Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1890, p. 4

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tl ikdart jm ztss thursday juke 5 16c0 j l tilt tioimj jfolks torxjit tlcatck i4 a vscaxt heart lo let iaqsirr for key of tfsstcrcupid jostscrosiuie wy tcruis ruy to the tenant vltoll agree to lease the place iocttr cad uf a coi- dtcilfoc ia ft lueittolitrwt uidiaslsdjscenuaoidooiirtiliiri koad a bit old fashioned in with furssc heat where love may aid a rery snog abode the agent caiid tci u fltd lo show the tenement to snyrasid or miss hell make tin rrico ridiculously low induti whiaitaiiipa batitlu- cqymamcne003eaadui this brgiia share tbeofferi eupiis by your own confession youll find the ajaee a excellent repair jest sign the lease lad cater in possession i sat tciojxt a rightiaxgle tmaxgle in one of the city school a teacher with all the patience and powers at persuasion the could eommtnd wis enicrorint lo instruct class iboat aright angle triangle after mvenj attempts- she called the scholars- to aeoqant for inattention with the ranut that thtt the to saving kern ed to go in one ir and out o the other again the repeated bar description follow- ingit by isldngi who cul tell whit right angle triangle i up went a hand and the bright boy to whom it belonged scooted something which goes ia one ai and oat of the other jingles and jokelets i half an hoar wufc the wlivxtn the wlti tadthc hirtffrt dijr low sulphur 8oep it an ejcgaut toilet article and cleaoni and parities toe ikiu mt effectually hb out on the road mr john it wright rtnrewqtiugueurt kriae bona 4 masoa wholesale druggist lfonlfe4j cared me of t loog luodiag take o catarrh titer many other remedies j3in yellov oil hit deue good work fur 50 yetnfacariqc m a tea it r rheumatism lam bgo croup quiutey colds tprtudt barns bruise tad tl paiui tad to hot it j equally good for man oc beast- ltd easy to find oat fromiayone who hit used it the rfrtaei of hagyirdi yellow oil for til painful and inflammatory troablet rheamtim neuralgia lumbago frost bitn barn barise sprains con traxted cord stiff joint tehee rain and serenes of toy kind it his ao sapenor practical pointer a t timple nttnrtl laxative stomachic blood brain tad aerie tonic whentaken u directed the vtlae of burdock blood bitten ctnaotheotereelitntted while a t care for constipation indigestion liter diseases impure blood ileeplestnesi nerrpc tad lick headache it if the beat that money can bay why saffer from disorders canted byini- pare blood wheathoasandc are being cured by cling korthrop o lymanr vegetable discovery it remove pimplea and tl eruptions ot the skin mr john c fox olindt write northrop 4 tymans vegetable discovery it giving good tatii- ftctioa rhose who havensed it cay it hax done them more good than anything they have ever taken v the vocal organs are strengthened by the ose of ayert cherry pectoral clergymen lawyers siugersactora tnd pnhlic speakert find this preparation the moat elective remedy for irritatioa iind weakness of the throat and langl and for all affections of tha vocil oreans i tfaomaj kobthtonlfarnham centre p q writes ijhare been afflicted with rheumatism for the last lea years and have tried many remedies withont any relief i got a boltle of dr thomaa electric oil and foand u gave me instant relief and tince then hare had no attack i would recommend it to all porcoku orpsin yellow oil is the best remedy i ever csed had a healing breast is monlhc ago which was tore i got no relief until i tried hagyards yellow oil which gave instant relief itcs jxo coleeit st ifaryc onl forcroapqoinsey or colds use yellow 00 motm had attain my hutbandhad nth ma for elgbt yeart with tevere ooach tnd hit langi alio wr tffeoted lie coo id oeltber rest work nor eel any nhef from tuy modicfuehe tried some time tgo we got hjoardi pectoral btlitmiiid after ttung tii or eight bottle his ooagh it ontlrely cared the tsthmt crnatly relieved tnd his langt greatly benefitted miw mpiwcumr r ptleyonl itrtl tl mfttytie fferf browns housenola pahacet htt no oqaal for relieving ptiu both interaal tnd esterntl it care priu in the side btok or bowels sore throat rheamtiltm tooth- ache lumbago tnd tny kind of ptln or tche it will most sorely quicken the blood aud heel ta il uling power u wonderral browns hootehold pan- toe being ickaowledgod t the great pain reliever aud of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in th world shoald be in every family htcdy for ose wtfen wanted t it really it the beat remedy in the world for cramp in the itomtch and paim and tchei of til kinds tnd ii for silo by til draggiiu tt is cents a bottle ii0tbu c 04ttrtwddaptdtochildrentht i recommend it w tape lor ui toy prescription known to mi h i aacmai u d bl snnklya k t guelph cloth hall mrthcc bell of messrt scotfbell co proprietor of the wingham furniture factorytwrite for over one year i wa not free one day from hefdache i tried every remedy i thought would give me relief bet did not derive any benefit i then procured a bottle of korthrop dc lyman vegetable discovery and began taking it tocordicg to direction s when i soon found the headache leaving me and i am now completeiy cared- yhuulwilldo i to i bottle of b b3 will care head tche t to 2 bottle cc b b b will care bil ioasne i to botile of bbb will care coa- ttipatiou 1 to bottlmof bb b will cure dys pepsia f 1 to 0 bottle jf b b b will care bad blood i to c battle ot b b b wui cure scrof ula in any caie relief will be had from the nt few doses cattnpiai sitretrcret to lic editor plewe inform year readers that i have a positive remedy lor the above named dis ease by it timely use thousand of ho less caacs nave txxu feitnautmtfy cared i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy- rare to any of your reader who have coaiumption if they will send me their express and p- 0 address respectfully da t a sloccm is6 west adelaide st toronto onl new spc ommrteankkuaomh k11u verm ffm ssp md pnaoteijll- wltes i ujortotn wdletum tu cnrnai conrin n kan sum v y spring overcoatings sicotch and canadian tweed suitings c c kiarim co gcrrs my borse vets to afflicted with distemper that he could not drink for foar day audvefased all food simply apply ing mikards likihext outwardly cured him feb is67 cirr huoeet ctxx hofloway corn care is the medicine to remove all kind of corns and wtrta and only cost the cents small sum of twentyfive aincc to mptheoa are you disturbed at night and brokecjof your net by a tick child suffering and oryiog with the pain of cutting teeth if to tend at once and get a bottle of mrs wintlowi soothing syrup for children teething iu vtiue it incalculable it will relieve the poor uttle sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it caret dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the- stomach and bowels caret wind colic soften the gums reduce inflammation and gives one land energy to the whole system far rhilrlrg teething isplesjantto the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest tnd best female physicians and nurse in thecnited states and r is for tale by all druggist throughout jtha world price twentyfive cent a bottle be eure and askfor mns wnrsows soothiyc stacr nd take no other kind there are many indication of worms but drloi jworm syrup meet them in every case successfully s dangers of delay if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal coaaejquences that ibllow t neglected cold how differently would our coarse be coald we realize our danger how speedilyste would seek a cure but uith many it is only when he monster disease ha fastened iu iaogt upon our longs that we awaken to ourfoily what foliowi a neglected cold lilt not disaster of the throat andlongs bronchitis ssthma coasumptionrinui many diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neg lect a cold and it ii folly not to have some good remedy available for this frequent complaint one of the most efficaoion medicines for e diseases of the throat tnd iangs is bicfcleeaaticonsumptivesyrap this medicine is composed of several medicinal herba which exert a most won- derfnlxnfinfncein ccricg consumption and other diseases ot tlie luugz and chest it promotes a- free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives- the disease from ihevitcm j j occasioctl doses of a good cathartic like burdock pills ue necessirj- to keep the blood pure and the body nesttly 31 y daughter ku crety troabled with scrotal and at cue tftce it was feared she would loee hersight ayecv sirpar- iirartcutnpletefy restored her iiesith and her eyes ere as well a ever wild doc a trice ot acruf ala in bersvsteci g king eillinely coonj r iltxkslt tjri rerer x ncir me trekment oaffercri are not eeneraljy aware that these disease re couugioafor lhat they are dae to the presence of liricg parasites iin theliningaiembrwicersndeasucliuo tabes microicopic rettarch jiowever ha proved itoftf fijetr ndtiie rewdi ct this djiovuyi thai a simple remedy ha beeu formulated whereby catarrli catarrhal r deafneti and hay fer are permanently cured in from oce to three timple tppiica- ttonm made w heme by the patient once in two weeks k b xhistrextmeatixiot a a suaff or an aintmeut botli have been discarded by repauhle physician a injur- ou- a fiunpulet eijitjiiin hit oew treaiincut is aenj ou receipt of ten cent by a hvituu a 9oo s03 wert kinc street tproolo cauadj toronto oiooc offerers from catarrh trouble should carefally read tle above c c bicuullfs dc co gotsi have used your xik4rds liximekt for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e l msi a livtsisstos i citampui cared an old physician retired from practice haying had placed in his hands by an east india missionary th formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and til throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested it wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt il hi daty make it known to hi suffering fellows actuated by this motive- and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it thi recipe in german french or english with fell directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a xorc 820 powers block rcchestcr k y 8haw grundy merchant tailors icuelph just to band the following lines brussels oarpetp all- wool carpets hemp carpets tapestry carpets union carpets stair carpels clark thompson carpet house cuelph next doot to herod dlco 30 lower wyndham st krprcm 7j0a in ixpri anr j 11 nn pxprtfi mail j10i jji jtlro k tljrouslikipgl c ilj aecou loonpm ooibgknl10 3oiim inj5- thhtiaie uble vm in cln headquarters for house cleaning supplies golden lion ready the pangs endured ty the early christian martyrs were no doubt excruciating bat not so prolonged or scarcely more dreadful than those experienced by the sufferers from inflammatory rheumatism a disease which is easily curable at the oulaet with dr thorns eclectric oil a sovereign remedy for pain a reliable curative ot kidney liter and other complaint and a medicine of the purest a well a he most salutary kind biliousness and acid stomach having used your burdockbfood bitters successfully for some time put for my complaint biliousness and acid itomach i have never found it equal thos- w slttgv st thorns out- the third page of the toronto vaiif lul is noted for want advertisement if you want ta buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if yon want to find out where anyone is advertise in the- to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word leach in- ertion address thtizait toronto can ada if yoa want to buy or tell a farm ad vertise in he toronto ffeemymatl that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement thould meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisement of this class are in serted in the torooto waby iuilioz five cent a word each insertion or twenty cent a wordforfive insertion address the mail toronto canada mrs mr stephens of albany x y writes us as follows as follows my stom ach was so weak that i could not eat any thing soar or very sweet even fruit at tea- time would cause heartburn fulness or oppression ot the chest short breath rest lessness during sleep and frightful dreami or disagreeable tights so that iwould oten dread to go to sleep with the use of korthrop lymans vegetable discovery this unpleasantness has til been removed and i now can cat what to its my taste or fancy boys two pieie suits uuttv little things opefl from 3 to 11 years from 200 fcthe of guedph made i wonderful value clothingc carpets to 000 boyg three 11 looker sails 9 to from 8400 to 8 0 iiece kuitket 13 years price hlnntk lr1oia fr ule lrerrwcre vhe larcest scale works in canada over oostyles of har scales grain icklzb farm scales yea scales proved showcases money drawers mwfcioprs ko bjtchuf soppuu asctxit ix t xix wriu tx teaax c wilson 80h 6 0 esplanade street east torontcont hecoca imi piper c- err ie jc3 write vuarsti uojnfnt far cslr rtrrywiirrp the safest akd most powerful alterative is ayers sarsaparilu toang and old are alike imucsted j its bc for the ctcptirc dis eases peculiar to children nothing cije is so eftectife a this medicine while sir nreca- 14 e furor mate it cosy tj istcr iry little boy lad lirp -ecrua- lotts ulcers on his neck and tlroai from which he suffered terribly two physicians aiiended liim lint he grew continually trne ttiier ilicir mre and evcrybctly expotird he irfjuld die i hail ucjlnx of the rpcarkalit fure ftccted by ayers sarip3riij nstl decided ro lave my lor irr t 6ly after lie ixzn to take tliis mtdiciuy tic elects com- nierrxl tiizillkzund after nitprbcvcrai ikittli lie vas entirely crrcd ee li iifiw ai lcahhv nnd stroti- ax anr boy of ijm afre william f docgnerty iiiatott va tt 5ay iat mr younges child fourteen anoutli old iwgnn toliv sores gatber an it licad and body we ap plied various icinifjc rcttirdies will unit avail tle rorc ticteai in numlicr aid diiarpei copiously apiiyaidnn wo called but the sores continued lo intiltfplr man in a few motitl tley nearly an rrwl the cldlds head ard ixxly at iat elkgac the nseof ayt-ricfc- sanrilla- i a few das a marked change fdr tlie better wa manifest tle onaniired a more jicallhy condition the tlimliorgia were graduahy iliudr- fslicd and llntliy citiwd altogether tlie child is livelier it hlfn ifreiicr and its appetite letter than w have tt acrvcil rfr months fraii ilghcn xug point 1ias tlie formula of ayvrs fanmjoititi prcnetit for chrunfc diseaxes af tlnt every kiud llic lart riiuedy kuuwn lo the medical world d 11 wilwn ix d wigg arkansas ayers sarsaparilla rsxtjlsxd xt or j c ayer t co lowell mm filet tl vonhflobiui i cure fits wln i op them f r arcunn t do not mean merely to for i t lae ini then hav- them return i iin a uawcal ccue i hive buulethe disease ot fits epii fatxtttft sickness a lic ion- study i wabr t my ntawir t t i the wo it cases lvinctdliersliavelalka u 10 roaicn for cic uov reciving a cure keiii at oree fr a treatise wid a krkr bottij ot lav 1 rluir hkviuiv hive kiiires red rt 0 it costs sti itl for a trlnl mid it will cure vwl av1t- h g eootblo branch office i 7et adalaide street toronto free oar udluintn one of tf b et tf i- ecapf k the- warta c bseqnd tad to tucrajan gr ropttvir roi win truifxtx ta crz tuwr la fc liuir ulitvt mlf tlioa fca rrtxt to u tt mrm umx tan tbc rhi mrc a u jva kt a it te frt b la ill our rood u cfaoiaggnariermiii ibi the mill nipt a uw- tbawi tbuftiftjrt v tti traoi t pwi doobum kto- iaat11 krrfrf ar ta am- w illta thoyrjvm bavraa ainjct ruiacj 19 1 0 1 4t rm ffac turtritk- hirsts pain exterwulnator household i ullejrlulklllri utfolilmtltnl 3lpnv inwtwti f f wlleyt co prr mens snits friu450 up topestry carped from 30c up uniou carpets from 35c op allwool carpets from 75c up every req ureite on hand 9 wall paper mine comer cento iad border the urge wok d pjttero e hre cverbtd 6prm6arlmd0iy come jnd lee tbem window shades fiocy linen in beialif u hide o color md daigo in deoomtion all iarednd hemmed mft spring itoller complete djr lor immediils ob also ptpcr shade in pamern and bj the jrard alabastine alnuoitbillavoritekalmmine thpee vthohae naed it once will have no l l other all the popular ihades in alock paints oils varnishes etc- glne whilinir waahink soda eeatline waahlnecrjtaj soapc broom broaha etc ererything joa want lor a gencml deanap alao prol bark disinfectant and deodorizing powder hardwire spade shovel garden rakea glass and a general stock ot groceries and para spices our 50 oent t beats them all jt b pearson rcton brasaeucarpets from 75c np ileas coats from 200 up allwool tweed in immense stock times town to choose the sire o j 6 and 7 wyndhi im st gnelph 84 oawald st glasgow from four any stock in velvet pile carpets from mc up tape 75c np edged curtains from carfaiu poles and- trimmiugs from 25c up- jladras scrim litis very cheap and art xfus- d williamson c co wai with the knife -at- h matthews cutting upthe best leather that mohe can buy and mak ing it up into no i harness f if you want i set of heavy or light harness collars fine watch repairing we hasu just purchased a stock ot fine american main springs fine jewels and othergood material for watch eepsiriug bring your work to b say age watchmaker cuelph halters whips brushes oils or any thing in my line call before dealing elsewhere as i am bound to please in prices and material repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h matthews acton spe osainpriljryoa with ill the fuxnftcre required to fnrnfsh ronr mt snd cosy little bom or to rplflalsb oar hotna if icttled ose in inv styfe it the terr lowest prices there is no sriiels of fouhsy crt son acton j a speight manager ornitcre rc ccnot repplr ni farther we dalirer oar faraitars tn no smatrinc freight chaxges nid mn no riii of brok0 we eta ait tvll undertaking- xiriuccin thiibniuessliurraalud in conviuduc the mbuc ol oarthirtynteyasrs i this entire eamuiaaity thnt wo trwr nrstclus work in sll orders saa in itylei compare with uosc of the ciiy 1 one hsjf city prices our hearse- is sn oicellant oue sc i oar team siwajs prflscnt s becomlnfl viesxsuoe we lisve ile- are in inriti is tho public la csil on us or inythinx repaired in oar line to farmers and threshers rjsfton vourmaolunerf orly the welllcnown peerless oil b finttll hftiln atmneou awarded it dnring the laitihree year y uvliu mhixjaijb trr il0 mrle 8rcm on wajtgon iud horse f veri these oils tu osad and bljjhly recommended tt tbekode paxmooelpb firm irsaslt for tbera use noother mtilftetoreatqi0ittollv0rtliby samuel rogers it co toronto fpltat remetjlfc 400000 people in canada and united 8tate8 vquch that if you are sick they abe tig only hemedie8 in the world that wll gve rou health ll43lijhh extract from the scientific papers of qreat britain and europe ko 1cvrcs catarsh hat ftyes bosc cpio catabrhal 0eafkth ov eltawtte aire emanating fnm klemjft taunts now wort tkt public thii tt jirta uuffzjfntxmnti9ta en citeardtd a lujaricra floq nxtizfl bfiothirk asthma nercy rtop a eapafcff entrfetrtea ut dtieaae tud zvxnqtkiza tm tungz end rtttcru maatd tit lu gtstng a sesr itase of lift 9100 xq sheuma71sm4 dimtlaaaklmi ami mtlh snocn tikiatltt ta this titcjf ia parlt mha trtatt nothing tite tout 11m rrpvtetioao tkbrtwndf 7 a hew departure ik medtcme i the four greatest medjc eantrts ot the world arfl london foris berlin and vienna theso cities ve immense hospitals teeming with hollering bnmanit crowd of itudenu throng the wrdt itndyinffnndei the jprotessors in charge the most renowned physi cians of the world teach and ixae- tice iere and the institutions ore storehouse of medical knowledge and experience with a view of makirjg thl experience avejuhlc to the pablic the hospital eeraedy co at treat expense secured the prescriptions of these hcspitli preriud tho rwclfle- tad al though it would cost from 125 to tioota secure the attention oitkeir diitingnished originators yet in i w prepared pecifics are offered at the price of the qoaex patent medicines that flood the market and abmrdly claim to cure every ill from a single bottle tho wnt always felt lor a reliable class of domestic remedies i now 111 wit perfect satisfaction the hospital remedies maka no unreasonable claims the specific sorcatarrh cures that and notblnr 1m j so with the spedfio for bron ehitis codsumptlon and lnnc troublis hhenmaysm u enrtdby no s while trouble of digestion stomaah liver and kidneys bsxe their own cure to these ii added a specific for fevtr and agns one loi female i weakness a general tonic and bloodmaker thaf makes woi and gives form and fulness ozm idoiyxvjlh kjloiti to be had op all drugqists 1 j iiiiiimmfiiiiiiniii wrtt toletujer jfo iuyer amd kidffets cweps1 aud a favfrttw ttavgttmrfii for i troc nv0 as nilntd met ttnmata than elekol un a rtmtdu tajictlonid in high placu 100 ifzffp a 0u atig ww heuralqiaftw knotf that grave temagt itfpm f a intern it u tnettd to brtnk it for a a reaerfy that tradlcatu ft tl00 whites many uomtit art broken tos fccwuw ntgleet riese dittasu unft thnrk ri c5ecf uti no s and ngain health and stnrji 100 ko wealth f0km amd fvuls ctrtztt at ofed wfotf and tea oftt lfufak if blood la poc- utcnmnutttkupntfteftwlc 100 ko elw8 oebtuty loss of mwera flt wrtvws aewc mill kail a nrutm r ectfj fir an umfyrtitatd matffth mo 0 h gold n tslltk cntmlafmlu pntt frmart of hneratt vack mko thary high prlett forehtep bh oertkhu ova ant ptttt fa pnptijtt af rafea fa art mttrla owejrt ondkko upoto w kgctnintgomr ecnfidivsal httnra tootmtn in fs sons necraw y mo 8 end tho again siotl nkwsssssnsss stb red -nbsv- 2aw53ff k3sw told ttamp for dtcrtp- wttafsdidlazaaak btr of i w cftisn lax vtanntnml nr jwcfaiorptttrn rfdic 1b dm rfd i wmwwtjbms bb burdock blood is parel tcctautg compoanl pfrfert rcgulalingpctnor fl the orpin of tli srgtem ami ivntiviuimylteirjeora lions it so purines he llotia fcat it cure all blood hnmors snl diicasmliosi saon- mon piitolhimoi cfofjloosiore thi cornbimd willi il unriralltlrenltiy cfear tr 1 rifvin inflnenco ohto secrfiiorh ci m itrcr kiojs boirtisini skin reirtlcr ii uawpilej iu acaiijlop ifl dia0k3 of to rf ifom cuf lo lvo vulcv riii cjro bpfli pimptos aotchv iituk- ih kurf teuet anl all tlie shnpift fori- c tkin diseastj proniwulofourt jtfcnictiretaltrtltim or eczema smnglti trypssnlcersab ccscmnnirk otanrl ijdreraaliif44 it it noticeable that tj5lrr5 fromacin diseases are nearly always apraiaid br inujsil itching bnt tii nnichlr euteidc aj h removal of tiie diraby b13 li passtsg on to pnuor j- t pre aeui disfaxs laehfci icrofcjotis swcilingi liamori tna yc hawondcinbtca prrx ilia from three to tii bottles ugiiiiliifluj rjilbtontard application dilutl ii the ijya ia liroitt to the affected parts vril inei p cure the prcat mfesibaof b li b u u reflate the lircr uineys bowels aiisitoeorrert acidity nnd ton fiiionjthoetoiaacli and to open the ehica cro truani to en 17 off all clged tawjcarnre tea j uon3 aliowin nature thcs tii rtccrray and remove nthjat fail fl t badblfiods liver complsint biucuiiiy3ppriiietj headache dropsy rheunnj1jhjhia eroy bpccies of disease ariiinjnsa disorder v liter kidneys slosisch bjjls add bkrii we puranik evy utisr of ceb shonld any person dusct liifii if r uing j the tirtt bottle we cill rtiablho raeyefc application pcrsornuf or irleiter weitis also be glad to fend tmiijorisr aniinc formation provinj tbe cffeci ai bit b hi the above naniril distaf on ippliejm jo t milburn i o toxuuvont iwstck la ui tin ru haxxti prr wi mtel wtr vutlltecwa with irt hitinvi nil js ttttulkl iliwilrlarrfllmmelmu tbor labckit rtr antbiaaajm tat svua fcrrsni nd itajrrrtij w pj til njkmjiakc m altar tlnijw ill if dq vnauiikt la p 13 ik ii utmtr n hat w a isoo ft wtr aj mptrit itfm etuttmbckbax 1s rorlatlir ttnittjtmt powpbr pure8t 8trow jst 0e6t alum ammonia uphosfturts orartieldrioui uerialfc ewgillett 1hsij iht summer tours pslace steams s low rstcs four tripe per week btweta detroit mackinac island t petoaier ths boa isjqubte sai a ecroa peru erery ercalas between detroit and cleveland e tnf dwiat j ids ansii oorulustrateo pamphlets e 0 whitc0m3 op a omar uc the detroit 1 cleveqrd stbs ui co duhub baking powder thecoolcslist friend nasal balm catarrh a ccrtiir- ai jvcjt rirc fci cold iu hc ij caui in all jutarrt 500thikc cuaksikc hfaukc lt03t rels fi7t c- fluirc i m itutt socaned dritlia uas v caurrh juch j hcadieh pttu dv 1- seme ofiaidl m drc4i htl aaj tpiaf naasea jfeneral icelini of dttfc t r troublediwjthsnt oltbrse crtiitj ir bare catarrh sad should iujcio tjicii rocar a bottled nsl iu u f inni ia tv ae lected edd in hed raii lt cur3 fotfwa by eoasatopdonsnj diah sloij ttv- aq4nuojisa or wiu bent rd rccntindljc trysticiirii nilfora co bedcoukc en tsc bfevare of inriutioai sirakar in caa istf csi aiaarct- llolmci lor aale elrnnlicw v

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