Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1890, p. 1

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n ft vd d i ee est i p- 1 h j lwr si kcnj 4 f 1 lt kocombixvr no po3mr ib pctlliehkt ieye4v xhdbsdat okrsjkpj 11 the fit s wws sieswtt matins office mtb sti ekt actox tkr tebjtiol seecnnrri oxone douar prri it rttid in a itance or within thrw month f negieiafi rear tm30per jrarii not to the date which ersty subscription fs denoted bj the date on the address label ajdvbktii txs htts transient adtrtise- meftta 6 6 uto pec xmpanfl tin for flrtfc-in- rfcou t sow- pec hb each subaed- cbstaifis iutei tije olloiaj table shows out rates k ue iotowui o sdtrtisemnttj far opacified prtod- j on wioout ipacibcdiwct3nkh i iajbid and cfa cat advsrtiaenienta must be fi- cbaiipw cttener once nbbthtbe composition mustbs psiflj at rtgulst rate onator contract utertisemeats n in tie uteywiiibe bt9 bn tuesdays etberttfse over uqtil tbe fouowine sioobe editor and ptoprijrfor fusiruss lowryj ww granite of trltity coubsembrot oouminyaiciani any soweont ji osdantttnaliadofidffilck t spkikgefcj c f sk coeci sl toronto tekffcesotlsb be chanced cnoe kich kan lot jbiratont mb mcf x x scaqsbs accoccaxca ag dr stegarrjihs iffll and rtaderick itneta b sacsy btdcjlftjtcchcjtsp jjealsted mj j pgtsicmr btzqdor etc rzsniskaixp dace stoez fclffl stnset next doxtt jvunasis hew and thai store d rothcalfltgk of pbtdcuss ebulblah paltouxir eye department pan-insx- taie swstant in centnj ijoadanebttli7oat and eshaspital 1 i za3 sost 1xd thbo lliagton tetiel gadpa snt rf each bonth tram 10 ajnl to l j otte atenoa scnet codajiatwroa l g lfksnett ljs dextifit gsoogetavx q5ub3d krsiatid stgrp destot geoecrtdty tjhli letfei at aiewi hole on the aeepod and f oct w ol h montk j oibeeliisetoim fifilfljjr untb of i- m cieik mcleajt bmatsoiicitat jotariea oaoftranceri tc isinvtafitsda to loin- j 3bea tcrwj hae artec t- a mowat fitwttn sountiia sbuxi pcsuc uonermlatk qfficb din taeidaj and satardaj- mcavlfittbevw block i q kotos bllalt j bamfttikfidtara taiosro i33geoiiiarmr eacrelmaai blohfc gafjtora aii r atreet at iottfl for- ta cosnxlsfl of ordmlafluthafbzzl at tayfiaimce in aetod uoddlb itnni nwoaabu al mon4r to loan qntht iuct fstanke usnatand at tb loveit ratesof inlereau itimf50aandnpirar m r aecl omriqdeeni how puakcibirimaie soeeiaorto c f chmsnj bookbikdeb stgajrsfisquare ioelph0otaifc aosnni zokz of allj fctntftmade to orfler ttjrik cc every deacnptiocarefnilt boom ssiiinaatliraiidproidaujdcae tj fltoihiklakblbbb shop pktni brtr t acoj sti t l odefcapt aniiiitnlciniibanp alwwciten- basr honandptln flntcl a cadwon tidli andthlldtenri hair uatfl rent t 1 1 h wpb fek wfcavikiil bi3otter iorijrents ato slit op wpiiil n goira an hoaorau- 1 and pjaaewitiht otuiass tfthoat ptj and control m tjmwry- bxndone boxinasa in canada 30 jaars ltben i mro the right xsph to tell qcr gteiee si rserrstock send w c bk0th2es ojtpast j xcrjerjian colhorne i octlfh okt pioctttutbt sqoiie 7 lumber latli shingles srknsiiix of lnjnber lock d nsdidtal 05 mlu hag a wtl catahlahadiapnltl gfaw loiabcr and rwtiabl price ohtojlm on hand pin prepared towppw wrj tut in oar itoo- pbtbb sxykbfi kmagaypo wellingtou steam lauidry qfr j shxatsloc odllabbte cuffs4e fvqilr wtihinc t ithoat ironlncsc nsr dot iwly waahioe fiui toatntselsr qwtleniad wumnc and bepirug be per wkltuituitard best in canada ooec ud wort 56 quebec iuseta ooodi left ith kelly broa oar aginu at s u1 be wot to thejanndrt and warned wthekarorttaaolcharsatabotbprioba k backset proprietor wallpaber wyoo vast jroar noma to look h dara andoeutnf decoratidm of fine 8oft ooloriia0i and blending and proper auadln days bqokbtore otjelph the place to bar became dij the aeaortmenl tar aeleoted uan t of the bea tuanafactaren paper arej of the bed tellooir to him iand therefore hbat the excln- guelpli business college guelph 0ktab10- initraciioas 0ren br ezprti in bookkeeping coml arithmetic ramnanthip- bna correapondenee bn practice politiod economy shorthand com1l- i typewriting french language batae moderate uoataciionraarantmd for twtna ett eddrea i u hiccobmick prlnoipal and frank bur6ess j house painter paperhanger sign writer etc i prepared to erecute ordera fa any of the atxinunealn th e beat manner and t reasonable etwt job htinf mypenooalataoation i cmaaamre cnafotoerj complete aatisfactioq graintajtiratlttjodiaechuty t j order lettetmr residence ifin sl acton will reeeite prompt attention i jali alvft iu of their ooodi in boelpb doing almott the entin paper trade it toe city and paring caah far nil goods he caq bar the quan tity at the loveat inside price enabling um tn undersell all competitors dad can cito yoi better paper bordera celling qeoorauona uii lover prloea than any other itote in the city see his papers and price befofe parting vilh yourmonei- day sells cheap w barber bros papke kakees j georgetown ont mrflskculttor machine finished book papers high grace vfeeklr xews1 the paper osed in ibis jonmai is the above mills we barber ft bs03- opstairsj r lljaruewor qmzc smpr ivzlts clark t carter nd fara uj nowett dafcnt a oji ujj imrehiu 1ll nwu x h i porchace rill plem di compete wui ny estabiirf ia ontario j sanni sold oat mr f4rato tiia hore fi jt ul ou public on uieir lesl inco r jb haidltox 4 aiicth snd insjixx actok j pump factorjst -axd- j planing mill thos ebbage man- i hire resnncd the msjucement pf the pump bnrinem in acton and vonld reajwetfnlly lnfami allputfet in wast of pump that ire are now prvpupd to supply tym from tbo om style wooden pomp to the best force pomp made pompi lor wind mils ot eoclc jwelli supplied oaxaon notice- deep weill a spetialt yr fttrthtp krt our plaaing mill r lmnberdiwtedxhijeyoa viic mouldings ex made to order we hare also a qoantity of lumber or sal soluble for building pcipoaea orders by mad adll receive prompt and arefnl attention shop it foot of eiyer street th05effblg hanaer paris guaranteed jvkannawin mttt ht loitrj at6tbtffe4edatjp9 i bifo aga wprh agallahtjoter hes true as tape can be bat its come fa this wheal want a kiss be always sayi to me wit dos a minlf h a docs not io4e another bli heart is alljrny own yot 1 griete to that mino to hi w now when be treats tue so m hu flown sit des a minil hjl faoeisreryfalr his eyos are ttolat blue and the light they send u on me they bend uost breaks tor heart in two waitdesamlnft hi halris like the ton that shines npan tbaflo bol be likes not girli and be shakes his carls with words that plcree m tbroaglt tfaliawamfnlt whenever i talk of lore in moonlight or by day he lost looks at me and in mocking glee beinarka and rani away 1 waltdeaaminit i tell yon what 111 do to pnnish this yonnp man when be wants a wus u it takes his life 111 say to the young woman wait des a minlt saadf broad to harprr4 ipeetfy fc stltrt jfomiln juaiing twfl kisses nv ma e u hocgh pure aqtok mutual hre hsu rance company or tkz coubito wellmnoton established ifi head off guelph inareabctwbigakcrchaadie uanafa4torie sadsjlothetoeacttptlonariinsnrable on the caah and premiom kotesysum tjff 8t0he chas davipsort presatnl maaagar john taytor aoeht new planing mill sash and door pactorr- 1 john cameron contractor has fitted opine bnfldingon mfn street lately occnoied asa trunk factory with nerr machinery and ls prepared to famish place specifications and estimate for all classes of buildings and execute ail liud of i drebsiig matchixg i and ifouldikg kiir ixl sttles or j saahesooon sod windows and door frames and dressed lumber i and keep astocit on hand all orders promptly attendodu john cameeon coal wood james brown was on htud a large quantity of exccllet coal wbieii bo ai prompllr deliver to any part of the town reasonable prices hardol md slabs cut stove length uways on hand tclephof o coajmnnicatiou vyaters bros tbz pistdee oallehy qtjzlph i pictbbb uourdikos b0ommouldixl corkice poles fcouiss buasb bods b4kxeb hod tmn ipo- abtist uxtbailk ou fwa cjjot cmo colon toj4 enoielt ob win v klictailjmvib watebs bbq8 t qeoeae6 sqofbb acton- livery bus ltoe- the tmdersignedrespectfallysollqits the patron- age of the public and inform them that wat equipped and strlith bigtpaoi al ways b secured at bit stables- a comfortable fans meets all trains between 9 sm andjjs careful attention git en to every ei the wants of commercial travel lers folly met johk wllliams a little talkatout shoist figures mar lie and facts distorted be but seeing ubelieying come nd see the peekabco boot andf shoe store is just now showing a number of new lines at shoes and slippers specially adapted for iheaeason these new goods are beinn prices as low or lower than those asked for old styles and-ibop- worn goods elsewhere everybody can be suited for ium itf otmsfi wear we have all youth wear children wear bphj wear special line good goods hewpst style jand best value for the monr w wihiamsj custom work and repairing given tion trunks and valises in careful variety swearing off is slang for making good- resolutions and this end of the year is the ime generally chosen as being the most suitable and appro- priatefor tummg over a hew eax during i8go we have resolved to make more photograph u an w did in 1889 to make better photographs than fwe did inl689 to please everybody better hanjwe did in 1880 we have the faculties photographing yourj tnitattunnong proof a as and- get a picture one that will t one at yoor maurae in after days nrsareaalcwu0oodwotbn4 living bring the rosy little cherubs to j charming pictora oh that learett sraaanrea in after da pictures are as profit will allow ramshaw 1 photo artist acton i ktten ons babies madam will yon give me something to it it was a bitter pat for the proud pam pered and nattered child of luxury and in dulgence to come to and the hatfsuhex half defiant tones in which the wards were ottered were evidence of his inward rebel lion against the hateful necessity forced upon him something to eat 7 repeated the lady a kindlooking matron of about thirty five who had come to the door on seeing him approach and cast a quick comprehensive glance over his person and attire- oh yea t she added come in wbb is it mamma asked a little eager voice as a pretty child of six ram mers came from an inner room only a poor man dear who wants something toeat replied the lady there now r she continued placing a wellfilled tray upon the table bit down and help yourself the stranger obeyed r a few words would have told his story the only child of wealthy parents ralph wentworth had lived to the age of twenty in ease and luxury he had graduated with a fair record from but with no marked proclivities for any art or celling save the very agreeable and congenial one of enjoying the good things of life within a week after the brilliant festivities that had celebrated his majority his father had fallen dead in the street from a paralytic stroke leaving his family penniless in a week more his mother had sunk to the grave and the petted indulged boy was left to face the world alone with no re sources save five hundred dollars that re mained of his fathera birthday gift with the first shook of bereavement over friends dusteredaixmnd him ready to ad vise and eager to aswat in the spending of his little patrimony that once gone his friends went also ralph made a fear ineffectual efforts to obtain some employment but where the hetr of prospective thousands had been met with smiles and affability the impecunious young man now encountered supercilious looks and incredulook shrugs finally filled wiflx misanthropic disgubt- against these summer friends he had re solved to quit kew york and go he cared not where on the mprning after coming to this decision while glancing aimlessly over a paper his eye fell upon an item describ ing the marvellous di scorery of gold in the vicinity of the black hills j in an instant hii resolve was formed hewouldgd there j he muat begin at the bottom of the hoc al ladder if should at least be away frcn i the sight and sneers of those who had hel ed to bring him to this pass he had strong limbs and he would make the jour ey on foot with an occasional lift rrotn e me passing team if his strength gave oat before the goal was reached so much the better no one would care no one would niss him life had very few charms for iim the rich wine of her pleasures had ost its sparkle the bitter fruit of ster necessity must be his now perhaps forever it was in this mood that he had made his first request for a meal for the last few pennies of his slender funds had bought him a meagre dinner the day before and as he now sat eating the bountiful repast placed before him bythe generous hand of a stranger a sudden rush of emotion came over him and forced a sigh that was almost a groan from his lips what makes you feel so very bad v the little earnest voice breaking in upon his painful reverie aroused him with a start seated in a little rocker which she was genuyswaying to and fro with her hands folded m her lap and her sweet wistful eyes fixed with a searching yet sympathetic gaze upon him was the child whose pres ence he had entirely forgotten her mother had left the room temporarily and be had thought himself alone r r he could not speak for a moment then regaining more composure he said-aaswer- ing her question with another why do you think feel bad little one 1 because your face looks bo sad and you dont eat anything hardly and you almost cried just now replied the little creature bending forward and fixing an earnest gaze upon him dont you feel nappy not very happy child that is a fact and another sigh finished tho sentence are yon a had man was the next question a half smile parted balprrs pale lips why do you ask me that ho respond ed because mamma saya thai people- real good people i mean are always happy and that thev only- feel sad when they do something wijong i iupposenanmi aright aaidbajph sighing- and yet ijam not a bad nun littleone jam foolishsotnemes and a little said toeucreainre sbajking with a air ind then rnjtmmk tells me to ait down in my chair d think about it and by and by i feel vety sdrry and look sad like you do now djutt vou feel barry you waa so foolish indeed ido my child said the young m m with involuntary earnestness but te 1 me he added interested by her artless pr ittlei what do you do then- i telrmamma how sorry i am i and thloi she kisses me and i feel better h vent you got any mamma oraayfrienda kiss iou no j little one my mother is dead and friends are all gone the child pondered for a moment at is too bad she exclaimed thaoghtfully hen suddenly raising her little faca fer- ve tt with tender sympathy she added wilj it make you feel better if i kiss mr j there was a simple but touching pathos ne artless words that stirred the heart of th honjeless man as it had not been stirred be ore land bending forward he said with f emption i yesj 1 think it will i am sure it witl j wel i will kiss you ind s rising from her chair the child stepped ito his side and kissed the lips bent dofrn to meet hers now you wont be foolish any more wi yon she asked lideed i will try not to be t was the eai aest inswer godhless yon little one i th it is the sweetest kiss i have had since m motherdied how i wish i had a dear litt e friend like you i wil be your friend said the child ind wait for a moment j will get yon soi tething darting awayjrom his side ah left lie room returning- in a few min ute i with a small parcel in her hand see lere she said opening it upon his km e papa had my picture taken on sot e ca ds the other day and he gave me thi one to do just what i pleased with he wrot s my name on it maude evelyn gn nger i will give it to yon and when yot look at it you can think of your little frit ad and that she wants you to be good but will your mamma let yon give this to fnef asked ralph with some miagiv- m ob yes i asked her just now i told her i wanted to give you something to make yot happy arid she said very well dear ko r youll have one friend wont you yesr said the young man taking her soft little hand in his and if i should con e back again 6ome of these days and tell you that i have been real good and not fool ah any more will you lose me again to be sure i will was the earnest re- spo lsc and at that iroment the returning fooi steps of the lady were heard and ralph aroi e hat in hand t thank you kindly madam for your hos litality he said bowing with grave cou tesy for a new spirit bad been infused tote hinj by the sweet sympathy of that litt i child and he no longer felt eke a bon eless tramp goodbye e pressed little maudes hand in a close ling sring clasp raised hts hat to his bene- fact ess and uon pbice theee ceno f ve jjears had passed finding ralph we tworth still working as a common labc rer frthe mines but reckoned among the most steady efficient and faithful eve y evening when lns work was ended he i ould wander off to some secluded spot thei drawing a little package from his poclet gaze long and earnestly at the pict ired face it contained one of his fellc wworkmen had on one occasion grat ned his curiosity so far as to follow him and stole upon him unawares just as he i as raising the little aouvenir reverent ly tt his lips but the look in ralphs eye as b i turned and discovered the intruder war ted him that it would not be safe or plea iant to attempt any further investiga tion and beyond an occasional sly reference to wentworth s sweetheart no allusion was made to the matter f ngaii abstemious and selfdenying as a hen nt bis life appeared to have in it little to ej ivyr but he had a goal before his men tal ision of which they knew nothing a goal to j the attainment of which every doll r of his hardearned wages every enei ry of his life were devoted a though apparently lost to the world witl outalpb was not entirely forgotten one day a letter came for him a thick cum irousiooking envelope directed in a larg sprawling hand in the solitude of his littli ce4like room he opened it and his pale cheek flushed with a look that was aim et an ecstasy then passed ten years mor j the brilliantly lighted parlors of mrs ren inglons handsome mansion in kew yor city were filling fast with guests whe l thp hostess came quickly forward to welc sme a newcomer a lovely girl of twei ty years who was entering accom- pani xi by a gentleman evidently her father i i ood evening my dear maude she excliimed with a rapturous little squeeze of her iijinil i have delightful hews for you at 1 all the other marriageable young iodic who will be here tonight with a gay laugh iam to- have among my goes s jonight no less a person than sena tor wentworth that elegant young man i call him young for he is only thirt rfiye who has been winning so many laurt is fpr himself in the legislature of one of th se western states i never can re- men berj which hes a splendidlooking man they say and iinmensely rich owns mini ig property he is on fora short visit and ve secured him for tonight i will be si re i o socure wu on introduction to him i o replied maude smiling then she assed on to another part of the room hi if in hour later there was a slight bust a a the door and a ripple of expect ancy aft ong the guests maude who- hap- pene 1 u bd standing where she had a view af ti a e i trance perceived a tall elegtfnt en in bending over the hand of mrs ren ing on at the nextjmoment he raised his 1 eac to glance over the company and theii ey met was ill fancy or did a fleet ng miction cross bis fade a look of sorpisj almost gladness lit up his fine eyes uaude was sure she had never met him bef ire and yetf as- she retarned his glaze for a moment a feeling as of a half f org tt i memory came over her dnable to a al se the feeling car indeed oompre- ho it aha turned to respond b a requeat for i da ipe and at the instant the diitin- guis ted guest stepped aside to acknowledge an i itrt jootjontq someewaooamfdeea it w ty nunntea later aa maude sogd opni bts qwiuiherpartbe mri benitpg- ilaaac my love ilr wentworih wisbea tobe introduced to j you aid looking op ibe encountered again the earnest gaze of the handsome senator a reqoert tor the next dance followed tba introdaotion then a pronfenide and then almost before she was aware mr wentworth bad secured all the disengaged dances on bar card his oonvbraation animated varied naontbad at the tame time a oertain nnderoorrent o deep even intense feeiids that lent a strange charm to his meat commonplace words and sent a subtle thrill to the very heart of the fair girl it seemed as if there existed a kindred ohord betweenthem a chord long euent yet jiving stil and which thrilled wllhavery ribration of bii voicel making her feel en that short evening wag pst as if ha had been a friend of years la loved and valoed friend ratbare than ja stranger whom she was meetittg for the first tune mr wentworth learned in tbs course of their conversation that miss granger was spending the winter in the city being on a visit to some relative and i he farther asked and obtained permission to call upon bar he did call many times and at era th one evening he said in the coarse okajong and earnest conferaation miu granger ever since oar acqesint- anoe began i have been wanting to tell you ji story det me tell it now drawing his chair closer to where she sat ralph wentworih began a tale with moit of which xbe reader is already familiar then continuing be said one day there csme to that joang man a letter oontaining the notice of a beqoest of twenty tboasand dollars from a distant retatire lately deceased that money with what he had saved in those fiveyears com pleted the pqrobaae of a claim tinat was the beginning of his fortune step by step he moan ted the ladder of life once more until he stood in the legislative halls of the state be had adopted commanding wealth influ ence friends and better than jail a clear and honorable record then be came back to bis native state to find bee who had been his good auel all these years per haps she had forgotten the man to whom bar sweet childish sympathy bad been a tahuman and bieasmg for he bad not even told bar his namer but something whisper ed to him that he would find her again and find her heart free maude he con tinued taking the hand l that trembled in his clasp through all those yeirs that innocent kiss of a warm affectionate heart has lain pure upon my lips the solace of my lonely life temptations i had many but that little face waa present with me always i could not look into loose pore eyes and sin i on the day when her little hand pointed oat the way to a batter life she promised that if i came back again and could say to her that x had tried to do my duty to be a good and useful man she would kiss me again i hare kept my faith have earnestly striven to retrieve youthful folly that had not yet become vice and now wiutbe woman redeem tb promise of theenfld will she raise her lips to mine in another kiss a kiss that shall tall me she will be my lutes good angel my cherished and honored wife for a moment maudes voice failed her back over the years memory swept bring ing op every detail of thit memorable in terview and she now knew ibe secret of the subtle sympathy which bad seemed from the first to bind them together a new voice seemed speak imi to her sow one to which her heart responded with great and solemn joy and reading bis answer in her face upraised to his in one fleeting glance ralph wentworth drew her to his heart and kissed ber 3 childrens polnosj a little girl who bad not been in school icngenougb to know all ibe insami pots of education was lata one morning dnring hr o first term bring a written aicaie from yoor mother this afternoon said the teacher and hauie retired to bk deal where she began laboriously writing piesenuy sbe accomplished the following nat and laid it triumphantly on the teachers desk please egseusa hattie for being tr- ttje bnt this isnt from your mother ob- jected the recipient r ctom id hattie innocently but 1 thought if i wrote it myself i hooldot have to splain it to ber that lwas late a certain little boy according to the chicago herald had greatly annoyed his mother by running away to tbe hooae of neighbor and staying there until some one was sent for him tired of hunting for him bis mother at length called on the mother of the children whom he thus sought and came to an understanding with berj f- when i am willing that george should call on your children she said i will write a note to that effect add pin it on his arm in tbe note i will state what time i want him seat home and you can act ac cordingly the other lady agreed to this plan and a day or two afterward thp child appeared at her house with a note pinned on his sleeve she did not look st it immediately but allowed bim to play with her children until she thought tt might be time to send him home tben she opened the note and found it contained nothing but scribblings why 60 sail she what does this mean well answered george my mamma was asleep when i wanted to come here so i wrote tho note myself youths con panion 7 mu a ponten ror thb adrbimarp when legislators keep tbe law indbanjudunaawithbltiajidloeis whsrfterriiswhortlerw amlstraw v orowunjerdownwardathacjbthallodfl when in the usual place for rips- our i ires are stitched with special eara and guarded well tbtwhaleboa tips where first umbrelus need repair till then lot miller blase away and all hs saints blow up tbagloba i but when yon see that dteaeed day j to crdottor ascension rebe m vr in a private apartment in ralph went worth s luxurious borne bangs a beautifully executed copy of tbe photograph he ba- cheruhed so long while enclosed in a golden locket which he will carry over his heart as long as he uvea is another in miniature of tbe sweet childish face which lifted to his in that first ionooent kiss of sympathy and trust waa tbe turning point in his life the earnest of aosefnl honor able and happy future not in the book trust the statement has been widely xirca- lated probably by parties who wished it might be tree that john b aldan- pub lisher of new york chicago and atlanta bad joined the book trust which ia trying to monopolize tbe publication of standard books and to increase prices from 25 to 100 per cent mr aldan sends as word that he has not joined the trust and there is not and never has been any prob ability of bis joining it the literary revolution which has accomplished such wonderful results within the past ten years in popularizing literature of the highest character no trash ever finds place on his hit still goes on instead of increas ing prices large reductions in prices have recently been made particularly in copy right books by american authors a catalogue of 96 pages is bent free to any applicant one of the latest issues from his press is stanleys eminpashaeipe- dition by wautors a very bandsome urgetype illustrated volume reduced in price from 1200 fo 50 senta this work tells a most interesting and complete story beginning with the conquest of the soudan and continuing through years of explora tion the revolfof the mahdi tbe siege of j khartoum with the death of gordon tbe return of dr looker besides the story stanleys own adventures including successful relief expedition it is one the moat ocmpltto works issued upon th subject send alden jout address dj you will receive his 96page catalogue and from time to time specimen pages of his new publications jom balex pub lisher 203 pearl st kew york also chicago and atlanta yot his ie of the church first we so often see it allege 1 in print says the tdeffram that oddfellow and masons frequently assert- ihot their respective orders are coed enough church in the many yearr that we have been connected with varioosfraternultostitutioiu beard a rnsjmbar tise snch an expreasion nor doealmoh a sentiment rnevail we riaveibsird members say that they did not tbinktbe cbona was doing its duty towaida some aiok brofter and that bad ft dobesttfmtborder to which bv waa aatoebeovfats famuy6nld havt starred or f gobs to the the poor aonse bejt that ibe qjdrob ot oirbrob iamtrsardadby th ordarj u stebf sjga m obanbel of ivalah d rtnisipnsasnti this boy wilt get rich he was a pretty bright boy he is a miaj isters son by the way which explains it and begot away with it designing shop keeper tbe other day a a way thai did credit to his parentage the dealer had been practising soma little sleight ofband tricks and when tbe boy strolled in he selected him for a snbjeql you see this pebbti said he as he rolled it on the palm of this hand kow you dont but youll fifid a nickel on tbs brim of your hatv s he reached over ansv took the nickel just watch this now bp continued tbe boy did so the pebble was transformed to a nickel wu that ray pebbk inquired tbe yoath- cautionaly j certainly was theanswer hot content with one jexnibi tion of hts smartness herulled thojpebbld in his bind and ft disappeared tbe boy picked the nickel off his hat bjdssejpymnd faded oat of the shop with the remsyk if that was my pebble then this mfit be my nickel tbeproprietor waa too sjbch utonisbed at his logic to object ai3 the minister is worldly enough to enjoybts sons perform ance and stop writing bis sermon and laugh in bis sleeve at the catena of the chip off tho old block st pact prttt the watki jltowe the watfcin tower is so far on tbe way to become an accomplished fact that a site of 800 acres has been purchased bays tbe court circular ot tbistjeround onehalf will be required for tbe tjiweraod tbe other half will be hud out as si pleasure garden tbe promoters have bad plans sent from tbe continent aod from v america as well as from all parts of the united siodgom some of the competing engbieets bare branched into remarkable deaignes one for example has provided for a steam tramway from the base to the summit of the tower and another has gftfenbis structure an initial span in tbe form of a dome large enough to- contain the whole of the houses of parliamm the steam tramway however is not likely to be con structed tbt promoters have decided that tbe transport within tbe tower shall be effected entirely be hydraille machinery rhubarb at its best a writer in gardeners iiagadnt says rhubarb is better stale than fresh as we have several times stated in this depart- menl but people forget good advices and remember bad ones consequently it is repeated for 4he advantage of all that rhubarb differs from most other vegetables and fruits in being better if kepi afew days or even a week until quite wilted when it is ot far better quality for cooking than the fresh article it needs no particular mode of keeping bat is best in a bright draughty place for light augments tbe color and tbe exhaustion of a dry winds takes the excess bf water oat of it and improves its more desirable properties rhubarb that has become withered in a shop window is a superior article to crisp fresh rhubarb just brought in why highlanders wear the kilt this question has at last been solved and by an englishman watty mbain bad been entertaining his english cousin during easter one night the pair were sitting chatting together and watty began prating the highlanaman what agrandh raw they were and what a grand garb they wore the englishman stood ik for a time bnt at last be told wattfbe wab talk ingbosb that the wearing of tbe kilt was a necessity not a matter of choice hbw do you make that out said watty in some surprise easy enough said bis oossin highlanders wear tbe kilt be cause they have such big feet they couldnt get into the ordinary pair of trousers scottur- american never came back the germans are given to taking life rather seriously even tbeir jokes have often a sombre cast anything remarkable about this moun tain saked a tourist of a driver no answered the driver there is nothing peculiar aboat tbe hill itself but ibere is a queer story connected with it wutibitr a young lady and ottuemen srentotts forawapnthehiutbsy and niber and never backagain biums whatoteir baoamt of tbem they eni down baltsstttsdi tife adventures of bill and jim- v a pair ot youtkf ur bueoajisirstj whose first exrwlsjrioe c cured them si jul mamma bfill parker started ittrttlyob mummaj will tell you all the truth- you kupw the library well bills big brbitw got books out of that- and ihey were sodv wild nice books about pirate and smng- gler and baccaneers and bui reaiem to me and yesterday before flay ho safi before yesterdayrtiternoon biu came and whistled at the gate and said hi jim j i and i went oatj and he said iwaotto tdlj vou a secret o we went to thearoor and said be dout you want to be aboccanear and i said oi conrse v wed -been- reading an aoooont of the buccaneers in the history of the west indies and we both jart thought wed rather be boobaneers tbtn anything woaldnt joa like to ben booamewr said bfll v yes says 1 of course but we couldnt unless l bmaahipy ive got a boat said bul tjtpm one of grandpas is mended up and jftbi got a hole in tbe bottom now d gone fishing so he fixed it bp withtw and said i wasnt to go into ik eyec- made a flag with a croaslbooea and id head on it sq folks 11 be afraid lqfjsi ive got an old pistol out orthagiurre ai some ghupowder and a bag of ahd clestnuts and well start down the river and go out to see aarlfi firstahtp eae well tell am to s buccaneers and thevil be afraid dont know and then vyil kill the and take the ship for our ownv oaly must bring a knife v- idontwanttokulthecatehs well we neednv said m 7 he scared and go dowp onbiskne- say spare my hie i andsvetl do tben well pat himain the boat and go and weuommand be enwv p tho islands where theres tieasorcty pe rich and give some to oar mothers theyll think were splendid obi fht oclock and mind ypa nave a yoor hat yon can get one out of sibters sunday bonnet and ill be bill tbe brave buccaneer od youll fsst jim the jocund buccaneer eh t f ill come 1 said f only lexcep4 mail bo scared to find ine cone j you aiut got uo righil totbjsabbak scaring yonr ma when ydn are acoonaneer said bill youd be too bre dont you j know i 1 v i i didnt out 1 thought 3hi knew and ii got my fathers big knife and tbe fetwij aid i- stuffed my pocket f utf of ipngstanapslj and i went down to the river and jhert 1 wasbillin his boat aod i a in and away we rowed toward- be sea and we went awful ful and when thay oonldn1 see os from the windows we put dor feaibh era to our hats and boisted the hag wilt he deaths bead on it and away we wtttij faster yet and there waa the seoand a while ltwas just too splendid for an thing bat pretty eoou- the boas dreadfully and tossed all aboul got dark alter awhile and sti ando a thiyater splat jkoni wety and i sakflb bui oh bill are you afraid and be said kind ofahaky uket no- bocaneersnevetireitii theo i wasnt so much 7 put it got darker ano darker and then iiaidtobijl bill doot you thulk we hw better go borne and start tomorrow and says he no when its daylight well ahipj and capture it and that will ba better and i got awful sleepy and 1 went jto sleep then i dreamed and 1 woke up j and there was a red light and vgreeb sbjht and somebody said hullo t two children 1 its gods mercy they wereatdrowned and then we were on a stesunboat ancl folks all around ns and bflj- w4th m feather in nis fiat and hispistollti nkin band s are yon the captain he aes4a man like grandpa with a gilt bend b hja cap if te who are y era nad 111 gtotb t brve bill tie bnccmmor nja pd rveboaded 70a udt qcaa mu im bui sad mindycato8arnaderoqinod9all if yoa do oh uid tha gentletffl 1rhbk jroa ibegn to tmnblefot mjlf well and jon and vhoanonf ihe captain kabedloolugg at me i said bill haajim oaneer and thbujo of an amlal r ance haa fiereo wben toosod beifwi q bllwiati alarmins uid the entimair- ia that an ackorate detoription rf jiw mjr yoong friencj v vvf- i ko air said z u im baljr 3uy j0d68 and ivant to go hmrt in ytiitywtfn ajaaa of tniauksn idtiiy fntlemao wlero doyotid oahome ii on th nltln0ajtiaiaidj bfll bldraacal ririjderr dial andj ha pointed tbe piitol ai tin eanuin- f j oli dont kill him bfll aaid i bqtth oaptain joat etoopeddovs and took ifaa pistol awayfrom qiu and looiwd a 1ft hujfied if iu not loaded be aaid seaith that yotrag tmaoav pooaital whyt yon little bodomythombyaam the itoj they make piretea u 1 fancy lockbim np aomewbera bat gin hjm loiea inpperilheubqnryi they took bill awy and tben the omp t tain took me on hit knee amjctaeked me vslflm5iibiiaitebaai djop ow would ratbec hen aapneucl mmnlf-sgnfot- nana look vwua nleaimik jlllial ffaojjkoilftl about it and imoldbimi and liyed ui bo papa aan be iaid they woulditaie ni homenelt day i andthby saw ine joloe aoppw a4t aleptin a berth and i aaid aj fttfpt neret tobe nanghiy aalnana ooiami sjj niamnuandpapanababypto-j- im ap glad dearolamma mai jrti ki miffjuif- yonr ferbii eijjteil orrjr boltmiitiir enedmlmm inl m

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