Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1890, p. 2

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borjt trr in eiqiieaine oa the stui star die tfc acalxyufmalitaeui ajmhiatii acton ott jane ted the wife of mr aler baniabk- of a ion cltrbtlllninilon a end msr ih rte ot hnb cllnrtku cphegslrlr oi ion kimrslq samatatrers on the ul jahccicnrr 6ars st tn hit 5htyith roer cljt rtitt jtrct ffrcss v thoasdayjuke5 votes axo coxxemx the rumor i revived that before be nexteesaioa ot parliament mr blake will hate resumed the leadership of the liberal party the cts poetmajtergeneralu collect- ia information urregatd to the working of andercroand pneumatic tabes with lh object ia rie ooooqectinj bjlhts sratem the lare postoffice ia the oodatry with the cabsutioacj at the aommatiom lut thursday foar member were flioctcd by acclamation hoa otirer mowat xorth osford and a evanlarel prescott for the government and meaara w r meredith london and a fwood korihhutingafoctheoppoa- ilioc by the official cocnt mr rykertt raa- joritrin lincoln iaplaced at thirty the liberaia who neglected to record their totes and there were eight hundred ot them can deriw fomfort from the rtanlt by thinking abcat tlwhal it mifiht hive been if ai j the city eonncilof montreal has adopted a resolution favoring the coostnictioa of t general traffic and railway bridge across the st lawrence in front o the city the plan is ta hate the bridge at one point 175 shore the water and ao ooattmct it as cot to interfere with nangatioo trk sqmika las thlrsdat the uominatiaas for the parpow of elecu ing a penoa to npretcqt the county o haiton in the leaatare ot ootarte dar ioc tbe oett fullttent wu held iuiu thursday afternoon at one oclock sher iff clement returning officer presided the cottlnationa were made as follows hesev robtsaos mted by john r barber seconded by d wheelihan w ksaxf motot by d henderion- econded by andrew elliott at the expiration of the time for receiv iog nominations dr robertson wu elected to the chair and the meeting wu addressed by messrs robin tan snd kent the csndi daloa messn john r barber d uta- dectou sad othcri that the czar is standing on a volcano ah teem to idrnftbat whether it will barfit oc be quietly cooied by timely and jodicioc concessions the i events of the next two years will determine had t urn xl been urn saiga ted by a few wild nihil ists b oasis would now enjoy a constita- tiousl government tbe soldier prince snd his winsome princess the dote and duchess of coa- naught spent several days during the weefc in toronto hamilton xiagra falls and ottawa lo taste the flavor of ontario hos pitality they were received with cheerst with waving of hais and handkerchiefs- with fervid enthusiasm on all odea while resonant voices uplifted in the thrilling strains of god save the queen neighborhood news ttrnuhcd by correspondent culled from kxchuif es dq ticked up by the way kurchbull mr saycn father of peter and jam sayan kuiagswaya died iqddenly on sunday tbe fruit trees present an atlcactiva p pearanoe and ptoipecla are rood to far for a iare yield road work wu commenced aa several beats in townships daring the put week r0ckw00d crop prospect in msnitobe are according to latest despatches magnificent so far the acreage town is large and the wheat plants though not rank are strong and healthy are thick enough and are evenly distributed it is toearlyloo admit ofmuch confidence being founded opon present pros pects and there is a gauntlet of possible evils to be run droughts and too much rain gophers arid early frosts are all din gers ahead but a good btginningisencour ging the war officenas renewed itnoffer of six commiasionk annuslly in the carsiry or in fantry of the line to officers of the active militia of canada the canditions under which these commissions are granted have teen amended by an amy order dated lit april 1590 and applicants for these com missions wji be supplied from ottawa with a copy at that order when applied for through the usual military ehann1 a candidate oust have served st least fifteen months as an officer and attended two annual trainings he must apply for nomination before the 15th january each year 1 tbe british government has mooted the idea of buying out frances fishing rights on the xewfoundlind coast- tn is tbe only satisfactory solution possible frances right lo fish en the grand banks would not be at all diitdrbed by a setfte- ment of the newfoundland question as the bankfisheries are in the bieh seas and free to every nationj la fict if the french sold their newfoundland coast fth rights the people of kewfoundland wo uld in all probabihtyi be willing or sell them bsifmore freely h the french refuse to arbitrate they must be confined strictly to their rights aa laid down in the treaty and these are small and of utile value if no license is allowed- wtintts ire euctiox touav today the general election to the pro vincial assembly will take place in the eighty five couitiueneies of ontario where members were not elected by acclamation lut thursday tbe result is altogether uncertain owing principally to the intro duction ot the equal rights and separate schools issues bat the tale will be told today every elector ia this constituency bar been civeo an opportunity of both hearing and seeing the platforms on which the two leaders of the politics parties of the country are seeking the suffrages of the people and they have also heard the dec larations and promises of the standard bearers in hilton all men ihoald by thist time have made cp their minds how they will vote and even elector should go man fully to the palls and vote tor the candidate he considers best desemeg of his cqpport this bcingthe first time thencwfnachwe act u it affects provincial elections bu been pat into operstioa some na doubt are unfamiliar with the qualifications required persons entitled to vole must be on voters list must be british subjects snd 21 years old mcschsve resided in onttrio for nine months preceding lime fired by statute for beginning wmake assessment rollon which list is based vie 15th feb 1es0 unless altered by bylaw see rso 1w tec 13 or twelve months preceding time np to which complaint may be made to county judge tinder vovers list act vir 50 days after list posted by clerk see ontario stst lj chap 3 sec 13 most have been bona fide resident of and domiciled in municipality at the time fired u sforessjd vir for commencing assess ment roll or for making complaints against agiiust voten list must on polling day be a readeut of and domiciled in riding and mast have resided in riding continuously since the time fixed as aforesaid xiz far commenc ing assessment roll or for making com- plaints against voters list as the case may be temperorary absence as lumberman mariner fisherman or student does not disqualify l the following persons are dufrsnchujed for provincial elections judges and stipendiary magistrates officers of the customs- clerks of the peaoe county attorneys eegiitrarc sheriffs deputy sheriffs deputy clerks of the crown agents far the sale of crown lands postm uteri in cities and towns officers employed in collecting excise dutiesl the returning officer and his election cleric any person who has been employed at the election or w reference thereto in for warding the same and for which services he has been is or expects to be paid or rencmersted any person bribed any person paid or who has been pro mised payment a for loss of time travelling expenses c hire of team deputy returning officers and pad clerks may vote ko man shall vote who is at the time of voting in receipt of charity from a chari table institution voting is the only means of properly testing public opinion and it issdnty every man who is qualified ewes to himself and his country then be a man come out and vote and dont wait until yoa are sent for gdelph coxfeeexce tbe annual fiessfoi which opens tlds horning at stratford programme of the proceedings the gofllph conference of the methodist church opens at nine oclock this morning at btnlfbrd we give herewith a phm of the various services to be held during the session r j rcbuc szevtces srsroir jcse 8 central methodist ciisrch9 tm lovefeut egr tium- amy it c qrtiizitiaa service tennon by bevljobii potu d d- eaocav i school sdarebtec pjh- sere david bodgers and wb torraaoe 7 pja- jfcv junes flvry nas d d lcrii cspner cendsctad in- her wwleectt j witcrioo street methodist cccrcb 11 tc3 eetv w shuicic b jc 3 nun bcadiy school idcnnecj ecrt e icoown b d cad samuel e edxtrfe 7 nxi eer g e tcrk j ecor oxrrrh ii lte zerjotcvh edze 7 pxa eetawtccge1 u aadnrs oimzii ii tji bex bl hcttca 7 pjc uer iiiaeslirizgiioae bta ctiardi u sjcu kt secry e hill 7 xp el kt besjieiin skezkxk cocrtsiuonal cbirtb u us ecv eobcrt wdier 7 pjhwt eow phiuipt trtarelkal cbciea il ua ker jlndrew 11c- cdioch 7pclectalertliiudeatl irrexoox sncviccs ttiinace lfmnt ia city hau x tiia kcve tkcuapbelltadfkcffcct hetties in vk ci x hall 03 ecvt g f bttoo and alex bifis b i jtvnairr service wodcesd jcset 7t5 teispcrsccc meeting ker geo kiciitriscn joseph brown ktci eev tnoc gte i -i- tbsndtr jane 5 sender school meetics ecv c hfcndcrsoa 0 d ltc kord esq- eev cf ceroid l l d fridsrjncc 7jiiitocption oi nrolationen ken ja jhhi ud s e- wieocgnbr d d setarttrjaae73hjn ttealoexl uaioa lctcrebr vv jeiac mcuuter tijeae rchn5 for got ia bk worts- led it l- tier wclhifct f kocderrfcae 7jo edsceuosel holier eet there will about zr ministers and lay delegates in attendance death destkovs etidi3cce fatal laldtnt us jtn faiportant witness in uiebenwelliranlercaw- gtielph police commissioners have ap pointed mr edward a fitxaimmons on the police force farmers on the town line of erin and ecamosa are suffering greatly from the ravages of dogs among their flocks lut week an lha 7th concession ersmosa wm boley had three killed wm bailey one and joseph hymiu foar on he town line j blanchfield four ed mcdermol one wm sunter one harry daffield two and messrs thacker and coffee had also some worried all these were killed d isevetal were badly torn besides the dogs were followed up aud shot i erik col clarfcffjield roasiug meetings at os- ipringe and balkaafad au friday candi- date hampton had a good meeting ia ibalhuafad on saturday evening the quarterly oocamuntoa services were held in burps church last sabbath i mr i oi stringer of wycliffe college toronto has taken charge of the services in the english church here far the sammec months coart of revision held an adjoaraed meeting lut fridsy afternoon i ospringe now hu an m d dr j d mckaoghtcn nephew of dr stcxaaghlcn of tbjs village has opened an office there kiltok i the young peoples association of knoi church will give a grand concert in the town hall on thursday june 12th lieut j j zealand of kb 7 co 20th bstl went to toronto hut week to take a special coarse at the infantry school the bishop ot niagara held a confir mation in omagh last san day at ich30 am the waterworks has just cost another iloj for hose kew weigh scales have been put in at the ic town hall at a cost of mj0 mr j h mccailum is mr robinsons agent and mr i cartimer is acting in tfce ssme capacity for mr kerns mrf w houinrsxe has passed hie conference examinations at albert college belleville securing a first class certificate j there was the uscal number of drunken men on the tiih and there always will be as long the law makes it legal to sell liquor to such results during scott act cor public days were much mare orderly than since itforiaer tee diocese of htjciltov wbemok jane ffj george hcyes grsqd trunk ptsceager trhi brskeman was lu- stsntly killed jeseraay iuorliing in the frefght yard in windsor while oocpliog cars hayes dropped toe coapling pia sad was stooping to pick it apwhen his head wu caoght between the bam pen of o dn he leareci jvidow he wax about u yesrtold hayeswuoae of be principal witnesses in the birchsli- ben well murder case and his odden death robs the crown of one witoeu who uv bfrchall and his victim on the trajo eiilioii itowlinc mst clerical changes sad anitolntments it is officially announced that the kt rev dr dowlicg bishop of hxmilton has made the following changes and appoint ments in the diocese eev father slaren lately of oafcville to be pastor of gait eev father kelly of st paicfcs church hamilton to be pastor at oak- ville rev father feaney of priceville to be assistant pastor of pricevule bev father msloney o arthur to he pastor of priceville eev father burke to be pastor of msc- toa rev father oriby of mscton to be pastor of ccjedoaia rev father haley to be assistant of st patricks church hamilton rev father donnelly to be assistant at arthur these changes will take effect on the first saturday ic july personal pntlon parafraphieeipmunivliltorito and from acton with whim fte presi readers aremore or leu acquainted mr joseph peters of milton wu in town over sunday miii aggie ramsey visiied friends in guelphoa sunday mr and mrsroberttlliottaaddaughter of guelph visited frieaui bete over son- day mr robt anderson if acton spent the jgth with friend in- mt forest rtpru- ctatik mr james and mist ifigte symon of fort arthar ate visitii friends in acton and vicialy mrs r flanagan aa james kicklio of lowell mich are here viiitiug the sick bed of heir mother mr albert latcg wh for some timehu been working in miltc i was home for a few days this week mrs rev h j fa r and children of ersmosa were the gvesta of mr a laing sod family this week mn w h storey was taken very ill lut week while on a vis t lo friends in tor oato she is now reoovjring sheriff clements ws in townoa mon day swearing in his deputy returning officers messrs j c hill and w j moore mr john thompson ivho left liere lut august on a trip to scotland rclnrocd home lut monday he is now viiiting his daughter in kasssgsweyja rev pr gifford left on tuesday and messrs asa hall and h p moore jester- day for stratford to attend the annual session of guelph conference mrs brown ot fort erie died at the county poor hoase lut thursday at the ripe old age cf 102 years she was the old- est person living in the section mr and mrs j t ziu of limehouse leave this morning for au extended trip to friends in detroit cleveland and iowa they will be absent far iboat a month mr d d birks of kusagaweya son of- rev w birks will be- congratulated by many friends on passing lis first year examination at victoria college cobourg mr d henderson addressed a meeting of about 1000 people in the city hall guelph on mondsy eveamg referring to hia address the empar cays his expos ition of the governments surplus was the ablest and most convincing argument jn the question yet presented to the electors cf this riding showing a careful study of the subject at the close oi his hours speech he was loudly applauded 7 price of cleaning or that yoa will take it to some other shop and u they think theyd better have the i tban nothing very foot i ably run the risk of toting tbedr reputation if they ever had toy of doing good work 1 have many a tlnu bad to gin work back to my journeymen who left a hole unbuibrd which ought to have been done to insure timekeeping just because they thought tbe owner would object to paying for it now when i commenced basinets about s3 year ago i started out on this principle that i would do whatever a watch needed to make it ran istitfaotor iy and if the witch wu not worth doing i would tell tbe owner so at once aodgive it back without charge bat 1 ooald not weir oat my oonititatioa which wu weak eoed in my youth by having to go oo rcgnlarly to sunday school by trying to do a tlso worth of work for i would rather do ten watches a week at i and have my customers satisfied than do 20 at 75 cents and have them go somewhere else next time became not utisfied i want my business to be in tach a shape that if i have not made enough to keep me when 1 get too old to work i will at least have a reputation for having all work done by me doce well which will be the next thing to being able to retire 1 have not mounted this thorough work horse like they uy the meredith party have the protectant horse just to ride into power and will per haps mount some other horse next election i have been riding this horse ever since i went into business not because i am one of these goody goody boys that wa read about in the sunday school books but because i thiuk it the best and surest way to make most money and i dont intend to be ope of the 000 who have to keep their nose to the grindstone all their life or if i do have to i want the stone mighty well greased yours g d pexxgix skbing crash geoegcmwk mr a w strulhers gave his excellent ihibitioa the life of christ in the methodist church last evening the social clab of the caugreghioa church held their closing entertainment on monday evening the quarterly rural deanery meeting in connectioa with hsltoa and k went- worth was held at st georges church on monday and tuesday communion services were held in the presbyterian church on sunday col murray of esqaesing caught fine trout i pounds 3 ounces mr andrew adams georgetown another i poaods the other day herald mr doogald reid addressed the munr- cipal council in a letter u your humble body theg t r dont want the water our proposed new waterworks proposed to supply for aboat f 100q per annum only two appeals were presented at their coart of revisioa both were dismissed the shareholders of the public shed want to sell out to the council for hl the shedcosi them 1700 the coancil dont wnt any more property bat think as the presbyterians use the shed each sanday tbx aboald boy it w there are rumors of changes in the rail way facili ties here the reports are test the g t r contemplate building a union station at the junction and thus do away with tbe present stations- how much truth there ir in the ruraoc we cannot ay but the matter has evidently been talked of by g t r- magnates herald maps and full information concerning rates etc over any route to manitoba the north west or the western states may be had at the gracdtrunk station acton i tails everyone should call andsee onrslooo 11200- aqd skoo suiis made to order they are better value than can be qt at any other rlace in town by three dollars a suit inspection inviteq fit guaranteed kjxlr beos lowut riteoj ayers hair vigor haiidiei iftauer asd scicide wikiion june 1 what will probably result in a murder happened in the3rook er settlement wedoesdiy night two fanners jones and speechley got into an altercation about a cow and when jones started to take the animal off speechleys farm he was set upon by the latters wife and son who csed pitchforks jones body and head is frightfully cut and his physi cians have grave doubts cf his recovery george cooper x resident of windsor tried to commit suicide list night he waded into the river at walkeryille then went back to the shore and picking up a large stone tried to break h skull chief of police griffiths siw him howeveraod arrested and locked him up struct ly lijtttniaj ctijiusnmrgsont june 2 during a heavy thunderstorm which passed over this section last evening lightning struck tbe residence of g e smith fruit and grain dealer near this place damaging it tothe extent of about 1200 covered bjria- sarance in the western considerable damage was done to fruit and other crops by hail which fell ia large qaantities in seme sections stiirfdc near mount krydges ifocsr bsvikiiw jane i george 8im- mdas sfsrraer living about sis milts from here during a fit of eraporaryinunity to- daycomrnitted i a ic id e tie deceased wu prosperous and highly respected among hi friends 0aeville last thursday evening was the scene ot a great excitement in our town as i walked up street the first thing that greeted my eyes wu a tall majestic looking man dressed in a suit of bright red flannel fol lowed by the bend anda number of soldiers lighthearted throngs were rustling down the street leading to tbe town hall pleas ant voices were filling the sjill and balmy air merry groups had already gathered in the hall andas one approached it their vetoes could be heard floating from the open windows spirits werchaoyant and toogues unfettered everything seemed lo be a mingling- cf laughter and music and all this excitement was over a hallelujah wedding two salvation army captains were united in tbe holy bonds of matri mony before the ceremony wu pert orrn- si each soldier present gave his or her ex perience two of the mostnoted characters sere evidently mather sunshine and a converted infidel after they had spoken lhe crowd which had gathered were horror ttricken for behold one of the gsptains lulled the poor bridegrooni on the platform jy the hair of his head and told him to give lis experience sorely for the hut few ninutes it would be anything but a happy rae perhaps the captain wua giving him l uste beforehand of married life the lushing bride who hii the misfortune to tprain her ankle dating the day now took ier place oa the- floor supported by schir tnd the baewul bridegroora followed in juicfc parsait the ceremony commenced aid everything was as still as could be but is sooq as the minister pronounced them nan and wife what a clatter what a beal- ug cf drums one would have thought that he fenians were not far off however cupposelhey were overflowing with happi- lesa and had to give vent to it in some way the happy couple were honored with a erenade from onr town band a very interesting time was spent at the i t of- t- couudl on fridiy evening at he previous meeting it was resolved that i cli one present slioald give a speech of ioc less than a mioute td not exceeding our many ttmfd ones refused to sttud n their feet much less say a few words- bile more ymid ones stayed away speeches were gireoon astronomy what ever is is best the beauty of a fare life elections temperance punctuality tad nioa of the different organizations s the ideal hslrfdiesaihg- it re- 1 stores the co lor to gray hilr promotes a fresh and vigorous growth prevents the formation cf dandruff makes ths hair soft and silken anil imparts a deli- caie but lasting per fuiie several months ago my hair com menced falling out anil in a few weeks my head was almost bald i tried many butthey did bo good i final- ly bought a botile ot ayers hair vigor and after using only a part of the con tents my head was covered with a hesvy growth of hairj i recommend your preparation as the best in the world x munday sharon grov ey i have used ayers hair vigor for a number ot yean and it pas always given me satisfaction it is at ercelleat dress ing prevents the hair from turning kj insures its vigorous growth and ps the scalp whlte and clean mary- a jackson saleu mass i have used ayers hair vigor for promoting the growth bf the lair and think it unequaled fpr restoring the hair to its original color and for a dress ing it cannot be surpassed mrs geo l fever eaton eapidi mich ayera hair vigor ls a most excel lent preparation for tbe hair i speak of it from my own experience its uso promotes thp growth of new hair and makes it glossy and salt the vigor is also a care for dandniffv j w bowen editor enquirer mcarthur ohio i have used ayers hsir vigor for the past two years and found it all it la represented to be it restores the natu ral color to gray hairjcauses the hair to grow freely and kseps it soft and pliant mrs m v day cohoes x v mr father at about lost afi the hair from the top ot his head of ayers hsir aiming and la fine growth at p x cullen after one months tris vigor the hair began three months he had i hair of the natural color saratoga springs k 1 ayers hair vigor rufllld dr j c ayr k ca do watci1ukks chilgetoo ulch hoet of yoa codd ooai mors wltchmilen tha who hve beeu sole to retire ud live oa the age of fifty loweu mist t oa one finger 00 ooald cirae be bckneas bat iifih to coant tile gaeiph done fry poods men we maflt admit tint tbe nicett tad c leapeit windo sbdef are to be bad at i xllx bow iney alio have a ytry floe field conmfldionupwed all variatfea ruiortmentof boyeaad children epring to 1c bad from t tf rumrx grocer uli ail uze and away dova fii pricea what they hare made at very few have fingers eno retired farmersho live i can name dozens of tocera and mannfactarfl i who no loocer need to work bat live cpo i the income of their profite while in tirade while 22g watchmaker oat of every 1000 have to keep their noae to the griitdatoae ontil they have died of old age kcv if this proves anything it at least profes that we as watchmakers arenot making fortnnes out of watch owners and that jthe prices for re pairing are not so high that we can make anything more than bare ilvingoat of them i think as a class watonmakers are as economical in their living as any in the province i dont want yoa to think i am going to try and raise the price of watcii repairing i prefer fo rcaae my pile by- getting more to do atthe prices as they are the price for cleaning has been a i in on tario ever since i was born mainsprings the same jewels generally are a s bat some are more i new i staff or what might- de called the aiiejof the balance wheel costs 8250 or a pivot on one end of iths0 theonlytwo watchmakers whom i can recollect in gaeiph id lhe last so years who tried a abort jcat to make a iortnoe by cntting dows these prices became baokrapt in a lev years one of them who took great pains to advertise watcheacieacedfot75ceutsaind mainsprings for 75 oflnts wenjerary and i dont wander at it rebels it takes mostkli matchmakers oil their time to make a living st regalar prices i think it possible tbst if man could af- ford to take tbe time to do the work well at 75 centals wonld eventually make loss of money bat probably it would be like the horse which- the owner tripi to make live without eating joat as he was getting used to it he died it has ofletj been tried and proven that a workman caaoot spend suffi cient time over the job of cleaning a watch to do it well for less than a and who wants their watch poorly done to save i5 oenti one thing i think j the fanlt with moat watchmakers and that is they have allowed themselves lo be bcllied into feaving things done in your watch which ought to be done tn make the watch give satis faction becanas they were afraid yoa will kick if they charge yon more than tbe bare abe arriving daily we have pleasure in announc ing that wo are making largo accessions to onr stock every day that thu goods have been purchased an the most advantag eous terms the goods have ad vanced froraio to 15 per cent since tve have purchased w shall give the entire benefitto our patrons silks dress goods cottons and imported woollens have ad vanced the moct wa have a magnificent stock of dress silks and dress goods we begin dress- goods at 5c peryd dress silks at 25c per yd a beauti ful satin merv at 50c per yd our black and colored henrietta cloths are unsurpassed for quality and lowness of price our millinery department is in full swing great koveltie stylish hats and bonnets oar dressmaking is in active operation we turn out dresses gowns ilantiea aod wraps to suit the most fastidious our ordered clothiug depart ment is in firstclssa working order we have been bnay all winter e reason why we turn orstgsnrjfeuts to fit and prices to salt betdymnde clothing in p carpou and oilcloths beauti ful roods and very low prices i ladies and gents footwear latest style and lowest prices as a farther inducement to patronage we will give to any partv tbaj will buy for cash iw worth of goods at onco or at different times a book worth b websteri encyclopaedia and worlds jatlaa and another l- dncementto whomsoever will buy for ctkh 92000 worth of goods a choicl of ttree articles in silver ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing a half dozen table forks a half dozen tea spoons arid one butter knife and one sugaj shell or a pickle cas tor ora batter disbaay of them wortlr ovjjrss00 tickets will be tarnished to show the amounts purchased at different times and when the amount is purchased they wrll get thejehoice of the articles presents are on exhibi tion in thu store come and get the groat bargains in dry goods and the presents with the bargains wwcleod co oeohoetown second hand dow a cow ash m suss bossi thkrjwnimrs- tbe foundations have giren away and g rices hare tumbled into the cellar mr ollert has returned from a trip to the eastern markets and a whole cargo of grand bargains for out great june sale have followed closely after he found people who had more guods than they knew what to do with and the result is a gathering of tbe greatest and beat bargains that it has erer been our good fort ana to offer the electrifying- influences of these goods toaeh you from every part of tbe home in the dress goods de partment in the staple department in the millinery department ia the cloth department in the carpet and hoase furnishing department all orer the house we shall hold a grand 8ummer carnival commencing with the first week of june and on each and every day satcrday nights included deal out these tempting offers to the thousands who will get the benefit of tfaem we are treparicg for a big rush saturday last gave u a foretaste of what we may expect utterly unable to attend to the crowd who thronged our tore we tender onr apologies and with increased help and proper arrangements of the immense piles of goods will do our best to serve every customer to the beat advantage our whole stock it very attractive for in addition to these grand bargains ocr general stack of choice goods foe the summer trade in silk dreas goods fancy dry goods millinery wrapt par asols blouses visiles embroideries lace goods carpets curtains and clothing never was in such a splendid condition of variety and vaiae we havent space to particularize just as a sample of what you many expect will mention only one line this ia a pile of 5i3 pieces equalling 1s0igj- jsrda of prints batteens and fancy cashmerettes some of them are sold at less than 10 cents moit of them at u and 15 cents we are able to sell them to yoa at 5 cents per yard send for sampiesr j or a ma yourself and get the benefit of this magnificent offering sjeictlt cash no credit t e r b0llert 4 co 25 27 lower wyndham st guelph 2r- more cms es -of- ghoice millinery pissed into stock tkis week at r b jertuyyns also new dress goods r challie 3 and prints r we ofrer big- drives in curtains and carpets dont forget our boot and shoe department theres bargains in nobby footwear there r b jermyk johnnie gtet your gun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store ill co a hat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for about a dollaf a pair of boots and iteckings too my poor old toes are looking bine ill go five for a new suit yes ten and eet an overcoat ill be a dade i will you bet a city swell aristocrat hold oo that aint all yet an undershirt and panti 111 get iii buy a pair of gloves unlined- if they dont ahow a better kind a pair of braces in theyll give for im the stuff thats going to live to travel the country oer snd oer axd recommend kellybcos store some groceries too im going to buy for my dear wife as well as i tei sngar and other things ill get we intend to live till we hae to quit they sell so cheap it is really funny what a lot you get for a little moce- j they sill for cash and bny goods right becaase they say to draw at bight other merchants cant boy so cheap becaase they dont go in so steep they sell on tick their money is out and theyve to mind what theyre aboat and do you think i have the staff of which few if my get enough tn buy a sait from head to toes if not im here as grub for crows if i aint goodlooking i have conceit j that i can pay for what i wear and eat for credit is one of the greateat curses f ill tell you in tbe next two verses j i look like a man thats chased by dogs j oh worse than that lhay were really bogs j they charged two prices for their goods j they chased me to the ery woods j foiuslp lots5iaodari-i- aftoa adurttt ry mala ia 1 krysgdt r foji sale a uiuoj of artoii cbarh irwu hatiz- liri tod toft l il ti becaase the blut coaldnt pay my grain was poor and cheap was hay im honest boys yes im a dandy woald give them the money if i bad it handy before i left ill tell yon square while the wind is whistling through my hair i happened to put in my left hip pocket twenty in cash in there i socked it thats all i have not one cent more bat it will bay most at kelly bros itox and alter this i intend to buy at kellys store ontil i die yon think this rhyme contains no sense well let yon say so withoat defence but tobaygoodscheapand tosave afas pay the cash and deal with na kelly bros the great 4- clothing house jxcioil business flourishing lately at the right house hamilton enormous qosntius of xev and faahionablo goods arrividg at this celebrated hoasa from europe every week sad every maaafactarer wbo sells to wstkios knows that be payjprocrpt casb alid therefore they sell him at their rery lowest prioes so that he ii enabled to sell his goods so oheap aa always to attract immeose crowd of customers he spares do trouble or time in homing op the very latest styles of goodi aod sells them st small fronts so that thousands of ladies come to the- rhrht hoase with tbe atroost coofldenee that they will get their wanttlapphed on the very best terms tek carfr of fw goods this week contwkino dress anjjtrimufkg silks in p0sge8 faille and sdrah silk plcsh silk velvets ribbon velvets velveteens cashmere dress goods silk sashes flannels tickings white cottons dress shields dress linings dress steels fsscy aprons corset covers ladies satchels lawn neckties silk mitts a large assortment of hsndsome fsns hat frames ladies straw hsu corsets dress buckles collars and cuffs dress buttons cotton and 8ik threads and twist chenille and pltlsh cijrtarnr tiahked down from 1000 to 000 from mt5 to wj0 and from 375 to ii ladies gossamers from 3toi1 curtain scrim at 15o worth soo ladies and m18se8 cotton andnlible hose and imperial silk glove8 down to about half prices charming newfitile8 of c08tumes marked down very low 8ee the lace mitts thev are selling off fak below their value laces grpstly reduoed in prioes the carpete window blinds and an almost endless variety of houeefoxnishloge are selling fast aa they are handsome new styles and telling very cheap just see the bi88ell carpet sweeper it is the most improved style out and is warranted to save the price of itself in any ordinary bonse to broshing off cerpeta in one year watkins ia tbe sole agent for it please eoter tbe stores east of tbe carpet window many make mistakes and do not get into the right house oorner king and hoghson streets t0i5 pkivring tvcltpxtiiioiji litu p x utajl crcjirtc ic dented in tki best njlt cllli ir1 liberate prices auai iter nslic afjw cr iii i riicruiij office aftoa fnbfl waxted evirj 1 1j choice ktr ccrzxc tcijaint 6ii relialilev 6tt 0 opportamiv ccri fr prrj orlc my tals nja live iood izzctu vitii fellmjt frcrm la w eofcr week fetdfctgfrsrfddttttfe isji a cock pulic cjuijited tiere at ioem ldteri tcrmi tcj ue g- t i tbe msttel write fred e veft ho a ltocbenerst acton liodgedxo 204- i 0 mekth ia tlc oddfciiti llaat mfttbevi block every tdztli v vituhv brethren slws s-ticc- korcifv cf etnstf tation sad law ipily ic the zicmsseddtvoj ol the intcilxrv i swtxllui5 nhjwohdes g 4 seotj the tannery frre the uijenigal ire dctii of cxpftrtlaf their deep cntc of fniuiic to the rfrltfti ot acton vlio to kiudiv izd to fcdercetkas uiifted ia cxtigaiuugtlcyirciarartaiafry on the ercnity of the irth imt noids bat faintlf expreu oar decit msic of cbfisanjoi for the ssiutacce rendered ltd wiljh vu ft meifli of tsfu ai uczi ioras lou v estolfetibok actoa jcsc izjl- i ali uoti4 fae5i e0e suje ajjoowin bcj-ii- acres of both itnd 3vcoa l is iic tcxsstip of ieei cotur veilissmn- tuere ia a lzc qif iuy ti t ttile tiiaber cossistiiy cf lechclple pijie roei and of elm uioirsc- 11 arthur idd 4l 1u11cs 11 uaa saiwii will lell oreicbflce ffit tciaiici property for farther inionr j ilung artca c avnd toil elm iick uli eedaziljs the jtoperri wiia 3j mfleiel id tl toiles flotca juqu i l for sale a rare bargain is cscrcdtk rrfrnkifcjistaocatsad coin- fortalile liitk rcsidcrxe ia good locality ia village of acton aai beiaj ic evtrr respect a ty desinble proper rhivizg co impreaaei in nbcadair appy cf lirl micfjavsei lad good stablc tliii propcrrr vqzx tfi lz inirtije and eon- vcaieat hoice fox reared par- j- or in naniasllt prafiutile intesimecl for sjiecnhtcrs orcapital- istei fr fail pmicalan tl lo wjirooee at his office ia tou sad aciob ptice to trespassers the andexsisuedberebyliilte ia fotbidrlim all personi- against tresptusidg c tfibr preixiias by fishiag shooting or ia otbefniao- ner aod itjt penoa or persons fcod npontbtfa fanci horcaftei will l itoscca coraiilifto lair willumircdosaldjotjl- g 4 a mcdonald low saodx johv wuotenlbus9cd3a john goit don lot fc a4jmavnjo3t laqilekt watson lott- -jobxshavlo- eiquesin5xj-2arilsep- rf oxtakio elernoxs 1 l06s dowl countv of haiton to tie eiihlors yocr vote and fnjncneo arc rcxcutcy rcqscsted lor i i aj yoar representative la lio leqislative assembly of oxtuuo i will liijliuy tlischajtc tlc jui of tie rcspsmible jtosiioi ml do irv utuos to grjiri vozt irorestk election juke ti1300 equal righis to all 0xta1u0 elections countv of hilt to the ficctors- hamilton may loth 1890 thomas o watkiiosrs your vofc h anjinandcc arc rciioeii hr jt- legislative assembly of our rkjnsr jusk i 44 wool 50000 itu ntcd pc bgtmt price in cash or merchaodiie nil u civen for good clean merchtdtible fxl u mcloi 4 co georcetown oct waktr oua iboasand easterners to porchamkruvbrosf2opoumaiieto order a great doom it knir linos in ispriox saiu iritcs catch ticryoue

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