Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1890, p. 1

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pspapim btebv ihtjibsdat 5a 3 i i i jfe job m0bk1k0 4t tbl- sws ekm 5 tzsr bj the dateoiithi searen label airaitraesient sdrertiss- jft jr1srjra1lne lor tat jsssmst itoesertton of advertisements tor itdver titaoat specific dinctlooi chi inserted tflltoaw aw charged acoord- laflr nutsicdt advertisemsnts mutt b paid faadvaace advertisements fill be changd once each month if desired for chances ottener than i once a month tht ctmposittob matt be paid tor at resulai rates chances forecatrsetadtertiseuieats mutt be a urn office by 9 sun on tuesdays otherwise they toi bo ion over until the follovinc wok epmoqbe editor and proprietor sasattss sircrfijrp i vxr h lowbt it b xr a p s i tt grsdqteoftriaityooicgeuembrof j office and residence at the oead of frederick i treat acton j d k sprikger phtbicijx sobgros accocchecbi omcs xctlici3mscsdr jfogarvins boose earner ignaan frederitk streets in emceyj jldcjlfljlclicjtso 396 cobece st toronto telephone so sis itt f halsxed ild if peigtcmscgseoi ere gesisctcs isb dhw stoe jch street next door to wsliamsboot udtboe store l behhett ljxs dentist geoaaetows ostutto c vctvtitt t k supctqx deynbt geoxgetottv visits aetna at apwvs hotel on the second and f oarthwedneedt j of each montlx office in georsetovn first dssrsoola of bap- rt church im clean 4 itclkak i banisters solicitors xotariesv conveyancers 4c ipritatorandi to loan mbse tom hae acton r wta kclaix fto i mcleix v lunjber lath shingles jaykrfs m h in stock abodtal000tooit oftumbex tncladins all kinds needed for ttatidiug parpoenk this mill has ktollmtabisbednpttuo for flrit- claat jon ber and romonable prioc lath and bhlngjea n hand we are prepared to supply veryvapt fa our use pkteb 8aykb8 kkstacttreya po weuiaigtoisteam lauudiy shibtbioc collars 8c cuffs ic famhjrjwitlifnc without ironing ssc per do fmarily jwashln with ironing sic per dos genuemu wuhiac ud repairing soe per down j i all vtirk pnxinteod fast in canada obce am wortj6 jaoboc streets goods left with kellr broa our agents at acton ijcl be sent to the lanndrr snd returned to their store free of charge at abdre prices r hackxey proprfetor wall paper frank burgess house painter paper hanger sign writer etc is proi abore to execute orders in any of the in the best manner and at reasonable terms etert job ha tins my personal attention i ean asnre customers complete satisfaction qninipc in all woods a specialty orders loft at mr residence main st acton till receive prompt attention gueljpli business college gdelph oxtario no sxlutxr vacation swdehti adrantafm tbe educatioaj circalans to any bestpjethods the theaborel j mowat blxbictx soucsioe rtorraitpchuc maaer to loan- orrax dm tuesday and saturday mm icstthers blocav npstirs ghlltos atitjika baibd j batrittersrsoiiritorr fa xososto iso gfcqegttovt offices czbilmans block geotgeajt sad 86 king street east toronto v t irrry j sswtos bx j suss b patents becjubed fob istestiosb he5by qbist olxlti ciiyajul trettty tears practice patent ko pit r hemstbeet yor the counties of wedinston and hsltou orders left at the fbee pzess office amasi or at myreaidsncefsacton till be prompujr st- s lfj iq terms reasonshle also money to loan on the most fatorshle unns and tf the lorest ntes of interert in sums of s500 and nprtrds j abchitect j omck queens horl hock karket sqtiare pa iakcis ntjkiih fsueeessor to t f chapman boottisdeb fit georges square gneiphoi inssrio ateomif books of ah kinds made to order periodicals of ererr description esrefnuy bound bolinfneatlt and promptly done ft1he hahlan babbeb shop knisnnrractox an easy share a stylisa hsirnt agood seiwoam an eihjliaratingshatcnoq always giren- honedindiniilnnrsfrclsas eondtuoh and ckfldxens hair tastfjy cntt j 4h w0rde3t toniorial agists lam u art is biff monejior agentel vorisk no capital jroquired an honorable i and praisetcrthy posinees without lany possible chance of iobe steady employifient sad eomrol of territory have done business in canada 30 years liberal pay to tbe right man toseftotranexcelled xuisery etock send for terms j chase ebothers coup ast j xorserrmeo colborne pnt i aents wanted in every jtejwnship- j to sell the pictorial qyclopedia l of live stock and completej l j stock poctor j the fcnost complete and comprehiosive- tort eiitjlifd lu authors stand the jfcead olteir probioa and hare s coatinenlsj repa- tavn vom its tefeht lit gold to anyjooe hsng hanm sbeepj cattle ssine poultry dft or bees a griid opportunity to make af secnre territory t occe address s- n uoyzsl publisher iso tonge st toronto wllingtou ifarble works qcebec srtrrr- gzasz clark carter j r importers of granite and matwe jotnenu and eeaditonefl of all snides the newest designs all work sndns rranted firstrclus parties wishing to i- will please glre usa call and inspect c and prices a we arecoonoaif we withj3jsuilisiimentia ontarioi ct aitona mtl talfarxaoted f l ayinterest jiihe above itm ttoilv sohar t patrasage to mj fri ipubliconttcirbehslit j jhhamilt reetfnll acton can enter at any time with equal the most complete equipment and hods for giving a thorough business terms moderate and satisfactory string full information mailed free 1l miccorinck principal wbaeberbros paper makers georgetown ont kixe ii- epeciiltt or machine finished book papers 4xd nijk gjl1de weekly sews paper used in thlfi joariil is flora mills i wmbakber beos actok pump factory -act- planing mill thqs ebb age man i hirfl ptnnp inform ah now resmned the management of the jeat hj acton and would respectfully jpsrties in want of pumps that we are them from prepspd tompply t t porte the best pumps snpplled old style wooden pump to the pnmp made for wind iflus or bocjc wells fthort notioe eep weqs a specialt pei0e2 ricfht evekt time lumber acmade lumber orders by attentiou our planing mill dressed while you wait hbcldicgs la order we have also a quantity of for uje suitable far building purposes nail will receive prompt and careful slop at foot of elter street thosebbage hanager mutual rre wsurftkge company l tot the w i co ontt of weiitlngtok ebtiaushed is4q- head off cuelph inotreshuildmgs merchandise atanufactories and an other descriptions of insurable property on the cash and preminm kote system f w stone chas daytdsort presitfent 2dansgen ijohh tayloff ageht new planing mill j ixa basil and door factory john cameron contractor hm fitted op 168 blading on uiin street luir ocenpied 14 1 trcak tictoitwithnctinachliiwy and 11 prepared w fnrnisli pum ipediicatkni and ekimate for ia daises ol boijdtngs aod eieculaajlindiol ijfiessikg 1 uatchixg 1 iwlstonldka scizrxuntlzi or sashet poor and windowj and soor pramea and dreawd lumberi and keep t stocjc ot hand all orders promptly attended t john cameron cc4l fe wood jmes brown if you want your rooms to look nloo with ders and ceiling decorations of fine soft colorings and blooding j sad proper shading days bookstore gdelph is the plsee to buy because day baa ten times tin assortment his papers are newer and bet ter selected uanr of the best manufacti rers sell only to him aha therefore he has the e cju- sire sale of their goods in quel ph eainr almost the entire paper trade of the city ana mring cash for his goods he can bay the- uty at the lotest inside pflce enabling h nndersellall oompetitors day ean giro yon better ptper borders ceihng decoratfons and lower fnoes than any other itore in the city bee his papers and prica before parting with your money day sells cheap 200000 lbs earing completed contracts for 10 chr aohdis i of tirine of the folloting brandi excelsior red cap copi- moa sense red star knehor we are dot in a position to tinotd very lowest caah figures j 4s pure pkris green a specialtt j johk 1l- bonbit co quelph t direct hardware importers lardine machine odil jj v kannawins actort i a little talk about ffshoes figures may lie and facts distorted be but seeing is believing come and see j t tbe peeksrboo boot and shoe store is just now showing a number of new lines of shoes and fluppers specially adapted for the season i these new goods are being sold at i i prices as low or lower than those j asked for old styles and shop- worn goods elsewhere i everjbody can be suited for we haw all slzesin gtenii wear ladies wear youths wear has on which be the town ati i a isjge ojiauuty of excellent coal itoiupuj- dehrer to any part of reasonable prices busline solicit tfe patron- siiursigned rripenr solic fattt tbe pobuc ilid faiormi wj ipojiipped and stjaua eld wayibesecqied ratable i amuxublt boi ajta between 9 jl m aod ja tiaatjnittoigitentoetirr 9 wants of conrroardal lezafnllrtnec john wilttatts ipstroi thai astsi ofder hrdwoo4 on band and alafw cat stove length always telepiwnmommcaicalion 1 vjaters bros thewoure gallbey guelph pictubjis e moltdix06 lt bodldixgs banker bods from 15a abti8t8 matebial8 ou color frato oolor cblna colon btoam eu e sft f paint aspen- tf atebs bios geoeqeb squabe chodrens wear babys wai special lines good goods newest style and est value for the money at j j w williams acton custom work and repairing given careful attf n tion trunks and valises in variety ageute wanted ifjou want to make money take hdm ajid sell our choice nursery stock now j ue time write ns at once for terms may brothers nurserymen bocbester foetnt summering ox a farm im living in the country now upon a quiet farm whoro 1 am free from city noise and lafo from j urban hum ahid stead of horrid cantaloupes and early suni- i mer moau i food upon the cool crisp squash and bloodred winter beets i 11 i hsve atoom with slanting roof no wearisome design upon oia wall is thoro to groot these tired eyes of mine bui honest ooarse sandpaper walls arc those j about my head ton which 1 rub thatfevered ipot wbern mos- quitoes have fed in komrrow bathtub have i hero to lave myself within but one large basin on the floor a dipper uiado of tin ob how the cooling waters splash and oer my shoulders flow despite their leaking through the floor sssaag- ing all my woe and as ive said no city noise doth break upon the ear naught save the cooing of the frog the bleat of chanticleer tbe crowing of the durham cow the lowing of the hen these are the sojo disturbances iu this my rural den v and oh the habits that this life this country lirv inspires the breakfast set at five aju ah i how my soul admires j to rise at four and ere the sun hu started on its way to doa my duds and enter on the duties of the day instead of working at my desk in hot seersucker coat to seek the fields and toss the hay to feed the bounding goat to dine three times a day on pie washed dawn by berry wine i and tben the sun has set at lant retiring at nine this is a noble life to load from care and strife so free it tans tbe cheek the muscles gain it oils the soul with glee bat vben next summer oomes this way i fear i cant afford to swap the tweet of brow and brawn for rural bedand board i harper t j3aznr sflot 3f tnmip ewtrij fin 8id bachelors slur bt jiteed hochetairr i was an only child and bo from my earueat recollection i grew to look on my little playmates the naghbors chidren as if they were my kins this was more particularly the case with frank colton a boy of my own age- oar fathersvfarms adjoined the beautiful ohio washing their northern line and a deep clear stream separating the plantations but offering no barrier to the friendly intercourse between the families the coltons and kyles were of the same old scotchirish strain and the clanship of race was very strong with them our families went every sunday to the same church the older people called it i the kirk nd listened with prcrfoiuid patience to the sermons of a dominie who on sabbath days was as fervid as john knox and who on week days taoght school is a humble building adjacent to the place of worship frank colton s brothers and sisters being well grown up were not so compan ionable to him as myself when he did not stay with me ill nignt which he did half the time we met in the morning at the head of the gristmill pond on my fathers place and rode off on our ponies to ifr creightons school nearly four miles ders ane speak peicb tfhbee cjfts i ami going george he said in a voice bosky w th tears and 1 came to say goodbye we lai i our bands on each others ghoul- liwaa some time before i ooujd make no effort to change him i would ha raj thought suoh an attempt an insult told him that within the week by my c wij wish and the desire of my father t tati too would be a soldier he did not a ik u whioh army bat drawing me so n ar that our cheeks touched he whisper i and i ome what may george we shall mill befriends until death i replied how n pidly youths develop into men in the fierce furnace of war and the mighty strain of march and midnight watch i have see i smoothfaced boys hi a few monthb transformed into bronzed and bearded i oldiers with deeper voices and the stron resolute expression that comes to the fac of men who have learned to 4ook wit lout blanching into the hollow eyes of death l two years had passed from irionera i learned that frank colton wt e a captain of cavalry my own rank in lie some arm of service and i prayed th it our regiments might never be brought lice to face during the battle summer of m it was my fate tn be in that fierce atlanta cam paign wh ire like stripped gladiators the opposing irmies straggled daily down the mountain passes and over broad rivers iwas u command of my regiment near jonesboro where a heavy battle was being fought v hen an aide galloped up and saluting u ie said the g moral orders that you charge tbe enemy in roar front and drive them out of the woocfe smiths battery will cover you i bowed and ordered my men to mount as i was aboul to order the adance a soldier passed with a prisoner whose troops ace in the woods i lakod colonel cohons growled the prison- on niaojv- a bloody geld i bad shown that henaent in courage but now i my sword trembled in my grasp ords stuck in my throat as i he yoong bugler riding just be- jmd ordered him to sound the wanted raiablbpushingmentosellchoiceni btoek complete aasortznenf spli oppottonityffered for spring work afy sahjs- menkave good saccess many selling from mm to 99v per week send for proof and testimon- tals anodpnahing man wanted here at eohto j jbenu terms and the beet goods in the market write t feed e young i i nurseryman bocbester n wanted samfclen to seumnrsarr stock all go waqpntedftntlass poxruomtplei rlt for l it men j idberal i dnoerpepti so pesinnai vt eawneomuxj ootfit lite rdvinfaaf pmsnikb b ch1se knrsjrymen lirotltsbcrpoaftioni for tbe rli saurteeeapertaes pau yi ueatlcsl tbls paper t under the rigid and as i then hoaght severe training of mr creighton who was a most scholarly conscientious man i was made ready for college and here came my first separation from frank colton my father had been a- successful civil engineer and desired that i should acquire that profession simply as a matter of training he said as my father was wealthy and i an only child the chances were that i would not have to resort to my profession as a means of livelihood frank colton wished to accompany me to the university but his father decided that he should be a farmer and work the old homestead when the brothers and sisters were married off and settled daring the four years i wasat the university i wrote to frank as regularly as i did to my parents and that was at least once a week when i came home for the holidays frank would come as far as cin cinnati fifty miles down the river to meet me and until the vacation was over we were never apart i graduated in the summer of sixtyone and as usual frank colton was the first to meet me but this time i was surprised to see that a change had come over him he was still the gentle affectionate friend hut he could not bide from me a trouble that woulitahow itself on his frank hand some face as we went np the river on the steam boat i asked him to explain and he answered with a tremulous voice george bur fathers have quarreled and do not speak quarreled i exclaimed yes they are on opposite sides opposifejaides i repeated fthey are utterly opposed about the war he said with a sigh i had forgotten all about the terrible war that had burst upon our land and which was so soon to lay waste our beautiful homes on the batjder and to fill the grave yard behind the church with the graves of our young manhood cut down in farricidal conflict it matters not to the purpose of my story which side was taken by our respect ive fathers nor tided it be said that their sons stood true to the cause of their glrea as i before said we bejonged to a rugged combative godfearing race and once our heads were set any attempt o turn as dot confirmed us in oar course families were ilivided in our neighbor hood and in many cases brothers shook hands and parted never timeet again but to fall in fbe pranks of opposing armies one night jnst as i was about to go to bed a servant rapped at my roomdoor and told me that frank oolton ifas at the gate and wanted a see me i harried oat and found frank stwioing with ihia bridle on his left arm a id a fine aland mar bisf right hdalder i was not did fear and the w turned to hind me charge a thrilling cheer burst from six hundred throats with expanding nostrils and ex plosive breathings thehorses answered the spur smiths battery opened with thundering crash and shrieking shell on the right and from the woods the leaden sirocco of heath beat into our faces we were in thextmber fighting hand to hand my horse went down and pinned me to the arth as i was struggling to free mxsexa tall man with a broken sword in h is hand sprang to my side and shouted surrer der idrewrty pistol and was about to fire when the t all man cried gecrg george foeman though be was he threw down his fragment ofsword and clasped me in his arms the cha go was beaten back and i was a prisoner in the hands of frank colton he freed n ie from my horse and harried me to the ear out of reach of harm when ni ght pat an end to the conflict frank sou ht me out and in the darkness we sat side by side holding each others hands v e spoke of the dear ones scatter ed for his iome and mine had been given to the ore l we prayed that peace might soon come but neither of us attempted to defend by words the cause so dear to his heart we sat talking till midnight when a man came up w th two horses and said some thing in a low voice to colonel colton gootga ask no questions but mount horse and allow me said frank pointing to the best of the aiiimals i was su prised to find my own equip- meats on t us horses back and my own sword sin ppad to the pummel of the saddle we rode mi passing auength oat intothc night the colonel own pickets without trouble ive reached an elevation from which i could see in the distance the lights of countless fires georgei said the colonel reining in his horse and laying his hand on my arm over where you see those fires your friends are in camp keep straight on and in twenty iunutes you will strike your own pickets i cannot uttered recail the few words that i know i did not thank him nor from the first and in three months i tent for frank colton he joined me and we kept bachelors hall on a stream in a narrow valley that emptied into the kanawha anxious that he should share my- good fortune i gave him an interest in a flowing well i had sunk frank felt very happy oyer this and that night as we sat smoking before the fire in oar little cabin be laid his remaining hand on my shoulder and said i can tell you all now for you have placed it in my power to marry to marry frank i turned and looked at him with a heavy feeling in my heart but he did not seem to see me for his eyes were fixed on tbe fire tes hisaid v it happened since you left and i wanted to write to you about it- but it was uncertain cntil the night before i came to join yon then after mnch waiting annie gave me her answer annie creighton i was amazed at the calmness with which i asked the question yes george but you look sick what is wrong he asked jumping up in alarm for my face showed my anguish despite my will an old heart trouble i shall soon be over it i will lie down i said tottering to the bunk in which i sleptr i drank the tea be had made for me and insisted that he should lie down in his bunk i did not sleep that night my heart was in revolt and into it came a fierce hate for the man i had so loved through all my life so clang to in bitter years of conflict he noticed that i became gloomy and in his gentle way he tried to cheer me and so nearly drove me wild i dreaded to be alone with him when he was asleep so powerfully did the demon of jealously work upon my better nature i kept away from him as much as possible bat he never seemedto be offended at my moods i one afternoon i told him i would dnve down to the village six miles off for food and that i might not return that night j will wait up for you george were his last words as i went down the valley i staid in the village that night perforce for a rainstorm came np and continued with unabated fury far into the night on the morrow the streams were too much swollen for me to venture back with a wagon so i saddled my horse and returned af fast as the difficulties of the road would admit on the way up the banks of the swollen river i met men coming down with tales of the disaster caused by the storm and one of them checked his horse and told me that my cabin and the machinery about the well were ruined where was frank colton i could not form the question that rose from my guilty heart to my blanched lips as we stood there i heard a cry coming up from the wild flood and looking over the roaring waters i saw whitefaced frank colton clinging with his one arm to the ruins of the cabin the falls were a mile below and the bravest drawback powerless to aid in that moment tfeit that the wild flood was weeping my rival from my path but tbe horrid thought passed away and as i saw his face sgain i remembered only the the past it is deathto so in shouted the men i heard but did not heed them i scarcely know how i reached his side i do know that i felt at the time the strength of a thousand giants in my arms i seized the logs to which he clung and pushed for the nearest point of land where the men had run out waist deep with ropes in their bands i have no recollection of oar reaching bbore i had fainted for tbe first time in my life that flood washed all the hate from my heart three months after that t stood np at the alter frank coltons best man and i signed my nma to the certificate which showed that anhio creighton was bis wife l frank and i have been partners for years and the world has gone well with us he has a son that bears my name and he and annie often ask me why i dont marry i laugh aod turn away and say i km too old to think of it now eolbonjvy and p01son-su- mach there need be no trouble idenkifying tbe poisoowy in any of its forms the hairy trunk will often serve us bat there are two other features which are of maob more value first let us remember that its leaves are grouped id threes whatever the outlines of their more or lesi wavy mr- gines in some sections iheplanlis always called the three- leaved ivy and this naturally leads me to a consideration of that other vine withsimiliar habits which is commonly known in the same localities u tbe flveleaved ivy u the writer knew of a person who pos sessed a beautiful home upon tbe hudson and whose deficiency in knowing of tbb oue little page of botany cost him a severe loss his children were suddenly prostra ted with ivy poisoning and one of his ninth hour neighbors came in to offer him some learned advice something in this style weil squire its fetched em at last ive been teliin betsy all along that the pesky stuff would ketch ye arter a while well thar goodness and truth t time an time agin when ive been gom by the gate and seen them air children playin in tbe tammerhouse yonder itt made me feel tarual ticklish an ive sed time and agin an tole betsy so tew that id bet my best gobbler theyd be broke out afore- a week an now theyve done it an if yoa do take my advice youll cot the peaky weed down an burn it before toenail on ye isketched yoa neednt look so surprised squire what im tellin yeis fer yureown good that air weed is pizensbumake au itll nigh on to kill some folks bach advice coming from a- practical farmer in whom the sqaire had perfect confidence was immediately acted upon tbe vines which- had embowered tbe beautiful arbor for a generationwere sawed off at the ground aod to think that a peep into the botany book might have saved them four things need to be committed to memory to insure safety against our poison sumachs first the three- leaved ivy is dangerons second the five is harmless third the poison- sumachs have white berries fourth ko redberried sumach is pbisodoas both the poisonivy and poisonsumach though unlike in appearance of foliage have similar white berries growing in small slender blasters from tbe axils of the leaves in all other sumachs the berries are red 1 and in close bunches at the ends of the branches and far from being dangerous yield a frosty looking acid whioh is most agreeable to tbe taste and wholesome withal with these simple precepts fixed in the mind oo one need fear the dangers of the thickets nor need any one repeat the haxardooi exploit of two young ladies whom i know one of whom as a committee on ohorch decoration in a country town brought her arms full of the scarlet autumn branches of the venomous sumach while the other once sent the writer a really beaotif ol group of carefully arranged rare grasses and mosses generously decked with the white berries of the poison ivy both of these rash maidens i believe paid the the severe penalty of their botanical inno cence rarpert young people was i burp ised at his conduct we shook hands and each went to his friends in the camp of th s others foe when ag lin we met it was on the banks of the phic and beside the burned ruin of my father i house my father had been killed defei ding his home and his grave woe so cloe i to the blackened chimney of the old honestead that it looked like a grim mon iment above his restingplace my mother was living with her sibter in a distant cit and desolation brooded in the home of m cbodhood poor frs ok he hod fared as badly he with his ei lpty left sleeve was the sole survivor of five brothers his father and mother hax aged very much and were living in an oaf building that had once been occupied b their servants franks arents greeted me with all the oldkindnef s and the day after my arrival being sand iy wo went to hear dominie creighton reach ah me i the church was not nearly so full as in tl e olden tme but the ground about it wa i covered with the silent tents of the dead i had never thought our good old teacher an eloquent man bat this day the tears w ire in his voice and in the eyes of that stri ien humbled congregation i spent wo days with- mr creighton happy day i of rest they were after the years of si niggle and more pleasant to me from tl sfact that little annie creighton hod becom i a beautiful girl of nineteen my school layb and war days gave me but little oppor itmity to enjoy the society of the other s x and i believe that for this reason i wis more susceptible but be that hs it may know i left the old pastors j hospitable ooj in lovo with his daughter this lovd and i kept x was a vary sacred thing to me m o mpself had i tpldfrank perhaps mj future would have been differ ent hy fath rlnid a large body of land in west virgi liajandi soon learned that oil disooicrefl in its vicinity i went there at ide determined to utilise my knowledge uiin engineer iwaaffortanate cemsofthquchf if thoa woaldst beboroe with bear with others those who are greedy in praise are lack ing in merit sometimes womeu who do fancy work dont fancy work some temptations come to the industri ous but all temptations attack the idle to speak wisely may not always be easy but not to speak ill requires only silencer in accordance with the ancient proverb he who would accumulate must ipend also nothing oan constitute good breeding that has- not good nature fer its founda uon tbe beat society and conversation is that in which the heart has a greater share than the head nothing oan bring you peace but yourself nothing can bring you peace but the tri umph of principles it is every mans duty to labor in his calling and not to despond for any mis carriages or disappointments that were not in his power to prevent it is only by labor that thought can be node healthy and only by thought that labor can be made happy and the two can not be separated with impunity by labor the earth has been subdued and man redeemed from barbarism nor has a single step in oivilzation been made with out it labor is not only a necessity and a duty but a blessing the motto marked upon onr foreheads written upon our 3oofposts channelled in the earth and wafted upon the waves is and muct be labor is honorable and idleness is dishonorable men talk in raptures of youth anov beauty wit and spriteliness but after seven years of uotoo not one of thena is to be compared to good family management whioh is seen at every meal and felt every hour in the husbands purse be merry but with modesty be sober bat not sullen be valiant but not ventur ous let your clothes be comely but not costly your diet wholesome but not ex cessive mistrust no man wivhoat cause neither be thoa credulous without proof home is wmetima thought flat and dull and too often made wjat from the want of reooanuang what it stands tor tbe love the fidelity the fnrbeeranee the self ncrtfloes that ace nourished by family life an toaag thmtchepomwaut of iminaoitstfl irv a very aad example of the dangers that may be latent in a friendly class j was given tbe other evening in my hearing by a popular bishop i wonder said his lordship whether a man ever recovers who has bad delirium tremens one case i remember that bears on the point the man i am thinking of was a well- to- do tradesman bat be was fast ruining himself and his family bw intemperance i first saw him when recovering from an attack of delirium tremetos some words of mine had such weightwith bim that he resolved to abstain entirely years went by and not a drop of intoxicating liquor entered his month six seven eight years passed and his resolution renmioed unbroken on the anniversary of the eighth sober year his friends thinking the reformation complete resolved to give a dinner in his honor a family circle rendered happy by the temperance of its head received the congratulations of intimate frcinds but it was a feat of deadly wine healths were proposed and he who was being honored was told that to drink hia own health in one glass could certainly do him no harm after totally abstaining for eight years he drank the glass and two years after wards i was called in to visit a poor drunkard who was on his deathbed by reason of that one friendly glass as the taste of blood rouses the tiger so did this single glasr rouse the spirit of intemper ance in this poor victim of hopitality temperance chronicle ihooiajg 4jtj5h waltiko uioogit the years would oeer be past till i oou d freely say ta you lie re yoa dear tint lowatlast the yean an sped i com to woo i lot 9 you dear i bring io lofty words of praise justtbw few words my lore impart lie re you dear in o den days these woi dl said shall greet ber beart i love you dear icoaidc rt know what yoa would say i knew m longtried heart would cry ilo r yon dear i she nswered yea i knew it 1 11 the years and i i lorp yon dear t natural history a vijby 8n4rr cat the girl employees of the ansonii brass company have a cat i which is an ispert in catering english i sparrows tt a oat fs fed from this dinner pails of the gills and after dinner it geoer- ally brings in mice kriamp sparrow udesv sert curiositp as to how it caught toe birds so regal a rly wtot aroused end the eat was wtched one id the rirls had given it a piece of br iad sid pussy was seen to take it in its r oath knd go oat to the con crete wblk inj tie yard where it chewed np y tbe bread and ilaoed it on the walk then- it hid bebihe some boxes in the ycrd pretty soon a lock of sparrows alighted to eat the cromjb and it took but one spring to land in the niddle of the flock and cap- i tare one phi adelphia times i rats cin i e thisi i have seen and handled a phi f tame rats belonging to some yoan riends and prettier more playful and nore intelligent pets codld not be imaxibt 1 they were sccustomed to ran about i o t the table at mesjtimes they never stole food 4 bat when anything was offered them they sat up on their hind legs held the morsel letweeq their forepaws ana ite it daintily they were food of a game which l saw them play tbe rate were mt into be boys cap which wfs hong on the hitbtandta the halt tbe boy and hi iaister then went to the top of the house iud whistled at thesoond of the whistle 1 he rats jumped to the floor and then rah up stairs and perched pa their owners s louldera the general idea of tbe rat is jt iat is an illsavored ani mal dirty in jit 1 person and revolting in its diet wheretw i is delicately clean in pet son apd equlll y dainty in ite food it it ever washing it elf and never eats without washipg afterwud pall mall gaxette amjuls wh h sex both wiis nature has enabled obi ie animalf to sea cjecte be hind them as ell as i front without torn- ing around t i hare has this power in 1- a marked dean e its eyes are largvpror minent and pi ned laterally its power of seeing things n tbe rear is very noticeable in the greybjo tnd conning jor thobgh this dog is mm 3 while rimoing tojiare ia able to judge tc a nicety the exact moanont at which at wr chit will be beat toe it to double horse 1 are another instance it is only ceoesst y to watcli a horse driven invariably wiit out blinkers 20 notioe this take for int ncet those on tramways let the driver even attempt to take the whip in hand and if i the horse is used to the work he vi 1 at onee quicken bis pane the giraffe rhicb ieavery timid animal li is approached rith the utmcat difficulty ad account of its res being so placed that it can see as well behind as in front when approached thi same faculty enables it to direct with jgreat precirioo the rapid storms of kicts with whioh it defends itself providence ittrnal rm ij v blrj newspaper miss it inbebson ritebboao i mr stanley and burns sir h i stanley spent hie last evening before leaving london or tbe relief of emin faaba with sir jobn pender and on part- ing tbe latter gave hr stanley a minis- tare edition of barn poems published by messrs bryoe of glasgow this the great explorer said he would carry wherever he- vent sir john pender in reoentiy writing to mr bryoe says when i met stanley in egypt in the spring i had not been in conversation with him many minotee before he reminded me of the little oopy of born poems and he said it had been a great sonroe of comfort to him he had read it many times orer and he believed there was no better thoinbfed book in exist than that little tplnme he said thtc barns was lach a child of nature and- that he was so mnoh in sympathy with him that many times he was not only deeply touched bat greatly enoooragedby the per usal of tie poem atkemuum advertraementfl thfe precocity of children the precocity of american ohildren is of i a pieoe with the smartness a grown people a correspondent speaks of a little girl who was writing a parody on the star spangled banner bnt while drying it at the fire it dropped irom her hands and was bnrnt the gentleman to whom she was mention ing this observed gallantly that if he had been theflrerhe would have stopped tillebe had got the song put again oh no she replied gravoly yon oooldht have done that nature yoa know is nature and her laws are inviolahle another child was once surprised by its father bringing in abunch of grapes and expreea- ed hie delih by saying come yon re a good fellow after all another child had jua finished didnef wipe your rooath ling said ltmsmms tbe child 1 jfcao pul4 s foreign ltemsjdeut 1 8 acte 16 18 sanitary lawjnambers 5 2 legal items acts 23 lqi homoopathy i king 5 10 john 27 juopatb isaah3j 21 fsithcore jqlin4 50 home circlesluke 10 38 42 childrens corher gen 37 14 christian lifejroin 20 1 jndgeaji 4prov 20 2- political intrigae ezra 4 lo political intimidation nehemiah 4 13 providential help ezra 5 s i question draier lake 10 25 and 20 4 john 18 sb 1 peter 4 18 editorial isaiih 26 1 4 rn- j ipiem lake i 68 75 ontnbatea- rp c story jeremiah 35 15 19 fashion oteiinam 1588 isa silecitt temperance colamn isa 4 11 and 32 habs 12jandl5 weather probabilities eocl 1 6 114 personal hebj 1148 bom 16 marriages gei 41 43 ex i 1 births acts 7 c 20 both 414 deathsgen 23 2 geo 25 8 obituary 2 chiron 32 2784 gen 5 24 2 chron 35 2327 personal safety pitlmz 6 8 prov 3 2528 i wantedjob 28 12 20 where pound dent 4 5 u job 2828 ps 197 prosperity dent 28 ljler 25 im longjlife-rex- 20 12 prot recipes 4 13 23 bestrjeremiah 6 16 jpeaoeiphil 28 phd 4 6 7 14 and 15 the becret of rife is not to do what one likes bnt to try to like what one has to do better to trust to its own inherent good ness than be impatient to support a right eons cause by questionable means they that marry ancient people in hope to bary them hang themeetyei witbie hope that some b ie may cnt tbey down dont read i bont think idony be- liere i now are yoa better ion women who think that patentmedicine are a hrrmbng and d pieroea fatbrita tre scription the bi est humbug of the wool because ils best snown of all dps yonr lackoff ash cure come it is very easy 1 o dontijotliiaworwv suspicion alwayi comes more easily than oonfidence bat loubt little teitnberer made a sisk womi n well and the favor- ite preecription has oored tbooaandsof delicate weak bmeo which makes us think that our jpreapriplion eatslir than your donj believe 1vvrttt honest let os obmo tooather- you thr dr pierces iavirite prescription lit doesnt do as represented yoakat jnn money again where proofs atj easy can yon afford to doubt j t 1 h a i 1 i little bnt act vetare dr kercevb ant paets ijbeat l pi u ttsaefj enjisiv tiaoaglw jhej i whlate ix4nsijmu on limmlsbsjyail

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