad vanced the most wehave a magnificent stock of dress silks and dress goods wd hegin dress goods at 5c perydj dress silks at 25c per yd a beauti ful satin ifervat 50c per yd our black aud colored henrietta cloths are unsurpassed far quality and lowness of price our millinery departtneut is in lull swing great novelties stylish kats and bonneti oar dressmakiug is m active operation we turn out presses gowns mantles and wraps to suit the most fastidious oar ordered clothing depart ment is in firstclass working mens suits fjobm50 up mens coats frorc 200 up allwool tweed aii immense stock to choose froth four times the size of any stock in town i velvet pile carpets from 90c up tape 75c up edged curtains from curtain poles and trimmings from 25c up- wall paper ceiling corners centers and borden the largest toekifld neatest patterns ws have ever had spring samples now ready come smdaeeibeni window shades fancy linen in beautiful shades of color and design in deoarat on all squared asd hemmed with spring boilers complete ready for immediate use also paper sbadeairtivarrni and by the yard i- ij j alabastine j a full supply of this favorite kalsomine those who have used it once will have ne other all the popular shades inistock paints oils varnishes ejxv j glue whiting washing soda pearline washing crystal soaps brooms brssbja ate everything you wantf or a general cleanup also prof- barks disinfectant and deodorizing powdet hardware spades shovels garden rakes glass arm a general atock of ft groceries and pure spieeh v w our 50 cent t beats them all t- j b peabson j hcton a i g 1 madras scrim lias very cheap and art mns- j d williamson c co 5 and 7 wyndiam st guelph 84 oswald st qlabgow j253 30 being raised during the year in- cludii g ministers salary and subscriptions to all umnm the societies andfuqdsconnected with tbe c inroh thi oakvills methodist choir rendered sever j anthems at the teameeting held is mt 1 leaiant methodist charoh oa monday evenig- their services were highly aj preci ued m boose editor of the plattsvilia beh baturdajf and sunday in town- be order we have been busy all winter the reason why- we turn out garment to fit and prices to suit readymade clothing in profusion carpets and oilcloths beauti ful goods and very low prices ladies and gent3 footwear latest styles and lowest prices as a further inducement to patronage we will givd to any partv that will buy for dash 830 worth of goods at onte or at different times a book worth 6 websters- encyclopaedia and worlds atlas and anither i- ducementto whomsoever will huy for cash 2000 worth ot goods a choice of three articles ih silver- ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing a half dozen table forks a half dnjzen tea spoons and one butter knife and one sugar shell or a pi ikle cas tor or a better disban j of them worth over 300 tic cets will be turnished to show the amounts purchased at different- 1 mes and when the amount is purchased they will get the choite of the articles presents are n exhihi tion in tbe store com i and get the great bargains in d y goods and the- presents vfith the bargains wmcleodtsjco geoltgetowh guelph cloth hall new spring overcoatings scotch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph r finew- wateh repairing i we have jusrpurchajed- a stock or fine american main springs k fine jewels aid other good material for watch rcpairiug bring your work to v b sayage watchmaker cuelph m war with tite kmfe ckrpets -at- j h matthews cutting up the best leather that money can buy and mak ing it up into no i harness if you want a set of heavyor light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or any thing in my line call before dealing elsewberej as i am bound to please in prices and material repairing promptly and neatly dpne a pleased customer will call again is our rxiotto j h matthews acton just to hand the following lines brussels oarpets allwool oarpets hemp oarpets tapestry oarpets union oarpets stajr carpets clark thompson carpet house guelph mext door to herod co 30 lower wy ndham st a i mr smfh

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