Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1890, p. 4

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i rfemethbdistchurc a0t0jk ae7aa pastor- 1 lrertooi bower avcuns public sarico fft cm j sonltf ktooltjo bible aescondiicud bribe pastor alleortiauy ictltod u w and visitors slwavr welcome at- staute ushcn st the door uehtinesare desired apply lo h- moore tv8aij bank of hamilton head office hajplton- captfil piu trr 8lw0do usssfttx fcxd ejftmbo jtchxbcix h- s steves f awtcashiim dtrectokswobx stkwit7 president a n hjlmsuv yice-lr- john- rbocron ciu ccaxsr gkobdich ajt wood aifclax qeosafitowk acency- l discounted ind sdnncrt mr on ji kittlic ttworitiw dhits ati ajijmrt of caj- jltuthc lktteb 8tatej gttcttjijtaix aud uiie coxtixext otecin5fn bcait and old collcnosimfclc oath acccsillc polati oo morturonbli tnn savings deplutklkt ditosrt8wceitiolaiidnpjirisci ti icrwt allohwj tpjm date ql dcjctlt to du of rithdrwi i speciadelosrtst also weeivod st current rtle cf merest no cotica of uitidracal wqairal p i h ulwitsok agent sini jof the biff watch face lrom3 cenj to ts ack i wc tbk ilf privilcse cf icuinc yoe aauij closest lirinrmarginf the ftnist rjies ad qaa- ttierliiattiiccicaa imv in tbe list of walclos qoctf if tcitv specs fefitcnrart wcddincaci binndarrroscbts inspect oqt goodie com pare oar priors a ner rtoct cf tvtll tapcrt vindox blinds stationery fancy goods apcy iaj cat girt tu a call geo hyftds i acton ont sc wmt 3m press thursday julv 21 1890 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week news in a nutshelu the picnic season is now at its height i the little green apple is now fitting in foil time irith the small boy i j the village of ccdbornc aboat the size o acton is hebted with electricity the sisters jones the colored singers vereat tlie s a barracks last evening mx wj il crewsou ot crawsons ooraers otters his property there for sale royal templars of temperance picnic at the parkf next thursday ereaingrjlst ulst raspberries are selling for and fc cents per poimd cherries are hw per basket the band gave another open air coc- cert on the new band stand on taesday evening ashorer of rain isriow badly needed the roofe and small fraitswoald be greatly benefited haying is over it has been a very heavy crop it is a long time mice clover turned out so well the sabbath school ofactou and ricinity will likely unite m a picjuc here on the3th angurt ectj j w hae saperintended dublin sunday school last sanday mr george hfddswiii take cnarje next sabbath- j the fall wheat harvest is in progress by many farmers ftrioghout the- county in some placesbailey will be cut this week j notwithstanding the warm weather jthe auendanoe at the various sabbath i schools continues good bikdeubroa of orangeriue lost their trotting stallion king imperial last week by deaih- tbey held the horse at jv50l- i clatfadthomp8ondrygoodsandcar pet dealers guelpfa offered a settlement with their creditors si gsc which wis jaaepted j a lacrosse matchwill be played in the park on saturday afternoon at 3 odoclc jbetween the young caaadians and the ijumor 03ympicsof milton a good game iseipected j master john w mclean of mflton i while visiting mr john warren fell from a ladder andractored two bones near the aakle in his left leg dr lowry reduced iifle fracture j j mrs hannkig yodagesl sister of the jcelebratai thomas carlyle and only sor- juving member of the family li visiting at her daughters urs john ry leslies comely bank farm trafalgar oak rineovir boating is ill the rage here thxseummer jthe new fleet of boata has been verygener- posly received by the young people if however the sunday- service wasdicontin t ned the managers woiild be entitled to more general respect i the advertisina of one or a few articles t a time if placed attractively before the jaiblic attracts the special attention of he peoplejuit then in want of such articles fcnd such advertising lr very hsely to bring hi people who have never traded at your store whoa engaged infoadidg ice on mon day mr j t halsted narrowly escaped serious injury a train was shunting on ihe siding and without dae notice the car wasjetruck just as he was putting in a block u ice he was knocked ovir but escaped kith a few bruises j we have received a copy of the prize tist of canadas international exhibition io be held at st johnnb september ttth to october 4th it embraces a large rsnge of prizes and will o doubt prove occessfal copies of the prize list can ppiocuredvjijdressing mr ira cern- tiu secretao- fat jotnkb com- etition open to the world the news at home cosily of a local character every ltom interesting e7i m f anc acton a8 the hub imanclptition dj tbt unadoflobatuh o lli emoclpi i ion ct lot slui otfc vfeti iolioa il i c held il berlin ihii ycir on tbe alii o oly ind lit o aojuit eitemito ennui i liont ire bcinj unit both by liio oolorod i topic and tbe citixcni to miko it grind i iccns amooc the teatarea u colored t and toornimcut or which large prizes ire cllettd itiieipected there nill bo lally 1 vx colored people preeeot 5 fie royal tcmplara picnic posters will be inoed loiliy riling i ali f irticalirt ot the cvouins picnic md prom e iade concert to be ciren by acton council i oyel tcmplan ot temperance in the park aattherdi7eniiigylatt it h pro p i lo make tho affair thoroorhly enjoy t lie to all and snch u will warrant uic at- i ndanee ot our citizeni c m tiio c ahcila cf thia ricinity aw iawted to be p eseot and at halt past sir a parade ot all i syal templars headed by actou coroct i and will lake place rom the lodge room v the park helreshmcata will be pro- dod games arranged tor and there will pleasure for all where did yoa set that elegant suit sat 6u you to well 7 at kexltbiaw haps and tall ntottnatioa oonceminfi ate etc over aoy route to ittaiitoba the forth west or the weatera etatee may be ad at the grand trunk station- acfon- acrou jthe atlantic by it d vaneu forije at hynda and kinna- l e veryoae ishoald call and see onr 1 1c jw 12jwand irtdo suite macvto order hey are better value than can be mt at ny other rjaco in ownby thief dolkre a ait tuipectiou in tiled kit gnaranlaod izllx duos wool i0oj ib wanled die highest rice in cash or merchaodise wil be eiven w sood cleaq merchantable wi jl wa icltaji a- col georgetown on we muit idmh that the 4ioest and beapert iwiaaow shade are to be laiat aw baoe uiey alio harea rety floe w boys and ohodrei jprln jrita all aizesj od away don in prices x brakesman v seroiis misstep j yesterday afternoon shortly before three ofcloct 6w trieatly of kincardine a ot r brakeraan bclonginj- to ko 211 special freight dipped while polling aj couplinj pin and falliug with hia rajbl les over ihc rail the slowlyj rdoving car tolledapon and almost ofer it tie limb was broken inwo places abgte tlie knee and tctriblylaceraied the right lee was badly scratched and bruiiod at thtt knee the poor fellow was taken lo johnl sons hotejani drs lowry and sprtngerj dressed the wounds and hare hopes ol savipe the limb he waa afterwards taken wguelph hospital ar of tut old settler jstr robert t hiu the twin brother oc iir ctjiill merchantof this place whose illness from aanatroke was referred to in- the fntn fcrss last week died at his home id tcrulast wednesday afternoon the igl inkt xir hill wasan old resident ot thi tofwnshjp having removed with hisparenu tcjlhe farm where he died from new yoris stale in 1h32- mr hiu was 70 years ard months old he enjoyed the esteem cf who knew him his partner in life and a larce family of- seven sons and three daughters all survive him his beiu that finst death in the family the remain wire followed to their last ratios place onj friday kev georice clark pastor of tlicj methodist church mikon conducted th f uiieral scrnces visit to a farmer citizen cast week we had the pleasure of spend- int a day vrith mr w h howell and his estimable family at their home in jersey vilie it will be remembired that for se eral years jr howell transacted cdcery glassware and- crockery business in acton removing to jcrseyville five or sir ye its ago he has there an eicellent general business in one of the most pros1 peons agricultural sections of the country ant has a splendid trade mr howells we i kept stock sustains his old time repu- ulion for neat clean and tidy appearance he has a cod store and a beautiful home an i surroundings mr and mrs- howell ha re great reason for pride in their bloom inj danchlers maoel and millie who are no r growji to be quite young ladies miss mi hcl has just passed the high school e trance examination at rrantford mr he well made interested enquiries respecting his former friends and aoqcaintances in aeoo firrjonsuccitfcirt on monday evening at the conclusion of th days work in thehay field on mr arch mi phersonslarm on the south side of the tarn his little eightyearold sou george asled lo be allowed to drive the horse and ral s into the barn mr mceherson read ily aoqaiesed never dreaming ot the dos sil ility ot accideut jbul m passing through thi gate the horse became frightened rush ed up the lane and when near the house one of rhe wheeii ot the rake caughra maple sapling and followed np the beading tree wi rk such speed that the utile fellow was th own some tea feet into the air above the rai 2 he fell with great force upon his he id and when taken up was insensible di lowry was immediately called in and up m examination found that his skull was fn ciured it was at first thought thaf re overy was impossible but he has since re ained consciousness and atkst accounts hi condition was more hopeful tlstbourzcc l large crod of spectators lined the ba iks of fairy like last friday evening lo se hedisputed boat race again contested ti e distance was three miles requiring th ee timej i around a course marked hy ca placed near harveys dam and at the up per end ofthe lake at 715 pm the co itestantseceived the word go from th starter and immmediately began a ck se and interesting struggle when tbe fir t iap was completed there was very hi le difference between the men hut when thi second lap was finished wilds had an ad rantage of six boat lengths and most of ihc onlookers thought he would winlhe rn e eaiily on the last round mcmillan ga ned steadily however and managed lo reich the winning pott a length and a ha f ahead of his opponent the race was roi red in considerably less time than in the for ner coolest mr john lawson chief ot police acted as slarlef and messrs john h rvey and w stark referees rii proixtscd county s s lhenie 7e eipecied this week n present to the so iday school workers of the coonly full inf irmation respecting railway rates trains pn gramme etc foe- the proposed union pic nic for be schoolsln halton butowiug lo he fact that nothing like a general in ter st and attendance could be secured from the sbooht of either georgetown burlington or oakville the officers decided thai it wo id be beler lo exocei all arrangements an declare the picnic bit for- the present sea bo ft is but fair to say that this re- sol is not attributable to the 6fficers of of i he association or to the local commit- tee at mil on for everything was being done by them to ensure a great success that coc id be done had a general attendance beei obtainable the withdrawal of he roduty picnic need nut bo a diaappoiut- meittfl urn kahhath schools of aclooand vie mty however for coosideriogthe fact lha 1 the acboobi here were a nnitin favor of i anion picnic a iinmber ot those inter dud have decided simply to change the poi it for bolting the picnic from milton lo xbin to arrange for dr pottsaddresa to j e delivered here lo have a parade of the echoola from acton lo the grovel and to conre acloo cornet band it poeeible tqr the occasion forlheuurpoaeuf mak ill definite araiigemenls toe qperiouro h i of eacto the sohooistn acton and vici ifty are reqaejtedto meet in tho vestry ot be duclpl church on friday alter noo 3 at i oclock thedato tor tho picnic wil be hied at this meeting the country arund news ltoms6uppllfid by dorret- pond ont a and exbhar ges oeo tuosk attivaigrtlhamofkiqqesidfi hai gone to bo a the rn maoitofc where he it interested in property up frank bhort u visiting id orillia 3 3 olibd and frank barber are in mmkol a cam pi or with brampton friends dr and mrs lue and mr and mrr t j s heeler are holidaying on georgian bay mr and mrs b w king have gone to montreal to arrange prelim ar ice to their tjoal settle ment there those rarcaxw w j willis of wheeling west vs is i pending some holi days at bli home in btewarttovn mill lizzie campbell la homo on a visit from jersey city kj where she holds a high position u teacher in an art school mr cd mrs john higgim have rijtjrned from a weeks visit spent pleaiantly among friends iu toronto bracebridge and orilliit since his return mr digginihas beenijaite ill mrs turuey of chicago as visiting friends iu the neighborhood v dcinis william mcpherson salmon- ville aged c5 years anjl5mouthsi miss g brown hlh line ksquesing aged 20 years i months and 3 days w perrtmo ton of william rerryman silver creekagedl7 foneral on sunday last mr h baker an employee of icreelman bros is suitering from a severe attack of malarial blood poisoning a young son of mr johu wright ash- grove i while drivings horse rake lost con- trol of the horse and was thrown to the groand his foot caught in the lines aud he was dragged borne distance severely injur ing his face mr harding and son of erin while driving oa the 7th line mot those notorious performing bears and the result was a run away the mans leg was brosen in two places and the boys neck severely strained another bear and two lazy men exhibited here last week iu view of be precceding item pno would think such itinerant drcases ihoald be suppressed by law rev mr tattou whifo driing near stewaitowu had his horse frights ned by a large black dog he was thrown out his wrist sprained aud his buggy bro ten mr robert reid norval road raised a barn last week a slight acciden occurred- by which mr jtcxriveu of palermo had his leg bruised cor cricket club met with a smoua de feat atborlington last thursday barliog- ton winning by 2 runs and an innings our lacrosse team also suffered defeat on saturday at the hands of the cpitils of toronto this result was intioipated as the cspttajs are one of toronto leading team sj however- the spectators were treated to an excellent exhibition of the game and frequent bursts of applause greeted the fine team play of both teams score i to l mi inspector brothers of the ilton lie- farmer paid oar town a fraternal visit on monday t oar town expects a gala day oi angnst lath next as our posters indicate splendid parses arc offered for leading sporting events bear the date in mind and consult the posters last weeks herald charges the itcfonmr with publishing tha report of sj lacrosse match which hadj become stale but the htrald frankly admits the report was taken rom its own col a mns bo h exhibit great enterprise and friendly rivalry wis rockwood sir patterson of flint mijh mrs kicol ute of china mrs dr torrance and mrs j b armstrong of guelpl viewed the beauty of our rocks last week- mr james a hamilton aud iis bitrfer miss lena arc visiting in shelourne miss kettle walmslev of e nsiting friends here mr jaim wright fiurpriied the villagen ba saturday afternoon by epeeding his new horse in a new sulky the mr robinson who was murdered by a crazy man named brown in the township of morrison- musfcoka ust week was a half brother of mr wm robinsori of this tillage a carnull load of guelpli people pic nicked on the rocks od saturday afternoon the picnic to ptislinch lake of which we spoke last week is ott and in its place a garden party got np by the band will take place in the village actonbandwe under stand will assist in the progruniiie- the next week an eicursion of the combined sabbath schools goes to burlington beach master frank lee was injnredj at play with same bompunions on friday last it will be a few days before he is around on saturdaydight the household goods etc of the messrs strachan whoj have re tired from business were sold by mr wm hemstreet as is nsnal at auction sales many valnable articles wen flat almost nothing while goods of doubtfiil otflity brought more than original cost your correspondent was pleased to leani that mr knqwles last week received a letter from his son george who k s for the past year and alialf alternated bel ween the wilds ot mexico and the gold fields of alaska he says the m semce is not 6t the best hi those regions he i at present in san jtraiicisco mrs p lee is away at the bedside of her mother who is very ill mr kenneth a mcleod brougln home a bride oneday last week ken well de- feenes tbe best wishes usual ou such occas- fiions miss minnie mcgregor of brampton is a visitor at 3fr c gerbwv the fallawingcon versa tiouwas jcrheard last week 1st yonth who is extremely at tentive to one of our fair girls jic were ye ever in love 2nd youib o 1st youth well ye dont wanto bi for its the hottest cnokiuest feelin that ever got hold of ye j on monday morning four of oyr nlkge young iadifjs made an early start ora rasii- berrj iaitclf on a farm about a mite away toe fanner however found his faaliantry subsidiarj to his idea of the failure of the apple crop and ordered them off jtbe girls say the berries were green anyway mr james h knowles is conflnod to the house with a sprained knee the rt unit of a fall from a loud of hay mr m p fflrriesj received a se ere kick in he stomach from one of his torses on monday we are informed howe er that there ik nothing dangerous to be expected from the injory on monday night a ketf of shii le nails was stolen from passniore 6nsx store front tbo jtlieft was ooniruit ad with great bolduew aa the clerks wore s ii in the store at the time arnetingof the eramoaa agicnltoral society vas held in the town hall tnesdaj afternoon jthe djts 6f theahow wu fixed for octoljer mwffl jagw were jp panted the jf list was ineteased considerably m the reaolt of a rev sion bu the local conn oil of the royal templar ot twbwlrdut i bjembera last qbirriw v- i mri qeorgejwutall hu jaet returned from fc trip to british columbia oonnoll met on tueediy ulftbl and passed a byjaw to iprlokle the bftslneu parti of ttw yonng udieamn th vidnity of borhngton picked in ont 3sy the lotb inst 301 baskets of itrawberrie eaoh a large party of sanday school pic niokeri from milton and surrounding country pie nicked at the brant homo on w ed nosday budget oakville a garden party will be held under the atjipicesof trafalgar star division no 218 sons of temperance at the residence of mr john stephens next tuesday oven- ing j the salvation army announce great jabilee and ealival on the 31st july c e auderson of scott and anderson bankers palmcrston has been visiting his parents and friends in oakville the past week a court to hoar and determiuo the appeals from the courts of revision of the town of oakville and township of trafsl gar will be held in the council chamber ou monday next of the candidates who presented them selves at the recent entrance examination the local board have passed 2g and recom mended six milton little willie duggan 11 years old went to burlington beach with the sunday school excursion last week he missed the train at 5 pm by which tho excursionists returned to milton and set out for home on foot he got here at midnight twenty miles in seven hours was pretty good for a small boy with au empty stomach 0n saturday last a valuable mare be loogiug to mr alex duff of milton was foand lying on the ground there with a wound id its abdomen through which the intestines protruded although the wouud was sensed up the animal died shortly afterwards thirtyeight candidates wrote at the h s examinations here of these 27 passed tbe highest number of marks was made by j w robinson of chuxo 7 trafalgar the excursion to burlington beach yes terday waa largely patroniced the sun day schools of grace church mil ton st stepheus church hornby st andrews church milton and st georges church lowville took part in it champion work has been commenced on the new methodist church i the remain of the late robt t hill of peru were interred in the cemetery fast friday j i onerthlrd of the successful candidates at the recent h s entrance examination held here were uaght at the milton public school l it looks as though the county sanday school picnic is likely to fall through for the present season owing c the lack of interest in the mafw on the part george town oakville and burlington schools campbellvicle farmers are through haying and quite a number have started into the wheat and barley today wheal is a air crop ome fields exceptionally good a ittle rusted but not enough to cause any da mag barley is not quite so heavy as iu former years qnjte a number of berry pickers are seen around and this luscioos fruit seems to be very plentiful in all the different varieties but raiu is needed the apple crop is very light next to a failare bat as we had none last year we will be thankful for what we have and make the best possible use of them we bad two barn raitungs lo the neigh borhood last wees that of john harris on tuesday afternoon and jimes white on friday afternoon quite a large n amber of ladies appeared on both occasions abd helped to enliven as well as spreads fable well loaded with nice things which all seemed to do ample justice to qoite a number intend taking iu the c p r picnic some of the members of coart robbie burns a-of- intend going to hamilton on monday next i the terra cotta works re patting ap some more kilns of a different style from the last the c p r lii reading for another awitch at the junction we think steps ought to be taken to have the slaughter house west of the village re moved as a goodly number of passers by are complaining and no wonder for the stench arising therefrom is something hor rible j dr winn is improving a little but has bad a hard seige of it this time and is not yet out of danger mr h cargili m p for bruce paid this town a visit last week he is having a fine scotch granite monument erected over the remains of his father at sodom one of our young men bad a runaway while coming from mr harris on tuesday evening but no serious damage was done except the smashing of the buggy struck by an express train st catuimxes july 21 a team of horses owned by jacob honsberger were instantly jtiiledby the g t h express thia morning mr jordan and a son of mr honsberger narrowly escaped young honsberger said he did not hear the whistle and w on the track before he realized the train was upon him tbe horses were struck about the middle and the waggon overturned the driver being thrown under neath it the animals were dreadfully mangled but young honsberger escaped without a bruise the men who saw the accident about jordan station say the train did not whistle f mvsfij fef in irafeii i-vhw- a to and frorn ofon find vat lout fb frietde fa miss mie bpeifiht isi 3 rljc djstas emms awlrkule ahei iw d springer was a ffueafatatwaddlng at b rllngumouo day last week drs thomas 0 moore has been visiting fr suds id toronto the patweea diu igreeosword of norvali was the go t of friends here over sunday dr johlfh cook aud family of toronto wc re guests of rev k b cook during the- w sk diss bertie boyder of toronto spent se eral jays this week with i rjeudsio acton an j ticiuity t ir robert kennedy of erin who has be u very ill for several weeks fs ablo to be st iut agam mr edward kicklip hu been coo fined to hisj bed ibo past week with a ssvere attack a congestion of the lungs mrs john amman and daughter of toronto were gaests at tbe home of principal moore this week t mrs ii ramshaw and sou returned hoiieou saturday after spouding a month with her friends at uxbridge mr and mrsh p moore and eddie spent several days daring tho week very plci jantty with frioods at hamilton 4wcahamof ihog t r officet her left last week ou bis vacation he wil visit friends at londou and detroit ir and mrs samuel laird spent sever al cays his week the guests of road master t ytlsoii of hamilton formerly of acton x ezra adams is spending a abort lira vjsitmg friends in acton and the surouuding neighborhood drayton ad twefc vr a mclutyre who spent several weeka at he g- t r station in may is uov acting as night agent during tbe cbs luce of that officer the illness of mr edward nicklio aha tenccl the visit of misses jessie nicklin and edith storey at hamilton and grimsby tin y re tamed home on taesday morning xrjy kancawin druggist left yes- ten ay for his fathers home at sbelburne he ili take a couple of weeks vacation mr d storris has charge of the business in 1 is absence mayor gowdy and family comprising elewen members and mr c w kelly and family left this afternoon for guelph bay parry 6oand kcv mr tark intends tojein them this week if he is sufficiently recovered ittctrry r miss mabel bennett and misi porter of mil l oo miss eva bell mrs coleman and mr a coleman manager branch office of the j n w telegraph co toronto were guests for several days of mrs jennie b csnierod rose cottage r jj m moore late foreman of the hacover put is home for a week or so tioni he will shortly assume the fore naqship of the georgetown herald mr w h ebbage the present foreman having peiured a goodjosition at new haven conn mr hj b mccarthy left on monday evening for montreal where he will embark ie sleimer ifixyvu of the dominion lin for the old coautry mr mccarthy will wait the british islands and france befo e he rclnrnt houio port hope tii the banwnll murder case woonstocc jnly 19 mr osier in com pany with mr ball the crown attorney of oxford detective hurray and mr wm davi c paid a visit to thesoene of the bircbell tragedy a few days ago and inter viewed same of the leading nitneaaei in that vicinity it will be remetfujered that the old mkn babb testiied at the inqaest that he baud twoabota fired in the swamp the evehhtij of the day that themardar was oomoiittid who fired these shot remain ed a mrftery until saturday last when mr bads came to woodstock and save tbe natoes of two young men who were shoot- ina in ibp swamp at that time theso ia now in the states but ibo other- one is still hers and wiu be called as a witness killed by lightning wiskuiojnly 10ilenry battel oho ot the oldest farmers ofihe moosejaw du- triot his iedjearild datubter and hsr bert moifoab about twefve years of ae eldest ion ot bev dr molean were i- sunuy killed jlhtnilns while eattpg their aoptet t baitajjj honestoaj jidar mookjawj tha drought in rjw england boiiox july si the damwe in new ensland by uupnawnl drought ii now put noorary wbitevamhs totnre weather may be most dietnots ban bees without raid totboisoi for a growing season for weslu corn and tobaooo on that low lands ars still in fair condition pastures are drying up renderlur the early feading of slook necessary streams are low and lbs beds of shallow creeks are dry grass is the only abundant crop and a large yield of excellent hay has been secured ito second crop is of little value a qemerous offer the following letter appeared recently in lbs christian qvardidn tkkn sin 1 hare recently published 130000 temperance tracts for free distribution and in tend running tbe quantity up into the inllllona if neoossary to wakeu up tbe poople of tula dominion to the ovlis ol alcoholic liquors and the ruin and desolation they are bringing upon the whole people of our dominion i am send ids tttoui from the atlantle to tbe paelflo i supply thorn free but parties applylncjrlll haro to pay their own postace of four cents per pound in advauee or their express charges ou receipt of uie tracta- yours faithfully thohxsc wxttu- hamilton children cry for pitchers castoria when baby was sick we gave her castoria when she was a child she cried for castoria wneo she became khw sbe clung to castoria when she bad children she gave tietn castoria cuelph markets hour boiler floor stone spring wbeat fall wba bran barley oau neat uuelphjulr zird1690 2 50 lo 3 73 i 90 to s 60 0 bo to 0 90 o to o 13 00 to 13 00 0 35 to 0 40 0 36 to 0 40 0 43 too 45 0 55 to 0 67 6 00 to 7 00 eve peas hay btraw 1 50 to 3 03 4 00 to 4 50 0 13 to 0 14 0 11 to 0 13 0 ii w 0 16 0 u to 0 13 0 55 to 0 65 0 75 to 1 oo 600 toe 50 100 to 1 23 0 40 lo 0 ho 250 toloo offl to 030 0 22 to 0 23 0 15 to 0 20 ayers hair vigor ib tbeiidcal hafamiof jt re v stores the color to gray liafriroinotes h a frosb and vlpjorptu growth prevents tbe formation cf dandruff makes the itafrboft and silken anil irbparu a dtu- cate bttt lasting per- ifume sereral months ago my hair com- mettcvtt falling ont and in a few weeks my head was almost bahl i tried many but tbey did no rood i anal- r bought a bcttje of ayera hair vigdv and after uaw only a part of tbe con tents ray head was covered with s heavy growth of hair i recommend your preparation as the best in tlie world t monday sharon grove ky rt i hove used ayera hair vigor for a number of years and jt has always jdven me satisfaction it is an excellent dress ing prevents the hair from tnrninjr gray insures its vigorous growth and keeps the scalp white and clean mary a jackson salem mass i have used ayers hatr vigor for promoting the growth of the hair and think it un equaled for restoring tbe hair to its original color and for a dress- ing it cannot be surpassed mrs geo la fever baton itahdi mich ayers hair vigor is a most excel- lent preparatiqq for the hair i speak of it from ray oan experience its nso promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy- and soft the vigor is also a cure for dandruff j w bowon editor enquirer mc arthur ohio i have used ayera hair vigor for the past two yean aud found it all it is represented to be it restores the natu ral color to gray hair causes tbe hair to grow freely and keeps it soft and pliantmra jd v day cohoes n y my father abont the oge of fifty lost ell the hairfroiu tlie top o his head after one months trkil of ayers hair vigor the hair began coming and in three months he had a fine growth oi hair of the natural color f j cullcn saratoga springs x y ayers hair vigor rxaed st dr j c ayar co lowe maia fold lr sdnjgjiiu aaj rcrfttiscn offtoeiiro- f mil h k bollebt lsft for to bid country on thursday jnly 17b to lib purchases for the fill im wjsw trad hs will visit jjngland raoeanl 0t manyhefors retolning aatd ssdset th tstt finest good thai eaabs foood is tbe ou world u no other goods will ktris ns w intend to maintain oar repotatioo gbgl is to have one of tbe finest btoots in canatw it is true onr flnanctal abuisim main n a welcome sud desirable enstomer in tbe best markets of the world andglvstuthsbeoafll ot always making oar purchases nnder lb very best term and lowest prices bo that quality considered onr vain will not h loond undersold by any legitimate boos iu the business flho large trade which ws do in tbe flnsr and morp artistin lines bf goods many of tho styles of whiob are epeotally oonflned to os places nsmo supht a position tbat iraciicaliywo have uspval tti r there is a pleasure doing a trade tooh as wo speak of iiot only to us bat to our many enstomerj j now we are roiug to aijt your aasurtanoe i for a few weeks to help us make room lor our new stock wo thjpk the beet way to do this is to take one qepartment after 1 another takiug one day of each week to different departmentm and paying our whole attention to that department for the i day and so oo starting first at tha silk aud dress goods department u follows i mosiuv- ment silk a drew goo6 deparv tikmiy fancy goodsdepartment wwscsiittbtaplea department tnuefciav gents ment foniishing depart- feuiv parasol and sunshade depart i ment i death of a veteran wood per cord eggs per doien batter diry packed- butter rolls cheese potatoes per bag apples pork iambskinii pelta hides coarse wool pine wool tumir j siifiumv a ceneral departments rtkiew rf all tbe hlaanli lutmcsi for sale everymbere ottiwi jaly 22 there died at gatfu eau point qaea few days since a veteran xow wo will do onr part and go through of the war of 1912 francois torramc- who each department and have the fcct had reached the advanced age of 5 he lfnts leaves behind decendanta to the number of 21g these were seven children 53 kraud- children 123 greatgrandchildem and s3 greatgreatgrandvchildrea in 1871 the i number who answered tho roll call were j 3000 by tlie diath of lorraine but 11 of j these soldiers of the past remains alive 1 out commencing on monday aud continue until further notice- e r bollebt co 25 27 lower wyndham bt otjelph canadian pnnters read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news arid job work to be had 10 this country and at lower prices than for anv other new cylinder press y come to rcton knd see our ft improved country prouty presf ht work pmi ca economic cooking tiie phee puciis is in receipt of a copy of lie ptze essay on practicaf sanitary and economic cooking adapted to persons of moderate and bmill means by mrs mary hinman abel from fhe american pah ic health association to this essay was awarded the first prize among seventy com titers aud tbe unanimous opinion of the i ble tfudges of award and testimonials iroa members of the american public hen th association prove that it is a work of ff eat practical value and that it would in n anycases assist in securing to famil ies i ealthj comfort aud happiness in life if h could be placed in their hands a f nc itonnmeal m itenry cargili m iv of carcill- ont has this week erected over the graves of hspareata in kassagaweya presbyter ian emetery at sodom one of the quest moc nments to be found in the county it is a scotch red granite and wai executed by i cr d mcconnell of walkerton the deal n both of the monument itself and the fuse iption itbesis is chaste and beautiful the latter consists first of a representation of a piece of parcumeul suspended by two dovi s aud bearing tho words in loving rem smbranceof then follow the names of tie deceased david and anoe cargili folic wirjg which ihc paxes of au open book tracrf in the solid granite tell the dates of thei death aud their ages below this is a sc oil tiowing ihc following appropriate line places are racsnt in our home wjiich never can oe flllod god ia his wisdom has recalled tlie boons his love had glten and though the bodies slaniberherfl their eouii are 6afe iu heaven t ie lettering is richly gilded and the f he e presents an ertect at once unique and stri ing i mr mcconnell has turned oat a mot t satisfactory job some ourcitirena broi cbed bim upon the subject of establish ing l marble business in acton he replied tha he bad a good business in walkerton but that he did not intend to lose sieht of this territory and be orlits son would be don u before long as very encouraging pro aisea of support have been received i tal ing holidays a a exchange says if there is ooe thing moi 9 than another that characterizes this latt ir half of tbe lyth ceotury it is as a rect nf writer puts it that the wheels of mot era industry revolve with relentless rap lily the number of people who toil not onlydurinthe dayvaqt also during a par of tbe night is increasing to all peo ile a complete cessation from labor for a rtain time is necessary inorder to pre ser a health and strength in anything like a n irmal condition but to thosewho have to e ldure the strain both night and day a hoh lay season is an absolute necessity in ordi r to preserve life not to speak of a ro- bus health every one is better of an occiesiooal holiday aud very few are to poo as not to be able to take one it proper ecoi omy and prudence ia observed before hanl iu this country ibera ia no lack of plac as of resort at all prices andt kinds to suit tbe tastes and means of almost every one children especially should have a oha ige of air we should bo glad to see tho imecome when overy person in town or o mntry could afford todrop all the cares of 1 usiuss for a longs or shorter time- and givehimself entirely np to free and eu enjoyment it this were bo people wou id nt t only be healthier and happier but we elle e would bemore levelheaded and bett ir bt slness men during tlie real of tha yeal 4 1 ttap same time let tu not forgai to a tow nr sympathy iu whatever way we can tor he ajtogether to large number tha are ihutoutry the hard taaliee of life ftat tauosjaiitlii ol eve 4u day the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaperor poster work them we have run the prouty for eight years and tbe longer we run it tbe better wc like it it is simple easy to run easy on typey uy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy 00 the printers pocket book we call it the best press to be bad in the world day for the money come and see our press at work- if you desire samples of work send for them aud we will gladly famish we can give you your choice of a number of different sizes and styles of presses at all prices i y think of it a new s col folio or 5 col qto power press for only6oo to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from h p moor6 agent for canada jacton oht our summer stock novelty quantity variety quality dr tbxt kenney bro dominion mot shoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladies siioes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer war mens alli gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of ths best material our regular lines will le found complete with firstclass goods c custom woilt and repairing always carefully done jl franks and valises in great taristy take notice that we are goingto give the best bargains in boots shoti that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods kennev bros acton ohnnie get your blow gentle breezes blow gun to kelly bros store i ill co a lias ti a shirt a collar ill re the lot for aboot a dollar a pair of boot and stacking too my poor old toes are looking bias ill jo a ave for s new suit yes ten and set an overcoat ill be a dad i trill you bet a city swell aristocrat 1 hold on that aint all yet an undershirt end pants ill get iii boy pair ol rlptes unlinsd if they donpuhpw a better kind apsarofisoesrinuieyllrivs for im tbt thats gotnr toilive to tftl tbe0u7 or andoier aiidnottaamnd kelly bros store 8ooiroortsoo im gains to boy for my star wit as srsll sai i taaiarvid otw wings ill jet jrultsa tolls till sj hav to quit they sell so cheap it is really funny what a lot you net for a little mouey- i they sell for cash aadbuy roods right j bocaase they say to draw at sight i other merchants cant buy so obeap because they dont go ia so steep they sell on tick their mooey is out and theyve to mind what theyre about aud do you thiuk i have the stuff of which few if any get enough a j tobuy a suit from head jo toos if not im here as grub for crows if i aiut goodlooktdg i have conceit that i can pay for what i wear aud eat for credit is obe ot the greatest curses i ill tell yon in the neat tiro verses j i look like a roan thats chased by dogs oh worse than that thy were really hosff they charged two prices for their goods they chased me to the vary woods j i because tlje bill i couldnt plryr sap was h sandy r would sir 1 them the money if i bad it my grain as poor and cheap waamtar im hones boys ye im a dandy w hanly t i before 1 14 ft uttell you square while tbe rinbis whistling through my hai 1 happens to put iu my ilt hip jsxket tweuty in bash id there i socked it t tuatsall ihkvc uotobeceotmore but it will bsly most at kelly bros susrs and after bis i intend to buy x at keuys stor uhrtl i ex j ton think this rbynotiniiqfsstlj well let y say so witbont but to buy eoodsohesp and totsitbs krj pay the sh and adwa igm i vm sjif

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