Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1890, p. 2

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biss gowdti guelpii on tod june the 0 fttwjitat brfllionj wis on kay ui lie wtle ot mr a a fartner ot a wu j 1 uctanhoosixjvat the residence ot the brtdta faliwr ifl- kuuan on tth ln ln- rer d slnehin mr aupi uctttii to annie roongrtiaklitor of james gorton djkd lsxta actoa 06 ih ttb inil tf rtiretrr lee hwl 3 years ufeiuit h retidetjee in esqoesfar on san- dr jnortluwiluini uoopmjwlks ytcrt uttgatgnlnlioti6caarnliiat saiah xickslt wife of tbdmu imag of qnejiih srl rsars ffljt xtmt 3fmjws5 thursday juke 12 1690 sotes jld eoto a coasin ot tie itta general lm hu fast died oat ia iliaflesottli iol she distinctly remembered general washing toe of coarse it u stated thil general hiddletoa hu ottered to pay for the missing art bcme bodv certainly shoald do this and there it not the slightest fecaoa why the doty shoali fill nppn lha ooanlry the inaaal commencement exercise of the cnireraty of toronto were conducted yesterday mr ednrd biaie chaneclor of the university wu iddmilled to the l l d tad he delirtttd in imnocunt td- drew his kcyai highnrsi the dote of cod- aaagh having gradootly oonaenjed he was elected m honoctry member of her majestys army tad kary veterans so ciety- of toronto it i meeting held by thit organization last niht the minister ot jusuoe hu decided m the cue of r dnbctx lhel albuz mnr- dererfor whom an ippej for clemency wu made to allow tic seateaae of the eoart to beamed cat dubois srili there- fdre be hanged on friday jane 20 next it quebec i peter dani the hirmon murderer wu on sainrday informed that the minister of jostice hid decided sgsinsc the cammata- lion of bis sentence he did not chow t tremor u the sheriff read the faul mes sage nor did he speaic later he said he wu glad to be oat of suspense u to hu file he stall protasis hie innocence there ik a diipotitiou in the united suie senate finanoe cotmniliee where the hons bill is under consideratica to rednce the rale proposed to be leried on barley not oct o consideration for the canadian producer bet it the demand of the american brewer who ihreitens to increue the price of beer which wodd render the prty in power nnpoptiltr it tarcc ont thxt the pnblicxtioa a fev dayi o ot the nolentaddresx of the new- fbandiind legiajxuire to the qneen reu live la the fiihery troabfcf wu premitare the lepilitere hu not puaed u iddrea whit wu pabliahed wu l rocgh drift a copy of which is tappoaed to hire been purloined from the gotem- tnectpristuig oce it is expected thxt the lfgifdatnre will modify the wording of ihe tddresi before adopting il l mr mowu it aitting foe north oxford for the list time at the next election he will aeefc i new oonsfitoency thai maiing wiy for i local member by the ti the premier gets throagb with the riding he wthoitc represented it twentytwo tote thiif aiong tpell bat sir john mxci donij4 bu far kiflgsloc for thirtyfocr yesxi without t brek and by the way sir john announced it thegencrai election of 1887 tint ao fax u kingiton wu con- earned be wu miling hii kit sppesx as tnuix the old parties here began to explain their ionec in the recent contest by asking charge of c the de- feu of the reform rjjirfmiti in wehind we axe told on the one hand wu doe to the fact that m boodle wu used while on the other the coasem- frre lot of- booth korfolt is thus explain ed grit boodieni were briifc in every polling ditinon money wu plenty ind it wu whispered around dont rote unless yon ire paid we hire plenty o money strugen were bnay and in two or three localities parties wearing niuks or wth blackened faces weribasy cslsirt asd edxoskix kr d d- ksna gives s descripuoa of the coaotry throact wiet the line will pier mr d d minn who hu jait retaxned from i trip over the proposed route of the ceigiry edmonton railway from fort mseleod and edmonton wu seen by a re porter friday morning epesjang of the country mr kin a uid thst the first forty miles from csjgary through the lone eiver disteict is i good grxring coantry ind from there to the red deer river is the finest farming country betweeti red river tad the eocfcy mountains even better thin the portage plains there tie wood witer and hxy unds in ibondsnce u well ts excellent irthle portiocc from the red deer to bittle river the country u crstcksa for cock firming there beicg urge tracts of hsy unds from battle river to edmonton it is ptrfc country interspersed with stretches of prairie and email ttreams edmonton is prettily situ tied on the xorth siafcstchewtn tnd hu t population of ibaut 500 people there is 1 good settlement of the sarroanding dis trict ind the urmers hive i larger aret thtn csnil ander crop this year from gslgsry scctb to high biver sfr masa sat there is s beaatifel firming country to well settled thit the first fifteen or twenty miles of the trail is feaofd on both sides the crops ire well adranced wd the disicu present in tspect of general prosperity from high river to m and on to the bocndiry between the trail ind the mountains hes the finest ra dmriet ia the xortbweii sir minn spent i night it the glengarry rinche in which he is interested md he learned that the lots in the porcupine hills md pincher creek j districts daring the winter were extremely email mr minn states that there it not another stretch of u good firming country to be found oa my line o railway in his country u out along the proposed lite of the calgary tnd edmonton i little distince of threehund- red miles miniiobej frtr prtu urowned it guciph greutr oct jana 5 a boy aged sboat fle arr ion of henry cbiag of toronto fu drowned here ibout3 oclock this morning he wu praying shore goldies dun ind is supposed to hire stumbled tod filling in wu carried over the the sprod of the dim ij fill of shout 25 feet the body wis recover d provincial elections the ilotnt idmiairtriuaii returned to power with i pwl majority kauxis rfi cx the mowst idminiitntiou is again aui uiued but is tightly wetiec thin below he onntest complefe retarus r now in sad ihow many chsnget in the personnel f the dew lcgnlatare as shown by the retcrut two csbinet miniaters messrs gibaoa ind drury in left it home while he opposition lost one of its strongest man n mr cwichloa the list of gsias itid loesoc u sboat u ollows tnehvitlvr cms riroau qtctf iicomc e grey s oandwe- gnv s vlfite loitinss v eacx x korfolt fi kimuwn pctlhn ucoia virtoni e uuttott i onlirio s i prince ed rirt ew e radimi 2cairwslt 1 the members elected in the various con stitceccies are gtven below orrrrrckcr gsvekviccvt orrosmos icu addlcra kcid 17 uoint e cunpbcll ir ilgass wj uscdocild t unzu s wood 5t1 brtat s ktrdj cj5 uroctnlle fruer 119 brace s ciorg it brcop c dtcfc aa bnx s octkiriar in ctrdei riauul hi carle ton itoct 13 core rill and etonaoat ittck sa dsdas whitney 10 deric- barrer1 ik ucruune csapbell eel if daiim w locliart il elgin e godwin 131 elrs w ucctl m etxi s wblte ri e s balfour 3ti frftctcnas emlih fe cleztrry ktjde t3 grcsville n bcsh 9s gnry e rode e rl c3 gacrk clelaadtebj si3 gctt e hcsirr 111 htldnaed baxter r en hlltov r ecilk 1s1 easultoa eticson w eattrjs x wood ace eaiugs w b-xar- m entiggt e hciion 2a kcroce gibioa nt hcrcaw gartuw i0 hctog s bihop to kestw canecy iss kent e fcrgctoa er eisgitoa ifctcallo s3 l4rlixn w c lidecle 715 ltblaz e h iuctescie is ttfrtrtrs fshwrll ie k 211 lamrt s ifdcnafhan 31 lessor kcaahaa 14 leeds jyesioa 53 lirccln hiscctt id lacisa ifereditfa aoe uiddleses e tooict liddjexw eott iu uiidlesexx wtters 153 uonct exrcocrt iu uatctx utrtrr 133 xipssing losghria xerioitx fnxsas 3j7 xorfcs cfcarlon f- 1 forthabtd e wukcbby 110 xcrthsabl dwficm c3 ostario s glcadcaaisn ee a untanas- drrdea 115 qtun erocsoo 115 orlcntx- itowat tec oxford s kceiy s53 rtnr sccad ehtrpe 153 peel ctiioi 136 perth x aniens i fenhs baliantycc cji pelcrbcroj blciard 7 peterbotow strtttoa prrscotc enatcrel aec prirce edward juhsscn 1 eeufnrw s dcrkrj io ecafrer- x dsnlap 90 ksssel eobliurd 0q eimcoc e kuesapbell 157 siaicoe w wylio 303 eirccoec patoa 17 tcroslo e f garfce tot pi he clarke 5j15 tail 51 vincstxe fell 70 victoria w itckavlee waterloo x- snider fj3 wtierloo s itocre m weill nd ucclearyiejiua weatvcrth x if cilttoa so wentwortb s arrey 73 wehntocs gctirie c70 k wtlhagtacw nn jj3 terr e emits aa torfcw gilsiour to torfcx daric 7s3 gotcmseat r7tscatx orpoaiticn j7 tee electtos lv haltov colceras eeelted by a lxrrr ksjcriiy llisn ever before the contest between col kerns and mr eobinson- for i aeat in the legislitore of ontario resnlted in i victory for col kerns by a majority of ist an increase of go over his majority in 1ssg the campaign wu i vigorous one tui every polling nbdivision wu thoroughly canvassed by both parties ind considerable excsemenfc prevailed during the entire campaign and even nata fire oclock on the evening of thursday- lut both parties seem ed confident of victory but when the result wu made known at kos 1 ind 2 eab- divisions in this village it wuthen appar ent that the dreams entertained by mr eobinson of a coveted seat in the provin cial parliament most forthe present be doomed to disappoint meat the following table will thow the result of the polling in each sab division in the county kerns liobicsojt polxim putw lsjonty lujonty trittlgir no 1 is no 2 k j xo 3 s no t v actov mlkicipalkxjlkcil on friday evening lut the couucil met focipeolal basiness in their chamber in lha town hilh reere storey fu the chiir ilembcrs pruieul mears lowry sad kenny a tender wis received from metsri h jlaca j aguew h h worden ind j p warden offering 3j for the uie of the pirk on usmlnioa dsy motod by dr lowry wd aecouded john kenny hit the tender of messrs h jines j agaow h h wordea sad j p worden offering he ium ol thirtyfitfl dollsn for the cse of the pirk for dominion dif for the purpose of celebritioa be accepted oa the condition that they put- the trick in order to uiu hernial re carried mored by dr luwry and wconded by john kenny that with the concurrence of the acton driving park committee the name by which the aatd park ihill here after be known and designated ihail bo protpect park carried oq molioa the coaccil then sdjoarued last wedxesdars sturjc iu effects itttwsvmallj the storm which pused over this plice lut wednesday ccing wu one o the fiercest within the recollection of the oldest resident ksin fell in torrents snd lightning fuhed almost incessantly for several hours and along the telegraph and telephone wires presented an electrical panorama of indes cribable grandeur j v kanniwias dreg store ta which ic situated the bell telephone central office wu thrioe- set on fire by lightning bat the firo wu promptly eilinguiahed eich time in time to prevent serious dimsge danng the night the birn and driving shod on the farm of mr geo anderson on the base line in esqaesicg were struck by lightning and burnt to the ground seertl head of live stock a qcaatity of graia tnd 6eersi agricultural implements ero com- plelely destroyed the low is partially covered by insurance daring the night great fears were enter tiaed for tbe safety of harveys mill daci in this village bat notwithstanding the severity of the storm willing fun work ed with might and main and succeeded in clearing twiy the debris which had choked the wuta pate and prevented the witer from escaping had these daring men failed a their efforts to clear the gates mcch vilaable property immediately below the dim woold inevitably have been des troyed liis crops la manitoba wprmtew jane 9 the growth- of the crops in manitoba and the western terri tones daring the put week hu been il- mt marvellous on accoant of the fine wirm weather md plealif al rams in sii parts c the coantry a sample of growing wheit broaght in froca mordea district oa satarday measared two feet in length it wu palled from i field of the firm of i mennonite aettler reports from all quar ters etite that the crops ire in excellent condition and that fine warm weather prevails the thermometer at winnipeg estcrday being 90 in the shade deliberate salclde 4 aboat oclock en satarday evening a man jamped from the roof of the star md garter hotel oa jtrvis street toronto the young man wu found iyicg with his bis head ia the gntter in an insensible con dition he wu perfectly nuat tnd his body was frightf ally braised his skcll wu crnihed like an eggshell and blood iaaaed from the month and nostrils and and fiowedxcrqss the sidewalk tbe em- balance was immediately eammqaed and the poor fellow coaeyed to the hospital but he expired immediately on arriral kroet car collision la cuicspi chicago iii jcae 3 two cable traics crowded with people collided here lut night five pusesgers were more or leu taeriooily injured but none fatally de railment of a truck of the grip car caused tbe collision nearly all tne passeageri on the trains cumbering averii hundred were hnrled headlong to the floors in the wild scramble to escape many women fainted and there were scores of torn costs tad tattered dresses a kail robber shot wivsrneg jcae 3 an attempt wu made to rob tbe btttleford mail while lying up at otter station n w t sitor- day night thewoaldberobberoverhioled two tickfc of cewrpapers and demanded that coarier e woodcock open up the reg istered and otherietiers which were inside woodcock ehot through tbe door and the robber fied shrieking with pain the registered and other mail is believed to be til right a ditaskroai gtorm thursday thursday night and friday a disuteroas storm pissed over many per- tians of thftproviccf of oatirio at ortnge- ville greenwood london schomberg elora port hope ochtwt whitby barne and other points great damage wu done the amount of property destroyed runs ap into the teas of thoasandr xog eineiinsxo 1 no 2 n no 3 xo i so 5 h no 6 o kelton no i i xos s no 3 11 l xo s3 xos h7 stwc sno no 2 no 3 is joitoa georseto u ostnlle ss btaliatc 71 aoa i total kenatoxil msiorltyi 1i a barn hurned niui ill its co a st tkoius jane 5 the residence of mr aadrew miller edgeware roid u wall u hi baru was struck by lightniug early this morning tad both were damaged con siderably mr miller was thrown from his bed across tbe room by the shock par tially stanned bat was not serinasly isjar- ed the other members of tbe family only experienced a very slight shock a report wu circulated on the streets to day that both house sad baru had been burned down tbe barn took fire bat it wu ex- tingaiihod after beaag ptrfly burned about six feet of tbe aftte root were torn off the boose a bam on the rice course at courtrigbt wu struck ind entirely destroyed together with contents hiy slrttr buggies etc kalrideat lifall nufit a fall ny jane 7 in a little summer house on the bank of the river near the entrance to prospect park police man mcmullin jceterdsy morning found i womans bonnet cloak and shawl john beagsn recognized tbe articles u belonging to his wife vhois missing lt it sapposed she committed suicide by going over the cataract at stratford oa thursday eveniag lut while t bonfire in celebration of the korth erth victory wu baraiag some pericn threw naptht oa it an crplosioa followed and the burning oil flew all over a boy named frank kefi he died from his icjanes to day acting under instructions from the crown attorney coroner devlin has empaaoelled a jury to investigate and see if blame jul connection with the matter is attachable to anyone after the jury hid viewed the body tbe inquest wu ad- joarnwl until tuesday persoxil mention paragraphs ileiiiectliir acton with whom free arcnoreorletiacqi onto snd from pre is renders tinted 3rcmcls viited sunday toronto visited y sad chas with friends in d dicghter of has been taking stitnlicn for the ha tne for the councillor kenny is vuilina friends n brampton mr sad mra kooagh at arthur visited acton friends this week mr joseph parities of ecrlin visited his home hare daring the week mrs l g matthews md family i visiting friends in kiibridi mrs w h darcey of her tuat m white over mr alex gordon of friauds in acton and vicinity last week messrs w a store matthews spent sandiv toronto mr win mccarthy n rockwcod sailed from mo itreal yesterday per allan line s s sadiiuati to visit friends in ireland miss lime mann who 1 coarse of stgdy in the it blind st brantford ic seminar holidays mr and mrs g wells left on friiiy and mr geo williams 01 srturdaj for owen soani to slteud the annual meeting of the diipcs church mrs eheadra of parkhtll who wu saddenly called to atteodtte faneral of her uncle william moarc eicuesing spent l few diys with friends hertf canttttaptlaii cared an oldphjsicisn retired from practice hiving hid placed ia his hinds by an east indii missionary tht formula of 1 kicnple vegetable remedy for the ipeedy and per manent care of consumptjoa bronchitis citirrb uthmi ind all throat and leng affections also t positive sad radical care after having tested its wo iderful curative powers is tiiouiaad c caccc has felt it his duly to mike it known 10 his suffering fellows actus ted by ihii motive and 1 desire to relieve human suffi ring i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german frenchor ecclisb with full directioas for preptr bent by mail by addressi naming this paper w powers block rechesttr s y mr j r allen uplolster toronto sends us tbe following for six or eevcn j ears my wife enffered kith dvspepsia costiveness inward piles apdkidce com- pliant we tried two physicians and any number of mediriaes wit loat gettingany relief until we got a bottle of northrop t lymans vegetable disco cr itus wu the first relief she got and before cue bottle wu used the benefit ebe perived from it wubejoad oar eipectiti ng and using jg with stamp notes 820 h internal and the ride back ktaa cacnrart a tke mi te ring browns household pinacci has no equal for relieving pain bo external it cures prin in or bowels sore thrott rhc imsiism tooth- ache lambago and any kind of pain oi ache it will raosl surely quicken thi blood and heal as 1u acting wpnderfal browns iloafehold pan acea being acknowlsdcd as the great pain reliever tnd of doable the strength of my other elixir or liniment in the world ehoald be in every family htnoy for cse when wanted as pt really is the best remedy in the world far cramps in the stomach and pains and acnes of all kinds and it for sale by all drcnsts at ij cents a bottle i why suffer from disorders caused by in- pure blood when thoirands ire being cared by using northrop lymans vegetable discovery it removes pimples and el eruptions of the skin mr john c fox olinda writ northrop lymans vegetable discovery is giving good satis faction those who htveaied it sty it hu done them more good ihir anj thing they have ever taken bermuda bottled ton must ffo to bcnnarfau if yen da nat i will not be responsi ble for the conieineace bat doctor i eux sotonl neither the tine nop the money welt tf thit is impassible try j scotts emulsion of pur nor cod liver 01x e sometime call it bermuda dot- ue4 ind nuiny eaes o com8uwption brodciutisj caagii 1 or seyere cold t imvef cttteil with it and tue dranliire is that uiejmat eruf- uve stomach can take it another thing which commend it u the atlmojatlna- properties of the hy- pophokphlte wbleh tc contains youtfl r will find it far sale at yoar dratrrtxts in salman wrapper be sure yoa eec the rcci 1cqtt a covtcrnitevllic n wrapper nil lac rn nitevii j kletrdt ualmeat far ude do watckifakxes cffaege too much guelpit lfahkets jose iotb jwj flocrboiler 2 so to s 75 floarttotie 1 10 tn s 50 bimnj wbcst 0 wo 98 fall wfc44t lop to 100 bran u d to li 00 barley 0 is to 0 ia qtu 0 36 to 0 xl kis 0 a to 0 i5 peas 0 m to 0 58 bay 7 00 to 8 00 fatraw j 1 50 to 8 00 wood per cord i 00 to i 50 egg pr dawn 0 11 to 0 12 butler dairy packm 0 u to 0 u butter rolls 0 ii to 0 15 choese 0 ii to 0 11 potatoes per bag- 0 55 to 0 so apples i 0 75 to 1 00 pork a- 6 00 to 6 50 umbtkuw 1 00 to i 85 pelts fl to 0 80 hides 50 to s 00 coarw wool- 0 flo to 0 90 fine wool 0 h to 0 s3 tarnl 0 15 toojo s where did yoa get that elegant sait that hh yoa ed well at kjuxy book most of you could count on ono finger more watchmakers than yoa oouli came who hive been tble to retire and live oa what they have made at the business but veryfew have fingers enondi to count the retired farmers who live m gutjph alone i can name dozens of dry goods men grocers tad mioafectarerstwhrj- no longer need to work bat live upon the income of their profits while in trade while td9 watchmakers oat nf everv 1q00 have to keep their nose to the grindetone until they have died of old age now if this proves anything it at least prove 1 that vw as watchmakers are not mtkhjg fortunesjut of watch owners and that ti a prices for ire- pairing are not so high thatj we can mtfce anything more thtn bare liv ngoatofthem i think as 1 class watchmakers are as economical in their living as any in the province i dont waat yo to think i am going to try and raise the rice of watch repairing 1 prefer to mat my pile b getting more to do at the pri ccs as they arc tbepricefarclcanihghib bicu a f in on tario ever since i was bor mtiasprings the same jewels generally are 1 f but some are more- a new staff or what might be called the axle of the balance wheel costs 250 or a pivot on one ead of it 5150 the only two watchmakers whom i can recollect in guelph ii the last 20 years who tried a short c t to make a fortune by cutting down these prices became bankrupt in 1 few vesra one of them who took great paim to advertise witchfcscieicaifortjceutss id mainsprings for 75 cents wectcriey and dont wonder it it when it takes moat all w tchmakers all their time to make 1 living atjregnlr prices i think it possible that if aj man could af ford to take the time to da toe work well at 75 cents he would eveataalj mike loss of money bat probably if would be like the horse which the owner triec to make live withoat citing just as he wi s getting ased to it be died it bis often seen tried and proven that 1 workman cam ot spend suffi- cient time over the job of cle ining a watch to do it well for less than l 9 and who wants their witch poorly d ne to save 25 cents one thing i think i theiult with mosrtvitchmakers and that is they hare allowed themselves to be bull ed into leaving things undone in your water which ought to be dose to mike tbe wsich give satis faction because they were 1 fraid yoa will kick if they charge you more than the bare price of cleaning or tbat you will tike it to some other shop and as they think theyd better have the than nothing very fool ishly run the risk of losing ibeir repotation if they ever bad any of doing good work lhave many a lime had to give work back to my journeymen who lefts hole unbushod which ought to have been dona to insure lime keeping just because they thought tbe owner would object to paying for jt now when i commenood busmen about 23 rein ago i started oat on this principle thai i would do whatever a watch needed to make it run satisfactor- ily and if lha watch wu not worth doing i woald tell the owner to at once and give it back withoat charge but 1 could not weir out my coastitatfon which wu weak ened m my youth by having to go too regularly to sanday school by trying to do 1 8150 worth of work for t i would rather do un witches a week at f i and have my customers satisfied than do 20 at 75 cents and have them go somewhere else nexl time beciase not satisfied i want my business toje ia such a shape that if i hive not made enoagb to keep me when 1 get loo old to work i will at least have a reputation for having ail work dona by me dooe well which will be the next thing to being able to retire i have not mounted this thoroagh work horse hie they 11 v the meredith party have the protestant horse just to ride into power and will per haps moaat some other norae next election i have been riding this horse ever aince i went into business not becaase i am one of these goody goody boys that we read about in the sanday school books but because thmk it the best snd surest way to mike most money and i dont intend to be one of the 999 who have to keep their nose to the grindstone all their life or if i do have to i wint the stone mighty well greased yours g d frixgle crash l t the foundations hive given away acd prices hie tumbled into the cellar mr bollert hu returned from 1 trip to the eastern markets and a whoie cargo of grand bargains for our great june 8ale have followed closely after he found people who bad more cueds tbin they knew what to do with and the resalt is 1 gathering of the gretteat tad best bargains that it hu ever been our good fortune to offer the electrifying influences of these goods touch you from every part of the house in the dress goods jje- partment in the staple department m the millinery department in the cloth department in the carpet and house furnishing department all over the house we shall hold 1 grand summer carnival cemmenong with the first week of june and on etch tnd every diy saturday nights included deal out these tempting offers to the thousands who will get the benefit of them we are preparing for t bg rush saturday lut give us 1 foretute of what we may erpect utterly unable to attend to he crowd who thronged our store we tender our apologies and with increased help and proper arrangements of the immense piles of goods will do oar best to serve every customer to the best advantage our whole slock is yery attractive for in addition tothese grand bargains our general stack of choice goods for the summer trade in stlt dress goods fancy dry goods millinery wraps par- asols blouses visiles embroideries lace goods carpets curtains and clothing never wu in such 1 splendid condition of variety and value we havent space to particularize just u 1 sample of what you many expect will mention only oneline this is 1 pile of s13 pieces entailing 180i6 yards of prints sitteens tnd ftacy cuhmereltes some of them ire sold it less than 10 cents most of them at i2 and 15 cents we are able to sell them lo oa at 5 cents per yard send for samples or ocme yourself and get the benefit of this magnificent offer iag strictly cash no csedit e h bollert co 25 27 lower wynliiani st guelph sprang goods arl arriving daily we hare plcaaute in announc ing that e are making large accessions to our stock cvery day that- the goods have been purchased ou the rnostidvanug- eous terms the goods have ad vanced from 10 to 15 per cent smce we have purchased vte shall give the cutirtbenefitto our patrons silks dress goods cottons and imported woollens have ad- vaticed the raot wo bave a magnificent stock of dress silks and dress goods we begin dress goods at 5c peryd dress silks nt 25c per yd a beauti ful satin merv at 50c per yd our black and cqlored henrietta cloths are unsurpassed for quality and lowness of price our ililtiuery department is in lull ewjng great novelties stylish hate and bonnets our dressmaking is in active operation j we turn out dresses gowns mantics and wraps to suit the most fastidious our ordered clothing depart ment is in firstclass working order we have been busy all winter tfce reason whv we turn out garments to fit and prices to- suit readymade clothing in profusion carpou and oilcloths beauti ful goods and very lowpricos ladies and gents footwear latest styles and lowest prices as a farther inducement to patronage- we will give to any partv that will buy for cash 30 worth of goods at once or at different times a book worth 6 websters encyclopaedia and worlds atlas and another i- ducementto whomsoever willbuy orcash 2000 worth of goods a choice of three articles in silver ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing a half dozen table forks a half dozen tea spoons and one bntterkmfe and one sugar shell or a pickle cas tor or a butter disbanv of them worth over 8300 tickets will be iurnished to show the amounts purchased at different times and when the amount is purchased theywill get the choice of the articles presents ore on exhibi tion in the store come and get thegfcat bargains in dry goods and the presents with the bargains wmcleodco oeoh3ztown 8pf tb wa british markers our mr j b williamson sailed from montreal on the 7th may for england where he will spend eight weeks pro curing our fall stock giving a to make room for it we are grand clearing sale 30 dkys only at the2 golden lion the monarch of the dry goods trade great great great great great great great great great great great reductions reductions reductions reductions reductions reductions reductions reductions reductions reduction reduction in dress goods in millinery and mantles in fane- goods in prints and muslins in curtains and scrims in carpets and oil cloths in ordered clothing in readymade clothing in bo3s and youths clothing in hats and caps in all lines of goods boys suits i mens pants all wool i mens socks 3 pair 25c collars linen 2 for 25c cotton 29 yards si prints 25 ards i parasols 4 for 1 all wool cashmere hose ladies 4 pair 1 black cashmere dress si 50 embroidered costume 150 muslin color ed and white 25 3ards si towelling 25 yards si black lustre dress sl j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald st glasgow johnnie get tour gun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store ill co a hat 1 tie a shirt a collar ill gti the lot for tboot a dollar a pair of boots and stacking too my poor old toes are lookiag bice ill fio a five for a cew eait yes ten and cet an overcoat rnbeadcdelkillyoabet a city swell aristocrat 1 hold oa that aint all yet an anderthirt and pants ill get ill bay a pair of closes cnliaed if they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll give for im he staff thats going to live to travel the coantry oer and oer and recommead kelly bros store some croceries too im going to bay for my dear wife as well ss i tei eager and other things ill get we intend to lire till we have to qait they sell so cheap it is really fcaey whit a let yoa pet for iputtle money they sell for cash icdhay roods riht becaase they ay to draw at sight- other merchants cant bey so cheap becacse they dont go in so steep they sell oa tick their money ii oct acahheyse to mtad what theyre aboat and do yon think i have the staff of which few if any get enoagh to hay a soft from head to toes if cot im here as grab fcr crows it i aint goodiookics i have conceit that i can pay for what i wear and eat for credit is cae cf the greatest corses ill tell 3 oa in the next two enws i look like a man tbtls chased- by dogs oh worse than thit thywereteiilyhoes they charged two prices for their goods they chaaed me to the very woods a second hand window sash i si pcrtca dosiriaa i bttf iiindtrt r tv do iislldcuv tfunnnkssorhcb for sale lslsf ww chi n cdy i- 1 ijjct himmoo potrlij strl teatltl ihit fes for sale 1 house initto i tre of acton hasted tr li t it wide qiarcij itreu tunic i ud ad tftwitt frail trortclo cc i fir iiartlca ian sddiri i t clac3dliai0nt job printing tsclcdixg hocks i- lie- pwurs ihii j head circular uf t txtcsitd in the best tjk ctfhtar rr u jricci mi on ilort iiici ijjii cr iici h r hodlz i fu t vmli office aetoa wanted reliahlepoib ecctu- c rcxurserr stock ccrmleie i- n frleoajd cr f si fc y ttlef- mez bate x4 mccetp i i v from siflrj to moo per week sthd f o tad tinwo- lik a rood raihfncrnia j here siw liberal tcnm ml tte- btst r a rthemaset wnie feed y7uo sarscrranliucitrny also i notice i 4- acton ixkige xo 2u4- ioor meets in the oddfi hal ifstthmti jhocicreri wedoji etc- as iutipf brethien slwijn welcome jcrcw eonsu- tation nd law rij to l c jned otaj of the maaiben w williams h h 30udek 1 y g sccretir the taxnfjiy fire the oidciiped aic it- cf rxtgaais j thirdocp esb at gri lollaciuuac of aca wto io kd tad io taerkcticady asalcst ia eitipiuliagthcfire laourtanaery on the evening ot the th iii vordi b faintly express oar deeii wasc cf oltuxtioa for ihe auisuiiice rendered tad which wu the mesa of wring ca from nos losa v h storey i oi aetco jane 2nd 130 fari for sall a3jo0 wjilrli crrf cf tia land lot 17 o coc 17 m tie toniiiip of li conatj of- velu2ctj3n there is 1 lirge qzxltitj- of rtlv- able timter cccsacof teclniipiebenilx pine rock and cft din tlcic isli eodar tad uraarte- the prpcnj wifhin kile of arthnr and 4 miles frcoi alan caiicc will ell orexehaacfl fee sratiljr property forfnnhor inforuition it i y to a lalno aetoo day for sale a rare bargain if oitetiii torvartj rarchsaj laeil icd coa fortam buck rcsjeace la god locahtf inx vulage of acton aad being in etrrretpert tery drtisblc proper y batta ea the prenusei in ibandant supply if hard ind scf vlter and- icpodilaljl thii prepeny 1 zi u ac iuoctc aad coa- teiueai lome forreiirtd psrtj cr a tnosusllr proflt l fr ipeca3aors orcapile- 4- ist for full fwxucular ippjy t j nyjsioore 1 ai tji 0c t twa hall aetoa -1- park j next xottce to trespassers the onderxigedlerety cae in arbijuing ill icroa5 sgaia iresywsij on theii- premi by flabiss ehootioa or ta other man ner ind any person orpcrsoni fnd opoa their farm hereafter wu lc prosecuted secbrdicg to uv wtlll41t ifcdon 1ld ot 3l g a a ilcdqs ald lots s and 30 whn yajuiexlotiaand30 john gordouotl a a mans foiit horelit watson lot 27 john shaw let ic esqccsj hay slrd g turnip seed sweed and crey stone j becaase the bill i coaldnt pay afy grain wu poor and cheap was hay im honest boys ye im a dandy woald give them the money if i had it- handy before i left ill tell yon sqaare while the wind is whistling ihroogh my bur i happened to pat in my left hip pocket twenty in cash in there i socsed it thats all 1 hue not one cent mote bat it will boy most at keljybros store and after this i intend to bay at kellys store antil i die a special cash prizb will be given at our fall show for the best dozen tutnipsgrjwn from seed purchased from me j v kanawlx yoa thick this rhyme cools ins na sense well let yoa say so witboc defence bat to bay goods cheap and to save afass pay the cash and deal witii as kellt bros the great clothing ho use acton business flourishing lately -at- to mackinac summer tours paucc stcahcrs low rmi 1 stnid golaq and i next bund him thsirl ithl those i boas eivj palpii edml mdiej iparij thecj mcbtl proti neck jngi villi recej whicl the qoel linp alterl work tore i wa i bridj the right house hamilton eaorraoab qainlitfli o kew ind fuhioaible good irruidfi at tlia celebrated hoaw from earope every week and eery manafactarer who belli to witkins knows that he pay prompt cmh aud therefore ihey sell him at their tery lowest prices so thit he is entbled to sell his goods so cheap as always to attract immense crowds olcustomers he spares no troable or time in hunting op the very latest styles of goodi and sells tiem it small profits so that thousands o ladiea come to the riiht hoase with the atmost confidence that they will get their snu applied on the wry best terms tek cases of vfw goods this week containing dress axi trisiittkg bilks in p0xge8 faille akd surah sii plush silk velvets ribbon veldts velveteens ca6huire dbe66 goods silk bashes flannels tickings white cottons- dress shields dress linings dress eteek fancy aprons corset coven ldies satchels lawn neckties bilk mitta alarge assortment of handsome fans hat frames ladies htraw hsta corsets dress buckles collars andcoffs dress buttons cotton and silk threads and twist chenille and flush cijrta1vr marked down frou 900 to 000 from j6t5 to k50 and from 87 to ts ladies gossamers from 3toi curtain scrim at i5o worth 30c ladies and misses cotton and lisle hose alj imperial 8ilk gloves down to abodt half prices charming new styles of costcmes marked dowk very low see the lace mitts they are selling oft far below their valde lmm greatly rednoed in prices the carpeu window blinds snd an almost endless variety of honaefornishinga are sellingfaet as they are handsome new styles and selling very cheap just see the bisbe1l carpet sweeper it is the most improved style out and is warranted to save the price of itself in isy ordinary hone in brouiog off caroem in one year watkins is tbe aole agent for it pleaie enter the stores east of the cupel window many make mistakes and donot get into tbe right honse corner king and hngbson streets hamilton may ljth 1800 tecqjcso watsi2as tow trips per wtafc between detroit mackinac island plokt th boo utnitst ts4 li sena prvu detroit and cleveland our illustrated pamphlets 7 79r tica1 ifiat cf ijitcu e b vitc0m3 0 p a dr-ut- ljk tke detroit i cleveuj0 siexm nav co he largest soak wjrx3 in caflada over 100 stylz3 of hay scales cfe grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases money drawers lull of ml wr mini throl was i irteatqitoppsh ak3 sjtihess sopkjs instxi tic flit wr jk kraa cwilson son o 0 esplanade street east toronto ont ucnuoouiupjpcirf- sjj t

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