Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1890, p. 2

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ucna3 med assaisaa a im alfitt hliuit 2s33 i titaee ottha y ontario ag k d ortn market tbje temperance society of paris has off inibtenatiotoljibiamot 10001 ice tte beat original worfcelooilism and its onre tb competition will dose od the lastly ot this year i j la the hit ten years the nombuof poat- omojn in the united states was increased avetlo000 the tout number now it fit- 400 lat year mtunuomoesjwrm add ed to the list the largest in the history of tbje ooimtry last year the urdtedj 8tte government paid 10m5w54 to peasjonen or 1m6- 000 mora than the antm cost ot4nuntun- intthe german arm and ooriooily jnoagh tiw american expenditure or fen tiaii k on the increase toronto hotelkeepers have decided tc raise the price of whigfay to ten cental glass this will probably causeed exodui atmtmtoaimbitirpppautinii to mimic i or some- other place where th l of life an btffl iotd atthi witw j the various superintendents of the dif fertnt canals in canada- have been mm moped to ottawa to consult with depot minrster trodeau of the redwavs an canali deportment as to official matten thbit one io the death at mr john fag who l had charge of such matten on aaovafter september lit it wfll ben obnaosin the state olnew york for boj under sixteen or apparently under that ag i to appear in public with lighted dgarett or a cheer of tbbactio in bis month and an offender can he arrested and eoed- thjs etateof affairs ia in- accordance with statute passed at albany last session 3rdoriuraon mortality statistics aho r that during the year ended december la t than were 480 deaths of illegitimate chili res in montreal against us uvaltbe re t of canada the oitjjotbori ties explai i this by saying that montreal is made tl e dumping ground for soch unf ortunaf u fanfa owing to the faculties for thefr recepooo j the hoses oornraercial estimate co i dales indioatione point to a greater yie d ofjwbaatjtins season than ever before in t e otosdisa northwest if thelestimat s formed of the worlds production ofwheit this year- turn out approximately corrett then prices are likely to be comparative y h the coming season and aprosperois year is in store for canada an exchange aeyaj toronto has befen glanffhigoyer its financial record and h is teen smedwitha idntl since 187 ts populatiaq is said to have increased 35 1 sr cent ihrrmg that period its fmtiil e- cord shows the fobowxhg increases- i- pendnteeas per cent taxation 50 jer cent debt 65 percent the taxation i n- capita hs risen from li55ini 1887 to j 3 93 in ithe present year among he buajnen jneyg are ofoptrto thitaialrly will be ooneurf ng the idwintet the hrtain rill be tally up to tot avenge and prices tn y eesorwy be expected to take a strong r t fcdehcjy in ebnaeonenbe of the abort ortps n england and the diminished ywdof all wheat in the united states india fa o t is said is not in a position to export c oc dgrain owing to the short crop there n manitoba and the- territories the hell t wheat promises to be very lorgsonlt outlook for sotoeri is good mow if etoo ia to reap a fair share of the pro ts nescient to the movementaof the prodoclj i oi be farmer the business men wfllheelt bestir themsslrcs inthe matter of eecut ng tor the market here good- sound buyers wi ling to pay fair market prices for afi rai i offered it is a tact that tor many y su t acton enjoyed the reputation of havu g i jmarket equal tb any in the oountr a td in bodversation with repre sentati ef irnere of this section during the past w ek m learn that farmers generally within i radius of eight or ten miles would prefer i o ami- their grain- in acton and trade and equitable buyers were blished during the past four isiness of the market here has ncted by agents of commission bofee remuneration has come out of thepotketsof the farmers in the shape of a reduction from current market prices of from t roito n cents per bushel this is unfair tothe farming community who re sent it isifsr as possible by teaming their grain 1 3 oatstde pointsin orderto secure the higher prices offered there is no reason talk wiuim flpui oahpi the austrian is on a visit rlth hu add why j jctbn buyers should not pay prices equal o those paid at ouelph georgetown glenw illiams and other places in the richul y and until they do the bulk of our grain ris go past them the merchants and b lsiness men here have the matter in their own hands with united action de- sirahl bnyers can no doubt be secured and the p outs to themselves and the icom munii y in return for such effort would be mark d indeed there is no better grain produ adg locality than this and wiih buy ers ui to the timesall the grain possible to be shi pped here would be offered canadian press association the kngtish boyal kger company 1 as prohibited the irriporjlatian or sale of into d- eating bqiibr in its african territory npith the seventh psrslw of north latitule- ofhcials of the company state th dr that the profits growing out of nauoriraffie are mnch- marivthan o n- y losses result ig among the natz- es the nap xf liqu x by mo al son basin ss by the jbobvthe unites oansed they do not claim but are imr kin of the inland bevenne depa -t- lnent says in regard to the destruction of apt bates according to the ae of the 1 st of parkament that a few ccn saints have been omdally made to the e- partoent they were to the effect t at smaq cigar stores wanted to tie thse annboiesfortheadoinmentoftheirj -e- mnea in that ease mr icabj says su that you have to do h to break the bott im iof the box sod nseit on your shelves a if s ot whole in such a esse nooffiier could seize the box- as it it here a wl le s more new states it is said are to be aodal to the united states frecid nt 77 fiarrisaa has recenuy appointed a sei of cttnals for oklahoma in view of the p- pucmtioq of that territory to bejadimtted a state next session j of congress ala ka h- iiisociaimsadmission strength of its fini thousand white population which iid to be rapidly augumenting it in ejnr may have to jwait for a few yet rs utah with a population estimated at which ialarger than that of eitl er f lrntni north dalrota or washingt in admitted as states hist session of congn ss nay soon enterthe union the prevale lob of polyganiy in utah was the only reai on far refusing it admission but it is dsin ad c by iispeople that tiiework of stamping ut ttds evil is going on j rapidly snd whex it is aoortjihhed the erection of the territ tj- iitoa state must follow new mexico is also frifl at the door but it is of juubtfiil eomdexiail both parties ch im tapd for that reaepn its arlrnjiminn is lot ekely to take place jt least till after he next presidential election itihas a po ju- latkb as large as idaho and wyom ng tfrnihined both of which are oonside ed safely rrpibli and for thai reason ill iysuneof ftwwmnn next year ari na ialsolxntsinits claim with an estuns ed ttmulation of 1000bo and so soon as its fople disoovor on ifhisji side ithey an it may count beingi admitted as a st ite mben its party is m bower thus it wo lid appear that in a fnr years there will tx no nksi territories mt area emhraoedunier the wmvof the tinted states of amsr 3 to some this may ippetr a prpof of ast m- iahmg progress bmj these arejlonghos led ameoesnswho doubt r can iaanjrijate suebjan adaujob to its pbli- tioauysfsm four now states halving alnsfly the thirtysecond annual meeting held on tuesday tb thirtysecond annual meeting of the cans lian press association was held in one ofthi earlors of the bossin house toronto on ti esday and the sessions of the day- were full of interest the address of the presi lent mr boy v soinerville was con sider ble of a depar from the usual lines the tenor throughout being calculated to esl sblish the association upon s more then aghlv practical basis he stated that mucl good bad been accomplished in the past but thst it is time that a more ag gress ve and businesslike policy should be adop ed the various discussions which folio red during the day were l cerfainly aggn ssive snd several suggestions contain ed i a the add were adopted the seen tary is now located in toronto and the t me for the nml meeting is changed toff bruary the auditors submitted their repo t for the year showing a balance to tbe rrong side of the books of 1368 the reoei its were 152441 and the expenditure 5814 bj p moore gayenotice that at the next annual meeting he will move that from jam ary 1st 1892 the fee for membership be ii creased to 600 and the annual dues to 401 tl e following officers were elected x xmarr andrsw pmttouo sesttnel-be- view woodstock fn sr vice h pkfooie psjeepiuas actoo- 8s osn ylcx i 1c jsmieson intelligencer beufride sei szxuttkxisctb j b mclean em tile roronto asi unu5tsjxeejthrjas3risrir blt lomss ex xunvr ctnacntxi g fscksaa era 5ewi isiket i b trsyes ximesfort hope t h p eatonrexpositor brsntford w b- climie sao qpwmadvflle a ffule banner sundas ai ntobs a b fsvcett beriet8treetsraie and i bbobimon presbyterian toronto a vote of thanks was unanimouslypassed expj ssive of the long fsithf ul snd efficient serv ces of hr climie the retiring secre tary treasurer a vote of tuanks was passed to the retir- ing rresidentt who responded briefly thank ing he members for the courtesy extended to h m and hoping that r should he again retu n tothe press he would not be denied mer ibership in the sssociation onbi i hsqoebec cabinet will b xcraslilly frsnch edge okejlly lies dangercasly ill himllton bo cplt agent at bells river dtliappeared he bourse at buenos ayres rsopaci thi 15th hut vheat cuttiug throughout mahltbbe v gensrsl i out buudred dtitht from cholera sept mi on bunday che british fleet will pay a visit to f ae- be i on sept lit pekio chins it sobmerged and busiieis th ire panlyxed son c c colby leaves for europe his sou this week a hailstorm oaoseda loss of 16000t in minnesota on saturday jao austrian gang of ooonterfoitert been captond at prague three mormon baptisms took pli london out on saturday cholera has appeared in portugal the frontier is now cordoned another plot against the csars life said to have been discovered the canadian pacific steamers ooi tern piste catling at san francisco very favorable reports reach us ol rops throughout the district of uuskoka j william leith a young man has held at strathroy out for forgery mr and mrs joseph chamberlain england for america on wednesday mrs vslliniere of tecumseb has after fasting 43 days from dyspepsia richard jones sn old british soldier died at st thomas yesterday aged 7o hail and lighting hare done some ge to the crops in southern maaitobs j the tworow barley seed experimei ts in csnads are pronounced a grand lucoc is arrangements are being made ft r the settlement of a welsh oolouy io cana a james lane a fsrmer of boat bank manwis killed by lightning on sati rday kings plsning mill end sub facte ry at 6t john n b was burned out the day hr davis and a boy named freta were drowned while boating at new belford floence wins her suit after one and a half years litigation the blythe millions six fuixcisco aug 2 the celebrated bly he will contest which began jan 15 188j ended today in judge coffey render ing a voluminous decision in favor of floience illegitimate child of thomas h- bly he the deceased millirmare ararding her die bulk of the- estate of a totalvalne of about 4000000 the contestants in clnd d the plaintiff florence blythe alice bdi h diskson alleged widow of blythe the williams heirs in liverpool the blythe con peny the gipsy blythes the savages of i onion the scotchirish savages jas wit peaice and williin and david 6a vage the courts opinion held- that according to the aws of the state florence had establish ed 1 er claim to blythes paternity the latti r orally and inwriting having ocknow- ledg id her as his child in tbe case of the ollei ed widow the court says the contra dict one in the case of this claimant are irre oncflablfi and cannot be reconciled on the losis that decedent arid defendant were mai and wif ei r it will be remembered that billy blythe fori terly a member of company 6 hslton bat alion was one of the claimants in this cose killed at eden mills wm ceddes instantly killed while picking berries al very sad accident occurred near the vilb ge of eden mills list thursday fore- nqa i when mrs wm geddes was instant ly klled she in company with her da ogh- ters and others were picking raspberries on 1 b tbos kemps forn when an old tbenatm- dea stub blbwdovtn and crushed jj to geddes beneath it killing her instant ly mrs geddes was a highly respected atuen and the bereaved husband and fan ly have the svmpatby of the whole nainborhood in tbar sad bereavement vrfai has osst a deep gloom over the whole villi ge tbe appealed was about 4 years of a f and leaves a husband four daugb i return i i i 7w wwlysd ifajthviwii b mth g rsgrst been died dam it tajt reflresir thtp4rty ofmrjb dan he wu a capital had- taken obi mrfuuers or a swim flarrylog hsr on 8uddsuly he was seised wrth cramps irid soak the little girl was res cued i buk mr baogbmari u drowned tbe body was reoovered and was accom panied hbme by his stricken young wifs a miss pqxiiartotquelpb to whom deoeoaed was msrrisd only eight roobthi he wu s8yekn6fagatodoama from the united sutes j ht bad charge of the disciple ohoroh at bowman ville and wu prevlooily sutlonedatqdelph thejocexn cattle trade effortsito reetrlot itpanada must proteot her intenwti j i a special london cablegram to this morning qubt says it is quite clear from mr dhspuns statement in tbe commons lost bight that the government intend to mtklf an enquiry into mr plimsous charges respeottog the urn stock trade tbe departmental committee appointed will not only make enquiries but will also frame the suggested regnlsuont for the future control of the trade it is most important that the dominion government should push forward tbe enquiry in canada speedily and send to the home authorities any information obtained the enemies of tbe trade are certain to try to profit by any ohanoe of restricting in which the pr agitation may afford doesnt beat the record other tbe lincoln woollen mills at omaha satuiday at a ixs of and thirty elgrit petition fyled in i8s3 against 28 this time id isst issue it was stated thst there are more controverted elections over this cam paign than the last one or in foot any pro ceeding contest this we find is not so alter the proceeding elections of 1833 there were no lest than thirtyeight appeals while the late election has only produced tweoiyelght the time is yet open for a couple i of mare appeals and some cross petitions in some quarters the opinion prevails that there will be an appeal froo nioissing there is yet a little time for this protest but it has not put in sn op- pearanoeyet 128000 is lying in the hands of the courts ss a result of the petitions birchalls defence i nqw meth- hont- wood- the were burned 70000 st petersburg and berlin are being con uected by telephooe via moscow warsaw i goatemala is reported free from ruvolu tion and hopes to make terms with san salvador the french soldier jacques hibiting in london has oompleted has fast of 42 days j j csptain john ericssons remains jars to be sent by tbe united states to sweden for interment a child of eight years has sslely travelled from englsud scrpss the atlsntic 0co- bourg ont hanun bas issned a challenge to gau- uaur to row a threemile raoe foi from loco td 2500 for the second time in 10 days fire has visited the western union telegrsph build ing in kew york bichard davis a yarmouth farnu r who recently connnitted suiade left pioperty valued at 5000 i the quadrennial parhaoeirt of um odist connection in canada meets in real next month samuel chartres formerly of the stock sauindbaiae has purchased brampton comavalor lord wolseley succeeds prince ed rsrd of axe weimar in command of thetriopsin ireland on october 1st j the csar insists on s strong niilitary organization for bussia as the only j means of assuring a lasting peace j seventy thousand dollars is spent by the government for s buoy and lighthouse steamer for british colombia lady duulo has 4wlnd an american engagement at 300 a week and will retire from the stage for the present i prince waldemer of deumarjc and prince oecar of sweden are the rival candidate for the bulgarian throne thirtyeight houses hare been burned down at an hungarian settlement off pittsburg pa tbe loss will reach 100000 by the first of october tbe telephone company of toronto will have about twenty miles of duct for their wires underground two little girls named lottie fox snd lillie sugme have been attacked by three savage dogs si cobourg and nearly eaten alive 1- tbe neat sunday registered 90 1 inxhe shade pretty generally through ontario it was the hottest spell in tbe lsst two years united slates emigration agents are car rying on a vigorous competition frith tbe canadian authorities ia quest of ontario settlers a loss of 3000 has been occasiened by tbe burning of tbe c p b depot at bel mont business is now carried on under a big tree the emigrsnt icelanders are well content with their lot in manitoba they oelebrat- ed their national fete on saturday amid great rejoicing j samuel langbis proprietor ofj han rahon house windsor wss fined 120 and costs by magistrate borlett for selling liquor on sunday frank graham check boy in tb s great northwestern telegraph compau office at quebec was drowned on ssturdi y even ing while bsthing sunday afternoon charles mccaffrey the canadian bridge jumper jump d from the allan tip works east boston a istance of 150 feet hewoskaled farmers in western ontario pr ftiounoe thegrqwth of the two- rowed barl ly seen imported from england by the b minion government a graudsneoeas mrs harebell left woodstock ok wed nesday evening to visit friends at ftagam falls for tbe benefit of her bealtl which has been very delicate of late mr m c dawson a member of ithe old canadian parliament died from tl a shook eminent counsel retained by ben- welts alleged murderer woodstock aug 6 mr george t blackstock qc has been retained as senior counsel for the defence ft the bir- choll cose says the scciiklknicv messrs hellmuth-d- bee of london will act ss second oounsel messrs finale mo- kay tvmcmuuen of tbis towu have also been retained for the defence a cable gram from mr blackstock from brighton eng on saturday night sjgnlfyed his acceptance of the retainer detective bluett will remain is town until the trial is over iooo killed 6000 wounded in the bombardment of buenos ayres durtngthe insurrection bctsos aybi5 aug 4 during the insurrection here the ironclsd fleet which bas joined tbe revolutionary movement bombarded the city for two days serious damage was done to many buildings especially those in the vicinity of the plaza victoria one thousand persons were killed and five thousand wounded the shipping in the port sustained no damage children cry foe pitchers castoria when baby wu sick we te her castoris waea she was a chnd she cried tor castoria waea she became idas she eteng to castoris wbea she bar chudren she save them castoria oif to europe mb e b bollebt left for the old country on thursday july 17th to make purchases for the fall and winter trade he will visit england france and ger- monv before returning and select the very finest goods that can be found in the old world u po other goods will suit us we intend to maintain our repute tion that is to have one of hie finest stocks in canada it it true our financial abilities make us a welcome and desirshln oustomer in the best markets of the world and give us the benefit of always making our purchases under the very beat terms and lowest prices so that duality considered our value will not be ound undersold by soy legitimste house io the business tbe large trade which we do in the finer and more artistio lines of goods msny qf the stylet of which are specially confined to us plsces us in such a position thst practically we have no rival there is a pleasure doing a trade such aa we speak of not only to us but to our many oustomers now we are going to ask your assistance for siew weeks to help us mokeroom for our new stock we think tbe best way to do this is to take one department after another taking one day of each week to different departments and paying our whole attention to that department for the day and so on starting first at the bilk and dress goods department aa follows of the balmoral hotel fire in monti sd last freak he was boned in ottawa 1 unday at st catharines rooinjf heroin snpset oonteinlmj the hfent of and mosiuy suk dress goods ment deport- tuxmiiv fancy goodsdepartment wsnxzbai staples department tnraniuv gents furnishing ment depart- fbjiut parasol and sunshade depart ment sitctwi a general review of all tbe departments now wssriiuoourpartandgo through each department and have the foods marked si rtos tbatsrflltoon clear them ouicomneriehkon monday and continue wmwo llivebetji told mttriy- time but they need to bottd ajjaln ind wajtsvij torssioldmany tirriegaln we bay and make virions orla of metchandie 301 1 aa cheap atpomibla we tell the truthabout it all we aell w ijthimt at the very least prices and every time we are aa low as the mfrket or lower the distinctly for each article thereby is yooro not oars prices and every time we are as low as t e market e biisiiiesfris simple aswnbe the price is named and anything yon male or save yoa are j perltapg aoonstomed to read tbe reckless talk of thoughtless br nuternpniow- advertisers that you discount the 8tatemnts of careful merchants ton know opr war tofrt we need to remind yon again that npthing is printed abont our goods andprices that will npt bearexamination every wor is impor- tnt we have just completed another series ot reductions through out pur different departments and the most economical buyer will be pleased and surprised at our prices to give an i istance we ate offering our all wool frenchjelaines at 25c 80j peryard r- te- f j i avi baiiatwilljlj atuatsdesit swsootwsf sttsssis siiiiaeijhmont and 40c prints sateens remnants dress goods etc at correspond- ingly low figures a glance at these goods will convince you of then cheapness other goods at proportionate reductions value and bueraaljmjejjt prices- tbeprsmlabylftterto voice cnltare vi liiy k wdl vtsttaitou a orofstcr acton jjodge hniutii wl hffiajrboii ih wit vie bafar qao bbsi r0osgz awewaba cseountsd ktevrrrav ft kaniora uiade r bavlso 1 iesanl- e sescl i ksseelvau at c vgsefwltbeiawi w g bv ryatf ob guelph great we are showing great bargains in summer dress goods from eight cents per yard up colored muslins at cost and under all remnants ot dress goods and prima at cost we have just received a large range of new prints in all tbe new patterns new embroidery shirtings for 50 cents per yapd parasols fr large assortment of gloves and hosiery see our low lines of readymade o extra value in- the boot shoti department fresh stock of groceries always on hand at low prices othing remember our 25 and 50c t s are the best henderson mcrae hgton ottr stiinme nqvejty quantity variely quility co tor tb i kennet sip d0mih101 boot shoe pre have just opened up some extra fine lines in it idles shoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and so nnierwear mens ah gator and calf balmorals in new styles id of the best material- our regular lines will be found complete withfi stclasi goods take notice that weari goi ig to give the best baiigains in boots h snoes that can bff obtained anvwhere liber il discount for cash that can be obtained anwhe ffmhdqbftaun to txge forgo- k l v bijnky bkosj a4- 204 lqqj i- stoina im soplv to oa emaralfiied or sar trtlodmui apply oftbesssmbefs- wwnxia picket wibe thfmist ap ohb i pmt ot alt tabjt ahd oakd bk itbhcbb blaiily eommewla sad i jordm dwow atj ooelph central and several r urashlp pairs tr send post cart lor price ii islvtojlnll rartlca- lors address j m t wobdek sserstar ifkntrae doolft co c lelph 8emianhliiii clearing sale at tl-e- mammoth george owfij house itzsg u nwsin at we beg to tjnriounce sweeping iviil moiiovl iwitt ami reductions in several lines goods of sommec j- uillinery rednoed haailes rednoed parasols rednoed dress goods redooed prints rednoed eeadjrmade dothinr rtaced carpels ridsoed clouis redooed lleas straw sots r dnoed in piles ot goods rednoed below we qopte anw udiosjhsu2ie mens pelt hattsso jegularpnoe dress goods so recnl ir prioe 10o- printed dress alaslin i so regular prioe loo 1 colored dress silks 2 ic remilar 6o0 blsok dress bilks 50t pes yard regular prioe 760 a lot of dress trimr liogs 60 per yard regular prioe i5c per y id op great jdrive ginghams go regular prioe 11 striped zepher ginf wms loo regalsr price i80 checked 8hirtibei bo regular prioe ii factory oottorn80- 1 ssjat price so- tweeds 35c rogqlat j aof 6o0 mens top shirts 40o mrnlir prioe t6c a job bse in begatta diirts soo price llj dont forget oar ui lideidspartbmol our drsesrookiog lepartmeci ordered qiothisg deps tram t thoy second toione in the o oniry or torolni ootstylisi wellmao 1 and ressooabli prided goods we are 1 all giving tie great silver and beolrpresen s to them that per- ohasejijooo ttodat i ww jest rs oeived the adjnstablemikwhila shirt no bottoos fit anybody jeweat ont this is the time toget largalos aod ores 0dt werespecitully rartpatroooge wmcledco a great boom s l kulv boos in i 8pring balis prioes e itoh everyone m cbairqaih thisay 1 4notraj steaas or 7 oeoroetown wool 60000 lbs vinted tbewgbesi prioeln cosh or taerebi odise wilt bejpver or rood dean merobs table aslw liclxoo co qaorge own ool everyom should cs i and see our 110 juj0oand ituo so u niade to tboyj ore bettor value than can be any other plaoain tow 1 byjj bail- inspection invite l kayibaoa a couple ot daises 1 ot an aurora magistrate ttaythoogt ttaykw awraga twnpsrahoelo nioatt mnparuovniuj soeordlagij twy erulsiisba atj uttle bjjsrr4i anr beverages wriaanewji aifli ardbtreraiood atiolc b spsctor hallosor w ww ipattstqqofil to tsgatasli pit m p fc3da loahuioo s a-irmvv-v- ifei hthei tax

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