Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1890, p. 2

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tagflll sselpjhsws talkofthe an epitome of 4 during tfl day it it isated that the oensnsju taken in the united states will show a liopola- uon of sixtyfour millions the os itus of 1880 tern population of 8013781 tjiii iporetse i larger than u antieipa ed le vfjftre m to in oanadaani there it another itiiu of chicago atuakoka is u popular a mtb innmu moil horse tunealara oponjungln th niagara district tbt duke of orlwni inindi to viut oan ade mil fill theotuouio grand iodf will toronto nut year twenty french missionaries hire left algien tot equatorial africa the russian government hi j ordered tba building ol tour nw lronolldal the cabmen o aberdwn utr tba tpml of cholera io alia minor enropewudp ud it ippauuoa in russia isfarroontjireateoins thin the txtbreak m8rair itlt disease which etropeani have learned bow to deal with and it it one with which they do loot trifle j c j mr stawley hill hjb eeni from eng land to jook into the behringseee nraobie who is at present in winnipeg says mat the difficulties will be settled by arbilution int that england will take a firm stand to see that canadian rights are maintained i james gblaine secretary ot si ite or the united stain one o the ablest nenin tbe bepublioan party esyt of the itokin- ley bill there is not a section or a line in the entire bill that will open a narkot hare itrock ud not a eab in the city it ru antnkj the rough oount ol the oemoi shows new yorke population to be 1618601 wheat oat in the neighbo hood ot 81 thomas will average u bothi la par acre the italian government baa prohibited the importation ot cattle from switzerland beveral german artillerymen were wounded ky the premature banting of a shell the dncben ot 8parta j wife of the crown prince ot greeoe baa given birth to v j- lydia becker he leader ot the english woman tuffrage movement died on sat- 4y the russian harvest- according to the official report is likely to yield below the avenge emperor ffilliau wil visit hit gnnd- mother i qaeen victoria at osl iouro honae on august 4th tor another bushel barrel ot pork v of wheat or mother the london ctroairie on sajturday printed an editorial highjy enlogii tic of geo midnleton remarking that hiss irviees havo been as nniqoe as they hav been brilliant and of a character that should commend him to the good will of ntn- patriotic citizen of canada r in a letter to the vlobt mr t tenant claims that the offerings of the petple of qua province reach m per heed at nually to the churches while i are denied to h7e insurance this be takes to be literal giving and he mnst have spent some con aderable time to figure it out 1 up to date no less than twenty elections to the ontario house of assembly ha ve- been protested all the petition are based on the usual charges of bribery and other illegal acts on the part of the members elect and their agents the larger rinmber of protests are against members pf the oppos tat the mhaic is to play an important worlds fair when it cornea it suggested and it is probable that thbsug- gestfcw will be followed that coooerta will be given ilhistrating tile progress ot music from its infancy the music of all win he represented and a great presenta- tioo of american prddnctions is to be the order nf sons ot korth america has a roemhetsljh 7s47q it is strongest in the aiantio rt end provinces nora bootia ihest with 16784 members next in came pennsyl 11788 new 1 irims- wiofcw aftaaaebnterts sh ol tario ifhi new york 3u connefticol 3j new jersey zkl heads ofder i hniioved millions of dollars is the the gtrrenunent of the inked 8lajea wib aperid anring the coming fiscal year the policy of taking the peoile in order to spend rthe uio among them msybe a wise one dot if they were i tared ihe tax it is reasonable to sappoat that tbey wonld st least save the coat of ooliec- tioo management and distribution i x 1 j poach crop in ontario does no miss wall this season one of the tariff joomals observes thai it thongh peach growing in ontario hil be- oome one of the things of the past i s the peach tree is inbjeet toinjnry and di lease over andabore all other fruit trees bat of aoariejf the tariff be raised high er onih we oan grow the inxnooiiaqnit under lass l hkh mmil cp spain has decided to build a v bole flotilla of submarine war vessels site the model so successfully produced by the inventor persj each boat will bo xml atrocted with aocommodations for iron twenfyto fifty rnetj pert is for the j jml being teegreatest man in spain and tin spaniards bdieve that his inventions iril puoe the nstion in the forefront of tb great naval powers ot the world v jl a test case of some interest tookplao st catharines recently in reference toj ier- tons under 21 years of age being b sponsibie for debts which they have oil tracted the asosl impression that an honest debt can be evaded under the iby act was in this case proved erroneous flie case was tried before his honor ji dge sadder at the last sitting of the division court mr k chapman tailor sued ilr e west son of mr d west for a smj of clothes made to order and valued at 1 18 west refused to pay forltbe clothes j nd chapman sued and obtained judgmi nt the total cost to west will be some m this iecisiqn will apply all over the pj 3v hioe io that business people will hau s chance to collect thsir otherwise prestu led baddebts contracted by minors a j boy named gibbs aged eight years tell mtp the river at belleville saturday and was drowned hon oliver mowat aocomnnied by his wife daughter and sou are sojourning in the uts3toautains the will of the latetrof boys of trin ity university disposes of an estate at atven thousand dollars j i the toronto world tried to get sunday streetcars and failed and now it insists on allnieht street cars spteutfvr the british government irdoiug its beat to have english recognised as the official language at all the courts in egypt harvest is about over in california and the yield of grain is reported much below the average in quantity butgopd in quality it is stated that there an a thousand men out ot employmentin c ttawa owing to the dull condition of the lumber trade mriadam brown ilp for hamilton has beim appointed honorary commissioner to represcntcauada at tbe jamaica ezhi biliout protasor bobertson daury commia ith much sioner j is meeting bis lecturing tour through j the lower provinces ftl from tbe facts brought out during ihe laborsof the ontario prison reform ji- misekmit has been shown that the cat lea of crime are partly social and partly a ministrative drunkenness is set down the great cause of crime and it is not c if ahjebyiimajsonment timportatioi of psorars criminals sod waifs of all k it from the old country it shown to hi re aweiherosonpmlatioii the tat ip eruuslsoexmheotedrwiih the prerate x of crw and can only be dealt with y seotedces to hard worki these are le sodsl points the administrative are tjpo warf of properly regulated poor iniairaanamieptatgaouhymnnidpalll ir ygrnnnds for city joseph e lemieoz a clerlt in the agri cultural department was drowned in the ottawa river saturday he jwent gather ing driitwood a meeting of tbe residents ot heligo land was held on monday at which a grate ful farewell address to the queen of eng land was adopted a street railway company has signed an agreement with toronto to begin tbe oper tipn of a electric line inrthe ssburbs of the city in september- i theinflnena is qiidemic in st jlcuis france aid the whole popnlsjtbn there is sffectedi business in the public mtnts is paralysed michael enright a young while practising in toronto bay last day evening in a single scull shell for jtbe lacbinebdegatta next month was dro antleetric brake hss been devised in england by means of which a train goi at the raasof thirty miles an hour can brought to a standstill in a apace ot feet j a sevenyesrold boy named severin f ottawa sent tor a pail at- water tbe othi evening u supposed to have fallen in ink it over the bij kettle of the chaol i 1 named john brochn formerly s b battery quebec who desertei hss given himself j up staiioi itaut fear of arrest made bis lie there iitome prospect of sremner the battleford haltoreed securing indemnity for his sjj ilen furs mr henderson his lawyejr i it payment isnot forthooming he will sue sir fred middleton george i and thomas f bios brothers hadarongt and tumble fight at their home in sl lot it the evening over a trifling affair and if is latter was so babiy hurt that he died 0 orge has been arretted rev alpf teas w wilson ot baltimore bishop of tus methodist episcopal church south lettjllast week forjapan by tbe canadian pkcifio bail way he will take tbe steamer batavia from vancouver thomas b ron aod francis john odou- jiel two saiii rs who caused the drowning of acompaoii n wm odonnel at parry sound werej ound guilty of manslaughter and sentence to throe months in goal three bublred friends of mr peter graham ez3 lp j for east laobtonvmet at hisresiden u in warwick on friday and presented bite witha goldheaded cane on his tttainmes of three score audi ten years at a politiqi 1 meeting on stinting creek kentucky tn smith i wesson factions and their wit ibester were present after the smoke c ared away tbe crowd had disappeared a xyt two from each aide aod they were dear j a lady io i ingrton stepped jon a rnsty nsil lockjaw i isned and the whole body became rigid nourishment wss adminis of a clay pipe te stem of which was ins t ted through tbe opening by i lost tooth u now the patient is recover- i mr lars i ilsen a trader residing on he small iabu of gela in the solomon group in the pacific and tbtjae of bit native assistant have been killed nd eaten by ialandert white men hav i been killed and eaten by ctnnibtli of th groop out of a faital white ofil three young i dlows french- a narrow e i ape from spaettingof the boat on tbe afternoon if as currenuy f one of them nt i ed gaoman the bottom of i e river ont to i friends n re the worse lirhi bnmoleai a justeixinjned i osattxnoft exohangea have been r for4bsr oomplimsntary ramsrks respecting oir paper the following oommenta hive ap peared in tberaaptcti t pepere named dar ing the past lew week i and they are not only highly appndab 1 by n but we havs no doubt will also be r ad with pleasure by our many readers m tunwm ot mrm wuttit the acton pass pa as the handsomest country weekly pnblii bed in canada has just entered upon il a sixteenth year chicago cosodioa an tieoa a bbiamx iwantnsii tbe acton fan pa xs bat entered upon its 10th volume it il the brightest news paper on wexohwgo list mitchell ad- vertiter beshivn ten xs srrroirr the acton fan pa xs has entered upon its 16th year it is good newsy local paper and deserves th i united support of the dusens of that pu oe tueonburg lib- ere w uxt as iui a arrrtn brother moore of tin acton furs paiaa tells ua that his paper is now is years old and that he intends to make the 16th volume better than my of the preceding ones he vrill have a lard jobbelorehim berlin vduwy jtau 1uubon to nisj ujitep with last week issue the acton fun pubis one of our neatektsndbest exchanges enters its 16thyear of puhucation and its proprietor mr hp moore has reason to feel elated oyer the neat appearance and tbe signs of prosperity ot tbe peek pnaa may he oontihue te prosperi waterford sor s ciuuirr to re town the acton fixe pcsna which is publish ed by mr h p moore enters on its six teenth year with the current number it isone of the most hapdaomely gotten up weeklies in the province and is a credit to the town in which it is published it is hoped that its genial editor will be long spared to stand at the helm guelph bail hmld of nil nast iuvx we omitted to notice until uow he fifteenth anniversary of the birth of the acton feee psess apiperof the first rank in any company and perhaps the prettiest weekly in ontario mr moore has won success by taste intelligence and hard work guelph daiy jierckre moce fowes to toiti eu10w the acton fuel peeks entered a new volume last week it is always so typo graphically ueat that not one oat of a hun dred of its readers would have known that new headings were introduced if they had not been told mofotre power lo your eibowv tfewmarkei arn- the eliltuc xnis uiau the actanfcee pubss entered last week upon its sixteenth year of publication h p moore the proprietor has all the quali fications necesaaryjfor a successful news paperman for quality and tone of matter as well as mechanical makeup the editor aims high and is eminently successful in striking the mark markdale standard rceercoilunrrflrsa vcuub the acton fees pubss entered upon its sixteenth volume last week ii appeared with new headings selected with much taste and ah eye to harmony and consider able new type the fees pbess which is edited bymr h p moore is printed on extra fine paper and with great care and neatness the hierary part consists ot interesting local and general news tree from anything ofja vulgar or injurious nature acton can hoist of having one of the finest printers in ontario in mr moore and ot a paper which is a credit ic them otkroleslar besides tbe above we have received num erous letters from readers and business men complimentingusuponthetypographi- cal appearance etc of be faxx pnras mm ajra iidrs u bt ioi aafl baajtkjpilog lin msters baattie mttllenmilohjt ai btraehan mlnlatsra and messrs fee rga davidson bsgg mophauer and jihn barns ruling sldsrs sabbath bel oo ii messrs norria bat edmiaon an i r jackstm mlnlatsra and meters ba let davidson bobert amot geo woo i i nd profpanton the last named bell j cod- rtntr evangallstlo servloea mr 1 ulkn convener dr middlemlst metart or ig smith an4 htlgb mlnuters with attn hammond david boott and allan b mi y ruling elders finance mr john jatid- son convener mesarsleitch ud ham ilton minutert with messrs sobert fisher and george sutherland rohng elders sobemee of the chnroi dr torranoe convener metart leitc i and blair ministers with messrs bsrlet davidson bobert gibson ud pater bonnie ruling elders superintendi noe of students mr a m hamilton on veoer dr wardrope metart armstrong and smith ministers ud messrs ieorge davidson ud allan ramsay ruling skiers licensure ot students dr jaoksoi oon vener dr middlemitt messrs bmit i and htmilton ministers and dr lowiyand mr jamet mitchell ruling elders a mean thief how a new vofic bsriker swindled hundreds of poor people net yonx july 22 bernard nxonson who carried on a banking establishment in canal street was remanded today in police court on tbe charge of swindling many poor people vbo have been sending money and tickets to europe more than 800 poor foreigners were complainants and they crowded the capacity of the court room yesterday there was a lively scene at the hejiking establishment when a crowd ot people who had been swindled broke into the place and usod banker and his clerk very roughly mrs annie josephs told a sample story she had sent to tbe banker 175 to be forwarded tors ticket to her sister and children in poland after her sister travelled 300 miles to the steamers tpier she found hir ticket was no good there were 100 people in the same fix ud the scene of misery wospitiable a wedding in hlrh life on monday morning mr alexander a mocdonald third son of the late senator macdonald and annie c b laidlew daughter of the ute george laidlsw the wllknown railway contractor were united in matrimony by bev j v smith pastor of yonge st methodist church tbebrides costnme a traveling suitof slateblue caab mere looked charmingi mr lawrence boyd was best man and hisses dewarand lewis were tbe bridesmaids after a re ception at oakiands the newlywedded couple left for breslau germany where they vrill reside j for three years during which time mr macdonald will pursue his studies at the uniyersityi newfoundlands position orkpodotfon it pmcuneed fl feet one ineb m0 st jouxs nfld julyib as significant of the irritated feeling against i the british government for agreeing to tbe main ticentu without the consent of newfound land and tho apathy of the colonial office in dealing with the french shore difficul ties generally the chamber of commerce at st johns has refused to adopt the usual course of presenting the vice- ad miral on his first visit foihis part with u address it was tbongnt that doing so would stultify them in th present strained relations with the colonist office admiral watson feels the lack of cordiality mani tested toward himself and officers keenly and will cut hit visit ooitntroewisnrnmer bemiannnartliaie nxt saot m j lta go m every deprtmeut4ne towj0g a p rfe 1 mowelemlymoptablegon satmday unci the following 80 dap tffc9dj we givyou a veiylfew of onrpricemian illatrion0f the indnmenti we are offering to the ebodotnioal purchaser the dominion illustra ed tin latest issue of this fine pi itorlal paper is in variety ot subject ud in c uality of artlstio treatment one ot the be it yet published the number is rich in poi traits old norwesters will prise the fine li tenets of sir george simpson now thirty years in his grave but once tbe ruler of a sov ereignity almost as large at europ in connection with it is given a view if isle dorval hit former residence now t list of mr w g eadie an account ot tbe enter- tainment organized there under 8ir georges supervision in honor of the rinoe of wales is ot historic interest the portrait of madame paquet will elight musical circles in which that lady ife of u eiminister of quebeef holds a pi 9mln entpbtoe grant allen tboagb in ei gland is a cenadiu by birth and has doni can ada credit by his well used gifts in i aeaoe ud letters with regret bis many f lends will recognise the portrait of the la a mr john page ce whoso sudden deat t gave a shock to the whole community tbe rest of the number is largely devol ed to yachting in lake st louis to lum lering ud to the monument national cele bration intbo sohmer park montr si a gay scene made charming by clustna of beauty one of horns pictures ser esas froniipieoe address dominion lllat ruled ti st james st montreal new post offices these new postofficea have been stab- lished in canada beaver creek v couver b c bertha selkirk fan beddenbury assa bbharm assa bru selkirk man dead creek addii gton opt derby mills grey ont i xum- mpnd lanark orrt east aldfield pon- tiac que granthnrst oxford 3nt geyser lisgr man griersou alia medford marquette man marintoi re- openedy grey out mud creek ls nark ont mattewas essex out naas hr- ber north westminister b c r orih- west harbor 8helburne n s pn cious comers northumberland ont b ston selkirk man sutton green vanot over b c wayside lanark ont offices closed montague lanark hit holland harbor guysborough n 8 phlupsion hastings ont point aux pins algoma ont st guhlaume 81 itkm drummond que springfield l sgar man west lynne provencher mar names changed essa centre sil lobe to baxter archviue carleton to ol tawa east murillo station algoma to mt rillo party and principles a sermon by rev dr cerma ir- princlplpa sacrificed for part pictos july 31 bev dr car nan general superintendent of the meth idist church in canada preached here ic the first methodist church yosterday morning and evening in tho evening he sell cted for his text the gth verse of die 23rd bxp- ter of acts this he made the basis i f u address in which be condemned in tt vere terms the use which political parties t lake ot rallying ones ud catch phrases to iold the party together long after these rail ring cries cease to have any meaning and the events which called them info exist moe have passed away he denounced t iota christisns who considered it obligator on them to stand by their party at the at as- flee of the principles which they profei to have at heart he said if tbe methc list church would as a whole stand firm in the demand for prohibition ud make t leir demud felt through the ballot box im bibition would be assured in three yeai i the cronln murderers cmcioo july following dan of the cronin murderers moot seems io rest hea merrill of the pi friday he isf retting he is wts shadow of hit if anew trial is not lhgtierewaibea iion turn hss the is the only one whem oon saidxtepnty at joliet on to jeaih self iind bet pre or grandfatherandcrandscn perish together in the river 1 1 bolton last week bouox july 17 yesterday will am griffin the siueyearold ton of vm griffin contractor toronto fell into the river here and was drowned his grand father mr william griffin el bolion 1 ho si over eighty yean old was also draw led while endeavoring to rescue bit grandi m the lad had gone up to spend the holid lyt with bia grandfather who fa a wetlknt wq citizen of the village while walking on the river buk tbe boy slipped off a log i nd die old man sprang in after him neil tec oouki twiin 3oth bodies arrived toget ier in coffins at ahe union station toroi to the sad aajiiint waaa painful surprise to the village where mr gnffin 8r was ui old resident i 1 j queer world 1 queer people i here re tasa ud women by thousands tuffar ngl from all sorts of diseases bearing all m nj an of pain spending all on physiclint tt id getting no better but rather wort i ban right at hand theres a remedy wbi sh yt it oan help them because its heli od uousands like them another petent- n edioine sdvertitement yon lay yo b it not of tbe ordinary tort the medio it ii dr pierces golden medical discover t a id its different from the ordinary ni i- j ti ims in this i l itdoet whatitolaimi io do or it oats ym nothing i i ihe wsy it ithit you pay yourdrt j gi km tat a sotu yon read the dire v- ti osj and you foliow them yougethfil x ot yon dont ityotf do yon boy sftth ir be ttle and parhsps saojierl if you doi t ge ibjtbyou jget yor money back ai i th iq tingis thatsony paoplea e i ling to be tick wbin ihe remedys j o bbfiu4 v mm i1 loom ft kx beos dramoooda aw too u 415 100 dm yerosauwool albatross 10c worth 18c striptt and granite patttni oballie 10c worth 15c pterttbltfitrgss grand value at ujc pltmssriass grand valat at ljlc v auwoo serges new tints ul for- matprtoa5candmc 1 a in wool cballles at worth 40c 8tripad lama cloth at stsc well worth 65 cents the same reduction applies to better goods hosiery special lines reduced from 15c to j sjo special lines reduced from 0c to ko colored and blaok reduced from soo to 3w lisle thread reduced from 75c to too fine cotton reduced from 1100 to 50c colored 8ilk rednned from lo0 to50o a lot of misses cashmere hose at 85c were sold at tocandsoc childrens hose reduced from 15c to 5c laoea 10 dot ton bolwp- issh fltumli mrui afa ienssel at 50c worth c fjoosfobaiafctay flonnclngi werllilljj white embrtldtactolm flconcingsfrbmaclatolxo- f ai 1 pleee au oviar wool laoe at 50c tormer price i i staples 6cs3ysrospinkprtoiwitnlraat from 10c c fine bootoh cbarnbrayt at so- 10a wc fine ginghamt at 8c worth ty- striped shaker flannels st 8c worth 10c and lsjc seersuckers si 6c seertnckertatfcandljjc j ti uumi sowustni iasfwfpjl jg elsln rtretiiaamfi sws ftlttwjwt jussiddnm tbenremltai for psitlfb t bratat blcbmood hmbbt j pofecsts tt 1u01 to art at moderate ptices and on gssamuyor address h pmoobe pasm paxss ofllee aetna jpjdiohii respivsse notice- to trespipeps i rrtbb iiisiiitsir hereby gjies notice that or persons found lot o or the a b wriihttsnn let x eon a esaoesus b fuliine erbezttisciwill i to law aetan july 1st u00 prosecutes so- j08epb ltiix for fubthee pabticulabssee laege bills g ba rvan co oufilph the right house special bargains in every pepartment tsolear out the remainder of the spring ud 8ummtr drygoods many lots of goods have been marked down to eryjow prioet ud a genuine clearing sale ot these it now in foubluf at the right house attkactive babgadis aiil oyeb the house well rrtade serviceable goods st low prioes tbe order of the day bead about tbe seersuckers st 4jc- and ac peryard cheeked ginghamt at 5c extra good quality white cotton at 6c per yard flannelettes at 6fc fsst cotoed chambray 51c per yard extra wide fast colored prinu only per ysrd psrasols sshing off much nnder legular p- be tore loses them fancy suk capes at reduced prioet a special mot colored suk laoe kits u 17c per pair aoether- lot of black 8uk mitt at j5c and c per pair they are allghtly damaged and are much inidtt regnlar roet ilot ef gloet at loo per pair tome ot tbtm formerly told st 25c fucy ribbon reduced to low prices a large lot of ghiurus cotton hosiery at ic 7c 8c and 10c per pair muy of which ware formerly sold at double tbe prioel see the spteisl lotof uh black caahmere hose at toc per pair white muslin embroidered ties at 10c worth much onta babgaik8 tn gent6 fubnishing depabtment see tbe dnlaundried shirts at soceach a spedsltjnlaundrled shirt st 87io opthre for wf0 la a great favorite yon should see them gentt bilk ties ud braces mnoh under regular brtoos milliheby- babgains be sure to see them trimmed millinery at reduced pdoes garohau only 15o esolf a lot ot flowers seuing off at 50c per spray formerly sold tl udtl25 each- ladies sailor hata only joc in tbe carpet depajtmeot yon will find cheap goods a lot of bemnanu at bargain prioet curtain poles from 15c upward pamtei window shadet oomplete with spring rollers from 00c hdndbed8 of otheb babgaiu8 to be had thbotjghotjt the house come a1to8eb them be shbe you get into the bight house before ektebisg look on the window fob the name which is htmilton july loth 1890 thomas o wtkjns areat summers we ure showing grout bargains iu summer dress gtoods from eight cents per yard up colored muslins sr at cost and under ajll remnants ot tffess goods nudtriuis nt cost we faavejast roceived a large range ot newpriilts in all tbe new patterns now embroidery shiliingp for 50 cents peryard rrgb iasti fur sale u qrjbxobange for other property lrbe1ftbb of on acre with coiaforlabls 7n bouse stoljla and other ontbplu hud sod sett water good esmes with snt fsrg and small fruits enquire os the premises or by letter 10 w m cbewsox aetna iiii iff lactokodienoao sets in the oddfellows llsll blocfcetofwedneajorenhia bnenren alwas welcome fc iuttbw tuoon and iswjaprjy the undeislaiiedetjsnj oftheniedberit j- hw0jtdes wvifntfams pickfit wieb pencsq ti thsbxst akd cheapest- olm li pas1 amd garden pencbs bisblv uuefjdiomi led and awsrdod dji sod several township rshs 0 f scni post card for pries list ti vies fun par its isstj address j iw dooley co cuelph tjiti st 1awrence gnal m a bapti ptat dijra tn soncet rjpinjuctobs bvteadertaddreakdtotneu t cwl will be nodtedivt thb sirtird at the eart em pb westgnnj sndtutbe deepenlnir 4d eiilsukentf eiidsjputpiul thtj wort irin bo it into three eebtloia euh about m mile tbm arositkcmhtttogeabr wrifhp tpecttctuioiis of the retpeoure wotti i een on end eiter wcdiwl ihe mh i glqtjui hbtlaviiihhni of tender eubetomftiived in the owe of wrraflisjrembsrtbe i the tender the eetqal kicnataree of xbm nnietim datortatrt the ocatpfttion udl denee of eeeb member jot the tune end fi an eeotpied ebeqne on achsztered bank ii ad for the nm of toftob orwtacoa tender for section ko 1 andh aooej on a chartered bank to qsvaada for i ew00ioreaaouieothtrecafin v tbe r aooepted eheqnei m tioreed oter to the ittaietbr ol bal ganakmad will be fori cited if the ing deelmei eototatjlnt contract at the intee and on the tertnistem nhtnittaav the ehegae thru uotio pettirnedtotheiepectiteiwttiei rhoee are not ar tbji jdvpartadtait doe oof b swerer itself to aooept tie loweirtj or any t ndar 9jtorder f al p br1dli y l department of muwar and can la t ptuwa uni june ucl ii il 3- etlanndi c qstimg 8a at trie-t- mmmotli hojtjis if georgetown we beg to announce sweeping reduction in sfeveral lpes of sujnmtjr 7 good vr t a- parasols from 2oc large assortmenlt of- gloires and hosiery i at low prices l qurlpwii v extra valuj in- thebpqt 8ibe department freeh stock of qroderies al ways oiiv hand remember our 25 and 50c ts are the best 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