Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1890, p. 4

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j tree prssoajjendar j wklll isrt tairawss wsiusu isusiinaao siassot 3aszs hsaraiil jingles and jokelets flatten uoarwuu the wis men the wits ndtumvrgtahiofthe day lows sulphur 8op j an elegant toiltt article- and cleanse and purine the skin niot effect aally thuksqiv june 12 1890 tl ijoung jolhs a ssortsejlmofr ii ckiidrca lio madipy lay this iscli tilicrc to wy ech day ias ctcry day do trbitts right ijitt thi2 swat tad email thin thccrfi tic ifcy ahoctd fall s5nci3oaii3t4rtan4au vcc tlill bare ufitu tui further rcld i y k yo taunted u yea may ech da- uri cvwy day speafcvht is txnt trse ihncstacrtaii tmsh ttccoioost the iky aboard fall e ue tnocu sjad tun and all hcajct would how tbrocjfc fi u you lie and know do not est of linsjcs pnrr and though pie bloesonu blovcsi wiee bn the tree grtp cctor ctrrer yet on tic limit of uiare were so if you i iood would gct- good tos cist be life f jounuy through ird through speaking wiititjdt and due deaq wfcai u right to do iltooceaadall when ycc worfc tad when yoc pixy eltcb day tad every day ttca peace lhth pld your way thcaa the afcy ihoold fall how george rax away the story tfckt alice was reading u i whittingtoe and bis cat georje thought it rath r bird when hi mimnia aakedvnic to pi t it by him to do something i ttorhcr iamiirsidbe was naughty for j ail tie lice hejfcept thinking how nice would be to do as as be pleased alter a while he said itamini i hire ill run away i da net understand ycov dear she answered well i djut lite to be bothered he said and e wtat to be liie whittinctoc very well yoa may go it yoa are not happy in your koine replied the mother i will help ycc to get ready yoa need not rue away then the ui some of bis clothes in a large handkepcmef tad pet the handle oa a stick oter fci shoulder lite the picture j of whittintonl she timed hit goodby i whes she opened the street door for him george looked pretty solemn u be went r dowc the etepsj in a minute he went back j and rac the bell iter- let him ia and ne ran into his mammas room j hay i deefl on the back of the porch night le asied his upc trembled a little- ko dear sxcr papa doesnt like to hare tramps oc the back porch the replied 1 then i caa slay in the rtable wiiii johr j oh no i yoa had better run away at once a long war off where yoa can do aa yoa please poor gecrgewa in tears now q mamma mammal throwing him- i eelm hex armi i do lore yoa so and i dont want to r in away t hate to do aa i please may i comehqgie again to lire dear little wy ttfanrma ia glad yoa have learned yc a lesson with so httle haart- ache answered the mother ax ahe took her t sobbing boy in per artss george nevecj wanted to ran away agahx sartatf erilsia theioarney of life are like the hfu which alarm traveller open the road they appear great at a diatanoe hot when we approach them we nd that they are far leas formidable than ce had imagin ed thomateoc q writes hheamaticm hate tried n relief i got a oil and foand and aince th would laon farnham centre p hare been afflicted witb the iaxt ten yean and temediea witfaoat m e of dr tbomaa electric it gave me instant relief n have had no attack it toall fpr bdttli there are n bat dr low in every case sd any indications of worms worm byrnp meets them ccesefnliy dangers of delay ie we were al owed to look iuto the fctnre add sec te fat j conseqaeecea that follow a leeciedco how diiterently would ocr ecarse be coaid we realize oardaofier hb ipeedhy e would seek acjre but with many it only when the meneter ditettt has f eced its fangs cpotr oar j nc that we aflrtkec to oar folly vtbh fclowe a ncilected cold f tsit not disetset of the throat ai i icnff bronchitik aslbmai coempticn m 3 many diseoaes of like natcrf- it is one than madness to ner lect t com nd it wfojy not to bare some v ccoi rsmtdy aiilafcle for this freeent ccnjplaint oc i of the roost efficacious riedictces for al cieaes of the throat atid ranr i bictlfcbauticoatamptivfc syrup tbu irtdcce is conapcfcd of se feral medicick lerh4 which eiert a most won derfel inilcriice other ecifetsei in ccnnceocgumptioa aacf l the icurfsjjid chest l prcciote- froe tpd asf eipectorationj soothes irrititiqa nd drivea the diaeaae from the n ttieca k ciijrctial atiiarktuay ferer i ilatcc treatmcnf gcfferers are hot cererally aware thai these diseases aft cotjugioos or that they are due to ibeplceecce cf hrirgparaaiteaib f tfaelicirgmeaihraijce and eustachian tube 3jjcroccpc rfejircli however has proved this to be a wet and the resale of thii discovery is thai a simple remedy has been formulated jrhertby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from ote to three simple applica tions made at hme by the patient once in to weeks k this treatment is oot a aaoaff or an cfniajent botb jiave been discarded by rrnnuble pbyiiciaoi aiinjor- oij afvnulet wplaininc this new treatment is- juj on receipt of ten cents by a h irtxon fcson 503 wtt king btree tofoou canada toronto olou fiofferers froml catarrh tronbles faoal4 catrfour read tb above blllouinaas and acid stomach lltnnc ued your burdodtbiood hitters tuocetifully for tome time put for my oompltiol bilioutnesf and acid stomach i have never found its equal tiioiw brrrox 6thoqiaa0nl hf oaea had asthma my husband had asthma for eight yean with ifvere oouahi and his longs also war afffct- ut dtiufd neither rest work nor i any holf from any mfliifliirthe tried soma lime ago wgot utgyatdt pectoral balsam and attr taking six or eight bottlea his ooagh ii cutirely cared the asthma greatly relieved and hia longs greatly beneflued i miw moits co ecu apsieyont yellow oil has dene good work for 30 years in carin maicular rheurcatism lnm- btgn croup qumsey colds ipetin burns bruitca and all pains and ache it is equally good for man or beast mlmmt4 tr ireiywiiere a pricflleta treaaure 1u a cardinal ifontreal stales after ineffectually trying many of the tocalled remediea foe catarrh i made a trial bf kaial balm which give me instant relief it changes the uupjeasautodor of the virus m the throat and the poisoqoat secretions over which every brtath mast pais to any thus troubled t ii a priceless medicine xother graves worm exterminator has do jqnai for destroying worms in children and adults see that yoa get the genome when purchasing it is easy to find oat from anyone who his used it the virtues of hagyardi yellow oil for all painful and infiamraatory troables rheumatism neutfflgia lumbago frost bites- barns harises sprains con tracted cords stiff joints achet paint and soreness of any kind it has no superior practical pointer ai a simple cat oral laxative stomachic blood brats and nerve tonic when taken aa directed the value of bardock blood bitters cannot be overestimated while aa a cure for constipation indigestion liver diseases impure blood sleeplessness nervosa and sick headache it is the bet that money can buy for a long time i had no appetite wa restless at night and very much debilitated after taking two bottles of ayers baraap- arilla my strength and appetite retarned add my health waicompletelyrestored d if fisher oswego x t why suffer from disorders caused by im pure blood when tboataeds are being cared by using kcrthrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery it remotes pimples and al eruptions of the akin hj john c fox olinda writes korthrop dr lymans vegetable discovery is giving good aatis faction those who haveased it say it has done them more good than anything they have everlaten for colds or pain yellow oil iathe best remedy i ever used i had a dealing breast 15 month ago which was sore 1 got no relief until i tried hagyards yellow oil which gave instant relief ilas jko comcrr st itaryt out for croup quinsey or colds ase yellow 00 a box of ayers fills has saved many a t of sickness when a remedy does not happea to be witffln reach people are liable to neglect slight ailments and of course i serioas illness follows they hive to suffer the consequences a stitch in time saves nine- enrich the blood by the use of sfjlburns beef iron and wine which supplies the deceesaxybjoodbuillidg material those of the gentle sex who have exper ienced the pain and annoyance caosedby excoriated nipples and icnammed breasts can well appreciate the valae of a reraed which removes the trouble this is pre cisely what dr thomas eclectnc oil does besides caring when used internally asth ma croup and other maladies c c exzh1eis co gests sfy horse was so afflicted with distemper that he could not driuk for focr days and refused all food bimply apply ing sflxakds lixdixkt oatwardly cored him feb 1637 catt heebeet cixx c c riannrs 6 co gcsrrs i have osed your iflkabds lrxekekt for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the beat lot 5 p e i ias a livnrofros if you want to bay or sell i farm ad vertise in the toronto wtthy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto fteetfy matt for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the ifatl toronto canada people wonder when they find how rapidly health is restored by tafcinjr ayers sar- saparilla the reason is that this preparation contains only the jicrest and most powerful alteratives and tonics to thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life jfrs jos lake brockway centre hich writes liver cotnpljiint and indigestion made my life a burden and came cesr ending my existence for more than fonr rears i suffered tin- told agony i was reduced almost to a skeleton and hardly had strength o dras myself rfcont all kinds at food distressed nw and only t lie most deli cate could be digested at all wiihih tde time mentioned several physician treated me without giving rtllet- xotb- fng that i took secuied to do cay per manent good unil i began the use of ayers barkapanlla which has pro- dacfiii vroadcrful rcstllrs soon afler commencing to take the sa i could see on improvement in my condition ray appetite bocan to return and irlili it came the ability to digext all the food tafceni ray strength improved each day and after a few months of faithful attention toyonr direction i found inywlf a well- wamnn alilc to oil end to all household rfntics the mrtjidne lias given me a new lease of life and 1 cannot thzufc yen too much wc tde nndenrfgncd cftlzens of broclrway centre mich heroby certify tiiat the above statement made by mrs lake is true in every particular and entitled to full credence o p chaniheriain g w waring c a wells druggist ify brother in england was for a lontr time ttnalifc to attend o his occh- ritton bj rremon of sores on his foot sent hiu ayers almanac and the tex- timotilabc ft foiiiafned induced him to try ayers barsapariha after using it a little trhlle lie iraa cured and fa now a well tnan working in a sngar mill at brisbane queensland australia a aftcwcll bharbot lake ontario rett and com fort ke ftorviaf erownt household pinioea has no eqoahor relieving pain both tntarrqsil and external it cures priu in the aid back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power it wonderful brawns household pan acea being acknowledged ai the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir of liniment in th world should be ia very family handy for use whea wanted aa it really u the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds aad is for sale by all druggist al i5 cents wule ythatltwilldo i to 2 bottles of b b b will care head ache 1 to 2 tollies of b b b will cote bil iousness ltoiboulescbbb will care con stipation i to i bottles of b b b will care dys pepsia i to fl bottles jf b b b will cure bad blood j i 1 to 6 boitlaa of 3 b b will care bcrof da in any case relief will be had from the first few doses cflataopufla serclrcared to the editor please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy lor the above named dis ease by it timely usethousand of ho cases nave own ynmxuvntiy cared i shall bo glad to send two bottle of my remedy rare to aay of your reader who have consumption if they will send me their express and p o address respectfully da t a stocrtr 186 west adelaide st toronto oat cdatasapmaa cared aa old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the- formula of a simple vegetable ktnedl for the speedy and per- manect care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma acd all throat and long altectioqs alio a positive and radical care after having tested it wonderful carative powers in thousand of cases has felt it til duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with fell directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a korzi 820 powers block rechester k y the third page of the toronto dauf mall is noted for want advexusemfinta if yea want to buy or sell anything h yoa want a situation a mechanic a bosi ness machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or foand anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone it advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ments oa the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a wordeach in sertion address the jfaiv toronto can ada sfrs ifr btephensof albany y- writei ns aa follows as fallows my stom ach was so weak that i could not eat an thing sour oc very sweet even fruit at tea- time would cause heartburn fulness or oppression of the chest short breath teat lessneis during sleep and frightfal dreams or disagreeable tights so that i would often dread to go to sleep with the ase of korthrap lymans vegetable discovery this unpleasantness has all been removed and i now can eat what saits my taste or fancy aotice to xfothixs are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of ifr winslows soothing syrup for children teething its valae is incalculable it will relieve the poor little s offerer immediately depend upon it mother therell no mistake abont it it cares dysentery and diarrnaa regulalew the stomach and bowels cures wtnd colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy t the whole ayatem ifr window soothing syrup for children teething ispleasant to the taste j and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse is tfafl jjhited stales and u for sale by all druggists- throughout the world price twentyfive pent a bottle be eara and ask for ilas wasiowvsoothixc enter od take no other kind j hlbzrd hutment far tafe tveryirticre mssfm nasalibalm catarrh aysrs sarsaparilla ruzruup tr or t c ayer co lowell taut fifcaf 1 ii iuj3 worii ti uhu oclj tltc hal mi jlint il uxia 600thihc cliaksmc heauxc nrnuit relief f cmact cert failure fapcifftie winy localld diseus are sfaiptr fycytoms ot wnse of smell fool bcuch fuwiinc tad pttiiac noe zentnl feclr of defailijixc ifyos are troubledvrithiayof hew or kiadred aynjptctni joa hve catarrh tod aboctd lose no time in ptocunnf tbotila cf nxttr bxlk warned it time naglected cold ia head resells ia catxrrh followed all drniiu or will be b pott paid oa rccc- of price 50 cents acd iaz by addremsc fulforo co bicccyiuc oar tau beware of itnitatiods afaiuar in nine fr infants and children mllidiptadtocliildraithat i cmtohamootloctoottiai a u v nstlon i without uijurlotn medktlot tb cavrsn oovvurr tt vonay street m y caiterliisio 1 neommed itaa su kowa to tne il 1u bo oxfori 6t brooklyn x t brussels auwoo hemp x more cmses -of- 4rchrpets- jut to hand the follotting lines parpets carpets ets orp- x oarpets union carpets stair carpets clrk thompson carpet house guelph next door to harod co 30 lower wyndham st gbueph clotli hall new spring overcoatings scotch a1jjd canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph pinew- istajtclx repairing we have just parchajod u stock ot fiue american ifaio springs fiup jewels and other good material for watch repairiug bring your j work to say age watchmaker cuelph waj with the knife jl h matthews cutting up the best leather that money can buy and mak ing it up into no i harness if you want halters whips before dealing and material i set of heavy or light harness collars brushes oils or any thing in my line call lsewhere as lam bound to please in prices repa a pleased c iring promptly and neatly done customer will call again is our motto to farjmers and threshers usaonvourjiactuneryonly the weltknown useless oil wltcn i saycvkirl do not mean inertly to ttop tbem tor a time and then bar them return rgain i mux a radical cuke ibaremadethesuseaseot fits bpi3jbpsy or falling sickness a life long study i wijumxt ftir rrimdy to etbeworstcases becaiiwcithtirsliikuiiiliil rcasonfernotnowreitivlng a rur knl cu uk uie worst cases is po reason far not ni at once for a treauseund a yrrr bon irof my jxralumr beaiitoy h kxprv i uu r ofllce h costs ftou nntujiiitfor atrl il u 1u core 3ml- xldw t q root mo wtad4lw 8trmv 9 gold medals waggons and dorse powe farmguelpfa fai manufactured at qtie tber is ao article of you hava our tliirtyflvo fetxs i liu entlru oom whioli o 0xdal0ot one and sura to inrluda j h matthew8 acton choice millinery passed iiito stock this week af rbjermyns r i also- new dress goods ohailieaand prints railway tltas abti ay grand trunk ftiiiw eirrf ni i eiprttt l miu- 11 w ir i thto- eipsa b icct 10 00 pal tmijj timzofclosixokin obinjweit0 30ftuiad spu ooim e1 11 50 lmicd 5 30pm i- ssffffis v h j f 1 j w 7 ft r tj w i v ml iclo clkt on smiji4 cures drsppsil cures dtspepsil cures dyspepsia jatai promotes digestion we offer big drives in curtains and carpets dont forget our boot and shoe department i theres bargains in nobby footwear there t i r bjermyn headquarters -for- house cleaning supplies ever- requisite on hand wall paper ceiling comers centers and borders the largest stock and neatest patterns we hare ever had spring samples aow ready come and see them window shades fancy linen in beautiful shades of color tad design in decoration all squared and hemmed mth spring boilers complete ready for immediate ase also paper shades in pattern and by the yard alabastine a full supply of this favorite kalsomine those who hare osed it once will have no othsr ajlthepopaiar shades in stock paints oils varnishes etc glne whiting washing soda pearline washing crystal soaps brooms brushes etc everything yoa want for a general cleanup also prof barks disinfectant and deodonxing powder hardware spades shovel garden rakes glass and a general stock of groceries and pare spices our 50 cent t boats them all j b pearson sgton hive bean wraed it dariag the st three yor try iijo oar jrll alit 4roor yoa these oiuiro aaedaad highly recomneddedatthemods wk forthetn me noother ecottyoilworlut- samuel rocerb co toronto speight son acton j a sptlght manager caastrpjiy you with liltha furniture rebuffed to funifih roar now and cost little home or la rvpleuiili rburtaomolf aetuea onotn snvstyfeat tbe very lowest prices nirnllurq we cannot so pplrunl farther we dshrer oar furnitoroand ho arragiue f rcictit cnargos aiut run no risk ot breakace wecaaiultall undertaking- fliice in thlib iiiioaaliasrualtd lu oouvliicfiiff uia ablio of ooniuiunlty tb we supply flnklmsirortla all ordertjauj in styles bomiiara with uioaa of the city atone half oitjr pneua v our hearse of qreat britain and europe a nw opartur uwanintt th fonr area tas t medf cal ersirea ox the world are london faris berlin and vienna thesvcities have lmmenie hbspftals uexoinff with snffertnc bnoiasitr cirowda of stadent throne iha ward stodyin ettnder tbetrofesstra in oharga the most renowned thyif- clans of tha world teach anijai- uce hare and the lnititutioas are storehoases of medical knowledgo and btperience with a titw of makine thlj cxpertenea vdiblo to the tniblio the hcipitai bonady co at great expense secured the prescriptions of these boidtaji prepared tha ipeciflej and al- tboogh it would cot from sb to lioobaseotth the attention ofthelr dutinguuhed originators t in thlj w 7 their pratwied spwlnes arc offered at tha price of theoaaiik patent medicines that flood the m absurdly claim toenre avery ill from a single bottla th want always felt tot a relfcble n5 oi pestio remedies is how fillad with perfect satiifscfton the hoiiriulltemedie ttssrao phraasonable dalma thtapeeino fwcatariheuxes that and nowns tel spectator o ehlti conittrnption- and ltiir tmnblabhuinuini f ko 8 while troubles of stomach litar and kldnw their own cure to th ia iptcific for pter and aj for umala weaknjsft ressrai tonic and bloodmaker uutbtls uoalaadslteai form andfolniaa piistxtractfrom the scientific papers nva m iaumfe 10 1oytffs catarbh hat tin ccj catarrhal oeafhzstu rjg ptthtntio evte emet fnm tottjktic twivtt m btfort u pubik tilt it not a tatifcr etrtncirt aeta err ho tcoobhs colds bmithrm asthvj coksuhptioftaii taeompmbu rtwedy tfoti net merely stop a eevpi but eradlcatm mi dlttoit and ttfaigtmsri tit lutifft atd rtrtorm ttaxtta lltiugg giang a rtm fan ef ufa 700 so sfthejkarislfa 4lllngvitlt4 mttt ato- cathiog eitt baitutrtpviiuasowviit nmtdg ii so tuver amd kidseys ctshfisla aftd nqiewion cohstipatioh bfuqhrs disease- a faocrta tltuqkurjitlii for tht cac e to raws mart tiomicmt than eickoi utt a rtmettt tuctlutd la ugk placu 9100 10 ftver amd awe mmbavqe malaria meural8iaf kacm what grnoe damafr it it tieu tkttytttm it it trtsttflo break it for a t uu a fmdg that traticattf it 9100 f 10 female weakmess ire30laitss whites mono womtaare broken toon ucaa tmtf xtghet tnas 4ltnt oat drcric end utt no 6 and regal ktaltli ami strtcfji 1go jo 1- health foum amd fvixess cverf c1 eoff wootf oaf hit vf it if ataa blood is por if tcramag m tail ptrftet twi4 9100 0 meitrou8 debtlfty loss of potvtta eyaca atfeudvt pablle will mail a aenilag r aeit for aa urfyrtuatt taniliiw no 0 h gold p ehteh to trial milt prtvi btwvw of igborvtt creels map elan high prttn jot ehtcp taut ukrtattfs drift and plttt tw ptoptrtlu of match ttg art uttarlf ignarart bad mac txpoit mm bf ceatg vettr cdartathttirtttotaenta til bailout ottmobomd the agafg- 9100 veto cfcrkm to be had of i all dsugoits vs tvurtin iwmdi kwp them mmm tmmt p n nd wa wb otamtt fta wtonutr warca mxl ibwpn4c r u acu ww mradlnct kavteni tde h m honita ktndki wbkh ad dtihnnw qoacfcs ko pmtawd i wwdmlttwiib aodkfc taww tofc etu ot gm awowsto tuyim d ww oncrlp tj taomhm xm ujfi bndaiii tee hmk nwlwni trwaajalb vuhcaedavrnak teyfr a npay lasadmtwjdtt mmhniaabv gvaosm- hmm a don of mt qtfdt at patw wadns nti witt tvw onrtwunalwayanraaentabeeomlngapiwaraiiee we have plaa- the public to call on as for anything repaired to oar uaea prxtqnhitocaa l v- mcc it lsia driu strcr rarttw ti in tt aaiiest tryiii nu ijcij li ojy pow to no jiarprwo i wbpersaadad by frirailf to try iljijjwueh idll mltfiit cwjfi i fu ccaitiy curci m cures constipatloh cures consjifflloh c0nstip4ti0ii one bows sapid sesarery tjiaii scti have tru voar hiii it1j p tacceai far ccuijaica api painji uiy hcai tiic rfxhldqa tnadduo over to much bettsa- my txrscli hw ujtb freeql and the jiia ia tr head taat- itltte in 1ctft711j wltfc uub iimfwntuvs u5 lloor tft tcroctn cures biliousness cures b1u0ushess cures biliousness regulates the liver rinaltastroabledforbte fears vttu liver cdtnplaibt o ied a prcd deal of tiedica uicb ihd mo eo good aad i wu pelting fctm tu the tima en til i ttw harlock biool iiitterv alter uting tour lor i aru nw well leas alto recommend itjcr the tun of pvrpiia fi lliar ae ijeiror etrttneonl cures headache cures hemche cures headachi regulates the kidneys a prompt cdra dr braf wi very tad whb btadidis ei xytip lant lick vir lijiu tad fast welled sol couij v so-wbsk- my usurrijljn dviod oaita try i kit va one bettts i felt so ktcl tkcr that i pot pec ikitt r c7van andean wortt uc iacrar ajcge srtcrsi tosonbcniosf b cures b ad blood cures bad blooi cures bad blooot- purifies the blood ftd pixvl ruivlrtwfro wtouk tctiua d the sttnnsck urcr kivviuij bala h ii r by ripiiiting and truing li t orvss rawwi thecaaa3 tntiesnewtiok liixi rci07iig all blood diui irou a pig pie lea lah wwiii3u rnultdv 031 r- t ck inhit o le r tor 1abl itmaftxi 4 akt aowwku u tlti bit tea ftvubkh he uttci n fct 7akaow dufvn woou uio fulu wrtt tear on rooi sso to 0o wr rck i4k7trfi l 6unmndcabxtfl3 roriliutdtlli powder purest 8tronce8tf best contains mo -r- alum ammqnla lime phosphatesic or aay inirious oatsriati ew rttl rptt atoytoofrt w ql lufctt chicago hi itiattcfniinamjyjlitricjlsai onrrftbr ap i a till udeoatn tccxrilnx ti cub eaciatr mial stnbteh j h tmk rnshif ifn littltlmnwa ibuit tht mall ifl of ot aftfctfcnrbtprtftahtjne3iw eflifcrtttbaltli rajwtii- tuiafrea su ut o oxj t itu a tlt ktrt asdimutullztti thecookjsbest friend hirsts pain exterminator 51 c j wmu third r ipjo c vh1 s omc j mm ih0usih6ld basolltea oat r urd your rata o nr family jr aai a family is r- rh as conrkxcld sprbldsaadunrbst dmttercr there is a net ik without ft i can reroounrstal ta fce a amclafi f xirrnal- in bkuvnak roblbllnccffrff oil jl tin ttdbl- kebi 1ft mlulfu tal fr uur u

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