Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1890, p. 3

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jtvbsiota cumu tumm s steves atrrciueo metbodbtjqhckc- acton eyo a oiwobd uij nigtor ruxmn x swnrn i in h t nutnhm mii udnsdlirf mr rvuvn fcvsteiral bank iof hamilton head office hamilton srlnt directors jobs 6tiiit prtidttl a gobk geo iu1c a- t vfoot a b ul qeohqetiwn agehcy sow ditconawd tdncicw tndv c su ckirm sum gttxr k cayrtsirr r bnwwc ihoatbt tod w- ooiiemamde ill toctmibld polcu on savings derakntkxt detwit rccri d s 1 i niwi- lotsuloreltionltok os ifcjwll u dt rth4riwl special deposits also rewind it tumatri ol tntcreit bic ot tilkdnwl w huwatsox sjvu sign of the bio watch fa frost jceau taf l53 eaefc wc ik tii pritiks ct kuizs vxiti oa rioscst uric mustaibafivect ktiok ud jnal- ili teat money ew bavin the unc s 4n0e dock jtlrr 5e sflvurrare weddia batway piweats inspect oar ooodj w window bund stationery fancy goeda fag cut gjjf osacall- j geo aykds acton onl to- ko t cljt jrfffltvjlftt frtss i tkursdat july 10 l890 uttle ixwaljbrieflfts li f which daushtthe tiyes or ears of free press reporter this weefc news in anutsheul saturday wfl be orangemans da gnelohbusiafiss college has no met vacation the teacher examinations are progress this week- i the strawberry season is over bwp- berries i now faning la the moat of the lumen hereabouts bare connneaced their 4tia the foamitriaji oemr j a ltoprb nex home on hill stnsz is c the street tnddenlk committee is doing luge imarkt of vcx this the mitchell ideeriaeris now ciil yeir it his tn enrprisigg pufelaher c itr wcdeil i attentioa a directed to the trine ejirertiseffiedt of messrs jciin k bondico goelnh j- i thirteen ctafdidites from aetonpthlic school wrote u the ealruiee r m gecretown hagh school last wee3l rthe social st the resuience of 3eph arthurs- an slonday erenuig wis jse a saeees the proceeds injoanied to tboat 2300 i 1 the iliaimoth hoae georgefavi inaaances in tnis issae their eerdiiiannal c sale redactions are mtat in erery departoaeat i tbe bohscriptiocs cf eereril hnndreda ot oar rcbscribers fetl dae on 1st july please eiagine the date on tout label and reiii if too an in arrears irthoails t moore his hoi ne toang of that tarotio the news at hohe moitly of locl chrctar and every item intwsrtlng actbn a8 the hub fftini vii gtrtcn ptrty tlii tremtu igirttn prty ind tnti- vjwil be held in st albn rrao ktoandi cbjrch ttrwv th liditu ol uia ooagngiuoii tin mmon vilt ptovldt the deuotoioi of acton coroot bmd will be the jadges m4 ittusact ritthe house on the corner bf mill and streets tip and enclosed it th be qniu an acqnisitiqn to the ceigfaboiriood- we are in receipt of a copy bearxtifil qitttntedi pnblication sclsrday yjjif smnmer cnaaber it ccntains 3fjpage and is a cniqqe afiair thronghon a tery fije aampje of egs wis fcft at thu oaise on battuday by captl ehnr of fifth line they were laid by ffinorka hens aad fiveol them weighs i ooacet jsst soublt ai mach as orfiaary haai eggs amsttug of the directors at acton uaioa agrictmal society wfll ba held in the town hao on saturday nexfi t two oclock to ippoiat other bn3ine in oonnectioa obcnag exhibttion eeric 1cookofbloonineldx r preatiiedaii abje aad eloqoent terawn in the baptist larch pn fianday afternoon his friends rwere delighted to have the 0puimni6- of hsteniog to thei former fuovtowtissian it is hoped that eterybody who has ehiltlreii ia tiesabliath schools iiu aeton and hroaghoat thej oounly will j keep the 13th of angwt clear of other en jagemenls and decide fa attod the cocnlv- sanday school picnc at itkoc j mr vreanaimc of crieff preached 1 hk ciahen sennob ia knox church list sanday unng forhis text psalms 677 in the daj of myj troable i xiu earioptra thee for thoor wilt answer ot the yoan njaa preached ja very eimest and creditable benconj we nnderstaodheic- tends entering the ministry and will ahartiy enter epos i preparatory conrse r ftweoirewircrctryooeofthe most enterprising aad powerful joarrak in fl ouawi vallcj- haj reached it twentieth tear in is adrpcacy of what it beliered to he right the iicv hat goae throngh reaad fiooj ace comes- thrtoph them unscathed and aboonding in flnthasiaim heatre smallfieii son deserte the sacoese their labore give them 4 enjoy the titdaifrj timi whose- im mense edition usw reicbes al copies every weefcj gave an eitansite report cttheiniematibtiisanday school con jy pea if evador last weefc the saadas sjioot j7w it one of the very bettuachere helps pabliehed write for free eiinpla copies faiad wattles ia the world for roar school to liahir eailadelphi coanierfat l 2 dotninioti notes are all3t que of ii easiest poin te of aifer eace to detect ib ut in tie jeemfoe the esarepnninbasiafcjthati naaiber of the bill anion the coanierfeit it dorfe ia falac ink ted a poor black at liut therignetteflyorddtiaeriaiiithfl captg is wmewljaj blurred mi there are f oifaeriffereacfcs which it wocll tai bufe clerfc to detect loot opt forihem generi both the family and the sivtion arm i tle titie of a liitla brochoreipniediyjohn britten of tor- onto which cliama to show the rise progress a moral and bptritialdeclide of the army it u y 6- h hodpea u l b forroerly eecretary to gen aiakes some filiate charge general and mm e membsn o the family hr hodgef h rwever sym athizes with the work of the ixnay in tbe ilia preeov tlje procceda r tx u baodiy school tnxu of d biax ot glu eleven yva ago t yoang dattghtor of ox itobert tvusou eden uu1 ran a pfeoa of clan into wheel the onbd grew up and at times her foot pained her bat noth ing serious transpired about five yeart a0 aa tlie oiiild liad become a woman h marrici to jamea boles about a month ago qie uece of lass cauted her pain and after poulticing the spot at the ankle whert the troableappearodtooentre the piece of glass showed itself and was taken oat ajid no bad effects havo resulted therefrom the piece iy about onethird of an inch long and wedgedtbipod it rcury xtoyal tcmpjirs of tzmptmacc penfe the royal tcmplan of tetnperanoa of actoq oooucil hire deciqtd to hold thotr annaal pi o- tic in the park on the evening of thursday 31u july the members whose numbers are increasing every month are united in the determination to make u afuair one of the most thoroughly ia- teresting and enjoyable of the season the proeramma will icclade t parade of the members oi acton council and riaiting councils who are expected to be present together wah all the friends ot the order in this cectioa headed by acton corset band at c30 pii excellent oommitiom have been appoieted to nndertale the detail of the affair land a splendid evenings entier tain meat will be realized by all who partici- p- i baptist strawberry festival the strajiberry festival aad entertain esent givea in the town ball last friday evening under the aospices of the baptist church wu a very interesting affair the delicacies jprovided by the ladies were thoroughly enjoyed and the programms afterwards presend wu of an entertaining character bev hx sorlon the newly instuled j pastor of the church presided he expressed pleasure at meeting so many christian friendc at the first public meeting under his supervision in acton the pro- grtmnre included a namber of facellent lairtettesr rendered by kre ilckinlay mrs warden ifr warrta and mx bessey ot georgeltown mjes iklean ot hilton sang a solo peacefully slamber ia a most creditable manner a recitation was eiren by little miss korton which shoved considerable elocutionary training sev eral instrumental salos wrere rendered very creditably by hiss jessie warrec hiss mckialayj tanc u jeasies dceam in her asaal acceptable manner short and pilhy addretses were made by fievt dr gifford the entertainment deserved a much larger audience jthaait wis favored with generosity eecprocafetf tan winter when icr 7 brydges pro prietor of the 0h1 ice company windsor came to acton to examine the ice here owing to j the fitful weather he hesitated whether io commence operations bat when jlrhartey owner of the pond generously tendered him the right to cut the ice cpon the single consideravjan that hewoald em ploy all hz men aud teams needed for the work in acton he ptoeeeded to store the ice the wort went txi scores of men had work fjr several weeks some 300 or 100 can of eplendid- ice wis tored and mr harvey thoughi no more ottbfi matter exoept to feel the inward consciousness of havizg done a good tuxa for his unemploy- ed fellow-citizens- ia- tbe dead of winter natil the other morniag he found at his door a fine family refrigerator with the information that it wis hit with the com- plimenu of the bell ice company the companys teams leave a supply of ice daily at mr harveys door and now he feels that he lias been amply rewarded for hia pars tn the matter the ice business has been f i is of considerable value to acton- i a couple of thousand dollars were tipendad foe labor lumber etc in the winter aod a small gihg of men will be at work all summer ia shipping tfle caaatys s hsae arrangemenla for the meeting of all the safcbath schools of the county in a grand anion picnic at ilflton oa the 13th aflgurt ire prbgressiag with great satisfaction report comes from hilton that the local committee is doing everything in ita power to ensure the success eft the affair and the comfort and pleasure of all those who will participate the pleasure groands are being put in in attractive condition an evergreen arch on slain street u under contemplation and the sliltcu friends are alive to the arrangement of attractive features for the great gathering although the committees appointed to eeocre excursion rates and special cars hae cot a yet completed their negofeatiocsthcre it every reason to hope that tickets will be placed at very low figures so thar all the children may be able to at tend owing to the fact that judge moore of xew lnrk will be at chicago at the date of pieuieit will be impossible to secure him the committee havp however engaged eev br potis of toronto a gentleman wellknown and beloved y the people throuharit the length- and breadth of the dochniba wfcowul giveanaddress equally as interesting as the speaker first named and who has the superior faculty of making himadf beard no malter how large the acsieuce may be ithe tact that dr potta is a- member of tbe internalional sabbath fjefcobt lesson ootwnitt will- add to the interest felt ia ha presence on this occasion drpotuaddxesiwilibeopon the subject is the sabbati school worth what it cottc this naionpicdicis calculated to be an event of great importance in tbe his- lory cf the sabiath schools of halton ion 150000 coosty kever before has there been sach a gstberiag andaa estimate can be made of tbe great beoet to be derived by thus unit- tnj the promotea hope tbit even- sabbath school in haltoq will make an effort cot to be represented cnlyi butas far as poa sble to be present en inaat scholars teacher officers parents and friends ttre eqaallj- welcose and enjoyment and pro5t can be promised to all a word with the schools of acnoani vicinity ot r section of the cosnfy u jtonored with several of the priccpal effioers of the asciatiou wfio are united m the hope that tbiiprt of the county make a good showing amongs ti the scbcou of tbe ooauty and derive ah the dejieettobereabzedou socb an oocasiouj it 5s proposed iajthe course of a week or so toliave a meeting of represenutivea of out bchool to coupler matters nffeciing oar agpearanoe at the ncaie la the mean time give tbe ereai etoliering yoor consid eration and hetrty co operation and itt all sibbath 6cbok workeis here auitc in making tbe kcoice marked succees aid in eosorinnhe children of tbe achoolj bappy ootin i country around tnterei ttng items supplied by our ccfrbpondentsancj culled prom exohangqb r tbe kiluburtf preabyteriaa chutuh b 8 ptcui i wu hom on thursday at 6tanley park wa ai pleased to learn that mrs fowlis uiseatlnible wifeot ihs pastor of boma church who wu seriously unwell u said to be muoi improved in bar oondiuon a lar jfl bank bam oa feet square wu rausd b wednesday on the farm of dep beeve george robinson bamuel graham hu charge ot wbod-wora- and adam jus tioe of he stone work advocate i 1 hornby ur john a bowsou ie off on a trip to england for the bnefit of his health oorjiiday evening juno 27th hornby diviaiojq ol soar of temperance met and elected the following officers v pibro jaiuea rrostao vajbiamarygrtjiain- lubbicbinllo forrciu a 1l k bro jofca filiank f bmlu uifigio ftmton tna bro edward xuoa chan bro william sball confiia couon a cbro bauoddrs l b ciis keliic sliauka osllrofrwibibbald pwjlmirowcdotcl orgailst bis u trimble a garden partjv in connection with st stephens church will be given at the resi dence of hr thos j cliisholm base line trafalgar on the evening of th arsday 24th inat georgetown a quartette from the baptist choir and a number of oar citizens auended the bap- uat festuil i acton on friday evening one ot eequesing agricultural society directors claims to have already secured twenty special prizes the dominion day strawberry feriivaj under the auspices oluiehethodist church georgetown has become a standing insti tution on the evening of tuesday it was not so bucceasful u usual owing to the manjoutoftown attractions the straw berries were well op to the mark the ice- creaiv excellent and the entertainment pleasing berdd fees amounting to 3f jwere xuected at the high school during the term bev thomas ge preached his inagaral sermons in the ilethodist church last sanday his congregation are satisfied they jhave a good preacher- eramosa the following is the result of the half yearly examination in s s yo 6 era- mosi j e day teacher class v marks obtainable sts itabel wilkaghby- 501 maffpe itcintceh sj5jencie pasmore 335 slary burns 2g5 robert t cripps 32gjjohn craham 322 kellie shultis 31lj class t junior division marks obtainable 517 may pasmore 35 1 aunie shaltis378j lizzie ramshaw 29 archie sfcabv 45 class iii mackiobtainabie tjgrwillie barns 3j7 george barns 3i7 ahie wqioughby 322 lizzie lam- berj 30s george graham 2gg edith stevenson 255 itary eamshav 213 josephine kennedy 223 annie burns ivx class ii marks obuinable 300 alice coleman 17h harry hamilton 2g7 flnreilawilioaghby211 john soper 226 friakasmore 2i5 harold hill 201 wiilie stevenson 193 ktuie eagle 13a jennie graham 191 bu lttliisswmta bavliu a tin olaasmaiioilhe village prepared for i sve bo tjjst wateriu here ajtboogh itartufctofeei f eogl oanpfll noadty baoaojt no wbpuim 1 rat ortpot its if eat jsiniiiawrnririnnrrjiirn and straw- uityfesuval wu held tut friday evening in ho schoolroom of tbeuhhodlstcharou bt rlington ht excurtiou season is now iu full swag- scarcely a day puses wjtlioat b tlington being visited by parties of pic- ni wi both large and small cbe mil too protbyterian sandsytehool pi nicked at tpe beach last friday b dgtt oakville while two oakviuvboysj nero diggiug mid on the wesf side of the creek they fohod the remain of a tall indian- and clbaebeside beads and a copper tomahawk father slaven left on friday lut to take charge of his new appointment in gait father 8 hu been in oakyille for seven ytiti during which time he formed many warm friendships not only with his own church people but with all denominations before leaving the members of bis church and sabbath school preseuted him with a hprse and carriage an easy chair and a surplice father kelly of hamutontakei has place here a namber- of our young people loos advantage of the pleasant evenings of fharsday and friday aod attended the nrden parties held respectively at the residences ef mr f forster trafalgar id mr ju ctvanagh omagh thefsu pkxss hu reached the age of tweet siiteeo the editor aays a hearty youngster all will admit how aoold it be otherwise when it hu nothing but the best and most wholesome food to ieed its pages from week to week it is i boat a year since the fbxe paras became i weekly visitor to my home and 1 can lafeiy say that no paper receives iccli a learty welcome or ia more read and ap preciated rev and acrf williamson and family lave got milled in their new home and begun work in their new 6eld of labor a namber ot oaknlliant attended the carnival at toronto last week they re turned with thi impression that if a few ag decorations make op a carnival otk- ville ooald hare one imined lately mxs d afccraneyaod family this week for cojiiogwood where llr mr- craney intends remaining with her lister jmxs ewin of couingwood- amerecas sunday schools object of teaching h j oonveraion of th child 5 themau mw it being rissl fortn e uaiional poaei during the lut- h a series ol relam spoken dpon and u that each one will fin there is a abbath every child and vhen in the babbmh t tbe negro problflfo cration i infldelit let us set the little l 1 o mormbnil onildin the midst of christian work in the midst of these great questions and in the a free trip attire wo shall know that the little child bjuii lod us to certain success tourope ecropeto the person the publiahers o will rive a free rip ti sending them tho lai est namber of words constructed from liters contained in the name oi thpir well k town magazine tlte canadiatyjutcn t ddiuouai prizes con- tieting of stlw i a sets gold watches china dinner setr wttiere curtains silk dresses mantel cl cks and many other useful andvalaabli articles will also be awarded in order of turit v7ebtcxs uoabri iged dictiooarxlo be used as authority ir deciding hi ooittat this ia a popular lau of iatrodaclng a popular publicatioc j every one sending a ustot not lets thi uton words will receive a present euclos thirteen 2c stamps for illustrated cat logue of presents aod three months subsiripliou to tae queen aidresa the caiadian queen toronto ont an advertisen ect tacked on a fence post oat on the pra rie is good soma lonely traveller may accii enily see it the same advertisement posi sd at a street corner is better handreds rill see it every day au advertisement nberted in ad ofiotav pg uqcfiiciil prograc hub of something or nothing is rood people see it and lhe chances are perhaps read it wht lame advertise me it placed in a newt- paper u better t loosandsjwul read it cough milton oar wad is making a move to become hi batalkoa band for the coauty tne great county sanday school picnio to be held here ou the 13tu august is a proj rnment topic of conversation the local committee assisted by our citizens generally wul do all ia their power to welcome the sunday school chudrea and workers aaq help them to enjoy their visit in the report of the annual convocation at i albert collfge belleville au the 25th jane mr f w houinrakes aame ap pears among those who look hooors ia tbe second years collegiate course fred ale won the morden prize for general profici ency aod the presideats prize ia classics- uiefyrmer revchascampbellf toronto preach- ed in st andrews church oa sanday j miss lottie hemstreet of actoo contri buted to the programme of the young ladies entertainment at the residence of mrs james hollinrake last weefc rockwood pab- booth and auinst the we bolton a boy of sixteen years f age from dr barnados home toronto who has been living with robert pasmore for the last three months died last tuesday evening of heart disease j a garden party was held last friday evening at mr baileys to welcome the new pastors of the methodist church the hockwood band furnished jraasic daring ihe evenicg- strachan ccuave sold their stock of groceries to wm mccarthy considerable improvement has been made on oar sidewalks during the past week the storm on tuesday afternoon wu bue of the greatest ever witnessed in this part cf the coantry for several years the xoof on moores mill was almost totally jdestroyed the semaphores at the gjt r station were blown down- mr gravs barnroof was blown off struck and pe- mohshed mr thos ramshaws waggon the latter gentleman and mr joshua gjer row had a narrow escape frcm death as tpey had just left the waggouwhea the roof fell dr drydeus hammock house wu blown to pieces mrs samuel hagens large iont window was brown into the house thi grove in front of messrs paamoras stor was greatly thinned we have not learned of any serious damage done to crops mr m p barry is visiting his brother hr d barry montreal kiss maad luudy of niagara is mr t luniiy miss kellie corvan of mbsborougt visiting mrs strickland iliss polly strachan who during the entire winter was confined to the boose with a severe attacfcof inflammatory rueu- fine nd wixthibne thoosand customera to pnrchasekfxiijfiuphfso fanta made to orier matism is able totaka an airing on dajs mias strachan s numerous frieodr are highly pleased to note tbe improvec lent misb halchens ot parkhill spenfa few daja last week here with mrs dr dr deu mr john strachan the elocutionist took part in an entertainment at clarki burg tbe other nighu the plant bf the 4efanet rockwood ad- mute is to be qtiiized in a newspaper ven ture at sudbary mnsboka we w aint more khccc thmji it had here mr h b mccarthy wan in town dar- ing tbe week bev mr- harvey the popnlar ouug metbodibt minister preaches next s nday evening to the bockwood lodge a0dw tbia will be tbe lut opportunity boo wood people mil have of bearing the reierend gentleman for some time interesting- review of the interna tional convention in a sermon by rev j w rae in knox church acton last sabbath morning the pastor he rev j w rae who had just returned from the great in ternational sunday school convention held in pittsburg pa made the convention proceedings illustrate the emphasis laid on childlife by the christian workers of out dar basing his remarks opan the words found in matt 18 2 ko one said the speaker who looked in upon the thirteen hundreil delegates gathered from all parts of the united states and canada could fail to be impressed with the fact that the little child was stiltm the midst of that great band of devoted followers of jesns christ the place of meeting with its 300000 in habitants its historic associations its great iron and other industries which- it was feared had drawn the people too much away from sabbath school work svas then described and a hope expressed tfiat since the delegates bad been kindly entertained because of their masters sake an impetus might be given by eir presence in conven tion there that would tend tohdp the sister cities of pittsburg and alleghany to better work in the sabbath school department of the church extracts were given from their speeches and comments made upon the leading workers ia the convention mr william reynolds now expresident of the associa tion tvas spoken of as a man consecrated to- this noble woak he having given up a profitable business of 38 years standing at what he felt to be a call of the lord that he might devote allof his time to organiza tion and sabbath school institute work the christian governor of pennsylvania who spoke with no uncertain sound in re gard to thebible as the sheet anchor of our faith and tbe work in sunday schools as tending to good dtizenship both here and hereafter was commended as an example worthy of our public men many of wham might well copy governor beaver a high tribute was paid to the power zeal and noble christian spirit manifested by our distinguished divines dr burns of halifa and dr potts of toronto the latter of whom is a valued member of the international lesson committee a selec tion from bishop vincents speech called his dream of the towers plainly showed the great genius and noble spirit of that leader in sabbath school work who beyond al most any other has emphasized the truth that a little child shall lead them miss francis wiuard the mouthpiece of the wcttj mrsw f crafts tie greatest of primary teachers miss wheel ock of massachusetts and miss hall were made to speak again to us as they advocated the broad subject of temperance or temper ance lessons or as they showed how the work of a primary teacher may best be conducted in the class on sabbath and during the week bishop amot a negro from thesoathera states whohad been accorded an honored place on the platform in pittsburgh was next described by his appeal for the colored children and people of the south commented on he said that the negro neaded three books 1st a spelling book in which is found the key tf knowledge 2nd the bible in which is found the key to snlvhtion and 3rda bank book in which is found the key to american pred judice edncatibi salva- ation and thrift are the three essentials needed and these can be taught in saibath schools marion lawrence the only paid superintendent in the wyla was refemxl to he getting 1200 jkconnum dr schisnff- lers words upon the plastic nature of the childs mind were repsated and with a passing tribute to this great s s teacher the speaker closed the list with a brief mention of mr b f jacobs of chicago whom he described as the father of our international lesson scheme and ttie great moving spirit under god of the or ganized sabbath school work of the world under the third division of the di scouras were discussed the topics engaging direct attention by the different speakers- the general topic of tho convention viz uniting ingathering upbuilding i fell into smaller mvieosach as 1 th e field 2 the art of teochibgv 8 the 1 sewn which are now so arranged that aft er the year 1892 the review will take place- the 12th sabbath of each quarter instead x the amanda mass writes j pels me to a whex a fewdoses of ayers cherry pectoral cillrelievetrou try it keep it in the hi use you are liable to have a cough at any time and no other lemfldy is so effective as this world renowned prepara tion ko household with young children should be without it scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use jenner northampton commoa gratitude tm- ow ledge the great bene- fita i have derived for my children from the use cf avers most excellent cherry pectoral i hall lost two dear children from croup anil consumption and had the greatest feir of losing my only re maiaing daughter and son as they were delicate hanky i find that by giving them avers cherry pectoral oa the first svmntoinsoftliroator long trouble they are relieved honi danger and are be coming robustj healthy children in the winler of 1585 i took a bad cold which in spite of even known remedy grew worse so that the family physician considered me incurable sap- posing me to be in consumption as last resort i tried ayers cherry pecto ral and in a phort time the cure wu complete sir m then i have never been without thlsn edldne- laasstsycut of age weigh aver iso pounds and at tribute my gd health to the use ot ayers cherry pectoral salem kj i last wint il contracted a severe cold which 1 y repeated exposure be came quite ibstiaate i was ranch troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation- a ter trying various medl- dues withoa relict i at last purchased a bottle of ay rt cherry pectoral- otj taking this n edldne my cough ceased almost imme liately and i hove wen well ever sine i revthosfb russell secretary ho ston conference and pe of the qreeivihe districtu e o jonesboro t ua r r ayers sherry pectoral rztrtjlzd ot dr j o a r k co lowell mm bold lr a dm tfw- riitljta bu44 jly fm a do yob realize how muclrthivt passes for pure lineis isaouthalf oottpn very likely not nino times in ten only an oxperl would notice it in new goods heres a huck towol big eightly end very likelineu tojhe unpracticed eye it was sold in a lending store as pure linen and at a pure linen price its half cotton not a fibre of linen in all tho filling yet the ootlon is so hidden vou must be wide nwako tosuspcct it till tbe test of weai is applied 7 j here are also a couple of genuine puro linen hack towels just as big jnst as heavy as tho makebelieves and just as uheap see tho false and hue together and the fraod is plain what we call linen is linen every time and by bringing the goods ia big ipts straightfrora the looms tojyou we can makeirices aa little as those of the half cotton deceptions the market is overflowingwith the irish are noted the world over for their lineus somnch is this the casetbat many are not aware that at the present time glasgow produces great quantities oj thie mamrial under the iiame of irish litlen and the scotch manufacturing centres have become keen competitors of the irish in many lines of these goods the olose buver has therefore to take into consideration the glasgow as well as the belfast market in purchasing linens aud some lines wefiud can be bought to greater advantage iu the former city than in the irish markets i v- wh exercise the greatest care in placing our lineir ordeie and by buying certain lines trom the glasgow mannfacturers and others from those nf belfast according as they cahbe secured at the lowest figures we are able to place before our customers the very best goodsthe marketaffordb and at the closest prices g b ryan co cuelph iil j 5 i hqreat t summer to 4 we are showing great bargains in j summer dress goods from eight cents per yard np colored muslins at cost and under 1 x au remnants ot dress goods aud prims it cost i we have just received u large range ot new prints in all the new patterns new embroidery shirtings for 50 cents per yard kow loo c out for the geoeroas merchant h s time for dealing oat with a free and ope 1 hand has come watch hia advertisem mic he assures you of his undying devot on to your welfare he u ready andach ng to load you up free of charge he ants no monev all he re quires is rodml room room i the cost of the gdods ia not taken into con sideration th t dont matter mooey is simply out of ha question he wants to get rid of hri rarea and he wants you to get them gh s invitations are printed in tbe biggest of type and with the blackest of ink his loqaence and rhetoric are worthy of a si owman he exerts himself excites himse f talks and labors all for the purpose of atting his wares into yoor hands almost wiih money and without price genet oua man a great benefactor working foi the rood of humanity bar ing himself alia 1 that he should meet with to little ippceciation tellyoc wiat we are doing jest now we are letti gthe people wo bay from make the sac iflce we are just as foolishly auiiona as anybody else to ret out our goods and v e are selling them in many cases at nnh aid of prices bat we are doing it at a profit a small profit its true but devertheless 1 profit and we never showed such genni e j attractions iu eeasonable goods the fact is throazh careful buying and increase 1 selling we had oar stock in snch excelli nf condition that when the time for anl lading in the wholesale centres came we f re ready to pick up a line here aud there oj gain bargain- here aod a sacrifice tbe ej to take advantage of every favorable ot partunity to secure nice fresh gcids at prii ea away down the wholesale people have bad to lose tbe money and we are able to 1 ell choice fresh roods in many cases at hal their usual price not gooda that have een sticking on the retailers shelves anc on which the price had to be cut in two 1 0 get them out at all but choice new good just tbe right lines for the laason ti eae remarks apply to saramer millinery parasols n black and fancies summer silks in plain and fancies embroid iry flouncioga all widths black li ce flon iaga challies ind light drew goods priatoi every description lawns arid muslins in whites and colors gingban s and chambrsys batteena in elegant styles staple c dtloos and- linena sammei tweeds and serge gents ammer underclothing ladies i nd childrens hosiery ladies ind childrens gloves ad so on riaht through our vast aad im mense sto k- speci lli we haveiustrecaiea 10 shades of feltingavery nipe quality at a vary lev price rest ai mred of one thins that we i-j- inn n parasols from 20c large assortment of gioygs and hosiery at low prices see our low lines of readymade clothing r extra value in the boot shoe department fresh stock of groceries always on handw remember our 25 arid 50c i s are the best henderson mcrae co kcton a lth aa now the between- temperance and beingpt clonal iona u ihe never let kn tlie dolla wrtkins sails for europe today lsriri i tawiib two eases corsets one case table feels assured t i covers one bale feltiooe casv rbody who pays 100 cents on nderrall us and no matter at what tiin 1 k tho year and whatever fit of eeberocit strikes the roercaotuevommun- itv atlar e yon will alwaysgot tbe uicort goods th qiost reliable gooda at the most advantag is prices at el bollertco i 25 st 2 1 lower wyndham st iguelh which were veby large gre prices ladies imperial silk gl fb0b 20o tolocbibbons reduce tb marked down proh 10c to 8jo ion j60 to 60c cream bilk scarfs mo lmajm ootond bt pol viotoria iadu uoroatuy oicuuk jw -7- j gouuimicsu wftassss 2hgfisi wssiiwsssms ia wiowiiimf sb gloves put down from 4so to sso t itjceo from mo tom- from 400 to ilk scarfs pot down lro itaibwititolfrmiishcctiimrt tjl ijj ai sseeswh- hunutoa jnut lwb 1890 thomasg w-a-

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