Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1890, p. 3

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sivaimeilay amatittlersif- gmiaaj ajajrason dwataonuthwss tarsals oa omii wbmttkw3mfml by tbe seaessvs oettriaiperiuv hruat pwro oe tbalsth jnlr boosts f hu1 s to years emsaioatha axxtmoxoo the litiilbasl runnel ion of j ahn anderson tretalfbr sava rea k rrxwat btlvanreut on the is i joli wtfllam mnaa mgtmafiiiaid ages llvesre e rati- inst r dr ft boory 8 jutim jfm fh s thtjr8day j1jly ibm notes and comments itis estimated that the census jutt in the tjnited states wul how a uopohv two of slztyjour mil bom tbe est nu of 1880 ran iiopqutionoiou578si this increase is larger than was enticipef ad finer flossia tbe spread at cholera in asia europewards and ita appearance inj isfar more ihreetenimt than the oi break in spain ii it a disease which eat peani hate learned ho to deal with and ik u one nth which they do not trifle mr stavcley hill mp sent fnnjj eng- sammet assort hone iu popular si avarair land to took into the bearings who is at present in winnipeg says difficulties wol be settw try arbij bat that england trill take a firm sfaud to eee that flnadian right are maintained jam g blaine secretary of slate or the united states one oi the ablest men in thebepnhuoan party says of tbe ley bja there u not a section or in the entire bill hit will open a for another boahel of wheat or barrel of pock i tbe london ckrokie on saturday printed an editorial 4ighlv eqlogartic of gen ecddkton remarking that his have been as unique as they haije been briluant and of a character that should corainend him to tbe good wol of every patriotic citizen ff canada in a letter to the glok mr t fconant claims that the offerings of the people of this province reach 93 per head aunuaily to the churches while to are devoted to life insurance this be takes to be giving and he most hen spent sooie con aiderable time to figure it out taken noble tat the ration mckio line jmarket toother dp to date ho less than twenty election to the ontario hoosi of assembly have been protested ah tbe petitiona are baaed on the oanal charges of bribery and other illegal acta on the part of the ujenibeis elect and thefr agents the larger iramber of protests are against members af the oppositibjn music is to play ab important par at the woruyfair when it comes it hi a been and it ia probable that tie sug- i will be followed that cancel te win be given utustreting tbe progress of music from its infancy the music of au tattoos vau be lejar and a great pi escala tion of american- prod actions u to be made i the order of bans of tempersdce of north america has a inembership of 78470 it ia strongest in the atlxatie btatea and provinces nova scotia the liit with 16788 men ben next m order eama pennsylvania 11788 new brans- wick64s0 wissn lniaiilli lilffll tihsiin suhew york3 connfaicat 340 new jersej 2j6l r hundred miliions of dollars is the the government of the iniied stawffl spend during tbecomini fiscal year tto poticy w taxmg the pa pie in prdet to specs the psnosrsls among thein maybeawisejoneibntif they were mated the tax it rs reespbable to aupposi that they would at jeastaave the cost of oouee- 1 distribution a i- xhe peach crop miss well this tariff journals though peach come one of thf peach tree is over and above all of course it the ontario does nit pro one of th ukjh that it in ontario bu be- of the past is she to injury and cuieaae fruit trees but benjsedhigh e lough we oangrovtaiuriout fruit under giaas hail jr f 4j m bpaur has daoded to jnild a ruble jbgd tlmikmxnbp war mj alt r ibe model so sncceasffidy produced b the inventor j feral each boat will tx oon trncted wtlbaoconimodatioru for from twenty to fifty men feral ia for the time being the greatestman in spain an i the dpaoiaruabeneve toas fair inventioni will taace the nation in tbe forefront o the great naval powers of the world a test case of some interest tookplax iu st catharinesrbceully in reference u pr- somf under 21 years op age being hel 1 re sponsible for debfe which tbey hae oou- traded the usual impression thai an honest debt can be evaded under the 3apy act was in this case proved erroneous tie cue was tried before his honor judge beokkr at the last sitting of the div hot court ifikhapjnan tailor sued mr e west son of mr p west for a eiit jof clothes made to orde and valued at iwostrefused to payjfpr tbe clothes chispman sued and obtained judgn tbe total cost to weft will be some this decision wil apply all over the ince at that buidnea peonle wol fajv- chance to collect theujoiierwise presonied bad debta owtricted from the facts brought out during the labors of the ontario prison reform otn- miaaion it has been shown that the cais of crime are partly social and partly minisative drunkenness is set dowji the great cause of crime and it is not abby imprisonment theimportatkjn nsangysj erirninals and waifs of all from rtjje old country is shovra to3 1 swelled the tnsoopopiiution the tr rip evil isalso connected jrith the preval nj of crime and oan only be dealt witenr sisitrrrfa tn hard work these are tie aopoint tjat adroinirativeare tie nfaiitifntefy ngittei poorlioisik tjofflaohbym jek the i yprjpndtlpr citj jin m ihlsvea an opusjung t ths ntagaraldittrlot the luks of orleans intands to visit canada teil tall the maaonlo grand lodjje iwiu mast in tokotojotxt year twenty frenoh mlmoniries have left algiers for equatorial afrioaj the bstalan government hits ordered the building of four new ironrjada the cabmen ot aberdeen have strnck and not a oab in uie city is running the rough oouat of thsicensoa shows new yorks popalatioujo be 1618601 wheat oat in the neighborhood of 81 thomas wiu average u busbals par acre the italiansooverument haa prohibited the imporutlon of oat tie from switserland several gerisu arullejymen were wounded by the pramitore bnntiog of a aheu the ducbeas of bpariafwiie of the crown prince of greece naagiren birth to a son lydia becker the leader of the english womans suffrage movement died on sat urday l the ttusian harvest aootrding to the official report is likely to yield below the average r j emperor williaju will visit his grand mother queen victoria at osboorue house on august 4th a boy named gibbs aged eight years fell into the river at belleville saturday and was drowned j hon oliver alowat accompanied by his wife daughter and sou are sojourning in the white mountains the will of the late prof boys of trin ity university disposes of an estate at seven thouaaod dollars 1 the toronto world tried to get sunday street ears and failed and now it insists on allnight street cm spectator the british government is aping its best tobare english recognized as the official language at all the courts in egypt harvest is about over in california and the yield of grain is reported much below the average in quantity butgoottin quality it is stated that there are a thousand men- oat of employment in ottawa owing to the dull condition of the lumber trade j air adam brown klp for hamilton haa been appointed honorary commissioner to represent canada at the jamaica exhi bition professor bobertaon dairy commis sioner is meeting with much success in his lecturing tour through jthe- lower provinces joseph e lemieaz a clerk in the agri cultural department was drowned in the ottawa river saturday he went gather ing driftwood a meeting of the residents of heligo land waa held on monday at which a grate fut farewell address to the queen of eng land was adopted a street railway company has signedan agreement with toronto to begin tbeoper tion of a electric line in the suburbs of the city in september the inflnrnraj is epidemic m st louis france and the whole population there is affected bosiaesirm the public -depart- macta ia paralysed michael- enright a young oarsman while practising iu toronto bay last moni day jevening in a single scull shell for the iatchineregatuneit month was drowned an eleeic brake has beendevised in england by means of which s train going at the rate of thirty mfles an hour can be brought to a standstill in a space of 200 i a sevenyear old boy named severin at ottawa sent lor a pail of water the other evening ia supposed to hare fallen in and been swept over tbebig kettle of tbe chsu- diere falls a man named jbbn brochn formerly a member of b battery quebec who deserted a yeargo has given lumseltfprttxiog that the constant fear of arrest made bis life aubearabie t there is some prospect of bremner the battleford halforeed securing indemnity for his stolen furs mr henderson bis lawyer aays if payment ia not forthcoming he will sue sir fred middleton j george j sod thomaa f bioe brothers had a rough and tumble fight atdieir home in st louis the evening over ja trifling affair and the latter ni so badly hurt that be died george hsvbesu arrested bev alplueus w wilson of baltimore bishop of the methodist episcopal church south lelt last week for j span by the r pacific baiiway he wfll take the ateamer batavia from vancouvet thomas byron and frsnoisobn odoo nel two sailors who cawed the drowning of acompanionwm odonnel at parry sound were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to throe months in goal three hundred friends of mr peter graham eipp for east lambton met at bis residence in warwick on friday and presented him with a goldbeaded cane on his attainment of three ebote and ten yeus at a potitrwl meeting on stinking creek kentucky the smith i wesson jfactiods and their winchester were present after the smoke cleared away thf crowd had disappeared ezpt two from each side and tbey were oead a lady in kingrton stepped on a rusty hail lockjaw ensued and the whole body became rigid nourishment was adminis tered by means of a clay pipe the stem of which was inserted through the opening by a lost tooth and now tbe patient is recover ing i mr lars nielsen a trader residing on the small island of gele in the solomon group in the pacific and three of hja native assistants have bead killed and eaten by islanders within the past year sir white men have been jailed and eaten by cannibals of this grpop out of a total whits population of 30 three young fellows frenofacansdlans hsd narrow escape from drowrdiijbyjttie j upeettingof their boat on tbe otuwa6anday afternoon it was currently reported that one of them named ganvrean had one to comments 6 idly than the fan psxssj paassdly pjaftsn urnwr complimantary paper trwfoui pearad in tberaspaotl ing the past lew only nlguyepprectai no doubt will also be dot many readers the bixnoiis oinmit rurait the acton fmoi pskss the handsomestj country weekly publlthed in canada has just entered npon ill sixteenth year chicago canadian awllrtcan i bsroirr xjmmtr tbe acton fukpsbss has entered uponl its 16th volume it ty the brightest newsj lim bssiimow eiohangei i have been r sforthaii respecting oui have ap i papers narnaddur and tbay are not r us but ws hsvi iwithpleasnre by rartiter u pesovra aer s srrrotrr the acton firs pa ess has entered upon its 16th year it is a good newsy local paper and deserves tie united snpport ol the dtisens of that pti ce tusonburg 14- ft cisr as mi is ssmnj brother moore of t n acton fncs puesa tells us that his paper is now 15 yeara ok and that he intendi to make tbe 16th volume better than my of tbe preoedinf ones he will have a ardjobbeforehlm berlin coil jo ff rausox tu r el eliten i with last weeks is rae the acton fiustj pofju one of our neat st and best exchanges enters its 16thyeer of i publication and its proprietor mr h p moore has reason tcj feel elated over the neat eppearanoeandtbej signs of prosperity of the paeepsxaa may he continue to prosperl waterford star i coewt to ma rorx the acton fxee pakss which is publish- ed by mr h p moore enters on its suj foenth year with the currei t number iti is one of the most handsonely gotten upj weeklies in the provin je ant is a credit toi the town in which it is published it is hoped that its genial editoi will be ions spared to stand at the taim- guelph vaity hmld or tut n ist iuj k wc omitted to notice mtil uow fifteenth anniversary of tha birth of acton fuee pcessa paper of tbe first rank in any comparr and berham the prettiest weekly in ontario- mr mbore has won success by taste irdeuigerice and hard work guelph dailg ikfercary now roaxe ri vote xunir the acton free pstxsg entered a new volume last week it is always so typo graphically ueat that not one out of a hunl dred of its readers would have known that new headings were intrcdnosd if tbey hadi not been told mof re poirer to yourj elbow newmarket era j nil eiirron uutf uiau tbe actoii yrzt paess entered last week upon its sixteenth year of publication h p moore the proprietor has all the qualii fications necessary for a successful news paper man for quality andioneof matter as well as mechanical makeup tbe editor aims high and is eminently aecessf ol inj striking tbe mark msrkdale konavinf rtee hau irmmw re am the acton fbee pbess entei ed upon itsj sixteenth ralnine last week- lt appeared with new headings selected with much taste and an eye to harmony and consider able new type tbe hntr nxa which is edited by mr h p loore is printed on extra fine paper and rith gra t care and neatness the literal y part insists of interesting local and general news free from anything of a rulgar o injurious nature acton can bo let of ha ing one of the finest printers in c ntario in mr moore and of a paper which i i a credit tc them oakville star besides tbe above wi i have received cum- erons letters from n aders and business men complimenting usupon the typographi cal appearance etc ofj the fsze pnrsa rdr bi messni and beaill iirtlifrftw ilsasrs ibauls malleni mllchsu btrtohtn mlnlstsrs and messrs i davldsoa j begg mcphstter and john burns ruling elders sabbath bob oli msssrs norrujlus edmlsonui pi jukjoa ministers snd messrs 0 isrles davidson bobert amos geo wood ind proljpanton the last named belni con mer etangsllitlo bervlcesmr m oonveosf dr mlddlsmlst messrs s bmlth and haigb ministers with hammond david scott and allan ba nisy ruling elders finanosmr john 1 aid eon oosveoer i messrs leitch and lim ilton ministers with jaussra lobar fisher and george sutherland ullng alders bchsmes of the chore dr torrsnoe convener messrs lsitd and blair ministers with messrs o isrles davidson bobert gibson and pster rennie rnllngislders superintends ice of itadenta mr a m hamiltoo con rtner dr wardropev messrs armstroni and smith ministers snd messrs c eorge davidson and allan ramsay ruling i lders licensure of siuaents dr jackson con vener dr midillamiss messrs bmitl snd hamlfton ministers and dr lovrx and mr jamas mitchell ruling elders m ii the dominion illu8tratj ed tin latest issue of this fine pidtorial paper is in variety of subject snd in q islity of srtlstio treatment one of the bat yet published the number isrioh in per raits old norwesiers will prize the fine lil eness of sir georgi simpson now thirty years in his gravel bat onoe the ruler of i sov ereignity almost as luge as eorop in connection with it is given a view f isle dorvsl his farmer residence now t isi of mr w g eauie an account of tbe inter tainment organized there under sir georges supervision id honor of the i rinoe ot wales is of historic interest tha portrait of madame paqaet will d illght musical circles in which that lady v ife of an exminister of quebec holds a pr imln- ent place grant allen thoagteln en dand is a gsnsdian by birth and has done csn sda credit by his well used gifts in iehce and letters with regret lus many fi lends will recognize the portrait of the lat mr- john page ce whose sudden deatl gave a shock to the whole community the rest of the number is largely devoted to yachting in lake st loail to lumlsring and to the monument national cele bration in the sohmer park montn tla gay scene msde chsrming by clustsof beauty one of horns pictures seres as frontipieoe address dominion itlastfatnl 78 st james st montreal new post offices these new postoffices been pub lished in canada beaver creek oouver b c bertha selkirk beddenbury aaaa boharm ast selkirk man dead creek adoirigton out derby mills grey out i ruin- mond lanark ont east taldfield pon- tiac que granthurst oxford pot geyser lisgar han grierson madford marquette man marintoi a mean thief how a new york banker swindled hundreds of poor people new yock july 22- bernard aronson who carried on a hankihg establishment in jcanal street was rema oded today in police coart on the charge of swindling nkny poor people who have been sending money and tickets to europe more than 800 poor foreigners were complainants snd they crowded the capacity of the court room yesterday there was a lively scene at the hanking- establishmenfl when a crowd of people who had been swindled broke into the place and used the banker and his clerk very roughly mrs artnie josephs told a sample story she had sent to the banker koto be forwardep fbr a ticket to her sister and children in poland after her faster travelled 300 miles to the steamers pier she found her ticket was no good there were 100 people in the same fix and the scene of misery wasj pitiable a wedding in high life on monday morning mr alexander a macdbnald third son of the late senator macdonald and ahnis c- b laidlaw daughter of the late george laidlaw the vlknown railway contractor were united in matrimony by bev ji v smith pastor of yonge st metnbdistcnarch the bride costume a traveling suit of slateblue cash mere looked ctuvrrning mr lawrence boyd was best man andlmissee dewer and lewis were the bridesmjaids after a re ception at oaklands fthe newlywedded couple left for breslaul germany where they will reside for three years during which time mr macdonald will pursue his studies at the oniversityf newfoundlands position st johxs nnd julyiri as significant of the irritated feeling aj ainst the british government for agreei ig to the facavir vivendi without the cons mt of newfound land and the apatl4 of tie colonial office in dealing with tne jfrei ch shore difhcul ties generally tbe cham xr ol commeroe at st- johns has refn ed to adopt the usual course of presen ing the vice-ad- miral on his first visit to tlris port with an address it was thous bt that doing would stultify them in tl e present strained relations with the colon i office admiral watson feels tbe lack of cordiality mani fested toward himaelf an i officers luenly and will cut his visit shot the cronln mizrderers the bottom ol the river bat tothe bugbj of his friends he returned home i none the wm forhu docking jotmmplesjs canadian aged 5 jinttazrnined teappm on 1 yorkpei tece is rjrpnoored a j ifcfe wm ih1 sxaiiuair j krjitv- night sad cmaco july 22 tl i timet has the following if dan cough in is tbe mly one of the cronin murderers rpqn whom oon flnement seems to rest he vy said deputy merrill of the pesjsaoli iry at joliet on fridsy fie is fretting limaelf to deaih he is bat a sliaaowof ida ipimer self rind if anew trial is not ludhim more wigujerewiuheaifniierilpraihig ifesv van brn vlia re opened grey ont mud creek labark ont mattewas essex out naas hai hex north westminister b c 1 orth- west harbor sbelburne n s pn cious corners northumberland ont r stan selkirk man sutton green vancouver b c wayside lanark ont offices closed montague lanark hit holland harbor goysborongb n fi phillipeton hastings ont point six pins algoma ont st guillaume st ition drummond que springfield l agar man west lynne provencher man names changed esse centre siiicoe to baxter arehviue carleton to oi laws east mnrillo station algoma to mt rillo party and principles a sermon by rev dr carmah prlneldles sacrwiced for part pictox july- 21 bev dr car nan general superintendent of the meth dist chnreh in canada preached here in the first methodist church yesterday moiling and evening in the evening he sell cted for his text the 0th verse of tbe 23rd c iap- ter of acts this be msde tbe basis f an sddress in which he condemned in se rare terms the use which political parties t lelui of rallying cries snd catch phrases to wld the party together long after these rail ring cries cease to have sny meaning and the events which called them into exist rnos have passed away he denounced tpese christians who considered it obltgstorjr on them to staod by their party at the ss as- fioa of the principles which they proxa i toi have at heart he said if tbe afethc list church would as a whole stand firm in tbe demand for prohibition and make tieir demand felt through the ballot box iro- hibition would be assured in three yean grandfather and obandsfjn perish together in the rlverot bolton last week boliox july 17 yesterdsy william griffin the nioeyearcid son of im jgriffin contractor toronto fell into the pver here and was drowned his gn nd- btber mr william griffin el bolton rho ta over eighty years old wss also drow led vhile endeavpnng to rescue bis grandi on the lad had gone ap to spend the hoik lys with his grandfather who is a wellkm wn citizen of the village while walking on the river bank the boy slipped off a log ud tbe old man sprsngln after him neil ler could swim both bodies arrived toget ler in coffins at tbe union station toroi to cbs sad sibidedt wu a painful surprise to he village where mr griffiu st was idresident qoeer world 1 queer people i here kre j deo snd women by thonssnds suffsr ng i rom all sorts of diseases bearing all m m- i lets of pain spending all on pliytioi us i od getting no better bat rather won a rhen right at hadd theres a remedy wb ch i ays it cad help them because its hel ed i bousands like them another pate it- l ledioine advertisement yon say ye i ot not of theordioary sort ths medio ne dr pierces golden medical discove y slnd its different from the ordinsry n is sams in this itdoeswhitilolsimeto do or it lefts yjon nothing the my is this you pay yourdrig btuo for a bottle j yos rssd the dir c- t oas snd you fpllow them ion get bet er you don ifyoj do yon bny anotj st i spsrbsns another ilf stmikt l i beterjoaget ybnrnney back a d t is queer thing it thstwmany nsonlei re i idiogtj be sick whio the iremedysvi tslini wowil wroraiwoilmribnmmer bemliannnal iale nisxt s ajjbtay kobgfljfl c tor juii aayi dnftngj biuli to ttoiwfakgoirerf e laiyrt- mohinnl v w ha g cara ui torv -mttrkjag- dognrpncw m ptprseleaaly mrtablea tw 8ainiy ana thtfollowing 86 daj will copvidtse yon i wo gitroyou vei fevr of onr prieaaianillatriftioiif the sqdncmenta ware offering t6 the eoodotnioal pnwhaaer dnaaooorii 100 yards allwool albatross locii worth 18c 850 strlpn and granlu pattern cbsllle 10c worth ue jj1 bsvsrslbls barges trand vslos at 12n plain 8srgss grsndvalue at uo auwool bstfts maw tints at 180 for- msr pries and 80c 42 in won chsllies at wo worth ioo stripsd lama cloth at 85c well worth 66 cents ths same rsdaotloa applies to bettir goods 400 826 426 100 hosiery special haas reduced from 15c to j 3 jo special lines reduced bom 40s to 26c colored and black rednosd from 60c to 36c lisle thread rednosd from 75c to 60o fins cotton reduced from loo to 60c colored bilk reduced from 100 to 60c a lot of misses cashmere hose at 26c were sold at 40oand60c childrens hose reduced from iso to 6o a laoea wdoptrjrctols 16 rsdocad torn sto i plsoes orieotal ztoonoing at 16c worth 60c 4 i 20o wortb fioo 1 place of lane fkmpi 40t worth 6o ilenmflal r- fbftrjsaii 4 pieces eml 1 valswtonslla5 60c worth 75o j plscsa embroidered florctainbrsy ftoendngs- baxobrsy st 60c worth ii j6 whit embroidsrles from 6c to tlt6 flooaoins from 60o tqt260 1 piece au over wool lsoe at 60s former stoplea v ktt yards pink print withbocdars at 6c rsdnced from 10c fins bootoh cbambraysat 6c worth 10a and lie kins ginghams at 8c worth 12jc striped shaker flannels at 8c worth 10c end 12jo seersuckers at m seersuckers st 8c snd hr- 4 fob fuethefi paeticulabs 8ee lage bills g b ryan co guelph the right hocse special bargains in every department ri to clear out the remainder of the spring and 8ammertry goods many lota of goods have been milked down to vary low prices and a genuine cleariog sale of those is now in full blast at ths bight house attractive baboainb all over the house wall mads serviceable goods at low prices the order of ths day bead about ths seersuckers at 4fi and sc per yard checked ginghams at 6c extra good guilty white cotton at 6c per yard flannelettes at sjc fast colored chambray 5jo- per yard extra wide fast colored prints only 6c per yard parasols selling off much under regular prices be son to see them fancy bilk capes at rednosd prices a speoisl lot of colored suk lsw mits at 17c raw pair another lot of black bilk hits at 25c and toc per pair they are slightly damaged and are much under regular prices a lot of gloves at 40c par pair some of tbsm formerly sold at 25c fancy ribbon reduced to low prices a large lot of childrens cotton hosiery at 6c 7c 8c and 106 par pair many of which were formerly sold at doable the prioej see the spedsl lot of ladies black caahmere hose at 40c per pair white moslin embroidered ties st 10c worth moch tore babgadj8 in gekt8 furnishing department see the tjnlatmdried 8hirtat 40c each a speeisi unlalndriad shirt at 871c or three for 340 ia a great favorite too should see them gaols bilk ties and braces much andm regular prioas itlllinery baboainb be son to sea them trimmed milunery at reduced priooa garuso hauciuiv 15c each ale o4fwwerssauing off at 60c per ipray formerly sold gland 1126 sash ladiss sailm boniy soc txt ta you will find cheap goods a lot of bemnants at bargain prices cartels poles from 26c npwsrd psintsd windwshsdes oomplete with spring rollers from 00a hundbeds of dtheb babgaimb to be had thbouobout the house come and see them be sure you get into the bight house befobe entebing look on the window fob the name whioh ib hamilton inly loib 1890 thomaei o wtezrits r gret we are stiowiug great burgaitib iu summer dress groods from eight cents per yard up colored muslins ut cost and under ah remtiauta ofdresb gdodsaud prima nt cost we have jriet roceived a large range ol i m sikjgs jus 1i1imm 1 5bs mnrf r ifay abrwbr 18 ellin sttart1 ibax 10 two 0m ia tbe villas of acta t3 the comer otwuicw u sahaviai h ndsostwats aizlni ahmssssdt attastsd at- ounabrtrssvathavi frautrjsmts h brss4dress 1 v zcwrblebiaond bib out i rlohidwo paois ynptdstsi wi hasnaoirolars4o at ezoectod it 0 t lrmoi v j new prints in all tbe new patterns new embroidery shirtings for 50 cents per yard parasols fr -oc- large assortrnent of j gcloves and hosiery- at low prices pee out low lines of readymade glpthing extravame in the boot shoe department fe8li stock ofi groceries always oi hand- bt 1400bb saspaitss office ariofij h notice to itresassfers hereby gives notice tst oats any person or persons toned eqbiajreuiucslot 9 or too a b wrsrw iboothlns eordlnito il acton jaly 1st 1600 josetb lasllf vf0s8axe or ksobans for olher property i i rnztbbavfxftbs of an acre vilb eoiofcttablr i x frarae bouse saujleand otber ontbulld leas bsrexsnd soft aster pod earden with tualunt tares and asjoall traits enquire on tbsprsmlssswby letter to j w mcewsox acton actouiiodgenom loor- f meets in the oddfellows hall urtiewsll blot every tvednesdavetenlnfiltacuzaa brathrsa always velcome for copy of-eonaap- 1 tntlon and taws apply to tbe niidersteneeor aoy oftnernsmbsrs wtlluajs b u wokden k q v sstretary picket were fmlitng thb but amd oiteapest otall fasm and oaeden fencib r hlablr oommemled snd awarded ioalpb centra and several townsni dip p7alrsjj- good post card for prlca list glvlnc f g jars address- glim rrsm j m oooiey co cuelph i sealed tendani and sndonsd taad canals will b nssjved totbeuu forthefiltjaui ittnlsoaleettnf arrival of the eastern and vestepi mails oi basdaytbsarddatafjjslr neztfor4 itniaional a lift lock vstrs eta at ata and at ths svwrenlns sntt anlsiismaat salpldeflatoaiial tbtfwors wlfit into three ssottona esnb about a mlla nil a map of the loeautv tbfatber vrith pja snomnrsuons of toe respective works 4 asenoa and attar wedaaadav the sib i julv naattst thi mice an at ihauesu glnwrt oloob swfortsatbttftirbbra print tethacssawstftonwaiiiiiitbt 1 tb teodk tlm mttul icnutitji of l ume qmtmtzto of tbi occupation a67 dnoe ut ofieta member of umusdil1iijb mx mmtmcbefaoe on tuimiteret bsuk fajj atulxtlmmiimsmjoocvmittv vpoompsi todbrlotb9 on m cfaaztandnuikin gtudft tor uw woo for mcb u tba otbir bcvotfamu tbatmpmm ctaogoei bimt 1 floctod otsst tqrtbo jfaubtar ot l ln at tbe rstnmadto are not tbla aaelftoaoospt taledtathej thus sent in- v parties whose t not bcnreyerj lowest pr any tender order j a p slladidsy i perartniant of baflwars 4d casals i ottawa ijth jin ssx t seiffiannual clearing sail -attht- mammoth h6 us georgetown we begto announce sw fepfng ftl 1 reductiopj in several lines of simaieki goods line rod ucod t reauoid in f set fa rseoimeua regular iirioallqo irregular pvtra 100 r price 10c so regular pribst sjcreaular poc soo viard inrulsr remember our 25 amd 50c t8 are tha best henderson mcrae co sissi2s isi3ssw uiuiner redacod usntles radnesd parasols reai dressr prints beady carpets caotvaru mens straw puesofrood batewtrsril ladies hsu manffeltb ureas goods prfntedbt aoc oolorej sreaa blaokjjtesssi p a wot dress xriraminits 60 per ra gtiaa- iavryirtav great jtw- pjsj- onrfwina loo rasfw ppw shlrtinnfjo retiolar wice 60 wootarls80 rexaurprlee 5cvkv h5oj m ol shttuto regular price- onr millinery department wclohd denartment thev era otononflnthe ooontry for tarohii sjw vni3e aid vessonsblti butsraaxlbottreaantatnthsr teaaajlakble neokbii tathetrjeto et beitslu watvjnjmtlnny oravelpa 31 rv scleodqol bit vhlch fre n the 9 fall t thh i acton i thai i were alt hsay -tha- 1 vietnltxa on the if tl 4baitj sunday t hnds4il xbt oymantf iqv ji nod the r store while day mr j j serious ieji tbe sidiojj was struck j otioe with afewl weha ustoica jo beheld sithtbt range ot i saeoetstall procn fbatsuj m it m warren irinw keuti hwa

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