Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1890, p. 2

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nh- ofijhamiltbn tom hammo w i p wbcial is i vwatsox i pint pgn of t gig watch riossauffijsijp k plo ton oh b inauiotysl trajyeddii kkqd a sam- m l2 bwqttr good asa 4 hymds j aotonorl j ihobsdiyjply 31 1890 iritlbilocal bmeflits whlph caught the eyes or eaifeof p reporters this wee and but pre- ys tbe jis j news i x ut tomorrow first of aogoit- shower yesterij was reins ilaj fhe ternperanoe crenirig picnic iugii oaanllo ia only now collecting the mtalmtnt of its taxes tor 1689 acton should follow oaarilleaexa ople i sad tba a street sprinkler it is t idiv 1 ntsdk raspberries have been very plen iifol i this week bu cents per poursiis ihe saffig ppce hake the best of your holidsys isadirts the schools reopen two w seas irrommonday b jermyn will through an oat sj great clearing obt bile boi sofneement mr w rl botled hasbeen snffc- ring pastweek with a poisoned- band s bees very pririfnt a carryall load of picnicbers wei t bockwood on bstnrdsy and spent iftenjoou on the rocks all boysl templars and frienda of temperance are requested to meet at post office st sjitshsrp ttmiiijnt he financial meeting of goelph tnet will he held in the methodist chilcb bockwood on tuesday 19th angost 1 1 3 am i ijsst sataaay mr william tro ter icnrrieridihefincsaaintannerygsve his rigbtwrxst snngly gash with his shs iog knifej mr g 3- bysn who is now bo s pmv chasilg toor in great britain has kii dly sent the fuss pans copies of glas ow tjhe darkest dsy in say mans earthly is t wherein he i fancies thatthezie way of gi ining a dollar t isn stjnarely earning in jl a basket of losciooj home grown r sp- ferrieslfroitbe garden of sirs i th irs- ton was aartplwt the other day by tbe i be pszaanewa room stsil they were ro- nofneeda l on gneiph ctric hjobdsy 7th an ust thei select knights will ran a cleap excmvaslnttorosta acton is inritec to psrdeipste and tickets to toronto ind retinamay be hsd for 9100 th statutes of ontsrip 53 vic 1 s90 hareen distributed by the clerk of the peace to the magistrates snd others en ti jed to redeite them in the county tbe i tub psesslissteoeited its copy 1 1 is reported that arrangements are beiag made by which the lodges of the a i ovy society at acton hillsborgh b ck- wood and erin are expected to unite md j ban a grand rally at an early date rof msitlsnd of goelph will nil ill acton next fridsy with s view to gi ing private lessons in voice caltare vu lin and organ all who desire to c leet hsitland are requested to leave t leir names af j v kannswins drag store a besgsr appeared st tbe residenc of l farmersnd sought fid tnd wbenithe farmer could only finds tendc usr bin she beggar nonchalantly product d s wallet and offered tochange thenote he was sjllowed lo do so becsuse of thedeek dwpujyed tbey make queer finds in mil on the caaanias sayion monday ust the ssiewalk on main street was being re- paiadand onderneaffb odo of the plabl a a beanfifnl set of false jteefli were p nd the owner can have same by caliiog ou the- cbiefj gonltable additions snd improvements are it ill beinz made at tbe works of acton tarn ing oompany curing the past week the originsl main building has been ra sed bodily some thirteen el this allows for an additional floor joxgu alsrgequan ity of new machinery has lately been put i i j 4i election petition against tbe rot irn of ajex f cimpboll of tbe bnusi ton cobkfcofor to represent algoms in the ontario legislature wav filed st tore uto monday a conita petition from n rth jbaotrew dilrging the unsuccessful cs idi- date in the recent elections with brio ty was also filed i we havejust received the july last 3 of ibe vfuiaiban uunaujietold which is low with the iiameal jour utf under the editorship of jhr w euioit i as- bffatm and published by timms d co k ilo the publishers will be gbu to a specimen copy to sny of our who may jeod heir iddrets elect party of georgetown yo ing came to town- last tbursdsy si r- unjer the goidsnee of our for oer fienial fellow citisen d r aald to hal s a picnie in the firk iwing to the ret westberao ouwde pic uic was out of ibe qoesonbatsttbeinvtslionofmr e b jsnadr8prjtrirrapinii if 0 hsce were tail 1 possessioa of j dung folks jo bed the party id aiterhocio aireiln iei y the news 4t h mostlypf ald every ftttji acton a8 the hub band stand opcatng thoctj bindtuddewffuiklidbqmrp boirer aveoat will be oaoed with a crnd rotncdide concert tvod ltwu social the memberb of acta comet band crv credit tor their eakrue j lh rcouon ot ibia new btofl aliod audi our ciilreni ihould urn oat lo- lirg numbers u show tiieir appreciation thettandwill be about com pic tod this week with jlhc ex- eeptiou of the minting whioh it id hoped wilt be finiibed by a profesiional fcnan la oma lively harmonizing oolors avcwfed addition tr snndcrund villa the old frame shed on the jolio bt aide of mr w ha bfcreya property iha been removed and wotkmea are noif buailyen- rtod in boildiogthq found it ion ior a fine brick driving horfw ahd tuble the new bouding will be an ornament to the pro pcrty and wiihnno wiaedetractfrom tbe beauty of tbe hindaome residence betide it it is to be btlnauxl about thirty feet from the street on the north side of the lot and will be 30x40 foot in size and two storeys in height- tho design is chatc and appro priate and vu prepared ty a well known jtoronto architect itac fcnceat crewaaas corners a correspondent sends the following to pa gpelph slacury johri bennett and iwra leishman own adjoining farms in kasaaawcya near crewsona corhers and hare been at logrheadi for some years about their division fence about ten days ago some horses lctahmjui had pasturing for parties io acton got into bennetts trops and in order to bring leishman to his senses u well ts to defend this own tights bennett took them off to potfncl the fen c viewers were then applied to according tojaw audon saturday last they met tavjew the fence vstae liie dam- spes and award accordingly thisthey did and fn the dusk of the e rerun gbeanett was seen wiih dowaicat 53 slowly return ifig the horses to leishman a pasture and lianng to pay all costs chatlcnr4ccepteil the following challenge wa received by representative of hje royal templars of temperance yesterday afternoon deae sul wc i bytbe ixwtcri tbaf a loot bsl tailch a bdvertiwd to lake place at your litoaic lomcnow evening la order to liialo it iatertjiiet vc trill piaryoa friendly jgame trf font bill boyal templars xa temperance vs ttmpcnncc people who do not belong to the order if thifi cbalicuge is occpwd ptcae lot handcrsan tnor j tours ite- r jrcawsov l hcxitoll s tlaxukbsan j al ifcioiiy- the fiicc pjaiia is instructed by the chairman of the amusement committee to sv that the royal templars will pre pared to meet their temperance friends in a friendly game at the picnicas suggested vteazome barns burned the trianderstorm last friday morning caused serioag loss to one of the farmers of this i ricinity about two o4lock the spleadid new barn of mr robert baasell oclot 3 in the fifth concession of erin was btrucfc by lightning and consumed when jdi rnsaell first saw the re it had made very little headway but being unable togefi at it the names made short work of the combustible material a number of neighbors were boon at ths scene and with their assistance the eoc and some micb- ineryi vzere removed there were seven horsesand several bead of cattle in the stableaud all but one calf were secured from the barn the fire spread to the sur- rotrading buildings and the four jin the group were totally destroyed the build ings were all- firstclass and had been re built during the past two years tbe banr contained nearly a hundred tons of this seasons hay and about a hundred bushels each of wheat oats peas and barley also a democrat waggon and several implements mr russells loss will amount to over 3yfl0oj and unfortunately here wan no in- the count i niewsltnia8up pondenli anfl 5jhariay erif the metbodlili held party ou lbs lawn otm toetdayevenim tho english client a chjoyabh karden jimu broody ou held in stanley prk o flday aleraool t id holiday a car of craig bros ihlpped live stock from orton landl three oars on the same day from tllit itatlon above firm paid out on mondijy to farmen of this section 18700 tho erin videtle bsakbajl club played a match wth the belwc a stars on satur day at betwood for a ilvi r cop valaed st 130 score erin 21 bjlwo id 8 mr dodrald mooill his trip to manitoba mrs c b gnffln been sojoarninf at her past week knatch the other day mr jsjnes watson eden mills was nnfortanat i in having one of his valuables tpridg cold die the fall wheat andbj rley harvest i well advanced several fan len have nniihed cotting f hose crops i libongh not lsrge are fair with good samples of k in sruwuv driiii lait wednisday mr wo mcfarlane eden mill died very suddenly after complaining of b ling ill for half an hoar he iu ihout ti years of age his remains weri interred in the presbyterian cemetery at two oclock on friday afternoon 1 mr and mrs win vitehin nassaga weys are visitingfriend inn kii oardine mr john lower of hsmil oa folios force and mrs lovvery are 1 ome on visit at his mothervnear knst ihball ground hai ftf s plo nlo was ii- zp room for lots of amnieroent every mo tu1hms3 was available borao thoogl liol pertjon had even arranged seau id the fence oorberi experienda la a real teacher no doubt ihupsrtopad ittjmd re turned from of dunntille has former home the jull burlington noeo aweilplayed match the lacrosse match fethe part on saturday afternoon bjf fen the yoanu canadians and the junior olympics of milton was au excitiugone and the large gathering of spectators present witnessed s- fine exhibitioa of the national game the mfltcn boys arrived in town abont3b accompanied by a- goodly quota of their fneude tthen the referee lined the teams up on the field it was seen that foe size and weight the players were very evenly mulched as soon as the eame commenced however it was noticed that the home teiim outfplayed the visitors particularly in team play the first three goals were all jo xavor of the home team and were scored fa 7 10 and i minrjles respectively a- stubbornly contested game was the fourth and it was wen ly the olympics after 40 minutes hard play the fifth and hut goal wai scored by the young canadians alter li minutes play a pleasing feature of the game was the entire absence of rough piny i afauy plays were applanded by the rrbaps of spectators mr j h matthews gave good satisfaction as referee mr e carrol was fieldcaptaid for acton and mr ml emitciiell for milton the umpires wirelilcssrs j lawson v s and ji hao- nant j str bendcrsoo ai vancouver b c we clip the followuig from the vancouver kttadcailw of the 2iih inst j mr david henderson eimp of acton ontario and mrs henderson who aio on a visit to the coast are in the city they came through from the east without btop- pincoff lofsndiog on their return journey to stay over at each place of interest in comin aef0s3the prairie- mr henaeirscn vr delighted with the appearance of tbe country and especially with that portion aboutprandon where the rich verdure and great promise of excclleut crops together wjili jbe gently roiling character of the lapdfeeemed to indicate to him exceptional agricultural wealth in coming through the rnpuutains he had excellent facilities for regarding the bojperaa qbseriation car hahng been iuacwsfo the train and in thisj daring the ifcl iay almost they saj vowing the menaina in all their rued maguificeov mr heodersoq as mat i eoplo who fisifvancouver forthe first ti ne are was surprurm at tba large anil bg jstantiaj growof this city he drove i bout the town yesterday and around stanle r park and wasjgretly pleased with ffbat 1 eaaw he says bit he foels lliat even a few daysin this dim ate has fnvig orited him after the hot acorchingwr of th i eai t mr henderson wijl go oyer to vi aot a today and return on saturday mi mil g and will then turn his face torrie- wi rd he will tay over at glacier janff ce igar v aod several other points be ween lin re i nd winnfpeg and will spend s iveral dar n making an ertminalion f iho cointc in mutbem jddiioba v 1 st yin nit the glajfiqwtiouse te remark ii kotieral cenoernii g tbe nesiectof the street and sidewalk co nmit- ux to lave the weeds aos thistles en the sti aeu ol why jd tjjis 7 they werit neyer left so ton jhnp igetjij work last week patrick wl ite charged with threatening to do his w fe seriods bodily harm was bound over tp keep the peace and seat to milton gaol i ir a month electricity iatalked ol for the lighting of burlington streets the contract for watering the business parts of water and brant streets lias bean given to mr c yates- a largely signed petition to water ootaiio street will be presented to the coancil iooight the pittsburg jglkss blowers are still camping on the biadh 3t marks church choir are also under canvas there tb apple and peach crops are a failure in this vicinity this year but plums pears and other small fruits promise better than former years the beach is having a great rue of ei- cursionists this season uudget tbe terrible runaway icddent by which miss ina marlatte of oi kville was killed on monday has overwhelm led the comman ity with snrrow georgetp 4fn mr and mrs mctarlave of toronto are in town visiting her pare ta miss annie anderson if palmentoa is the guest of mr 7 g wi isoo miss may hooper has g 3ne on a holiday trip to oshawa the ber a b denztll principal of oshawa ladies college was in town recently he reports the term just ended to have been tery success al mr e e harrison in isiting his sister atmiubauk mrm s clark priuc ial of the- high school has resigned his accept a more lucrative he is going to tike a pit essorship in the baptist college some of the members cjf the fire com panyjiave been round w th a petition to get an engine for the towc u the property position here to na ui toronto holders in town were as eager to protect themselves as the compiny is to obtain means of protection they could not hesitate a moment in signing the petition a few months ago the town of fergus decided to have an engine and from j their experience they would not now consiler the town safe without it mr jaa roy o bank ot hamilton is visiting his mother at pott elgin mr james russell of icton was in town on friday mr burns of hillsbai paid the town a visit on monday miss haywood is the gu est of miss bick- erstaff miss vina bennett is visiting in milton the gnest of t tjmcorc the misses walker of guelph are en joying themselves among friends here miss jennie watson ohorillia is spend ing a few days in own mr g hjcennedy our reeve has re turned from muskoka he looks much bettcrthau when he wenhaway his face indicates that the rip haa been both picas ant aiil prostable mr and mrs gilchrie o left last week to visit friends in wxilaih and portdal- housie miss bickerstaff isaboi t to give up her position here in the mam noth house and go to live in hamiltprf the methodist choirof which she has been a member showed their appretiatioo of her services by giringa farewell picnic to snails lake where a very enjoyable ti aewas spent a nnmberof the young people went to the bachelors picnic at acton last week and report having ala ay master percy harrisor is spending bis holidays in kelson at his jrandfathers the rev mr gee preached a sermon to young men last sunday vening that was appreciated by both old a id younjjfc what might have been i serious accident happened a few days a fo on mr herb kennedys farm his fa her was driing the raiper and something going- wrong he got off to fix it while doi ag so the horses started and in trying- to a op them he was knocked down aiyi bare y escaped being run over by the machine they ran somo distance hut fortunately t ot much damage was done wc understand that tin union sabbath school excursion has falh n through owingi vra believe o some sabba h schools trying o drumm up an e icurraon of their own- ah 1 1 gaess wasp s ong mr fferald in a tender spot and like i ny other donkey he retaliated by two randbm kicks but we can excuse his firing wide of ihekrnark on the same ground that tho reforviv excuses some of his other cnte statements viz vlindnefib another storm struck georgetown last week leaving a number of the hotel keepei sigmrlying round the stre its our lacrosse team goes to brampton to day to f ky a schednla game withtijti excelsiors there will b i a hard fight as he excelsiors are said to be a much stronger team now than hen they played the etnas before the i iceioravvictory overth olympics of mil onwtlie sihid instvwae hailed here w ith great joy as there is considerable rivalry between geitownaxidililum milton plays here on the- 12rtof ahgoai anc eypnbody wants to see thai game v i awasps- feet are vefy iol mor jdy80th tfimr iv i laokit g thobt ol x oounclf wty hod ai fiardan pariy at the reaidendeof ool mel patbn oh friday byeoldg the men ben ot tho oouocll iie sparing no pains to r iake itagrttatsuoceaaud wetoelooofldont bat their efforts wtll be appreclited by a ljirge turn oat oar bandhald a concert st geo ices stuare on saturday evening last the jprogramme ooruiitedo soleotloni by the band sword danocs by held and muter willie cummins both were djess- ed in highland oottume 1 bandoonoerti trencrw held on tuesday and thunday eviningi of each week ou the bank of the lake many loven ol- mmifi aa well ai other lovers end t ieir pot from whence tho musio comes t bi crbuing the bridge and backed up other peculiar kind of lovers are not a are that a rambler is wandering aroind taking in some very pleasing scenes i say pleasing fuumunh that they are amu ing iotherwlsfl they would forbear alitje however loveis blind and itjton cannot sea the pretty follies that themselves eocdnut j at lut oakvllie is the posieasor 1 1 a watering cart fienceforth our btreets vill be sprinkled and we can with pleat are take a walk up town returning with the com tor ting assurance that we do not b ive to waah our eannoesind eyes as i wn as we enter the house or shake our clot ies ntil they are welj nigh rentin pieces 1 rev jwa mrallliamaon and fan uy left on fuesday for grimsby psrar wfc are they inteodspeoding the months of aap ist and september i mr milton magee of creek bank spending hli aoation with mr and iv ra wm lchjlairt- shore riad four runaways in town on batard iyi no serious damages done on monday the little boot bl actor froul3jdronto aoci hamilton picnicl ed hero- i- at the last meeting of tbe wctuj it was resolved that the meetings be ad jo an ed antil tueseeond week in september dr c h lusk is at present in milton taking- charge of dr freemans practije while that gentleman is taking his vacatii n monday afternoon the sad jnieliigeee reached tu that miss ina marlatte one of our most promising young ladies had tx fn killed mias ina accompanied her broil or to burlington saturday last on the yac it mr c marlatte returned monday rooraii g but ina pref arriog to drive home remain d she started for home about two oclck pm accompanied by mrs and m waldie and a few other friends but as t ie horses were descending a hill the tongue of tbe buggy broke cauaidgtheui to run awi y ioa was thrown on her head and ajthoo h she lived an hour and a half after i le accident she was not conscious a few of the others ware injured but not fatally v- rockwood mrs dr dryden spent last week with friends camping at grand bend on la e huron a gang of g t r employes ust weik replaced the handrails on the iron brid e and also put down guard rails oa the trac l they say oar bridge is in excellent co t- dltion last friday there were two fanerais this neighborhood of two old settlers mi i beffernanmrs p lees mother succumb d to aitroka paraiyiii after a vary she rt ulnek ttfepld lady had attained tie goodly agetof eightybur yefas sir wi 3 mcfarlane reached attfry peacefal ril passing away as iu sleep he came to ei i- mosa from ireland when this country wis in its youth and has lived here ever since useful and respected citizen at his dea h he was eightyfive years both funersjls were largely attended duringthe thunderstorm last thursday the house of mr jas black town lire erin was struck by lightning and consid r- able damage done the lightning follow d down a chimney to a stove around whi h mrs jas black mrs geo loree and m j3 agues were sittiog and rendered the ladi ia unconscious for some time thay all i covered and are very thankful for thex providential escape in its exit the fie y flaid destroyed a carpet in one room ai d badly splintered the floor in another aj d passed out at a dooron tho step of whii h a moment or two before two children we sitting miss hannah knowtcs is visiting h friend miss wliyte a the laltcrs home brighton miss martha ramsay is slaying wi h friende iuuxbridge miss edgar of owen souud and miis ida mcfarlane of nonal are holiday ig iu kockwood aud vicinity sunday last was the fiftieth anniversa y of the marriage of mr and mrs pen w 11 of this village and in commemoration pf the day mrs rev d btrachan aud h g j pass more presented the old couple with a purse well filled with gold pieces l gift of their many friends more elabon te protestations of esteem would have be n offered bad not mrs penwell been pi a- strated with a severo illness mrs thos fnnythe of the fifth line of bramoea in climbing over a fence wb te raspberrypicking fell and broke boh bpneaof herforearm dridryden called aud reduced the fracture 1 on saturday last a small pirty f rdm ajcton held a picnic on the rocks a id j edging from their warwhoops enjoy sd themselves dr springer and mr john mcrao of acton were in town one day last week miss letty thornton of georgetown a id mr dugald and mus kennedy of lin e hbuse are tho guests of miss annie mag e i on saturday evening the sticking o wheel proclaimed to a large crowd tie ioattentlonibat one of our young mm gives to the internal economy of ms sw ill bjnglisli tornbut 1 mr jnostrachan delegate to burin g- tyu beach of foe committee oi the varic as sabbath fichoolson tuesday complete ajrangementa for tbe exenraion on t e 5th proximo v rookwood haa its civic he li day on that day aod nodoubt a bigltii ia ul result the bookwpod correspondent of dbo luelph i7oaif last week revived the i id iery as to why rockwood girls like to go ioo and gave the answer and all t da purporting to anticipate yoor corr s- tl i jaibgiromithbaacy of i is visits toaj certain district of onr tot n t te uerautt young man is endeavoring to i tunicate into the heart of one at least 1 be t uiluy irajfpi travel in search of a tefr psijg jmny others who ra iy 1 eoriona tffetniormation that the bo k- ood fueb pfless agent is always at i ome and riadyto do baiineas lot ifi i iper may not be amiss a greal fpm iii baps to milton mrku uraidmoolbbonars at a hashora a oovp bofaooniottidm6 day ihirisa a imi uid ieljlplriiio pirtyjaut friday afrnooolo mr a dorltodjirtt- onawlowu line ft a mrttlng o tba uppsrjitadaealiho traol st mj m btitilb blmktlilisymldg ths ttotfvkfli and othirt wul address ib njrttloj tfaa rsr wm andmoo a of oak ville preaohad id st andrews church on sabbath iht oorneritonm of tbe new methodist obnreb milton wul be laid on taetday aog 5tb by mr f e mcdonald mr h smara pr j b wuimott and others whose names willbe glteilater dinner will be served at 6 pin alter jliuner the gatherinswill be favored with addresses from the bev john wakefield chairman of the dlstriqt and by bev dr briffis snd ke w j msswallof toronto on satnrdsy evenlnd as the bev w j and airs mackenzie were driving on main hlldrflii cry fbrtwifs caftohi j i e il l ssawmdjbtwotk sstsbeetsvtooastarls nastuuraahitmekisscmerla oj0fto the british mamm on theiidewalk near mrsmithihonae over- tnroiofthe bugiry and throwing mrsmac- keusle sfpiinst tbe fence injariog ber very mach 8be was taken home and pat ander the doctors care and we are pleased to say that she ii now recovering champion conn ouyc branch iqf the officers of tbe local coart of the independent orderof forestrrs for the oar rent term weie intsled at thejattregnlar meelin as follow cii james sharp vcr jas plant j us thos ebbsge t8 cc8iight trs- wm kamaey 8w neil mooill j w john mcgfll sb graham lawson jb doosald mcarthur pcb dr w h iowry chap john e wright cd thos c moore tbe foresters are making steady progress here and initiation are frequent swearing off making go resolutions ani this end of tbe year is the time generally obosen as being tbe most suitable sod sppro- prlstsfojr turning over mew leax during 1890 we have resolved to mave more phoiogrsphi than we did in 1889 to make better photographs than we did to 1889 to please everybody better than we did in 1889 our mr j b wilhambon sailed from montreal on 27th may for england where he will spend eight weeks curing one fall stock to make- room for- it we giving 4 ixt g 30 clearing y i dhvs only at the- iv 1 wb have the facilities for photographing your babies bt the in stan urinous prooeaa urliu too rosy lituecfterubs to us and get a chatbudg pietare orte utst will be one ot roar dfirsst tremtms in sitar tuyt ptcturet are u low as goottwork and a urtus profit will allow ramshaw photo artist i acton grbat- out sale hie monarch of the d tiatle v i cloves and hosiery embroideries and muslins millinery and dress goods this month this month kugust r b jermyn8 startling reductions will be made our fall goods are on sthe way and must be made room for trimmed millinery for half price untrimmed straws for quarter price dress goods at sweeping reductions embroideries at wholesale prices muslins must go at any price gloves and hosiery have taken a tumble 1000 mens straw hats at 5c each now is the time gash will tell oc teh for25c if this tea is not equal to any 40c tea you ever tasted we will refund your money ladies requiring real fine kid boots should examine our stock every pair warranted r b jermyn great reductions in dress goods great reductions in millinery and mantles great reductions in fancy goods great reductions in prints arid muslins great reductions in curtains and scrims great reductions in carpets and oil cloths great reductions in ordered clothing i great reductions in readymade cloth jng great reductions in boys and youths clothing great reduction in hats and caps l great reduction in all lines of goods boys suits j 1 mens pants all wool 1 lesf socks 3 pair 25c collars linen qforaic cottjki 39 1 yards 1 prints 25 yards 1 parasols 4 for jjisful wool cashmere hose ladies 4 pair 1 black castiinjxe- dress sj150 embroidered cbsfume 150 muslin cot- ed and white 25 yards 1 towelling 25 yams i bte ck lustre dress 1 i v j d williamson ci iv 6 ind 7j wjmdham st onelpih 84 osvald st qlaagow spectkcles spct7cijs i have purchased a stock of the celebra ed lawrences spectacles and eyglat at 5ocr on the dollatr and will clear the n out verj cheap b say age v watchmaker jfl j speight son act of j a speight manager can mpply you with all th fttmitore apply or tor aitarerqulros totosiilahyoariiow andfx iy uul if a ettiodjonis ia a4t stjib at the twy jow pfwas or to rtploaiih yoar homo there is no article of arnitnre wo cannot apply and farther wo dellter oir farnilurt abd you hare no axrancins irelthtefiirgea am run nu riak of broal aga w can suit all r undertaking- oar thirtyftve years erj6rienco in this business has resulted ia conrlneini tais an tire eomnmnitythst we supply nrstelass wotk in ail orders aa which compare with those of tho city at due hall city prices our hearsf iin thojwbhb atlinsfylsst eos m u an axcellent ons and our team always preaent a becomlnc appearaoco we hkfi sure la iovtutie the public to call 00 us for anything regairod in oar unesl l u m quelpli cloth stal 1 ladies uy present stock of gold and 8ilvee zs at present partially well aelected uni-in1d- comts williams greene rome fancy flaniiel tennis an boating shirts shaw crundy merchant tailors ra j watches gold watches from 2600 tip silver watohes from 700 up several second hand ones qn hand ohxap glco dpringrle guelph tb fmete and threshers pseonvourmarihinerypnly the wellknown war with w xe -at- jhmatthews cntting up the best leatherthat money can br y andi ing if up lin to no 1 harness vaggadre wf31 il wesfctrj 1 been awarded it dntuk tbe last tliree year also oat jlllllm a til ittutba arwiiedaiid highly raw dumqenat llstx 1 i mmiimk if you want- a set of heavy or light haniissigib halters whips brushes oils or any thingimn 15 before dealing elsewhere as j am bound to ylei sfrifi1 andinatenal jkl vv m y- fe a poised custbmeriwulcyi

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