Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1890, p. 3

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ww m 1otv sasli misimtxs win- t bsi4 on tbess office e- osd ftrft water o for portico tcscatihii10iil risg gjaodistotkch acton mtml j mtaiafmm jmind rtir b ibank of hamilton hamiltoh hbaboincb h s btevex knxstt ftko j tcbxbcbu i ate trscs and on exrt oaicjwloo id 1 1sskrncry riv splcoffii m uvsafc lisj from 100 of ad trcuxaati trsl fcr t bre 1a5 upmarket lrklesicrxv xoj04 m yiiitins irvlrje4 or tnj- y fire -z- tiprrssing l c se rcctiajl j r jiizxtlzat is avcri bet cllicition jar stofjiyisox isale tsi iiri is it t cx iw gacalr of i cariehnnk e till cttiit 4itd xrxtlir ti c of jzh ration w i laeg lcioc vinti and france ttaje jow ssem eutt vota twjb trwu bm saycvgs defaktoixt drtomnwirriotjlwdorklm ta- tjslllowtnjmdtf fcfr d special deposits ueiltiiwlliilk x h itwxkox apnl jgqjte glglnlngs vttitfu arejlculy of local charade t and allluurwunr fpua accident oa monday evcnitig hut albal mckw a little boy five years of ace and nephew ot mnjtt maluieirt while playing oaa ttoee oa xuu ttmr wl and fracurcd hit arm in inch a marnet thai cart an eatar uimsd for hre rcoovtrv o tfic uac of iho no diaablod member littvste milch it ceopfetcra oa tuesday ihe tirsl cttnect itcrosie in ihfl cculn1 tilnct w jilaycdal george- town between ibe esoeuiurf of uramptoa and ihc- 1teat of gcersetawii the lttro art olducia rivals and the rime waa lbc occiou of a grcil deal ol allcac- uooand gtcitcmeat tuc tualch wialled in two coil or the etccuioti and four for l itca ktcetlent play wai ciht- btled bv bali leacu atgeoynjds opealnr up fukinr tactic kocu ud inj 1 heokv irwt ukioi tire theci viamiu lor tbe cwhrea ralb bil- 1u biolt irccn 5 cent bparf onri5 1 8 fuid w cct tciil papcn are ieltlf rt vvindor blind rock o witeimc clocks jcnrllrj- and stc- ttfieaeatljeb 1 qeo- tkds ac ont sign ottfae bi wjicb j neighbomojid news nrnulietl bj- corrtiikmd inuoallcti from eichuio ind p itkt4 bibrlhewr xassaoawkta oq fridiy eveolnt ihlitu llonclni to luo kle paucio cimpwll no mod by jimei while ti ooo 7 jimgwy wu ttnok by lljulqlng td jouoyei wlib neirlr ill ltodnlnu 6om wtgoni weri uyed bat ih lmplmit ihed m kin biriiluidlhlmplema4ideitrol tb bua tu iokurol or 1906 wblch ii pretty neiily in vtluc 300 iil bdly cover the conleali uouieared 83j juctim- yttt wss thcbsday jcse is jstaxt ffikor- locals collxled by iht ertrttoasiitfu freeprttt reorten home lail be anasaij- ai prospect r t nx xrj ccai- 1 3- tvey tcepect a t ir ti ca- irj ortniai- feeed itone i-rtr- vili uc i srov- ijr rs ltvvn ted from me awik jlavai instaied ifiothetblfi downpour of raia yeslet dar- hie confeream teianied night the hay crop till no doabt it larger bemember the ctlebration park in acton on dominion dj the bills for actonf bibomiiuoc bay are out- head the attradios mr e h wordeda new tpshtzvdr on part avenue is fast nearing completioc- ifx georce barely of toronto xiu jceaceia the diccple charcii ion saday jxsl j j daoot fail to ece the eibihlion cf the wateruas fire engse is actoa on doziin- iondaj- i steps an being taten to orcanize a edpanrto parchaac a respectable aadter- ricabje steamer for harrerrpond w h storey soac socisfciii tana- ery vhpch tu damaged by fire a week ago a pcrr in thorongb repair mi rnnrisg 4 i ker father haley and efit father m alrgwy oarthrir will condai tervisiii si- josephs choreh acton o eacda jane 15th the people who hare beea fcoricg for gm near blenheim kent openly have struck what is supposed to be vein of gdhqairtx under the able rapernsion of the atreeti and sidenits committee the iat- p on main street are creditably and rapidly p j iiaei a ptrrse ta front of ifctariahs tahor shop shu su actoa coataining 1160 and other small artidea finder till piaae ieare tame atfezr fci office henry etniti th conaenmed man awaiting execution in london on saturday nexi was visited yesterday by a nnmberbf his oeiehbora who saida last goodbye to him acton comer band expect to bate their new band stand completed in the coarse at a weefc- itr john cameron has the contract and a creditable job may be expected mrjiowat may 11 the jracant csoes at hu disposal now vx perfect sifety and those who ha vfc been kept oa theacrioas eat w long will thni be relieved cf tbei suspense- v on snnday erenlng lax eer j w j eae pastor of knot choreh occupied the poipit of the kethodist church and deliver ed an able disconre to a large attentive aadienoe 1 the commute of management are tparlng neitherexpense norfabor tomake the celebration in prospect park one of jhe most attractive and interestinjr in the provkae oqc oibl tail week a mchtwatchoian named doilce employed at bjhnets lime work gall was attacked by two men who becin the fray by abasing ixndgea watch do in defending his dog doide ttruck cue cf uie men who fm mediately drew a revolver and fired iu doidges fim icutcling a ioriocs woand the men tookight bat the one who fifed the shot htu been captarcd ireati qzaqi resident after a short illness mrs peter lee de parted this hfe at the family residence on xc ill street mtr ecwasbgrciulistowei coacly kerry ireltnd in 17 and came to canada in itl an i settled in the vicin ity of actoa wrhere io isd she married peter lwei resided intlni neighborhood ever since iir hasliaci and two dacgh- ters survive her the remains were in- terrci ia the r c cemetery oa sanday last fitl accidcztcclrwiterdoxrs a frightfcl accident occurred on friday afternoon on the farm nf charles sealey in kelson township abost foar miles from waierdawo while peter draker wis and alert i drawing a tamp with a stamping machine the chain which wu attached to the stamp broke and a lick flew back linking draker on the chest with sacb terrisie force ax to penetrate to the iptne and caasing almost instant death draker was abont thirty years cf ape jl fiuj accyfenr on tuesday laat while the 12 year old soacf ifrthnxt ifchaghes fth line trafalgar was driving a team of horses attsched to a wigac from he field to the barn yard en hi fathers farm he over- bajacccd himseif while coming around a corcer and fell on the grbend the hind wheel of the wagon passed over his fore head the tmf octcnale boy died from the effects of the injary aboat three hoars afterwards s tree tville icrkir ueougetown mr c if clarks team ran away with the bake wagon the othir day or rather wilhoat it for the uortri soon became de tached and went down htelpu and ida a stf at a lively speed driver marphy escaped u ah art an byearald lad namid presto brarop- ou it ace a ed of mttioj several bmldiogi on fire the latest it v htable and bone belonging to if r grayffemw trik craig bros paid mr boyle of v gara- fraxa 273fqr l bead of cattle weighing each an average of wfi los they were ahippedonlhe till inst in 2 cars from fergos mr wm satton has added much to the appearance of his residence by repainting it the new sidewalk extending from the residence of cspt mcdowell to that of mrs spiers was eaiihed by the contractor list week it ill be a great coaveaieuce to the pablic we regret to know that captain car- berry hu beetr eagned to his home thcoagb an old physfiaal complaint suffererfe fbom btomaoh aodtlver derar tnflnurrtpeptlbilloiunu 8i k- hmdmho4nd oonjtjpationfldfl at if a tod certain rol8i la ayeriptlla injall 0005 where thirtlo la needkd therirjtlluarerec m- men3cd by load ng pliyalckbs drxlthjiitirgs of baltimore so v aycra pills aro ha beat cathartic i sd aperient within ha t reach of my pro lion dr john w brown of oceana w va writes i have preacriud ayi pill in my practice and and them lux- celleot i urge their general use in families for a number ot years i wu afflicted with bulouineu which almoetdcatroved my health i tried various reniedjen but nothing afforded me any relief tijiul i begin to take ayers pllla gj s wandcrllchj scranton pa iliato used ayers lllls for the ast thirty years and am satisfied i bhculd not be alive tiwlay if it had hot bben for them tbey cored me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failclainl ttcir occasional use has kept me in a iteakhy condition ever since t p btwn chester pa xlaving been subject for years to ctmstlpauoo without being able to find much relief i at last tried ayers pjllt and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify tlwt i have derived great ben efit from taelr use for over two yjars put i have token one of these pills every ulght before retiring t wonldlnot willingly be without them g iv bowman as east main st carlisle pa ayers pills hnvo been used in my family upwards of twenty rears liud have completely verified all that is claimed for them in attacks of riles from which i suffered many years tier afforded me greater relict than any rded- idue i ever tried thomas ada holly springs texas a children cry for pitcheri cutork when baby wu sick we jara t on woes aha wu a obildaba 4sdnr oassoft wbea aba babaae idsa she ewimp when aba bad cbudreoafeal icrtrertnr- to spcrzstses for tome time past it has leen claimed by local eports that harveys pond in this village cantatas socn very fine speckled tract and the almost incredsloss reports qf these i parts are now fully verified the heavy raicsi ol tcesdty and wednesday lait caused the pond to overflow and flood the bwer portions of land along its banks after the flood had subsided no less than a daan speckad beantiescf cnaenjleixe were picked ap the siriuest among these twelve was piiteen inches ic lecgtu and ffic ourc lc rtts- leveland p pahphlets t jtamuicc 3a iyle0 of if the party who picked rp a pair of cck3 ofce etrape between ebbages plan ing mill and mxin street on friday las will fcindiy leave them at th offis he will receire a saitahle reward at the xational temperance congreas which opens tn kew york this racmic the various phases of the temperance question will be vnfwid by able acd2i- liflguitbed prohibition speakers a minnesota preacher fainted away after marrying a coaple and had to te worfced- over two hours before he was re stored to cocsdoasneae if it acts that 1 y on the pricfcer jast think crtfce poor bridegroom i it wonli odd considerably to the ap pearance of oar village if the resident froold follow the example set by eeeve storey by neatly trimming the jrasa anl f raking ap the streets immedxatefy in front each residence f i a sad accident took place in vtlfcerton weighed tw pondx two oances and the largest va twentytwo inches inlengtii and weighed f jar pounds seven ounces the above are considered only a fair simple of what oar beautiful little lake contains rteorfcre gecrgg jrfxicneg mr malchen who is a native cf bulgaria delivered ca monday evening in knox chcrch his lecture on the political social and religiocs life of the people in macedonia a country in which he was forced to make his home in is77 he being a refugee from bulgaria where the most cruel atrocities were being enacted the lecture waa foil of interesting mailer the speaker evi dently- impressed his hearers with hii earnestneas ioi zeal in the cause of his be nighted cocutrymen he is a ready speak- erand sings at intemli during bdf lecture with good effect characteristic songs of his country which he first translates then sings in his native tosgae the lecturer who is a yocug man of 20 or 27 years of age came to this coantrytfter being converted in macedonia that he mijht gain an edacatioa and better knowledge pf ths life and teachings in this land of gospel privi leges when ft ycjrs ago he came to this coantry be could only pronounce a few english wprds each at bread water etc and could only understand these when spoken slowly by another his total wealth acoted to tea avjirt bat be worked ad farming as a hired man and studied acd tolay he has the ealistactbn of fcaoting that he hassaecessf ally passed his thirdintdroqtoucirersity he is register ed in knox college where heresidesua stadent looking foward to the presbyterian ministry ana in due time expects to retoru again to macedocia as a fully equipped niinisr ot jases christ thac he may lad his now id a great degree ignorant fellow eoactrymec into the knowledge of the truth the pooler- of the church occupied the chair the collection taken ap for the benefit of kr ml amoauied io sijlss miltov wo foster oa salarday wis aed ft 10 by dr robertson foe fishing in dice- and ccrrinsiake between 6 and 9 oclock wednesday j night the barns of he misses anderson ear milton bcrned to the ground plans fcr a new methodist charch in milton will be pat in a few days over gooo ha already beenjabtcribed a garden party snderlhe auipices of the ladies aid of knox charcil will be held at the residenca of mr d mtharri- son- near milton oa the evening of friday jane the 20th isfl a good programme will be provided iilton brias band will be present admission 25 cents ail are invited tvatcnbcll in kaasagaweya on jane ih at the residence of the brides father by the rev mr slrachan of jeockwood mr angus mctaviih and miss annie gordon young est daughter of tr jamei gordon were united in the bonis of matrimony aboat seventy relatives jjud friends assembled to do honor to the oocasionand the bride and groom were the ncipients of many valaable and handsome presents after partaking of the good thing provided for the occasion the happy couple left on the evening train for a wedding trp carrying the best wish es of their many friends for their future happiness and prosperity 1 last wednesday evening a terrific rtia and hail storm passed over this vicinity accompani by vivid flashes of lightning and heavy ihander the only damage re- parted was the breaking of glass in the windows of mr wm laings residence and ko i school house by hail stones which were aboat the six of pigeons eggs mrs wra- anderson knatchbull is lying very ill agd bat slight hopes are enter tained for her acovery john eluotrnear eden mills lost a val aable working horse last monday night from colic poulo bos ire around looking fori good sqaare mealofl some juicy potao pari green is what seriously impairs tneir diges tive apparataiv ayers pills or j c ayer k co lowell mast 6old lr il dntrit d dcaicn ta licditizc c b ryan co guelph we have imported this season an immense range of new spring gctoocts y li novelty quantity variety quality o tbx kenny bros dominion boot uhoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies shoeifslippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear jmensaju- gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines will be found complete with firstclass goods outoa work ud repairing ilway otramrydooe tnmta wl yhe in great nrutr take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for casfi frethlcgttakenln exchange for goods kekney rroivacton wa must admit that the nicest and cheapest wiodow hades are to be had at knrv book they also have a very fine assortment of boys and childrens spring suits all sizes and away down in prices auncc to mothxhs are yoa distiitbod at night and broken of yoar rest by l sick child safferin and crying with the pain of catting teeth if o send at once aid get a bottle of mrs winslowa soothing syrup for children teething ttsvalae is iacolcalable it will relieve the poor little e offerer immediately depend apon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cares dysentery and diarrhoea reailates the stomach and bowels cures wiadcolic softens the gums red aces inflammaaon and gives tone aod energy to the whole system mrs- winslowa soothing sfyrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and n the united states and u for sale druggists thrcaghoat the world- twentyfive cents s battle- be em ask far hsls wn slots soothixg nd take no other kind i oatville the third page of the toronto spring millinery opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following days i witt 6110 of the largest and most attractive stocks ot milinery tbat we have ever shown the style are the latest aud the trim ming the best as we employ only experienced bands t2very lady can depend ou getting the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect our stock as we will be pleased to show them through a daiif full range ot new sprixg dress and muitie goods new peints suitable for early spnng wilton a tle striking toronto bricklayers who have beep out on strike for over two months made a five years agreement on friday with the raisterv by which they will be paid 33 cenu per hoar he the first year and thirty cents per hoar the amount they struck work on daring the remain- tag foar years the dificaity of the striking b sliders laborers will now prob ably be settled but week by which a little girl daughter of mr l todd lost her life it seems she wx ewmsiasliie tide trxot cos mill on some log and a ipg tolled over throwing her into the water hec body wu recovered shortly afterwards one day this rreefc several georgetown porta visited the grand errer apparently iui ht erpectstion of jbaviog a good cttchof speckled beastiea bnt jodging wins rota the small baskets and dissappointed coanteaance when they imved here at tu for bom they had to content tbem- dres with tlie asnal m fiiaerman lack gceing is ail the rage sippel co merchant tailors have an attractive scheme to every customer baying a pair of jffl paats they give the privilege of gaeesing the numberof pieces in a com posite cane aud to every parchaer of a suit three gnesses- on the 15th septem ber an afl interested committee of gentlemen will codut the pieces ipjbe cane andlhe per son who pas gceesed the correct number of nieces iticbdtiins will be awarded a aelec- tioa frotc tcy piece of dctb in the shop of a flee pair of pants fifcll corn and turnip seed all varieties to be bad from t u hmirxo grocer across the atlantic by e d warrenj for sale at hyndv andkanaa- us wrik joc tenns 80y hzcr east ontc ont the new policies for tie halton union farmers matail fire intranee company were executed in tbe feet bnzss job depart ment k few days ago la acknowledging tbe receipt of them scffltary campbell writes us the poiicfas axe to hand tbe wort is very neatly pone be paper aaperior and they give eijeuenv satisfac tion beat 25 cent lea id tip market at a fjuxnv 4 great boom at kriit boos in spring haifa prices catch everyone wok 50003 lbs wanted- ttebigbest price in cash or merchandise will be given for good clean merchantable wool w- mclco co georgetown oat- maps and fall information concerning rates etc over any roate to manitoba the north west or the western states may be had at the grand trunk station acton on friday morning the beloved wife o mr el hosbsid head teacher in the public school looked for the last limcat the faces of those who were near and dear to her she had been aid ap for some weeks and hopes of hex recovery were being enter tained when a second stroke of paralysis finished her sojourn on earth her re mains were tkea to the methodist charch on sunday afleraoan when the rev wm kettlewell preached a very teaching and impressive nnon a large procession headed by the board of edacatioa followed by the oddfellows the united workmen and the w c- t tj marched from tbe house to the charch thenoe to st jades cemetery at the close of the sermon the members of the w c t u of which union mrs hasband was one of the great est workers gathered around the coffin while mrs c- w anderson and mrs b t moore aangan appropriate hymn deceased was fondly loved by all who knew her she was eir willing to lemf a helping hand in timj of need and although having a large family around her to work and care for she always found time to devote to the cause of hsr master her loss will be deeply felt itot only in the home bnt in tbe charch and tne w c t u yet we can look to hiin that doeth all things well and say thy will be done her six sons acted a ball bearers deoceased wu 11 years of age r asadacdeni occared here on friday evening between sir and seven oclock font yoang men one of whom was mar ried got a feoat and went oat on the lake for s row the boat capsized and strange to say the one that was married drowned while the other three narrowly escaped mtl mulligan the deceased had been in the employ of the ookrille leather co for the post two years his wife and family rtsidicgin new jersey his parents who arefat present making their home here have the most leortfelt sympathy extended to thera oar eptortir league meetings have been closed unit the first week iu september owinff to k few attending during the hot weather on taesday evening the 3rd inst hon oliver mflwit while paating through oak ville on his way to hamilton by boat was detained ft the wharf for twenty minaiea the votint liberals presenting him with an addresss and miss alice m carey with a beaatifal bouquet of choice and rare flowers jbe band filling tip all gapsm the the programme mr mowat replied in a few weti cboaen words expressing bu delight at receiving such a loyal reception from thi people of ookrille messrs- bennett and harrison of george town attended the funeral of tbe late mrs hasbanjl on sunday hall is noted for want advertisements lf yoa want to bay qr sell anything h yoa want a situation a mechanic a boat nesa machinery lodgings tfvbu or found anything or if yoawant ttb find oat where anyone is advertise io the to ronto daily mail and read tbe advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address j7ie mai torontoj can ada t dangers of delay if wewere allowed to lookiuto lhajfatare and sec the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently wodld our coarse be could we realize our danger how speedily w would seek a core but with many it sonly when tbe nonster disease has fastened its fangs upon oar laegs that we awaken to oar folly what follows a neglected cold 1 is it not d seases of the throat andlangfbronchitiathma consumption and many diseases f like nature if is worse than madness neg lects cold and it is folly not to hav tome good remedy available for this fierjaeut complaint one of the most eifiiiacioos medicines for all diseases of the thrt at and langs is eicklasanticoasumptive syrup this medicine is composed of kveral medicinal herbs which exert s mat won derful infioeace in caring consamptoa and other diseases of the lungs and cb at it promotes a free and easy expect ration soothes irritation and drives the disease from the system if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad- vertise in the toronto wtdlymaiu that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yonradvertiaementi should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisement of this class are in serted in the toronto pteeiy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada everyone should call andtee car 8 1g0o 1200 and su00 saits made tj order they are better valnethan can be got at any other place in town by three dollars a bait inspection invited fit guaranteed kzllx bcos tapestry new parasols with long and short handles new embroideries just to haryi something altogether new in these goods full stock of cottons cottonades table linens tbwels towclings etc i cheap stock in boots and shoes carpets wasted one thousand costomers to parchotekxtxr bw 1260 rants made to ordr the m c ft station bailding at weld- man wiicu fa part of tb store of bar jobason was struck by lightning and took- fire tie flames were not exinrnulisd betora aivetal hoodred dollars damage had bam jb v laniltoksirahblewoskk hamiltons block formerly hatches block the core corner of woolwich and dublin sts ont john 5 ham ilton proprietor the local marble dealers having failed in tbeir combined attempt to squeeze me out of the business i iave de termined to carry the war into africa by so doing basinesa and selling moi umentr head stones etc at snch prices is will virtaally shat oct competition ub this end in view i have visited the oilebrated granite quarries on the bay oc fandy where i parcbased the whole of tae mana- factaredstockof measrseppt daidsit co very low for cah together with ihe new est designs of other manafaciurars tco whole of this immense itock i bau placed in my now premises as above iodic ated and i now invite all lovers of art and a i intend ing purchasers to visit the works being the only practical mact facturer having longer and larger experiei ce hav ing sufficient capital to bay for c ah i am in a position to give better satlsfa ition and lower prices than any firm in tb west then go to john h hamilton t ecaase be is a practical man who andarsta ids every detail of bis business and becaa a yoa are sure to get satisfaction in workm msbip at lower prices than anywhere c lie and now thanking my patrons who ft rthe past 10 years hays shown snoh confide ice in me and soliciting fotare orders i am yoar obedient serv nt johs hi hi 1tos gcslphoat 20 per cent discount for tbe d tt 80 days on engliahcotobtcanadiananc american granite extra values iu all hues cf groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs henderson mcraeco kcton e 1 from the manufacturers in england canadian printjers read i- y i can furnish you with the best presses for country news andjob work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press our t a cowb to rcton rnd see improved country prouty press ht mork onmtock of carjts cf all qaolitles and makss is probabir not cqonlled by any home west of toronto and tlie wiao range of pattens we show la new and beautiful colorings is ranch superior to anything in these goods ever snows by u before we are also ibowinj a crott variety of wool union oqdheiapcarpctfiuootoaixii oil cloths ban fctau window ttadct cartaios cartain poles and in fact orcrjtulak to be found in a flrsicloas carpet deiiartiuixiu c b ryan co guelph the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work w but run tht frooty lor tight fain ud the longer n ran it the better wo uk it it ii rimple tu to ran euy to hudle omu litu lor refeiri ud u euy on the printer foolut book we nil it the beet freu to be hti in lv or the moner come end lee oar freu at work ii yoa deiire ujnples of work lend tor them end we will gud we uflouw todey for the money come end lee onr freu them we ou ire yoa your choice of t o amber of different lizm ud ttylee of preaee it ill prices euy on type 1 in the woru gudly furniih liut4 uvlbietirrr muc crcrywkefe i think ofit a new8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 3 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from h pmqore v xgent for canada actoh ont

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