Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1890, p. 5

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v ir il jg ii ni fbt taitjtm f tea h- cuff thub8dayjuiy 34 1mkj iv- sromtg folks nwizras girls i know t little girl tear ono whi vben ahet aakod to go to bed doe jest o she brings a dozen wrinkjw oat and take tba dlmplet in she pneken op her prattr lipt and then doa the bagic 0 dear me tdontsw why ah the othczesu a late and why cant i another little girl i tnov kith early pate who can when im a groat big girl nisitap later but mamma can twill make mo grow tobe an early bird so she and dollic trot away without another word oi the canny nnfle and the eyec so bine and and why yes now i think of it she looks like yoo selected a wise decision bt bjlbexetu bxa yean ago a yoang mo working his own way through ooueer took charge ol district school in liassachtuettbdaring the wintextarm three boys especisrfj lw eaged lit attention and interest they were bright wideawake lads kept together in tbdr dsaea and were nerer lardy one night he aaked them to remain after school waa dismissed they came up to the desk and stood in a row waiting with some anxiety to know why they had been kept boys said tho teacher i want yon to go to college all three of yon go to college if bo had said go to africa they coojdnot have been- more astonished the idea had nerer entered their minds yes continued tibeir teacher i know yon are surprised bnt yon can do it aa well x go home think it over talk rtorer and come to me again the throe boys were poor their parents had all they eonld do to feed and clothe ttem decently and allow them a term of schooling in the winter one was the son of a shoemaker r another osme from a large family and the farm that supported them vu small and enprodactire the boys stood still for a moment in pars amazement then they looked at each other and around the old sebbot house the fire was going pat in the box store the frost wu settling thick npon the windowpane as the teacher took oat his watch- the ti sounded load- and distinct tirroogh the stillness of the mom nothing more was said though the four walked oat together the third night after this conversation tbe boyijasked the master to wait again the three stood at the desk one spoke far all weve thought it over sir and weve talked it over and weve decided good said the teacher ajboy can do anything that he sets oat to do if it is right ftnd he can ask gods blessing npon it yon shall begin to study this winter with oouegp in view twenty years later two of these boys shook hands together in the state capitol one wu clerk of the house for eight years and afterwards- its speaw the other was president of tic senate the surd boy arnwsea a fortune in business sber shoemakers son who became speaker of the house madeiiis own shoes that he woib m college and was particular ly prondjif the boots in- which he grada- ateovjmi jiowo handiwork a better pair oi french calf he delares u you never saw he learned the trade from hi father and followed it up throogh vacaiions the other boys found work to do otttside of term time nd none of the three wereielped by their parents daring their flfllsoxrorse the teacher who gave the first impulse to their intellectual life that winter became a judge in one ooor new england cities and died a few years dchrittin register nothing so suddenly- obstruct the pers- ptfation as sudden transitions from heat to cold heat ratifies the blood quickens the circulation and increases the perspir ation but when these are suddenly checked the consequences most be bad the most common caass of disease is obstructed pers piration or what commonly goes fay the name of catching cold coughs colds sore throat etc i attended to in time are easily subdoed but if allowed to run their own coarse generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases ninetenths of the oqnsnmptives date their affliction from a ne cold and the diseases that are caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure art more numerous than are gen erally snppwd one of the most effi- caooos medicines for all iiffw of the throat and longs isbickles anti-coneump- tiva syrnp j it promotes a free and easy expectoraiian which frees the ltfngs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state actios to ifothiisv are yoir disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chfld suffering and crying with die pain of cuttingteetbr if sound atonceandget a bottle of mrs windows soothing syrnp for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor uttte sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cnriyentery aod diarrticda resuutes th stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums redaoes inflammation and gfrevtobe and energy to the whole sjyaem kswinslow for ctdldi ieedng u rrfe t ttbe taste a is the pmcripupa ciapafdihepidmi ftm best female physicians and jjurses in rtbe xfeited jsutes fid is fo gale byall i uu worldi price safest and most powerfnl alteratlte is ayers saraaparhlau young land old are alike buiiafhetl by its vm tor tho eruptive dis eases xfccnllsi to children polijuff else is ee vcticjttro u ihb mcdldnc rmle itsnsreca- uo llaror makes it cosy to admin ister 4i xfy litfle iwy lindlnrgrfttmru- joos ulcere on his neck and throat from which lie suffered terribly two physicians attended thin imt lie grew continually wonw umkt thriroire and evcryliocly cxpttictt lie would die i bad hriird o the rtrnarknblu run tected by aycrs siraqpadlln and iiued toiarc my boy trj- ii febortly nlier lie began to take ihu iiiwliciiir tlic utctra com- menecti lktliiianilofirrudiig several bottlis lie wns cutlnly curctl hu is now as healthy nnd strong as any boy of his age william f uoughexiy haiupton va inmay 2t my youngest child fourteen months am ihtih to imrc sores gather on tts hend and ikxit wc ap plied various simple rcniedfca uiunmt avail thesorca lucreflhtil in number and djstltniped copiously a pliyskin was called but the sorvs contluuetl to mnltiply uutil in a few uioutls tluy nearly covered tl childs head and hotly at last ito legan the useof ayurs sar- aaparlua in a few days a marked change for the better was manifest the sores assumed a mora healthy condition the discharges were gradually dimin ished and finally ceased altogether the child is livelier lis skin is fresher and its appetite better than wc have ob served air months frank m grifiln long point texas the formula of avcrs earsapamllr presents for chronic diseases of almost every kind the best remedy known lo the medical world d il wilson m d wiggs arkansas ayers sarsapailla twimzd st dr j c ayer k co lowell mast price 1 fxboulcaa w orta f abouto notes here and there items of gerveral interest to free l press reacfers vi maiden lady alluding lo her youthful accomplishments said that at six months of age she went alone a malicious indi vidual present remarked yes and yoo have teen going alone ever since malarial fever and chills are best broken np and prevented by using itilbama aro matic quinine wine the heathen chinee and all christian people are fast fin ding out that the only reliable is the imperial cream tartar baking powder made by e w gfllett toronto maker of the famous boyal yeast cakes the belle of a party wis standing in a thoughtful mood and on fceiog asked in what she was so absorbed answered i was trying to think which i enjoy most to hear myself praised or my rival run down vigilant care vigilance it necessary against unexpected attacks ofsummercomplainte no remedy im so wellknown or so successful in this class of diseases as dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry keep h in the house as a safeguard thousands have been relieved of indi gestion and loss of appetite by a single bot tie of ayers sarsaparilla- the use of this medidner by giving tone and strength to the assign latjte organs has made innum erable cures of chronio dyspepsia price l worth 5 a bottle weher there is a book with the dange- title of the pocket lawyer we shouldnt much like a book with this title for we are afraid that if we were to get a lawyer into our pocket we never should be ble to get him out if it j destroy the worms or they may destroy the children freemans worm powders destroy and expel all jdndtf of worms cqa i an oldphysjolm ritrred 1 m practice having had plaoed in nli htrr a by an kul india fclnlonsry ibifbrronli ol a simple vegetable remsdvforlhe apt idy and par- maneatoore of oonsumpuoi caurrh asthma and all thi t and lung affectioni alcoi positive and radloal ours after having tested its wood rial curauvs bronchitis lufaltlkhu ill luffering powers in thoosaud of oaaes doty to make it koown to fellows actuated by this niotive and a desire to relieve human sufferii g 1 will send free of charge to all who dire it this recipe german french or ftighsh with full directions for prepsrinc and using bent by mail by addresslug with stamp naming this paper w a i notbs 820 powers block rechester n jy r- uowtollve wellj 100 doses or 100 oeuts burdock blood bitters i does you hed aolie tdko burdock blood bitters 1 is your blood impure tike burdock blood bitters are you costive take birdock blood bitteri are you bilious take birdock blood bitters are you dyspeptic taice burdock blood bitters i cent a dose i cent a dose burdock blood bitter eest and torn fort to the 8qfferlug browns household panacea has do equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures priu in tbi side back or bowels sore throat rheumittsm tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its actios power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double lhe strength of any other elixir fir linirnent in the world should be in etery family handy foruse when wanted v as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle j if you want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in tne toronto wutlmail thai paper reaches 100000 farmers norm every week and your advertisament abonli meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto tfeetty kail for fivi cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada j i itothers and xurte ah who have the care of children should know that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry may be pjufiienily depended on to cure all summer oomplaints diarr- hatx dysenterr cramps colii cholera in fantum cholera morbus cauer etc children and adalts a good suggestion to all suffering from catarrh is contained in the following from john j mcneil grand narrowsc b youwjll please find enclosed 1 for which you wil 1 please send me one large bottle nasal bslm i have used the first bottle sent me with most satisfactory results and have very reason to believe nasal bairn is all you claim a positive core for catarrh the evils resuitidgfromhiblfualcostive- oesa are many aud serious be t the use of harsh drastic purgatives i r quite as dangerous in ayers pills towever the patient has a mild but effective aperient superior te all others especially for family use itr jesse johnson of rocfcwood oct writes last fall i had boils very bad and a fr end advised bardockbiood bitters i got l bottle and the effect was wonderful hal the bottle totally cured me a more rapid andeffect ual care does not exist let us take care bow we speak of those who have fallen on lifes field helrhhem up dont heap scorn upon them- we did mot see the conflict we do not know the scars a burn or cut will heal quickly and leave less scar if victoria carborlic salve ia ap plied atooce many people make drug shops of their ptomachfln the attempt to relieve a simple attack of liver com plaint when with a dose or two of dr thomaa eclectric oil the complaint might be easily and pleasantly obviated colic piles hurts corns lame back and swelled neck are also among the troubles which it cures harmless mirth is the best cordial against the consumption of the spirits wherefore jesting jg not unlawful if it ttes- passeth not in quantity quality or reason j a lady writes i was enabled to re move the corns root and branch by the use of holioways corn care others who have tried it have the same experience we are none of us fully aware of pur happiness while it is with us and youth is as unconscious of it as s flower of its blossom it is age alone which admires and regrets why sofier from disorders caused by impure blood when thousands are being cured by using northrop fc lymans vege table discovery it removes pimples and all eruptions of theskia mr7ohncfoc ollnds writes northrop a lymans vegetable discovery is giving good satisfac tory those who have used it say ithas done them more good than anything they have- ever taken j j sixteen ugly sores i inflammatory rheumatism through wrong treatment left roe with stiff joiots and ugly running sores on my limbs and for seven years i could notwsjk wjth i commenced taking bardock blood bitters i hid sixteen sores but they are all healed stve one and i can now walk with crutches mlllv cxuiwkll upper gsspereanx ns tffepjfc iw ant lilj c c- biausus co gests my horse was so amicted with distemper that he coald not dnakfor four days and refused all food sii 3ply apply ing metabds liniment cured him feb lt cut hrjuiaar cdnc outwardly c c ricaisus co gcrrs i have used your icinards liniment for bronchitis and iathina and it has cured me 1 believe itthe bst lo6 5 pe l miw a liyrxgstovl if rs alva yonng of- waterford out writes f my baby was very sick with summer ttjrnrplainf and nothing would help him till ii tried dr fowlers extract of wu strawberry which cured him at once it ii one of the best remedies i ever used olaardiltnlaaet ftr sale everywhere bermuda bottled you must go to benaua if roa do not i will not be njsroiul- ble for tie conmqaencmi bnt doctor i am afford neltker the time nor tbe moner wen if tbat ii impomlble try scott emulsion of pur no cod liver o itometfmei ealmt 1 tied and uxanr case of bot consumption bronchitis cough of severe cold i- hare cured with it and the aarantaffe it that the moilj mnxi tire rtoniaeh can take it another thing wbleh rommendm itjii the itimnlatlnir pronertles of the by popbokphltcm wbleh it captain ton will and it for iwledt ronr drotkutf in abaq urappef be jure roa set the ecculne scott bowxe beltle you tan keep cdol at a mpdcratecpstif you caliat speight s j a speigh can supply you with all the furajture required a replealtb your borne if a settled one a furnish your now and eoiylittjo home inanr style at the very lowest prices there is no artiole of furniture wo cannot cu you hart no arranging frelrhtci we can hain and further we deliver our furniture and r i and ran oo risk of breakage iiitall underiaking 0oi thirtyfive years experience in this bn sines tins entire community that we supply fl which compare with uioee of our hjsarse uaaexcellentoneacdourteamalwajiprescnibeconilng sppearanco we have plet- inre in inviting the public to call on u spectkcles n acton manager bu resulted in convincing the public of clan work in all orders and in styles city at one half city prices for anything roqulred in our lines spectkcles i have purchased a st ck of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar land will clear them out very b say age watchmaker guelph warwith -at- 1 jhmatthews v cutting up the best leather tr at money can buy and mat ing it upjnto n cheap the knife o r harness ifou want a set of heavj- or light harness collars halters whips brushes oilssr any thing in my line call before dealing elsewhere as i am bound to please in prices and material j repairing promptly a pleased customer will call again is our motto j guelpli and neatly done h matthews acton cloth hall unlined ookts williams greene m vests rome i boating ancy flannel shirts tennis and shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph n- i b jmmtfpb weppenthis week goods suitable for the warnj weather i such as i new shirting embroideries new lawns new prints new challles choice goods and remarkably cheag if you want a stylish hat or bonnet for dominion day dont rest until you visit our millinery department as the choice ones are being rapidly picked up reduced prices now our stock was never so complete and the prices we have made to suit the hard times i pa raid s and gloves are here in endless variety cheapistheavord h iradies ily present stock qt gold and- silvefi is at present partially well selected watcfletj qold watches from 2500 up silver watches from 7001 p several second hand ones on hans cheap geo d pringle guelp balotatrrmsti jiwb c and triirtk rallw 00 iaaim ruwnf f juujl frhrooi aoom i etpiw thro o0ptn i awoor i t ttvaoirqloiiit9ititl oojobetiosofcami5aiwii 3r5f l ihut5lwinjliitoa on sot 1 si l teeth with or without a flate i eist firrnoji 4 rims ssoo vltimiio air for ttltmi eztraetlon t ch oui qeraer voggvuid kkig t0b0st0 summer tours puct srtacm low bw foot trip p wkbfltwesn- detroit mackinac isund pataakar th bbo scarquvtte and f like huron pent srerr brtniac between detroit and cleveland r ttrr oal iltostrated pamphlet by 70up ticket asot or dd en i vmitcom8 ks 0vtbnmichi 1 the ietr0it i cieveuhd steuuf co ipft fowlbkfc v wlldv itmtyberry i curtes iholera jholeramorhus loi-fic- ramps ysehtfi d i ismrud tmn tzuatent til itiwniebmvsl- i montn tn ilujatm us eontx ibaldto hibjwbt i qrwuuo vmidrutaieb t aotoih springer fhtsicuxi hi e bticbi an all summer compuir ani fluxes of the bc it i s safe and reliable foh ch ldren or adults i tbttatk one or the 3ajf the vrerittilwfi bbftrum neuti tap rm rffl m loflktiiii aabt outja titu eata wmik wmtii t anew xntvukthtfdm rttmnt u law earifislijft a4 ltto uveas naj ttiw- phf of tui mir ihawt iht tntll m4 t mtf taftanrttf cetflttfoiaappeanbctalic hjitsteli 3 pinwciissn lsucxqb umidnoo i i floor to wifliis i zu3b8kt2l i mckixlayii 0 6 sdbowat djarnsrl lsits aeum sttagnevsj 1 1 onrtti wednesday of toe in georgstotcf fl bnren rcleinamrel ixrlstentsoiloltorsnl prltfcu ruds to loj qiboeitotjij a mclnx 1c0wat bluubtssf monsytoj omm dsi to tailaattbewablc rnu t ntf la ranrw wlilalavyafnbj frng3bs10aimtmmfttkmm wtnn bttwtftmoe w tar ejlcspmhfctaptv amnvt luauxnc9dmor0tljojllwt m jhuvton allan t0mht0utd eiqtftrwti atbnts6ecrj thjnbx gjust wiatj jtwri fnettc hbmsiiuzi llcsxbxd ad copjidaoi wel wl9tbpmii pi raiauicin acton toxkmtimdii tamer tomoio si mii sopjada r the off to the british markets tcj farmers and threshers j use on vourmaohinervonly the wellknown reeblessozl beeti med 9 gold medals h wiggonn and horse powers tbese oils are oi farm qnelpb fanners ask for them use no mmnlactcred at quen01t70ll 7ork8 py i samuel awarded it daring tbe laet three year oar pflarlflflb axle t9489 for von and highly reooroneoded auhemode tther swearing off is blang tot making c e hjigryviue iii yi btveoldjitr6til -price- since the iih of december lutlm boctlo o dr thorn electric oil- iidranteeing every jbpttle ijmuitpayrnever d it mediciue in try liietht gavesnoh aniverwl utufaetita ii i my own case with a bully ulcerat id t uoat ii physician psncuhijt it i jr e rem day to no effect the eclectric 10 etradit tbonjujjbly in tweniyfoor boor atiinuueaieoad croup in my obildrm h winter- it in pwdiately never iwled to relieve alma it aammnpaooenddaoi mjul biii linjldbr 4nifibuorwmbckmrcttptiacttcpt6t frigoee5aw iooibr sssbi rfriiw ito hajari ti tui rnwhrrr l mlttr4- lh mrl ftr ulr brrirwari r taptcrflmlwtooimuiirlfmow -good- resolutions and ulli end of tbe year is tbe time generally onoien aa being tbe uioit inltble and anpro- prutefor turning over new leaf m certain and spefadycare fei lehead ud caurrt ago eoctwrttl cle iw1ic jffltuu i lutaat iwiev pen ajmt cw finnj iblc calairb inch at beadicliemruaftiei wloilna aenae of amdl fail bnalhhiirtlm a idnsan2 nmeajjbmeraifeeulkctdeblliliua ifyonare mmbtefsrtirarflf obh or kindred ayi ipltsa too hare catarrh andaboold low do time msrlftf oetucted cold in head mnha in calan i followed ittt kaat during 1890 we have resolved to make kara photograph than we did in 1689 to make better photographs than we did in 1889 to pleas everybody better than wo did inlbb9 1 we have tbe fmiiiucs tor photographing your babies 3t till inrttotanaoniproceib bruu tbe rosy little cbarbba to n asd get obannuib piotnre one tb1 will be one df yonr deottreaanre in after daya s- plowrea an aa low aa food work aad ihing promiwui allow ramshaw photoiartist actoni rogers co toronto be third page of the toronto daiif m u is noted for want m advertisements if ou want to bay or sell anything if yo 1 want a situation a ltjechanio a bnsi nei s machinery lodgings if yoa have lost r anything or if yon want to find oaff where anyone is advertise in tbe to- to daily if ail and read the advertise me its on the third page of that paper th i charge is two cents a word each in- berion address the mai toronto can adt our mr j bwilliamson sailed from montreal on the 27th may for england where he will spend eight weeks pro curing our fall stock to make room for it we are giving a grand clearing sale 30 dhys only at the golden lion the monarch of the dry goods trade purest strongest bbs contains no alum ammonia lime phospkatq or anfinjoriooitaateriats ej pill pit toiwsto oxr w ul llc i 1 aiicacblli hafcfticnissard27autsa3rc oldui 91 oooo k in he httjj win oaknwr ttarmirj fcaif wul rold hitsor own bn lrrih- iuipfint duff h norti nj ttmt i inlnr ole nksxbl localiir oi anor tembr wiik car bun taikjrline cf h oliseljom wfc frr p jtllistwtitigti bmdallsihcnrvaatnarajrotitoiluif bormhjbiu jnrtdnh artrkbonajirlibouatril on lhat alirt 11 trtojh ibtiltubli rtfcfntbatbbokufojrrf wteietcenatti rtt irp a tm know 1 il if 00 wa jltr o fa lo nrt for utsicn im tnut ljo pbo prr rttt saj airf iiinm utun dicobaixiii2 ptuilaiidjmjube the key to health 1 mocks as tho clogged avenhu of tbs be nelskldnet8and liver carrying 08 sadnallv withont veakenhlg the st- tez jail he impuritiee and fool hnmar oihelaeoretioni at the mine lime cop- retlntr acidity of tbestomaeb caitjgj billoasness dyspepsia henes dlzzliiess heartbam patlon dryness of the skin dimness of vision jann- t rheum eryripeusscro- utterins of too heart her- i anlueneral debility n susy other similar 06roplint no hmotinflaeaoeof bdbdock bitiess1 for bolt tuiaadttsm great reductions in dress goods great reductions in millinery and mantles great reductions in fancy goods great reductionsin prints and muslins great reductions in curtains and scrims great reductions in carpets and oil cloths great reductions in ordered qlothing great reductions in readymade clothing great reductions in boys and youths clothing great reduction in hats and caps great reduction in all lines of goods boys suits 1 mens pants all wool mens socks 3 pair 25c cbllars ljnen 2 for 25c cotton 294 yards prints 25 yards 1 parasols 4 f a jf wool cashmere hose ladies 4 piir 1 black cashmere dress 150 embroidered costumei50 muslin color ed and white 25 yards 1 towelling 25yards8i black lustre dress 1 v rdhkdat abob mcai queen hotels i bo tgoresiaara j aeeoonibooxs of terlodleal of rerv del sinliarnetlr aaffproinp i enilaref faafr usftl bigr mgneyi he la1gest scale works in canafja ovtr 00 styles of hay scales grafll scales farm scales tea scales aipbojedsfiflwowe money drawers heatcfei ppsrs am bjtchess supplies wussuri- write inerm c wilson son 60 ejspunade stbeeteast toaontcontji memmioiis vra f er7 v j d vilnamson ca 5 and 7 wyndham st quel 84 oswald st olasgow dunns taking thejcdorc j lasents 1 in evaryte toseuaaeldi bfvestbolfal stook d lei mi je n ubxbxf j flingtou ti 1 joxatc s clark i tot inimriarf sf hodamennandfi tsnlhenermtd wsxruted nnh pm ssa wul please gin n xkudpieaa cdii aayithaajattabl a auc 6ia in kknllvao at npnhlioo lb raujidr kftbimhieanl p

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