Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1890, p. 3

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ppjppps m- iiipiiodtos m rkjhj jevoia qtttgbf1tttlx mo i rukuibmrawagfe etbc gerries inao ajdh aadsjle- baudiy vcbooluo bible cttsaoooasetsdjilrth t pastor aucortiahr tort jed w and visitor always welcome a busborsatthedoor ttifun8lbrtral mtt i p ooj bank of hamilton 3 had office hamiltoh uesuto fcot s1oh000 rtobbull- h s stbvex asrrcimiuj j rrwidont is- t vicopm jonx pnocron cai mbaxit go roica a i mb a b lks ofcorqetowh agency n6wajseouutm and advances mode pu i mtabla teenritiix dejjti in ill parte ot civ omm btjito a but tonus ah u oosmctxt o ecnapg boacfat mi sod icoltcnoxs made on all accessible points saost favorable terms savcsos dkpiimtest dtaxxrireved ox eland ainklrdc sad ibsne allowed from datar of dpodt lo oat ot liipdrawal special oktostts- rjuio nceivvd at current rates oi antcrwl o of vithdrinl roqairwl h irwatsox act sign of the big watch tanx from 3 cents to ls0 bach- we ask the privilege cttclkiur roti oa iiefee liting margin the flood btjlr n me i that money can bay in the line qo is jevelrr specs sirrccrtn bir bdsy rrescabu inspect oat s c oat gin at call geo ktnds acton oat our nfieet a new mock of wiu 4dov bndjclutioncry fmcy goods area- ft jutmt jmiftosji thubsdat acgtjst j 1890 local brh3flets hich caught the eyes or ears free press reporters this week news in a nutshell llhe news at home mostly of a local chsxacter and every item interesting acton as the hub leavej thi angoj new johnj cuit 8 4 what aboot civic holiday tunion s s picnic nextjwedneaiy the raspberry crop is about eibansjed haw the fax peess sent jtoyoa wi jsy oa your holidaya i rev dr gifford preached at grim hj i fafci yesterday afternoon at 2b0- ki the iw dejeribea the orancci ille coi ncil at thj yttf wont th- town e rer hi j the average length oi evioe in the tv fooa churches on- sdndar evening ras ab iat 52 minutes j the ettfe son of mr arch mcpher on wto was so badly iujoreda few weeks i go is jowly reoorering i some of lie sermon announcement i of the hamilton preachers read two iy- mjoate sermons daring the fadt wexth r prev in mofiat of toronto prer ied excellent sermons in knox church sanday ber mr eae occnpiece a toronto paipit jtthel young canadians go to gec-ge- town tomonow evening to have afrie dly match the tnu the senior lacr isse cltb there j the sabbath schools of bockwood and vi inity united in a picnic and excm aon to burlington beach ontnesday 302 tu kets were cdid the citizens generally will regre to learn that mr j s bogerson dry gc ads his assigdedfbr the benefit of his credi ors 3nelpii ifrcttry the membera of actoq comet i and tender their heartiest thanks to tha yi ang txiia so kindly assisted them in i heir j the eipenjes of the candidates k the r v rteeat provincial election n south wei ing tn were as follows donald gu hrie ij8371t a- h mcdonald 128196 mrthugb mecann hdtel keeper a the dot camera eramosa lad his ief1 leg sflintered on saturday while aasistin in potties in a weigh ecaje at pis stables j john c lake on siorday pie tded gmlty at bedeville to rani fog ifa stei mer oh sanday andas fined 620 and c xis wonderhqw that isw would apply tc the mr boats run on sunday 1 i the brakemn priestlyj who hai rhis ksieverelymjaredbjbeingrdno7ex ay a dairat acton recently is doing welt a the general hospital and therel are tops of i aving the leg gaelph iaiitry mr edward toltons file hew irick base oa the second line erin is up and z the roof on when completed the wiubea very handwc addlticn to be valuable property of mr itolton 1 here i our citizens lo the oatski is of iijfitownnarebeenloiingegebjand chi kens frefiently of late three young si unks jre trapped on monday night by mr cfaiv qoittoer in mr adam lainga irn frbweby hangs a tale i the ceremony of laying j the orner ate for a new methodist cbjirt h at jziamerman took place on tot sday o last wofc the stones were laid y mn col ketjs mrs 3 zimmerman 1 x m lssey o lassey co toronto and ohn p aster e1 of lowvihe che nsual quarterly opmi mnioi ser- ticeiwere held in the metho list cinxch imtfionday morning ear jr c ifford led an excellent sermon mm matt 6 and he went a little arthe and feflotiiifl face and prayed there ivts a 1 longregatibn- tie fcce pcess invites correspondence from ftmers and business men relai ire to tbmnjject qf agrgjn market for tcton eto in another colamn vie are p to give space to adozen ii itters where views- of those interested a re pat j briejy consiaewn oni next issi e all the sabbath schools are requested iomeetitiije towq had fat the jncnic i oex weftittdty ft l30 sharp the chair- men of various picnic comn ittees wnownaue1 were announced in the free eazss last w kindjy meet at the baptist cwch on monday evening r ext at h oclock 7 i t u uign on pood jauajorit that dustees ofj nnt cioverwhicir grows tbmtoathijfry nearly evew roads de if shed pkwwflerfnme throngli the ai will ty flies than sticky sneers jjfcnd other flytraps and fly japeraeanfjfcwdect vodneiy night last week the i in theon was fnu main t vice in which i tt fro- ham m tomperance party n tie rf i permitted thil to booiji of tbtcrrst to driiers tbjalawotthe road has been amended by addiiurfttllowiiifi anv person so overtaking another vehicle i or horseman tarn oat to the lolt so tar as maybe necessary to avoid a collision with the vehitjle or horsebtn sojctveruken and the perstjn so overtaken hall socim required to mure than one halt of the road free aot camainto force on the let day of st- cbnnh ai mimosa tbk corner stone o a uew mplhodist chuiih was laid ai mimosa on the eramosa circnlt last friday rev dr hannou chairtaancf the district had charge of tho ceretioay and the stone was laid by mr koar kecording steward of the cir lnlcresdiig addresses were delivered by iwdeut mills 0 ac mr wg smith godph and ibe pattor rev h j the church will be a neat brick awrr hot sunday the woathee of the pasfweek has been excewitely hot on sooday the tbermom- eter reislered degrees in the shade the htgbeatof the eoason and higher than at any time last summer the temperature was coincident with great humidity so that the beat was much more trying than woold hate been higher temperature with more rarif ed atmosphere a thunderstorm in he i vening slightly cooled the atmosphere how ver rttbaway accidentia erin oi wednesday of last wcefc mr kelson lambert a young man employed on tbe farn o mr beswick gth line met with a very serious accident while bringing a horse fron pasture- the animal upon being mou itd suddeaiy bounded cfl at full speed and ts the rider had but a halter rope to guid lrim he was jhrowh to the ground and thereby sustained a fracture of the righ arm and severe injury lo the shoulder joini lastiarvcst the same young man had lis leg broken a f tw words from berlin vi mi the removal of thetrnnk factory to berl in a number of oar citiiens settled ther j and that town now contains quite a cob jy of actontans a few items respect ing- hem vriil consequently be in order mrje mcgarvis the founder of the trutfk business has retired from the firm and relumed to the business of his early life he is now the proprietor of a well esta wished drug business at the corntr of kor hebte ave aud argyle st toronto andjias good prospects the firm isjiow com ed of messrs r craine and w mc donald messrs j taylor and chas faiinacleft list month for detroit mr w h speight is now foreman of the trunk department he is well fitted for the new posiion mr clinton falkner has been very ill for some weeks bet is now recovering the band concert op tuesday evening fnnkhn square presented s nmmtttigid m bttntctive appearance the square tbe canada glove works- and thesarroendiag resi- dences were brilliantly illaminated and the larne gathering of people gave the place a lively j aspect indeed the occasion was the opening o the bind stand with a pro- meaade coocert and festiral i acton cor net band discoursed the following interest ing fprograjnme and a nambec of the young ladles in town dispensed toothsome refresh metis to eager patrons pixagoe quickstep geo sprrhwlxi domnnserqcicicsicp sornnnxi- thos bacgh socthtelih socluteii- p soctew-eix- tbj the country aroufrd news items supplied by corres pondents and bxohnags bu flnrlington ii gtving tha mltter i pro viun the vster treat sania itlenffira id thia oolamdo the budgil a few dsji irow j donglu 4 co oar enterpruiak lumber merchants ued oat of one ior ubi tttt of umber of nrloai 7 i a great many people from tbe city are camping oa the beach north oi the joanal a list of placet abeat the lise of bar- lingtoa which hare electric light arthur cannington colborne cbealey durham pdanover uagcmille markhana baialey wiartonall in ontario and olhcij small places are falling into iidq budget erin tho voters lilt for 1800 has been boated last thursday evening a namter of members of credit lodge i 00 f erin vfsited the the brethren of maple leal lodge orangeville j mr andrew mcliren of the grange has purobaaed the grisely resided oe at- belfoantain payiog for the same 91000 the credit forks mining co are getting out the best of- brown dimension swoe for carrot ifik contractors on tbje new parliament baildingi so are kemp ft kew- combe in chisholms jtation qaarryi j for balance due in settlement of road jobs the east gsrafraxa council paid erin township the sum of 1 1265 at its last ies slon adrocalt j oakville iebej- march- ccttlont scbottiscie iddiliid ore tntar a nnt nrtar andante 6 walt sfejiroltti jtitc1ti grsiliarclieacrementb 5octstixl gi ant quickstep i f rvktb i god site the qcues the members of the band are well pleas ed vith the citizens foctheir large turnout on this occasion and will hold several sin ilar entertainments during the season a successful affair the evening picnic and promenade con cert under tbe auspices of the boyij teuptars of temperauce last thursday eve ding was a great suzcess- the members of 1 he order with their friends assembled at thf council room and shortly afterc30 and ha ded by acton cornet band they march ed n procession to the park the evening bei 3g pleasant a large numtjer of people asi ambled to participate in the festivities ami many of them realized for the first tin e the eitent and attractions of onr pu ilic park the fieetbf row boats added mcch enioyment to the occasioa and the bea nties of fairj- lake were remarked on all bides the band was generous in its fre uent rendition of selections and prom enading was consequently indulged in freely by the mated young folks an in- teoesiing half hour was tilled in by the foot ball match the challenge for which was published in last issue of the fuee prtess the temperance men who do not belong to the order brought a strong team upon the field and evidently expected to wrest- ail easy victor froui their opponents the royal templars their gay red shirts and black and blue trousers presented an imposing appearance and uninterested fpectators naturally looked for them to win but the boyal templars proved themselves a sturdy lot of fellows full ot metal and good wind andjnanf nlly repelled ejtry attack upon their opal and in return sent the ball repeatedly upon the flags of their temperance antogooists afternear- lyi half an hour of bard play the game was the garden party held nt the residence of col patten on friday evening under the anspioes of ther t of t council fwfis as anticipated well attended after the wants of the inner man were satisfied a good program was rendered consisting of drilling of the knights and the ibroom brigade dubswinging by miss mjcesbitj singing by miss kellie harris of toronto instrumental duetts and selections by the band j j on monday evening mrs p kotune a yoang wornin who occassional becomes a little insane attempted suicide by throwing herself in the lake rev mr hunter of toronto who happened to be standing near awam out and rescued her she also the same evening attempted- to drown per two children but they managed to escape from her i mr c g maruttehasplacedamemorial window in the presbyterian church in memory of his deceased wife itrepresents he saviour con verging at the well with the womarfof samaria seneath this there a bible opened at the 14th and iatii chap of st john it is a beautiful and rare piece of art j j last thursday evening a moonlight ex cursion from burlington reached here about ien oclock after promenading up and down on the bank of the lake listening to he sweet music rendered by the band thev i rcturneti having spent a pleasant hoar i the r ji winger ct cos emploeesi ind the agar makers held their j picnics here on saturday last it is needless o say the latter was a very noisy crowd on thursday evening last mr frances a missionary in kansas neb gave an ad dress at the young peoples meettng- in the preshvterian church he dwelt chiefly upon the work of the spirit and divine guidance at the close of the meeting although there were only a dozen present ihree volunteered to become foreign mis- poaaries if the lord should see fit to make them such oar watering cart as the star pjit it last week had a etui stroke the fini day it inade its appearance it has been lying on one of the back streets insensible ever since nd is a great object of pity to pass- ersby mr and mrs lebarre of new jersey have been the guests of mrs wm mc- craney daring the past week- milton the mmmjtappointed hy theelho townihip itor toienrafto the matter noommend thf porohue o a new roadway op the moanuio at rattlesnake polpt the terra cotta works aro doing a rush ing bosinesi on thursday mr neil j campbell of keuon had a valuable 4year old mare killed by s train on the 0 t r a number of bis hones and colts having got out of a field and on the track his brother col campbell had a horse killed in same place about a year sgo at a meeting ot the congregation of knox church last week the building committee repeived instructions and on tuesday morn log last they awarded the contract of the new church to mr johrhanter dr robertson will commence manufac turing terra ootta pressed bricks la a few days he has a 90honeppwer engine to drive 4b rnaher and presses a lawn party will be held at the residence of wo caldwell esq this evening under the auspices of the ladies afd ot knox churcb the midge has made iu appearance once more the spring wheat is suffering severely from the pest mr hugh mcnair returned home on saturday being absent for some mouths in jamaica cliampionl a aad fatal accident occurred at tbe terra ootta works last saturday the little seven year old ton of engineer stephenson was playing aboot the crusher when he fell into the hopper bead first sod was literally minced to a pulp rockwood georqetown i several fears before m 1 fcztoonrdu to the msv ttectared a- draw posed as follows both temtues kv wiiliamr cajt- ft udrhaif kr lasby jh h ttordee d gahatn l francis c jcancr kv carrol j il vcsxrvu i wanderson dan malloy ja e kicklia the teams were com i j tsushrjlscb itxx j lawson v capl ilcjto c henderson james a ifcilillan g hayjrard wstark ii anderson j jecur jos andersou g slatbain i anson hwiill d korris j revo b wood ttooiji on taesday miaballaj af ter a hr4 portrowahj mmsry mmm joooka sooanptidbd the book- hui ntaniedbomsssst wesk js tlili to irlma w moosdd of otulpb whh4 beenipendlr s oonpl of booth in 6en bound u tisi dog aotoh frisndi hutne wb ioajvsnaertrar oqeoreloto were rtmti tt lbs royal templar plonlo on thnndty erenlnl mrs bwule of qunford and hits bwsiie of bsrtodtilw haye been mats st the home of councillor smith the put week rev w cj weir who hss been psitorof j jjs the baptist eharob gaelph for the put heavy growthof bslr four yean preached hi farewell lermona i to rood oobgregilona on baodsy he goes to yanoboverb q i the hamilton herakl asya thei official board of the siraooe street metho- j diit chorchj met last evening increased the dratfuonrcf dsndrikbldie hilrsottsodallken sniljmpsrtt deu- cste beit lsstlnf per- fanm jl berenl mostha rev t aloert moores salary by 1100 a sgo mjr hair con mencea fslung out sndllns few weeks i my hesdiru almost rbsldi tried many lbnttieylidiioood iflnsl- it a bottle of ayer hair vigor using only a part of tbe oon- faestd wsa covered with a- a of bslr i recommend your preparation ka the best in the world t monday sharon drove ky i have used ayera hair vigor for s nnmber of yens and it has always given me satisfaction it is an excellent dress lag prevents tbe bslr from taming gray insures its vigorous growth and keeps the scalp white and clean kary a jaokson balem mass i nave used ayera hsjr vigor for year snd gve him a months helidayaj gsjjss they recognlre his worth halrto its original color and for aeat- tiibles and the ladies the company then repaired to the supperj of the council with their superior collation of inviting edibles- all kinds gave the large gathering their tjest attention after tea the band oonj naed their music for an honr or so and t le procesdiflga were coqcludedi with a i drmish by lhe boys sftcr an uluminated- f jotball kiudjy prepared for the occasion by lr lotvry pc hc brilliant sphere t ansed an immense amount of fan while t lie iilnm nation lasted the evening was t pparently eojoye hy ail and the proceed i mounted to some 46 j j mr r e harrison has returned from his holidays f the mercury was monkeying with old hundred for a few days this week sun day the hottest day yet mr and mrs geo tabby hive been ivisitingtelattves and old friends hero for the week past they are residen a of the happy land over the line mr j t moore was in town on sanday he looks as thoagh milton were agreeing with him j it is proposed to open a guessinjg column re the identity o wisp the jxmas nnmber of the erin advocate will be the l premium offered mrs clark of gueipb is visiting her sister mrs g h kennedy mr h baker who has been suffering from malarial blood poisoning has gone to the home of his father orangeville- we have noticed the smiling pfaysiog of dr heggie jr- in town several times lately 1 misses storey and nicklin of acton spent a day in town last week mrs geo lyons left on taesday to visit i friends in chicago i mrs tait j and son are visit log at her fatherh mr carriques i mr barrioq b a of caledonia was here on saturday he is spokenfof as mr clarks successor miss minnie robinson of paris is in town she formerly resided bene rev w- bridgman of morris man preached in the methodist church last sunday evening he left on monday for his home miss biggerstaff who for nearly two years has held the position of beaddress maker in the mammoth house left town on monday she takes the sane position with a r kerr fc co of hamilton mr w ebbage will shortly leave for his new home in butte city montana mr geo cook an old resident of esques- ing died in et catherines last week and was buried at ash grove on friday last a small boy was killed at lhe milton terra cotta works last week he was play ing about when he fell into one of he grinders and met a horribjedealh mr j oo a davidson of the gaelph if ctckck was in town due day last week mrs richard hewat of toronto is visiting her nephew mr andrew hewat the garden psrty o last wednesday suf fered a good deal at the hands of the weather as the threatening rain deterred people from adistancefrom making a start those who reached the scene however were rewarded both by a good programme and with a beaatiful eveniog the band played to tbe satisfaction of everybody that is well and often bongs and recita tions by members of the band and others helped along a pleasant night aiid when the chinese lanterns loaned for the evening by the presbyterian church were eitin- gnashed at the finale of the festiveities everyone departed wishing tbe band the beat of good luck the proceeds amounted to soma 125 mr chas smallpiece and sister of toronto are visiting at mr chaa gercws mr david johnston wile and family of toronto are spending their holidays at squire stranges detjurriraei mr george pika left town on monday for victoria bc where he takes charge of his brothers lime kilns the boys and some of the girls for that matter will miss him mr isaac onya resident of- rockwood from his boyhood shook the dust of our village from hi feet on saiorday but and headed for keewatin where he has a posi uon assured with the lake of the woods milling company with mr orrs de parture good citizen went from our midst the excursion of the united sabbath schools on tuesday was a pronounced sue cessnearly 400 being present the early rain of the morning was but an encourage ment to the weather prophets who saw in it an absence of dust and heat and if it did keep some at home the enjoyment they missed is offset by ah increased receptiou of die attributes common to them and moses oales armed at an early hour in the forenoon everybody took lanch to get rid ot tt then the fan commenced and was kept up all day boating swimming and what a glorious place is the bay for a dip fishing etc were thef amusements for the minor portion while a crowd went to hamilton where tbey were fortunate- enough to meet a gentleman who conducted them to the tower of the new city hall wbire a splendid view of the city bay etc is obtainable when the train started for home about 5 oclock there was not one unhappy excursionist the band was along and played excellently and to the de light of all miss langdon georgetown is trying nur town as a summer resort mr johnmagee of chicago 111 is en joying some holidays under the parental roof a large number of the st george sanday school guelph drove out to rockwood tuesday in carryalls to picnic on the rocks i mrs geddes of eden mills was the victim on thursday last of one of the most heart rending accidents that has ever oc curred in our midst the unfortunate woman was in company with her daughter and some neighbors picking raspberries about two miles west of this village when the body of a tree left standing by a last years fire was in sight of her frenriedjbut powerless daughter blown down on her killing her instantly dr drydenwho was summoned found jhat beside a broken leg and other injuries the instant death was due to her neck having been- brokeu riginali ing it cannot be surpassed mrs geo la fever eaton rapids mich ayers hair vigor is a most excel lent preparation for the hair i speak of it from my own experience its use promotes the growth of new hair and tbe stratford herald has let ibe con tract for a fine three storey building to be located opposite the market mr charles diogman on been admitted into the firm which will henceforth be known as the stratford herald printing co the 1 i have need ajers hair vbror for messrs dibgrnsn make a strong team of experienced newspaper man makes it glossy add soft the vigor is also a cure for 04 j wjjowen we radst admit that- the nicest and cheapest window shades are to be had at kxllx baott- lhy also have a very fine assortment of boys and childrens sprinc soils all sizes and away down in prices the past two yeantand found ithll it is gray hair to grow freely add keeps it soft and restores the natu- y hair causes the hair a farmer j of walpole named mcdonald fell off his waggon on saturday and broke j his neck i wastes one thoasand customers to parchasekiixv bitot 250 pants made to j order represented t ral oolof to to grow freelt u o3i 1 tuu emu pliantmrs m v dayrcohoes 5 t my father at about the age of fifty lost all tbe hair frtm tbe top of his head after one mouths trial of ayers hair vigor the hair began coming and in three months he had a fine growth of hair of the natural color p j culles saratoga springs riy iyers hair vigor rsxrlsso sv dr j c ayer co lowev miss sold try dragrfsls sad perfumers lickb 3 -thts- guelph ladles uy present stock of gold and silver watches is at jircscnt partially well soloeted gold watches from 2500 up silver watches from 700 up hjsvkkar second hand ones on hand cheap geo d pringle guelph great ciearirlg out sale cloves and hosiery f embroideries and muslins millinery and dress goods this month this month ou dominion day smechanid residing fewmiles from axsoo came to town snd dlled op on tsnglejleft whiissy wbiw i snderiiig aronnd in his boozy condition i e got on to lovintbony sbsphensons remier snd there fell asleep soring bia i uoozs be lost his set of false teeth snd has ver since moarned lilelr absence bs toce i syfiiominga member of mr btepbenoua amiiy found he lost molars j where did you jhstfits yon so well f get that ejecsnt sui atkllliptm r coming and going visitors to and from acton and various other personal notes friends and neighbors hugust r b jermyns startling reductions will be made our fall goods are on the way and must be made room for tvhite checked muslin qream seersuckerb colored seersuckers striped and brocaded dross gopds j plain ohallis dress goods l4 pieoes lovely prints brocaded sateens 40 pieces 8c ginghams scotch ohambra ginghams another 13d pieces flannelette 6c ohambra double widths 15c printed delaines 50 cent goods 122ci colored parasols 25c 1 a sb m 1 j d williamson co j 6 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald st qlabgow quelpil cloth hiall bokts vests williams greene rome fancy flannel boating shirts tennis and shaw crundy merchant taluors cuelph specthclss specirkgies a disgraoefnl meleo occurred of the bennett hdnse one dsy last week in which two men named wilson and young engaged ins regalsr mill in three rounds wilson was knocked out with a his opponent owned a woodeij limb slid perhaps hit upon thia plan to equalize rnsttera our lacrosse team visited a ural resort near derrvjweiton wednesds were beaten 2 to 1 good as could be grounds and in such westher in the rear broken leg last snd the match was as expected on sneh hard luck prevailed for while our boy outplayed their opponents yet tbey failed at the scor ing point we wanld advise brampton to ensot bylaw lo preventcove rnnning on the streets snd lacrosse grounds young sullivan who borrowed mr t boses watch cue day last weejc and tried lo pawn his till st large one for nine yews old be ii a bad wsr iliss dara ifoore is visiting friends in berlin mr ao- bcordmare is hohdayibg iu muskos i miss lizzie wren is visiting friends in chizelharst mr arthur smith of toronto is home for his vacation mr jos feters of milton spent sunday with friends in actoo f mr b e nelson of guelph spent sun- dsy with friends here miss joe ahern of toronto is visiting friends iu her old home mrs bueben batch art of toronto is visiting friends in acton mr william toveu of gueipb visited friends here over sunday mr and mrs geo tubby of st paul visited riends here labtweek mr jv kanuawiu has returned from his vocation with renewed health mr bj kennedy of guelph spent a day or so this week at the old home mr edward nicklin who hss been ill for about a month ie slowly recovering mr and mrs b d warren of george- town visited friends hers lilt week mr w p brown and family of toronto are rusticating in acton and vicinity father ezra adams of drayton spent a few qaya this week in his old home mr albert carman of brentford spent severaljdays this week with friends here miss beatrice perkins his been visiting friends in toronto be past two weeks miss florence cookman of copetown has been visiting friends in acton the past week trimmed milliner for half price j untrimmed straws for quarter price dress goods at sweeping reductions embroideries af wholesale prices muslins must go at any price j gloves and hosiery have taken a tumble iooo mens straw hats at 5c each now is the time gash- will telli aoc tea for z5g if this tea is not equal to any 40ctea you ever tasted we will refund your money i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and- eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will clear them out very cheap f j b sayage i j watchmaker cuelph l war with tjie knife at jhmatthews i h m 1- j i cutting up the best leather that money can ing it up into no- 1 harness y and m ladies requiring real fine kid boots should examine our stock- every pair warranted r b jermyn to farmers ind thresjiers use o vony afaqbrnyyonly the welllmowti q grhtl mtstiatih ltwdtowsrfedlidiiringtn4ust three ysia waggoja aidhorw ebwatf- shes rtifs are osed and highly reoommendw at thelaod farm ouelpb fsnnerseskforthem tnpqether nlsiilsoturedatcmnolttoufnilatiy 41ublo0lllis cotorontoj if you wairt a set of heavy or light harness collars halters whips brushes oils or any thing in my line cfill before dealing elsewhere as i am bound tojjfease ia prices and material repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer will call again is our motto j h mattrews acton s 0 -hrf- speicht sjon acton i j a spdght manager j can sojiriy yon with itnepimubixerflqiil uid oonr jltaa feomt or to rtpltmlih yonrhcmns ha settled one in any tyle at thajrery lovest pxto is no artiela ot ttiinitaramniiot sp pply snd lurtheri wo dallttr on fax thmjtnqrtdiiiitttteisjsotxmnoiamkbnsitm wecaniauan 7v i undertaking there e dallttr mtranltan akd outhirty4jcr iita i anvtatlm ii jjimlc o tussatbi eommsltr that imply nrstlsss wk 16 u orders an in atjjaa our hearse j issnskcelmnfop i snwinlarii ii onr mm always thepaouoto boooimii swmaw ws bsvs iodii fofsaydiiigiefuirs41aoinrtaaa jgjs lajs w

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