Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1890, p. 3

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titjebdat jtuly 81 1890 uljr jgmritg jfolks ons xmsrjsss uuunwr tbi sabdstsr said last nt aid he dtwtbs afraid of ffifa uywirwtilntwtbdothlo othes fohta vfoj bavs u me of btiat judtbtkwfattiautomyvttasftldi than brown the miiufcblo sinner hed sowar a beoirifoold parr than bit a wol towiarf di i tao jtw oor mbrfsterv bat i oooldiitqqita wben i heart bin atfita it rieht sod left jotitfaowhltbrhltinorl ofwomtberbooblditbenomlitke when be talked 1 ibncvdsd pnyln far psfas tad johnson thy ot ud sdoww at tk7 vord he via ttyiti and the qriukter hemt iov to say tbtmriocikindfoldtioatln aad rafiglont u food ibr eifety day aiitbtobrimtoiieetid ki4otttkhiiik moeh ofjtna nam that ini itbe iod amen at jawaehin ameppdihtotiimtoaowinttek in cbaatin tad ot 1 cow that daw vtt fitter lenoagh toriitttutukeetoeetbwkuknr bubotioid thitbeflidnt open hit mouth bat ooeeifter out to holler fttt4k ofeootltaiduqaiet- r6heuwoemoreotlbiiopea ujk ittwytpfreshiniiet 7 and rifshft oat totxtnfl tixinp as woman rolin passion aad eckein to dand to see the styles bkffibftheheijikia aafftjitafteintt my fife sad says i that a- j and i gnesi it sot her tthinkin bajyljeo myself tint sermons pet fittt tmmi a queer preelion aad zn rih the most of the folks wonjt take the application he bad said ajword about vj flwaonal mode of sbmin rabase aone to irorit to right myself jadpat eat tfare sj ciini j 1 vast then the minirtr aid be aan now tn eome tothe fellert vbovlosltbbslioverbtiisln their friend asasortomotat tabnas 6oboeaaybe land find your fault 4o batfa 1 tmr brothers f ej atfjtben- abe tmrtgedfrpa brown he tiaked bswwlesinbta afldlaablooklngatooxpct use t my ueeda4fun j naval booysbtt ooraiiaistet a jw a hthe ntttar j nttnumwbeatliameetfaisaitustl to lottiiatkhildlaaitta a bbfef harargueon slang th oav si is ifcrmi ocas dont c vmll efobp opeaug the iti jfotfi hit sbesnrjy is especially ior j lbs advice ooojd be pot ii do it possibly ther i innrwuinri nay oaoa in a iod round bit of th i aztaele uang p wonld pm i tojxai vulgar word daedb kahaoit inariahly bocuq two girli in the atrea of them a j iti bet jo 1 it pm me a ahrfer an 1 of aebwgima fill their eon 7 wimofibl do wit 1 phrue aiter another the efledt diaajreeabje j amt ot taudng elaiiflgrowa rapm reportiogawtofacaiidil han ootked if joo aayao nmkind wor 1 a neighbor i how qniaiy chant j eajr another and with jut thit a ipaffinf cue a habit of nami oarij- words jnrnwawi weeds grow is plenty of good strong engush fo on to wit drollery indignation or sympathy wigioct reooorse to the phrmaai which bdong to jockeys gamblers smnsn and tsgahonds the street arab piekss ishmg as he does the ends of old sorely a weubred goi is lot on the same level in her speech andasejrjrjer wfaj ahpold she narriilgsr btiuatshe wonld stainner wonsi djmare t cqawjii jiarger oagbt tojbeaomethihg akin in a fresh umng girl she need ishor pneash no one wishes prnnes and prisms to ooax into the proper enrras bnt ren lsinty in speech ss well u in dress ooght lo be wont yon plesst t it for fire minotee and see l uotsgrre with me miit6 mci- v yowg people i mean wills ods who profess to lore their tensely sometimes play them a trick when about to depart fcr hnd where there is neiuier igiring in msrrisge one that i tender spoose on the syoreed by death from the of ins joys kpd sorrows woold bs gi in the disposition of his worldlr doasbjr aoeanrertidesire to render her earthly jfotore a hippy one if be has a tetooejto benectb to ler why ahonld he jnskeadoktnthensnger will proriding t only daring wfaowj s beta condemn hej nnder penalty shall marry tgajnl hoffle of this a to be tenderly borne 3i yodr retioti dont deal with them he fashion ir jf eold whjch is spite of every knowi gnsvrorse so thai the family j i oondderodms incurablt atif- wto be in consumption as it i tried avert cnejry pecti- l ral and in a abort time the core was eompleti since then i have never been tthia medicine iamfutyyeais wejgh over 180 pounds and at- my good health to the use of cherry pcctoralgw fonker winter i contracted a severe lch by repeated exposure be- ite nbstinaie i was mudh withnoarsenets and bronchial i after trying arious medi jthont relief i at last purchased t battle of ayers cherry pectoral on medicine my cough ceased jediately and i have been wellevtosinco- eevthos bbnssen secreurv bolston conference and p e ot he igreenville district h e 0 jonesbiiro tenn j ayerscherry pectoral i raxrixzn bt drlj c ayer co lowell mass bohtirslldniru welj hsvmlca notes here an1 therfi he mis qf general interest to free press readers aijoans lady of this olty who is said to be worth not lets than 600 0 m prospec tive wu the object 61 tbo ateatiooi ota youtlfi mau with whom te was very favorably impressed bat wht with enooar age pent con tinned to pause ust short of a proposal the yoong lady a waged to pat m aroautioa what appear to be a rell ablf report that her peoaoiar ezpeotauoss were simply in the pa olio olad and in two days the young fellow iad proposed and beeu- aooepted it is i ot often that oo000 oanstitntes an obsta lie to a yonnn ladys matrimonial suooess bnt it did in this oaae andiibe lady in qi eitioa doetnt feel in the least pot ont abut ft biog hamton ttadcr lf yon want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtth i mail that paper reaches 100000 fi rmen homes every week and your advert lement should meet the eye of someone wht wants to par chaee advertisemenu of ti is class are in- sorted in the toronto tfeehj mail for five cents a word eaoh inaertio or twenty cent a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada i wtien a preat truth really tills the mind it natorally seeks to find expression in speech it is then more difficult to restrala ones iseir from epekwr thsn to speak ajlsrepfession is grievioos when a man is fall of eotne troth i a born or cat will heal quickly and leave less bear t victoria carborlic salve is ap plied at once i i i r i the darkest night that eter fell opoo earth never hid the light never pt oat the stars it only made the stanmore keenly kindly glancing as if in protest against the darkness i was troabled with- catarrh for over twu years- i tried various remedies and was treated by a number of physicians bnt received no benefit until began to take ayerjs sjarsapaxilla a few bottles of jhis medicine cored me jessie il boggs holman mills k c never jwhip yoar bmini all high press- are ii ilaingeroas btady to think as easily and as quietly as yoahreathe never force yourself to learn what jon have not talent malarial fever and chillfl are best broken up aad prevented by using hilbunfs aro- msqarnine wine t many people lie awake nights suffering from acute dspep- sia caused by eating food- in which arnori and other cheap baking powders are nsed the tnoet reliable ia imperial cream tar- tar hakicg powder j ayers cathartic pills an reoommeded by iho best physicians bee use they are free from calomel aud otuer jarious drags being composed of purely vi getable iugre- diants while thorough ic their action they stimulate and atrength ip the bowels and secretary organs no mans spirit was ever hurt by doing bis daty on the contrary oie good action one temptation resisted and overcome one sacrifice of desire or inter st purely for cnscienc sake will prove a cordial for weak and low spirits far be rood what in dulgence or diversion can do for them mrs h halj nararino for years i have been liver complaint the dostorr said my liver was hardened and enlarged i was troubled vnth dizziness pai t in my shoal der constipation and grtdnally losing flesh all the time i was inder the care of three physicians bat dil not get any relief a friend sent me a t ottle of north rop lymans vegetable diaoovmj and the benefit i have received from it is far beyond my expectation i eel better now than i have done for years pillsare sugarcoated mild but and are the best stomach and worms cause ieveriahness moaning and restiessneaa daring bleep mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant sore and effectual if your druggist has none in stock get him to procure it for you- w daurterpap georgellas asked me to marry mm and i have said yes papa mand i would have saidnd panghtet respectfully thats what you should have said papa il a young man asked yon to marry him j vigilant care jj v vigilance is necessary against unexpected attacks l summer complaints no remedy is so welknown orso successful in this class of diseases as dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry keep it in the house as a safevgaarcl j destroy the worms or they may destroy the children freemans worm powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms many ipeople make drug shops ot their stomach in the attempt to relieve a ifrnple attack ot liver complaint when with a dose or two of dr thomas eclectric oil the complaint might be easily and pleaahtly obviated colicpiles hurts corns lame back and swelled neck aro ojeo among the troubles which it cares j h earl west sheffor4 f q writes inave been troabled wits liver com plaint for several years aid have tried different medicines with litt e or no benefit until i used dr tbomaa eclectric oil which gave me immediate relief and i would say that i have used it since with the best effect no one she aidbe without it i bavetried it on my h roe in cases of cuts wounds etc and i t link it equally as good for horse as for mant 1 the 1 man race is divined into two classes those who 0aneadaod do some thing and thoso who sit still and inquire why wasnt it done the other way where them have hot weather ob 3 5m misery loves have to endure 1 torrid section is sj toknow th f caloric si my rao begin to equu sdnriflgjbly rf thaf nnf ipodepeesj slitccn ugly soref inflammatory rheomstism through wrong treatment jeft me with stiff joints and ugly runniog sores on ray limbs and for seven years i could not walk with i oommt need taking burdock blood biturs i had h teen sores but they are ail heled endlcan now walk with crutches sllbt cllvxzll j tipper gssperesus k s hlaard uajmeal for sale everywhere of piirecoq liver oil and hypoph08phite8 of lime and soda bett 1 mudf tot pig ie onia iaiotlu tcatft eiuuoebooavttspiiajsowii nqspm assfdabititilkisermb m 9rtsfciaml ji ll pause before yon follow example a mule laden with salt and an ass ladenjwith wool went over a brook together by chance the moles pack 1 ecame wetted the salt melted and his lurden became lighter after they had pa tsed the male told his good fortune to the i as who think ing to speed as well wetted lis pack at the next water but his loar became the heavier and he broke dbwo u uder it- that which helps one may hinde r another anncz to mothxksj are you disturbed at night and broken otyoai rest by sick child suffering and crying v iththe pain of cutting teeth if so sent i it once and get a bottle of mrs winslnws soothing syrup- for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no ini stake about it it cures dysentery and diar iiaa regulates the stomach and bowels cu res wind colic aoftens the gams reduces inflammation and gives- tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslowiothing syrup for children teething is pleas int to the taste and is the prescription of oi ie of the oldes and beat female physicians and nurses in the united states and is or sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be cure and ask for mas wesslows soprarsa btbcp and take no other kind n y writes troubled with mr john anderson grjassmerc out writes the vegetable discovery you sent me is all gone and i aj u glad to say that it baa greatly benefited hose who have used it one man in partio darsays it has made him a new man and be cannot say too much for its cleansing and curative qualities a natural inference is the experience of mr a e fish of belleville and will prove vain ible to sufferers from catarrh and cold in the iced mr fish says i take great pleasure in recommend ing yoar nasal balm to a y one troubled with that dreadful diseaie catarrh i have been troabled with i for the past fifteen years and can say andidly that i never had anything that give me half so mpch relief as your nasal balm i have only used two bottles and i feel like a new nothing so suddenly obst nets the pers piration as sudden transiti ins from heat to cold heatrarifles the lood quickens the circulation and increase the perspir ation but when these are si idenly checked the consequences must be fa id the most common cause of disease is bstructed pers- pirationdr what pdfamdnl jgoes by the name of catching cold toughs colds sore throat etc if attended to in time are eesiiysabdoeccbut if allow sjlo run their own course generally prove heforernnner ofmore da ipjgm 4easei hr kioetenths ooliii coniuniptivea date heir sifliction from a neglected cold and t ie diseases that are nosed by wet feet da np clothes or eiposorti arenore numerou i than are gen erally soppmed one cf lie roost -effl- iousmediduesford leases of the throat end faugs isbicjcles lo ti- coma rap- tivesyrnp it promotes 4 ree nd easy uiyix hi jufrtm vwd phleyra by chanlrig tjw seofbtioni from i a diseased to health stale ffttpw old physician fetiwd from practice havujs had plaoed in hll hands by ah but india misiionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor the ipeedy and per- manaqt cure of oonsumption bronohitis oatarrh asthma aud all throat and lung affection also a positive aud radical core afterlhaving tested its wonderful ourative powers in thousand of oases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fello n actusted by this motive and a desire lo relieve human innering i will send free if charge to all frho desire it this recif 9 in german french or english with full lireotions for preparing and oilng sent by mail by addressing with lunjp nam ng this paper w a notn 820 pow ire block bechester n y how to live well 100 doses for 100 cents burdock blood blttrs di as you head ache f take burdock blood bitters is your blood impure tske burdook blook bitters i are yon costive tike burdock blood bittirs j are you bilioui 1 tako burdock blood bitters are you dyspeptic tske burdock blood bitters 1 tent a dose 1 cent a dose burdock blood bitters best snd comfort ui the suflcrlne browns household penscea hss no equal for relieving pain both iuteroal and exterual it cures pnn in the side bsok or bowels sore throatrheumatism tooth sobs lumbsgo and any kind of paiu or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power i wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged as the great paia believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for ase wbenwsnted as it really ii the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paipa and aches of all kinds snd is for sale by sli druggists at 2o oeut a bottle itotiier aud kurses all who have the care of children should know that or fowlers extract of wild strawberry may be confidently depended on to cure sll summer oomplsints dierr hoea dysentery cramps colic cholerain fantiam cholera morbus canker etc in children and adulsa kr jesse johnson of bockwood ontj writes- last fall i hadl boils very had and k friend advised burdock blood bitters i got a bottle and the effect was wonderful half the bottle totally cured me a more rapid ahdeffect nal cure does not exist cji bichxeos 4 co gem my horse wss so afflicted with distemper that be could not driuk for four daya and refused all food simply apply ing i minardsi liniment outwardly cured him feb 1837 curt hxaarsr cisx c 0 richiaus co gcos i have iued your minarcs liniment for bronchitis and asthma andit bas cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e it has axlrnxostox f ltn- alva young of waterford ont writes my baby was very sick with summer complaint and nothing would help him till i tried dr foolers extract j of wild strawberry which cured him atjsnce it is one of the beafi remedies i ever used the third page of the toronto datif mali is noted for want advertisements if ypu want to boy or bell anything if youwant a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or fpund anything orjif yon want to find outhwhere anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mall and read the advertise- mexfts on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word each in sertion address tlic mail toronto can adai jlurda lihijnent for mile hverrwliere isfercc ewp 1 n t llbpc xhtt wprld oarucowmin bbcqnajrtl ttuf to uttodaei m mpcfio woodi wi wflj wadntg uosts rro fa ack iomjht sutvbotc objw ibom wrba wrta jaskeaufmbalrtusuitl nun t to wtww on mos t tlmmwbonllrosr btteuwn tnd tbow roatmi om 1m ta ftammr of tui odiattimaastai mwi im mall taml ef cm ttta oruwdieisi vu ofbltalk ft la a frntltbabloblwmlt- bwstomrttwriniwusowlvbatnrra i ran s3 to sj lo auj- si icatif from tm tht10 jdcbcolltturvrluuoomwt t h hallett s oo bos e e fowlers ext of- wild cures holtera holeramothus fiamps iarrhea v jkwarap hv hsriiiii vsyzyiyifi v j wo wi lodmmeiioe r1imma nfit saturday lai t torth rtvd 4nrlg wfiwh wp publlo one of tbe largeet bi rgaiiua e iharo totr hjipym jtlnt 4 we hi ye gone rsrefclljr w tlie store marking down prices re- mire1oeil m dnruble8 0ir8atnidayond the following 80 days will convince we give yon a veiy few of our prices as anillubtration of the indocements we are ofieriiig to th economical purchaser r nd all summer compiawts tld fluxts of the bowtlls it is sai e and reliable fs c biloren or adults j i r- v dress goods 10 yard ah- wool albatross 10m worth 18c strips aud oraolle pattern ohallle 10c worthiuo 4 0 eevaraible bernas rani value at 1jj ti flalo bentas grand value atljlo iff au wool serges new tinta at 18o for- j msrnrioe 9e sndsoo 110 sj in wool ohaluesusso worth 40c 810 striped lama cloth at ste well worth s oeata the same reduotidn applies to better goods hosiery special lines reduced from lscvto j3jc e peolal uses reduoed from ioco isa colored and black reduced from 60c to 35o lisle thread reduced from 76o to 60o fine cotton reduced from 100 to0c colored bilk reduned from 1100 to 50c a lot of misses cashmere hose at j6c were sold at i 40o aad 60s children how reduced from loo to 6c j laoes jo dos torchon laos 16o raduosd from mo s pieces orisntal flounoing at lie worth 60c 4 soe worth 60o 1 pleoe of laos flooncidg at 40c worth 66c 1 valenciennes laoe at jot worth 76c 4 oleosa embroidered soosohobambray floundors at stes formerly 11x0 4 pieces embroidered scotch chamhray flonnoings at 60a worth 1 m white embroideries bom to to iij5 flonneinnfrom60oto160 1 pleoe all over wool laos u s0c former price ii staples- 600 yards fink print with borders at 6c reduced from 10c fine scotch cbmbrayat 6c worth 10c and 12c fide oinshami at 8c worth liic striped shaker flannels at 8c worth 10c and liic beenuuken at 6c seersucker at 8o and 1 jjc foe further pabticulabs see laege bills g b ryaw go guelph oorsosst bbsplewamiatarh 10wpjcf aeeoe u rtrtoriaosixoiu its jswest3a0amaiml cjbastlmoajnaiiilsaoi stime tabje wentlntoeffe tan jiovjis p4ri j wq t best teeth ok j tltanied ah- for palnleiaj 1 ch rib08 qwtwiiiiato kxtraetka rush of customers to the flight house i special bargains in every department to clear out the remainder of the spring and summer dry goods many lots of goods have been marked down to very low prioea and a genuine clearing sale ot these is now in full blast at the bight house attractive baboaihs all over the house well made eervioesble goods at low prioea the order of the day bead about the ssersockea at 4jc and 6c per yard checked ginghams at 6c extra good quality white cotton at 6c per yard flannelettes at so fail colored cbambrsy 64c per yard extra wide faat colored fruits only 6c per yard faraaola selling off much under regular prioea be sure to see them fancy buk oapee at reduced prices a special lot of colored silk lane hits at 17o par pair another lot of blsoksuk mite at 6c and 80c per pair they are aughtly damaged and are mneh under regular prioea a lot of gloves atloc per pair some u them formerly sold at s5c fasoy bibbon reduced to low prioes a large lot of childrens cotton hosiery at 5c 7c 8c and 10c per pair many of which were formerly sold at doable the prloe bee the specisl dt of ladies black cashmere hose at 40c per pair white huslin embroidered ties at 10c worth much more babgaibomn gents furnishing department sea the tjnlaundried shirts at 40c each a special unlausdried shirt at 87tc or three for 1140 it a great favorite you should sea them oeou silk tiee end braces much under regular prioes millinery bargains be sure to see them trimmed millinery at reduoed prioea gafadeh hats only 15c each a lot oi flowers selling off st 60c per tpray formerly eold 1 and lljs each ladies bailor hau only 80c in the carpet department yon will find cheap goods a lot of remnants at bargain prioea curtain poles fronrssc upward painted window bhsdecoompkte with spring rollers from 00c hundreds of other bargam8 to be bad throughout the house come c aud bee them be 8ube yqu get into the bight hou8e befobe entebing look on the window fob the name which is hamilton july 1mb 1890 thomas o watikiit summer tc urs pm sruyiaa i lof rtavtt taar trips p webk twn detroit macktn c island pftoakatt tha soo ju and ukf hsraapur i i tnrj xwnlaxjfct ren detroit andicveuni our illu8tbatw pytmphlcts 1 salt rheuh heartburn headache acidtyt hest0mach dryniss 5f the skin great summers we are showing great bargains in summer dress goods from eight cents per yard np colored muslins f at cost and under all remnants ot dress qoodsand prims at cost r we have just received a large range of 6 new prints in all the new patterns new embroidery shirtings for 50 cents per yard parasols from 20c large assortment of gloves and hosiery at lowpnl see our low lines of readymade clothidg extra value in the boot shoe department fresh- stocks of groceries sblwaysfon hand isno erast- species of d sen m ttom msordered uvx 3 xwjlesxa r stomackbowxls lbblooft tjmilbiirsico j dmeesl he urcest scae wo j incanaca over toostyle hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales iiiproveb sh11w cases whet drawers j mutghobpen jjuto bdtmess stvru9 addssss wc rcu c wilson 4 6 0 esplanade st eet east tor3ntc6fl iojs paper c trrj j- loe whteixt son powder purest strphctsivbeftt contains 10 i alum amhoni lime hosphates orinjlcioriomi trials ew fsillett i 0rtodtfl ltofeftit3mil4le5i5i itzitttllsl yd olthe i bavj deeso mosey well riffl kill ti s are the best henderson mcrae pb tin wrirfrliht itotw ism- avjjjj assslassslmwiffffllll alsssasiaimjaste fe

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